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Think of life as a game in which you are playing with______ balls in the air. You name them work, family, ______, friends and spirit and you keep all of them in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce (弹跳) back.
But the other four balls, family, health, friends and spirit, are made of______. If you drop one of these, they will be broken. They will never be the same. You must understand that and try to have balance in your life. ______?
Don’t look down on your worth by comparing ______ with others. It is ______ we are different and each of us is special.
Don’t let other people set goals for you. ______ you know what is best for yourself.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over ______ the moment you stop trying.
Don’t be afraid of difficulties. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be ______.
Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s ______. The quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to _____ love is to hold it too tightly; the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
Don’t run ______ life so fast that you forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are going.
Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is a treasure you can ______ carry easily.
Don’t use time or words ______. You can’t get them back. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a ______; that’s why we call it “the present” Life is not a competition, but a trip, step by step.

A.three B.four C.five D.six

A.health B.money C.love D.kindness

A.gold B.glass C.wood D.plastic

A.What B.Why C.How D.When

A.yourselves B.themselves C.himself D.itself

A.said B.known C.because D.why

A.And B.Only C.But D.Although

A.while B.when C.so that D.until

A.brave B.healthy C.clever D.patient

A.possible B.impossible C.possibly D.probably

A.get B.find C.miss D.lose

A.through B.across C.over D.into

A.often B.always C.never D.sometimes

A.carefully B.careful C.careless D.carelessly

A.flower B.gift C.chocolate D.hope

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完型填空  (本大题共10分,每小题1分)
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming to this concert. I hope you have enjoyed the music.
The purpose of this concert is to     money for children in Africa. Every day         children in Africa die because they have diseases or have not enough    .There are two  main reasons. First, there are no jobs for the children's parents, so they have no money to buy food or        . Second, the governments in many African countries do not have the money to take care of poor people.
Most African counties are poor. The land is not good for    food and the weather is also bad for farming. The Feed Africa Fund    a lot of money every year on food for poor people in Africa. The money comes      people like you-kind, generous people who do not want to see children die from hunger. Just one dollar can buy enough rice or corn to    a family of four for three days.
How much do you spend on food every day? Ten dollars? Twenty dollars? I am sure you can spend a little    on your own food so that you have a few dollars for the Feed Africa Fund.
Ladies and gentlemen, we will now take a    .Please be generous. Thank you.

A.borrow B.raise C.pay D.donate

A.hundred B.hundred of C.three hundreds D.hundreds of

A.to eat B.to sleep C.to play D.to enjoy

A.clothes B.houses C.cars D.medicine

A.growing B.inventing C.eating D.seeing

A.costs B.spends C.takes D.pays

A.to B.from C.with D.without

A.feed B.build C.develop D.buy

A.more B.few C.less D.least

A.show B.kindness C.look D.collection

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most of us have three meals a day .We take food for granted(想当然)。And we don’t think about it.           experts argue a food crisis(危机)is coming.This crisis is going to make us             the way we think about food.
Food is in great need             a growing of world population.By 1960,the population was three billion.It doubled to six billion by 1999.By 2050,this planet will need to             at least nine billion people.As a result,the food prices get higher and higher.
So,what can a            ,crowed world do?One suggestion is to eat            meat.Meat uses more natural resources(资源)than grains(谷物) .It requires more            to produce one pound of meat than to produce one pound of grain. It also requires between 5 and 10 times more            than vegetables. So ,eating less meat will           more land for farming,and it will save water.
To eats less meat,people will need to change their eating habits. That will not be          .Americans, for example,have            loved meat. In general, They eat twice as much meat as people in other countries.At the same time,in developing countries like China and Brazil,sales of meat have doubled in the last 20 years.          will double again by 2050.Growing need of meat wil1            to put pressure on natural resources.
World population is increasing,resources are becoming fewer,and food prices are rising.Therefore, we need to rethink          we eat every day. For meat lovers, we don’t need to give up meat            .But we need to eat more grains and less meat.21cnjy

A.And B.But C.Or D.Until

A.change B.find C.get D.tell

A.instead of B.thanks to C.because of D.as for

A.help B.have C.feed D.meet

A.busy B.tired C.thirsty D.hungry

A.less B.more C.much D.little

A.time B.land C.people D.place

A.air B.meat C.money D.water

A.provide B.produce C.waste D.need

A.important B.hard C.easy D.necessary

A.never B.seldom C.hardly D.always

A.It B.They C.We D.That

A.continue B.stop C.have D.start

A.how B.when C.what D.where

A.quickly B.completely C.finally D.especially

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In China, spring         in March. The weather gets warm. Everything comes back to      .Trees turn green and flowers come        .  It is a wonderful season.
Summer begins in June. It is very hot. It often rains and         it rains heavily.
Fall comes          summer. It is the harvest season and the farmers are busy        . It’s cool and         fall from the trees. The cold weather is coming.
Winter lasts        December to February. It’s a very cold season.We’d better          warm clothes. The wind blows           and sometimes there is ice and snow.
A.return            B. returns                  C. returned
A.life               B. lives                     C. live
A. up                B. out                     C.in
A. sometime         B. some times                  C. sometimes
A.after              B. before                   C. on
A. harvest           B. harvests                 C. harvesting
A. leafs               B. leaves                   C. leaf
A.for                B. to                      C. from
A.wear               B. to wear                  C. wearing
A.strong              B. stronger                 C. strongly

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day, bus No.1 was going along Louxing Road. Suddenly the driver saw an old man   on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for   .
The bus driver stopped the bus   thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the   . The driver knew he had to act   . He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to   and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped the bus driver to move the man   the bus.
     the bus driver and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. Now many people don’t want to help   because they don’t want any trouble. But the driver didn’t think about himself. He only thought about saving a   .
A. lay              B. to lie              C. lying
A. advice          B. help         C. people
A. without   B. with        C. for
A. park       B. office           C. hospital
A. quick    B. quickly   C. slowly
A. get off   B. get on             C. get up
A. from       B. onto       C. out of
A. Thanks      B. Thanks for   C. Thanks to
A. other    B. others          C. another
A. life          B. passenger   C. woman

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was the beginning of a new term. As a           teacher in that school, I didn’t know any of the students. A little girl was standing at the gate of the classroom. She looked very shy.
I walked up to her and           why she stood there. But she said nothing. Then a boy shouted, “She is from Grade Four, the worst student in her grade.” I looked at the little girl. She didn’t seem to be the smart kind. I           why her teacher asked her to stay in Grade Three. I took her hand and           her into the classroom.
“Sit here. Now you are my student and I’m your teacher,” I said. She still said nothing, but suddenly began to cry.
I later learnt that her parents died in a car accident. She became sad and didn’t like talking to others after that.
She learnt very          . I gave her respect(尊重) and never looked down upon (鄙视) her as I know everybody deserves(值得) respect. I helped her after school, and she was making           little by little. As time went by, she was not as       as before. At the end of the term, she seemed to have forgotten all her sadness. She was not among the best students when she left that school, but         , she was not that shy and sad little girl any more.
In the following           , she would send me a card on each Thanksgiving Day. Three days ago, I           an invitation to her wedding(婚礼). And now, I am at her wedding, and she is smiling brightly.
Everyone deserves respect and everyone can be happy.

A.new B.beautiful C.strict D.famous

A.told B.answered C.knew D.asked

A.thought B.understood C.forgot D.remembered

A.poured B.threw C.led D.turned

A.slowly B.quietly C.well D.quickly

A.friends B.decision C.progress D.surprises

A.smart B.shy C.angry D.careful

A.at least B.at first C.at once D.at birth

A.days B.weeks C.months D.years

A.wrote B.sent C.refused D.received

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was Friday.The football game was Saturday and we were very excited. My brother was going to be the quarterback(美式足球进攻组织者)for our team. It was the first time he would be in that         . He had been hoping to be the quarterback ever since he joined the team. He said, “That’s the big job. That’s the one that makes the big difference.”
My mother said, “       , son. That’s the big target(攻击目标), too. You know the other         want to knock you down. You can get hurt.”
“Don’t worry, I’m so         and I’m fast. Besides, I have great players who will         them from coming at me.” my brother said.
I couldn’t         well the whole night. I worried about my brother. My mother was       -- he could get hurt.
The next morning, he        early to get to the game. When we got there, it was about to start. The         ran out on the field. My brother looked great. He saw us and        .
Then it started. They were playing hard. One player in particular from the other team kept        at him. Then it happened. He knocked my brother down . My brother was slow to get up. My brother was screaming(尖叫). The coach ran out on the field. He told my brother to         some time on the bench. He was afraid he had been hurt.
My mother ran down to         on my brother . But all he did was a smile. “It’s just a bruise(瘀伤). I’m fine. And don’t worry , I’ll be back. This is         . I love leading the team.”
After that game, my brother plays quarterback every Saturday. But my mother is still         .
She can’t go to the games. She just waits at home and hopes to see him walking in smiling.

A.game B.list C.show D.place

A.Go ahead B.Take it easy C.Be careful D.Well done

A.parents B.players C.fans D.strangers

A.handsome B.healthy C.brave D.strong

A.stop B.help C.protect D.hide

A.behave B.play C.sleep D.dream

A.right B.sad C.angry D.excited

A.rested B.exercised C.left D.returned

A.family B.team C.coach D.crowd

A.laughed B.nodded C.greeted D.cheered

A.pointing B.shouting C.looking D.rushing

A.take B.waste C.save D.kill[来

A.call B.check C.operate D.breathe

A.funny B.easy C.great D.dangerous

A.proud B.disappointed C.anxious D.calm

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Few people like changing their habits, good or bad. Whether it is smoking, drinking or over-eating, they       “enjoying” them to the end.
On every packet of cigarettes(香烟), people are warned against the       of smoking: “Warning: Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health”.      , millions of them start smoking or go on smoking. Why?
Facts show that families and surroundings(环境) play a very important part in       smokers. All those smokers come from smoking families or have smoking       or relatives. Films and TV plays also play a part. People       their “heroes” on TV drinking alcohol(酒) or smoking cigarettes. “Heroes” seem to fear      , neither killing themselves nor killing others with alcohol and cigarettes. If they are not afraid of the harm of smoking and drinking,       should common people be afraid?
The simple warning on the cigarette packet does not influence smokers’ habits. Even       warnings, like showing pictures of smokers who have died of cancer, don’t seem to work.
Knowing and believing seem to be two       things. If smoking is really as harmful as doctors say, it is time for smokers to think about it and try to give it up!

A.stop B.continue C.finish D.avoid

A.chances B.excuses C.causes D.dangers

A.Moreover B.Also C.However D.Otherwise

A.influencing B.explaining C.improving D.describing

A.parents B.uncles C.brothers D.friends

A.hear B.catch C.watch D.face

A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything

A.what B.how C.when D.why

A.stronger B.worse C.longer D.harder

A.similar B.pleasant C.different D.boring

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Online shopping is more and more popular. You can shop without          your house. Just sit in front of your computer, click your           and your things will be sent to your house in several days.
Last November 11th, many online stores offered a big discount(折扣) and free delivery(邮递)        . The biggest online shopping sites in China, taobao.com and tmall.com, sold          worth 19.1 billion yuan in total.
“Goods online are often much cheaper. It also        me a lot of time. And we often find more goods online to           than in shopping malls.” said Wang Xin, an online shopping lover in Beijing. She        late for a lot of cheap goods online.
Another big           of online shopping is that it helps people get things from different places           . “I like eating duck necks very much and Taobao makes it        for me to buy them from shops in Wuhan.” said Zhang Xi, a girl in Yangzhou. While enjoying online shopping, many people also have worries,          for middle school student buyers. Young students are easily attracted(吸引) by advertisements on the Internet and          things they don’t need.
“Middle school students          pay more attention to their studies. Searching for things wastes their time,” said Jing Chunling, an education expert(专家). “Besides, online shop owners have no idea of the             of their buyers. Anyone can easily buy things they want. Some of the goods are            for young students such as cigarettes(香烟) and wine(酒).”

A.leaving B.reaching C.returning D.arriving

A.head B.mouth C.mouse D.printer

A.price B.address C.job D.service

A.clothes B.things C.food D.shoes

A.takes B.spends C.needs D.saves

A.look for B.choose from C.pay for D.meet up

A.looked up B.got up C.stayed up D.stood up

A.advantage B.problem C.result D.example

A.easily B.finally C.carefully D.difficultly

A.important B.interesting C.possible D.impossible

A.certainly B.simply C.luckily D.especially

A.sell B.steal C.buy D.borrow

A.can B.should C.could D.would

A.places B.hobbies C.interests D.ages

A.good B.bad C.useful D.helpful

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You may have a lot of friends and expect your friendship to last a lifetime. However, lifelong friendships are not ________ what everybody can get. Friends sometimes misunderstand each other. For one thing, you may want your _______ to be near at hand, but also you need your independence (独立).
For example, when one of your friends comes asking _______ it is all right to spend the evening in your house, sometimes you just say “_____” to him or her because it is not convenient for you. Unfortunately, not all your friends _______ this type of independence. They believe that friends can ask for any favor and the answer should always be “yes”.
Also, misunderstanding sometimes happens when you ask for ______. You expect your friends to help you whenever you need. But the fact is, your friends may not always drop everything to satisfy _______ of your needs. This may make you ______ with them and your friendship could end. The most important thing for you and your friends to do is to always show understanding and respect for each other.
Lifelong friendships don’t develop overnights. In a true friendship, both people equally _______ each other. Long-term friendships provide the time to build up a _____ together. As you spend more time with your friend, you are creating special times and stocking up (存储) on memories.

A.always B.sometimes C.never D.ever

A.parents B.friends C.students D.teachers

A.when B.as C.if D.why

A.yes B.no C.good D.OK

A.provide B.understand C.produce D.invent

A.help B.food C.money D.respect

A.every B.each C.both D.either

A.happy B.excited C.cheerful D.angry

A.connect B.compare C.support D.solve

A.story B.family C.character D.history

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For most children, the most useful way of spending their time is playing a game. It doesn’t matter            the game is. Things become better when they need a (n)           to play with. On the one hand, it is quite            for the development of a child’s personality (个性) to win and to            the best ways to get that. On the other hand, if a child only cares about            , then for him, playing a game is funny only when he wins. Or if he finds a better partner, he will get          and he doesn’t want to go on playing.
It’s parents’           to make their children know that: you can’t always win and there are many unpleasant moments            when you have to learn how to lose. The idea is to compete, to prove you are good, not only to win.
In a word, playing a game is not funny only when you win. It is funny            you enjoy it and try your best to win. If you are just a little bit unlucky, don’t            a lot. You will surely prove your abilities some other day.

A.how B.why C.what D.when

A.owner B.worker C.student D.partner

A.useful B.simple C.correct D.special

A.pay attention to B.take pride in C.jump out of D.think of

A.playing B.studying C.winning D.losing

A.unhappy B.lonely C.relaxed D.excited

A.rule B.duty C.plan D.habit

A.in life B.in the future C.in fact D.in the way

A.or B.and C.when D.before

A.worry B.believe C.wish D.imagine

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence." That's an old       in English. It means other places often look better, more interesting than the place       you live. Some people worry       young Chinese are beginning to feel that way. They see young Chinese ignoring 忽视Chinese culture and, instead,      Japanese cartoon books, watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating western holidays.
Foreign books and soap operas are good,       Chinese writers and actors are just as good. As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can       have the meaning for Chinese that Spring Festival has, and the West has nothing to compare with Mid-autumn Festival. And let's not forget the part of Chinese culture I like best:      friendliness. Not all countries are as        as China.
It's good to enjoy other cultures and to learn      them, but they cannot replace your own culture. It's good to look on the other side of the fence, but       you take a good long look. You will find that the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.

A.saying B.words C.voice D.talk

A.why B.when C.where D.how

A.if B.that C.what D.whether

A.buy B.refusing C.refused D.buying

A.but B.so C.or D.because

A.always B.ever C.still D.never

A.it B.they C.its D.their

A.warmer B.warm C.co1d D.colder

A.from B.with C.to D.over

A.make up B.make sure C.make up of D.be sure to

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Around the world, people have different ideas about what good manners are. When you go to restaurants in different parts of the world, it’s       to know the right and wrong things to do. For example, in China it’s OK to       a lot of noise in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant isn’t noisy and      , you may think there’s something wrong with it. However, in many western countries, restaurants are    places. If people at a table talk too loud , other people who are eating there might even       to the owner of the restaurant.
Paying the bill is also different from country to country. In China, one person usually pays for        . In western countries, one person pays if he or she is entertaining clients(宴请宾客), but        friends eat together, they usually share the cost. This is called “going Dutch(均摊费用)”. Also, when westerners pay the bill, they usually leave some money for the      . This is called “leaving a tip”. Leaving a tip is thought to be polite. In the US, it’s       to leave tips of 10%, 15%, or 20% of the bill, which is decided by how good the service(服务) is. Good waiters can make a lot of money!
The way people eat food is not the same in different parts of the world, but you can       the same kinds of food in many countries. Chinese and Indian foods, for example, are popular all over the world.

A.popular B.difficult C.important D.enjoyable

A.cause B.keep C.hear D.make

A.lively B.friendly C.lucky D.polite

A.noisy B.quiet C.busy D.clean

A.shout B.explain C.complain D.speak

A.everybody B.nobody C.somebody D.none

A.until B.when C.unless D.since

A.gatekeeper B.seller C.waiter D.visitor

A.terrible B.common C.serious D.unusual[来

A.invent B.discover C.prefer D.find

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Language is colourful. There are many        with heart. One of them is to “lose your heart” to someone. When that       , you have fallen in love.           if the person who “won your heart” does not love you, you are        to have a “broken heart.” In your        , you think that the person you loved is “hard-hearted,” and in fact, has a “heart of stone.”
You may decide to “pour out your heart” to a friend. Telling someone about your personal            can often make you feel better.
If your friend does not            to understand how painful your broken heart is, you may ask her to “have a heart.” You are asking your friend to show some sympathy (同情) for your        . Your friend “has her heart in the right place” if she says she is sorry for          you feel.
If your friend says, “My heart bleeds for you”, she means the         . She is a cold-hearted person who does not really          your situation.
When you are feeling        , “your heart is in your mouth.” You might say, for example, that your heart was in your mouth when you asked a bank to lend you some money to         a new house.
If that bank says         to you, do not “lose heart.” Be “strong-hearted.” Sit down with the banker and have a “heart to heart” talk. Be open and honest about your situation. The bank may have a “change of heart” and agree to lend you the money. Then you could           worrying and “put your heart at rest.”

A.articles B.letters C.expressions D.words

A.happens B.rises C.has D.takes

A.Then B.And C.But D.So

A.ready B.sure C.excited D.surprised

A.happiness B.sadness C.kindness D.sickness

A.health B.effort C.problems D.honour

A.need B.decide C.seem D.refuse

A.situation B.location C.direction D.lifestyle

A.what B.how C.which D.when

A.same B.right C.opposite D.familiar

A.care about B.care for C.look after D.talk about

A.angry B.sorry C.satisfied D.afraid

A.look for B.pay for C.sell out D.clean up

A.bye B.hello C.no D.thanks

A.stop B.keep C.practice D.continue

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

During the war, an English pilot (飞行员) was hurt. But he was        by a group of nuns (修女). He had been very       and lost his sense (知觉). When he came to himself he was        to find a woman beside him. It was Sister Mary. She said to him, “This is a woman hospital. We will         you here as long as        , but you will have to follow our advice.”
The pilot       to make himself up for a nurse. He could not talk with the nurses or the nuns. He had to stay in a small room as        as possible. He was asked to shave (刮胡子) every day, wearing        , and the nurse’s uniforms. It was a very difficult time, however, he didn’t feel very        especially when one of the nursing girls caught his eyes. She was very quiet, and ran away whenever she saw him looking at       . The pilot found        fall in love with her.
One day he found the nurse working in the kitchen        . He went over to her and said, “Please don’t do that. I love you so much.” He started to put his arms         the nurse, and then drew back          . He found that the nurse was actually         pilot saved by the nurse just like himself.

A.caught B.saved C.killed D.helped

A.lucky B.hungry C.strong D.weak

A.angry B.sorry C.surprised D.worried

A.hide B.put C.take D.stop

A.possible B.able C.possibly D.need

A.decided B.liked C.agreed D.asked

A.soon B.much C.early D.late

A.clothes B.cap C.shoes D.sweater

A.lonely B.alone C.hungry D.hungrily

A.him B.me C.her D.she

A.her B.him C.herself D.himself

A.lonely B.loudly C.happily D.alone

A.behind B.in front of C.around D.on

A.happily B.sadly C.in surprise D.in danger

A.another B.the other C.others D.the others

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
