优题课 - 聚名师,上好课(www.youtike.com)
  首页 / 试题库 / 高中英语试题 / 翻译填空

四. 翻译 (10分)
1. 我现在负债累累。
I’m ____________ ____________ ________________ at the moment. 
2. 这本书对我没有多大益处。
This book wasn’t _____________ much ____________________ to me.
3. 你怎样才能重新赢得她的信任?
How ________ you____________________________________ her trust ?
4. 学生应该把他们在学校学到的知识和实际相结合。
Students________ ________ what they have learned at school ______ real practice.
_______________________________________________________________________ .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

84.  毫无疑问,他已经对我们国家做出了巨大的贡献。( contribution )
85.  昨天,其他人都指责Tom缺乏责任感。 ( sense of responsibility)
86.  只有用这种方式我才能向经理申请到更长的假期。(请使用倒装句)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or musician? ______________________(你是否曾梦想过在音乐会上对成千上万的观众演唱,观众欣赏你的歌唱为你鼓掌吗?)?______________________(你唱卡拉OK时是否假装自己就像宋祖英或刘欢一样著名的歌星)?__________________(说实在的,许多人把名和利看得很重)。But just how do people form a band?
__________________(许多音乐家聚在一起组成乐队,是因为他们喜欢自己的作曲,演奏自己的音乐)。 _________________(他们开始可能是一组中学生,在某个家里排练音乐是成名的第一步)。 Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subways to make some extra money. Later they may play in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash. In the end, they may become millionaires!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Make a tentative guess about      thousands of years ago.
The people in the flood-hit area                                            .
Are you                                                              ?
I have no idea                                                         .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

B.用括号中所给的词语将下列句子译成英语。 (共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)
96. 那个男孩坚持说他没有偷钱。(insist)   ______________________________________________________________________________
97. 如果你听了我的建议,你就不会考试不及格了。(take one’s advice)
98. 要不是有你的帮助,我们就不可能提前完成工作。(without / but for)
99. 为洒出的牛奶哭泣是没有用的/覆水难收。(it is no use…)
100. 他觉得要改掉吸烟的习惯很难。(it作形式宾语)  _______________________________________________________________________________

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A.完成句子, 每空填一个单词(每个句子2分,共5个句子,满分10分。)
______ _____ _____ ______, some paintings of modern art are ___ realistic ___ they look like photographs.
92. 他对20世纪以前的西方绘画有偏爱。
He ______ ______ _______ _______ pre-twentieth century Western paintings.
93. 童谣不一定有什么意义,甚至看来自相矛盾,但是他们容易学也容易背诵。
Nursery rhymes may not ______ ______ and even seem _________, but they are easy to learn and recite.
94. 在青春期,我也吸过烟,而且还上了瘾。
During adolescence, I also smoked and _______ _________ ________ cigarettes.
95. 尽管他已竭尽全力,但仍然失败了。
_______ ________ _______all his efforts he failed.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1、充分利用                           2、回溯至
3、(与某人)关系好                    4、把……看作
5、通过、度过;到达                 6、拆除,弄倒
7、朝着相反的方向                    8、设法做成(某事)
9、切断电源                         10、冒险做某事
11、把……分成(若干部分)        12、举起,拿起,举出
13、笑脸                             14、以……为基础/依据
15、按顺序,整齐                     16、扮演……的角色
17、幽默感                          18、把(车)开走,赶走
19、一路尖叫                         20、冲着……微笑

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

请把下列句子翻译成英语 (括号中的提示词必须用,不用作零分记)。
76.  他因为没能偿还债务而被送进监狱。(fail)
77.  直到考试结束我才知道该好好学习了。(强调句)
78.  我又给他办公室打了一次电话,但还是没有人接。(time)
79.  说“不”,需要勇气。 (take)
80.  你学到的越多就越想学。(比较级)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

81. 被挑选的琥珀有着像蜜糖一样的黄褐色。
The amber which was          had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey.
82. 只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参加奥运会。
Only          who have reached thee agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.
83. 我甚至被安装在太空火箭中并发射来探测月球和火星。
I have even been put into space rockets and sent to          the Moon and Mars.
Please take me to the         land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.
The musicians were to play          on each other as well as play music.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

91. 不要信任Bob,即使他没撒谎,也并不意味着他说出了所有的真相。(trust, mean)
92. 世界杯每四年举行一次,就像奥运会一样。(hold)
93. 一到达山顶,我就体验到了一种幸福感和成就感。(upon)
94. 我生日时她给我买了一些羊毛、酒和瓷器。总而言之,她很爱我。(as a whole)
95. 很多因素使得英语发展成这种新的类型。(contribute)
96. 女生的友谊通常建立在共同的情感和相互支持上。(base)
97. 他真后悔浪费很多时间打电子游戏,现在他决定努力学习各门功课。(regret, determined)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

71. 如果你想知道如何翻译这个句子,你最好查字典。
If you want to know how to translate this sentence, you had better ______  ______ a dictionary.
72. 努力提高工人的工作条件是值得做的事情。
It is _______ to_______ working _______ for factory workers.
73. 很明显,他在尽力屏住呼吸。
It was _______ that he was trying to ______ his ______.
74. 他已经负债很久。对他来说,如何谋生成了个大问题。
He has been ______ ______ for a long time. How to earn ______ _______   is a big problem.
75. 既然我们已经完成了设计,就该轮到公司进行建设了。
_______ _______ we have finished the design, the company in its turn, will do the _______.
76. 她的衣着和行为证实了我的猜想——她确实很富有。
Her clothes and behavior _______ my guess ______ she was quite wealthy.
77. 使用过多的化肥导致了严重的问题。
_______ too much chemical fertilizer ______ ______ serious problems.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Directions: Bilingual Translation (10分)
Many people wonder if our senses have anything to do with our overall health. Scientists say that if 61. making the most of our senses when we are young can keep us healthy later on in life.
One reason why we became stressed and have high blood pressure is that we misuse our senses in our everyday life. One study says that 62. about 90% of our time is spent watching television or using computers.  He adds that although our sense of sight is overused, our senses of touch and smell have been ignored,
People often ask whether or not we should develop all our senses. The answer is yes. Scientists suggest that we do the following things more often 63. While having dinner, listen to some enjoyable music rather than watch TV. While relaxing at home, have some flowers next to you that smell nice. 64.上床睡觉之前把灯光调小些。 While sleeping, wear a nightshirt that is pleasant to touch --- it will make us sleep deeply.
Whether we sleep well is important because good sleep gives us the chance to dream --- 65.梦想使我们保持年轻和健康。

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What is "health"? It means that we have healthy bodies, healthy hobbies and healthy lives.  36. It's easy for me to answer what I usually do to keep healthy. I usually read books or newspapers, and listen to music like English country songs.
Do you really want to keep healthy? Here are some suggestions. 37.首先,你应该早睡早起,so you can have a good sleep during the night and listen to the teacher carefully during the day. 38.其次,你最好参加运动, especially ball games, like basketball, football and table tennis. Playing sports can make you strong. Third, 39. don't watch TV programs too much except news; don't play computer games for a long time. It's bad for your eyes and it may make you lazy. Fourth, eat less but healthier food. Why don't you eat noodles and rice instead of hamburgers and fried chips? Why don't you drink water and milk instead of coffee and coke? 40. Finally, you should always be happy. The secret is doing something good for others. I hope you can keep healthy and enjoy your life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
