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Nowadays a vegetarian lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. Leading health experts agree that maintaining a vegetarian diet is one of the best things we can do for ourselves and our families.
  . A well planned vegetarian diet provides us with all the nutrients we need and avoids fat, cholesterol(胆固醇) and the pollutants found in animal flesh, eggs, and dairy products. And it can provide protection against various kinds of diseases, including the three biggest killers: heart disease, cancer, and strokes. The American Dietetic Association states that vegetarians have lower rates of death from heart disease, lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and lower rates of hypertension(高血压) . .
Scientists have also found that vegetarians have stronger immune systems than their meat eating friends.    Vegetarians live, on average, 6 to 10 years longer than meat eaters.
  . Animals raised for food consume the vast majority of their calories simply in order to live, just as we do. We feed more than 70 percent of the grains and cereals we grow to farm animals, and almost all of those calories go into simply keeping them alive, not making them grow. Only a small amount of the calories consumed by farm animals are actually turned into the meat that people eat .So it’s really a huge waste, isn’t it? Try your best to find tips for maximizing(最大化) the health benefits of a vegetarian diet.   

A.All of these diseases are more likely to happen to meat eaters
B.Living on plants also saves energy
C.Growing all the crops needed to feed animals requires massive amounts of water and land
D.This means that they are less likely to be affected by everyday illnesses like the flu.

E. Vegetarian diets are the only diets that work for long term weight loss
F. It’s never too late to turn over a new page.
G. Healthy vegetarian diets support a lifetime of good health.

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  • 难度:未知

Everyone knows that the Frenchmen are romantic, the Italians are fashionable and the Germans are serious.Are these just stereotypes or is there really such a thing as national character? And if there is, can it affect how a nation succeed or fail?
At least one group of people is certain that it can.A recent survey of the top 500 entrepreneurs (企业家) in the UK found that 70% felt that their efforts were not appreciated by the British public.Britain is hostile (敌意的) to success, they said.It has a culture of jealousy(嫉妒).Jealousy is sometimes known as the “green – eyed monster” and the UK is its home.
Scientists at Warwich University in the UK recently tested this idea.They gathered a group of people together and gave each an imaginary amount of money. Those given a little were given the chance to destroy the large amount of money given to others – but at the cost of losing their own.Two thirds of the people tested agreed to do this.
 .But there is also opposite evidence.The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recently reported that the UK is now the world’s fourth largest economy.That is not bad for people who are supposed to hate success.People in the UK also work longer hours than anyone else in Europe.So the British people are not lazy, either.
“It is not really success that the British dislike,” says Carey Cooper, a professor of management at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology.“It’s people using their success in a way that seems proud or unfair or which separates them from their roots.”
  They set out to do things in their way.They work long hours.By their own efforts they become millionaires. .It hardly seems worth following their example.If they were more friendly, people would like them more.And more people want to be like them.

A.This seems to prove that the entrepreneurs were right to complain.
B.The one who owns most money in the end is the winner.
C.As a result, the survey said, entrepreneurs were “unloved, unwanted and misunderstood.”
D.It is not true that British people are born jealous of others` success.

E.Some were given a little, others a great deal.
F.But instead of being happy they complain that nobody loves them.
G.Perhaps it is the entrepreneurs who are the problem.

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  • 难度:未知

Does this situation seem familiar to you? Your English is progressing well, the grammar is now familiar, the reading comprehension is no problem, and you are speaking quite fluently. ________
First of all, remember that you are not alone. Listening is probably the most difficult job for almost all learners of English as a foreign language. _______ What you need to do is to find listening resources. The Internet is really a useful tool for English students. You can download The Real Player from Real Media.com. The Real Player allows you to use the Internet like a radio station.
Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be frustrated (受阻) by limited understanding. ________
Here is some of the advice I give my students:
• Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything.
• Stay relaxed when you do not understand, and try listening to the material for more times.
• Do not translate everything into your native language.
_______ Don't concentrate on detail until you have understood the main ideas.
• Listen to something you enjoy.
I remember the problems I had in understanding spoken German when I first went to Germany. In the beginning, when I didn't understand a word, I insisted on translating it in my mind. _______ Then, after the first six months, I discovered two extremely important facts. Firstly, translating creates a barrier between the listener and the speaker. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly. By remaining calm, I noticed that even if I didn’t pay much attention I could usually understand what the speaker had said.

A.What should you do?
B.But listening is a problem for most of the beginners!
C.However, after several weeks, I got used to the grammar rules.
D.The most important thing is to listen as often as possible.

E.This method usually resulted in confusion.
F.Listen for the general idea of the conversation.
G.But you can’t follow a native English speaker at all!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Good morning everyone! Today I want to talk about how to deal with our children’s homework. As we know, homework is a great way for children to develop learning skill. So as parents, you should pay attention to it.
Avoid having your child do homework with the television on or in places with different noises, such as people coming and going.
Make sure your child has all the materials he needs.
Ask your child if special materials will be needed for some subjects and get them in advance. ____________.
Help your child use time properly.
Tell them not to watch TV unless they finish their homework in time. ___________Don’t let your child leave homework until just before bedtime.
When your child asks for help, provide guidance(提供指导), not answers.
Giving answers means your child will not learn the material. ____________At the same time, you should keep in touch with teachers, which shows your child that the school and home are a team.
If your child has been successful in homework and is working hard, celebrate that success with a special event to make him happy.
I am sure your child will be interested in doing homework if you take my advice.
Thank you!

A.Praise (表扬)progress in homework.
B.Tell your child how important homework is.
C.Make sure your child has a quiet place to do homework.
D.For example, you should buy some paper, pencils, dictionaries and so on when you do some shopping.

E. Make a set time each day for doing homework
F. Be positive about homework.
G. Too much help is bad for your child’s study.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

___You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so ,however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here is how.
Plan your time carefully.
When planning your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making the list,you should make a schedule of your time. First arrange your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying.__ _ A weekly schedule may not solve all the problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.
Find a good place to study.
Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this place, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios or TV!When you sit down to study,concentrate on the subject.
Make good use of your time in class.
___ Good listening habit in class means less work later. Taking class notes will help you remember what the teacher says.
Study regularly.
When you get home from schools, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher has mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read the material._ _ If you do these things regularly,the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.
 Develop a good attitude towards the tests.
The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you to remember your new knowledge. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't be overly worried.
___ You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

A.There are other methods that might help you with your studying.
B.Don't forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.
C.Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.
D.No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E.Maybe you are an average student.
F.Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class.
G.This will help you understand the next class.

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  • 难度:未知

Easy way to get healthy
I always hate the first few weeks of the New Year, mostly because people all say, “Let’s diet! It’s a new year!“
You can always choose to switch it up!      Here are some simple ways to get your health on all year round.
Switch out bad habits for good ones.    Do something as simple as swapping nighttime cookies for nighttime vitamins.
Catch some sleep. One of the most important things we can do for our minds and bodies is to make sure we’re getting enough sleep on a regular schedule. 
Feed your mind. Keep your mind smart. Start a new hobby, read a book about something you don’t understand— and so on.
   I’m not suggesting you take on a new sport. But taking the stairs, parking farther away, and finding a hobby you enjoy will allow you to be active.
Get organized. I’m not saying a whole repair of your entire world; start small. Organize a kitchen cabinet. Purge(清除) yourself of stuff you don’t need.
Get rid of the mess. That means your mind is included too! Make lists. Get a calendar and mark down important days. Clear your mind and your home.     .
Smile. Overlook some of the bad things that are going on in your life, and focus on the good. Staying positive can help in nearly every aspect of your life!
Chang your activity.

A.Change your activity up.
B.Try exercising your brain too.
C.You’ll find it improves your mood.
D.You are the one to improve yourself.

E. It’s time to take charge of your health!
F. Sounds boring, I know, but trust me—sleep is amazing for you.
G. Smart small, and don’t plan to change your entire life in a week.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Happiness is the only true measure of personal success. Making other people happy is the highest expression of success.        . With that in mind, here are some suggestions that will immediately increase the amount of happiness in your life:
If there’s any big truth about life, it's that it usually lives up to your expectations. Therefore, when you rise from bed, make your first thought: “Something wonderful is going to happen today.” Guess what? You're probably right.
Take time to plan and prioritize(优先处理)
The most common source of stress is the thought that you've got too much work to do. Rather than worry about it, pick one thing that will move you closer to your highest goal and purpose in life. Then do that first.
Eat high quality food slowly
      . Even so, at least once a day try to eat something really delicious, like a small chunk of fine cheese or an imported chocolate. Taste it, focus on it and enjoy it.
Let go of your results
The big enemy of happiness is worry, which comes from focusing on events that are outside your control. Once you've taken action, there's usually nothing more you can do.       .
End each day with gratitude
Just before you go to bed, write down at least one wonderful thing that happened. It might be something as small as making a child laugh or something as huge as a million dollar deal.        .

A.Start each day with expectations.
B.Give a gift to everyone you meet.
C.Thinking about that thing makes your head hurt.
D.It’s impossible to make others happy if you're not happy.

E. Whatever it is, be grateful for that day because it will never come again.
F. Sometimes we can't avoid eating something quickly and running.
G. Focus on the job at hand rather than some fantasy that might happen.

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  • 难度:未知

The word addiction usually makes you think of alcohol or drugs.      Some people are compulsive (难以自制的) shoppers. Others find it impossible to pull themselves away from their work. Still others spend countless hours watching TV or playing computer games.
   Many people enjoy going to markets or stores more and more every day, but it’s more than a common hobby for some of them. They have turned into shopaholics. They are people who simply enjoy shopping and walking around spending money without being able to stop doing it. They are so interested in shopping that they usually buy things they don’t need. Even though they don’t have enough money, they buy everything they want.
The question is why they have this addiction. There isn’t a specific answer. Some people go shopping when they are sad, worried, upset or lonely.        Shopaholics say that they feel more important and better after they buy something. They also tend to have this addiction when they feel guilty.
   Some of them can be psychological. If this is the case, people addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit. However, the process, like for most addictions, is long, and they suffer a lot. It can also cause financial problems. They just think about satisfying their feelings, so they spend money they don’ t have.  

A.Once you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, it is difficult to get rid of.
B.Over the years, shopping has become a very common activity.
C.They use this activity as a way to forget their problems.
D.However, in modern-day society we are seeing some new kinds of addictions.

E. People addicted to computer games consider the games as great ways to amuse themselves.
F. They get deep in debt, and can even go bankrupt (破产) and get sent to prison.
G. Shopaholism seems to be a harmless addiction, but it can bring out problems.

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  • 难度:未知

However difficult you find it to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long run if you set aside a certain part of the day for studying - and stick to it. ___ But don't forget to make sure that you have enough left for recreational activities or simply to be “with” yourself: reading a novel or watching a television programme.
As part of your weekly schedule, it is also advisable to consider exactly what you have to do in that week, and make sure that you handle the most significant tasks first. ___
On a physical level, make sure you have an area or space for studying. __If you always study in the same place, preferably a room of your own, you will find it easier to adjust mentally to the activity when you enter that area. You should have everything that you might need at hand.
Make sure that all the physical equipment that you use, such as a desk, chair etc. is at good height for you. If you use a personal computer, there are plenty of guidelines available from the movement on angles, lighting and the like.  ____
If you are working on topic your teacher has set, but finding it hard to concentrate, it may be that you actually need to take your mind right off it for a period of time. ____ After a period away from the test, having not thought about it at all, you may return to it refreshed and full of ideas.

A.It's wise to leave the easier or less urgent areas of your work until later.
B.It's all too easy to read something and then forget where it came from.
C.Consult these and avoid the typical student aches and pains.
D.“Airing the mind” can work wonders sometimes.

E.Make use of equipment that is available to you.
F.It is best to make a weekly schedule.
G.Don't do it just anywhere.

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  • 难度:未知

Every year, about 600 monkeys are invited to eat fruits and vegetables during an annual feast(盛宴)in Thailand.___It is said that Rama once rewarded his friend Hanuman, the Monkey King, with some land. Organizers of the annual Monkey Buffet use more than 3000kg of fruits and vegetables to prepare for the feast.
This event is held in England. Though it might sound very gentle, it is actually very dangerous.Running down a very steep hill behind a 7pound wheel of cheese can be very dangerous. In fact, the police have attempted to ban the event, but participants have refused to carry out the ban. Men and their cheese wheels cannot be separated so easily.____ Simple:the cheese is set rolling down the hill, and the racers run down the hill after the cheese. However, as the cheese can reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour, it rarely happens that someone catches the cheese. ___
In this festival, grown men jump over newborns, with their parents' permission.___ This custom has been observed since 1620; any onlookers who seem to be in need of “cleaning” also get involved in the event.
__ This Naked (裸) Festival is held in dozens of places throughout Japan every year, usually in summer or winter. Hidden somewhere in these men is one fully naked man, and touching him is believed to bring good luck.

A.So what happens during a cheese roll?
B.It is held in honor of Rama, the greatest of the Gods.
C.This event is very interesting.
D.The first to reach the bottom wins the cheese.

E.There is a Japanese festival where participants wear little clothing.
F.Everybody takes an active part in it.
G.Wearing scary costumes, the Spanish men attempt to “clean” babies of evil (邪恶).

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  • 难度:未知

What is critical thinking? To a certain degree, it's a matter of logic -- of being able to spot weakness in other people's arguments and to avoid them in your own. It also includes related skills such as distinguishing fact from opinion and assessing the soundness of evidence.
In the broad sense, critical thinking is focused, organized thinking -- the ability to see clearly the relationships among ideas. __. The greatest thinkers, scientists, and inventors have often taken information that was really available and put it together differently to produce new ideas. That, too, is critical thinking.
__. As the class goes on, for example, you will probably spend a good deal of time organizing your speeches. While this may seem like a purely mechanical (机械的) exercise, it is closely connected with critical thinking. If the structure of your speech is loose and confused, chances are that your thinking is also disordered and confused. If, on the other hand, the structure is clear, there is a good chance your thinking is too. Organizing a speech is not just a matter of arranging your ideas you already have. ___.
What is true of organization is true of many aspects of public speaking. __. As you work on expressing your ideas in clear accurate language, you will improve your ability to think clearly and accurately. __   As you learn to listen critically to speeches in class, you will be better able to assess the ideas of speakers in a variety of situations.
If you take full advantage of your speech class, you will be able to develop your skills as a critical thinker in many circumstances. This is one reason public speaking has been regarded as a vital part of education since the days of ancient Greece.

A.Rather, it is an important part of shaping the ideas themselves.
B.This may seem take a lot of time, but the rewards are well worth it.
C.It may also help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech.
D.It has often been said that there are few new ideas in the world, only reorganized ideas.

E . If you are wondering what this has to do with your public speaking class, the answer is quite a lot.
F. The skills you learn in your speech class can help you become a more effective thinker in a number of ways.
G. As you study the role of evidence and reasoning in speechmaking, you will see how they can be used in other forms of communication as well.

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  • 难度:未知

A. Enjoy life’s process, not just life’s rewards.
B. Have a self you respect.
C. Turn disappointments into strengths.
D. Become involved in something bigger.
E. Resolve all the problems without delay.
F. Commit yourself to others.
Five Secrets of Living Life to the Fullest
I believe that men and women through the ages who have led successful lives have captured these five secrets of living life to the fullest.
_____________This means having a deep sense of responsibility for your thoughts and actions. It means keeping your word, and being faithful to yourself, family and work. It means believing in what you do and working hard. It means setting your own internal standards, and not comparing yourself to others. It’s not a question of being better than someone else;respect and honesty demand that you be better than you thought you could be.
_____________ Believe in others, and take time to achieve their dreams. A wise man said, “If you want one year’s prosperity, grow grain. But if you want ten years’ prosperity, grow men and women.” You can build into the lives of your family, friends and colleagues by providing nutrients of gratitude and encouragement, and by investing your time and energy in their aspirations.
_____________ Individuals who live with abandon have discovered that personal trials make them more sensitive and loving, while building endurance and character. They have learned that achievements worth remembering are stained with the blood of diligence and etched (铭记) with the scars of disappointment. The pages of history are filled with the heroic stories of courageous men and women who triumphed over disabilities and adversities to demonstrate victorious spirits.
_____________ We live in a goal-oriented society that wants problems resolved now. We want three-minute oatmeal, one-hour dry cleaning, and instant success. But to live with abandon, we must live one day at a time, enjoying the little victories, realizing that life is an endless journey in self-discovery and personal fulfillment. It means taking time to hug your kids, kiss your spouse, and let the other fellow ahead of you on the freeway.
_____________ I do not believe you will live happily if you set out to live life for yourself alone. Choose a cause bigger than you are and work at it in a spirit of excellence. It will become a part of you as you see your goals through to the end. Measure success not by what you’ve done, but what you could do.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

No matter how old you are, your mom will always remain as one of the most important people in your life. Maybe you don't know how to express your appreciation and love to her on an ordinary day.      Here are several things we can do this Mother's Day to show how much we appreciate and care for our mothers.
Give her flowers.       You can show your love to your mom by giving her flowers that match her personality. Or, if you do not know your mom's favorite, carnations(康乃馨) could be your best choice.
Cook for her. Mothers usually are the ones who cook for us. Your mom will absolutely love it if you surprise her by taking over the kitchen and cooking something for her. Just make sure you clean up afterwards.
      You can just do so describing how much your mother means to you. It can be very effective that your mom will keep them and always be reminded of how important she is to your lives as a family member.
Travel with her. Mothers work hard, so traveling can help her to relax and forget her problems. She will treasure the moment --- wherever you go, just your presence.      
Take her to a spa. Massages or spas(按摩保健) are for moms of all ages, and she will enjoy breaking the boredom of staying indoors the whole day.       .
Mother's Day is coming. It is a time to let Mom know she's special to you.

A.Write her a letter.
B.Remember her wedding anniversary.
C.A lot of us forget that the best gift to give her is ourselves.
D.Almost every girl appreciates flowers and so does your mother.

E. She remains the center of attention and respect for a child for a long time.
F. And this will offer your mom comfort and an increased sense of well-being.
G. However, Mother's Day is the special time when you can let her know how important she is to you.

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  • 难度:未知

Does this situation seem familiar to you? Your English is progressing well, the grammar is now familiar, the reading comprehension is no problem, and you are speaking quite fluently._              
First of all, remember that you are not alone. Listening is probably the most difficult job for almost all learners of English as a foreign language. The most important thing is to listen as often as possible.
              The Internet is really a useful tool for English students. You can download The RealPlayer from RealMedia.com. The RealPlayer allows you to use the Internet like a radio station.
Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be frustrated by limited understanding.               
Here is some of the advice I give my students:
●Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything.
●Stay relaxed when you do not understand, and try listening to the material for more times.
● Do not translate everything into your native language.
●               Don’t concentrate on details before you have understood the main ideas.
● Listen to something you enjoy.
I remember the problems I had in understanding spoken German when I first went to Germany. In the beginning, when I didn’t understand a word, I insisted on translating it in my mind. This method usually resulted in confusion.              Firstly, translating creates a barrier between the listener and the speaker. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly. By remaining calm, I noticed that even if I did not pay much attention I could usually understand what the speaker had said.

A.What should you do?
B.Listen for the general idea of the conversation.
C.But you can’t follow a native English speaker at all!
D.But listening is a problem for most of the beginners!

E. So, what you need to do is to find listening resources.
F. However, after several weeks, I got used to the new environment in Germany.
G.Then, after the first six months, I discovered two extremely important facts.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

People often say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and that's actually quite true.   After all, making a good first impression is all about making others feel good when spending time with them.The following tips will help you make a positive impression every time.
● Dress appropriately
   That means dressing up or putting on nice, clean, situation-appropriate clothes for social situations.It isn't difficult and it doesn't have to cost you much, either.
● Be aware of your body language
Words express very little of what you say.Body language can tell someone a lot about your mood and confidence level.   Eye contact is an easy way to make others feel comfortable, important and special.Nervous body language can make others uncomfortable and anxious.Try to be aware of your body language when communicating with others.
● Respect the opinions of others
Not everyone will have the same opinion with you, and friendly disagreements can be a gateway to a great conversation. Respect other people's right to have their own opinion.Respect the opinions of others even if you disagree with them.
People love talking about themselves, but generally, you want to be careful of taking over the conversation.By listening carefully to what others are saying, you are not only making them feel important, but you can gather cues you need to keep the conversation going and bridge to new topics.

A.Be a careful listener.
B.Show an interest in every person you meet.
C.Smile especially when first meeting someone.
D.Make sure you look nice whenever you meet someone new.

E.Meeting new people and starting conversations is often challenging.
F.Others will want to be with you and help you make a good impression.
G.Don't force others to believe what you believe or to see things only as you see them.

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  • 难度:未知
