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___You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so ,however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here is how.
Plan your time carefully.
When planning your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making the list,you should make a schedule of your time. First arrange your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying.__ _ A weekly schedule may not solve all the problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.
Find a good place to study.
Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this place, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios or TV!When you sit down to study,concentrate on the subject.
Make good use of your time in class.
___ Good listening habit in class means less work later. Taking class notes will help you remember what the teacher says.
Study regularly.
When you get home from schools, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher has mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read the material._ _ If you do these things regularly,the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.
 Develop a good attitude towards the tests.
The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you to remember your new knowledge. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't be overly worried.
___ You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

A.There are other methods that might help you with your studying.
B.Don't forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.
C.Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.
D.No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E.Maybe you are an average student.
F.Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class.
G.This will help you understand the next class.

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A.Learn to Evaluate Data Correctly
B.Learn to Speak Clearly and Persuasively
C.Learn to Make Decisions Quickly and Properly
D.Learn to Relax Timely
E.Learn to Use Internet Efficiently
F.Learn to Express Yourself Effectively
Top tips on How to Succeed in Life
What does it take to succeed in life? Author Dustin M. Wax has compiled a list of the top five skills you need for a successful life.
Good writing skills are essential for today’s competitive job market. But writing well isn’t just a case of producing grammatically correct sentences---- it involves an ability to organize your thoughts, as well as being able to target your ideas to an audience in the most effective way possible.
With so much information out there, you need to be able to sort the potentially valuable data from the trivial, to analyze its relevance and meaning, and to relate it back to other information.
Analyzing information is all very well, but at some stage you also need to make a decision. Over-analyzing can lead to hesitation, so you need to learn how to respond quickly and effectively, and to know what to do based on the information available.
You don’t have to know everything, but you should be able to find out what you need to know quickly and painlessly. This means learning how to use the internet effectively, how to read productively, and how to draw on your network of contacts efficiently.
Being able to switch off is extremely hard for some people, but you need to find time for exercise or ways of relieving stress and tension, or the pressure could end up literally killing you!

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A. Help the people around you smile.
B. Appreciate life's perfect moments.
C. Become addicted to constant self- improvement.
D. Celebrate your existence.
E. Live and breathe the truth.
F. Spend time with positive people.
Some Habits of Super Positive People
Life is full of positive experiences. Notice them. Notice the sun warming your skin, the small child learning to walk, and the smiling faces around you. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential by enjoying the beauty of these experiences, and letting them inspire you to be the most positive version of YOU.
Living a positive life is all about creating positive habits to help you focus on what truly matters. This is the secret of super positive people. Here are some simple ideas to help you follow in their footsteps.
Life's too wonderful to waste time with people who don't treat you right. So surround yourself with people who make you happy and make you smile. People who help you up when you're down. People who would never take advantage of you. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through.
Your life isn't perfect, but it does have perfect moments. Don't let the little things get you down. You've got plenty of reasons to look up at the sky and say, "Thank you, I will do my best to make this a great day. " So slow down and pause for a moment to stand in awe of(敬畏) the fact that you are alive, and that you have the ability to rediscover life as the miracle it has always been.
It doesn't have to be January 1st to give yourself a chance to make good use of your life. Every day is a new day to learn, grow, develop your strengths, heal yourself from past regrets, and move forward. Every day gives you a chance to reinvent yourself, to adjust who you are, and build on the lessons you have learned. It is never too late to change things that are not working in your life. Using today wisely will always help you create a more positive tomorrow.
It's the most positive, stress-free way to live, because the truth always reveals itself eventually anyway. So don't aim to be impressive, aim to be true. Those who are true are truly impressive. Being true means having integrity; and integrity is doing the right thing even when you know nobody is watching.
Today, give someone one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine they see all day. Sometimes just a single genuine smile or praise can lift a person's spirits to new heights. At the right time, a kind word from a stranger, or unexpected encouragement from a friend, can make all the difference in the world. Kindness is free, but it's priceless. And as you know, what goes around comes around.

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A. Cradle of a Violinist
In this department they have risen to fame by some great violin players born there. The students there have several comfortable places to practice their violin and some other instruments. Meanwhile the students have a chance to practice other instruments, such as the piano, the drum.
B. Home of Musicians.
In this department they don’t plan to bring up a musician. They teach the students how to appreciate all types of music, especially for the students who love to be a listener, not a player of the drum. This is their first choice.
C. Guitar Garden
This department is home the guitar players. If the students haven’t played the guitar and hope to learn from the beginning, this is likely to be their favorite place. Of course, they are also able to learn country music, jazz and so on.
D. Jazz Paradise
In this department you can learn jazz, opera, classical , but jazz is the best of all. Jazz teachers are experienced and have won a lot of national contests. At the same time you can improve your skills in playing the guitar and the piano there.
E. Palace of Piano
As is known, the piano is more versatile than any other instrument. In this department only the students who have learned the piano for at least five years can be admitted. They are good at teaching advanced learners. After the hard practice, the students have a chance to enjoy all kinds of music.
F. Eden of Percussion Instruments.
In this department they do well in teaching instruments, especially the drum. They have excellent drums and every student has a chance to practice every day. All the teachers are very patient and experienced. What’s more, the students can learn rock, classical music and jazz.
______ Kathy likes jazz very much. She wants to make a living by it in the future .Her favorite instrument is the guitar and she also wants to get his skill of playing the guitar better.
______Ronald started to play the violin when he was five. His favorite style of music is country music. His wish is to learn both of them further and become a violinist in the future.
______Gilbert is fond of music, but his wish is to be a computer expert. He especially loves the sound of the drum and he likes rock.
______Hugo Clinton is only 14 years old. He has been learning to play the piano for nearly ten years. Harry says the best instrument is the piano. He expects to be a pianist in the future. In his spare time he likes to listen to opera.
______Green was born in a worker’s family. His grandfather was musician, so he wants to learn to play drums and at the same time he wishes to study classical music.

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Happiness is the only true measure of personal success. Making other people happy is the highest expression of success.        . With that in mind, here are some suggestions that will immediately increase the amount of happiness in your life:
If there’s any big truth about life, it's that it usually lives up to your expectations. Therefore, when you rise from bed, make your first thought: “Something wonderful is going to happen today.” Guess what? You're probably right.
Take time to plan and prioritize(优先处理)
The most common source of stress is the thought that you've got too much work to do. Rather than worry about it, pick one thing that will move you closer to your highest goal and purpose in life. Then do that first.
Eat high quality food slowly
      . Even so, at least once a day try to eat something really delicious, like a small chunk of fine cheese or an imported chocolate. Taste it, focus on it and enjoy it.
Let go of your results
The big enemy of happiness is worry, which comes from focusing on events that are outside your control. Once you've taken action, there's usually nothing more you can do.       .
End each day with gratitude
Just before you go to bed, write down at least one wonderful thing that happened. It might be something as small as making a child laugh or something as huge as a million dollar deal.        .

A.Start each day with expectations.
B.Give a gift to everyone you meet.
C.Thinking about that thing makes your head hurt.
D.It’s impossible to make others happy if you're not happy.

E. Whatever it is, be grateful for that day because it will never come again.
F. Sometimes we can't avoid eating something quickly and running.
G. Focus on the job at hand rather than some fantasy that might happen.

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The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet,chat and go where we’ve never been before.
But just as in face to face communication,there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when on line.   Imagine how you’d feel if you were in the other person’s shoes.
For anything you’re about to send,ask yourself,“Would I say this to the person’s face?”If the answer is no,rewrite and reread.        .
If someone in the chat room is rude to you,your instinct (本能) is to fire back in the same manner.But try not to do so.   If it was caused by a disagreement with another member,try to fix the situation by politely discussing it.Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.
               Offer advice when asked by newcomers,as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate.When someone makes a mistake,whether it’s a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer,be kind about it.If it’s a small mistake,you may not need to say anything.Even if you feel strongly about it,think twice before saying anything.Having good manners yourself doesn’t give you license to correct everyone else.   At the same time,if you find you are wrong,be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.
It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as age,sex,and marital status.Unless you know the person very well,and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information,don’t ask such questions.

A.Everyone was new to the network once.
B.If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake,point it out politely.
C.It’s natural that there are some people who speak rudely or make mistakes online.
D.The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.

E.You should either ignore the person,or use your chat software to block their messages.
F.When you send short messages to a person online,you must say something beautiful to hear.
G.Repeat the process till you feel sure that you’d feel comfortable saying words to a person’s face.

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According to the True Colors system people who choose gold as their primary color like to fit in or belong. They tend to be reliable people who enjoy serving others. Things like tradition, home are very important to them. They need order and structure. They don’t like waste or change.
People who choose orange as their primary color need a lot of variety and freedom. They take pride in being highly skilled. They enjoy “hand-on” work and often are good in a crisis. They are risk taker, seeking challenges.
People who choose yellow as their primary color are curious about everything. They are confident and knowledgeable. They love sports very much and they work high efficiently.
People who choose green as their primary color are competent and want to control the realities of life. They are analytical and enjoy solving problems and developing systems. They love intelligence and logic. They are often critical of themselves and others.
People who choose blue as their primary color enjoy close relationships. Harmony and integrity are very important. These people are often very creative or they enjoy the creative work of others.
People who choose red as their primary color are always full of vigor and they tend to be confident all the time. It seems like they are ready to do anything and they will be successful. And they have a strong desire for power.
Creating a warm and personal working atmosphere; establishing a peaceful working environment and trying to avoid conflict; allowing them the freedom to express their feeling; praising their creative approach to the job; praising them with their good jobs.
Assigning work which needs detailed planning; defining the tasks in clear terms; providing a stable work environment and avoiding sudden change; giving standard rules and regulations and setting a good examples; praising them with their good jobs.
Assigning work which needs analytical thinking and problem solving; encouraging them to think independently and taking their ideas to the next step; praising them with their good jobs.
Assigning work which is action-packed; providing opportunities to be skillful and adventurous; allowing them the freedom to the job in their own ways; praising them with their good jobs.
Assigning work which needs full energy; providing opportunities for job competition; if he does well, let him know he is very likely to get promotion; praise them with their good jobs.

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Tips on How to Think Positive
Your thoughts that consist of mental images and self talk are on automatic mode (状态). When you see, hear, smell or touch something, your mind comes out with its mental representation. You will then find yourself feeling something. To develop positive thinking, become aware of your feelings by checking them from time to time. Ask yourself what you were thinking and what caused the thought. Take note of what you were saying to yourself.
How often do you say things such as “It happens every time” when something doesn’t turn out right? What do you say to yourself when you have made a mistake? Do you say things like, “Stupid of me. Here I go again?” Another tip on how to think positive is to catch yourself saying all these negative things. Demand your inner self to stop. You can say something such as, “Stop it. I am much better than that. The next time I will …”
Your beliefs shape your thoughts. If you believe you can’t do something or if you have conditioned your mind to see unpleasantness in people or situations, you will see and experience them in your life. You can change your limiting and negative beliefs by challenging and questioning them. You can also do so by re-framing things or changing your view.
Your thoughts determine what you focus on. You can force yourself to see and focus on the positive side of things, people and yourself. Develop an attitude of seeing things in a new or different perspective. Instead of thinking and seeing what doesn’t work, look at what works. Rather than seeing something as a problem or difficulty, consider it as an opportunity. Once you see things differently, you will think in a different manner.
Get out in the open and get physically active. Make it a habit to exercise daily. Exercise affects your attitude about life. It is one of the ways to prevent or reduce stress and anxiety and maintain mental health. Practice healthy eating so that you can maintain your weight, prevent sickness and reduce the risk of major health problems. Read and listen to motivational and self-help books or recordings. Spending too much time sitting at home watching television and filling your mind with bad news and reality shows won’t help expand your thinking.

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The Hurt Locker
US Army ordnance disposal teams disarm improvised explosive device (IED)placed by Iraqi guerrilla fighters.

Slumdog Millionaire
TV game—show success fuels one man’s escape from poverty in this Bollywood-tinged romantic drama.

The Departed
A policeman and a criminal go undercover and infiltrate(渗透) each Other’s worlds in this crime thriller.

Dances With Wolves
A nineteenth—century soldier learns to respect and then love the Lakota(拉科他族人) way of life

Brave heart
Thirteenth—century Scot Sir William Wallace takes up the sword to defend his people against the English.

A slave in ancient Rome finds dignity and a reason to live in gladiatorial combat.

Sergeant First Class William James,a battle.tested veteran,arrives as a new team leader in Bravo company of a U.S. Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (E.O.D.) unit to disarm improvised explosive device in Iraq in 2004,replacing Staff Sergeant Matthew Thompson, who is killed by a radio—controlled improvised explosive device in Baghdad.
In AD 180,the dying Roman emperor wishes to grant temporary leadership to Maximus, but was killed by his son,Commodus, Maximus realizes the truth,but unfortunately, he is taken to Zucchabar, a Roman city in North Africa,by slave traders。There,he iS bought by Proximo, and forced to fight for his life as a gladiator in arena tournaments.
In the 13th century,after several years of political unrest,Scotland is invaded and conquered by King Edward I of England.Young  witnesses the treachery of Longshanks, survives the death of his father and brother.Twenty or so years later, he led the people to fight against the English army, but finally he was killed.1eaving a shout “Freedom!”
In Mumbai,India,eighteen-year-old Jamal Malik, a former street child from the Juhu slum, is a contestant on the TV show of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.and is one question away from the grand prize.However,he is detained and interrogated by the police,who suspect him of cheating because of the impossibility of a simple “slumdog” knowing all the answers.Jamal recounts the incidents in his life which provided him with each answer.
Colin is introduced to organized crime by Irish mobster Costello.Costello trains him to become a mole inside the Massachusetts State Police.Colin is accepted into the Special Investigations Unit,which focuses on organized crime.Before Billy graduates from the police academy,he is asked by Captain Queenan to go undercover, as his family ties to organized crime make him a perfect infiltrator.

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Simple Way to Boost Marital Happiness? Say ‘Thank You’.
‘Thank You’goes a long way to keeping couples happy.

Dads Struggle to Find Work—Life Balance
Working dads say work—life balance is hard to find.

What Workers Want From Their Bosses...Besides Money
Money isn’t everything,and they need recognition as well.

Bosses Say It Is, Indeed,Lonely at the Top
CEOs of public firms say they feel especially isolated.

Americans Say They are Healthy, But Not Wealthy
Americans are evaluating the health of their personal finances with the same rigor as they do their physical health.

Higher Housework Burden Stresses Women
Unequal employment and pay add to mom’s stressors,because they make her feel the need to do more housework.

Work appears to be taking its toll on the relationship between dads and their families, a new study finds. CareerBuilder’s annual Father’s Day survey found that 22 percent of fathers say their work has negatively affected relationships with their children, while 26 percent believe their job has hurt relationships with significant others.
U.S.workers are looking for a little pat on the back,according to a new study.The latest Globoforce Workforce Mood Tracker revealed that more than half of employees would leave their current job to go work for a company that recognized their efforts. The research shows a direct correlation between recognition and retention.
It’s lonely at tile top, and CEOs know that better than anyone, according to a new poll.While being a CEO may come with prestige and financial benefits.a study by RHR International, a global executive talent development firm, revealed that the high, ranking position is often accompanied by isolation.
While women are doing less housework than they used to. they still take on the brunt of the household cleaning chores. New research indicates that this extra work stresses them out,and that stress worsens when there is salary or gender inequality present in the relationship. Though both men and women spend less time spent on domestic duties, women still take on a large amount of the work, studies show.
Saying “thank you” may be a simple way to boost marital happiness,new research suggests. This cycle of appreciation may also make for longer-lasting relationships.” Feeing appreciated by your partner influences how you act in your relationship, and how much you want to stay in that relationship,”study researcher told Live Science.

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Each year there is an increasing number of cars on roads and streets as millions of new cars and trucks are produced. One out of every six Americans works at putting together the parts of cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling cars and trucks with gas. 
Most Americans would find it hard to imagine what life would look like without cars.  . The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.
. That’s what several of the large car factories have been trying to do. But to build a clean car is easier said than done. Progress in this field has been slow.
Another way is to take the place of the car engine by something else.  . Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model that pleases man.
To prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we’ll have to make some changes in the way many of us live. Americans, for example, have to cut down on the number of their total cars. They are encouraged to travel and go to work by bicycle. Bicycling is thought to help the air clean. But this change does not come easily. A large number of workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory closes down..
Although cars have led us to a better life, they have also brought us new problems.

A.Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars
B.Americans know cars very well.
C.However, some have realized the serious problems of the air pollution that is caused by cars.
D.One way to get rid of the polluted air is to build a car that does not pollute.

E. However, the number of vehicles has continued to increase in recent years.
F. Americans won’t live without cars!
G. Thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment.

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Why is pink or purple a color for girls and blue or brown for boys?
  To the Egyptians, green was a color that represented the hope and joy of spring ,        . Red is a symbol of good luck in many cultures. In China children are given money in a red envelope to bring good fortune in the New Year. For many nations ,        ,  Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect themselves against evils.
People's choice of colors is also influenced by their bodies' reactions toward them.       . It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally and physically. People who work in green environments have been found to have fewer stomach aches.
   . Many decorators will include different shades of red in the restaurant.
The next time you are deciding on what to wear or what color to decorate your room, think about the color carefully.

A.Blue is another calming color.
B.Green is said to be the most restful color.
C.The answer depends largely on cultural values as well as personal experiences.
D.while for Muslims, it means heaven.

E. Blue is symbol of protection and religious beliefs.
F. Blue can cause people to lose appetite(食欲)
G. Red can cause a person's blood pressure to rise and increase people's appetites.

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A. use the Internet safely
B. make up emergency plan
C. stay away from strangers
D. be aware of stranger danger
E. turn to trusted adult for help
F. keep family information in mind
Everyone wants their children to be safe, but many parents may wonder if they are doing all they can to ensure their child’s safety. By providing your children with some basic knowledge and information, you can equip them for possible future emergencies. Giving your children basic lessons in safety provides them with the tools they need to deal with safety problems in the future.

Your child should know his full name and address, as well as his home telephone number. Children who are school-aged should be able to remember this information easily. While you should advise your child never to share this information with a stranger, it can be useful if he is ever separated from you and needs to tell the police who he is and to whom he belongs.

Teach your child that he should never speak to anyone he doesn’t know, Unless you are near him. Do not scare him into believing that every adult he meets out is to hurt him. Simply warn him that he should be careful and never go anywhere or share personal information with an adult he doesn’t know.

If your family faces an emergency such as a natural disaster, you need a plan to organizing your efforts. You should practice this plan with your child for several situation. For example,you need to determine where your family reunite if some members are away from home during an emergency, and where inside your home you will go if a disaster strikes.

If your child is particularly shy, he may be afraid of all adults who aren’t known to him. Unfortunately, this can extend to helpful adults, such as doctors, police officers and fire fighters. Teach your child about the people who may help him in an emergency, and help him be comfortable around those people so that he will ask for help if he needs it.

If you allow your child to use the Internet, teach him to use safely. Do not allow him go into chat rooms or use other online forums to discuss personal information with strangers. If he has a social networking site page, such as Facebook or MySpace, make sure he only adds real friends lists, not strangers. Never let him meet anyone in person if he only met them online.

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A. Hello Kitty
The famous cartoon character known as Hello Kitty was created by Japanese company Sanrio in 1974 and quickly became a pop cultural phenomenon through a series of animated television shows. This collection of the Hello Kitty series includes five volumes for a total of 25 episodes, such as Hello Kitty Tells Fairy Tales, Hello Kitty Plays Pretend.
B. Jimmy Neutron
This is a funny, silly, and colorfully animated children’s film featuring Jimmy Neutron. Jimmy has created all kinds of interesting things to make his life easier, including a robotic dog, Goddard, who follows him everywhere. Jimmy and his friend, Carl, use a homemade spaceship to launch a satellite.
C. Sesame Street
Elmo runs across a Magic Cookbook and sets free a Genie that lives inside. Together, Elmo and the Genie explore the fun world of cooking and making food, with the help from Emeril Lagasse and Heather Headley, who show tips on making pizzas and pocket foods.
D. Sing and Dance With Barney
Barney has planned a very special sing-along party and invited many of his friends, old and new.  The group enjoys singing their all-time favorites, while being transported to magical places. It has over 55 minutes of singing and dancing.
E. Blue’s Clues
Steve and Blue explore the worlds of math and reading as they help each other with familiar activities. Viewers are invited to join in the counting, reading, adding and subtracting.
F. Adventures of Willy Fog
Eerie lakes, bottomless pits, dinosaurs, and volcanic eruptions are just a few of the places laying in wait for Willy Fog and his friends in this exciting journey. Trying to get to the centre of the earth proves a lot more difficult than they originally thought.
Kate is a child of ten. She loves all the lovely animals , especially cats. She loves cats so much that she always buy things with cat images on them. When she has nothing to do , she often watching cartoons, which is her hobby. She thinks she can learn much knowledge from them.
Mary is a lovely girl. Because she often watches her mother cooking at home , she gradually develop a strong interest in cooking. In addition, like most girls of her age, she likes films about fairy tales.
Peter is a student of art. What he likes most is everything about songs and dance. He often gives performances in some activities in his school . He has a gift for singing and dancing. With nothing special to do , he decides to go to the cinemas this weekend.
Robert is a clever boy, who likes science very much. He often reads some books or watches some programs on science and technology. He has great interest in computer and robots and he dreams of becoming an astronaut when he grows up.
Philip is an adventure-lover, who is not only courageous but also clever and imaginative . He thinks adventure can build up his character and make him braver and stronger. From childhood, travelling to the centre of the earth is his dream.

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A. Cha-Cha
It is a very famous ballroom dance. Created in Cuba, it includes African and Cuban rhythms (节奏). It is an energetic dance. The cha-cha requires very small steps because of its rhythm.
B. Waltz
It is a romantic ballroom dance in the triple time with a strong accent on the first beat. The dance is smooth and graceful in performance. The waltz was introduced to the United States by way of  England in the early 19 century.
C. Hip-hop
Hip-hop refers to street dance styles. Hip-hop allows the dance to experience complete freedom while moving across the floor. With no age restriction (限制) to learn this dance form, it remains as one of the most popular styles to everyone, especially for the young.
D. Tango
It is a ballroom dance of Latin-American origin. Some people think it is a bit more difficult than waltz. In the early years of the 20th century, the first European tango craze (狂热) took place in Paris, soon followed by London, Berlin, and other capitals.
E. Ballet
It is a theatrical presentation of group or solo dancing to a musical accompaniment, usually with costume and scenic effect, conveying a story or theme. The earlier years of ballet training is strict, with regular guidance and practice under the watchful eyes of an experienced teacher.
F. Samba
It is a Brazilian ballroom dance of African origin. The music of Samba is one of the most popular forms of music in Brazil. It is widely recognized as Brazil’s national musical style. Samba is a lively, rhythmical dance. The basic movement involves a straight body and a bending of one knee at a time. The feet move very slightly – only a few inches at a time.

Li Ming used to be a shy boy in high school, but since he came to Guangzhou University, he has become an optimistic and energetic boy. This term he wants to learn a dance which is suitable for young people and can give him much freedom.
Dancing has always been Wang Gang’s favorite activity since he was five. He has already learned how to dance the waltz, fox, and some other simple styles of dance. Recently he is fascinated by Latin-American dance. This time he wants to learn a kind of ballroom dance with more difficult skills.
Huang Qiang likes dancing very much. When he was four years old, his parents paid much to let him learn ballet. He likes the famous play Swan Lake. He wants to go on learning more and to perform at the New Year’s evening party.
In the town where Gao Mei lives, dancing is very popular with young people. She is going to invite her classmate Kate to learn some rhythmical dance which can make people full of energy.
After watching football matches, Zhang Ning is impressed by Brazilian footballers. To celebrate their victory, they often dance their national dance for a while. Zhang Ning was fascinated by their movements. He made up his mind to learn the dance.

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