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The earth is a special planet in the solar system. The explosion of the earth produced carbon, nitrogen, vapor and other gases,       (make) the earth’s atmosphere. What is even more important is _  as the earth cooled, water which is fundamental to the    (develop) of life appeared and stayed on the surface. The continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve       (harm) gases into the oceans and this produced a chain reaction which made it possible for life to develop.
Many millions of years later, the _  (arrive) of small plants encouraged the development of early shellfish       all sorts of fish. Then, with the first green plants appearing on land, land animals appeared and dinosaurs developed and existed on the earth for millions of years. Then Dinosaurs’ sudden disappearance made the rise of mammals possible on the earth. They were different from all life forms      ever existed in the past because they produced young from within their bodies. Finally, some small clever animals with hands and legs ______(appear) and spread all over the earth. Thus they, in their turn, have become       most important animals. However, they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. So for millions of years to come,       life will continue on the earth will depend on whether the present problem can be solved.

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He is the man who for many people has been a role model. Now your biggest hero deserves a special day when you can express your thanks and let him know____ imprtant he is to you.
The third Sunday of June—which _____(fall) on June 19 this year –is Father’s Day.
The idea of Father’s Day came from______ American woman called Sonora Smart Dodd in 1909. Dodd wanted a special day______(honor) her father. He raised six children by____ after his wife died. Dodd thought there needed to be a day to honor loving dads.
The first Father’s Day _____(celebrate) on June 19, 1910. In 1924, US President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a ____(nation) Father’s Day. Finally, in 1966, President Lyndon Johnson declared the third Sunday of June____Father’s Day.
Here are some ways to show your love and respect:
Send him a greeting card. Fathers prefer cards ____are not too emotional. So choose one that will make him laugh.
If he has a computer, cover his desktop______ words like “I love you Dad”.
A small present, such as a framed photo of your family, can make him feel like a king.

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Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.
Travel is a very good activity. When traveling, you can relax ________, forget your tiredness or troubles, and have the energy to take on the new tasks waiting for you.
But sometimes traveling is not ________ enjoyable thing. For example, the weather can be changeable. If you climb a mountain, it may rain suddenly. You may be caught  ________ the rain and may catch a cold. The  ________ thing is that you may have your money stolen  ________ you may have an injury. All these terrible things are  ________ can happen to you.
Therefore, when you are going on a trip, you must make a good preparation. Firstly, you must have clear information about the weather. ________, you should choose a good companion so that you can help each other. Thirdly, you must be careful enough and try to avoid accidents. ________ you do this, you will surely enjoy your travel.

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In the past few years, quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less       (compete). They are afraid that the stress of work robs them of joy and happiness and       (bring) them harm both physically and mentally.
In fact, however, stress isn’t such a bad thing       it is often supposed to be. Above all,      it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give      ,purpose and significance to    otherwise meaningless, idle life.         , people under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own       (person) worth — the very aim of a human life. Last but not least, research from the universities of Kentucky and British Columbia has showed that moderate amounts of stress can actually      (strong) the immune system and be good for health.
Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to escape. Developing our adaptive abilities to
deal with      can prevent us from
     (defeat) by the competitive society.

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No wonder that man in Munch’s The Scream is screaming. He keeps getting stolen. The famous painting went    1   in 1994 and again ten years later, both times from museums in Norway.    2  , security was extremely poor. Officials thought the painting was so famous that it wouldn’t be stolen. Wrong.
The world of art theft is not, as one might think, populated with intelligent persons who have a fine appreciation of art. Art thieves are thugs(流氓), according to a new book by Charley Hill. Hill was an undercover policeman    3   job was to track down stolen paintings. He says that the people who steal    4   were usually stealing wheels from cars a few years earlier. He describes priceless Vermeers being stuffed    5       the back of cars, Gainsboroughs being passed around by drug dealers with dirty hands and a nasty end to one of Henry Moore’s huge sculptures. The bronze, King and Queen, a    6   by Moore, was too heavy for the thieves to move, so they took out a chainsaw and cut off the heads, thinking those might be worth something.
The artworks usually turn up, sometimes many years    7  , though the police don’t always catch the thief. Even rarer is when a gentleman thief—one who steals art for personal pleasure only—is caught. In 2009, a waiter, Stephane from Switzerland, 32,    8        (find) guilty of stealing 69 artworks from museums since 1998. He told the court he did    9   for the love of art. His haul (赃物) was   10  over $1 billion—not bad for a waiter.

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Dear Xiaohua,
I’m very glad to receive your letter. From your letter I know you have shown ______ great interest in inventing new things. That’s great. As for how to be an inventor, there is no quick answer to ______.
Coming from different cultures and having different backgrounds, inventors don’t seem to have much ______ common. But creative thinking, _______ is greatly valued, is perhaps the basic skill an inventor should have. In order to explore new possibilities, you will have to learn to break______ from old thought patterns. When you get stuck, try to look at the problem in ____ many ways as possible. Each new way may improve your understanding.
More importantly, always keep it in mind ______ success is no accident. It is the result of a long process of trial and error. Above _____, the main task for you is to study hard and try to learn more knowledge. This, of course, will lay a solid foundation.
Hope your future invention will make a difference.
Good luck!
Wang Li

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One day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor. She was very afraid of mouse,   she ran   of the house, got into a bus and went to the shop. There she bought a mousetrap(捕鼠器). The shopkeeper said to her, “Put some cheese in it   you will soon catch that mouse.”
The lady went home her mousetrap, but when she looked in her cupboard, she could not find any cheese in   . She did not want to go back to the shop,  it was very late. She cut a picture of some cheese out of    magazine and put that in the trap.
Surprisingly, the picture of the cheese was quite successful!    the lady came down to the kitchen the next morning, she found a picture of a mouse in the trap beside the picture of the cheese!

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Some say that madness and genius (天才) often come hand in hand. This is especially true of the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh.
Van Gogh is famous for   amazing use of color and shape. Born in 1853, he was painting at a time when art was changing. A long time ago, artists tried to make their paintings look real like photographs.   later on, art became more about the artist’s own ideas. If you see a Van Gogh, it won’t look like the real world. It will look even   (beautiful).
Some of Van Gogh’s most famous paintings are of natural scenes and flowers, such as Sunflowers. He also painted many wonderful self-portraits (自画像), brought him a lot of fame. Van Gogh had a great gift for painting; however, he was a (trouble) man. At one point, he cut off  his own ear.
Van Gogh is now one of the world’s most famous artists. But he died at the age of 37, alone and poor. Almost  knew or cared about his art at that time. Although he was a great genius, he suffered   (great). Some say that his madness was   he paid for his art.
Actually, if Van Gogh  (die) at the age of twenty, no one would have connected him with failure or mental illness. Instead he would have been remembered by those close to him a dutiful son .

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THE 2,298-kiIometer Beijing-Guangzhou High-speed Railway ____ (official) opened to passengers on December 26,2012. It is the world’s longest high-speed rail route. The ____ (design)speed of the track is 350 km^, though speeds during the initial period of operation will be limited to about 300 km/h. The new route cuts the travel time between Beijing and Guangzhoualmost two thirds, from 22 hours to roughly eight hours .On December 1, 2012,not long before the opening of the Beijing-Guangzhou High-speed Railway, the Harbin-Dalian High-speed Railway, ____ first high-speed line ever to cross land that lies frozen for almost half a year, began operations, ____ allows passengers to appreciate the view off the coast from Dalian in the morning, ____ the winter snowscape of frosty Harbin in the afternoon .At present the total __ (long) of high-speed lines in China ___(reach)9,349 km. With four main lines ___ (run) east-west and four north-south, the country’s high-speed train network is the world’s largest. China plans to expand _ high-speed railway network to 50,000 km by 2020, to cover almost all large and medium-sized cities.

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One evening I was resting in a cafe. I wore a pair of newly bought white leather shoes,  were rather expensive. Then a boy came to me.
He was in    old and not fit shirt, looking pale and about eleven. No sooner had I begun to speak than he opened the box in his hand and took out the tools of shoe –polishing. He was busy doing his work  heavy rain began to pour down. People rushed to the cafe for   (protect)from the rain. More and more people crowded in and gradually separated the boy  me.
Hours passed, and it turned dark. I had no shoes on my feet and wondered where the boy had been. I thought I would have to go home on my bare feet. When it was near midnight, the cafe was to be closed. I had to move to the door, just as l went to the gate, I __ (surprise) found that a boy of about eleven, ___,(look)very familiar, was sleeping at the door with his head leaning __ a box. I shook him slightly and woke him  . He opened the package hurriedly, gave me my leather shoes, and apologized to me shyly. I paid him and wrapped him with his _  (fit)shirt. On my way home, the image of the boy stayed in my mind

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Ma Wendi is used to curious glances she walks six dogs at the same time. They are not all hers. 25-year-old veterinary graduate is a full-time dog walker.
“I have to take care of twelve dogs at most,” said Ma. She charges 500 yuan a month per dog, and most customers leave their dogs at her house for a week. The   (busy) time is around Spring Festival, because many people go back to their hometowns for family reunions go traveling.
(compare) with people who have to be in their offices during the day, I don’t have to get up early  (squeeze) into the subway carriages in rush hour, and I still make a decent salary,” she said.
“But it’s a tiring job. I have to work whenever there are dogs at home, and no time to enjoy  . Sometimes I want to go out for a meal or shopping, but I can’t do so   I worry about them,” she said.
Ma knows   the dogs’ names, and when she calls one’s name, the dog instantly knows she (refer) to it.

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He got his driving license yesterday. He _______ be excited now.
The playground is so wet. It __________ (rain) last night.
The bridge_______ was washed away was built 200 years ago.
Do you know ________ they can arrive by noon today?
His reason for being late for school is_______ he didn’t set the alarm clock.
My question is______ can solve this tough task for us.
He didn’t realize_______ he was going until he hit the big tree.
His brother’s success gives him so much________(strong)
Everyone in my class got A in the final Chinese exam, which was ____________(believe)
Bobby has bought_______ useful dictionary.
The little boy was curious_______ everything in the exhibition hall.
Tom sold newspaper from door to door, _______ (hope) to earn more money.
Great changes_______ (take) place in this small village in the past few years.
Would you mind______ opening the windows. I feel so hot.
Jennifer has always been________(luck) than any other student since she came to study here.

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I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good ________(breathe).
Nobody knew the ____________ (deep) of her love for the child.
Their sudden attack made us more aware ________ the danger around us.
Tom is excited about ______________ (invite) to the party.
In order to find _______ better job, he decided to study a second foreign language.
Doing morning exercises is _______________(benefit) to our health.
_______ is important to keep a balance between study and a social life.
Mary’s parents will go to the airport by taxi because it is raining _______ (heavy).
It is a novel _______(write) by Mark Twain.
Those _____ will go to the park stay here please.
Parents should not give their children ____________ they want.
Her husband died ten years ago, _______ (leave) her with three children to look after.
This is the factory _______ the shoes are made.
With all the work ____________ (do), I feel totally relaxed.
He was given severe ____________ (punish) by his father only for a little mistake.

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The leaves were once again falling; autumn was once again with us. This morning I had received a phone call from a friend inviting me to a small party at her home, I was delighted and happy to accept.
As soon as I (step) into my friend’s garden, my eyes were (instant) attracted by the chrysanthemums which were in full bloom. The (fragrant) from these flowers filled the air and reminded immediately of my parent’s garden in the past. I felt a lump (哽咽) my throat as the sorrows went through my mind; my tears gathered and flowed down my face. The chrysanthemums made me think of my mother who (pass) away only last autumn. I looked up to the sky because I knew she was now living in Zion, in the seventh heaven.
My mind floated back in memory. My mother had been a very hard-working _ diligent woman with strong Chinese traditional virtues. We were a family of nine people — a large with my parents, grandpa and grandma and us five children, three sons, two daughters. I was the youngest daughter born in1960s.

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A young man,while traveling through a desert,come across a spring of clear water.
  water was sweet.He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an elder  had been his teacher. After a four-day journey, the young man____(present)the water to the old man. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled   (warm), and thanked his student very much for the sweet water.The young man went home  a happy heart.
After the student left, the teacher let    student taste the water. He spit it out,
   (say) it was awful. Apparently, it was no longer fresh because of the old leather container. He asked his teacher,” Sir, the water was awful. Why did you pretend to like
The teacher replied,” You tasted the water. I tasted the gift. The water was simply the container for an act of kindness and love. Nothing could be    (sweet).”
We understand this lesson best we receive gifts of love from children. Whether it is a cheap pipe on a diamond necklace, the proper response is appreciation. We love the idea within the gift rather than the thing.

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