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Ted Shreds doesn't like cars.He wants people to stop driving because cars make the air dirty.Ted had an idea.He said,“I'm going to cycle around North America.I want to show everyone that cycling is a fun way to get around.If more people ride bikes,the air will be cleaner.”
He left his hometown with $160 in his pocket.When he got to San Diego,he met another cyclist.The cyclist invited Ted to speak at a big meeting about the environment.He said,“We'll pay your airfare to Texas and we'll pay you to talk about your cycling trip.”Two hours late,Ted was on a plane to the environmental conference and to a big surprise!
While he was at the conference,he met Deanna,it was love at first sight!They talked for six hours straight.
The next day,Ted called Deanna and asked her to finish the trip with him.Deanna said yes,sold everything in her apartment,gave her notice at work,and was on the road with Ted 20 days later!
“It was difficult at first,”said Deanna.“Ted got up every morning at 6:00 a.m.,but I wanted to sleep until noon.”After a few days,they started having fun.As they cycled from Florida to Montreal and then back to Vancouver,every day was an adventure.People paid for their food in restaurants and gave them extra money.Some people gave them $50 or $100.They slept in people's backyards and drank beer with motorcycle gangs.
On their way back to Vancouver,they stopped in Edmonton to visit Ted's relatives.During the stopover,they got married.People tied a “Just Married” sign and tin cans to the backs of their bikes.They got married.They now want to write a book about their trip.“We want people to know that you can be an environmentalist and still have fun,”Shreds said.
Ted Shreds went cycling because_________.

A.he loves adventure
B.cycling is a lot of fun
C.he wanted to find himself a wife
D.he supports environmental protection

Ted got paid for_________.

A.giving a talk about his cycling trip B.cycling throughout North America
C.traveling around North America by air D.attending conferences on cycling

The “big surprise” he had at the conference was that _________.

A.he met another cyclist who wanted to join him
B.he fell in love with a girl there
C.he gave a long talk lasting 6 hours
D.he had a lot of fun talking about his cycling trip

During the trip,Ted and Deanna_________.

A.found it hard to get up early
B.were attacked by motorcycle gangs
C.did not have to pay for their meals in restaurants
D.decided to get married
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Bill Clinton was born on Aug.19,1946.Three months before his birth,his father had died when driving home to his pregnant wife,Virginia,he went off a high way,was thrown from the car and drowned in a river.
When Bill was 4,his mother remarried Roger Clinton.And there were always troubles:a sometimes voilent,alcoholic stepfather and a half-brother.Only one year after the marriage,the drunken stepfather fired a shotgun at the ceiling to keep his bride and stepson from leaving the house.Virginia was very much frightened.So Roger Clinton beat Virginia from time to time.But teenager Clinton played a role of protector of his mother bravely.The stepfater never laid another band on Virginia.
In high school,he was very good at Latin and maths.He also played saxophone in the hand.At age 16,as a member of a youth group,Clinton met President John F.Kennedy at the White House,it led him to the life of public service.Once he set his mind to do something,he did not give up.He was elected governor of Arkansas at the age of 32.
Clinton has said he ran for president to make the country a better place for people like Chelsea,his daughter.He did win.At the age of 46,he became the third youngest president in the nation's history.
When this passage was published,Clinton was_________.
A.governor of Arkansas                                    B.a famous professor
C.President of U.S.A.                                       D.President of a university
Clinton's own father died_________.

A.before Clinton was born
B.after Clinton was born
C.from drinking too much brandy
D.when Clinton's mother was giving birth

Clinton protected his mother by_________.

A.fighting against his stepfather
B.beating his stepfather
C.having long talks with his stepfather
D.the means we don't know

The word “it” in “It led him to the life of public service”refers to_________.

A.Clinton's high school education
B.becoming a member of a youth group
C.Clinton's visiting President Kennedy
D.doing public service
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was four o'clock when we left Micatlan,and we traveled quickly until it became almost completely dark.It was our intention to return to our general quarters in Atlacomulco that night.We had a long journey ahead of us,especially because it had been decided there was no way we would try to cross the ravines again at night,since they were considered far too dangerous.Futhermore,an eclipse of the moon was expected,and,in fact,while we were crossing an open field,the moon appeared on the horizon,half in shadow,a rare and beautiful sight.
After a few hours of riding,we suddenly realized that we had lost our way,and worse still,had no way of finding it again.Night had fallen and there was not a single hut in sight,only great plains and mountains and the lowing of distant bulls all around us.We continued on ahead,trusting in luck,though it was difficult to say where she had brought us.By good fortune,our advance riders ran into two Indians,a man and a boy,who agreed to guide us their village and no further.
After an interminable and exhausting road,which we traveled at a brisk trot,the barking of several dogs announced an Indian village.In the dying light,we could just make out cane huts,firmly situated between the banana trees,with fenced gardens in front of each one.Our convoy stopped in front of one particular hut,a kind of inn or shop for alcohol,where a naked goblin-like figure,the ideal husband for a witch,was serving cheap brandy to the Indians,most of whom were already drunk.
We dismounted and threw ourselves to the ground,too tired to even think.Someone found us,God knows how,a cup of dreadful hot chocolate.We began to realize that we were completely lost,and so it was agreed to give up our attempt to reach Atlacomulco that night.Instead,we should head for the village of “E1 Puente”,where our guides know a Spanish family,made up of several unmarried brothers,who,without any doubt,would be delighted to offer us a safe refuge for the rest of the night.We remounted and began our journey,a little restored after the pause in our journey and the dreadful hot chocolate.
Where did we travel to?

A.El Puente. B.The cane huts. C.Atlacomulco. D.An Indian Village.

When we traveled at night_________.

A.there was a good guide leading us
B.there was a full moon in the sky
C.we could hardly see anything
D.we could see everything around clearly

When we lost our way we believed that_________.

A.we should stay where we were for rescue
B.we should go on to seek after our fortune
C.we should go back where we started
D.we should ask the Indians for help

When we reached the inn-like hut_________.

A.someone served alcohol and hot chocolate at once
B.we had a good sleep
C.we had a good drink
D.we were too exhausted to ask for anything
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He could have been president of Israel or played violin at Carnegie Hall, but he was too busy thinking. His thinking on God, love and the meaning of life grace our greeting cards and day-timers.
Fifty years after his death, his shock (蓬乱) of white hair and hanging mustache still symbolize genius. Einstein remains the foremost scientist of the modern time. Looking back 2,400 years, only Newton, Galileo and Aristotle were his equals.
Around the world, universities and academies (研究院) are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Einstein's "miracle year" when he published five scientific papers in 1905 that basically changed our grasp of space, time, light and matter. Only he could top himself about a decade later with his theory of relativity.
Born in the age of horse-drawn carriages, his ideas launched a technological revolution that has made more change in a century than in the previous two thousand years. Computers, satellites, telecommunication, lasers, television and nuclear power all owe their invention to ways in which Einstein exposed a stranger and more complicated reality underneath the world.
He escaped Hitler's Germany and devoted the rest of his life to human rights and peace with an authority unmatched by any scientist today, or even most politicians and religious leaders. He spoke out against fascism (法西斯主义) and racial prejudice. His FBI (美国联邦调查局) file ran 1,400 pages.
His letters expose a disorderly personal life -- married twice and indifferent toward his children while absorbed in physics. Yet he charmed lovers and admirers with poetry and sailboat outings. Friends and neighbors fiercely protected his privacy.
The first paragraph implies that Einstein _____.

A.had the gift for politics and music
B.had run for president before he worked at his research
C.was an excellent violinist
D.was more a political leader or a musician than a thinker

When you think of Einstein, what typical appearance was formed in your mind?

A.Funning and humorous, with an air of a musician.
B.Wearing very wide trousers, a moustache, with an image of an actor.
C.Rough untidy mass of white hair and hanging moustache, with an image of thinking.
D.Black long hair and moustache, with his eyes deep set.

Why was 1905 called Einstein’s “miracle year”?

A.Because he topped himself with the theory of relativity.
B.Because he made important discoveries of space, time, light and matter.
C.Because he published five papers on his theory of relativity.
D.Because he wrote five important articles to help people better understand space, time, light

and matter.
Which of the following is not true about Einstein according to the passage?

A.When he was absorbed in his research, he didn’t care for his family.
B.He tried to amuse his family and friends in his spare time.
C.He was so busy with the physical research that he showed no interest in politics.
D.His theory led to much improvement in many technological fields.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Maggie was very glad that James was not a frequent visitor to the house. So far as the children were concerned, they had a mystery about him that stirred their imagination. He stirred Maggie’s anger, however, so that she often said to her husband, “It’s mercy that brother of yours doesn’t come oftener.”
In fact James came once a year, unexpectedly, around eight o’clock in the evening, and he stayed for six hours of close discussion with his brother. His arrival was a signal to the children that their bedtime would be delayed. Not that he ever spoke to them or played with them. He took no notice of them, as if he was unable to see children, at least until the time came for him to go. Instead, after his first greeting and a careless kiss, James took no notice of Maggie either, except to add, “You’ll be getting on with the supper, Maggie.” Such was his regard for her.
Maggie paid him back in her own way. She kept the children up, the four of them, to keep her company, she said, but of course they sang and made a noise and broke the endless sound of James’s voice. Very late, they dropped off to sleep in their chairs. Then, when James was about to go, Maggie woke them up and so more or less forced him to part with four shillings before he left. That gave her some satisfaction, for James, though rich, was mean. He always went home by the last train, just after two o’clock.
Maggie’s children secretly stared at their uncle. They could not forget that he had, in their mother’s words, “lost two wives and taken a third, ” They wondered about those two unfortunate lost ladies. They asked each other what their fate had been, and if neither could ever be found again. James never brought his third wife with him nor ever mentioned her. The children decided that he must be so frightened of losing her that he never allowed her outside the door.
The underlined word “mercy” in the text most probably means _______.

A.loss B.wonder
C.lucky thing D.terrible thing

Maggie never prepared anything special for James because _______.

A.he was a man difficult to please
B.she never knew when he was coming
C.she was too busy looking after her children
D.he never stayed long enough for a meal

What do we know about James’ behavior?

A.He was a kind man, with love for the family.
B.He was generous, especially towards his brother.
C.He was anxious to please the family, especially the kids.
D.He was rude to his sister-in-law.

Maggie felt pleased when _______.

A.she paid James the money that she owed him
B.James gave some money to the children
C.she had to wake James up to catch his train
D.James thanked her for the nice supper

The children did not realize that two of James’ wives _______.

A.had been dead B.suffered from loss of memory
C.had run away from him D.might appear again one day
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

  There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external (外在的) result or a product that can easily be identified and measured. The worker who gets a rise, the student whose grades improve, and the foreigner who learns a new language—all these examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.
By contrast (对照), the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way. The process is not the road itself, but rather the attitudes and feelings people have, their caution or courage, as they meet with new experiences and unexpected difficulties. In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept.
In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to face the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may “fail” at first. How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is essential to our ability to grow. Do we see ourselves as quick and curious? If so, then we tend to take more changes and to be more open to unfamiliar experiences. Do we think we’re shy and indecisive? Then our sense of fear can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe. Do we think we’re slow to adapt to change or that we’re not smart enough to deal with a new challenge? Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all.
These feelings of insecurity and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow. If we do not face and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growing. We become trapped inside a shell of our own making.
In the author’s eyes, one who views personal growth as a process would __________.

A.succeed in climbing up the social ladder
B.judge his ability to grow from his own achievements
C.face difficulties and take up challenges
D.aim high and reach his goal each time

Which of the following can be viewed as the process of personal growth?

A.Our manager was always willing to accept new challenges.
B.Little Tom won the first prize in the Speech Contest.
C.Max picked up French while he was in Paris.
D.Daddy’s salary rose from $3,000 to $3,800.

The best title for this passage should be _________.

A.Facing new challenges
B.Growth ―product or process
C.Unavoidable feeling of self-doubt
D.Overcoming internal fears
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A man who served 11 years in prison after being wrongly convicted of murdering his wife was officially cleared yesterday, walking free from Jingshan County People's Court—the same body that sentenced him to a 15year jail term in 1998—as over 2000 local residents cheered.
“Police and other law enforcers made the errors,”39yearold She Xianglin told China Daily, “I believe the law will punish them and give me a just result.”
The original conviction came based on a confession which She said was extracted under police torture and the misidentification of a still-unknown woman's body.
“The provincial Hubei government has sent a team of police, procurators and high people's court officials to investigate the case,” a spokesperson for the Jingmen government, which administrates Jingshan County, said yesterday.
The miscarriage of justice only came to light when Shen's wife, Zhang Zaiyu, resurfaced late last month after being thought missing for 11 years.
This was despite at least five letters from Zhang to her brother over the last two years, which he said he didn't report to police because he thought they were a hoax.
Zhang disappeared in January 1994 from Yanmenkou Township, and 3 months later a body was found in a pond that her relatives positively identified.
Local police arrested Shen for murder in April 1994,although questions had been raised about discrepancies between the features and clothes of the body and Zhang. Confirmation through DNA testing had not been attempted.
  Zhang Chengmao, Shen's lawyer, said yesterday he would seek State compensation “but we have not reached a figure yet”.
When asked about compensation, Shen said, “My mother, who died from the stress of continually appealing, cannot be bought. Eleven years of freedom cannot be bought. Schooling of my daughter that was stopped because of poverty cannot be bought.”
As for his wife, the man said he did not hate her at all. “If she had not reappeared, maybe I would have been wronged for life,” he said.
He also said he did not plan to sue Zhang for bigamy, though she had remarried in Shandong Province without divorcing him.
Why did She Xianglin served 11 years in prison?

A.Because She Xianglin was convicted of murdering his wife.
B.Because the Police and other law enforcers made the errors.
C.Because through DNA testing the dead woman was his wife.
D.Because her wife was missing.

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The miscarriage of justice only came to light when Shen's wife reappeared.
B.The man said he did not hate her at all.
C.Zhang Zaiyu wrote at least five letters to her brother over the last two years to hoax him.
D.She Xianglin's mother died from the stress of continually appealing.

We can infer from the passage _______.

A.She Xianglin will get State compensation
B.She Xianglin's daughter dropped out of school because of poverty
C.She Xianglin stayed in prison for 11 years
D.who murdered the woman is known to all

The underlined word “cleared” in the first paragraph means _______.

A.清除 B.宣告无罪 C.(天气)变晴 D.移走物体
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Jane Austen, a famous English writer, was born at Steventon, Hampshire, on December 16,1775,and died on July 18,1817.She began writing early in life, although the prejudices of her times forced her to have her books published anonymously(匿名).
But Jane Austen is perhaps the best known and best loved of Bath's many famous local people and visitors. She paid two long visits here during the last five years of the eighteenth century and from 1801 to 1806,Bath was her home. Her deep knowledge of the city is fully seen in two of her novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, which are largely set in Bath. The city is still very much as Jane Austen knew it, keeping in its streets and public buildings the well-ordered world that she described so well in her novels. Now the pleasure of learning Jane Austen's Bath can be enhanced (增强)by visiting the Jane Austen Centre in Gay Street. Here, in a Georgian town house in the heart of the city, you can find out more about Bath in Jane Austen's time and the importance of Bath in her life and work.
The Centre has been set up with the help and guidance of members of the Jane Austen Society. After your visit to the Centre, you can look round the attractive shop, which offers a huge collection of Jane Austen related books, cards and many specially designed gifts. Jane Austen quizzes are offered to keep the children busy.
You can also have walking tours of Jane Austen's Bath, which is a great way to find out more about Jane Austen and discover the wonderful Georgian city of Bath. The tour lasts about one and a half hours. The experienced guides will take you to the places where Jane lived, walked and shopped.
Jane Austen paid two long visits to Bath _______.

A.in her early twenties B.in her early teens
C.in her late twenties D.in her late teens

What can we learn about Bath from the passage?

A.Bath has greatly changed since Jane Austen's death.
B.The city has changed as much as Jane Austen knew it.
C.Bath remains almost the same as in Jane Austen's time.
D.No changes have taken place in Bath since Jane Austen's time.

The author writes this passage in order to_______.

A.attract readers to visit the city of Bath
B.ask readers to buy Austen's books
C.tell readers about Jane Austen's experience
D.give a brief introduction to the Jane Austen Society

It takes you about one and a half hours_______.

A.to get to the Jane Austen Centre in Gay Street
B.to buy Jane Austen related books, cards and gifts
C.to find a guide to take you to the Centre
D.to look around the city of Bath on foot
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day.“I was a clothes addict(迷),” he jokes.“I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled(皱的).” Today David wears casual clothes—khaki pants and a sports shirt—to the office. He hardly ever wears a necktie.“I'm working harder than ever,” David says,“and I need to feel comfortable.”
More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work. In the United States, the changes from formal to casual office wear have been slow. In the early 1990s,many companies allowed their workers to wear casual clothes on Friday(but only on Friday).This became known as “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”.“What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for workers has really become an everyday thing,” said business adviser Maisly Jones.
Why have so many companies started allowing their workers to wear casual clothes? One reason is that it's easier for a company to attract new workers if it has a casual dress code. “A lot of young people don't want to dress up for work,” says the owner of a software company,“so it's hard to hire people if you have a conservative dress code.” Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes. In a study made by Levi Strauss and Company, 85 percent of employers said that casual dress has a side effect on work. Supporters of casual office wear also say that a casual dress code helps them save money. “Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day,” one person said.“For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes.”
David Smith refers to himself as having been “a clothes addict” because _______.

A.he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt
B.he couldn't stand a clean appearance
C.he wanted his clothes to look tidy and clean all the time
D.he didn't want to spend much money on clothes

David Smith wears casual clothes now, because _______.

A.they make him feel at ease when working
B.he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes
C.he looks handsome in casual clothes
D.he no longer works for any company

According to this passage, which of the following is FALSE?

A.Many workers don't like a conservative dress code.
B.Comfortable clothes make workers more productive.
C.A casual clothes code is welcomed by young workers.
D.All the employers in the U.S. are for casual office wear.

According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Company workers started to dress down about twenty years ago.
B.Dress-down has become an everyday phenomenon since the early 1990s.
C.“Dress-down Friday” was first given as a favor from employers.
D.Many workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Alexis was hot and tired. With rage (愤怒) in her voice she shouted,“Pull me up! I give up. I hate this. This is stupid!” It was at that moment when Jason, the adviser on the trip, looked at me and said,“Ed, I'm going to go down and talk with her.”I then shouted down to Alexis,“ Hold on! You can do this. We know you can!”
Jason grasped another rope, put this climbing harness (系带) on and began to move down the cliff. Within moments Jason was beside Alexis. She had her cheek directly against the face of the rock with her feet barely resting on a small piece of the cliff that jetted (急突) outward. Jason said to Alexis,“I know that you have been on this cliff now for what seems like a long time. Your feet and fingers are cramping (痉挛) up and your forearms feel as though they are on fire. But, Alexis, you are strong. Look how far up you are already. You have taken one of the more difficult parts up the cliff. Alexis, look at the path you have taken.”At that moment, Alexis moved her cheek away from the rock face and looked down. The bright white chalk she used in her hands to give her a better hold, showed the path where her tired hands had moved her upward on the cliff. Jason was right. Alexis had taken the hardest way up the cliff. Jason then looked straight into Alexis' eyes and in a calm voice he said,“You are not alone out here. There are people who care about you, who want to help you and see you succeed. We are going to do this together. Are you ready?” Slowly she nodded and took a deep breath.
Jason went down the cliff because _______.

A.Alexis took a wrong path
B.Alexis was trapped in rocks 
C.Alexis didn't believe in herself
D.Alexis' forearms were badly hurt 

We can infer from the passage that _______.

A.Alexis was finally pulled up by Ed
B.Alexis regretted having taken the wrong path up the cliff
C.Alexis was immediately sent to hospital after she was pulled up 
D.Alexis successfully rock-climbed

The underlined word “hot” in the story means_______.

A.disappointed  B.angry
C.uncomfortable D.running a high body temperature

Alexis would probably become _______.

A.more strongminded B.easier to give up 
C.poorer in health D.less interested in rock climbing 
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Two thieves came to a house to steal something.They dug a hole in the wall of the house.
There lived many mice in the house.The woman in the moonlight saw a mouse crawl(爬行)into the house.“Look!In comes one,”she said to the man in the house.The thief was so frightened that he hurriedly crawled out of the house and said to the one waiting outside,“She found me when I was just in.” But the thief outside didn’t believe him,so he said,“Let us two try to crawl into the house together.”At that time two mice happened to crawl into the house,too.The woman saw the mice and shouted,“In come two,catch them!” The two thieves were terribly frightened.The man in the house said,“You saw them come in but where are they? I will catch them tonight.”The two thieves started running away at once.
The two thieves wanted to make it clear whether they had been found or not the night before.The next day they acted as men selling sweet potatoes and came before the house.The man and the woman were ploughing in their fields.The rein(缰绳)broke and the woman came home for a rope.She saw two men selling sweet potatoes and wanted to buy some.She picked out two which looked like mice.At the time the man couldn’t wait for her any longer in the fields and he ran back from the fields to hurry her up.The woman showed the sweet potatoes to the man and said,“How they look like the two of last night.”The man said,“I asked you to fetch a rope,why don’t you hurry for it?”The two thieves ran away quickly without their sweet potatoes.
The two thieves failed to steal anything from the house because______.

A.they were found out
B.they were frightened by what they had heard in the house
C.they didn’t work together well with each other
D.mice stopped them from doing so

From the last paragraph,we know that ______.

A.the two thieves were famous selling sweet potatoes
B.the woman recognized the two thieves
C.the woman pretended to know nothing about the two thieves and made fun of them
D.the two thieves didn’t know that they were not found at all

“______”is the best title for this passage.

A.Two Clever Thieves B.Terrible Mice
C.Hit the Mark by a Fluke(歪打正着) D.A Clever Couple

Which of the following statements is false?

A.The two thieves not only failed to steal things but also lost their sweet potatoes.
B.Whenever they found mice,the people in the house would try to catch them.
C.The two thieves ran away at once,because they thought the woman had seen them.
D.The man let the woman go home for a rope,which would be used for catching the thieves.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

 Bill and his family has been living in the six-family building for years.All the neighbours got along fairly well with each other until recently.
An old man and his wife used to live on the second floor.Bill’s mother and the old lady were good friends.Unfortunately the lady died last month.Her husband could not live alone,so he had his grandson move over and live with him.
The grandson has become a problem to all the neighbours,especially to Bill’s family.The walls of the building are thin and he is noisy.Bill is used to peace and quiet but the young man likes to listen to the radio late at night.Sometimes friends of his visit and they make a lot of noise.That is too much for Bill’s family.
Bill’s mother once asked the old man politely if he was able to sleep well at night,but obviously the man didn’t understand what she meant.If he did and spoke to his grandson,the young man obviously didn’t listen,since things haven’t changed any.Everyone in Bill’s family agrees that something must be done though they don’t want to hurt the kind old man.
Bill’s family got angry because ________.

A.the old lady had died
B.a young man moved in
C.the old man could not live alone
D.the grandson made a lot of noise

Which of the following statements is true?

A.The old man could not live without his wife’s help.
B.The old man and his wife were sometimes making trouble too.
C.Bill’s mother was kind to her neighbours.
D.Bill’s mother was the only one who likes the young man.

It seems that ________to solve the problem.

A.anyone is able B.only the grandfather is going
C.Bill’s mother is able D.nobody is likely
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

 Francis Bacon, one of the most important philosophers(哲人) of England, was born in London and educated at Cambridge University. When he was only 15, he went to France to work for the English ambassador (大使) . Two years later he went back to England to study law. At the age of twenty-three he was chosen to parliament (议会). His ideas about how scientists should study things in nature help to bring the modern way of thinking, called the scientific method.
  One of the Bacon’s best-known books was his Essays. Each essay was a short piece of writing in which he tried to give a lesson by discussing sides of a subject such as studying, conversation, friends and healthy living. In many of his books, Bacon explained how scientists should study things as they really existed in nature and then tried to figure out what caused a particular thing to be as it was. Later, by doing experiments, the scientist could see that any one cause would always have the same result. This method, which is called inductive reasoning, is used by all the scientists today, but it was new in Bacon’s time.
5. According to the passage we know that ____.

A.Francis Bacon was the most important philosopher of England
B.Francis Bacon had good education
C.Francis Bacon worked for a French ambassador at the age of 15
D.Francis Bacon stayed in France until he was 23

6. The underlined phrase “inductive reasoning” in the last paragraph means____.

A.to discover general laws from particular facts or examples
B.to reach a conclusion by reasoning from general laws to a particular case
C.to study things as they used to be
D.to study things in a particular way

7. Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Bacon was a learned man.
B.Bacon did a lot of philosophy.
C.The inductive reasoning was widely used both today and in Bacon’s time.
D.Bacon gave scientists much useful advice.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you suppose Darwin, one of the greatest scientists of all time, really did foolsexperiments? Or did he do experiments that were so simple and basic that other people just thought they were foolish?
  Sometimes, people think they already know the answer to a question or the solution (解决办法) to a problem. Sometimes, they really do know an answer or a solution, but without thinking they are important.
  Charles Darwin didn’t settle for (满足于) just thinking he knew something. And, he believed all things could be important however simple they seemed to be.
  Suppose you drop sheets of paper that are of exactly the same size and shape. If you drop them at the same time in the same place, they will fall in the same way. Now make one of the sheets of paper into a tight (紧的) little ball and let it drop along with the other sheets. What happens? You have done an experiment that is so simple that you might think it couldn’t be worth anything.
  But this simple experiment is important. It explains part of our present-day understandings of physics, ideas that were worked out long ago by Galileo and Newton. And these understandings set aside some of ancient Greek physics.
Scientist sometimes stops to look at very simple things and to think very hard about them. Even the simplest idea, which we might think is foolish, can shake the foundations of science.
1. The passage tells us that Charles Darwin ____.

A.was a great English scientist
B.always liked doing the experiments that others thought difficult
C.thought even the simplest thing was important
D.didn’t get well with others

2.The phrase “set aside” most probably means____ .

A.throw away B.store up
C.put to use D.realize

3. The author of the passage tries to ________.

A.convince us that Charles Darwin, Galileo and Newton are the greatest scientists in the world
B.draw the conclusion that basic sciences are simple things
C.prove that two sheets of paper, with the same size and shape, will fall at the same speed
D.draw our attention to everyday happenings around us

4Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Darwin really did fools experiments.
B.According to some people Darwin did foolish experiments.
C.It is believed by all the people that things could be important though they seemed to be simple.
D.Galileo and Newton worked out ancient Greek physics.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Michael, a typical (典型的) American, stays home on workdays. He plugs into his personal computer terminal (接线端) in order to connect with the office. After work, he puts on his headphones, watches a movie on his home video recorder, or plays baseball on the computer. On many days, Michael doesn’t talk to any other human beings, and he doesn’t see any people except the ones on television. Michael is imaginary, but his lifestyle is very possible. The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings.
  The world of business is one area in which technology is isolating (使隔离) us. Experts say, for example, that many people will soon be able to work at home. With access to a large central computer, employees such as office clerks, insurance agents, and accountants could do their jobs at display terminals in their own homes. They would never have to actually see the people they’re dealing with. In addition, the way employees are paid will change. Workers’ salaries will be automatically paid into their bank accounts(账户), making paper checks(支票)unnecessary. No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks. Personal banking will change, too. Customers will deal with machines to put in or take out money from their accounts.
  Another area that technology is changing is entertainment. Music, for instance, was once a group experience. People listened to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings. For many people now, however, music is an individual experience. Walking along the street or sitting in their living rooms, they wear headphones to build a wall of music around them. Movie entertainment is changing, too. Movies used to be social events. Now, fewer people are going out to see a movie. Many more are choosing to wait for a film to appear on television or are borrowing videotapes to watch at home. Instead of laughing with others, viewers watch movies in their own living rooms.
13. The sentence “Michael is imaginary, but his lifestyle is very possible” means ____ .
  A .Michael is a person full of imagination and he can make his dreams come true
  B. Michael is not a real person but probably the lifestyle does exist
  C. Michael has ambitions but he cant make his dreams come true
  D. Michael is a person full of imagination and his lifestyle is common nowadays
14. What will the author most probably discuss after the last paragraph?
  A. Games and sports.
  B. Personal banking.
  C. Music and films.
  D. International business.
15. What is the main idea of the passage?
  A. We may no longer need to communicate with other human beings.
  B. Modern technology seems to be separating human beings.
  C. We may no longer need to work in the office.
  D. Modern technology makes it possible for us to work and entertain ourselves at home.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
