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We all know something about Thomas Edison. He was a great American   21   .He was in school for only a short time.  22  , he had to leave the school and   23  himself at home and learned a lot. When Edison grew up, he had his own lab. He worked hard and hardly   24   to have a rest.
One day a friend of his brought a young man into his lab. He   25  the young man to Edison. He said the young man had studied in a famous university in Germany and had a lot of   26   of physics and maths. Edison was glad to work with a man like him and   27   him as a helper. A few weeks later, the young   28   about Edison’s past. He began to look down on him. Edison   29   about it, but he said   30   .
Once the young man came into the lab while Edison   31   an important experiment. He stood near the table   32   he didn’t help him. Edison stopped   33   out a bottle and said, “Go to calculate (计算)its volume(容积)and tell me the   34   in two hours.”
At first the young man thought it easy to do it. Soon he   35   it difficult. Two hours later Edison went into his office and saw a lot of paper and books on his desk. Of course he couldn’t compute the volume in the time   36   .
“Why not pour some   37   into the bottle?” said Edison. “Then you’ll   38   calculate its volume!” Having heard this, the young man’s   39   turned red, and he knew Edison was really   40  than him!

A.doctor B.player C.writer D.inventor

A.Soon B.After C.Later on D.Soon after

A.teach B.play with C.study D.enjoy

A.forgot B.remembered C.finished D.observed

A.showed B.pushed C.introduced D.threw

A.news B.books C.knowledge D.dictionaries

A.employed B.asked C.made D.watched

A.beard B.learned C.read D.told

A.told B.was told C.said D.was said

A.something B.everything C.nothing D.all

A.did B.had C.was doing D.was having

A.but B.and C.as D.while

A.bringing B.to bring C.taking D.to take

A.result B.way C.idea D.opinion

A.knew B.saw C.learned D.found

A.given B.followed C.said D.taken

A.oil B.salt C.water D.food

A.carefully B.slowly C.easily D.quietly

A.head B.face C.eyes D.ears

A.more polite B.stricter C.more kind-hearted D.cleverer

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was the last day of the final examination in a large eastern university. On the steps of one building, a group of students were talking about the exam   36  to begin in a few minutes. On their faces was   37  .This was their last exam—then on to graduation and jobs.
Some talked of jobs they already had, others talked of jobs they would get. With the certainty of four years of college, they felt  38  and able to take   39   of the world.
The coming exam, they knew, would be a(n)  40  task, as the professor had said they could bringeither books or notes they wanted, requesting, only  41  that they did not talk to each other during the test.
  42  they entered the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. And smiles appeared on the students’ faces as they   43   there were only five questions.
Three hours had passed before the professor began to  44  the papers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was a frightened expression. Papers in hand, no one spoke as the professor  45   the class.
He looked at the worried faces before him, and then asked: “How many completed all five questions?”   46 a hand was raised.
“How many answered four?” Still no hands.
“Three? Two?” The students  47  restlessly(不安地) in their seats.
“One, then? Certainly somebody finished one.” But the class remained   48  .
The professor put down the papers. “That is exactly what I   49  ,” he said. “I just want you to  50 you that, even although you have completed four years of engineering, there are still many things about the   51  you don’t know. These questions you couldn’t answer are relatively common in everyday  52  .” Then smiling, he   53  , “You will all pass this course, but remember—even though you are now college graduates, your education has just  54  .”
The years have  55   the name of the professor, but not the lesson he taught.

A.owing B.due C.exact D.up

A.fright B.anxiety C.puzzle D.confidence

A.ready B.hopeful C.discouraged D.sad

A.hold B.control C.charge D.place

A.interesting B.necessary C.easy D.unusual

A.ordering B.sharing C.asking D.requesting

A.Nervously B.Joyfully C.Quickly D.Curiously

A.noted B.knew C.recognized D.heard

A.check B.hand in C.collect D.give out

A.gave B.faced C.took D.finished

A.Not B.Once C.Only D.Even

A.talked B.moved C.felt D.went

A.puzzled B.calm C.silent D.afraid

A.wondered B.enjoyed C.hated D.expected

A.put on B.look on C.depend upon D.impress upon

A.exam B.subject C.question D.college

A.life B.habit C.practice D.comunication

A.added B.ordered C.talked D.demanded

A.begun B.completed C.failed D.succeeded

A.forgot C.strengthened D.weakened

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The telephone rang in the police station at Richmond, California , USA.
“Police station? A train for Santa Fe hit a truck at the McDonald Street Crossing. Please ____21____ there at once. With an ambulance, too. A man is badly ____22_____.” said an anxious voice of a young woman. “ And you know I am the ….”
“Please wait! Hi! Hi!” the policeman kept on ____23____ though the line was cut off. Within a minute , a police car and an ambulance car started off. Before long they got to the crossing, but they ___24____everything was fine. No accident, no wounded man.
“What a dirty trick!” said the policeman ____25____. “ We must find out that bad___26_____ and …..”They were just talking about the _____27___when they heard the whistle of a train which was nearing them quickly. All of a sudden, a truck appeared. It came ___28_____towards them, too. When the truck was passing the crossing, it suddenly ____29___ to move on. Right then and there, before the eyes of all the policemen __30_______, the train hit the truck heavily and ___31____it dozens of meters away.
When Randolph Bruce, the driver, was ___32_____ out of the damaged truck, he was seriously wounded just as the young woman had told on the phone. As he was taken to the ___33______ in time, his life was saved
Later the police did whatever they could to _____34___the woman who had telephoned them. It turned out that the woman was a very excellent police officer working far in the neighboring state, who had got the first-hand ____35_____ of this crime as described above.

A.call B.come C.go D.notice

A.beaten B.treated C.needed D.injured

A.talking B.laughing C.crying D.shouting

A.realized B.found C.proved D.wondered

A.nervously B. Disappointedly C.angrily D.surprisingly

A.man B.woman C.child D.driver

A.trial B.warning C.program D.punishment

A.passing B.turning C.running D.rolling

A.refused B.stopped C.continued D.began

A.above B.below C.alive D.present

A.struck B.met C.caught D.missed

A.pushed B.helped C.let D.asked

A.company B.house C.station D.hospital

A.meet B.punish C.find D.arrest

A.information B.result C.advice D.news

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Recently I was invited to attend a party that helps children seriously injured in the big earthquake that happened this May. I went because I  31  .
At the party, all the children were given paints in bright, beautiful colors. After a short time, as I  32  , I saw blue clouds, orange sunrises and purple flowers. The 33  were all bright.
The boy sitting next to me was painting a heart, but it was  34  and lifeless. It lacked (缺乏) the bright colors that his fellow (同伴) “_35_” had used.
I thought maybe he took the only paint that was  36  and it just happened to be dark. But when I asked him about it, he said his  37  was that color. I asked him why and he told me that he was very  38  . He looked straight into my eyes and said, “There is  39  anyone can do that will help.”
I certainly  40  why he was sad. I said, “It isn’t  41  that there is nothing anyone can do to help. Other people may not be  42  to make you recover better…but we can do things  43  giving bear hugs (拥抱), which will  44  when you are feeling sad.” I also told him that I’d be happy to give him one  45  he could see what I meant. He immediately gave me a huge hug and I thought my own heart would burst with the  46  I felt for this sweet boy.
As the day was coming to an end, I was getting ready to  47  home. I turned around and found that standing there with  48  on his face was the little boy. He said, “My heart is  49  colors. It is getting brighter. Those  50  really do work.” On my way home I felt my own heart had changed to a brighter color, too.

A.moved B.touched C.hated D.cared

A.looked up B.looked down C.looked over D.looked around

A.pictures B.walls C.pencils D.lights

A.bright B.dark C.active D.brave

A.artists B.writers C.teachers D.visitors

A.used B.chosen C.allowed D.left

A.hand B.heart C.skin D.memory

A.wise B.silly C.sick D.healthy

A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing

A.understood B.doubted C.noticed D.liked

A.wrong B.true C.reasonable D.clear

A.happy B.anxious C.able D.willing

A.to B.after C.like D.for

A.use B.help C.cheer D.enjoy

A.so that B.as if C.even if D.in case

A.feeling B.love C.sense D.impression

A.reach B.be C.settle D.go

A.a surprise B.anger C.a smile D.fear

A.changing B.having C.developing D.drawing

A.words B.smiles C.hugs D.photos

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A snake handler who cheated death after being badly bitten by a snake is now teaching Australians how to   36 in the case.Neville-Burns has been bitten twelve times during his long work with snakes, and uses all his   37  to give lectures to people at risk of meeting a snake  38 .
Australia is home to most of the world's most deadly snakes.So Neville  39 the people how to deal with such close unexpected meetings..He sets up an enclosed area, and one by one, brings out four snakes so people can know the   40 of each snake.First out of the bag is a Red Black Snake.He  41  put his finger on it.That's  42  the entire forefinger on his right hand was  43 after he was bitten.But that wasn't his  44 experience.-When he was 18? a Brown Snake he had been holding by the tail  45 and bit him in the face.He was rushed to 46  and he was saved from death.
He says a Cobra Snake is perhaps very  47 but not the most venomous(有毒的). A black Manba Snake, one of the most   48  , is the longest venomous snake in the world.A Brown Snake is the final 49 at Neville's show.It is one of the most common snakes in Australia, and is the second most venomous in the world.Several times during the  50 it bits the bag; which Neville  51 in front of it
Neville's advice is to stay   52 if a snake is nearby, as most will only   53 if they feel threatened.He tells people to be  54 but not to pick one 'up by the tail.He then does exactly that as part of his show.He also says he   55 believes in the old saying "once bitten, twice shy".

A.survive B.move C.train D.meet

A.money B.condition C.experience D.time

A.luckily B.unexpectedly C.attentively D.finally

A.asks B.persuades C.teaches D.permits

A.skills B.characteristics C.weight D.length

A.needn't B.shouldn't C.daren't D.wouldn't

A.how B.whether C.when D.because

A.cut off B.got down C.put away D.handed out

A.best B.greatest C.worst D.happiest

A.turned B.smelt C.woke D.fled

A.office B.hospital C.school D.house

A.safe B.puzzled C.gentle D.dangerous

A.deadly B.friendly C.careful D.ashamed

A.visitor B.guest C.listener D.cook

A.report B.show C.conversation D.week

A.owns B.carries C.waves D.needs

A.noisy B.excited C.warm D.still

A.disappear B.attack C.flee D.play

A.brave B.kind C.distant D.good

A.usually B.always C.never D.sometimes

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
