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The professor stood before his class of 30 senior biology students, about to pass out the final exam. “I have been honored to be your instructor this term, and I know how hard you have all worked to prepare for this test. I also know most of you are off to medical school or graduate school next fall,” he said to them.
“I can well understand how much pressure you are under to keep your grades up, and because I know you are able to understand this material, I am prepared to offer an automatic(自动的) “B” to anyone who would prefer not to take the final.”
In relief a number of students jumped up to thank the professor and left the class. The professor looked at the students who remained, and offered again, “Any other takers? This is your last chance.” One more student decided to go.
There were seven students left. The professor closed the door. Then he handed out the final exam. There were only two sentences typed on the paper: “Congratulations, you have just received an “A” in this class. Keep believing in yourself.”
I never had a professor who gave a test like that. It may seem like the easy way out of grading (评分) a lot of exams, but it’s a test that any teacher in any subject could and should give. Students who don’t have confidence in what they’ve learned are “B” students at best.
The same is true for students of real life. The “A” students are those who believe in what they’re doing because they’ve learned from both successes and failures. They have learned life’s lessons, whether from formal education or the school of hard knocks, and become better people.
Take your cue(榜样) from Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma: “It’s not the mountain we conquer (征服), but ourselves.” Don’t let the biggest limit be yourself.
The professor offered an automatic “B” to those who would prefer not to take the final exam because _________.

A.he liked the students who wanted to get a “B”
B.he believed they were able to pass the exam
C.he thought any teacher should give them a “B”
D.he thought it was the easy way of grading exams

According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.22 students got a “B” in the final test without doing the paper.
B.Most of the students would go to medical school shortly after the exam.
C.There were actually no problems on the test papers for the students to work out.
D.The way the professor tested his students would not be suitable for other subjects.

According to the writer, the test given by the professor was ________.


The point of the story is to advise readers _________.

A.to pay attention to what they can do
B.not to miss any final exam at school
C.not to let themselves limit their growth
D.to surround themselves with confident people
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ⅲ 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
My newly-rented small apartment was far away from the centre of London and it was becoming essential for me to find a job, so finally I spent a whole morning getting to town and putting my name down to be considered by London Transport for a job on the underground. They were looking for guards, not drivers. This suited me. I couldn’t drive a car but thought that I could probably guard a train, and perhaps continue to write my poems between stations. The writers Keats and Chekhov had been doctors. T.S. Eliot had worked in a bank and Wallace Stevens for an insurance company. I’d be a subway guard. I could see myself being cheerful, useful, a good man in a crisis. Obviously I’d be overqualified but I was willing to forget about that in return for a steady income and travel privileges — those being particularly welcome to someone living a long way from the city centre.
The next day I sat down, with almost a hundred other candidates, for the intelligence test. I must have done all right because after about half an hour’s wait I was sent into another room for a psychological test. This time there were only about fifty candidates. The interviewer sat at a desk. Candidates were signaled forward to occupy the seat opposite him when the previous occupant had been dismissed, after a greater or shorter time. Obviously the long interviews were the more successful ones. Some of the interviews were as short as five minutes. Mine was the only one that lasted a minute and a half.
I can remember the questions now: “Why did you leave your last job?” “Why did you leave your job before that?” “And the one before that?” I can’t recall my answers, except that they were short at first and grew progressively shorter. His closing statement, I thought, revealed (揭示) a lack of sensitivity which helped to explain why as a psychologist, he had risen no higher than the underground railway. “You’ve failed the psychological test and we are unable to offer you a position.”
Failing to get that job was my low point. Or so I thought, believing that the work was easy. Actually, such jobs — being a postman is another one I still desire — demand exactly the sort of elementary yet responsible awareness that the habitual dreamer is least qualified to give. But I was still far short of full self-understanding. I was also short of cash.
41.The writer applied for the job chiefly because _________.
A.he wanted to work in the centre of London
B.he could no longer afford to live without one
C.he was not interested in any other available job
D.he had received some suitable training
42.The writer thought he was overqualified for the job because _________.
A.he often traveled underground       B.he had written many poems
C.he could deal with difficult situations    D.he had worked in a company
43.The length of his interview meant that _________.
A.he was not going to be offered the job
B.he had not done well in the intelligence test
C.he did not like the interviewer at all
D.he had little work experience to talk about
44.What does the writer realize now that he did not realize then?
A.How unpleasant ordinary jobs can be.   B.How difficult it is to be a poet.
C.How unsuitable he was for the job. D.How badly he did in the interview.
45.What’s the writer’s opinion of the psychologist?
A. He was very aggressive.   B. He was unhappy with his job.
C. He was quite inefficient. D. He was rather unsympathetic.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When we think of leadership, we often think of strength and power. But what are these really, and how do they operate?
Leadership today is not about forcing others to do things. If this is even possible, it is short-term, and tends to backfire. If you order someone to do something against their will, they may do it because they feel they must, but the anger they feel do more harm in the long-term. They will also experience fear.
Fear causes the thinking brain to shut down, making the person unable to function at his or her best. If they associate you with his emotion of fear, they will become less functional around you., and you will have succeeded in not only shooting yourself in the foot, but possibly making a very good employee or partner unable to perform effectively. Fear has no place in leadership.
The way we influence people in a lasting way is by our own character, and our understanding and use of emotion. We can order someone to do something, which may be part of the work day; or we can employ them at the emotional level, so they become fully devoted to the projects and provide some of their own motivation. Today’s work place is all about relationships.
Anyone works harder in a positive environment in which they are recognized and valued as a human being as well as a worker. Everyone produces just a bit more for someone they like. Leaders understand the way things work. They know the pay check is not the single most motivating factor in the work life of most people.
The true strength of leadership is an inner strength that comes from the confidence of emotional intelligence---knowing your own emotions, and how to handle them, and those of others. Developing your emotional intelligence is the single best thing you can do if you want to d evelop your relationships with people around you, which is the key to the leadership skills.
46.   An employee may have a feeling of fear in the work place when_________.
A. he is forced to do things.      B. he can’t work at his best.
C. he feels his brain shut down.   D. he thinks of his work too heavy.
47.   Which of the foll owing is TRUE according to the passage?
A. People tend to associate leadership with fear.
B. Working conditions affect people ‘s physical health.
C. Good relationship is the key to business success.
D. Smart people are more functional in the work place.
48. To positively influence employees a leader should first of all_________.
A. provide better suggestions            B. develop his own personality
C. give his employees a pay rise          D. hide his own emotion of fear
49. Good leadership is mainly seen in a leader’s ability to __________.
A. provide a variety of project for employees
B. help raise employees’ living standards
C. give employees specific instructions
D. deal wisely with employees’ emotions
50. This passage is mainly about___________.
A. not forcing others to do things      B. how to develop your emotional intelligence
C. how to be a good leader            D. how to influence people

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Making group purchases of famous local products and cosmetics (化妆品) with co-workers has become a common habit for the nine-to-fivers. But if your impression of group buys is still a piece of paper being passed around the office, everyone writes their details down, or endless phone calls or faxes to the supplier, then I’m sorry to say you’re behind the times. The popular way to make such purchases today is to get on line, form a special “group” and shop together. Not only can you save money by getting the best discounts, but it’s also a great way to meet new people.
“You could cut off my clicking finger and I’d still keep shopping this way!” so goes a common comment left by customers of China’s famous e-commerce website “Taobao”. Some even refer to group purchasing as a “path of no return”, saying that “Once you’ve tried it, you’ll get hooked!”
The origins of this new trend can be found in China’s well-known online consumers’ BBS, 55BBS, and the shopping boards. Since most BBS users are “white-collared workers and students who live in concentrated areas, buying clothes, food, and so on as a group saves on delivery costs as well as – if they meet the seller’s criteria (标准) – earn gifts, discounts, and frequent shopper points.
Users of this online group shopping boards purchase a lot of different items, from Japanese and Korean style clothes and Ugg boots, through fake eyelashes (假睫毛), stockings, food seasonings (调味品), and kitchen knives, to cosmetic masks and online college courses. All kinds of things have people coming together in groups to buy them, and the pickups are often organized on college campuses or office buildings.
Internet observer Liu Chenxi points the purchasing behavior that these online groups’ power creates a “team” effect. Unlike e-commerce sites driven by individuals’ purchases, sites that create this team effect have users that come together to achieve a common goal. The Internet has made this joining of forces to form group buying power possible, and it continues to snowball all around us.
68. The passage mainly deals with _________.
A. group purchases with co-workers    
B. online group purchases
C. how to do shopping online             
D. buying famous local products and cosmetics
69. What does the word “hooked” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A. excited               B. lost                   C. addicted           D. bored
70. According to the text, this kind of purchase has some benefits EXCEPT________.
A. earning gifts                                         B. making new friends
C. saving money                                D. saving time
71. What can we infer from the text?。
A. Online group shopping will become more and more popular.
B. The goods are usually delivered to each doorstep.
C. Doing shopping online is not reliable.
D. People prefer to do group purchases with their co-workers.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling. No school I have taught in has ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill. There are, however, vastly different ideas about how to teach it, or how much priority(优先) it must be given over general language development and writing ability. The problem is, how to encourage a child to express himself freely and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling.
If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teacher’s interest, clearly a bright child will be likely to “play safe”. He will tend to write only words within his spelling range, choosing to avoid adventurous language. That’s why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.
I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about personal experience: “This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible(难以辨认)”. It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupil’s technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted to read the essay, which contained some beautiful expressions of the child’s deep feelings. The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors, but if his priorities had centred on the child’s ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more motivation to seek improvement.
46.What is the problem with students’ writing?
How to write freely.
What to write.
How to write freely with right spelling.
How to write freely with his own words.
47.Why do teachers encourage early use of dictionaries?
Students will express themselves confidently.
Teachers will not worry about so many spelling errors.
Students’ writing will be good both in content and in technical ability.
Teachers will be proud of their clever students.
48.The author seems to think that ______.
spelling is unimportant in school.
teachers have the same view about teaching spelling.
teachers should pay much attention to the student’s technical ability.
the student’s idea is the most important in his writing.
49.In paragraph 3, the attitude of the author is ________.

A.suspicious B.indifferent
C.subjective D.objective

50.The main idea of the passage is _______.
the importance of students’ writing
the importance of teachers’ attitudes
how to deal with the spelling errors
how to deal with technical ability and content

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For those who were born in the year of the pig, good luck and much success! This is your year. When talking to a westerner, however, you’ve got to be a little careful when talk about pigs. Chinese people view the pig as a small and prosperous (rich, luckily) animal. Western ideas tend to be a little more negative.(否定).
A pig in the West is seen as a dirty , lazy and fat animal. If anyone ever called you a pig, you wouldn’t be smiling. When a person doesn’t like someone, something he will call that person a pig.
If you ever meet a Westerner who was born in the year of the pig, don’t say, “Oh , you’re a pig!” Most Westerners will be misunderstanding. They will be sure that you made some kind of mistakes. However, don’t take any chances. You might just offend someone who does not share your positive ideas about.
66. You have to be careful when you talk to a Westerner about pigs because _____.
A. they worship pigs best of all
B. they consider pigs as gad animals
C. they aren’t used to talking about pigs
D, they don’t like the topic about pigs at all
67. According to the passage we can see that Chinese people think of the pig as a _____animal.
A. clever           B. rich            C. good           D. all the above
68. He will call someone a pig if he _____that man.
A. dislikes         B. is afraid of        C. looks up to     D. makes fun of
69. When you call a Westerner a pig, who was born in the year of the pig, most of them _____.
A. will be angry                    B. will be very surprised
C. can forgive you                   D. may quarrel with you
70. From the passage we can conclude that ______.
A. different people have different ideas about the same thing.
B. Westerners do not like pigs as much as the Chinese do
C. In general Westerners and the Chinese don’t like pigs
D. All of the Chinese like pigs better than Westerners

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The strong fear of high school math is lost here among the blue light of computer screens and the sounds of typing keyboard.
A fanfare (喇叭声) plays from a speaker as a student passes a chapter test.Nearby another student is watching a video lecture.Another works out a math problem in her notebook before clicking on a multiple-choice answer on her screen.
Their teacher at Agoura High School, US, Russell Stephans, sits at the back of the room, watching as scores pop up in real time on his computer grade sheet.One student has passed a level, the data shows; another is retaking a quiz.
"Whoever thought this up^makes life so much easier," Stephans says.
This textbook-free classroom is by no means the norm(常态), but it may be someday.Slowly, but in increasing numbers, schools across the US are replacing the heavy and expensive textbook with its lighter and cheaper cousin: the digital textbook.
A digital textbook can be downloaded, projected and printed, and can range from simple text to a course filled with multimedia and links to Internet content.Some versions (版本) must be purchased; others are "open source" —free and available online to anyone.
Some praise the technology as a way to save schools' money, replace outdated books and better engage students.Others say most schools don't have the resources to join in, or they question the quality of open-source content.
Paper books still hold the highest percentage of the US textbook market, with digital textbooks making up less than 5 percent, according to analyst Kathy Mickey of Simba Information, a market research group.
But that is changing, as grade schools follow the lead of US liniversities and schools in other countries, including South Korea and Turkey.
California made the largest embrace (拥抱) of digital textbooks this summer when it approved 10 free high school math and science titles developed by college professors.The state left the choice to use them up to individual schools.
"The textbooks are outdated, as far as I'm concerned, and there's no reason why our schools should have our students pull around these old-fashioned and heavy and expensive books," Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said this summer.
But some disagree with the idea that digital textbooks will improve education quality.
"Keep in mind that with open-source materials, you have to ask: 'Where are they coming from?'" said Jay Diskey, executive director of the Association of American Publishers' school division."Is it a trusted source? Is it based on real research?"
Diskey said traditional textbooks offer a comprehensive course, while some open-source texts provide only bits and pieces."There can be quite a difference of content and accuracy," he said."In many cases, you get what you pay for."
57.The writer's purpose in writing the passage is to       .
A.explain how to use digital textbooks
B.predict the future of paper textbooks
C.describe the current use of digital textbooks and present arguments about it
D.explain the difference between paper textbooks and digital ones
58.What is Schwarzenegger's opinion of traditional textbooks?
A.He is against getting rid of them.
B.He wants to have them replaced with digital ones.
C.Soon they will no longer be used.
D.He believes that they are to blame for the poor quality of education in California
59.Diskey holds the view that       .
A.the government shouldn't strengthen the use of open-source digital texts
B.digital textbooks make up for the shortcomings of traditional textbooks.
C.paper textbooks and digital ones both have advantages
D.traditional textbooks have more reliable content
60.According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Math is easier with the use of computers.
B.It is believed that digital books will replace traditional ones.
C.Textbook-free classes are the main form of teaching in the US schools.
D.Not all people are in favor of replacing paper textbooks with digital ones.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In our life, we have rarely expressed our gratitude to the one who'd lived those years with us.In fact, we don't have to wait for anniversaries to thank the ones close to us —the ones so easily overlooked.If I have learned anything about giving thanks, it is this: give it now! While your feeling of appreciation is alive and sincere, act on it.Saying thanks is such an easy way to add to the world's happiness.
Saying thanks not only brightens someone else's world, it brightens yours.If you're feeling left out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to others.It may be just the medicine you need.
Of course, there are times when you can't express gratitude immediately.In that case don't let embarrassment sink you into silence —speak up the first time you have the chance.
Once a young minister.Mark Brian, was sent to a remote parish of Kwakiuti Indians in British Columbia.The Indians, he had been told, did not have a word for thank you.But Brian soon found that these people had exceptional generosity.Instead of saying thanks, it is their custom to return every favor with a favor of their own, and every kindness with an equal or superior kindness.They do their thanks.
I wonder if we had no words in our vocabulary for thank you, would we do a better job of communicating our gratitude? Would we be more responsive, more sensitive, more caring?
Thankfulness sets in motion a chain reaction that transforms people all around us—including ourselves.For no one ever misunderstands the melody of a grateful heart.Its message is universal; its lyrics transcend (超越) all earthly barriers; its music touches the heavens.
53.In the first paragraph the writer mainly encourages us      .
A.never to overlook our close friends in daily life
B.to express our sincere thanks timely to those around us
C.to wait for a proper occasion to show our thanks
D.to increase the world's happiness by saying thanks
54.According to the writer,      could be the best way to prevent ourselves from being left out.
A.seeing a doctor to find the right medicine we need
B.expressing our thanks as much as we can
C.showing others actively we are interested in them
D.speaking up the moment we have the chance
55.Mark Brian's story is mentioned in the passage in order to show the fact that       .
A.the Indians didn't have any words for appreciation
B.the Indians were particularly generous to others
C.Mark Brian's set the Indians an example to show thanks
D.some people may express their thanks through different approaches
56.What message does the writer intend to communicate in the last paragraph?
A.Thanks is of great importance in developing harmonious relationship.
B.One grateful heart is surely to deserve another good one in return.
C.Thankfulness which goes beyond all barriers is universally understood.
D.Human beings would misunderstand each other without appreciation.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Daughter:
As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mind.
First, I want to tell you how proud we are.Getting into Columbia is a real testament of what a great well-rounded student you are.You should be as proud of yourself as we are.
Your college years will be the most important years in your life.It is in college that you will discover what learning is about.This will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired, after which you must become self-leamer.So do take each subject seriously, and even if what you learn isn't critical for your life, the learning skills you acquire will be something you cherish forever.
Follow your passion in college.Take courses you think you will enjoy.Don't be trapped by what others think or say, but make up your own mind.
Most importantly, make friends and be happy.College friends are often the best in life.Pick a few friends and become really close to them—pick the ones who are genuine and sincere to you.Don't worry about their hobbies, grades, looks, or even personalities.
Start planning early —what would you like to do? Where would you like to live? What would you like to leam? I think your plan of studying fashion is good, and you should decide where you want to be, and get onto the right courses.
Whether it is summer-planning, or coursework planning, or picking a major, or managing your time, you should take control of your life.I will always be there for you, but the time has come for you to be in the driver's seat - this is your life, and you need to be in control.Being in control feels great.Try it, and you'll love it!
College is the four years where you have:
●he greatest amount of free time
●the first chance to be independent
●the most flexibility to change
●the lowest risk for making mistakes
So please value your college years ?make full use of your free time, become an independent thinker in control of your destiny, be bold to experiment, leam and grow through your successes and challenges.
May Columbia become the happiest four years in your life, and may you blossom into just what you dream to be.
Dad (& Mom)
49.What does the author think college life holds in store for his daughter?
A.Opportunities and uncertainty.
B.Happy learning and pure enjoyment
C.Successes and challenges.
D.Independent learning and experimentation with life.
50.What does the underlined expression "be in the driver's seat" refer to?
A.Control what happens in a certain situation.      
B.Learn how to drive a car.
C.Stand in a driver's situation.                
D.Learn to adjust yourself to coursework
51.Which of these pieces of advice is given in the article?
a.think and live independently              b.learn how to learn
c.choose friends with similar personalities    d.be genuine and sincere
e.try new things
A.abc        B.bce        C.cde       D.able
52.From the text we can conclude the father     .
A.is worried about others' gossiping about his daughter
B.is strict with his daughter's making friends with others
C.is upset about his daughter's life planning
D.is optimistic about his daughter's future.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We don't always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.
No two people are the same. Sometimes friends don't get along well, which doesn't mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away, then we feel very sad. We miss them much, but we can call them and write to them. Maybe we would never see them again, and we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them. Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women, if they are friendly to people in a town. Some libraries are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places.
There's more good news for people, if they have friends. These people live longer than those people if those don't have friends. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares, if someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.
61. The first paragraph tells us __________.
A. none needs friends                      B. we always need friends around us
C. making friends is the need in people's life    D. we need to be alone
62. Which of the following is what the writer doesn't say in the passage?
A. People are happy when their friends leave them.
B. People may never see their friends after their friends move away.
C. People can know their friends in different ways.
D. People like their friends very much if they get to know them.
63. Which of the following is the most probable place people name after friendly people?
A. A house.      B. A room.       C. A library.      D. A village.
64. If people have friends, they would live longer, because __________.
A. they feel happier and healthier      B. they get a lot of help from their friends
C. they take better care of themselves   D. both A and C
65. This passage tells us __________.
A. that people are all friends             B. that people need friends
C. how to get to know friends            D. how to name a place

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Almost all theme park accidents can be prevented.Here, based on coverage of theme park safety, are some tips to help you and your family stay safe on your next visit.
If you are visiting with a child, take a moment to explain the ride to them, and tell them what they should do.They are depending upon you to keep them safe.Set a good example for them by following the rules of the park, and make sure that they know you expect them to follow those rules, too.
Tell them to stay seated, to hold the grab bar or put their hands in the laps, and not to stick their knees and feet outside a ride vehicle.Make them look to you for the okay to get on or off a ride, too.And never put a crying child on a ride.If your child starts to cry, let others pass you in line until your child is calmed.Or, gently exit the queue and find something more relaxing to do. 
Young kids can’t keep an adult’s pace in a theme park.Let them take plenty of breaks.
“Kids get tired,” said TPI reader Matt Johnson, a father of four.“Tired kids make parents even more tired.And tired kids and parents may get hurt — physically and emotionally.” He advises that parents plan a mid-day break, perhaps a swim back at the hotel, to avoid mid-day heat and crowds.“You will see cranky families having a miserable time while you are refreshed and having a great evening.”
The second paragraph tells readers that ________.

A.children should be trained to be more independent
B.adults should tell children some safety rules firstly
C.adults should set a good example to conduct well in a theme park
D.there is a danger to take young children to visit a theme park

Which of the following is NOT right for children who are taking the rides?

A.They cannot put their hands away from the grab bar.
B.They are forbidden to put their knees or feet out.
C.They should ask adults’ permission first to get on a ride.
D.Without adults’ okay sign, children shouldn’t get off a ride.

If your child begins to cry just when he is going to take a ride, you should ________.

A.tell him to be relaxed B.make him share your interest
C.give up the present activity D.encourage him to be brave

We may infer from Matt Johnson’s words that ________.

A.he doesn’t like to visit a theme park with his children
B.parents with many children may be tired of visiting a theme park
C.not all the families are relaxed or happy when they visit a theme park
D.visitors should arrange everything carefully before starting

What is the meaning of the underlined word “exit” in the third paragraph?

A.等待 B.发现 C.进入 D.离开
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Greece is one of the most beautiful countries of the world. Millions of tourists visit this place every year.
In Greece the bus is the most convenient and preferred means of traveling. There are intercity buses operated by KTEL that interconnect various cities of Greece, and there are international buses operated by OSE that connect Greece to other European cities.
Every tourist must visit Greece at least once in life. This country is really a vacation heaven. It is the perfect blend(融合) of history and art with adventure and romance. You can dive into deep blue waters, climb up the mountains or enjoy ancient architecture and history.
Buses in Greece are cheap and very comfortable. All bus stations display schedules of buses on every route. Conductors and drivers are very polite and helpful. Travelers never face any trouble locating and boarding buses to their destinations. Tourists can always ask the conductor to inform them about their stop, so that they can get down at the right stop. Everyone here is more than happy to help tourists.
Athens, the capital of Greece, has three bus terminals(终点站). Buses to different parts of Greece leave from different terminals. Air-conditioned express buses also operate between major cities. They are faster and more comfortable than other buses. Tourists can choose guided Greece bus tours. These tours are the perfect way of exploring this great country.
Buses in Greece are also a great way of saving bucks on the journey. The long-distance bus system is very cheap. Buses save a lot of money to cover long distances, cheaper than taxis or cars. They are also the best means of interacting with local people. You can sit next to a native of Greece and get some information about the place.
1. The company KTEL offers bus services         .
A. from Greece to other countries      B. to different cities in Greece
C. to tourist attractions in Greece       D. from Greece to its bordering countries
2. It can be inferred from Para. 3 that the Greeks are        .
A. generous       B. hard-working     C. warm-hearted    D. economical
3. If you are a tourist to Greece from overseas, you’d better choose     .
A. taxis          B. guided Greece bus tours   
C. cars           D. air-conditioned express buses
4. The underlined word “bucks” in the last paragraph probably refers to      .
A.  trouble       B. energy           C. time           D. money

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In ancient China tea was probably used as a relish(开胃小菜) and as a medicine. Tea was first brewed(煮泡) as a medicine around 2,700 BC in the western mountains of China. Tea was likely seen as healthy in part because it was made with boiled water, which is safer to drink in an area of polluted water.
Tea drinking, and commercial cultivation(种植),spread during the Tang Dynasty, 618-907, especially after a Buddhist monk(佛教僧侣), wrote a book on the virtues of tea, Cha Ching. Tea gradually became one of the seven basic necessities of Chinese life (The others are fuel, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar.)
A Japanese Buddhist priest, Saicho, is believed to have introduced tea to Japan, when he returned from a visit to China in 805. In Japan tea drinking was considered medicinal, and became closely associated with Zen Buddhism(禅宗).
Tea drinking also spread to Korea and Southeast Asia, and was taken over the Silk Road to Central Asia, Russia, and the Middle East.
Dutch explorers became familiar with tea in the 1590s and were soon importing tea to Europe. In 1657 the British East India Company held the first public sale of tea in England, while that same year Thomas Garraway began offering tea at his London coffee house.
In 1662 tea received a big boost(推进) in England when the Portuguese Catherine of Braganza, married King Charles II and introduced tea drinking to the British court.
Gradually, the British fell in love with tea, and with the sugar that went in it. In 1665, less than 88 tons of sugar was imported to Great Britain. By 1700, it had increased to 10,000 tons of sugar. In 1768 the East India Company imported 10 million pounds of tea to Britain.
1. Tea has been used as a medicine in China for _________.
A. about 8,000 years      B. about 4,700 years     
C. about 2,200 years      D. about 2,700 years
2. Tea began to spread as a popular drink in China because of _______.
A. the Silk Road              B. the basic necessities of Chinese life
C. a famous book about tea   D. its association with Zen Buddhism
3. According to the text, we can infer that Britain________.
A. first introduced tea to Europe
B. was the first country to trade with China for tea
C. was the first country to have learned about tea from China
D. may be the biggest imported country of tea in Europe even today
4. What is the text mainly about?
A. The history of tea             B. How tea was introduced to other countries
C. China is the home of tea   D. The importance of tea

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Maria is a very fast runner. She has won many races put on by the factory in Russia where she works. She was asked how she was able to stay in such good shape(体型). This was her answer.
“I’m in shape because of the way I spend my day. It begins at 5:30 in the morning. I jump out of bed to cook for my husband and iron(熨衣服) the clothes. Then I have to start running to work on time.
“I rush with a large bag in one hand and my four-year-old baby in the other. First, I stop at the school, hand my baby to the teachers, and then rush to work. After work I run back to the school to pick up my baby and then run to the market. Then I run home to start cooking supper-and then it takes time to feed them and get them all to bed. Then I start doing the washing so I can iron in the morning.
“My husband is soft because I have made life easy for him. He doesn’t hurry to and from work,and I have the table set when he gets home. He eats, puts on the television, sits down and reads the newspaper. And that’s why I’m in such good shape—and my husband isn’t.”
1.Maria is in good shape mainly because she _______.
A. goes to exercise classes          B. runs so much every day
C. has won many races             D. is a Russian
2.Maria gets up at 5:30 in the morning because ______.
A. her children wake her 
B. she has so much to do before she goes to work
C. she likes getting up early 
D. her husband wakes her
3.After work, Maria usually_________.
A. goes on with her work           B. takes her baby to school
C. irons the clothes                D. cooks supper
4.Which of the following is TRUE about Maria’s hus band?
A. He’s a badtempered man.
B. He always goes to work in a hurry. 
C. He isn’t in good shape. 
D. He cooks breakfast by himself.
5.Which of the statements is right ?
A. Maria is an American woman.
B. Maria won many races put on by the CLUB in Russia.
C. Maria has to hurry to do something every day.
D. Maria and his husand care about each other.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Johnny was a cashier (收银员) in a large store. Every night when he came home from work, he would find a saying for the day and print it out on fifty pages of paper. Johnny would cut out each saying and sign his name at the bottom of each one. Then he would put them in a paper bag and put the bag beside him at work. Each time he finished bagging someone’s purchases, he would put one of his saying pieces in the customer’s bag as well. It touched me to think that this young man —with a job that most people thought not important —had made it important by creating precious memories for all of his customers. A month later the store manager called me and said, "Barbara, you won’t believe what happened today. When I went up to where the cashiers were, I found Johnny’s line was three times longer than anyone else’s! So I got more cashiers out there and opened more lanes (通道), but no one would move. They all said they wanted Johnny’s saying for the day." The store manager continued, "I got a lump in my throat when a woman came up to me and said, 'I used to shop at your store only once a week, but now I come in every time I go by for Johnny’s sayings.’" A few months later, the store manager called me again. "Johnny has changed our store completely," he said. "All of our cashiers now have their own personal signatures (签名). Everyone’s having a lot of fun creating good memories. Our customers are talking about us in a good way and are coming back with their friends."
1. How did Johnny deal with his saying pieces?
A. He put them in customers’ pockets.
B. He had others hand them to customers.
C. He put them in customers’ shopping bags.
D. He handed them to customers before they left.
2. With those sayings Johnny ___________.
A. drew the other cashiers’ attention to himself
B. got paid more than before
C. made good memories for his customers
D. encouraged himself to work harder
3. What did the store manager see a month later?
A. All of his cashiers had their own personal signatures.
B. Many customers chose Johnny’s lane to pay for their goods.
C. The store went out of order because there were too many customers.
D. Customers asked for Johnny’s sayings instead of buying goods.
4. The underlined part in the passage showed the store manager _________.
A. didn’t know why this happened
B. felt a little uncomfortable
C. felt extremely sad
D. was moved by what Johnny had done

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
