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While we were riding the old German bus in Albania, a gypsy (吉普赛人) girl got on. She was about seven years old. Most gypsy children had a  21  look in their eyes. They were hardened by the world and by  22  they had experienced. The gypsies 23  in slums (贫民窟). The children begged on the streets or did other work so that their parents could  24  to buy wine. Every time we saw these  25 , we could always see the dead look in their eyes. But not this  26 . She was cheerful and had a beautiful smile on her face. As soon as she  27 , she started talking to us. Her name was Angela and she was on her  28  to visit her grandfather in a nearby slum village. I  29  my purse for something nice to give her.  30 , all I had with me was gum. She eagerly put a  31  in her mouth, and then closed her eyes a little while because the  32  was mint-flavored (薄荷味). It seemed like she had  33  tasted it before. She  34  in a funny way and the other people on the bus were all amused by what she did. When the bus  35 , she picked up the big bag she was carrying,  36  and jumped out of the bus.
She is out of my life, but not out of my  37 . This girl deserved so much more than her  38  surroundings, yet she didn’t let any of them get herself  39 . I pray I will  40   her again someday, so that I can give her that hug which I should have given her that day on the bus!
21. A. worried            B. happy           C. dead             D. curious
22. A. which             B. this             C. that               D. what
23. A. lived             B. played           C. worked          D. studied
24. A. manage                 B. try               C. have             D. afford
25. A. children          B. adults            C. beggars         D. passers-by
26. A. day             B. girl             C. place            D. story
27. A. sat down             B. crowded in        C. moved off           D. laid down
28. A. bus                B. car               C. way             D. taxi
29. A. searched        B. examined          C. touched       D. found
30. A. Fortunately     B. Sadly                      C. Surprisingly   D. Clearly
31. A. little             B. block            C. piece          D. set
32. A. smell           B. sweet                  C. sugar           D. gum
33. A. ever            B. never                 C. always          D. often
34. A. laughed         B. shouted         C. cried            D. complained
35. A. pulled through  B. pulled in           C. pulled down   D. pulled back
36. A. sighed                  B. bent              C. nodded         D. waved
37. A. feeling                  B. dream          C. mind            D. eyesight
38. A. poor             B. warm              C. comfortable    D. rich
39. A. off               B. up             C. away          D. down
40. A. help              B. meet            C. invite         D. thank

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ella Fant was a middle-aged lady who lived with her only son John in a small house. She loved John very much. In her 36 he couldn’t do anything 37. Every morning she would give him breakfast 38 bed and bring him the papers to read. It isn’t really true that he was too 39 to work—in fact he had tried a few 40. First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to break at least six windows. Then he 41 a bus conductor and on his second day a passenger stole his bag with all the fares (车费)collected. He 42 lost his job as a postman 43 he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to people’s houses. It seemed that there was 44suitable work for him. So he 45 to join the army. Mrs. Fant was so 46 about this that she told the 47to all her neighbours. “My John is going to be a soldier”, she said. “He is going to be the best soldier there 48 was, I can tell you!”
Then the great day came 49 he was to march past the palace in the parade (接受检阅的队伍). His 50 mother traveled to the city early in the morning to be sure of getting a good 51 in the crowd.
The parade was full of sound and colour. But when John and his52 came in sight, some of the people watching 53 laughing at the one who couldn’t keep pace with the others as they marched along.
But Ella Fant, who was filled with 54, shouted at the top of her voice: “Look at them! They’re all out of 55 except my John! Isn’t he the best?!”
36. A. hope            B. eyes               C. head            D. beliefs
37. A. wrong           B. great           C. good           D. strange
38. A. to              B. at                 C. in                 D. by
39. A. lazy             B. young          C. weak          D. shy
40. A. ones            B. years           C. tasks        D. jobs
41. A. followed        B. met         C. became      D. found
42. A. thus          B. even        C. once            D. only
43. A. even if         B. so that         C. because         D. though
44. A. some          B. such           C. less             D. no
45. A. began           B. promised        C. managed        D. decided
46. A. excited          B. worried        C. anxious      D. curious
47. A. incident         B. change         C. news           D. matter
48. A. yet             B. ever            C. never           D. just
49. A. where           B. since           C. when           D. till
50. A. proud           B. kind           C. strict           D. lucky
51. A. time           B. position        C. experience      D. impression
52. A. neighbours       B. army officer    C. mother        D. fellow soldiers
53. A. couldn’t help      B. kept               C. stopped        D. shouldn’t burst out
54. A. sadness        B. happiness      C. surprise        D. regret
55. A. sight          B. order         C. mind          D. step

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I have learned to expect gifts from Cod in the form of people.People who I meet for a few
seconds,a few hours or even for   16 .
My wife and I   17   a short train ride on an old train.It was   18   of her birthday plan.I was expecting to meet someone new who would   19   at our table.That was to be my
20   for that day.
We weren’t seated for two minutes   21   I heard,“Would you mind if I   22   you?”I replied,“  23 .1 was expecting you!”
He was in his early sixties and   24   introduced himself.But for the following 45    minutes,he never stopped   25   loudly.If there was a pause in the conversation,it was because   26   on the train was giving us some background information about the old train
27 ,this gentleman kept speaking to us about himself.Some things he said were very interesting.but most was a complaint about his experience as a   28   and different types of law.He never asked   29   of us what we did
So.if   30   did send him,what was the message this time?
He needed   31   and I needed to be reminded how important it was to listen to people,
32   for a few seconds.a few hours or for a lifetime.Perhaps I was sent to him.Maybe he was
33   to God to meet someone who   34  .
God gave us two ears and one mouth,because we need to listen   35   as much as we speak.
16.A.a lifetime            B.a few months      C.several years           D.a long time
17.A.put                     B.enjoyed              C.took                             D.planned
18.A.part                    B.gift                    C.dream                    D.intention
19.A.explain               B.glare                  C.come                     D.sit
20.A.inspiration                 B.expectation         C.gift                        D.conversation
21.A.after                   B.when                  C.suddenly                D.before
22.A.seated                 B.joined in             C.talked with             D.joined
23.A.Go ahead             B.Never mind         C.Forget it                D.With pleasure
24.A.formally             B.politely               C.immediately           D.intelligently
25.A.complaining         B.weeping              C.talking                   D.laughing
26.A.a tour guide          B.a conductor         C.a consumer             D.a trainer
27.A.However            B.Sometimes          C.Moreover               D.Otherwise
28.A.supporter            B.professor            C.mayor                    D.1awyer
29.A.each                   B.every                  C.either                     D.one
30.A.someone             B.God                   C.my wife                 D.the train
31.A.to improve          B.to talk                C.to control               D.to target
32.A.once                   B.by contrast          C.if only                   D.other than
33.A.praying              B.talking                C.desiring                 D.begging
34.A.should listen         B.maybe listen        C.must listen             D.would listen
35.A.much more           B.twice                  C.with two                D.a lot more

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A man was exploring caves by the seashore when he found a bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls.It was like someone had  36  the balls and left them out in the dune to bake.
They didn’t look like much, but they   37   the man, so he took the bag out of the cave with him.As he walked along the beach, he   38   the clay balls one at a time out into the ocean as far as he could.He thought little about it  39  he dropped one of the clay balls and it cracked open(裂开)on a rock.Inside was a beautiful, precious stone!   40  , the man started breaking open the   41   balls.Each contained a similar treasure.He found thousands of dollars’   42   of jewels in the 20 or so leftover ones.
Then it   43  him.He’d been on the beach a long time, throwing maybe 50 or 60 of the balls, with their hidden treasure, into the   44 . He  45  have taken home tens of thousands but he had just thrown it away!
It’s like that   46   people.We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, but we  47  see the clay shell.It doesn’t look like much from the   48 .It isn’t always beautiful or shining, so we  49  it.we see that person as less important than someone more  50  or stylish or well known or wealthy.But we haven’t taken the time to find the treasure  51  inside that person.
There is a treasure in each and every one of us.If we take the time to get to know that person and ask God to show us that person the  52  he sees them, then the clay begins to  53  and the brilliant jewel begins to shine forth.May we not come to the  54  of our lives and find out that we’ve thrown away a   55  in friendships because the gems were hidden in balls of clay! May we see the people in our world as God sees them.
36.A.invented      B.rolled              C.handled    D.bounced
37.A.confused      B.encouraged      C.interested  D.relaxed
38.A.dipped       B.pushed         C.kicked    D.threw
39.A.until        B.when           C.since     D.though
40.A.Frightened       B.Determined      C.Excited    D.Disappointed
41.A.shining       B.floating        C.surviving  D.remaining
42.A.worth       B.value           C.cost      D.wealth
43.A.shocked       B.rejected       C.struck    D.delighted
44.A.caves         B.waves          C.seashore    D.storms
45.A.might         B.must            C.could    D.should
46.A.with          B.towards       C.about    D.between
47.A.hardly        B.actually       C.simply   D.luckily
48.A.distance        B.outside        C.weight   D.pattern
49.A.removed       B.suspected       C.ignored    D.kept
50.A.beautiful      B.cautious       C.positive    D.grateful
51.A.lost            B.hidden         C.divided    D.mixed
52.A.moment        B.point           C.degree    D.way
53.A.come off      B.break away      C.take over  D.fall down
54.A.sight          B.best             C.middle   D.end
55.A.relation        B.position       C.fortune    D.memory

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
It often appears that we have more to gain by speaking than by listening. One big advantage of speaking is that it gives you a chance to control others’ thoughts and actions. Whatever your goal is — to have a boss hire you, to   36   others to vote for the person of your   37   or to describe the   38   you want your hair cut ... the key to success seems to be the   39   to speak well.
Another   40   advantage of speaking is the chance it provides to   41   the admiration, respect, or liking of others. Tell jokes, and everyone will think you’re really a   42   man. Tell them all you know, and they’ll be   43   by your wisdom. But keep quiet, and it seems as if you are a   44   person.
Finally, talking gives you the   45   to release (释放) energy in a way that listening can’t. When you’re   46  , the chance to talk about your problems can often help you feel better. In the same way, you can often   47   your anger by letting it out orally. It is also helpful to   48   your excitement with others by talking about it,   49   keeping it inside often leaves you feeling as if you might burst.
While it is true that talking does have many advantages, it’s important to   50   that listening can do good to listeners, too. As you’ll soon read, being a good listener is one good way to   51   others with their problems; and what better way is there to have others   52   you? As for controlling others, it may be true that it’s hard to be persuasive while you’re listening, but your   53   to hear others out will often make them open to your ideas   54  . Listening is often reciprocal (互惠的). “You get what you   55  .”
36. A. insist           B. advise    C. persuade             D. suggest
37. A. friend      B. relation      C. choice         D. leader
38. A. idea            B. way       C. means         D. plan
39. A. resource      B. energy          C. power          D. ability
40. A. obvious       B. easy       C. new            D. special
41. A. gain            B. grasp     C. remain         D. seize
42. A. successful    B. simple     C. wise         D. stupid
43. A. affected    B. impressed   C. instructed     D. moved
44. A. fruitless          B. priceless     C. worthless     D. senseless
45. A. pleasure          B. course      C. duty         D. chance
46. A. in trouble     B. in danger   C. in debt        D. in silence
47. A. reduce      B. lengthen     C. deepen        D. widen
48. A. control      B. share      C. enjoy         D. remove
49. A. or               B. so              C. for               D. though
50. A. suppose          B. notice     C. realize      D. imagine
51. A. fail         B. cure       C. hurt        D. help
52. A. appreciate  B. listen to    C. envy       D. support
53. A. kindness   B. favor     C. willingness  D. eagerness
54. A. by turns              B. in return   C. in turn     D. in order
55. A. lose         B. ask for          C. need        D. give

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nancy had just got a job as a secretary in a company. Monday was the first day she went to work, so she was very  36 and arrived early.
She  37 the door open and found nobody there. “I am the  38 to arrive,” She thought and came to her desk. She was surprised to find a bunch of  39 on it. They were fresh. She  40  them and they were sweet. She looked round for a  41  to put them in. “Somebody has sent me flowers the very first day!” She thought   42  . “But who could it be?” She began to  43  .
The day passed quickly and Nancy did everything with   44   interest. For the following days of the  45  , the first thing Nancy did was to change water for the flowers and then she  46  herself in her work.
Then came another Monday. 47   she came near her desk she was overjoyed to see a(an)  48  bunch of flowers there. She quickly put them in the vase,  49  the old ones.
The same thing happened again the next Monday, Nancy began to think of ways to find out the  50  .On Tuesday afternoon, she was sent to hand in a plan to the   51  . She waited for his directives(指令) at his secretary's   52  .She happened to see on the desk a half-opened notebook, which  53  :“In order to keep the secretaries 54 ,the company has decided that every  55  a bunch of fresh flowers should be put on each secretary's desk.”
Later, she was told that their general manager was a business management psychologist.
36. A. depressed        B. encouraged         C. excited              D. surprised
37. A. turned         B. pushed           C. knocked          D .forced
38. A. last               B. second                C. third              D. first
39. A. keys             B. grapes             C. flowers             D. bananas
40. A. smelt           B. ate              C. took               D. held
41. A. vase             B. room            C. glass             D. bottle
42. A. angrily         B. quietly          C. strangely         D. happily
43. A. seek           B. wonder         C. work             D .ask
44. A. low           B. little            C. great             D. general
45. A .month         B. period           C. year             D. week
46. A. buried        B. dressed          C. devoted           D. seated
47. A. Unless        B. When           C. Since              D. before
48. A. old                 B. red               C. blue              D. new
49. A. covering        B. demanding       C. replacing             D. forbidding
50. A. sender           B. receiver           C. secretary            D. waiter
51. A. assistant              B. colleague        C. employee           D. manager
52. A. notebook      B. desk             C. office              D. house
53. A. said             B. written                C. printed               D. signed
54. A. at home             B. on time           C. in high spirits        D. in low spirits
55. A. Sunday morning B. Monday morning   C. Monday afternoon   D. Tuesday afternoon

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

III. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分20分)
Anger Management
Throughout the school day, students often go  36  many different emotions. One common emotion is  37 . How we  38  anger usually shows what kind of temper we have.  39  , one of my best friends had a really bad  40  . Whenever she  41  angry, she would pass out because she didn’t know how to  42  her anger in a healthy way. Lately, however, she has been  43  “ anger management.” She has been learning 44  to express her anger in a way that is healthy and constructive.
Students can improve their bad temper  45  learning anger management. There are  46  anger management strategies to  47  temper. The goal is to  48  the one that works best for you and to use it again and again   49  your anger management strategy becomes a habit. A common strategy students can begin to  50  are things like self-talk  where you say  51  phrases to yourself such as “keep cool,” “don’t worry about it,” and “ it will be all right.” Other anger management  52  include counting backwards from ten  53  a steady pace and, as always, walking away from the situation that is making you mad. No matter  54  kind of anger management strategy you choose, it should help  55  your bad temper into one that helps you deal with anger in a healthy way!
36. A. across      B. over         C. through     D. into
37. A. anger      B. pleasure       C. grief       D. hatred
38. A. do with          B. deal with      C. work with    D. manage with
39. A. For example B. For sure      C. As for     D. Being example
40. A. temper     B. mood        C. failure     D. taste
41. A. got          B. made        C. came       D. grew
42. A. try             B. manage       C. understand   D. help
43. A. participating       B. presenting    C. performing  D. practicing
44. A. what       B. when        C. how         D. why
45. A. at               B. for           C. with        D. by
46. A. a number of B. the number of  C. much      D. a great deal of
47. A. hot         B. warm        C. freeze      D. cool
48. A. find        B. find out        C. found      D. search
49. A. ever        B. until         C. unless     D. even
50. A. manage    B. try           C. plan       D. intend
51. A. encouraging B. hoping             C. calming          D. freezing
52. A. tops            B. dips          C. tips         D. nets
53. A. at                  B. as          C. about      D. to  
54. A. when      B. whose       C. where    D. what
55. A. turn        B. become        C. grow     D. charge

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You may have heard of Osceola McCarty, an 88-year-old woman in Mississippi who had worked for over 75 years as a    36    woman.
One day after she retired, she went to the bank and discovered that her small monthly   37    had grown to over$150,000. Then to everyone’s surprise, she turned around and   38    almost all of the money to the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) for a   39   fund for students with financial needs. Immediately, she made national   40  .
What you have not heard is how Osceola’s gift had   41   my life. I am 19 years old and the first   42   of an Osceola McCarty Scholarship.
I was a   43   student, and I was determined to go to USM. But I   44   being qualified for a regular scholarship by one point on the entrance exams, and a scholarship was the   45   way I could attend.
One Sunday, I came across the story in the paper about Osceola McCarty and her generous    46  . The next day I went to the financial aid office, and they told me there was still no money    47   for me, but if anything came up they’d call.
A few days later, I was going out with my mother   48   the phone rang. I was told I had been chosen to be given the first Osceola McCarty Scholarship. I was   49  !
McCarty worked hard her whole life, washing clothes by hand. Now that she is   50  , she sits most of the day and reads the Bible, that is, when she is not getting rewards. Every time I go to visit her, she has a new    51  . She’s even gone to the White House. She is so happy and proud. We have tried to talk her into getting a VCR (录像机) so she can tape the programs and see   52   on TV—she just smiles.
McCarty gave me much more than a scholarship. She taught me about the gift of   53  . Now I know there are good people in the world who do good things. She worked hard and helped others, and in turn she has inspired me to   54   when I can some day. So   55   I plan to add to her scholarship fund.
36. A. café                          B. buffet                      C. laboratory                D. laundry
37. A. expenses                    B. profits                 C. savings                     D. wages
38. A. returned                    B. donated                    C. delivered                 D. removed
39. A. welfare                      B. project                            C. scholarship               D. research
40. A. headlines                   B. customs                    C. sympathies               D. doubts
41. A. affected                           B. formed                     C. disturbed                  D. ruined
42. A. designer                  B. receiver                 C. contributor             D. reporter
43. A. considerate              B. dedicated                  C. casual                      D. sensitive
44. A. advocated                  B. regretted                  C. missed                            D. avoided
45. A. normal                      B. wrong                      C. legal                        D. only
46. A. gift                           B. idea                         C. decision                   D. plan
47. A. left                           B. raised                    C. available                  D. enough
48. A. since                         B. before                      C. though                            D. when
49. A. shocked                            B. excited                     C. puzzled                    D. encouraged
50. A. retired                       B. dismissed                 C. promoted                 D. transferred
51. A. job                            B. hobby                      C. life                          D. award
52. A. everybody                 B. everything                C. herself                            D. us
53. A. giving                       B. understanding           C. receiving                  D. loving
54. A. give up                      B. give back                 C. give off                    D. give in
55. A. suddenly                    B. originally                 C. gradually                  D. eventually

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I stopped to let the car cool  36 and to study the map. I had expected to be near my destination(目的地) by now, but everything still seemed  37 to me. I was only five when my father had  38 me abroad, and that was eighteen years  39 . When my mother had  40 after a car accident, he didn’t quickly  41 from the shock and loneliness. Everything around him was full of her  42 , continually reopening the wound.  43 he decided to go abroad. In the new country he paid much attention to  44 a new life for the two of us,  45 he gradually forgot the past. He did not marry again, and I was  46 without a woman’s care, but I lacked  47 , for he was both father and mother to me. He always  48 to go back one day and see old friends again and to visit my mother’s  49 . He became ill for a few months  50 we planned to go and, when he knew he was  51 , he made me promise to go on my own.
  I  52 a car the day before landing and bought a map,  53 I found most helpful on the last stage. My father had described over and over again what we could see on the way there, so I was pretty  54 that I could find it. Well, I had been wrong, for I was now  55 .
  36. A. up       B. off      C. of        D. to
  37. A. unfamiliar    B. similar    C. unusual      D. familiar
  38. A. brought     B. carried    C. taken      D. fetched
  39. A. later       B. since     C. then        D. ago
  40. A. been disabled  B. died      C. gone up     D. passed by
  41. A. return      B. make     C. go back      D. recover
  42. A. presence     B. absence    C. arrival      D. show
  43. A. Since      B. For      C. So       D. Before
  44. A. earning     B. starting    C having      D. opening
  45. A. in case     B. so that     C. so long     D. so much
  46. A. brought up    B. taken up    C. brought out     D. taken off
  47. A. anything    B. nothing    C. everything     D. something
  48. A. imagined     B. supposed    C. meant      D. asked
  49. A. house      B. room     C. church      D. grave
  50. A. before      B. after     C. until       D. as
  51. A. lying       B. dying     C. helping      D. living
  52. A. bought      B. lent      C. borrowed    D. hired
  53. A. what      B. that      C. how       D. which
  54. A. sad      B. happy      C. sure       D. interested
  55. A. away      B. out      C. gone      D. lost

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I can still remember when I met my best friend.She had just moved into the neighborhood and her grandmother brought her down to   16   me.I hid behind my motherland she hid behind her grandmother,   17    to look at each other.Soon we lost the     18    and started playing with each other.
In the 7th grade,I first lost touch with her.She was   19    family problems and I deserted her to be with the because they knew she had    20      people.None of my new friends liked her as much as I did because they knew she had    21    .However,every summer we could always sit at each other’s house and watch soap operas,and talk about all the boys we liked.
It was last year when I noticed the problem.I guess I was too devoted in high school to      22___   she needed someone there for her.Anyway,she made a new best friend and so did I.Then 1 didn’t know why,but she started cutting herself!
She then was diagnosed(诊断)with clinical depression.At first,1 was very    23___ ,but we still stayed in  24____ .I wanted to be there for her since her new best friend basically     25___  her and people were calling her      26____ .
Yesterday she came to me and said:“I never knew what a best friend was until you were the only person that would stop me cutting.I   27___ you so much,and you didn’t even know you were      28____  me.”
We both cried.And I guess a kind of    29__  from my life so far is never to give up on your friends.Even if they aren’t as cool as others,or people think they are crazy,they need someone there.If you desert them,you will only be     30____  yourself.

A.follow B.meet C.join D.support

A.scared B.annoyed C.worried D.delighted

A.temper B.interest C.confidence D.shyness

A.taking up B.getting through C.going through D.making up

A.happier B.cooler C.stronger D.cleverer

A.problems B.shortcomings C.partners D.disabilities

A.admit B.accept C.consider D.realize

A.calm B.considerate C.upset D.helpful

A.place B.touch C.control D.mood

A.confused B.bothered C.reminded D.deserted

A.crazy B.stubborn C.clumsy D.stupid

A.expect B.influence C.appreciate D.demand

A.urging B.blaming C.helping D.hurting

A.honour B.favour C.pleasure D.lesson

A.innocent B.successful C.guilty D.reliable

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
Drama(戏剧)and the performing arts are excellent methods of building confidence in children and adults alike. Learning through drama allows children to   36   their creativity and have fun while leaving their   37   and worries behind. Drama also works by supporting the growth of imagination and other skills.
Entertainment has become rather passive with   38  , television and video games becoming more popular. These screen-based methods have had a   39   effect on communication. They prevent children communicating with others.   40  , drama puts the children enthusiastic about communication back into entertainment. Children have the opportunity to   41   with others in a more meaningful way   42   drama encourages speech development, awareness of body language and allows children to become more   43   aware.
Play and drama are closely linked. When children play a game, they are using their   44   and so are moving away from reality to   45   their own story. Drama is a vehicle   46   which children can express themselves more freely to make education fun.
Children gain   47   by understanding that there is no final answer in drama and that their opinion and contribution are valued. They are able to   48   to many issues and situations such as poverty, recycling and global warming. Drama and   49   have a strong link as drama can   50   children to take an active interest in other subjects such as geography, history and English and so they can   51   a more rounded education.
As a drama teacher, I have witnessed a child at his first class holding on to his parent’s arm—  52   to let go. Then to see the same child running into my class with a smile is an   53   sight. Drama installs confidence in children by allowing them to improvise(即兴创作)and experiment. Everyone is given the opportunity to shine   54   drama. Besides learning the history of the theatre, drama   55   dance, music, and directing, etc. These classes are especially designed to be of great fun.
36. A. express             B. expose            C. experience                            D. explore
37. A. depression               B. happiness          C. shyness                       D. sadness 
38. A. cinema               B. radio              C. media                       D. drama
39. A. positive            B. negative       C. sensitive                    D. subjective 
40. A. However          B. Besides           C. Therefore                    D. Meanwhile 
41. A. compare        B. discuss             C. connect                  D. compete  
42. A. though                    B. as               C. if                             D. before
43. A. mentally           B. physically       C. emotionally                 D. socially 
44. A. determination     B. consideration     C. communication                     D. imagination 
45. A. create                 B. tell                   C. read                         D. believe
46. A. through              B. beyond             C. across                           D. for
47. A. success               B. hope                C. admiration                    D. confidence 
48. A. stick                B. turn            C. respond                        D. return
49. A. language        B. education        C. play                            D. entertainment
50. A. persuade        B. require                  C. encourage                 D. train
51. A. have              B. continue            C. provide                         D. give
52. A. tired                   B. unwilling        C. sorry                        D. pleased
53. A. ordinary       B. excellent        C. strange                       D. imaginary
54. A. over                   B. above             C. after                             D. within
55. A. possesses         B. applies                 C. covers                         D. links

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

二、完形填空(共20 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A 、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents . The next day she drove her old car home along the road .    16     she found she got a flat . The 22-year-old student    17    to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk(汽车车尾的行李箱). No     18    tire(轮胎).
At this time , a car    19     . Paul and Diane told Clay to    20     them to a service station near their     21    . They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to    22     with her car. “Follow us home,” said Paul.
The couple called around to find a tire , No   23      . They decided to let her use their own car. “Here,” Paul said, handing Clay a    24     of keys, “Take our car. We    25     be using it over the holiday.”
Clay was    26      . “But I’m going all the way to South Carolina, and I’ll be gone for two weeks,” she     27     them.
“We know,” Paul said. “We’ll be     28     when you get back.. Here’s our number if you need to     29     us.”
Unable to believe her eyes , Clay watched as the     30     put her luggage into their car and then    31      her off . Two weeks later she     32     to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio      33    .
“Thank you so much,” she said . “How much do I     34     you?” “Oh, no,” Paul said , “we don’t want any money . It’s our     35     .” Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure, it was now her duty to pass on their “do unto others” spirit.
16.A.Finally     B.Suddenly     C.Immediately    D.Fortunately
17.A.afforded B.wanted       C.managed       D.allowed
18.A.full      B.free       C.spare          D.empty
19.A.stopped  B.passed      C.paused      D.started
20.A.help             B.follow    C.take         D.push
21.A.house      B.garage       C.shop           D.hotel
22.A.agree       B.go          C.match          D.deal
23.A.way     B.message      C.luck           D.success
24.A.number    B.set          C.pair            D.chain
25.A.can’t       B.shouldn’t    C.won’t              D.mustn’t
26.A.satisfied   B.worried      C.disturbed     D.astonished
27.A.persuaded       B.advised       C.promised  D.reminded
28.A.here     B.happy     C.away          D.busy
29.A.be in touch with         B.keep in touch with
C.get in touch with            D.put in touch with
30.A.repairmen       B.cleaners      C.couple      D.friends
31.A.shook         B.sent         C.watched   D.drove
32.A.shocked     B.returned       C.happened  D.came
33.A.fixed       B.loaded        C.tied D.rebuilt
34.A.give       B.lend           C.owe   D.offer
35.A.wish          B.job          C.pleasure    D.duty

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ⅱ. 完型填空
Every time I passed boys who were playing basketball, I stopped to silently watch them. I really envied them. But as a girl, I once thought that I could   16   play basketball.
I like playing basketball though I'm not good at it. I've had a basketball   17   I was a child. At first, I could play freely because no one   18   when I was just a kid. But as I grew up it seemed harder and harder for me to enjoy basketball.
At school, it was always the boys who played basketball during PE classes. The girls were   19  allowed to play volleyball or badminton.
My parents did not   20   me play basketball at home. "Basketball is not fit for girls," they said.   21   when I went to play basketball with my friends, boys   22    at me on the court as if I were an alien.
I was feeling   23   and had lost hope of playing basketball.   24  , something changed the first day of high school. I made some friends who also enjoyed playing basketball. They  25  me to get back on the court.
One of them told me with a smile, "Go your own   26  , let others talk." This girl would always play basketball with me. Even the boy who sat next to me in class talked about   27   with me almost every day.
I was inspired by them. Confidence and passion   28   to my heart. I am ready to stand up and play. I will play as well as I can,   29   for me, even the sky is boundless (无垠的).
Basketball has become an important part of my   30  . I am interested in it. I watch matches and enjoy playing almost every day. Through basketball, not only do I feel happy and confident, but also   31  a lot.
I've heard the NBA star Tracy McGrady say, "Nothing is impossible." It is from an advertisement on TV. I have   32   to realize that life is just like playing basketball. You should have an   33  . After that, just be confident and   34   going. Never give up and you'll make it sooner or later.
I love the motto of the NBA. It can  35   my strong feelings for basketball, "I love this game!"
16. A. ever                B. often         C. never          D. always
17. A. when           B. before        C. after          D. since
18. A. struggled        B. cared         C. enjoyed         D. joined
19. A. only           B. almost        C. hardly         D. not
20. A. encourage       B. agree         C. let            D. permit
21. A. Still           B. Yet            C. Just           D. Even
22. A. looked               B. glared          C. glanced       D. stared
23. A. up           B. down          C. excited        D. satisfied
24. A. Unluckily       B. Naturally       C. Unexpectedly    D. Clearly
25. A. encouraged      B. forbade         C. ensured       D. explored
26. A. effort         B. way         C. business      D. direction
27. A. basketball        B. sports           C. interests       D. dreams
28. A. stuck          B. referred         C. turned         D. returned
29. A. but            B. though        C. and            D. however
30. A. wish             B. life           C. work        D. study
31. A. experience      B. grow           C. learn          D. play
32. A. come            B. turned        C. refused          D. happened
33. A. idea             B. aim          C. opinion       D. effort
34. A, insist           B. remain        C. keep          D. last
35. A. inform         B. express         C. ignore         D. connect

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

II、语言知识及应用(共两节, 满分35分)
In a telephone survey of more than 2,000 adults,21% said they believed the sun revolved (旋转)around the earth. An additional 7% did not know which revolved around which. I have no doubt that all o f these people were __21__ in school that the earth revolves around the sun; ___22__may even have written it on a test. But they never __23___ their incorrect mental models of planetary (行星的) motion because their everyday observations didn't support what their teachers told them: People see the sun "moving __24___ the sky as morning turns to night,and the earth seems stationary (静止的) while that is happening.
Students can learn the right answers by __25___ in class,and yet never combined them with their working models of the world. The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the ___26___ personal understanding of the world can __27___ side by side,each unaffected by the other.
  Outside of class,the student continues to accept the model ___28____because it has always worked well in that circumstance. Unless professors address specific errors in students' personal models of the world,students are not ___29___ to replace them with the ___30___ one.
21.A.learned        B.suggested     C.taught              D.advised
22.A.those          B.these           C.who            D.they
23.A.formed        B.altered         C.believed            D.thought
24.A.around        B.across        C.on                D.above
25.A.heart          B.hand         C.ink               D.paper
26.A.adult's         B.teacher's      C.scientist's           D.student's
27.A.exist         B.occur        C.survive            D.maintain
28.A.privately      B.individually   C.personally         D.generally
29.A.obliged        B.likely              C.probable            D.partial
30.A.perfect        B.better        C.reasonable          D.correct

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
In a national spelling contest in America, an 11-year-old girl was asked to spell a certain word. But with her    36    voice the judges were not sure if she spelled the word with the letter A or E. They talked it over and    37    decided to simply ask her what she had said. By now, the girl knew she had    38   the word. But instead of lying, she told the truth that she had said the    39   letter---so she lost the contest.
As the girl walked off the   40   , the entire audience stood to their feet clapping to applaud her    41   . Later, dozens of newspaper reporters wrote about this 11-year-old girl’s honesty(诚实), even when it   42    her the contest. But the fact is that she   43    the biggest contest that day: the contest of her    44   .
Probably the biggest test of our character is what we would do if we knew we would never get    45   . This young girl could easily have    46   and nobody would have known it but herself. But that’s just it: She would know she did wrong. It’s been said, “If you    47   , you make yourself cheap.” This young girl was strong and smart enough to prize her own   48   and character rather than the prize from spelling    49   . Her respect for herself was more important than any    50    others might give her for winning a contest. She knew she would have to live with herself and the   51    she made in that moment will have long-lasting influence.
It’s so true that the choices you make today    52  what you are tomorrow. Our children will    53   our behavior much more than our advice. So if we want them to   54    to be honest, we must show them the way by being honest ourselves. Remember, our kids are     55 what we do and how we live even when we don’t think they see or know.
36. A. high            B. soft                C. tough           D. sweet
37. A. secretly         B. kindly              C. finally           D. totally
38. A. forgotten        B. mispronounced       C. misspelled       D. lost
39. A. wrong          B. correct             C. different          D. same
40. A. ground          B. stage              C. test               D. classroom
41. A. bravery         B. courage             C.  honesty          D. cleverness
42. A. abolished        B. offered             C. cost              D. wasted
43. A. achieved        B. won                C. broke              D. defeated
44. A. fame           B. knowledge           C. character           D. life
45. A. paid            B. awarded            C. reported           D. caught
46. A. lied            B. escaped              C. changed           D. answered
47. A. accept          B. cheat                C. fight              D. insist
48. A. conscience      B. feeling               C. diligence          D. modesty
49. A. judger         B. champion              C. contest           D. expert
50. A. sense           B. respect               C. pride             D. awareness
51. A. choice          B. conclusion            C. discovery        D. plan
52. A. make           B. change               C. keep             D. create
53. A. give            B. take                 C. set               D. follow
54. A. bring up        B. grow up              C. take up           D. come up
55. A. recording        B. inspecting            C. watching         D. correcting

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
