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阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36--55各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Mr. Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday.The day after her birthday Mrs. Smith went shopping.She got on   36   and sat down next to an old lady. 37   she noticed that the old lady’s handbag was  38  .Inside it, she found a wad(沓)of pound notes  39  the one her husband had given her. She quickly   40   her own bag—the notes were  41  .Mrs. Smith was now sure that the old lady sitting  42   her must have stolen them.She thought  43  not have to call the  44  as she didn’t like getting people   45 . 
So she decided to take back the money  46   the lady’s handbag and say  47   about it.She looked around the bus to make sure   48  was watching, then she carefully put her hand into  49   handbag, took out the notes and  50  her own handbag. 
When she got home that evening, she showed  51  the beautiful hat she had bought.“How did you   52   it?”he asked.“  53  you gave me for my birthday, of course.”“Oh,   54   then?”he asked, as he   55  a wad of pound notes on the table. 
36. A.a bus        B.a train        C.an old ship          D.a plane   
37. A.In a minute  B.After a while         C.For a second     D.On the moment
38. A.good       B.old                 C.open           D.shut
39. A.the same that        B.perhaps was     C.probably as      D.exactly like
40. A.looked at          B.watched carefully C.saw to         D.looked into
41. A.gone        B.missed        C.disappear       D.found
42. A.close       B.next to         C.before          D.behind
43. A.she would   B.he could       C.she must        D.he might
44. A.driver      B.old lady        C.police          D.husband
45. A.to difficulty  B.into trouble    C.out of work     D.seeing her
46. A.into         B.out            C.away          D.from
47. A.something   B.everything     C.anything       D.nothing
48. A.nothing     B.somebody       C.nobody         D.neither
49. A.the old lady’s B.her husband’s   C.the police’s      D.her own
50. A.gave it away B.put them into    C.brought them out D.took it to
51. A.the driver    B.the police      C.the old lady           D.her husband
52. A.pay for      B.spend on      C.cost in         D.take to
53. A.Use them    B.With the money  C.With that       D.Using it
54. A.how is it    B.what’s that     C.where is it      D.why is this
55. A.put up      B.held out       C.pointed to      D.handed up

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A wise man once said, “A man who makes no mistakes usually does not make anything.” It took me a long time to gather the   21  to admit that I had been making mistakes since my earliest days.   22  , many of the things that I had learned were   23  .
As a child from a poor family, I learned that when you had money, you were   24   to spend it on whatever brought you happiness   25  . I didn’t understand that even though putting money in the bank would not   26   me that quick joy, it could provide a sense of   27  — I still had that money.
One problem is that I never had an opportunity to   28   any money of my own until late in my teen years. All of my gift money   29   to my parents for “saving”, which actually   30   to be an emergency fund(风险基金) for things such as food.
On rare   31  , some relatives would give me some money, but they would   32   in my ear not to tell my mother and to spend it quickly on something fun. Their   33   was good — they wanted to bring joy to the life of a “  34  ”boy, but it didn’t teach me any   35   skills. Soon I would go back to having no money.
Another thing is that I believed that   36   help from others was bad. My parents were strict, and in many ways I   37   their philosophy (处事原则), but their personal beliefs prevented them from ever accepting any help.   38   we often had to live on a single part-time income, we never asked   39   anything. In this way, I was led to believe that accepting a helping hand, even in   40   of great need, was a sign of weakness.
21. A. time                          B. power                      C. courage                    D. chance
22. A. Otherwise              B. Also                         C. Instead                     D. However
23. A. different                    B. common                   C. big                          D. wrong
24. A. supposed                    B. determined           C. ordered                    D. left
25. A. naturally                    B. immediately             C. probably                  D. eventually
26. A. buy                           B. prove                       C. sell                          D. show
27. A. direction                    B. guilty                       C. safety                       D. difference
28. A. receive                  B. lend                         C. manage                    D. earn
29. A. gave                          B. went                        C. borrowed                 D. left
30. A. added up                    B. came up                   C. gave out                   D. turned out
31. A. states                     B. occasions                  C. situations                  D. moments
32. A. shout                     B. explain                     C. whisper                    D. insist
33. A. plan                          B. information                 C. look                         D. intention
34. A. naughty                        B. poor                        C. hopeless                   D. lovely
35. A. financial                    B. imaginative             C. popular                    D. formal
36. A. offering                        B. accepting                  C. begging                    D. demanding
37. A. disobeyed                  B. ignored                    C. respected                  D. agreed
38. A. Even if                  B. Now that                  C. Unless                  D. Until
39. A. about                     B. around                        C. against                        D. for
40. A. groups                   B. terms                       C. ways                        D. times

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a cold afternoon. Ginny and I were walking home after work when ___41___a young man asked us, “Do you want a hug?” He carried a ___42___ in his hand which read “Free Hugs”. I looked around and ___43___ there were other young people with him. They all ___44___ their handmade signs high. The message was the ___45___ on all of them---Free Hugs!
“Sure!” Ginny smiled and hugged him with all the ___46___ she had in her heart.
“Wow!” he shouted. “That is the best ___47___ I’ve had all day!”
Then the young man looked at me and ___48___ , “ How about a hug?”
“ You got it!” ___49___ his open arms. We held a hug briefly and parted at once.
Ginny and I stepped back and watched the “free huggers” hug those who ___50___ them. All of the young people ___51___ hugs to anyone.
When the huggers walked on the street ___52___ their signs, most people ignored them or shook their heads to show that they were not ___53___ in what they were doing. But the fact was that those who opened their arms in return, walked away with a ___54___ on their faces.
I felt the ___55___ in my heart, so warm ___56___ it seemed as if it were not a cold winter day. At that time, Ginny and I were going through ___57___ times. We had little money and were ___58___ in debt. We were stressed and ___59___, but that afternoon, for a short moment, we ___60___ all our problems because of a hug with love. It took a simple hug to make everyone smile and make everything better.
41.   A. seriously       B. fortunately C. suddenly      D. immediately
42.   A . sign          B. mark       C. newspaper          D. magazine
43.   A. watched        B. recognized  C. examined     D. noticed
44.   A. held           B . flew       C. carried        D. dropped
45.   A . special         B . same      C. equal         D. common
46.   A. strength        B. power      C. love         D. pity
47.   A . talk           B. rest         C. service        D. hug
48.   A. asked         B. replied           C. ordered      D. commanded
49.   A. came from        B . gave back  C. walked into      D. gave in
50.   A . accepted       B . escaped     C. received      D. disturbed
51    A. replaced        B. refused       C. rewarded     D. offered
52    A. with          B. by          C. under              D. before
53    A. disappointed      B. interested   C. experienced     D. excited
54    A. shame         B. regret      C. shock          D. smile
55    A. warmth         B. surprise     C. truth         D. prize
56    A. what          B. that         C. which          D. as
57    A. easy           B. busy       C. hard         D. ordinary
58    A. seldom          B. hardly      C. nearly         D. mostly
59    A. satisfied        B. dangerous   C. generous      D. worried
60    A. remembered      B. forgot      C. returned      D. arrived

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Cats have no emotions . At least, that's what my husband once claimed. I   36   that my two cats experience emotions. They feel anger, fear, and   37  . He agreed with me, but   38   his opinion that cats don't feel love.  39  , my tuxedo cat, Sebastian, would teach him otherwise.
When my next-door neighbor moved in, he had a she cat named Juliet. She was an indoor lady, always watching   40   through the window.
Then one day when I   41   my cat to the backyard for his playtime, Sebastian   42   Juliet gazing at him behind the window. It soon became   43   that they were attracted by each other. So every day there after, whenever I let Sebastian out, he would rush   44__to the backyard next-door and they would sit gazing   45   at each other through the screen, she inside, and he outside. Even my husband watched   46  , and he would murmur, "But cats can't feel love... can they?"
Five months later, my neighbor had to   47   because of work. My heart sank. I wondered how Sebastian would   48   to Juliet's leaving.
For months after Juliet moved away and the new neighbor moved in, I often   49   Sebastian sitting by Juliet's window, looking into the apartment   50   his lady. The new neighbor didn't mind having the "Peeping Sebastian" after I   51   his reason for being there.
Sebastian   52   the small area outside that window as his territory.  Other male cats were allowed in the   53  , but not near Juliet's window, which he guarded until his   54  .
Even now, when my husband and I walk through the backyard and see that window, he   55   me of the lesson Sebastian taught him... that cats do indeed fall in love.
36. A. argued                B. quarreled                  C. suggested                 D. discussed
37. A. energy                B. power                  C. strength                    D. happiness
38. A. referred to          B. prepared for             C. stuck to                    D. approved of
39. A. Therefore           B. However                  C. Besides                    D. Meanwhile
40. A. the environment  B. the sky                     C. her owner                 D. her boyfriend
41. A. forbade               B. prevented                 C. accompanied             D. left
42. A. called attention to       B. caught sight of       C. took charge of          D. paid a visit to
43. A. ambitious            B. doubtful                   C. skeptical                   D. obvious
44. A. secretly               B. straight                    C. quietly                            D. worriedly
45. A. lovingly              B. angrily                        C. hungrily                   D. greedily
46. A. in trouble            B. in sorrow                C. in amazement           D. in horror
47. A. settle                  B. travel                       C. apologize                 D. move
48. A. react                   B. reply                        C. reduce                      D. replace
49. A. took                   B. caught                      C. met                          D. sensed
50. A. in place of          B. on the basis of          C. in search of                     D. on account of
51. A. explained            B. requested                  C. blamed                     D. asked
52. A. discovered          B. reformed                  C. preserved                 D. marked
53. A. street                  B. backyard                  C. window                    D. village
54. A. birthday                     B. departure                  C. death                       D. arrival
55. A. reminds                     B. informs                    C. tells                         D. accuses

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
With the development of society, hiring qualified people is becoming more and more difficult. Employers who can 31 prejudice from the process will surely gain a big advantage 32 his opponents.
As a manager, Miss Tiffany is 33 for interviewing applicants for some of the 34 with her company. During one interview, she noticed that the 35 never made direct eye contact. She was puzzled and a little 36 because she liked the person on the whole.
He had a perfect resume and gave good 37 to her questions, 38  the fact that he never looked her in the eye said “untrustworthy”. Several days later, she decided to offer the job to her _39 choice. “It wasn’t until I 40 a diversity workshop that I realized the person we passed over was the perfect person,” Tiffany says. What she hadn’t known at that time was that that person behaved 41 was simply a cultural misunderstanding. He was an Asian-American 42_ in a family where 43   for those in authority was shown by avoiding your eyes.
“Attending the diversity workshop helped me  44  how much I could learn by simply asking questions and creating dialogues with employees,  45  making assumptions and trying to be a know-it-all,” Miss Tiffany admits. “The biggest thing I  46  from the workshop is learning how to be more ‘inclusive(包容的)’ to  47_ .”
“I was just _48 by the lack of eye contact, not realizing it was cultural,” Tiffany says. “I missed out, but will not miss that opportunity again.”
Many of us have had similar problems with 49 we consider as different. As the world is becoming smaller and our workplaces more diverse, it is becoming necessary to 50 our understanding of others and to reexamine some of our false assumptions.
31. A. replace                      B. remove                    C. refresh                            D. recover
32. A. of                         B. above                       C. over                         D. on
33. A. desperate                   B. responsible               C. ready                      D. punctual
34. A. positions                    B. businesses                 C. conditions                D. trades
35. A. employer                   B. opponent                  C. client                       D. candidate
36. A. disappointed           B. excited                        C. worried                    D. annoyed
37. A. Suggestions            B. Responses                 C. impressions                    D. comments
38. A. so                         B. and                          C. or                               D. but
39. A. first                           B. immediate                C. second                            D. careless
40. A. closed                    B. started                      C. attended                   D. organized
41. A. politely                  B. carelessly                 C. skillfully                  D. differently
42. A. raised                    B. found                       C. treated                            D. adopted
43. A. concern                        B. envy                        C. respect                            D. sympathy
44. A. imagine                        B. realize                      C. predict                            D. expect
45. A. other than                  B. rather than                C. more than                 D. less than
46. A. cut away                    B. put away                  C. gave away                D. took away
47. A. misunderstandings      B. shortcomings            C. faults                       D. mistakes
48. A. impressed                  B. confused                  C. refused                     D. depressed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
49. A. behaviors                   B. words                      C. habits                       D. thoughts
50. A. ignore                   B. express                     C. limit                        D. expand

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)   ☆
Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents . The next day she drove her old car home along the road .    21     she found she got a flat tire. The 22-year-old student    22     to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk . No     23    tire .
At this time , a car    24     . Paul and Diane told Clay to    25     them to a service station near their     26    . They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to    27     with her car . “Follow us home,” said Paul .
The couple called around to find a tire , no   28      . They decided to let her use their own car . “Here ,” Paul said , handing Clay a    29     of keys , “Take our car . We    30     be using it over the holiday .”
Clay was    31      . “But I’m going all the way to South Carolina , and I’ll be gone for two weeks ,” she     32     them .
“We know,” Paul said . “We’ll be     33     when you get back . Here’s our number if you need to     34     us .”
Unable to believe her eyes , Clay watched as the     35    put her luggage into their car and then    36      her off . Two weeks later she     37     to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio      38    .
“Thank you so much ,” she said . “How much do I     39     you ?” “Oh, no,” Paul said , “we don’t want any money . It’s  our     40     .” Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure , it was now her duty to pass on their “do unto others” spirit .
21.A.Suddenly        B.Finally     C.Immediately    D.Fortunately
22.A.afforded     B.wanted     C.allowed        D.managed
23.A.spare          B.free       C.full           D.empty
24.A.passed        B.stopped    C.paused         D.started
25.A.help               B.push        C.take          D.follow
26.A.garage        B.house       C.shop            D.hotel
27.A.agree          B.match      C.go            D.deal
28.A.way         B.message   C.success         D.luck
29.A.set           B.number    C.pair          D.chain
30.A.can’t          B.shouldn’t        C.mustn’t        D.won’t
31.A.satisfied      B.worried    C.astonished       D.disturbed
32.A.persuaded       B.advised    C.reminded            D.promised
33.A.happy         B.here      C.away           D.busy
34.A.get in touch with           B.keep in touch with
C.be in touch with             D.put in touch with
35.A.repairmen       B.cleaners   C.friends         D.couple
36.A.sent         B.shook      C.watched       D.drove
37.A.shocked      B.happened        C.returned       D.came
38.A.loaded        B.fixed       C.tied          D.rebuilt
39.A.owe         B.lend     C.give          D.offer
40.A.wish           B.job      C.duty                D.pleasure

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week .It was one of the most __36__and tiring games I’ve ever had. When Ed first phoned and  37  we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an   38  victory. After all, Ed’s idea of  39  has always been nothing more  40  than lifting a fork to his mouth.   41  I can remember, Ed’s been the least physically fit member in the family, and  42  proud of himself. His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often  43  about that, Ed refused to buy a  44  T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed  45  for our game  not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly  46  I was so surprised that I was   47  .My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape.  48  ,at the point in our game when I’d have predicted (预计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor, it was  49  7 to 9—and Ed was  50  . The sudden realization was painful. We   51  to play like two mad men. When the score was 16 up, I was having serious   52   about staying alive until 21 years old, let alone  53  that many points. When the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat on our backs, too tired to  54  .In a way, I think we both won in the game: I won the game, but cousin Ed my  55  .
36    A.    encouraging   B.    hopeless     C.    surprising       D.    regular
37    A.    declared     B.    mentioned      C.    persuaded       D.    suggested
38    A.    unforgettable  B.    unexpected     C.    easy         D.    early
39    A.    exercise      B.    preparation    C.    joy          D.    fitness
40    A.    time-saving     B.    comfortable    C.    suitable      D.    effort-making
41    A.    As soon as      B.    As long as      C.    When         D.    Since
42    A.    strangely        B.    personally       C.    reasonably      D.    eagerly
43    A.    cared          B.    forgot        C.    quarreled     D.    joked
44    A.    clean          B.    larger         C.    straight       D.    darker
45    A.    set out         B.    got ready     C.    arrived      D.    returned
46    A.    notice         B.    admire       C.    believe      D.    measure
47    A.    nervous       B.    curious       C.    careless      D.    speechless
48    A.    After all      B.    As a result      C.    Above all          D.    At last
49    A.    mistakenly      B.    then          C.    instead       D.    naturally
50    A.    leading       B.    coming       C.    waiting       D.    counting
51    A.    pretended     B.    stopped      C.    continued          D.    decided
52    A.    thoughts     B.    doubts        C.    situations     D.    problems
53    A.    scoring       B.    completing     C.    receiving     D.    keeping
54    A.    play         B.    start         C.    sleep          D.    move
55    A.    friendship       B.    respect       C.    support       D.    favor

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

二、完形填空(共20 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A 、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents . The next day she drove her old car home along the road .    16     she found she got a flat . The 22-year-old student    17    to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk(汽车车尾的行李箱). No     18    tire(轮胎).
At this time , a car    19     . Paul and Diane told Clay to    20     them to a service station near their     21    . They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to    22     with her car. “Follow us home,” said Paul.
The couple called around to find a tire , No   23      . They decided to let her use their own car. “Here,” Paul said, handing Clay a    24     of keys, “Take our car. We    25     be using it over the holiday.”
Clay was    26      . “But I’m going all the way to South Carolina, and I’ll be gone for two weeks,” she     27     them.
“We know,” Paul said. “We’ll be     28     when you get back.. Here’s our number if you need to     29     us.”
Unable to believe her eyes , Clay watched as the     30     put her luggage into their car and then    31      her off . Two weeks later she     32     to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio      33    .
“Thank you so much,” she said . “How much do I     34     you?” “Oh, no,” Paul said , “we don’t want any money . It’s our     35     .” Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure, it was now her duty to pass on their “do unto others” spirit.
16.A.Finally     B.Suddenly     C.Immediately    D.Fortunately
17.A.afforded B.wanted       C.managed       D.allowed
18.A.full      B.free       C.spare          D.empty
19.A.stopped  B.passed      C.paused      D.started
20.A.help             B.follow    C.take         D.push
21.A.house      B.garage       C.shop           D.hotel
22.A.agree       B.go          C.match          D.deal
23.A.way     B.message      C.luck           D.success
24.A.number    B.set          C.pair            D.chain
25.A.can’t       B.shouldn’t    C.won’t              D.mustn’t
26.A.satisfied   B.worried      C.disturbed     D.astonished
27.A.persuaded       B.advised       C.promised  D.reminded
28.A.here     B.happy     C.away          D.busy
29.A.be in touch with         B.keep in touch with
C.get in touch with            D.put in touch with
30.A.repairmen       B.cleaners      C.couple      D.friends
31.A.shook         B.sent         C.watched   D.drove
32.A.shocked     B.returned       C.happened  D.came
33.A.fixed       B.loaded        C.tied D.rebuilt
34.A.give       B.lend           C.owe   D.offer
35.A.wish          B.job          C.pleasure    D.duty

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If your father never says to you “I love you” when you are a child, it   21   to be more and more difficult for him to say the words as he grows   22  .
I do not 23  hearing the words from my father when I was growing up. 24  , I could not recall(回忆) when I had  25   said those words to him either.
One day, I decided to   26   the ice and make the first 27  . So in our next phone conversation I gathered all my   28   and let out the words in a low voice, “Dad… I love you!”
There was a 29   at the other end and he awkwardly 30  , “Well, same back at ya!”
I was unexpectedly  31   and my voice was raised, “Dad, I know you love me, and I know when you are ready, you will say what you want to say.”
Fifteen minutes later my mother called and 32   asked, “Paul, is everything okay?”
A few weeks later, Dad   33   our phone conversation with the words, “Paul, I love you.” I was so moved that tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally “34  ” the love. As I sat there in tears I realized that this   35   moment had taken our father-and-son relationship to a new   36  .Shortly afterwards, my father narrowly  37   death following heart surgery(外科手术). Many times   38  , I have   39   if I had not taken the first step and Dad not  40   the surgery, I would have never “heard” the love.
21. A. works out           B. breaks out       C. comes out       D. turns out
22. A. wiser          B. busier            C. weaker           D. older
23. A. remember     B. enjoy            C. mind                 D. regret
24. A. Truthfully           B. Fortunately        C. Naturally           D. Obviously
25. A. only               B. last                   C. once                 D. first
26. A. melt               B. break                C. strike                D. build
27. A. complaint           B. promise             C. move                D. impression
28. A. strength                 B. ideas                 C. words           D. attention
29. A. sigh                B. silence                 C. voice             D. cry
30. A. refused           B. shouted             C. replied                 D. explained
31 A. touched           B. frightened         C. shocked             D. annoyed
32. A. excitedly             B. nervously          C. willingly           D. sadly
33. A. continued            B. checked             C. concluded          D. interrupted
34. A. accepted             B. expected            C. learned              D. heard
35. A. quiet              B. difficult            C. special                 D. different
36. A. level               B. idea                  C. world            D. end
37. A. managed             B. escaped             C. avoided             D. faced
38. A. then               B. ago                   C. before           D. since
39. A. realized                B. found            C. doubted             D. wondered
40. A. challenged      B. experienced              C. survived            D. received

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ⅱ. 完型填空
Every time I passed boys who were playing basketball, I stopped to silently watch them. I really envied them. But as a girl, I once thought that I could   16   play basketball.
I like playing basketball though I'm not good at it. I've had a basketball   17   I was a child. At first, I could play freely because no one   18   when I was just a kid. But as I grew up it seemed harder and harder for me to enjoy basketball.
At school, it was always the boys who played basketball during PE classes. The girls were   19  allowed to play volleyball or badminton.
My parents did not   20   me play basketball at home. "Basketball is not fit for girls," they said.   21   when I went to play basketball with my friends, boys   22    at me on the court as if I were an alien.
I was feeling   23   and had lost hope of playing basketball.   24  , something changed the first day of high school. I made some friends who also enjoyed playing basketball. They  25  me to get back on the court.
One of them told me with a smile, "Go your own   26  , let others talk." This girl would always play basketball with me. Even the boy who sat next to me in class talked about   27   with me almost every day.
I was inspired by them. Confidence and passion   28   to my heart. I am ready to stand up and play. I will play as well as I can,   29   for me, even the sky is boundless (无垠的).
Basketball has become an important part of my   30  . I am interested in it. I watch matches and enjoy playing almost every day. Through basketball, not only do I feel happy and confident, but also   31  a lot.
I've heard the NBA star Tracy McGrady say, "Nothing is impossible." It is from an advertisement on TV. I have   32   to realize that life is just like playing basketball. You should have an   33  . After that, just be confident and   34   going. Never give up and you'll make it sooner or later.
I love the motto of the NBA. It can  35   my strong feelings for basketball, "I love this game!"
16. A. ever                B. often         C. never          D. always
17. A. when           B. before        C. after          D. since
18. A. struggled        B. cared         C. enjoyed         D. joined
19. A. only           B. almost        C. hardly         D. not
20. A. encourage       B. agree         C. let            D. permit
21. A. Still           B. Yet            C. Just           D. Even
22. A. looked               B. glared          C. glanced       D. stared
23. A. up           B. down          C. excited        D. satisfied
24. A. Unluckily       B. Naturally       C. Unexpectedly    D. Clearly
25. A. encouraged      B. forbade         C. ensured       D. explored
26. A. effort         B. way         C. business      D. direction
27. A. basketball        B. sports           C. interests       D. dreams
28. A. stuck          B. referred         C. turned         D. returned
29. A. but            B. though        C. and            D. however
30. A. wish             B. life           C. work        D. study
31. A. experience      B. grow           C. learn          D. play
32. A. come            B. turned        C. refused          D. happened
33. A. idea             B. aim          C. opinion       D. effort
34. A, insist           B. remain        C. keep          D. last
35. A. inform         B. express         C. ignore         D. connect

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I can still remember when I met my best friend.She had just moved into the neighborhood and her grandmother brought her down to   16   me.I hid behind my motherland she hid behind her grandmother,   17    to look at each other.Soon we lost the     18    and started playing with each other.
In the 7th grade,I first lost touch with her.She was   19    family problems and I deserted her to be with the because they knew she had    20      people.None of my new friends liked her as much as I did because they knew she had    21    .However,every summer we could always sit at each other’s house and watch soap operas,and talk about all the boys we liked.
It was last year when I noticed the problem.I guess I was too devoted in high school to      22___   she needed someone there for her.Anyway,she made a new best friend and so did I.Then 1 didn’t know why,but she started cutting herself!
She then was diagnosed(诊断)with clinical depression.At first,1 was very    23___ ,but we still stayed in  24____ .I wanted to be there for her since her new best friend basically     25___  her and people were calling her      26____ .
Yesterday she came to me and said:“I never knew what a best friend was until you were the only person that would stop me cutting.I   27___ you so much,and you didn’t even know you were      28____  me.”
We both cried.And I guess a kind of    29__  from my life so far is never to give up on your friends.Even if they aren’t as cool as others,or people think they are crazy,they need someone there.If you desert them,you will only be     30____  yourself.

A.follow B.meet C.join D.support

A.scared B.annoyed C.worried D.delighted

A.temper B.interest C.confidence D.shyness

A.taking up B.getting through C.going through D.making up

A.happier B.cooler C.stronger D.cleverer

A.problems B.shortcomings C.partners D.disabilities

A.admit B.accept C.consider D.realize

A.calm B.considerate C.upset D.helpful

A.place B.touch C.control D.mood

A.confused B.bothered C.reminded D.deserted

A.crazy B.stubborn C.clumsy D.stupid

A.expect B.influence C.appreciate D.demand

A.urging B.blaming C.helping D.hurting

A.honour B.favour C.pleasure D.lesson

A.innocent B.successful C.guilty D.reliable

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
Drama(戏剧)and the performing arts are excellent methods of building confidence in children and adults alike. Learning through drama allows children to   36   their creativity and have fun while leaving their   37   and worries behind. Drama also works by supporting the growth of imagination and other skills.
Entertainment has become rather passive with   38  , television and video games becoming more popular. These screen-based methods have had a   39   effect on communication. They prevent children communicating with others.   40  , drama puts the children enthusiastic about communication back into entertainment. Children have the opportunity to   41   with others in a more meaningful way   42   drama encourages speech development, awareness of body language and allows children to become more   43   aware.
Play and drama are closely linked. When children play a game, they are using their   44   and so are moving away from reality to   45   their own story. Drama is a vehicle   46   which children can express themselves more freely to make education fun.
Children gain   47   by understanding that there is no final answer in drama and that their opinion and contribution are valued. They are able to   48   to many issues and situations such as poverty, recycling and global warming. Drama and   49   have a strong link as drama can   50   children to take an active interest in other subjects such as geography, history and English and so they can   51   a more rounded education.
As a drama teacher, I have witnessed a child at his first class holding on to his parent’s arm—  52   to let go. Then to see the same child running into my class with a smile is an   53   sight. Drama installs confidence in children by allowing them to improvise(即兴创作)and experiment. Everyone is given the opportunity to shine   54   drama. Besides learning the history of the theatre, drama   55   dance, music, and directing, etc. These classes are especially designed to be of great fun.
36. A. express             B. expose            C. experience                            D. explore
37. A. depression               B. happiness          C. shyness                       D. sadness 
38. A. cinema               B. radio              C. media                       D. drama
39. A. positive            B. negative       C. sensitive                    D. subjective 
40. A. However          B. Besides           C. Therefore                    D. Meanwhile 
41. A. compare        B. discuss             C. connect                  D. compete  
42. A. though                    B. as               C. if                             D. before
43. A. mentally           B. physically       C. emotionally                 D. socially 
44. A. determination     B. consideration     C. communication                     D. imagination 
45. A. create                 B. tell                   C. read                         D. believe
46. A. through              B. beyond             C. across                           D. for
47. A. success               B. hope                C. admiration                    D. confidence 
48. A. stick                B. turn            C. respond                        D. return
49. A. language        B. education        C. play                            D. entertainment
50. A. persuade        B. require                  C. encourage                 D. train
51. A. have              B. continue            C. provide                         D. give
52. A. tired                   B. unwilling        C. sorry                        D. pleased
53. A. ordinary       B. excellent        C. strange                       D. imaginary
54. A. over                   B. above             C. after                             D. within
55. A. possesses         B. applies                 C. covers                         D. links

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

II. 完形填空(共20小题,满分30分)
When Dave was eighteen, he bought a second-hand car for £200 so that he could travel to and from work more  26  than by bus. It worked quite well for a few years, but it got so old, and it was costing him  27  much in repairs, that he decided that he had better 28  it.
He asked among his friends to see if anyone was 29  to buy a cheap car, but they all knew that it was falling to pieces, so  30  of them had any desire to buy it.
Dave’s friend Sam saw that he was  31  when they met one evening, and said, “What’s  32  , Dave?” Dave told him and Sam answered, “Well, what about advertising it in the paper? You may  33_ more for it that way than the cost of the advertisement!” Thinking that Sam’s  34  was reasonable, he put an advertisement in an evening paper, which read: “For sale: small car,  35  very little gas, only two owners. Bargain at £50.”
For two days after the advertisement first appeared, there was no  36_. but then on the Saturday evening he had an enquiry (咨询). A man rang up and said he would like to  37  him about the car. “All right.” Dave said, feeling happy. He asked the man whether ten o’clock the next morning would be  38_  or not. “Fine,” the man said, “and I’ll  39  my wife. We want to go for a ride in it to  40  it.”
The next morning, at a quarter to ten, Dave parked the car in the square outside his front door,  41  to wait there for the people who had  42  his advertisement. Even Dave had to  43  that the car really looked like a wreck (残破的车). Then, soon after he had got the car as  44  as it could be, a police car stopped just behind him and a policeman got out. He looked at Dave’s car and then said, “Have you reported this  45  to us yet, sir?”
26. A. directly         B. safely        C. properly     D. easily
27. A. so             B. such         C. very                     D. too
28. A. keep              B. repair       C. sell               D. throw
29. A. willing         B. lucky         C. ashamed        D. generous
30. A. some        B. neither          C. none                 D. most
31. A. delighted      B. sad                C. calm               D. astonished
32. A. on                B. up                C. it                    D. that
33. A. learn          B.miss           C. get                  D. find
34. A. message          B.advice        C. request           D. words
35. A. uses               B. loses         C. has                     D. spends
36. A. doubt           B. help           C. trouble           D. answer
37. A. tell                 B.see              C. agree              D. call
38. A. exact          B.suitable        C. early               D. late
39. A. follow          B. meet         C. bring              D. introduce
40. A. recognize    B. get           C. admire              D. test
41. A. happening    B. meaning        C. turning              D. failing
42. A. read             B. seen            C. answered             D. placed
43. A. forget         B.show           C. disagree                D. admit
44. A. clean         B. alike          C. fast               D. light
45. A. bargain       B. sale             C. accident            D. result

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work.
He may have the belief that he is not capable (有能力的) of it. A child may think he is __16__ because he doesn’t understand how to make the __17__ of his mental faculties (才能). Older people may be mistaken that they are incapable of learning things new because of their __ 18__.
A person who believe that he is incapable will not make a real _19__ because he feels that it would be useless. He won’t go at a job with confidence necessary for __20__ , and he won’t  work his hardest way, even though he may think he is doing so. He is __21__ likely to fail, and the failure will _22__ his belief in his competence (才能) .
Alfred Alder, a famous doctor, had __23__ like this. When he was a small boy, he had a poor __24__ in maths. His teacher told his parents he had no ability in maths in order that they would not __25__ too much of him. In this way, they two __26__ the idea. He accepted __27__ mistaken thinking of his ability, felt that it was useless to __28__ and was very poor at maths, __29__ as they expected.
One day he worked at a problem which __30__ of the other students had been able to solve. Alder __31__ in solving the problem. This gave him confidence (信心). He now __32__ with interest, determination and purpose, and he soon became especially good at __33__. He not only proved that he could learn maths well, but luckily he learned __34__ in his life from his own experience that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may __35__ himself as well as others by his ability.
16. A. clever                 B. shy                   C. useless                     D. stupid
17. A. biggest               B. most                 C. highest                     D. deepest
18 A. ability                 B. age                   C. brain                        D. knowledge
19. A. decision                     B. success              C. effort                       D. trouble
20. A. work                  B. study                C. improvement            D. success
21. A. truly                   B. really                C. however                   D. therefore
22. A. lead to                      B. strengthen         C. increase                    D. add to
23. A. an experience      B. an example        C. a thought                  D. a story
24. A. state                   B. mind                 C. start                         D. ending
25. A. blame                 B. expect               C. get                           D. win
26. A. developed           B. organized          C. discovered                D. found
27. A. his                     B. her                   C. its                          D. their
28. A. manage               B. succeed             C. try                         D. act
29. A. only                   B. almost               C. just                        D. then
30. A. none                   B. no                    C. no one                    D. nobody
31. A. gave                   B. succeeded          C. failed                            D. believed
32. A. lived                  B. worked             C. played                    D. graduated
33. A. lessons               B. medicine           C. subjects                  D. maths
34. A. early                  B. deeply               C. late                        D. simply
35. A. encourage           B. love                  C. astonish                  D. disappoint

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

II、语言知识及应用(共两节, 满分35分)
In a telephone survey of more than 2,000 adults,21% said they believed the sun revolved (旋转)around the earth. An additional 7% did not know which revolved around which. I have no doubt that all o f these people were __21__ in school that the earth revolves around the sun; ___22__may even have written it on a test. But they never __23___ their incorrect mental models of planetary (行星的) motion because their everyday observations didn't support what their teachers told them: People see the sun "moving __24___ the sky as morning turns to night,and the earth seems stationary (静止的) while that is happening.
Students can learn the right answers by __25___ in class,and yet never combined them with their working models of the world. The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the ___26___ personal understanding of the world can __27___ side by side,each unaffected by the other.
  Outside of class,the student continues to accept the model ___28____because it has always worked well in that circumstance. Unless professors address specific errors in students' personal models of the world,students are not ___29___ to replace them with the ___30___ one.
21.A.learned        B.suggested     C.taught              D.advised
22.A.those          B.these           C.who            D.they
23.A.formed        B.altered         C.believed            D.thought
24.A.around        B.across        C.on                D.above
25.A.heart          B.hand         C.ink               D.paper
26.A.adult's         B.teacher's      C.scientist's           D.student's
27.A.exist         B.occur        C.survive            D.maintain
28.A.privately      B.individually   C.personally         D.generally
29.A.obliged        B.likely              C.probable            D.partial
30.A.perfect        B.better        C.reasonable          D.correct

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
