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  首页 / 试题库 / 高中英语试题 / 选句填空 / 完型填空

It was almost Christmas. We wrote to my father, asking him to  36  an artificial tree for us and   _37  it to us in several smaller boxes. Two days before Christmas we were in a  38  . All of the boxes that my father had sent us arrived except for the one with the tree  39 . We decided to wait one more day.
Meanwhile, in Bremerhaven, a young mail clerk  40  a box under a counter. He  41  that someone would be without a tree for Christmas. Although he was closing up and there was no  42_   on Christmas, he processed the mail and got it to Mannheim.
After putting the  43  on the proper shelf, he headed to the snack bar. The place was  44   and he ended up sharing a table. Two men were speaking and the clerk discovered that one of his  45  at the table was working in Mannheim. He said to the man, "You could  46  play Santa for someone in Mannheim tonight if you'd like to." The man  47  to deliver it and the two walked to the mail room to  48  the package.
At home in Mannheim, we were busily  49  to think up some way to put our tree together, but couldn't  50  a workable solution. We were ready to give up  51  the door bell rang. There stood a stranger holding a long  52  carton, our tree trunk. We invited him in,  53  it was Christmas Eve and he was  54  to get home to his own family.
The next day as we watched our little boy's eyes light up at the  55  of our beautiful tree, I whispered a little prayer: "Bless the stranger who brightened up our Christmas with his kindness."
36. A. sell              B. buy              C. deliver                 D. bring
37. A. send            B. pass                 C. carry                 D. take
38. A. surprise          B. hunger             C. pleasure                     D. panic
39. A. leaf            B. trunk                C. stand                 D. branch
40. A. watched        B. caught               C. spotted                D. broke
41. A. directed         B. whispered           C. realized                 D. confirmed
42. A. delivery         B. customer             C. money                 D. letter
43. A. present         B. tree              C. mail                           D. package
44. A. crowded         B. small             C. noisy                  D. normal
45. A. friends          B. colleagues           C. relatives               D. companions
46. A. really           B. confidently        C. kindly                 D. patiently
47. A. overcame       B. agreed              C. astonished             D. struggled
48. A. fetch              B. transform           C. post                       D. consult
49. A. solving          B. explaining          C. trying                 D. worrying
50. A. come across      B. come back to        C. come upon             D. come up with
51. A. while             B. when              C. as                        D. since
52. A. slim            B. beautiful           C. thick                 D. heavy
53. A. but               B. so                  C. because                D. or
54. A. in surprise       B. it, the, way         C. in a hurt7                    D. in lime
55. A. sight            B. back            C. corner                  D. scene

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ⅱ语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分35分)
第一节完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
One Sunday, Cody decided to go sailing in his boat with his friends Dane, but Dane happened to be away. Dane’s brother Brett wanted to go instead    21    he did not know anything about sailing. Cody     22    and they set out to sea.
Soon they     23    themselves in a thick fog(雾). Cody was sure they would be hit by a big ship. Luckily he saw a large buoy(浮标)    24      the fog and decided to tie the boat to it for       ___25__. As he was getting onto the buoy, however, he dropped the wet rope. The boat moved away in the fog carrying Brett who did not know    26       to use the radio. He drifted(漂流) about and was not seen until twelve hours later.
Cody     27     the night on the buoy. In the early morning he fell asleep and was having a bad     28     when a shout woke him up. A ship, called Good Hope, came up and he climbed onto it and thanked the captain. The captain told him that Brett had been picked up by    29    ship and the ship’s captain had sent out a     30    .
21.A.so             B.because          C.though           D.but
22. A.agreed         B.liked            C.disagreed         D.allowed
23. A.enjoyed        B.found           C.played            D.helped
24. A.from          B.across          C.through           D.by
25. A.trouble        B.help             C.safety            D.time
26. A.what          B.where           C.when             D.how
27. A.spent         B.took             C.wasted            D.paid
28. A.meal         B.lesson          C.ride             D.dream
29. A.other         B.another          C.the other         D.others
30. A.note         B.message          C.letter            D.news

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第一节完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it’s painful? This might be called   1 , but Dr. Kleitman has a new   2  . He has proved that everyone has a   energy cycle. During the hours when you   4  through your work you may say that you’re “hot”. That’s   5  . The time of day when you feel most   6  is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak. For some people the   7  comes during the forenoon. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so, but it  8   such familiar monologues as: “Get up, John! You’ll be late for work again!” The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the   9 . Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives  10   what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has. You can’t change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better.
1. A. patience     B. laziness       C. sadness        D. comfort
2. A. discovery    B. invention      C. explanation     D. statement
3. A. changing     B. increasing     C. full           D. daily
4. A. labour       B. get           C. go            D. look
5. A. honest       B. actual        C. true           D. real
6. A. pleasant      B. energetic     C. excited         D. comfortable
7. A. power       B. energy        C. peak           D. altitude
8. A. comes to     B. gets to        C. leads to        D. refers to
9. A. morning     B. afternoon      C. evening        D. noon
10. A. realize      B. recognize      C. memorize      D. see

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was going hunting along the motorway the other day when there was a sudden bang and I almost fell off my motorbike. It had a hole in the front tyre and it’s not easy to_46_ a bike without any air in the tyre.
I _47_ stop without falling off luckily, but I still had the problem of what to do with the hole. A motorbike isn’t like a car; you can’t just change a wheel and go on your way. Now, you have to take the wheel off, find the hole, cover it with a piece of rubber, and then put the wheel back together again. Usually it costs you a lot of time and you get very dirty. As I didn’t have any _48_, I set to work. It didn’t _49_ long to get the wheel off and it wasn’t hard to _50_ the tyre from the wheel. The fun really began when I had to put the wheel back on the bike. You have no_51_ how easy it is to _52_ small pieces of motorbike in the dark.
In the _ 53_ the bike was all together again but then I realized I hadn’t got a pump, so how was I going to blow up the tyre? Fortunately, a _54_ motorist saw me and pulled up. He lent me his pump and I was soon ready to start off again. Next time I am in the motorbike shop I really must remember to buy myself a small pump though I don’t know _55_ I am going to carry it on the motorbike.
46. A. drive    B. start       C. carry      D .ride
47. A. tried to B. managed to C. did        D. made an effort to
48. A. time     B. choice     C. chance          D. tool
49. A. spend   B. need      C. take       D. have
50. A. remove B. repaired     C. change          D . check
51. A. idea      B. wonder      C. fun        D. sense
52. A. look for       B. find       C. put together       D. lose
53. A .last       B. meantime   C. same time   D. end
54. A. passing B. past       C. passed     D. pass
55. A. what     B. where     C. that        D. why

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In 1962, a Russian woman told her doctor that she could __41_  through her fingers. Certainly the doctor didn’t believe it   42   he saw with his own eyes. The doctor 43  her eyes with a large handkerchief and then put coloured papers and newspapers under her hands. She was able to   44 one colour from another and read the newspaper by   45  and feeling them. The doctor   46  her many times and was   47  with the examination, so he sent her to Moscow, in which she was further examined by   48   . Her unusual powers, in the end, were   49  .
The early research into these unusual powers has shown that  50  man trusts only his eyes, he will not be able to see outside the limits of time and into the space.
41         A. write                    B. draw                    C. sing                     D. see
42         A . after                 B. when          C. until                     D. since
43         A .opened          B. hid                      C .closed                  D. covered
44         A. see            B .guess                   C. tell                      D. think
45         A. seeing          B. singing                 C. touching               D .checking
46         A. saw            B .examined              C. helped                  D. watched
47         A .satisfied                B. strict                  C. busy             D .very careful
48         A. nurses          B. scientists               C .blind people         D. good teachers
49         A. examined           B. believed             C .known                 D. true
50     A. if                    B. whether              C. because              D. after

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节完形填空 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)
Life on Land probably began about 430 millions years ago, though it has existed in the water for perhaps as much as 3,000 million years. When we think of the first thing on land, we probably think of strange ___41___coming out of the oceans, but in fact no animals could have been _42__ if plants had not been on land first. Plants had to be on land before animals arrived. They __43___ the first land animals with the surrounding and food necessity, since they, the plants are the only form of life that is able to get and store__44__.
The first plants to exist out of water were probably __45__ kinds of algae(海藻) which were __46__ by other plants that grow ___47__ to the ground and needed water in which to reproduce. Once the move to land had been made, however, evolution (进化) took place quickly. By the end of 100 million years, plants had developed their __48__, and some had got tree-like forms since height was very important in gaining __49__. About 30 million years ago, much of the world was covered with forests of huge trees. In most ways they were like _ 50__ modern trees. They had roots, leaves, wood, but mostly they had not developed
41. A. tree             B. plants                C. seeds                 D. animals
42. A. living         B. making             C. dying                D. eating
43. A. offered        B. supplied            C. gave                 D. afforded
44. A. heat             B. sunlight             C. energy                     D. water
45. A. many           B. little                 C. sure                  D. certain
46. A. followed      B. made                C. copied               D. existed
47. A. close           B. far                    C. strong               D. tall
48. A. branches      B. trunks               C. roots                 D. leaves
49. A. weight         B. sunlight             C. soil                   D. water
50. A. modern        B. ancient              C. big                   D. small

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Ted spent seven years as a prisoner of war. There he discovered the power of  36    . For more than half of that   37  he was in isolation (隔绝). He lived for ten months in total   38    . Those ten months was the longest of his life. When they   39   with wooden boards the window of his little seven-by-seven foot cell, shutting out the light, he  40  if he was going to make it.
Ted spent hours a day exercising and thinking. But at times he felt he could do   41  but scream. Not wanting to give his 42  the satisfaction of knowing they’d 43 him, he placed clothing into his mouth to lessen the noise  44    he screamed at the top of his lungs. 
One day Ted got down on the45   and crawled (爬) under his bed. He found a hole that 46   air from the outside. As he approached the hole, he saw a47    ray of light. Ted put his eye next to the wall and discovered a small crack in the building. It allowed him to glimpse   48  , though all he could see was a  49    piece of grass. But when he saw this, he felt a surge of joy, excitement and   50  that he hadn’t had in years. “It represented life, growth and 51   ,” he later said. It was the small hope that helped Ted  52  this nearly unbearable experience.
The human spirit is53   . It seems to run forever54  nothing but a faint (微弱的) hope. Without it, you have nothing. With it, nothing else   55   — even the worst conditions.
36. A. thought              B. scream                    C. support                    D. hope 
37. A. prison          B. war               C. time               D. month
38. A. happiness       B. sadness            C. darkness           D. silence
39. A. strengthened    B. fixed            C. covered           D. broke
40. A. reminded       B. required           C. wondered          D. feared
41. A. something     B. nothing              C. everything          D. anything
42. A. soldiers        B. friends             C. enemy            D. army
43. A. wounded       B. quitted           C. satisfied             D. broken
44. A. till            B. since              C. as                D. after
45. A. window        B. floor              C. wall              D. board
46. A. let in          B. put out            C. took in            D. gave off 
47. A. weak          B. soft               C. strong            D. sharp
48. A. inside         B. outside              C. above             D. below
49. A. very           B. right               C. specific            D. single
50.A. gratefulness    B. usefulness          C. fulfillment         D. establishment
51. A. courage        B. perseverance      C. choice            D. freedom
52. A. by             B. out                C. over                   D. through
53. A. straight         B. strong             C. lucky               D. interesting
54. A. against         B. from             C. on                 D. over
55. A. matters         B. relates           C. changes               D. happens 

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I had an interesting experience playing ping-pong last year. I was playing against a 16 opponent(对手). The score was 20 to 17 in her  17 . I won the next three points which made the score 20 to 20. I  18 my paddle on the table and thanked my opponent and began to walk away. She called me  19  and said we had to continue until one of us  20 .
“Look,”I said, “if we 21 , one of two events will take place, either you or I will win.If you win, I will begin to 22  my skill. If I win, you will be unhappy. Isn’t it better to know that we both played 23  , that we enjoyed the competition, and that we played an even(相等) score?” This was a 24  ending for my opponent and for the persons watching this contest. It made  25  to me to leave with a tie(不分胜负) game, an impasse(僵局): no winner, no 26  .
So, my friends, here is the problem  27   me. Our present technology makes it possible for nations to  28  other nations for retaliatory(报复) strikes. In such a nuclear time, there  29  be no winners, only losers. Under these conditions, the only choice to  30  global destruction is glogal impasse. This would be a  31  “tie game” where no nation wins and no nation loses. An impasse reached through compromise(妥协). This is because compromise becomes the only means of  32 . We cannot destroy this beautiful planet by holding on to  33  understanding of victory. The 34  victory is in achieving a desirable impasse. No one wins, 35  no one loses either.
16.A.tiring                                 B.poor                         C.fine                          D.brave
17.A.favor                                  B.side                          C.lead                          D.place
18.A.threw                                 B.placed                       C.stuck                         D.dropped
19.A.up                                      B.over                          C.on                                   D.back
20.A.lost                                    B.won                          C.gave up                    D.tired out
21.A.perform                             B.stop                          C.continue                    D.leave
22.A.doubt                                 B.hate                          C.practise                     D.desert
23.A.hard                                          B.fair                           C.poorly                       D.well
24.A.close                                  B.surprising                  C.satisfying                  D.reasonable
25.A.progress                          B.room                        C.sense                         D.time
26.A.loser                                  B.fighter                      C.success                      D.player
27.A.encouraging                        B.frightening                C.shocking                   D.troubling
28.A.destroy                               B.attack                       C.seize                         D.rule
29.A.may                                          B.should                      C.can                           D.must
30.A.escape                                B.flee                           C.accept                       D.avoid
31.A.different                             B.small                        C.huge                         D.familiar
32.A.surviving                            B.living                        C.staying                      D.pleasing
33.A.an old                                B.an unusual                 C.the same                   D.a complete
34.A.great                                 B.only                         C.same                         D.equal
35.A.where                                 B.but                           C.as                             D.since

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last September, a terrible typhoon struck our neighborhood. Roofs were flying. Trees were being uprooted. Outside our front window. I __33___ see a nearby tree. It had served as the neighborhood’s Christmas tree for ten years. Children expected  its __34____ every December. “Just bend; don’t break!” I made a wish.
The ___35___ gathered in force. Rain was falling __36___, and water was pouring into the house around the edges of the closed windows. I heard people shouting, “The river is coming down on us!” I rushed out and found that the ___37___, which crossed the river and was the only way to ___38___ ground, was already under water !
We all ___39___ at a neighbor’s house and tried to think of a way out. ___40___ it was too late. Soon, we found ourselves stuck on the roof, holding together against the wind, trembling with cold and fear. As we looked around, the __41___ near our house could no longer be seen. Despair surrounded us.
Luckily, a group of soldiers __42___. With their help, ten hours later, at 2:oo a.m. , everyone was finally off the roof. We were saved!
The rain stopped during the night. At dawn, with the water gone, we found our __43___ a wasteland covered with sand and mud. As we made our way to what was left of our home, we found the tree ___44___ there, bent but not broken! Our symbol of ___45___ had been spared by nature.
Life may not become __46__ so soon, but our neighborhood has tried its best. __47___ , in December, the Christmas tree will light up again.
33.A. should       B. would      C. could        D. might
34. A. arriving     B. growing     C. standing     D. lighting
35.A.energy       B. coldness    C. storm        D. darkness
36.A. peacefully   B. slowly      C. noisily       D. heavily
37. A. house       B. bridge      C. road        D. hill
38. A. richer       B. cleaner      C. higher       D. narrower
39.A. gathered     B. shouted      C. worked      D. swam
40. A. So         B. For          C. And        D. But
41. A. flood       B. tree          C. window     D. roof
42. A. looked out   B. got up       C. turned up    D. set out
43.A. ground      B. river         C. nature      D. neighborhood
44. A. already     B. still          C. even       D. also
45. A. health      B. respect       C. hope       D. honor
46. A. special     B. normal       C. excellent    D. fortunate
47. A. Hopefully  B. Particularly    C. Perfectly   D. Generally

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was young, I belonged to a club that did community service work. There was one specific__36___that was unusual for me. I spent three or four hours handing out warm dinner to the homeless out in the streets. After that I went to a homeless shelter not far from the Bay Bridge.
I was in high school and at the time my sister was too young to  37  . She wanted to help,  38  she made four or five dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to  39  and hand out to people. When__40__ to the homeless shelter, I passed out the __41__meals.I began making sandwiches and  42  them with the crowd. I had the containers with my  43  cookies in them and began to  44  , offering them to anyone near me.
I  45  an old gentleman and said, “ Sir, would you like a cookie?” He stopped and turned around, looked at me rightly and said, “ What did you say? Did you call me sir?” I told him I __46__ , and his eyes  47  a little bit and said, “ No one has  48   called me sir.’ So he was completely moved.
It __49__me.
I explained I had been raised that  50  color and social status, everyone deserved(应得) respect. It  51  me to think that just because he was homeless, no one  52  him the honor. It broke my heart. I just didn’t understand  53  no one ever called him sir? I had never thought that anyone was below me because I wasn’t raised that way. Every  54  person deserves to be treated with respect. Years later, I still carry that memory and the__55__ it taught me. Sometimes, what we take for granted can really make a difference in someone’s life.
How have you made a difference to others? How have others made a difference to you?
36. A.accident     B.incident          C.event             D.affair
37. A.participate     B.join            C.choose            D.go
38. A.however          B.but             C.yet                 D.so
39. A.bring        B.fetch           C.collect            D.take
40. A.arriving     B.getting         C.reaching            D.coming
41. A.remained      B.remaining       C.remain            D.left
42. A.shared      B.gave           C.helped            D.assisted
43. A.classmate’s    B.schoolmate’s       C.sister’s            D.family’s
44. A.walk around  B.knock around      C.come around         D.stand around
45. A.went         B.came           C.approached        D.met
46. A.had              B.called          C.would            D.do
47. A.watered     B.cried           C.tore               D.dropped
48. A.already     B.ever            C.still                D.yet
49. A.hit        B.occured          C.struck            D.beat
50. A.in spite of     B.regardless of       C.concerned about    D.for fear of
51. A.strengthened  B.saddened        C.frightened         D.pleased
52. A.handed     B.offered         C.provided           D.supplied
53. A.what         B.when          C.whether             D.why
54. A.single       B.poor           C.ordinary            D.normal
55. A.lesson       B.class           C.truth              D.reality

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Kindness at fast-food restaurant
It was summer and I had gotten one of the few jobs a 14-year-old can find—working at Burger King,a fast-food restaurant.It  16  wasn’t a good job,but it meant money,  17  was something I needed.
One day,I was working behind the front counter,taking  18  .The customers were coming and going,and the woman who  19  didn’t seem any different from most others.
She ordered her meal and I told her the total.As she searched  20  her purse to find some change,the woman soon  21  that she was about a dollar short.“I’m  22  to say this,but I guess I won’t be able to make my purchase  23 ,”she said sadly
That’s when I had the idea of paying the difference for her. She refused at first,but after I 24  ,she agreed.She thanked me and moved to the end of the counter to  25  her order.I continued with my work and thought  26  more of it
About an hour later  27  had slowed down and I was waiting for my next customer.Then I glanced over towards the  28  and saw the same woman whom I’d helped with the money entering again.I  29  recognized her.
She walked straight up to me and said,“I want to thank you again for what you did.You see,I’m a diabetic(糖尿病患者),and  30  I need to eat something right away.That’s  31  I came in earlier.If you hadn’t helped me as you did,I  32  have fainted.Thank you.”
She handed me two dollars,  33   I’d given her.
34  the woman walk away,I realized that God had used me to help me.In the end,I was  35  not only with money but also with the satisfaction of knowing that I’d helped someone out of a tight spot.
16.A.firstly          B.roughly       C.certainly          D.strictly
17.A.which          B.what            C.that                 D.it
18.A.menus             B.orders              C.service             D.food
19.A.reached           B.moved             C.presented         D.approached
20.A.through       B.for                  C.about               D.across
21.A.recognized       B.realized           C.admitted          D.said
22.A.guilty              B.disappointed     C.embarrassed     D.regret
23.A.above all         B.first of all        C.in all               D.after all
24.A.insisted on    B.insisted            C.stuck to           D.stuck
25.A.pick up            B.pick out           C.carry out          D.bring out
26.A.none               B.anything          C.nothing            D.something
27.A.cnstomers        B.orders              C.pressure           D.business
28.A.entrance          B.restaurant         C.counter            D.window
29.A.suddenly          B.immediately     C.surely              D.completely
30.A.at a time          B.at time             C.sometime         D.sometimes
31.A.when               B.where              C.why                D.how
32.A.shall                B.may                C.might              D.need
33.A.twice that        B.twice what       C.that twice         D.what twice
34.A.Watching         B.Looking           C.Observing        D.Noticing
35.A.awarded          B.honored           C.returned           D.rewarded

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Charles and I used to hang out all the time, together with a few other guys, but he seemed too cool for us recently.We couldn’t understand the   36  , and we didn’t ask him for an explanation. 37  , we decided to   38  him a lesson in the way he treated us.
Once we started giving Charles the  39  shoulder, almost everyone was taking no notice of him.He looked so  40  , especially at lunchtime when he sat alone in the cafeteria.Now and then he nodded and said, “Hey!” when  41  passed his table, but all he got  42  return were mean looks and silence.
At first I was glad my plan had  43 .I only wanted him to know  44  it felt like to be blown off, but I hadn’t thought about how badly my “lesson” would  45  him.
During one lunch period, Charles  46  glanced at his watch, obviously 47   the minutes until he could leave the cafeteria.I suddenly realized I had done wrong.“Hey! Man.I’m terribly sorry.” I called out.“Oh, so you are talking to me now?” he asked.
“I’m sorry,   48   I had thought that you wanted to end our   49 .” I said.
“What?” he nearly shouted, looking much   50 .
“I’ve left you alone because I thought that was what you wanted.”
“Oh, my God! Why would I want  51  ?”He I shouted, completely puzzled.
Clearly, we both had been  52  each other wrong.At first Charles couldn’t accept my  53 .I knew he needed time to   54 all the hurt I’d caused him.But eventually, he did forgive me.We even started   55   out together again.And our friendship wasn’t destroyed at all.
36.A.situation        B.change             C.action         D.appearance
37.A.Besides        B.Therefore           C.Instead       D.But
38.A.take          B.teach              C.give           D.have
39.A.serious        B.friendly           C.warm         D.cold
40.A.sad           B.angry              C.happy        D.joyful
41.A.he           B.anyone           C.they          D.someone
42.A.at           B.in                C.on            D.by
43.A.helped        B.operated            C.worked       D.affected
44.A.what         B.that             C.which       D.how
45.A.worry        B.touch           C.hurt         D.disappoint
46.A.unexpectedly  B.worriedly          C.excitedly      D.repeatedly
47.A.counting      B.guessing           C.waiting       D.checking
48.A.and          B.so               C.thus          D.but
49.A.relationship   B.emotion            C.love          D.friendship
50.A.interested    B.pleased              C.surprised      D moved
51.A.one          B.those           C.that            D.such
52.A.understanding  B.regarding        C.knowing      D treating
53.A.explanation    B.attitude           C.suggestion    D.apology
54.A.get through    B.get over          C.get across     D.get along
55.A.leaving      B.looking            C.hanging      D.standing

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and you can imagine how excited they were. Certainly the boy was   36   as the apple of their eyes.
One morning, the husband saw a medicine bottle   37  .As he was late for work, he asked his wife to cap the bottle and ___38____. The mother, who was busy in the kitchen,   39    the matter. The boy playfully went to the medicine bottle, was    40    with its color, and drank it all. It   41    to be a poisonous medicine    42    adults in small dosages. When the child showed  43   of poisoning, the mother took him to the hospital, where he died. The mother was stunned(使昏迷).She was too   44    to face her husband. When the   45   father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he   46    his wife and uttered just four words.    
The husband just said “   47    ”
The husband was indeed   48    in human relationships. The child was dead. He could   49   be brought back to life. There was no   50    in finding fault with the mother.   51   , if only he had taken time to keep the bottle in the cupboard or other place, this would not have happened. No one is   52   . She had also lost her only child .What she needed at that moment was comfort and   53   from the husband. That was what he gave her.
If everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective, there would be much fewer  problems in the world. Sometimes we spend time in asking who is    54    or whom to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. In this way, we will   55   some warmth in human relationship .
36.A.treated            B.thought                   C.looked                    D.abandoned
37.A.shut                B.close                      C.bare                       D.open
38.A.put it aside       B.set it aside         C.put it away              D.leave it alone
39.A.completely forgetting                       B.wholly terrified
C.totally forgot                                  D.absolutely remembered
40.A.satisfied           B.fascinated               C.puzzled                   D.calmed
41.A.happened        B.seemed                   C.appeared                 D.occurred
42.A.stood for     B.left for                   C.meant for               D.called for
43.A.symbols           B.signals                    C.clues                      D.signs
44.A.ashamed          B.frightened              C.annoyed                  D.worried
45.A.awful            B.angry                 C.heartbroken            D.patient
46.A.looked at           B.smiled at                 C.glared at                 D.glanced at
47.A.I hate you, now.                                  B.How do you do?
C.How did this happen?                           D.I love you, Darling.
48.A.an idiot           B.a genius                 C.a success                 D.an evil
49.A.never              B.seldom                   C.even                       D.once
50.A.wonder            B.point                     C.pleasure                  D.worry
51.A.Therefore        B.Otherwise          C.Besides                  D.However
52.A.to blame         B.to be blamed           C.to be accused          D.to be noticed
53.A.explanation      B.courage                  C.excuse                    D.sympathy
54.A.suitable           B.believable           C.accessible                D.responsible
55.A.make out         B.look out                  C.stand out                 D.miss out

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
I arrived in the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with 75 students who would be my English Literature class. Having taught in  26  for 17 years, I had no  27  about my ability to hold their attention and to  28  on them my admiration for the literature of my mother tongue.
I was shocked when the monitor shouted, “  29  !”
The entire class rose as I entered the room, and I was somewhat  30  about how to get them to sit down again, but once that awkwardness was over, I quickly  31  my calmness and began what I thought was a fact-packed lecture, sure to gain their respect --- perhaps  32  their admiration. I went back to my office with the rosy glow which comes from a sense of achievement.
My students  33  diaries. However, as I read them, the rosy glow was gradually  34  by a strong sense of sadness. The first diary said, “Our literature teacher didn’t teach us anything today.  35  her next lecture will be better.” Greatly surprised, I read diary after diary, each expressing a  36  theme. “Didn’t I teach them anything? I described the entire philosophical framework of Western thought and laid the historical  37  for all the works we will study in class,” I complained. “How  38  they say I didn’t teach them anything?”
It was a long term, and it  39  became clear that my ideas about education were not the same as  40  of my students. I thought a teacher’s job was to raise     41  questions and provide enough background so that students could  42  their own conclusions. My students thought a teacher’s job was to provide  43  information as directly and clearly as possible. What a difference!
44  , I also learned a lot, and my experience with my Chinese students has made me a  45  American teacher, knowing how to teach in a different culture.
26. A. the UK             B. the US            C. China               D. Australia
27. A. worry              B. idea                   C. doubt             D. experience
28. A. impress             B. put              C. leave             D. fix
29. A. Attention           B. Look out         C. At ease             D. Stand up
30. A. puzzled             B. sure                  C. depressed         D. worried
31. A. found      B. returned       C. regained             D. followed
32. A. more                B. even               C. yet                 D. still
33. A. passed      B. borrowed        C. kept                D. read
34. A. replaced            B. taken              C. caught         D. moved
35. A. Naturally          B. Perhaps         C. Fortunately        D. Reasonably
36. A. different           B. strong            C. similar        D. usual
37. A. happenings   B. characters        C. development      D. background
38. A. should        B. need              C. will           D. must
39. A. immediately  B. certainly         C. simply                 D. gradually
40. A. that           B. what               C. those                D. ones
41. A. difficult     B. interesting       C. ordinary          D. unusual
42. A. draw         B. get                    C. decide           D. give
43. A. strange       B. standard          C. exact           D. serious
44. A. Therefore          B. However         C. But                 D. Though
45. A. normal             B. happy             C. good            D. better

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some years ago when I was in my first year in college, I heard Salome Bey sing for the first time. The moment was exciting. Salome’s   36  filled the room and brought the theater to life. I was so   37   that I decided to write an article about her.
I   38   Salome Bey, telling her I was from Essence magazine, and that I wanted to meet her to talk about her career. She   39   and told me to come to her studio next Tuesday. When I hung up, I was scared out of my mind. I   40   I was lying. I was not a writer at all and hadn’t even written a grocery list.
I interviewed Salome Bey the next Tuesday. I sat there   41  , taking notes and asking questions that all began with, “Can you tell me…” I soon realized that   42   Salome Bey was one thing, but writing a story for a national magazine was just impossible. The   43   was almost unbearable. I struggled for days   44   draft after draft. Finally I put my manuscript (手稿) into a large envelope and dropped it into a mailbox.
It didn’t take long. My manuscript   45  . How stupid of me! I thought. How could I   46   in a world of professional writers? Knowing I couldn’t   47   the rejection letter, I threw the unopened envelope into a drawer.
Five years later, I was moving to California. While   48   my apartment, I came across the unopened envelope. This time I opened it and read the editor’s letter in   49  :
Dear Ms Profit,
Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic. Yet we need some   50   materials. Please add those and return the article immediately. We would like to   51   your story soon.
Shocked, it took me a long time to   52  . Fear of rejection cost me dearly. I lost at least five hundred dollars and having my article appear in a major magazine. More importantly, I lost years of   53   writing. Today, I have become a full – time writer. Looking back on this   54  , I learned a very important lesson: You can’t   55   to doubt yourself.
36.A.joy           B.voice     C.speech      D.smile
37.A.proud          B.active       C.satisfied    D.moved
38.A.visited         B.emailed    C.phoned     D.interviewed
39.A.agreed         B.refused     C.hesitated   D.paused
40.A.replied        B.discovered       C.explained  D.knew
41.A.seriously      B.patiently   C.nervously  D.quietly
42.A.blaming       B.fooling     C.inviting    D.urging
43.A.hardship      B.failure      C.comment  D.pressure
44.A.with         B.by        C.on        D.in
45.A.disappeared      B.returned    C.spread      D.improved
46.A.compare      B.struggle    C.survive     D.compete
47.A.ignore         B.deliver      C.face      D.receive
48.A.decorating          B.repairing   C.cleaning    D.leaving
49.A.disbelief      B.anxiety     C.horror      D.trouble
50.A.subjective    B.relevant    C.private      D.reliable
51.A.broadcast     B.create       C.publish     D.assess
52.A.recover        B.prepare     C.escape      D.concentrate
53.A.energetic     B.endless     C.typical      D.enjoyable
54.A.experience       B.success     C.benefit      D.accident
55.A.attempt        B.afford       C.expect      D.pretend

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
