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Far out in the sea lived three Sirens,the three sisters of magic song.Half human and half bird,the Siren sisters sat in a field of flowers, 36  in voices that excited the hearts of men.The attractive songs were so  37  that ships were attracted to the  38  and struck to pieces on the rocks.No sailor nor ship had ever been known to  39  the island of the Sirens without being attracted to  40 .
Acting on the advice of Circe, Odysseus made careful  41  against the Sirens.Before their ships came to where they could  42  the song, Odysseus had himself  43  the mast (桅杆), stuffed (堵住) the  44  of his men with wax (蜡) and ordered them to  45  his orders and gestures when they were passing the  46  island.
Soon they came in sight of the 47 island, and the attractive song reached the ears of 48. It moved him so much that he struggled in despair to  49  himself and shouted for his men to 50 the rich and flowery grass land of the singing sisters. But  51  paid any attention to him. The sailors kept straight on until they were  52  out of hearing.  53  his friends freed him and took the wax out of their ears. For  54  the Sirens had sung with no 55 . The eldest of the sisters, Partherope, loved Odysseus so much that she threw herself into the sea after his ships had passed.
36. A. talking         B. calling              C. yelling              D. singing
37. A. strange         B. sweet         C. terrible          D. loud
38. A. flowers         B. sea             C. island         D. rocks
39. A. visit            B. approach      C. pass            D. leave
40. A. disaster         B. success          C. peace         D. loss
41. A. communication  B. preparation     C. action              D. attention
42. A. sing                B. accept         C. hear               D. enjoy
43. A. tied to         B. standing along  C. facing to       D. seated on
44. A. eyes            B. mouth         C. nose           D. ears
45. A. miss          B. ignore        C. carry               D. take
46. A. friendly              B. 1ovely              C. deadly         D. lonely
47. A. rocky          B. sunny         C. windy         D. sandy
48. A. Partherope      B. Sirens         C. Circe         D. Odysseus
49. A. beat             B. free           C. relief         D. order
50. A. go around       B. keep off       C. turn towards      D. run away from
51. A. no one         B. anyone          C. everyone       D. someone
52. A. completely      B. luckily              C. quickly         D. naturally
53. A. Still            B. Then          C. But            D. Again
54. A. the moment     B. long           C. ever           D. once
55. A. meanings        B. points         C. effects         D. efforts

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“We don’t believe it.  1  until now I haven’t   2  (receive) even  3  
smallest piece of paper reporting the real cause of   4    death,” said Mr Stone
5  (excited) facing the thirty representatives   6   at least twenty countries that had been the biggest import countries of the British beef but now refused   7                (have )it. When he saw no signs of anybody 8     (be) willing to speak out, Mr Stone got madder, adding, “You will have to eat beef every day, won’t you? In the past, to get our beef, you ordered  9   advance, as much as you could, saying in your thank-you letter, … without the British beef we can’t imagine  10   a colorless sight would be on our countrymen’s dinner tables.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. With each passing day everyone became more __36__wthting for the final school bell. Upon its _37____everyone would run for their coats and go hone, everyone except David  
David was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often _38___what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so __39__for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. But something made David __40__I can still remember he was always __41____a smile and willing to help. He always __42__after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. We never talked much He__43___just smile and ask what else he could do ,then thank me for letting him stay and slowly__44___home  
Weeks passed and the __45___ovre the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of__46__before the holiday break. I smiled in ___47 __as the last of them hurried out the door. Turning around I saw David ___48___standing by my desk.
“I have something for you” he said ____49____from behind his back a small box. __50___it to me, he said anxiously. “Open it “I took the box from him, thanked him and slowly unwrapped it. I lift the lid and to my __51__saw nothing I looked at David‘s smiling face add back into the box and said. “The box is nice, David, but it’ s__52__”  
“Oh no it isn’t” said David “It’s full of love, my mum told me before she died that love was something you couldn’t see or touch unless you know it’s there”  
Tears filled my eyes ___53___Iooked at the proud dirty race that I had rarely given____54___to. After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning ___55___the little empty box set on my desk       

A.anxious B.courageous C.serious D.cautious

A.warning B.ringing C.calling D.yelling

A.scolded B.wondered C.realized D.learned

A.modestly B.naturally C.inaccurately D.inappropriately

A.popular B.upset C.special D.funny

A.expressing B.delivering C.wearing D.sharing

A.practised B.wandered C.studied D. stayed

A.would B.should C.might D.could

A.aim at B.turn to C.put off D.head for

A.argument B.excitement C.movement D.program

A.school B.year C.education D.program

A.relief B.return C.vain D.control

A.weakly B.sadly C.quietly D.helplessly

A.searched B.found C.raised D.pulled

A.Holding B.Handing C.Sending D.Leaving

A.delight B.expectation C.appreciation D.surprise

A.cheap B.empty C.useless D.improper

A.as B.until C.because D.though

A.advice B.support C.attention D.command

A.from B.behind C.over D.towards

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I returned to Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, after graduation. I had been there before my mother became a minister.  Two weeks later, I told my mother I was bored. She said, “Here’re the car keys. Go and buy some fruit.” ____ 1____, I jumped into the car and speeded off.
Seeing me or rather my ___ 2____, a boy sprang up(跳起来),   3__ to sell his bananas and peanuts. “Banana 50 naira. Peanut 200 naira!” Looking at his black-striped bananas, I     4__ to 200 total for the fruit and nuts. He     5__ . I handed him a 500 naira note. He didn’t have     6__ , so I told him not to worry. He was     7__ and smiled a row of perfect teeth.
When, two weeks later, I    8__ this same boy, I was more aware of my position in Nigerian society. I should     9__ this country as the son of a     10___. But it was hare to find pleasure in a place where it was so     11___ to see a little boy who should have been in school selling fruit.
“What’s up?” I asked. He answered in     12___ English, “I … I no get money o buy book.” I took out two 500 naira notes. He looked around     13___ before sticking his hand into the car     14___ the bills. One thousand naira means a lot to a family that     15___ only 50,000 each year.
The next morning, security officers told me, “In this place, when you give a little, people think you’re a fountain of opportunity(机会).”    16__ it’s right, but this happens everywhere in the world. I wondered if my little friend had actually used the money for     17___. After six months’ work in northern Nigeria, I returned and saw him again standing on the road.  “Are you in school now?” He nodded. A silence fell as we looked at each other, then I     18___ what he wanted. I held out a 500 naira note. “Take this.”  He shook his head fiercely and stepped back     19__ hurt.  “It’s a gift.” I said. Shaking his head again, he handed me a basket of bananas and peanuts. “I’ve been waiting to      20___ these to you.”

A.Encouraged B.Disappointed C.Delighted D.confused

A.car B.mother C.driver D.keys

A.willing B.afraid C.eager D.ashamed

A.got down B.bargained down C.put down D.took down

A.explained B.promised C.agreed D.admitted

A.change B.notes C.checks D.bills

A.troubled B.regretful C.comfortable D.grateful

A.ran after B.ran into C.ran over D.ran to

A.protect B.enjoy C.help D.support

A.minister B.headmaster C.manager D.president

A.lucky B.amazing C.funny D.common

A.old B.broken C.traditional D.modern

A.proudly B.madly C.curiously D.nervously

A.for B.with C.at D.upon

A.spends B.pays C.makes D.affords

A.possibly B.actually C.certainly D.fortunately

A.joys B.nuts C.books D.bananas

A.asked B.imagined C.reminded D.realized

A.when B.as if C.even if D.after

A.send B.provide C.sell D.give
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We should show respect to everybody, especially our elders because they are ahead of us — in age, in wisdom and maturity, in experience and education. Our  51   have done a lot for us, directly or indirectly and most of us  52   everything to their kindness and love.
When we   53   them respect, whether it is by bowing to them, or  54    them with a smile, or offering them any help they need, it is one way of   55   our own love and gratitude to them.    56  , elders have also been through all the years you are  57   and know a little more about the world than you do.
It is   58   that you do not agree with the belief of your elders, but this is nothing new. All younger generations have always  59   with their elders and it is these differences that bring changes in human   60  . However much you disagree with them, give them credit for their   61  .
With changing times and  62   influences, youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as disrespect to elders. Youngsters should  63  express their views and if there are arguments, they should not   64   their voices.
If there is no space on sofas or chairs, children will immediately   65   their places, and sit on the carpet. In buses and trains, youngsters are   66   to give up their places to older people. This is not a  67   of who has more rights. It is simply that those who are younger have the strength to bear  68  , or tolerate unpleasantness, so it is natural to show consideration to those who are older and perhaps at a   69   disadvantage.
When you do simple things as a mark of respect, elders become  70   that youngsters care for them, and they respond with affection and kindness.

A.youngsters B.elders C.parents D.juniors

A.devote B.owe C.pay D.contribute

A.show B.explain C.exhibit D.point

A.greeting B.receiving C.declaring D.showing

A.expressing B.describing C.sending D.suggesting

A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Though

A.experiencing with B.going through C.suffering from D.worrying out

A.maybe B.likely C.possible D.probably

A.quarreled B.dealt C.lived D.disagreed

A.community B.organization C.society D.public

A.experience B.reality C.emotion D.information

A.cultural B.special C.environmental D.position

A.quietly B.slightly C.silently D.coldly

A.rise B.raise C.support D.force

A.give away B.get rid of C.give up D.send out

A.expected B.forced C.needed D.reminded

A.doubt B.question C.wonder D.challenge

A.suffering B.upset C.trouble D.discomfort

A.serious B.light C.heavy D.slight

A.aware B.alive C.knowing D.sensible

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“How did you do it, Dad? How have you  21  not to take a drink for almost 20 years?” It took me almost 20 years to have the  22  to even ask my father this very  23  question. When Dad first 24 drinking, the whole family was on pins and needles  25  he got into a situation that, in the past, would have started him drinking again. For a few years we were   26 to bring it up for fear that the drinking would begin again.
“I had this little 27 that I would recite to myself 28 four to five times a day” was Dad’s 29 to my 18 – year – old unasked question. “The 30 were an instant relief and constant reminder to me that things were never so 31 that I could not handle them,” Dad said. And then he 32 the poem with me. The poem’s simple, yet profound (深奥的) words  33  became part of my daily routine as well.
About a month after this talk with my father, I 34 a gift in the mail from a friend of mine. It was a book of affirmations(断言)with one affirmation listed for each 35 of the year.
I 36 opened the book to the page of my birthday to see what words of wisdom this book had in store for me. 37 of disbelief and appreciation rolled down my face. There, on my birthday, was the 38 poem that had helped my 39 for all these years! It is called The Serenity Prayer.
God, give me the Serenity (平静)to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to 40 the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.

A.failed B.succeeded C.managed D.tried

A.courage B.ability C.wisdom D.confidence

A.interesting B.personal C.hard D.unanswered

A.started B.enjoyed C.minded D.stopped

A.every time B.all time C.next time D.last time

A.anxious B.glad C.afraid D.eager

A.book B.passage C.poem D.list

A.at least B.at most C.at first D.at last

A.comment B.praise C.contribution D.reply

A.words B.phrases C.letters D.sentences

A.strange B.different C.simple D.tough

A.shared B.talked C.read D.impressed

A.surprisingly B.immediately C.increasingly D.regularly

A.brought B.bought C.received D.accepted

A.hour B.week C.month D.day

A.easily B.hurriedly C.sadly D.peacefully

A.Tears B.Smiles C.Sweat D.Satisfaction

A.correct B.impossible C.original D.exact

A.mother B.father C.friend D.classmate

A.believe B.benefit C.change D.do
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last September, a terrible typhoon struck our neighborhood. Roofs were flying. Trees were being uprooted. Outside our front window. I __33___ see a nearby tree. It had served as the neighborhood’s Christmas tree for ten years. Children expected  its __34____ every December. “Just bend; don’t break!” I made a wish.
The ___35___ gathered in force. Rain was falling __36___, and water was pouring into the house around the edges of the closed windows. I heard people shouting, “The river is coming down on us!” I rushed out and found that the ___37___, which crossed the river and was the only way to ___38___ ground, was already under water !
We all ___39___ at a neighbor’s house and tried to think of a way out. ___40___ it was too late. Soon, we found ourselves stuck on the roof, holding together against the wind, trembling with cold and fear. As we looked around, the __41___ near our house could no longer be seen. Despair surrounded us.
Luckily, a group of soldiers __42___. With their help, ten hours later, at 2:oo a.m. , everyone was finally off the roof. We were saved!
The rain stopped during the night. At dawn, with the water gone, we found our __43___ a wasteland covered with sand and mud. As we made our way to what was left of our home, we found the tree ___44___ there, bent but not broken! Our symbol of ___45___ had been spared by nature.
Life may not become __46__ so soon, but our neighborhood has tried its best. __47___ , in December, the Christmas tree will light up again.
33.A. should       B. would      C. could        D. might
34. A. arriving     B. growing     C. standing     D. lighting
35.A.energy       B. coldness    C. storm        D. darkness
36.A. peacefully   B. slowly      C. noisily       D. heavily
37. A. house       B. bridge      C. road        D. hill
38. A. richer       B. cleaner      C. higher       D. narrower
39.A. gathered     B. shouted      C. worked      D. swam
40. A. So         B. For          C. And        D. But
41. A. flood       B. tree          C. window     D. roof
42. A. looked out   B. got up       C. turned up    D. set out
43.A. ground      B. river         C. nature      D. neighborhood
44. A. already     B. still          C. even       D. also
45. A. health      B. respect       C. hope       D. honor
46. A. special     B. normal       C. excellent    D. fortunate
47. A. Hopefully  B. Particularly    C. Perfectly   D. Generally

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第三节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Jane’s mother worked on the farm from dawn till dark, which just could make ends meet. To make Jane live a   21  life,Mother was very careful about spending money.   22   , Jane didn’t understand her. Every day Mother was busy with her  23   while Jane was studying at school, so they had little time to enjoy themselves.  
One day, Mother realized Jane was unhappy and even _ 24__ to her, so she decided to go   25   with Jane to make Jane happy.
On Sunday morning they went happily to the snowfield. Since they were    __26    in white clothes, the manager advised them to buy ski clothes. He said   __27   there was an accident, they might be easily   _28_  in their ski clothes. Mother couldn’t   29   them, so she refused.
Then they went skiing in their white clothes. They were skiing happily on the   30   when suddenly the snowfield began to   31   . It was the snowslide(雪崩). They ran a long way and _  32   the snowslide finally, but they couldn’t find their way. Later, a helicopter was flying above,    33    people on it couldn’t see or hear them. Jane was   34    because she had hurt her head seriously and  _35_   dropped on the snow. Just then an idea struck Mother. She pierced (刺破) her wrist  _36 _  and then bright red blood dropped down on the snowfield. A red SOS was on the snow. At last Jane   37   , but Mother died.
Every time I   38   the blood dropping onto the snowfield, I feel    39  . I believe anyone who hears the tragedy will _  40   Mother for her selfless love to her daughter.
21. A. happy        B. healthy              C. busy             D. meaningful
22. A. Moreover     B. However         C. Anyway          D. Though
23. A. writing          B. housework           C. work             D. research
24. A. unfriendly       B. loyal               C. kind                   D. cruel
25. A. skating           B. dancing             C. hiking           D. skiing
26. A. all           B. both               C. either            D. every
27. A. now that         B. in case                 C. as though           D. even if
28. A. searched         B. examined            C. found              D. caught
29. A. pay             B. manage            C. afford              D. stand
30. A. mountain        B. farmland           C. playground          D. snowfield
31. A. change          B. melt               C. shake                  D. jump
32. A. escaped          B. passed           C. experienced        D. overcame
33. A. but             B. so                  C. since               D. while
34. A. in despair        B. in danger           C. in peace            D. in ruins
35. A. hair            B. blood              C. tears                D. jewels
36. A. carefully        B. slowly              C. immediately         D. hardly
37. A. cried           B. died                C. woke            D. survived
38. A. find out         B. think of             C. suffer from       D. come across
39. A. satisfied        B. curious              C. anxious          D. painful
40. A. admire          B. envy                C. reward                 D. thank

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In Greece, women had little freedom.Wealthy women hardly left   16  houses, but they   17 (allow) to attend weddings and some festivals.Greek women’s job was to run the houses and raise children.They also supervised(监督) slaves   18  did all the cooking, cleaning and planting of the crops.Male slaves guarded the women   19  the men were away.Girls learned only the basics of reading and maths at home.They were taught   20  to run a house.Women lived in   21  special section of the house.
The Greeks had breakfast at sunrise.They had a small lunch and a late afternoon snack.The main meal was had at the end of the day.
The soil was poor   22  the coast.With irrigation, the Greeks were able to raise some crops.The soil was richer in the plains than   23  in other places.In the plain regions, the Greeks were able to raise wheat and barley(大麦).The Greeks made a large variety of bread,  24 (include) milk bread, wheaten bread, farmhouse bread, brown bread, and square bread.  25  wheat could only be raised in the plain, there was not enough food to feed all the people in Greece.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Fifteen years spent in the field of education has provided me with many treasured moments. One of the most unforgettable  26  when I was teaching second  27   10 years ago.
In May I decided to plan something special for the children:a Mother’s Day tea. We had put our heads together to   28   ideas of how to    29   our mothers. We practiced singing songs, memorized poems and wrote cards. We decided to hold our tea the Friday before Mother’s Day. I was surprised but   30   to learn that every mother was planning to attend. I   31   invited my own mother.
Finally, the big day arrived. Each child   32   up at our classroom door, expecting the arrival of his or her mom.   33  it got closer to starting time, I looked around and my eyes quickly found Jimmy. His mother hadn’t shown up and he was looking   34 
I took my mother by the hand and walked over to Jimmy. “Jimmy,” I said, “I have a bit of problem here and I was   35   if you could keep my mother  36   while I’m busy.”
My mom and Jimmy sat at a table. Jimmy   37  my mom her treats, presented her with the gift I had made, just as we had   38   the day before. Whenever I looked over, my mother and Jimmy were in deep   39  .
Now 10 years later, I work with students of all ages, educating them about the environment. Last year, I took a senior class on a field trip, and there was Jimmy. I had the students complete an outline of the day’s   40   and an evaluation of our trip. Then I collected the students’ booklets and checked them to see if  41    was completed. When I came   42   Jimmy’s page, he had written “Remember our Mother’s Day tea we had in second grade, Mrs. Marra? I do! Thanks for all you did for me, and thank your mother, too.”
I told him I really enjoyed what he had written. He looked rather embarrassed and   43   his own thanks and walked away. Suddenly he ran back and gave me a big hug. “Thanks again. No one even knew my mother didn’t   44    it.”
I ended my workday with a hug from a teenage boy who had   45   stopped hugging teachers years ago.
26.A.lasted       B.happened  C.experienced      D.described
27.A.school      B.class  C.grade D.lesson
28.A.pay attention to       B.look forward to      
C.get on with      D.come up with
29.A.love  B.please       C.respect      D.admire
30.A.astonished B.worried    C.relieved    D.interested
31.A.even  B.ever  C.still   D.once
32.A.followed   B.held  C.kept  D.lined
33.A.As    B.Although  C.While       D.Because
34.A.wild  B.curious     C.strange     D.upset
35.A.considering      B.wondering       C.asking      D.doubting
36.A.connection       B.care   C.company   D.concern
37.A.served      B.supplied    C.appealed   D.applied
38.A.taught      B.studied     C.practiced   D.told
39.A.mind B.thought     C.agreement D.conversation
40.A.feeling     B.behavior   C.event D.action
41.A.something B.everything       C.anything   D.nothing
42.A.by     B.to      C.across       D.over
43.A.announced       B.delivered  C.stated       D.whispered
44.A.make B.get    C.do     D.take
45.A.probably   B.exactly     C.rarely       D.eagerly

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr Smith was a wealthy industrialist, but he was not satisfied with life. He did not sleep well and his food did not  21  with him. The situation lasted for some time. Finally, after a   22  of sleepless nights, he decided to consult his doctor. The doctor advised a change of  23 . “Go abroad,” he said, “But I’m not good at foreign languages,” said Mr Smith. “It doesn’t matter,” said the doctor. “It won’t   24  you to talk a little less. Go on a voyage. Take plenty of exercise. Try to reduce your weight,  25  rich food.”
Mr Smith went to Switzerland. He did not know French or German, and had to communicate through gestures. He attended a physical training course. The instructor made him bend his knees, swing his arms, stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly. He had to lie on the ground and raise his right and left legs   26  . After a time his muscles grew hard and firm. The life suited him; he almost put aside his financial  27  and nearly forgot the importance of making more money. He even began to  28  individual trees and individual birds. He ate and slept well. Finally he returned home. But unfortunately his improvement was temporary. Soon he was a   29  businessman again, worried about his property, his profits, his savings, his success in a  30  society, and things in general.
21. A. agree                 B. taste                 C. suit                  D. fit
22. A. series                 B. course              C. number            D. few
23. A. situations           B. surroundings      C. weather            D. life
24. A. stop                   B. hurt                 C. help                 D. prevent
25. A. eat                           B. prepare            C. avoid               D. try
26. A. highly               B. widely                    C. alternately        D. regularly
27. A. hardship            B. debts                C. worries            D. success
28. A. see                           B. notice               C. glance               D. consider
29. A. rich                   B. happy               C. normal                    D. successful
30. A. struggle                    B. business           C. miserable         D. competitive

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One of my favourite films is Mr. Bean At a Fancy(化装)Restaurant. In the film, after  being   21  at his table,Mr. Bean takes out a  22   ,writes a few words on it,signs his  name,puts it into an envelope and    23   it on the table.After a moment,he looks at the   24   but this time he looks surprised,as if he did not know it was there.He opens it to find a birthday card and delightedly puts it on the table for everyone to see.
When he looks at the  25  ,an astonished look quickly   26  on his face.He takes all   27  out of his pockets,counts it and puts it in a saucer(碟子).He then looks from the menu to the money with   28   until he finds one thing that makes him smile. He 29  a dish called “steak tartare.” When the dish arrives,he is   30   to discover that “steak tartare” is  31   a raw(生肉的)hamburger.He   32    an attempt to eat it,but it is   33  ,from the look on his face,that he finds the taste really terrible.He cannot   34   his feelings,except when the waiter asks whether everything is OK.He smiles and nods, 35   that everything is fine.36  no one is looking,however,he  37    himself hiding the raw meat anywhere he can  38   ,inside a sugar bottle,a tiny flower vase and under a plate.He becomes so disappointed in the end that he   39  hides some inside the  40  of a woman sitting near him and throws some under the seat of the restaurant’s violinist!
I like to watch Mr. Bean on TV but I wouldn’t want to meet someone like him in real life.

A.treated B.invited C.accepted D.served

A.magazine B.book C.card D.wallet

A.throws B.places C.removes D.spreads

A.waiter B.watch C.envelope D.table

A.customers B.tablecloth C.surroundings D.menu

A.appears B.grows C.turns D.shows

A.cards B.money C.bills D.keys

A.satisfaction B.care C.confidence D.concern

A.buys B.orders C.washes D.breaks

A.shocked B.pleased C.moved D.frightened

A.mostly B.indeed C.actually D.nearly

A.makes B.gets C.tries D.takes

A.doubtful B.sure C.clear D.likely

A.hide B.express C.prevent D.explain

A.admitting B.recognizing C.indicating D.realizing

A.Because B.When C.Once D.Although

A.pretends B.helps C.prepares D.busies

A.reach B.see C.get D.arrive

A.rather B.almost C.exactly D.even

A.hand B.purse C.blouse D.hair

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was successful at my job . I worked very hard , but it ___21___ me and my family a fabulous (极好的) lifestyle . I’d worked for the same company for twenty years and had worked my way up to department director. ___22___, one afternoon last May, I was called to the office, and it was __23__ explained to me that they were letting me go. I just sat there __24__ they talked on and all I could think was, “I’ve ___25___.” I’d been so well respected ; ___26___ I was of no value.
For six weeks, I was in a very __27__ place. I wandered around my house like a zombie (僵尸).I could __28__ things needed doing, but would not do anything . My beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive(积极的) in everything ___29___ me .
Then, in late June, my youngest son’s football team made the city cup final. The year before, he’d been very sad when I __30___ the same final, so he was ___31___ when I told him I’d go. Not only did they win, but the look on his face as he saw me ___32___ him on was unbelievable. From then in , I spent the summer enjoying my sons and their passions (激情) . I attended match after match and performances of my elder son’s band —I ___33___ went to another city to watch him play. These moments were so ___34___. My life had been so much devoted to __35__ for so long , and I felt __36__ that my sons were happy to welcome me into their world.
___37___ , being unemployed gave me back a sense of purpose — I was someone’s mum! I felt a sense of being ___38____ again. Now I feel more positive about my professional ___39___ and I’m getting on better with my family than I ever have. Losing my job made me realize just how __40__ it is to achieve real balance in life.

A.promised B.afforded C.showed D.left

A.Therefore B.Anyhow C.Otherwise D.However

A.quickly B.gently C.partly D.easily

A.until B.after C.as D.so

A.failed B.finished C.tried D.changed

A.suddenly B.finally C.immediately D.shortly

A.secret B.quiet C.lonely D.dark

A.see B.get C.suggest D.understand

A.defended B.directed C.deserted D.disturbed

A.watched B.missed C.lost D.won

A.disappointed B.worried C. honoured D.delighted

A.cheering B.taking C.leading D.passing

A.just B.even C.still D.almost

A.hopeful B.meaningful C.difficult D.strange

A.work B.family C.matches D.performances

A.successful B.thoughtful C.thankful D.peaceful

A.Naturally B.Doubtfully C.Disagreeably D.Unexpectedly

A.employed B.comforted C.valued D.encouraged

A.education B.experience C.relationship D.future

A.important B.interesting C.simple D.surprising

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He always walks sideways so   3       not to inconvenience anyone. Instead of saying “Excuse me”, he prefers to glide by one side.   4        the gap is so narrow that it will not allow him to pass, Luke waits patiently  5       the obstruction (障碍物) moves by itself. Stray dogs and cats panic him, and in order to avoid them, he constantly crosses from one side of the road to the   6      .
He speaks in   7       very thin, subtle voice, so inaudible that it is hard to tell if he is speaking at   8       . He has never interrupted anybody. On the other hand, he can never manage more than two words without   9      (interrupt). This does not seem to irritate him; in fact, he actually appears happy 10       (be) able to utter(发出) those two words.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Even though very small amounts of each vitamin are enough for the needs of the body, the worry people have about vitamins has some reasons. And this has to do with their __1_     --- the food they take in. A person eating a good variety of food get all the vitamins now __2  ___ (know) to be needed.
The problem is that there are many people who don’t ___3_  __ foods wisely. So the answer ___4  ___ this question is: No extra ___5_ __ are needed, ___6   __ you eat proper foods. In fact, many of the vitamins cannot be ___7_ __(store) in the body, so when extra vitamins are taken in, the body simply gets rid of them. It is even ___8   ___ (harm) to put too much of certain vitamins into the body. This has been found to be ___9       (truth) of vitamin A and D, when ___10    ___ amounts are taken in.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
