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It was snowing heavy on Monday morning. Li Hua was at       1.        
the bus stop, waited for Bus No.601 to go to school. After a      2.      
while a bus came and she got on it. There had many passengers    3.      
in the bus. Some were talking and some were looking out the    4.     
windows. Suddenly the bus stopped. A driver turned around     5.     
and said“Sorry. The bus has been broken down. Please get off   6.     
and help push the bus.”When he heard this, Li Hua and the other   7.    
passengers got off the bus. They worked hardly together, pushing  8.     
the bus slowly forward. Soon the bus was running again. All     9.     
the passengers were smiling but the sun was shining.          10.                          

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  • 难度:未知

One Sunday morning, Li Ming and his grandpa are  1.         
feeding the bird in the cage. The bird was unhappy  2.            
because it had enough food and water. Li Ming.did not  3.            
know why not. The next morning on his way to school,    4.             
Li Ming saw some birds flew in the sky. Then he thought   5.             
about the lonely bird in the cage. He decided to persuade his  6.             
grandpa to set the bird free. When he got to home, he said   7.             
to his Grandpa,“Birds also need friends!” To his delighted , his  8.            
grandpa agreed.The bird set free. Grandpa and the children   9.      
were very happy to see the bird flying away in the sky.      10.        

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  • 难度:未知

Jack was a heavy smoker. His mother didn't like him smoking,and 1.   
he couldn't give it up. At about 9 o'clock in one evening, Jack was seen  2.  
smoking in the living-room again. “Don't smoke in the living-room,  3. 
Jack!”said his mother in an unhappy voice. Heared this,Jack went  4.  
back his own room and shut the door. While he was sitting in bed,  5.  
he couldn't help smoke again. About an hour later,Jack's mother   6.  
smell heavy smoke. She got up and opened Jack's bedroom. Good heavens! 7.  
Jack's quilt was burning while he was sleep! She quickly got some   8.  
water and put up the fire. Jack was given a good lesson. “I'll give up  9.  
smoking from now on, Mum.”Jack said in low but determined voice.  10. 

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  • 难度:未知

One day Daddy and I was going for a walk around the      1.     
lake while a girl rode past us quickly. Suddenly we heard    2.     
a cry for a help. The girl had fallen into the lake with her    3.      
bike. Daddy and I ran quickly towards her. We manage     4.       
to pull her out the water. Then the girl asked us if we could  5.       
help getting the bike out of the water. Then the girl asked    6.      
us if we could help get the bike out of the lake. Daddy was   7.      
only too ready to help him. When we pulled her bike out,   8.      
she rode away even with saying “ Thanks ” to us.       9.     
I felt quite disappointing at her deed.                    10.     

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  • 难度:未知

Xiaoming is used to send a lot of cards to his friends       1.     
at new year time. And all his classmates did same. But      2.    
on one day he read a report in the newspaper, which said     3.     
that cards are made of trees. A large number of cards would    4.     
consume a lot of trees but at present more and more trees have     5.   
been cut down lead to serious floods in some areas. Xiaoming   6.     
felt shocked at the report in the newspaper and realized the    7.     
important of protecting trees, and then he shared this report    8.   
with their classmates. From now on he decides to send his     9.   
wishes to his friends by telephone instead sending cards.      10.           

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  • 难度:未知

I saw a case falling off a man’s bike on my way to the      1.     
cinema in this afternoon . I shouted out to the man      2.     
to stop. But he didn’t hear me and ride away. I was      3.   
wondering what to do while I had an idea. I stopped a      4.    
taxi and got in it with the case. Soon I caught up with      5.  
the man. Got the case back, he was so thankful that he     6.    
offered me some money, and I refused it politely. Then    7.     
the driver took him to the cinema. When I paid him, the driver    8.      
pushed my hand away and said with smile, “Neither will I     9.      
accept your money”. I felt very happy though I was late for the film.  10.   

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  • 难度:未知

Recently I took part a geography research study group. Our topic   1.  
is environmental pollution and protection.We took a variety          2.   
of pictures showed the present pollution conditions of our city. To     3.  
our surprised, there are still a lot of people doing silly things to our    4.  
surroundings. Some people throw rubbish anywhere where they like;   5.  
somecars give off harmful gases and waste water are poured into the   6. 
riversby some factories. Worse still, people sometime have to make   7. 
themway through dusty winds as a result of the the pollution. Through   8. 
our research, we come to know that everybody must pay more attention  9.   
to our environment and some measure should be taken                10.  

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  • 难度:未知

When he was senior 3 student in a high school, Li Hua studied    1.   
very hard so as to go to a famous university. He often stays up late   2.   
in the night. Finally he passed the College Entrance Examination    3.    
and was admitted to a key university. And after he went to university, 4.    
he became very lazy. He wasted time in going to the cinema, played     5.    
cards, making friends and doing things that had something to do with   6.   
his studies. He often got up late. At many times, he was still in      7.   
bed while others were having his lessons in the classroom at ten in   8.   
the morning . Int the end of the first term he failed in all exams. As a     9.   
result, he had to give up his schooling and leave the university.       10.    

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  • 难度:未知

One day after school, on the way to home, Xiao Ming found a   1.     
water pipe in the street. He turned off a tap and splashed water  2.     
here and there. At this moment , Xiao Gang happened to be    3.      
passing by. Xiao Ming splashed him with water and make him   4.      
all wet. Xiao Ming ran away with turning off the tap.    5.     
When Xiao Gang saw this, she went over and turned off the water.  6.      
He was angry because he thought water shouldn’t wasted.     7.     
Then he went home and wrote a notice where read “ save water”  8.     
He put them up on the wall near the tap. After some time, Xiao Ming 9.     
went back and saw the notice. He felt sorry at what he had done. 10.    

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  • 难度:未知

Today I showed some foreign friends in our city. We started  1.    
off by a car from the Friendship Hotel at 8 o’clock am. We first went 2.     
to the Zhongshan Park. We were both struck by its beautiful flowers 3.     
there. Then, we visited the city museum. We saw plenty of valuable  4.     
things, from them we learned more about the city. After that we  5.    
devote to the Jinshan Temple. There is a beautiful place of interest in 6.    
our city, but from there we enjoyed the wonderful scenery of the  7.   
sea.We had a delicious lunch at the Seafood Restaurant and come 8.   
back at 1:20 pm. All the foreign friends were pleased my arrangement. 9.   
I was happy that we do have a wonderful time today.           10.   

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  • 难度:未知

Once upon a time there was a farmer worked hard in the fields     1.     
every day. One day, while he was ploughing the fields, he heard a   2.   
bumping sound. He saw a rabbit lie by the trump. He picked it  3.   
up and found that it was a fat rabbit. He thought to him,“Since it  4.  
is so easy get a rabbit like that, why should I work so hard all day  5.  
long?” He threw his hoe away and lay by the tree every day, dreamed for 6.    
more rabbits to come. When he finally realized his foolish and returned  7.  
to his fields, he found that all his crops are dead. This story tells that    8.    
we should wait for unexpected gains by trusting to chance and luck.    9.   
Or, we should not hope to get reward without hard work.               10.    

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  • 难度:未知

Which we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it’s very important   1.    
for us to form into healthy eating habits. However, bad habits are still very 2.    
common among we students. Some of us often go to school without     3.    
breakfast .Some like to have snacks; some others are particular with food;  4.     
and still some eat or drink too many. All these bad habits will be bad for our health
To keep fit, we should have various health diets, which generally       6.    
include proper amount of fish, meat, vegetable, fruit as well as main food.  7.   
Beside, we had better have meal regularly.                          8.    
In my opinion, we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up 9.    
a strong body. Only in this way can we have enough energy study better.   10.   

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  • 难度:未知

Choose what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was. Our eating habits  1.       
have changed , as have our way of life. And the fuel we need for our      2.        
body is also different. Tradition diets often have too much fat and too     3.        
much calories for the 21st-century person. If we want to keep up with the  4.       
high pace of modern life, we had better to learn to make the right choices  5.       
about what and how we eat. Because we have so much to choose, many    6.       
companies offer advice about what we should eat. It’s good if we spend our  7.      
time and money in buying food and keep a balanced diet. Instead of eating   8.     
expensive diet or going on unhealthy diets, we can simply try to eat little    9.    
sugar and take more exercise. I hope that everyone keeps a good health.    10.                                          

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  • 难度:未知

短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Dear Mary,
I am sorry that you had a disagreement with your father. Personal,   76. ________
I think this is important to follow your interests and your abilities,   77. ________
but it sounds as though you have plenty of both of these already.    78. ________
Speak to your father and tell him what you are doing well in the   79. ________
subject of your choice. Furthermore, remind him that many men   80. ________
have chosen to work in fields that are not used to accept women.   81. ________
Ask your father to speak to your teachers and find out how well    82. ________
you are at your chosen subject. Trust you. Trust your own      83. ________
thinking and your choice. Hopefully, your father will respect     84. ________
your choice and let you to do what you want to.           85. ________
Best wishes.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
It’s well known which Wilma Rudolph is the first American woman  76. _____
to have won three Olympic gold medal in track! However, when     77. _____
she was young, she was sick most of the time. At four, he couldn’t     78. _____
move her left leg as a result of a serious illness. Followed the      79. _____
doctor’s advice, her mother rubbed her sick leg every day and take  80. _____
her to the hospital once a week. After a year, Wilma could manage     81. _____
a sort of jump. At eight, she was walking a bit at the aid of a      82. _____
walking stick. Soon she was out in the yard playing the basketball.  83. _____
Her mother was surprising to see that. Little by little,        84. _____
Wilma became famous as a track star but won medals.        85. _____

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