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  首页 / 试题库 / 高中英语试题 / 单词拼写

单词拼写: 根据首字母或中文提示写出单词(每小题1分,满分10分)
71.The results of this research will be a_____________ to the treatment of lung cancer.
72.The cell phone w_______________ only 70 grams is convenient to use.. 
73.I tried to get through ,but there were too many people b            my way. 
74. I was going along the street looking for a place to park when the accident o_____.
75.Every year the company e__________ the workers and then decides their monthly pay.
76.During World War II, when London was bombed, many stations f_______ as bomb shelters. 
77. This meeting ____________(加快了) the pace of educational reforms.  
78. After his ________(获得) of the diploma, he volunteered to work in the Northeast of China. 
79. The river water is used by the local people after being          (净化). 
80. Five years after the International standards for digital TV were established ,_______(消费者)could have access to more than 200 channels in the USA. 

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Man should be _____(仁慈的),because man is different from animals.
Come and see me at your ______(方便).
The injured man is _____(预计)to recover in a month.
She helped me with my English without ______(犹豫)
Lack of skills _____(注定)him to live a poor life.
We talked as if we were old  _____(相识)
The young man ____(抢劫)her of her bag yesterday.
Can you think of the _____(可供选择的事物) we would use today?
The earthquake _____(中断) all the traffic in the area.
_____ (假定)it rains tomorrow,what shall we do?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

71. I bought my son an ___________ (改编) for children of a play by Shakespeare.
72. She was always very ___________ (慷慨的) in her charity.
73. You are not ___________ (允许) to smoke here.
74. If we had known of your ___________ (离开), we would have seen you off at the airport.
75. You are fortunate to have such a ___________ (通情达理的) father.
76. I was impressed by her ___________ (处理) of the affair.
77. Your answer to this question is ___________ (错误的).
78. The heavy traffic crawled through the ___________ (狭窄的) tunnel.
79. He made a refusal of her ___________ (邀请).
80. My teacher asked me to ___________ (缩短) the report to one page.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

71.Anyone’s finger prints are u_______. There’re no same ones.
72.Most middle schools ______(禁止) students to carry cell phones to classes.
73.The opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games was a  _____ (盛宴)for the eyes.
74. We shall o_____ difficulties to gain more achievements.
75.We must  a______ (适应,调整)ourselves to new conditions.
76. It’s very cold outside .Put on your coat o______ (="or)" you will catch a cold.
77.Schooling is a  _____(="lawful" 法律的) requirement for children over 5 years old in  Britain and the US.
78.I s______ (发誓)that I’ll tell you everything some day.
79. His parents are 59 and 61 years old, and their a______ age is 60.
80.Changes in q______(数量) can lead to changes in quality .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

66.Li Qiang looks down. Let’s go over and _____(使振作) him up.     
67.Suddenly they heard a loud cry for help in the _____(远处).         
68.The __________(理论) he stuck to for many years turned out to be incorrect.
69.A healthy diet should be a ______ (平衡的)diet which contains energy-giving food, body-building food and protective food.                    
70.Do _____(提醒)me of the time for the meeting in case I forget it.        
71.It is the education _____(制度) rather than teachers that should answer for students’ heavy load of homework..                                             
72.He got seriously injured and was immediately sent to a ___ (附近的)hospital.
73.Even though you don’t _____(钦佩)these elderly people, I think you
should at least respect them.                                                           
74.When I turned round, I found he was _____(怒视) at me.                       
75.Haven’t you found mine is _____ (稍微)different from yours?                     

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What ________me most is I can’t go to Beijing with my Dad next week.(使心烦,不安)
You must keep c___________ when you face with danger.
I want to know why you always i____________ my advice. What’s wrong with you?
90% of the students like activities ___________(在户外)
I am not sure whether Lily will ________ in China.(定居)
Don’t let postcards s___________ your holidays. (毁掉)
Please don’t _________ their kindness , or you’ll regret.(拒绝)
I like reading d _________________stories , especiallyShylock Holmes’ (福尔摩斯)
You’d better not listen to what we are talking. It is a p___________ conversation.(私人的)
Before you do it, _________ what I told you just now. (重复)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

John Snow was able to _____________(宣布) with certainty that the polluted water carried the germs.
For convenience, England is ___________(划分)roughly into three zones.
The film The Monkey King in which Zhen Zidan starred made a deep ____________(印象) on the audience.
I have to remind myself ____________(不断) that I’m really in AD 3008.
Though____________(缺少)money, his parents managed to send him abroad to study further.
He fell asleep in the plane with the safety belt __________(系牢).
Make sure that never miss the ____________(最后期限).
He still feels quite ___________(内疚) when he looks back on the past.
Does the writer have a(n)  ________________(乐观) view of the future?
Please keep us ___________(通知) whenever you’re in trouble.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

居民 n.i________________
巨大的 adj.v________________
羽毛 n.f________________
战役,活动 n.c__________________
废料,垃圾 n.g_________________
发生 v.o_____________
原则,准则 n.p________________
辞职 v.r_________________
民用的,国内的 adj.c_______________
(历史的) 遗迹,遗物 n.r______________
幸运地,幸亏 adv.f________________
预告,预报 vt.f________________
迁移,搬迁 vt.r______________
有意义,有道理 _____ _____
突然遭遇(风暴等)_____ _____ _____
浏览 _____ _____
依据 _____ _____ _____
努力 _____ _____

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We are ________(考虑) going to the park this afternoon.
The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ________(方式,途径) to the digital resources of the library.
The old lady is offering a ________(悬赏金) of $50 to anyone who finds her cat for her.
Customs are common social ________(惯例,习惯做法).
I’d ___________(感激) it if you could attend my party.
It _______(仍然是) to be seen whether we will win the game this afternoon.
Beijing is roughly 10℃ hotter than nearby countryside in the daytime and 5.5℃ _______(暖和的) at night.
You are wrong so you should make an _________(道歉).
They’re busy making __________(准备) for the winter holiday.
Once some news appears online, it will _________(传播) swiftly.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Yesterday I ________ (不同意) with him about what we should do.
After the earthquake everything was completely ____________(破坏).
When did you ____________(毕业) from the middle school?
He felt ___________(不安的) for she left without saying goodbye.
The shoes he bought are of good __________ (质量)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain and is s___________(位于) on the northeast coast.
He kept silent, with his head b___________(埋在) in his hands.
A_______________(绝对地), I am in favor of Jack.
I admit everyone has his s___________(长处) and weaknesses.
He hopes to work in a leading western i__________(工业的) country for a while.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

选词填空。从下列所给单词中选出适当词语,并用其适当形式填空。(共10小题, 每题1分,共10分)
addict, pain, affect, breath, participant, genius, rare, crime, health, catch
That was such a difficult game that a third of the __________ gave up halfway.
In the past few years, My Heart Will Go On was a popular _______ song among young people.
She ___________ watches TV because she thinks it’s a waste of time.
Many children in this village look too thin, pale and ____________.
A lot of artists were ________ in many fields, such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Beethoven.
The __________ had a lonely life in prison but no one wanted to pay a visit to him.
I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good to___________.
The teacher’s encouragement has a positive ___________ on the students.
If you have confidence, I believe you can overcome your ______________ to drugs.
If he wants to win in the contest, he must take great ____________ with it.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

单词拼写 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
The soldiers in the open filed are e______________ to the enemy’s fire.
Mr Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one to b_____________.
There was no _____________ (证据) that they had stolen the car.
Do you know when India gained its i______________ from Britain?
You have to be very c___________ about making a comment on your students’ performance in school. They may be hurt.
A___________ in his test papers, he didn’t notice my coming.
Cigarette smoking is a major factor c______________ (导致) to cancer.
Gas is one of the modern ______________ (便捷设施) the newly-built house provides.
The goods of this company are of good q___________. It is no wonder they sell so well.
The president delivered a speech for hours without r___________ to his notes.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

71. John Snow wanted to face the _____________( 挑战 ) and solve this problem.
72. He found that it came from the river __________( 污染 )by the dirty water from London.
73. The southern part of Ireland was unwilling and _________(脱离) away to form its own government.
74. For convenience, it is divided _________( 大约 )into three zones.
75. At first my new ________(环境) were difficult to tolerate.
76.  These carriages float above the ground and by bending or _________(按,压) down in your seat.
77. We are __________(高兴的) you are coming to work with us.
78.  __________(与此同时) you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.
79. The functions of your skin are also very __________(复杂的).
80.  You can get burned by a _________(多样) of things: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation ect.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

根据首字母或中文提示以及句意写出单词的正确形式。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 注:请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。
76. When we got to the station entrance, it was ______________ (行人绝迹的).
77. He is a hard working boy. He’ll have a bright _______________(有前途的) future.
78. The old government was ________________(推翻) and a new one replaced it.
79. The salesman travelled from door to door to ______________(推销) his products.
80. Sorry, the shoes of your size are not _______________(可买到的) here in our shop.
81. He made several a______________ to get out of the cave, but failed.
82. Man should protect the environment to keep the b____________ of nature.
83. A man has been arrested and is being q_____________ by the police.
84. She was a____________ of stealing a car.
85. D_______________ never to set foot on the house again, he left without saying a word.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
