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  首页 / 试题库 / 高中英语试题 / 单词拼写

Be _________ (谨慎) about the possible dangers.
I must a________ for not being able to meet you at the airport on time.
You can’t fully __________ (欣赏) foreign literature in translation.
Teachers must take r_________ for the students.
she seemed totally __________ (专注于)in her book and didn’t notice my coming.
If you want to pass your exams, you’d better change your a__________ towards study.
There’s no ________ (争辩) that we also have a problem with population.
Maybe I should tell them, so they won’t b_________ me for keeping a secret.
I want to be an ________ (环境的)consultant after graduation.
Every student is welcome to our club, r_________ of class, grade or age.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As we all know, Nelson Mandela was once s_______________ to 27 years in prison.
On the top of the high mountain, they found the air was hard to b____________.
He is not a Chinese but he can speak Chinese f_____________.
Most scientists present at the meeting voted a_____________ the plan for it would be harmful to the air.
They all b__________ out laughing at the funny joke.
She is so generous that she gives the poor food and clothing and asks for nothing in r________.
After the earthquake, the whole city lay in r__________.
A majority of people like to play o__________ rather than stay indoors when it is fine.
People in all countries hope for a p_____________ world instead of one filled with wars.
We need more e___________ to prove that he is the thief.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My _________(本国的)language is Chinese.
He went through the forest under the __________(保护)of his dog.
There are seven ____________ (大洲) on the earth.
She is ____________(挑剔) about what she eats.
The patient was lying on the floor __________(失去知觉).
Some fossil __________(燃料)result in increase in carbon dioxide.
I was feeling_________ (不舒服) hot.
He has gained ______ (实践的) experience of sailing as a sailor.
The ten most ____________(频繁地) asked questions are listed below.
Nowadays we still can see rivers p________ with chemical waste from factories.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He was active in politics and was strongly against ________ (奴隶制度).
English and ________ (美国的) spellings of some words are different.
His short term ________ (记忆) was damaged in the accident.
The _______ (正常的) temperature for a human being, no matter what part of the world he lives in, is about 37℃.
Employers usually ________ (偏爱) candidates with some previous experience of the job.
We can save words by ________ (安排) the sentence like this.
In the US, winter wheat is ________ (收割) in the early summer.
I do not think there can be any doubt that she’ll ________ (克服) the difficulty.
Neither recorders nor ________ (照相机) are allowed in the theatre.
He said that he hadn’t been treated ________ (公平地) by the policeman.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1. The tournament is open to both____(业余爱好者) and professionals.
2. He is an excellent ____(律师) with a good brain and a determination to achieve.
3. He's had three accidents in the past ____(两星期).
4. There is much chance that Bill will ____(复原) from his injury in time for the race.
5. Since a lot of graduates are hunting for jobs, the government should take measures to _____
(促进) employment.
6. The plane crashed, killing all 200 people____(在飞机上).
7. Who is it that has the children ____(负担) with so much homework nowadays?
8. She is always very ____(准时的) for appointments.
9. Computers and mobile phones, though they are indeed making our life easy and ____(效率高的) have reduced the need for face-to-face communication.
10. Her health has been____(下降,衰退) progressively for several months.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I feel very happy to receive your letter and here I’d like to give you
some a     on how to learn English. Above all, don’t lose   _______
heart. Many students find it ____ to learn English, especially _______
_____write good English compositions. In my opinion, if you__________
want to ___ (改善) your writing, you should learn by heart _________
as many English expressions and sentence p        as possible.  ____________
And at the same time try to use _______ in your compositions.   ____________
think just r       grammar rules is no use. And only by reading and __________
writing a lot ____ you be able to learn English well in an effective  _________
way. I definitely _____(相信) the most important thing is that you __________
should _______(继续) writing every day and never give up. _________

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You have changed so much that I can hardly _______ (认出) you. 
Whatdoyou _______ (实际上) do every day?         
The other day my car _______ (遭受) damage in the accident.
Heisas _______ (顽固的) asadonkey.    
It'sgoodideatocheckyour _______ (词汇) notebook.           
What is your _______ (态度) towards endless homework?
Ilivethree _______ (街区) away from the kindergarten.      
Her daughter`s hair is long and _______ (直的).
My sister often _______ (请求) me to help her with English.                    
Many tourists went through the _______ (山谷) successfully.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The red lines on the map r________ railways.
The function of the smile is to show happiness and put people at e__________.
In g____________, knowledge gained from books has a wider range than that gained from experience.
We shall d___________ the Diaoyu Island whatever the cost may be.
If we work with a strong will, we can o_____________ any difficulty..
Which actress is to s___________ in the movie has not been finally decided yet.
U__________, his father died, leaving his family even worse off.
He grew more and more popular and became known t___________ the world.
Judging from the change of his f__________ expression, we knew that he was very upset.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

John Snow was able to _____________(宣布) with certainty that the polluted water carried the germs.
For convenience, England is ___________(划分)roughly into three zones.
The film The Monkey King in which Zhen Zidan starred made a deep ____________(印象) on the audience.
I have to remind myself ____________(不断) that I’m really in AD 3008.
Though____________(缺少)money, his parents managed to send him abroad to study further.
He fell asleep in the plane with the safety belt __________(系牢).
Make sure that never miss the ____________(最后期限).
He still feels quite ___________(内疚) when he looks back on the past.
Does the writer have a(n)  ________________(乐观) view of the future?
Please keep us ___________(通知) whenever you’re in trouble.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

居民 n.i________________
巨大的 adj.v________________
羽毛 n.f________________
战役,活动 n.c__________________
废料,垃圾 n.g_________________
发生 v.o_____________
原则,准则 n.p________________
辞职 v.r_________________
民用的,国内的 adj.c_______________
(历史的) 遗迹,遗物 n.r______________
幸运地,幸亏 adv.f________________
预告,预报 vt.f________________
迁移,搬迁 vt.r______________
有意义,有道理 _____ _____
突然遭遇(风暴等)_____ _____ _____
浏览 _____ _____
依据 _____ _____ _____
努力 _____ _____

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We are ________(考虑) going to the park this afternoon.
The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ________(方式,途径) to the digital resources of the library.
The old lady is offering a ________(悬赏金) of $50 to anyone who finds her cat for her.
Customs are common social ________(惯例,习惯做法).
I’d ___________(感激) it if you could attend my party.
It _______(仍然是) to be seen whether we will win the game this afternoon.
Beijing is roughly 10℃ hotter than nearby countryside in the daytime and 5.5℃ _______(暖和的) at night.
You are wrong so you should make an _________(道歉).
They’re busy making __________(准备) for the winter holiday.
Once some news appears online, it will _________(传播) swiftly.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Yesterday I ________ (不同意) with him about what we should do.
After the earthquake everything was completely ____________(破坏).
When did you ____________(毕业) from the middle school?
He felt ___________(不安的) for she left without saying goodbye.
The shoes he bought are of good __________ (质量)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain and is s___________(位于) on the northeast coast.
He kept silent, with his head b___________(埋在) in his hands.
A_______________(绝对地), I am in favor of Jack.
I admit everyone has his s___________(长处) and weaknesses.
He hopes to work in a leading western i__________(工业的) country for a while.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

选词填空。从下列所给单词中选出适当词语,并用其适当形式填空。(共10小题, 每题1分,共10分)
addict, pain, affect, breath, participant, genius, rare, crime, health, catch
That was such a difficult game that a third of the __________ gave up halfway.
In the past few years, My Heart Will Go On was a popular _______ song among young people.
She ___________ watches TV because she thinks it’s a waste of time.
Many children in this village look too thin, pale and ____________.
A lot of artists were ________ in many fields, such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Beethoven.
The __________ had a lonely life in prison but no one wanted to pay a visit to him.
I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good to___________.
The teacher’s encouragement has a positive ___________ on the students.
If you have confidence, I believe you can overcome your ______________ to drugs.
If he wants to win in the contest, he must take great ____________ with it.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

单词拼写 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
The soldiers in the open filed are e______________ to the enemy’s fire.
Mr Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one to b_____________.
There was no _____________ (证据) that they had stolen the car.
Do you know when India gained its i______________ from Britain?
You have to be very c___________ about making a comment on your students’ performance in school. They may be hurt.
A___________ in his test papers, he didn’t notice my coming.
Cigarette smoking is a major factor c______________ (导致) to cancer.
Gas is one of the modern ______________ (便捷设施) the newly-built house provides.
The goods of this company are of good q___________. It is no wonder they sell so well.
The president delivered a speech for hours without r___________ to his notes.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
