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My roommate always starts enthusiastically but loses interest before long. In other words, he always has 3-m__________ passion.
Supporters of Running Man say they can’t help b__________ into laughter when watching  that fabulous TV show.
We have only one earth. So great importance should be a__________ to protecting our environment.
We firmly believe that humans are all born e__________, which means everyone is worth respecting.
----Can you sell this Gucci bag at a d__________?
----Sorry. It’s a new limited edition. Maybe you can try some luck at an outlet store.
The band Maroon5 was so popular that they could not leave the stage without p__________ two extra songs.
Never give up. I hold the b__________ that where there is a will, there is a way.
The little boy observed the cat c___________, wondering how it could get through such a small hole in the wall.
The ability to keep calm in an emergency is one of his many s__________.
The best students are those c___________ their intellectual ability with hard work.

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All the temples were made of huge stones,some         over 5 metres.
Our foreign trade has e_________ greatly in recent years.
_________ to your help, we could finish the task on time.
After he was knocked down by a car which escaped immediately, he _______ to his feet and called 120.
She was ashamed of her children’s bad b           .
The old man is relying on his son to                  (继续)the family business.
The government has been trying to_______ people _______ (摆脱)hunger.
We want to give all children a world _______         (没有)violence.
You should ________ _______ (建立) a wide vocabulary if you want to learn a language well.
Glancing round, he ________         (看见)of a dark figure in the shadows.

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His turning up late yesterday really a________(使生气) me.
The experiments were c________(进行) by the scientists in New York.
Peter didn’t go to school yesterday and the teacher demanded an explanation for his a________(缺席).
It is a________(荒谬的) to go out for a walk on a rainy day.
She married him more out of s________(同情) than love.
Ken agreed to a________(陪伴) me on a trip to Africa.
I must apologize to you for my y________(大叫) at you last night.
He jumped into the river and d________(拖) his son to safety.
The clever boy f________(逃跑) from the bad man’s room and phoned the police.
Mr. Smith tried to a________(调整) his schedule to leave some time for his son’s graduation ceremony.
He has d_______(捐赠) $10,000 to those in need over the years.
Both of us are ready to p________(参加) in the experimental work.
Whenever John was upset, he would turn to his eldest sister for c________(安慰).
We won’t start the project until all the p________(准备) for it have been completed this weekend.
Helen was fully o________(忙于) with business matters, so we didn’t want to bother her.

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When are you going to get married and _______________(安定下来)?
_____________ (dress) in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.
He is a responsible writer, and he ___________________(理应受人尊敬).
The picture ____________ (hang) on the wall was painted by my nephew.
It was a dictionary _____________(为…而设计的) non-native learners.
The job market has changed and _____________(我们找工作的方法) must change as well.
It is almost five years _______ we saw each other last time.
He commanded that the troops ________________(not, cross) the water without his order.
________(base) an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret sooner or later
Generally speaking, _____ we have seen seems more believable than _____we have been told.

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Attempts to find a _______________(解决办法)have failed.

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The building was completely________________(毁坏)in the earthquake.

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Come to see me if it is ________________(方便的)for you.

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Unfortunately,what the research center spent five years doing had no _______________(实际的)use.

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Professor Smith accepted the invitation without ________________(犹豫)

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Though ________ (缺乏) money, his parents managed to send him to university.
What were your first ________ (印象) of Changchun?
He was ______ (指控) of stealing the money.
In the garden we can find a ______ (变化,多样性) of plants.
She is not very  ________ (乐观) about the result of the talks
He doesn’t _______ (赞成, 同意) of me leaving school this year.
The boy was praised a lot for his      (勇敢) in face of the danger.
I’ve ________(倒,灌) a cup of tea for you.
The _____________(压力) of the city life forced him to move to the country.
He took off his wet clothes and _____________(挤, 拧) the water out.

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  • 难度:未知

The government passed a law to __________(废除) the death penalty.
The committee ______________(由、、、组成) ten members.
The country built a new ___________(运动场) for the Olympic Games.
The criminal ___________(挣扎) desperately when he was arrested.
Don't _____________(假装)  to know what you don't know.
The country has to ______ (引进) most of its raw materials.
Crime in our big cities is ______________ (正在增加).
A nature ____________(保护区) is an area of land where the animals, birds, and plants are officially protected.
We ________ (闲逛,漫步) around for hours looking for the house.
He will ______ (退休) from the army next year.
________________ (站起身) when the visitor comes in.
For a goalkeeper, it's a great _____________ (优势) to have big hands.
The olive branch ________________ (代表)peace.
They ____________ (购买) the car at a low price the other day.
The land behind our house _____________ (没收) by the government last week.

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Never believe in him; He is nothing but a wolf in sheep’s ________. (衣服)
His experience is _______.(难以置信的)
_________, sir ,I hope you’ll come here whenever you like.  (确实;实在)
The waiters in the restaurant all know me—I am a regular _________.(顾客)
“Oh, the match is lost this time. Hope we’ll have better luck next time,” she _____.(叹气)
I can’t afford the _________ to Australia.  (船费)
Nothing  _________ on the moon as there is no water and no air.  (存在)
He seems very honest on the _________ but actually he is not reliable.(表面)
Children should not be allowed to watch any ________ movie. (暴力的)
Mushrooms and __________ are vegetables but not fruit. (黄瓜)

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Yesterday I             (收到...的来信)my old friend, which is a great delight to me.

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In order to enjoy good health, people should        (为...保留时间)some time for exercise.

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The senior three students in our school are making full p _________________ for the coming College Entrance Examination.

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