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Have you ever had problems in your life? Have you ever wondered how to be happy? If so, you will find the book “Being a Happy Teenager”     (use). In his book, Matthews tells us how to have a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers.
About problems with parents and friends, the book says we should stop      (be) angry and forgive. The book tells us some skills such as how to put everything     we have learned from life into beautiful pictures.
Many teenagers think that     (happy) comes from a good exam result or praise from    people. But you can still be happy    there are no such “good” things.
Success comes from    good attitude. If you learn from problems, you    (have) success in the future.
Some school students have problems such as being too tall   too short. But Matthews tells us that we should think about things     a positive way. This is Matthews’ most important lesson: you choose to be happy!

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Thank you very much for your letter. Your trip sounds exciting! I can’t wait _______ hear what Africa is like.
Since my last letter to you, I had a little adventure ______ my own. Early this month, my mother and I took ______ flight to Dunhuang, in the north-west of China. The desert out there was really quite amazing—I had never seen so much sand in my life!______ we were there, we arranged with a tour company to ride camels. I was very excited _______ this was the first time I had seen one up close. We had hoped that we would get to see some other wildlife on our trip, _______ sadly we didn’t.
Since you are going to the Sahara, I have some advice-----be sure to bring a large hat and a shirt with long sleeves,______you’ll need for protection. The sun can be_______brilliant that you’ll need to keep covered or you’ll get burnt-----my cheeks were so red for days after my trip. And another thing, you’ll need to keep a good supply of water with you, since it is so dry and hot.
I am sure you’ll have a nice trip. I look forward to receiving your postcards!
Best wishes

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Dear Mr. Costa,
I’m sorry it has taken me so long to write. I’ve been very busy with work and school, but I’ve thought about you often.
How have you been _________ (late)? Did you have a good Christmas and New Year’s? Mac says you’ve been working hard at _________ restaurant and that business is very good. What else have you been doing?
I had a short ________ good vacation. Mac and I went to Chicago for a few days before Christmas, but I had to come back and work _________ Christmas and New Year’s, _________ (include) Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve! Every time something like that _________ (happen), I wonder ________ I really want to work in the hotel business.
The other day I was thinking about the fun _______ we used to have in our English class. I haven’t seen many of our classmates _________ the course was over. In fact, the only one I see very often is Tomiko. I’d really like to get in touch with Franco. Does he ever write to you? If so, could you please send me his address?
Well, Mac and I are going skating and he is waiting for_________, so I guess I’d better say goodbye now. Write as soon as you can.
Yours ever

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A.  MANCHESTER UNITED football team photo 2006/2007 in glass frame nice Christmas gift for the true supporter, ₤5.00, Milford haven, 01646 694442.
B. XMAS CARDS FROM ₤1.49/box. Home delivery to elderly or disabled 07906 474654, ₤1.49, 07906 474654.
C. TWO X PLAY station one’s 2x ps 1 for sale. Good conditions. Loads of games with them all in good condition. Would be perfect present for Christmas. ₤15.00 each or both for ₤25.00, 07092477820.
D. RUDOLPH WITH tag. 10 inch. Handcrafted from the finest materials. Excellent condition. Unwanted gift never played with. ₤8, Redhill, 01737 216199/07449 918053,
E. DISNEY INCREDIBLES DVD. 2 disk collectors edition. Brand new & sealed. ₤8, Southwater, 07792 356359.
F. PET FASHION and Supplies Christmas stockings, winter coats, beds, top grooming products, toys and more. 07092472218
Anna is decorating her Christmas tree. But she finds she hasn’t bought any stockings yet. She needs to hang the stockings on the tree and some on the chimney so that children can find their gifts from Santa Claus.
Martin is looking for a Christmas gift for his six-year-old nephew. He is a loyal fan of David Beckham.
Nick’s sister, aged 4, is fond of cartoons(卡通). She has got a collection of Snoopy, Winne the pooh. Nick wonders what would be the best Christmas gift for her.
Sabrina’s considering buying a Christmas gift for her younger brother. He, at the age of 9, is crazy for video games. He has already had an X-box, but he wants more games.
Granny Margaret is living alone. As the Christmas is approaching(接近), she’d like to send her greetings to her family members and friends living in other places. But she is too old for a day’s shopping.

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Enough sleep is important to health. The amount of sleep needed    (depend) on the age of the person and the conditions in    sleep takes place. The young may need more sleep than _old, but usually eight hours are enough for the health of grown-ups. Some can do with less than this amount,    others may need more. Every person knows his own need.  is then a matter of good judgment to satisfy his need. Sleep should always be enough to make one bring back his   (strong) and get ready for a day’s work.
Fresh air is necessary to sound sleep. So it is not without reason for some people to think that it is practicable(切实可行的) to sleep the open air. A bath at bedtime,  hot nor cool but of body temperature, may be _ (help) to sleep. Sleep producing drug(帮助睡眠的药物) should never be taken except when __(suggest) by a doctor.

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Larry Belmont worked for a company that made robots. Recently it had begun experimenting with a household robot, ______ was going to be tested out by Larry’s wife, Claire. Claire didn’t want ________ robot in her house, especially as her husband would be _______(absence) for three weeks, but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn’t harm her or allow her _______(harm). However when she first saw the robot, named Tony, she felt alarmed because he seemed more like a human than a machine. He was tall and handsome _________ smooth hair and a deep voice although his facial expression never changed.
On the second morning Tony, _______(wear) an apron, brought her breakfast and then asked ________ she needed help dressing. She felt embarrassed and quickly told hem to go. _______ was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human. One day, Claire mentioned that she didn’t think she was clever. Tony said that ______ must feel very unhappy to say that. It was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. But she ______(begin) to trust him.

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Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated b   nobody came to his restaurant that morning. He thought that the menu he prepared was    (完美). Then he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by  coming into his restaurant to eat as he always did. Driven by   , Wang Peng followed his friend to a newly opened restaurant     offered to make people thin in two weeks. The new restaurant was     of people. Wang Peng came in and was shown a menu. He was   at what he saw. After leaving the restaurant, he went to the library and did some  . Arriving home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign, trying to win his customers    . The two restaurants began to    (竞争)!

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How can we students keep ourselves safe? Here are some tips.
On your way home or to school: Wait for the g_______traffic light, and look left and right before you cross the road. If you see a car coming, don’t cross until it really s_________ .Dress in b________ colors, so the drivers can see you clearly.
At school: When students around you begin to push, try to hold onto something, or stay in a safer corner. If you _________ down in a crowded place, cover your head w_________both hands.
When there is a fire: Stay calm and leave quickly. Use a piece of wet cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you don’t breathe in s__________. If your clothes catch fire, drop to the ground and roll from side to side to _________out the fire.
For eating: Wash fruit like apples or pears carefully before e_________them. Check the expiration dates and if your food looks or ___________ (闻) bad, don’t eat it..
For riding on the escalator (自动扶梯):Hold onto the handrails (扶手) and stand on the right side of the escalator because right arms are stronger. It is dangerous to run up and down on them. You may fall down because escalator steps are not _____________(设计) for running.

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I had a disease,     made my life difficult and demanding. This disease was called “and then I’ll be happy.”
I first        (catch) it in middle school. During my younger years, I seemed to always enjoy each day of my life. During those middle school years, however, I started to look to the future more and more and enjoy today less and less. At first, I thought _______(get) into high school and being a teenager would make me happy. Then the dream changed to being on my own in college. Next came having ______ great job. After that was the dream of raising a family. Then there was retiring and enjoying my life. Each dream postponed my _____ (happy) a little further. _______ (final), I realized that ______I kept going this way, I would never be happy. And I came ______(see)that it would be much better to be happy now than to live with this disease. So I began to keep a happy heart and loving soul rather ______ to wait for life to become perfect. These days I still occasionally suffer_______ the disease, but I heal it by knowing that I can choose love and joy every second of my life.

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Charity shops are popular in the UK. The first charity shop  _ ( be) opened by Oxfam in 1947. Now there are over 7,000 charity shops in the UK. The shops sell different things from  old book to a famous brand handbag. Here are the reasons why I often go to charity shops.
First, things in charity shops are much  _ (cheap) than those in street stores. People give things to charity shops    free. Most of the things have been used _they are well cleaned and _(repair). So you can buy useful things with less money in charity shop.
Second, people give their own thing to charity shops instead of    (throw) them away. Then other people who need the things buy them. It's good for the environment.
Third,    is for charity work that charity shops are set up. The money earned in charity shops is for people in need,   (especial) for homeless and disabled people after the things in charity shops are sold, the owner will receive a letter telling him about that. That's the main reason why people like charity shops. So I hope there will be more and more charity shops in other__  (place)

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【原创】Zheng Xiyu works at an office in Beijing's Central Business District. Every day, it takes her roughly 40 minutes to go to work by bus. But she is thinking of _     (switch) to a different way of transport-a bicycle. She's also adapting to a vegetable diet as Iivestock can make many contributions       today's most serious environmental problems. A recent survey shows that 78% of all the 17,000 people        (question) have developed environmentally_      (friend) habits in their daily lives. They are doing things, such as taking reusable shopping bags to the store and setting the air conditioner at          temperature above 26 C in summer. On many popular social networking         (website), people are advocating a low-carbon lifestyle.Their tips include using the stairs and public transport more frequently      _ using elevators and cars. They hope this lifestyle will become more than just a trend within certain groups. As the most populous nation on the planet with the world's          (fast) growing economy, China has become the second biggest emitter(排放者) of greenhouse gases. The recent extreme weather in the southern regions         (reflect) a serious environmental challenge.Experts say there is no time           (delay) with the effort to reduce carbon emissions.

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【原创】Patience is of great importance in our daily life. Once I waited       a bus to come at a stop. 30 minutes       (pass), but no bus came. Both upset and annoyed, I decided to walk on   (foot). But no sooner had I left    the bus arrived. I thought if I had waited for one more minute, I would have caught it. If I chose to take       next bus, I would have to wait for       30 minutes. Only then     (do) I realize my problem. Being impatient will      (possible) waste all the effort in     we have put . Now whenever I am close to      (lose) my patience, I’ll think of this experience.

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【原创】People feel ______(puzzle) by some unexplained phenomena, one example of     is the possible existence of Yeti.     is said that the Yeti is_____(tall) than an average human but walks with amazing speed and strengths. Though some people even reported________(see) the footprints belonging to a Yeti, no stronger evidence for its _______(exist) has been found.
_____the development of science and technology, _______ is unknown to us today ______(be) explained in the future. We hope that ______(science) will solve the mystery one day and give us a satisfactory answer.

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【原创】Three years ago I______(fail)an important exam in my life and became_____ student in an ordinary school.____ ____(disappoint)as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly-equipped classroom, I found the teachers patient and__________ (consider). Besides, I enjoyed the _______(friend) atmosphere in class. I decided to make the best of it. I worked hard and get along well ______ my teachers and classmates.
________ I had difficulties, they were always available. Soon, I became one of the top students in my class,___ __ greatly increased my_________ (confident) and got me motivated.
My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you make use of it ___ determines who you are.

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The way we cook is important. In many countries, the two choices are   (nature) gas or electric-powered stoves.
The World Health Organization warns that millions of people    (suffer) from indoor air pollution at present time, which results from the use of    (danger) fuels and cook-stoves in the home.
WHO officials say nearly three billion people are     (able) to use clean fuels and technologies for cooking ,heating and lighting. As a result, more than seven million people die from exposure to indoor or outdoor air pollution each year. Most of the deaths are in    (develop) countries, such as lndia, China and Latin American countries.
WHO officials say opening a window or door    (let)out the harmful air will not correct the situation   will only pollute the outdoors.
Nigel Bruce,    is a professor of Public Health at the University of Liverpool, says researchers are developing good cook-stoves and other equipment to burn fuels     a more efficient way.
But, this is just a start. It is urging developing countries to use    (clean) fuels and increase access to cleaner and more modern cooking and heating appliances(用具).

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