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Have you ever noticed this phenomenon? Sometimes Chinese English teachers are puzzled by such questions, "Could you please give me some advice     how to improve my reading comprehension?"
Actually, many of the teachers can't give their students      effective way to deal with reading. Anyway, they often simply say, "Read      and practise more, and you will get more experience in reading comprehension. "  Frankly, these teachers' good suggestions are only helpful to arouse (激起) students' interest in reading        not helpful to deal with the questions in the examinations of reading comprehension. Personally,      think the skill for reading comprehension should be based on the knowledge of English writing.     the English passages are written under some rules or principles, the science of reading and understanding may have a close relationship with writing. Reading comprehension can't be independent      the knowledge of
writing. So to do better in reading comprehension      ever, we should learn the knowledge of writing, study how questions are designed and the relationship between questions and the reading materials.

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Self-motivation is a great way for doing things better in life. Exercising not only helps you to stay fit, but also freshens up your body from within. Despite being aware of the benefits of exercise, people fail to put it in their lives, because their motivation is very limited.
An optimistic attitude will not only help you to try continuously, but also make sure you fight all possible difficulties easily. On the other hand, a pessimistic attitude will show you only the bad in what you want to do, stopping your will to try at the very beginning.
To be determined about something takes a lot of courage. It’s very easy to give up and everyone can do it. To continuously keep at it, putting in the same efforts all the time, takes courage. Be determined to lose weight. Tell yourself you have to do it.
If your role model has been in your mind, then you are very likely to follow him or her. So why not follow the path by which they have got an envious figure?
Always feel good about where you work out. This way you will be regular with your workout schedule, gradually noticing the positive effects it has on you. This makes sure that you think your surroundings positively in your mind and that your probability of visiting it increases.
Every time you lose a decided number of pounds, congratulate yourself, relax your muscles or shop for relaxation.
If you have a fast-paced lifestyle, you won’t even realize when time flies by. By exercising regularly, you’re adding more years to your life. A long life is the best motivation, isn’t it?
Apart from all these things, you must set a goal and encourage all your energy towards achieving it. Last but not least, it’s very important that you enjoy what you are doing, whether it’s working out at the gym, or practicing yoga at home.

Title: How to motivate yourself to _______
People can’t insist on exercising in their lives because they don’t have _______ motivation.
●When you have an optimistic attitude, you can try continuously and have no difficulty ____ all possible difficulties.
●To lose weight, you should put in the same efforts all the time and _____ at it with courage.
●Choose a person who has got a perfect figure as your _____ and follow their path to exercise.
●Feeling good about where you work out has some _____ effects on you.
●Once you have _____ a certain number of pounds, you’d better congratulate yourself.
●For a long term, exercising regularly ______ that you’re adding more years to your life.
____ a goal is helpful for encouraging all your energy towards achieving it.
Since exercise has so many ____, you’d better enjoy what you are doing, whether it’s working out at the gym, or practicing yoga at home.
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Once when a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up and down upon him. This soon wakened the Lion, who    (catch) the little Mouse and was going to kill him. “Pardon, O King,” cried the little Mouse, “forgive      this time. I shall never forget it and someday I will help you on return!” The Lion started to laugh, “Ha! Ha! Ha! A little Mouse can help a big Lion     me?” The Lion thought it was funny and let the Mouse go. Some time      (late) the Lion fell into a trap. The     (hunt), who desired to carry the Lion alive to the King, tied him to a tree. Meanwhile, he went in search of a wagon to carry the Lion on. Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by.      (see) the sad situation    the Lion was, the little Mouse went up to him and soon chewed the net that bound the King of the Beasts. Soon the Mouse chewed a big hole     the net, and the Lion was free! “Was I not right?” said the Little Mouse, “You laughed at me but even      little Mouse can help a big Lion.” The Lion was so grateful    he no longer looked down on the little Mouse.
Little friends may prove great friends.

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In a small village, there lived a potter(陶工)who had a donkey. Every day his donkey would carry soil        the field to his house. As the field was quite far off, the potter forgot         (take) the rope with which he tied the donkey every day, so he decided to lie down holding the donkey’s ears while sleeping. But this way, neither the donkey        the potter was able to take a rest. A saint(圣人),        happened to be passing by, saw them. When the potter told the saint      the problem was, the saint said, “Take the donkey to the place where you tie him every day. Pretend to tie him using        imaginary rope. I promise you he won’t run away.” The potter did so.
He left the donkey and went to take a rest. When he         (wake) up, to his surprise and relief, he found the donkey          (stand) at the same place.
Soon the potter prepared to leave for home. But the donkey did not move.        (luck), the potter saw the wise saint again and told him about the problem.The saint said, “You tied up the donkey, but did you untie(松开)him?  Go and pretend to untie the rope.” The potter followed the saint’s advice with         (please).
Now the donkey was ready to leave for home. The potter went home happily with his donkey.

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I don’t know what it is. No matter_____ I go to a post office and no matter where the post office is, I always find______ (me) standing in line behind someone who has a lot of business to do.
One day, I had to buy a couple of stamps, but I had to wait behind an old lady who took fifteen minutes_______(finish) a form that a child could do in one minute.___ ____( feel) that I could not stand waiting in such a line any longer, I decided to join_______ one. It seemed twice as ______as the first line, but at least it was moving. It turned out to be the worst choice I had ever made. As soon as I _____(lose)my place in the first line, the one I joined slowed to a stop. I had no choice____ to wait behind a schoolboy who was taking half an hour to choose a new set of postcards. At last it was my turn. I nearly jumped for joy. Then the clerk behind ______ counter, a middle-aged fat guy, stood up, pushed forward a printed sign saying “Position Closed” and _______(say) without a smile, “Sorry, going to lunch.”

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Working at the whaling station, I had   catching huge whales many times with the help of the killer whale. On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was sorting out my     (住所), I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. It was Old Tom, the killer      was telling us that there was about to be a whale hunt.
Having become      (意识到) of what was happening, we jumped into the boat without       (一刻不停的) and headed     into the bay. As we d    nearer, I could see a whale       attacked by a pack of about six killers. Because of being badly wounded, the whale soon died and its body was     by the killers down into the  of the sea very soon.

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Alice: Mr. Black, This is Alice speaking. I’m calling to ask you   __ I can take the afternoon off today.
Black: Well, of course.  _  can you tell me what the problem is, Alice?
Alice: OK, Mr. Black. My son is going to take part in a singing contest ____(hold) in Washington tomorrow. He’s got so many things to take ____ he can’t go there alone.
Black: So you want to take __  there in your minibus?
Alice: Yes. And as soon as I put him up in the hotel, I__ (drive) back.
Black: Well, that would be  __ too tiring journey. It’s nearly 300 kilometers away and it will take you at least six hours __ (travel) to and from Washington. Why don’t you stay there until you have seen your son perform?
Alice: But I have two   (class) tomorrow morning.
Black: Don’t worry. I’ll tell Mary to take your classes  _ . She’s always willing to help.
Alice: That’ll be nice. Thank you and give my thanks to Mary.
Black: You’re welcome.

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Travelling by subway can be quite an adventure, especially during rush hours. You have to fight your ______ into the carriage, and that’s not the end. You also have to protect yourself from big backpacks and fight for space with t      who sit and stretch their legs.
To deal with this problem, New York City has      (启动) a campaign making people take off their backpacks on the subway. The movement is also      (针对) at male riders who like spreading their legs to take up two, or even three seats.
Some people say that the campaign l     (限制) everyone’s freedom. Male travelers even feel it is unfair, saying that women who cross their legs also take up too much space. ______ the campaign has been supported by people who are concerned about     (个人的)behavior in public spaces.
In fact, all countries have written or unwritten      (规则) that travelers are expected to follow. For example, eating and drinking on the subway are banned in many cities, i      Washington DC in the US and Brussels in Belgium.
So _____ time you take public transportation, avoid bad behavior.

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Tom: Sandy. It seems that only half of the students passed the final exam.
Sandy: Really? The exam     have been very difficult this time.
Tom: Well, I’m really  (surprise) too. There are many students who definitely didn’t fail. According to Jack, there are eight boys in his class who failed,     (include) himself and Scott.
Sandy: Oh! Scott is   of the top students in the college. What about his sister, Kate? Did she pass?
Tom: Oh, yes. It seems she     (get) good marks.
Sandy: That’s     (absolute) unbelievable! Scott was     much better student than his sister, and has been working so hard for the last few months.
Tom: It seems    (fair), doesn’t it? But, from     I’ve heard, perhaps he worked too hard. He was ill during the week of the exam.
Sandy: Oh, I see. These things happen, sometimes. I suppose the teacher will take his illness into account and give him a pass.
Tom: Well, there is a rumor going around    the head of the Department is leaving.
Sandy: Because of the bad result, you mean?
Tom: Well, I suppose so. I’m not sure. Maybe Mr. Smith is going to be the new Department Head.

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Many people travel during the holiday season but do not make sure that their houses and homes    (protect). Crime goes up    (rapid) during the winter and summer holiday seasons. Here are some things that you should keep in mind when you go on
Always give    (strange) the feeling that you are at home. Have the snow    (clean) off your stairs or out of your driveway during the winter season. You might ask someone to park    cars in your driveway.
Tell your newspaper deliverer that you are not at home.    (have) a pile of newspapers and other mail on your doorsteps tells people that you are not at home, so you could also have a neighbor   a relative get your mail every day.
Fix a timer in some of your rooms  turns lights on and off during different times of the day. Some TVs also come with a timer that you could set to be turned on during certain times. Have motion (运动) sensitive lights outside your house that keep thieves away   you are not at home.

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In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear          spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves correctly with confidence and without hesitation.           , we must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.
There is no easy way to success          language learning.          good memory is a great help, but it is not enough only           (memorize)rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long lists of words and their           (mean), studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language.
      we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of            (advise) for those        are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and          (write) the language whenever we can.

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The truth     trees are vital to our life is not a secret. They provide us with food, wood and most        (important), oxygen. Now there is one more thing we can add to this list—blocking out harmful bacteria from water.
The discovery        (make) by a team     (consist) of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and high school students         were seeking a natural water filter—one that would help communities in developing countries that do not have          (accessible) to modern water filter systems.
The     (research), led by Professor Rohit Karnik, decided to turn to trees for help because they could allow liquid to flow through, while blocking out air bubbles.
They began by cutting 1.5-inch-wide sections of tree bark from the branches of a white pine tree. The people related then tested the wood’s filtering ability by pouring water containing red dye particles of different sizes through.   their amazement, they found that it was effective in trapping all the articles.   (encourage), the team conducted     experiment, this time with water that contained bacteria. Sure enough, the sapwood held back 99% of the bacteria, allowing only 1% to flow through.

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The Internet is an      (amaze)information resource.Students,teachers,and researchers use it as        investigative too1.Journalists use it to find information for stories.Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the       (1ate)medical development.Ordinary people use it        shopping,banking,bill-paying,and communicating with family and friends.People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from        countries and cultures.However, while there are many positive developments       (associate)with the Internet,there are also certain fears and concerns.One concern relates to a lack of control over        appears on the Internet.With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs,and with television there are        (restrict)on other aspects,for example,what kinds of programs can        (broadcast)and at what time of the day.With the Internet,parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable for their children        (see).

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Every individual is a member of a group called the community, and it
is the duty of every citizen _____ ask what he can do for his community.


A good citizen _____(相信) that he should serve the community


and not the community serve h_____. As students, there are many ways


in _____ you can serve the community. Above all, however, you have to


acquire a certain amount of skill and experience b_____ you can be of


service to others. Your school has lots of_____(活动) which prepare


you ____ good citizenship. Many school societies train students to


become good citizens who later p____ in volunteer work and serve the


public in t____ of need. If you serve your community, you will grow


____ to be a good citizen with a strong sense of responsibility.


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