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(   )(1)A. I’d like a new house.     B. I like this house.    C. I have a house.
(   )(2)A. I’m thirsty.              B. It’s ten.            C. It’s soft.
(   )(3)A. She’s in the kitchen.     B. It’s on the bed.     C. He’s at home.
(   )(4)A. There are some ducks.      B. There’s some water.  C. There’s a dog.
(   )(5)A. Yes, please.               B.No, I don’t.          C. Yes, I am.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

⑴A. Stand up, please.
B. Sit down, please.
⑵A. Look at the boat. It’s green.
B. Look at the cloud. It’s white.
⑶A. An apple pie? Yes, please.
B. An ice-cream? No, thank you.
⑷A. Is Mr Wang happy?
B. Is Mr Wang hungry?
⑸A. Peter is tall and fat.
B. Peter is tall and thin.
⑹A. Five, six, seven, eight. You are very late.
B. Nine, ten, nine, ten. Don’t be late for school again.
⑺A. Peter is my big brother.
B. Is Peter your little brother?
⑻A. Is this a classroom?
B. It’s the playground. 
⑼A. Find the pigs. How many pigs? 
B. Count the dogs. How many dogs?
⑽A. It has a big head.
B. It has a small head.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(   )(1)A.I’m at school.         B. I’m from China.          C.I’m eleven. 
(   )(2)A.He lives in London.     B. He has a dog.             C.He can swim.
(   )(3)A.No, she isn’t .       B. No, she can’t.          C.No, she doesn’t.
(   )(4)A.Yes,they do.            B. No, they aren’t.         C.Yes, they can.[来
(   )(5)A.I’m sorry.             B. All right.               C.I’m fine.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

⑴(  )A.What’s that?         B.Can you run?
⑵(  )A.I can jump high.      B.It’s a book.
⑶(  )A.It’s big.           B.Yes, I can. 
⑷(  )A.What’s your name?   B.Can you dance
⑸(  )A.What can you do?     B.What’s this?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(   )(1)A.It’s on the Christmas tree.   B.They’re under the chair.   C.Yes, there are.
(   )(2)A.No, there aren’t.         B.No, he isn’t.              C.Yes, he does.
(  )(3)A.She’s a writer.      B.She goes to work by car. C.She writes stories at home.
(   )(4)A.He usually plays basketball with his brother   B.I sometimes go to the cinema.
C.I like swimming.
(   )(5)A.It’s just right.          B.It’s beside the door.    C.Yes, there is.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

⑴A.上语文课     B.上英语课
⑵A.散步         B. 上学
⑶A.去游泳       B. 去公园
⑷A.做早操       B. 运动会
⑸A.寻找         B. 看

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(    )(1)A. Yes, I do.               B.Yes, he does.       C. Yes, she does.
(    )(2)A .Yes, it does.             B. No, I don’t.       C.No, she doesn’t.[来
(    )(3)A. No, she doesn’t.         B. It can jump.       C.I can jump.
(    )(4)A. Yes, there is.            B. No, it isn’t.     C.Yes,they are.
(    )(5)A. Me too.                  B. I’m sorry.         C.All right.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(   )(1)A.I’m at school.            B. I’m from China.        C. I’m eleven. 
(   )(2)A.He lives in London.        B. He has a dog.           C. He can swim.
(   )(3)A.No, she isn’t .           B. No, she can’t.        C. No, she doesn’t.
(   )(4)A.Yes,they do.               B. No, they aren’t.      C. Yes, they can.[来
(   )(5)A.I’m sorry.               B. All right.             C. I’m fine.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(     )(1)A.Here’s some glue for me.     B. Sure.Here you are.    C. Thanks.
(     )(2)A.He’s a teacher.             B. He’s forty.           C. He’s fine.
(     )(3)A.They’re going to see a play.   B. They’re seeing a play.  
C. They like seeing plays.
(     )(4)A.Jim does.                 B. Yes,he is.              C. Yes, he does.
(     )(5)A.Kate.                    B. This is Kate.        C. It’s Kate.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

⑴ A. Tom’s uncle is older than his father.
B. Tom’s uncle is younger than his father.
C. Tom’s uncle is as old as his father.
⑵ A. Jim doesn’t want to go to Mary’s birthday party.
B. Jim can’t go to Mary’s birthday party.
C. Jim is going to Mary’s birthday party.
⑶ A. I was in the park last Sunday afternoon.
B. I was in the school last Sunday afternoon.
C. I was in my home last Sunday afternoon.
⑷ A. Li Hua went to Beijing by plane last month.
B. Li Hua went to Beijing by train last month.
C. Li Hua went to Beijing by ship last month.
⑸ A. Mary bought the book on Saturday.
B. Mary bought the book on Friday.
C. Mary bought the book on Thursday.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(   )⑴A.I  read books.     B.I  have English.
(   )⑵A.Yes,  thereare.     B.No,  there  isn’t.
(   )⑶A.Yes,  Ican.       B.No,  she  can’t.
(   )⑷A.He likes  beef.     B.He  is  tall  and  thin.
(   )⑸A.I  like  sandwiches.    B.I’d  like  ice cream.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(   )⑴ How does Amy get to Beijing?
A: By train.
B: By plane.
C: By ship
(  )⑵ How can he get to Xinhua Cinema?
A: Go straight, then turn right.
B: Go straight, then turn left.
C: Go straight, then turn back.
(   )⑶ Where is John going?
A: To the school.
B: To the library.
C: To the hospital
(  )⑷ What is Sarah going to buy?
A: A magazine.
B: A dictionary.
C: A comic book.
(  )⑸ What’s he going to do?
A: Play football.
B: Play basketball
C: Play chess.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

⑴A. Tom and his friends.
B. Tom and his picture.
C. Tom and his family.
⑵A. John
B. Kate
C. Amy
⑶A. Miss Chen
B. Mr. Chen
C. Mr. White
⑷A. I have eleven new pencils.
B. I have twenty crayons.
C. Both A and B.
⑸A. Five green apples.
B. Nine red apples.
C. Fourteen apples.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
