优题课 - 聚名师,上好课(www.youtike.com)
  首页 / 试题库 / 小学英语试题 / 生活故事 / 填空题

Peter:                 (1)                 
Linda : Sure . He usually works in the office in the morning.
He often works from 6:00 to 12:00 .             (2)         .
Peter :         (3)            ?
Linda : He usually goes on with his work .    Sometimes he meets other scientists .
Peter :             (4)              ?
Linda: No . He seldom goes shopping . He never eats out .
Peter :            (5)           !  We should learn from him .

(1)_______ (2)_______ (3)______ (4)_______ (5)________

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  • 难度:未知


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  • 难度:未知

(1)                                        ?
I usually go to school by bus.
(2)                                      ?
I am going to wash my clothes this evening
(3)                                      ?
You can go to the cinema by the No. 15 bus.
(4)                                       ?
Yes, the park is next to the library.
(5)________________________________________ ?
I am watching TV now.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(is, am, do, get, apples, books, bus, bike, library, bookstore, read, from, what, where)
Tomorrow     Children’s Day. We don’t go to school. I     ____going to ___ up early and ____ my homework in the morning. I’m going to the ____ and buy some ____ with my friends in the afternoon. I’m going there by ____ , because the bookstore is far _____ my home. In the evening, I’m going to _____ my new books. ____ are you going to do tomorrow?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

根据短文描述,画出可爱的图:( 10%)

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  • 难度:未知

Some years later, Disney moved to the west coast(海岸) USA. He tried to get work as an artist but still he was unsuccessful. One day he remembered the mouse got (1)  of his home. He  (2)  his pencil and started  (3) . Day after day he practiced and drew  (4)  pictures of the mouse that he knew. At last he was  (5)  with one of the mouse. He  (6)  it Mickey Mouse.
Disney’s success as a cartoon-maker(卡通片制作人) began. He soon drew other cartoon characters like Donald Duck and during the 1920s and the 1930s he made  (7) cartoons about  (8)  . These cartoons were all  (9)  ones. Before the days of TV, they used to be shown in  (10) all over the country before the main(主要的) film was shown. Later Disney made longer films.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Today we had  __(1)exciting trip. My father, my mother and I(2)to summer camp. We went to the mountains. First, we (3)to the
foot(脚) of the mountain(4)bus. In the middle of the mountain, there was a river. The water was clean. I washed my face with the (5).I t was warm. There_(6)some fishes in the river. And there were a lot of (7)flowers in the mountain. At 12 o’clock, many people got together, and they were very (8).We made our lunch in the mountain. The food was very (9), and we liked it very much. After lunch, we went on our trip. At last, we got to the top(顶部) of the mountain. We were very _(10). All in all, we enjoyed the trip very much.
(1)A. a          B. an            C. the
(2)A. go         B. goes          C. went
(3)A. get         B. got           C. gets
(4)A. by         B. take          C. in
(5)A. water      B. food          C. trip
(6)A. is         B. were          C. was
(7)A. ugly       B. difficult     C. beautiful
(8)A. friendly   B. boring         C. expensive
(9)A. terrible   B. delicious     C. exciting
(10)A. happy     B. unhappy        C. lovely

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

看图片, 回答问题。
(1)What does your mother do?
(2)Does your father go to work by bus?
(3)Where does your aunt work?
(4)How does she go to school? 
(5)Which job do you want to do?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What do you do if you have a cold?
(1)If you have a cold, ___________________the doctor.
(2)________some________and drink_________water.
(3)____________bed for a few __________.
(4)You will ________better __________.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

例句;This man can’t see . This dog helps him.
(1)This little girl                       .
Her mother                            .

(2)This boy                            .
His friend                          .

(3)This boy                            .
A nurse                           .

(4)This old man                        .
A kind girl                        .

(5)This girl                        .
Her friend                     .

(6)This little girl                   .
Her mother                        .

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  • 难度:未知


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One morning. Mr and Mrs Green go shopping in their (1)  . In the shop they see many  (2)   . Mrs Green likes them very much. She  (3)  a shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter  (4)   a sweater for Mr Green.  (5) buys herself a blouse, too.
   (6)  about one o'clock, they go home. But they lose their way. Mr Green   (7)   0ver to an old man and asks,"   (8)   am I? Please tell me. "The old man looks   (9)   him and the car. "You're in your car,
Sir. "He  (10)   .
(     )(l)A. plane        B. car         C. bike        D. bus
(     )(2)A. food         B. shoes       C. hats        D. clothes
(     )(3)A. buys         B. sells       C. makes       D. borrows
(     )(4)A. so          B. or           C. but        D. and
(     )(5)A. They         B. He          C. She         D. Her
(     )(6)A. In           B. For          C. At         D. On
(     )(7)A. swims        B. drives       C. flies      D. leaves
(     )(8)A. Where        B. What         C. How        D. Who
(     )(9)A. after        B. at          C. like       D. for
(     )(10)A. sings       B. listens      C. reads      D. says

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


I  例  two sisters. They are Lisa and Lily. They  are  twins. Lily is popular and helpful. She often helps   (1)  friends. Lisa is very shy.She  (2) drawing very much. She draws  a  lot  of  beautiful  (3) . They both like reading books. They often read  (4)  their  room.
例 ( A ) A. have       B. has       C. am
(1)( ) A. she        B. her       C. his
(2)( ) A. likes       B. like      C. like to
(3)( ) A. picture    B. pictures  C. the picture
(4)( ) A. on         B. at         C. in

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One morning. Mr and Mrs green go shopping in their (1)  . In the shop they see many  (2)   . Mrs Green likes them very much. She  (3)  a shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter  (4)   a sweater for Mr Green.(5) buys herself a blouse, too.
   6  about one o'clock, they go home. But they lose their way. Mr Green    7   0ver to an old man and asks,"    8   am I? Please tell me. "The old man looks    9   him and the car. "You're in your car,
Sir. "He  (10)   .
(     )(l)A. plane       B. car         C. bike        D. bus
(    )(2)A. food        B. shoes      C. hats         D. clothes
(     )(3)A. buys        B. sells       C. makes       D. borrows
(     )(4)A. so          B. or         C. but          D. and
(     )(5)A. They        B. He          C. She          D. Her
(     )(6)A. In         B. For         C. At           D. On
(     )(7)A. swims       B. drives      C. flies       D. leaves
(     )(8)A. Where       B. What        C. How          D. Who
(    )(9)A. after      B. at         C. like         D. for
(     )(10)A. sings     B. listens    C. reads       D. says

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  • 难度:未知
