优题课 - 聚名师,上好课(www.youtike.com)
  首页 / 试题库 / 小学英语试题 / 单词翻译 / 选择题

(1)This is my             .   (desk  seat )
(2)That is a                .   (dog  cat)
(3)This is our             .   ( classroom  book )
(4)This is a                 .  (dog  cat )
(5)That is our               .   ( teacher  seat )
(6)Pen        pencil.  (and. or)
(7)It’s        pen.  (an. a)
(8)It’s        school bag.  (my. I)
(9)What’s        ?   (this.that)
(10)It’s        eraser.  (a. an)
(11)How old are           .  (you. your)
(12)          birthday. (Happy. How)
(13)A  red  kite         you. (for. to)
(14)Stand         , please? (up. down)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)A. pink     B. think
(2)A hair      B. fair
(3)A. want    B. what
(4)A. wall    B. walk
(5)A. fat     B. hat
(6)A. queen   B. green
(7)A. ball     B. doll
(8)A. street   B. tree
(9)A. train    B. tree
(10)A. help    B. tell
(11)A. feel    B. fill
(12)A. hungry  B. hurry
(13)A. tired  B. tie
(14)A. food    B. foot
(15)A. sheep  B. ship
(16)A. cold   B. cool
(17)A. rabbit  B. rubber
(18)A. pear   B. bear

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)A.5862535    B.4898434    C.5732647
(2)A. picnic    B. pancake   C. pencil
(3)A. what      B. want      C. water
(4)A. bread     B. read      C. breakfast
(5)A. neck      B. name      C. nine

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Listen and judge. (判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否一致,用√或х表示)5%
(1)pull   cup   
(2)dog   shop  
(3)kite  i
(4)he    street 
(5)Jane   make     

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Listen and guess.( 听录音,写出你猜到单词的序号)4%
(1)a. pink      b. Purple
(2)a. snake    b. pig
(3)a. summer   b. Autumn
(4)a. drill    b. waves

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Listen and choose. (听录音,写出你听到内容的序号)10%
(1)a. rainbow   b. raindrops  (2)a. cat     b. hat
(3)a. blue      b. blow       (4)a. green    b. grey
(5)a. wind      b. winter     (6)a. hear    b. here
(7)a. cloud     b. loud       (8)a. tree    b. street
(9)a . pens.   b. pandas.    (10)a. robot   b. boat

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)A.fishes     B.dishes      C.washes    D.weak
(2)A.clinic     B.library     C.cinema    D.camera
(3)A.water      B.cool        C.cinema    D.winter
(4)A.headache   B.toothache   C.have      D.face
(5)A.sea        B.son        C.autumn    D.season
(6)A.potato     B.soil        C.light      D.many
(7)A.future     B.is         C.colour     D.fever
(8)A.will       B.should     C.would     D.wake
(9)A.best       B.China      C.give       D.pocket
(10)A.comb      B.rain       C.early      D.train

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

听音, 选出与录音相符合的,将其字母编号填在括号里。(10分)
(1)A. when                B.went                    C. want
(2)A. short               B.shirt                   C. sore
(3)A. parents             B. presents               C. pair
(4)A. light                B.night                   C. right
(5)A. she                 B.see                     C. sea
(6)A. match               B. watch                  C. catch
(7)A. have a cold         B. have a sore throat      C. have a sore nose
(8)A. take a trip         B. go by train            C. play a game
(9)A. watched TV          B. washed the clothes      C. went shopping
(10)A. How did you feel?   B. What did you feel?     C. What did you do?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)A. I’m 40kg.
B. I’m 154cm.
C. I’m 12.
(2)A. She’s fine.
B. He has a cold.
C. He feels happy.
(3)A. Oct. 1st .
B. June 1st.
C. Jan. 1st.
(4)A. I’m going to Hong Kong.
B. I’m going there by plane.
C. I’m going to buy a book.
(5)A. She likes watching TV.
B. She watches TV every evening.
C. She is a TV reporter.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Listen and choose.
(1)A. car     B. hat 
(2)A. blue    B. glue
(3)A. box     B. fox 
(4)A. much     B. many
(5)A. look     B. book 
(6)A. like    B. bike
(7)A. happy   B. hurry 
(8)A. pen     B. open
(9)A. say     B. sail 
(10)A. not    B. nut

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)A. fax machine   B. photocopier  C. computers     D. air conditioner
(2)A. ours          B. yours        C. theirs        D. mine
(3)A. stamp         B. picture      C. them          D. these
(4)A. pizza         B. bread        C. salad         D. fries
(5)A. sandwich      B. hamburger    C. fried chicken  D. cheese
(6)A. cup           B. butter       C. bottle        D. glass
(7)A. water         B. coffee       C. tea           D. beer
(8)A. coke          B. juice        C. drink         D. soup

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)A.name       B.same     C.game      D.gate 
(2)A play       B.plane    C.plate     D.pleasure
(3)A.niece      B.nice     C.nine      D.nurse 
(4)A.middle     B.mobile    C.message    D.minute
(5)A.cup        B.club     C.cap       D.call
(6)A.cool       B.look     C.book      D.cook
(7)A.chair      B.chess    C.cheese    D.child
(8)A.blue       B.glue     C.use       D.usually
(9)A.work       B.walk     C.word      D.world
(10)A.watch     B.which     C.what      D.when

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

你将听到一个单词,或者一个词组,或者一个句子,根据你所听到的内容, 选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)
(1)A.look         B.cook          C.book
(2)A.think        B.thank         C.than
(3)A.three        B.tree          C.there
(4)A.the          B.them          C.then
(5)A.walk         B.work          C.went
(6)A.113cm        B.115cm         C.114cm
(7)A.go hiking     B.go boating    C.go skating
(8)A.It’s a toy.  B.It’s a boy.  C.It’s a nose.
(9)A.He does his homework. 
B.He does his housework. 
C.He does morning exercise.
(10)A.He feels ill.  B.He feels sick.   C.He feels sad.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)A. park                B. path               C. bath
(2)A. end table           B. ten tables          C. red tables
(3)A. small houses        B. small horses        C. big horses
(4)A. fresh fruit          B. fresh food          C. fresh fish
(5)A. there are           B. they are            C. there is
(6)A. bed                 B. bag                C. bad
(7)A. 15                  B. 50                 C. 55
(8)A. 140cm               B. 114cm              C. 130cm           
(9)A. sunny               B. Sunday             C. snowy
(10)A. sheep              B. ship               C. shirt

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
