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  首页 / 试题库 / 初中英语试题 / 人生感悟类阅读

Happiness is for everyone, and you don’t need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with          and swimming pools or those who have nice cars          a lot of money and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often          lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads in their free time.
In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are   in          at school, your friends will help you; when you study at your lessons, your parents are always          good care of your life and your health; when you get         , your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to          it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel         , too. All these are your happiness. If you notice those things, you can see that happiness is always          you.
Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are         , you can also say you are very happy because you have something else that can’t be bought with money. When you meet difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy because you have more chances to          yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor or you have bad luck. As the saying goes: Life is like a revolving(转动的)door. When it         , it also opens. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.

A.trees B.flowers C.gardens D.cars

A.and B.with C.but D.for

A.be B.feel C.seem D.live

A.wrong B.trouble C.problem D.danger

A.making B.talking C.feeling D.taking

A.regret B.trouble C.decision D.success

A.correct B.forget C.change D.know

A.lonely B.sorry C.happy D.beautiful

A.before B.around C.follow D.for

A.poor B.lucky C.healthy D.angry

A.develop B.progress C.challenge D.exercise

A.goes B.sleeps C.moves D.closes

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was a girl growing up,I cannot once ever remember either my mum or my grandma wasting food.

Anything we didn't eat at one meal was leftovers(剩菜).I can remember my grandma making a huge pot of potatoes.We would all eat until we were full enough,but there were always about half of the potatoes leftover.A few days later,Grandma would take those potatoes out of the fridge,boil some noodles,add some vegetables and mix them all together.And I also remember when I watched my mum fry bacon (煎培根)for us in the mornings,she would always take the oil carefully and pour it into a bottle.Then she would use it later to add flavor to so many other dishes.I was an adult before I realized that potatoes didn't actually taste like bacon!

    I learned their lessons well,and after I grew up,I tried to never waste food myself.I always planned the week's meals ahead of time and only bought what was on my shopping list so that nothing went to waste.Every meal went into our stomachs and any leftovers were later eaten by either myself my boys,my husband or my dogs.To me,throwing food into the bin was just wrong.

    However,when it comes to living,there are no leftovers.Life is just like a feast.Each moment that you don't live is lost forever.Life cannot be saved or stored.Each day is a fresh beginning.Live each moment of your life to the fullest,then.

(1)The writer's grandma used the leftover potatoes to   .

A.mix with noodles

B.boil some vegetables

C.fry bacon

D.throw away

(2)Why did the potatoes cooked by the writer's mum taste like bacon?   

A.Because she mixed the bacon with potatoes.

B.Because she put potatoes into the containers.

C.Because she was good at cooking.

D.Because she poured the bacon oil into potatoes.

(3)According to the passage,how did the writer save food in her way?   

A.By shopping ahead of time.

B.By throwing it into the litter bin.

C.By following her mother's shopping list.

D.By planning the next week's food.

(4)What does the underlined word " feast" in the last paragraph probably mean?    

A.Sweat dream.

B.Large meal.

C.Happy story.

D.Beautiful picture.

(5)What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?   

A.It is never too old to learn.

B.Eat to live,but not live to eat.

C.Neither food nor life should be wasted.

D.There is no such thing as a free lunch.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My earliest memory of dad is grabbing (抓住) his hand while we walked together. As I     older, I remembered my father and I listened to many basketball games on the radio. I always fell asleep     the game was over. When I woke up in the morning, the score sheet (计分表) with the     score on it would be lying next to me. I’ll always remember that.
On cold mornings my father would drive his bread truck by the house. I used to ride on the floor of that bread truck as he delivered (分送) the bread to the stores. The   and the warmth from the bread made me hungry and kept me warm. I’ll always remember that.
My father would attend all my games. One night before an important game my father told me     that he wouldn’t be able to watch the game because he had to deliver the bread and it was a three-hour     from his route. The next day as the game time drew near, I thought about my dad. I happened to look across the field and   saw his bread truck pulling into the stadium (体育场). He tried to make the game. I’ll always remember that.
Years later I became a teacher. I’ll never forget the voice on the phone early one morning telling me dad had just been killed in a traffic accident. I could hear my heart beat in my ears. I     up the phone and went back to my bedroom. After that nothing was very important to me. One day I was on the playground when a little boy walked up to me and grabbed my hand. His hand held mine the     way I used to hold my father’s by the last two fingers. At that moment I found my     in life again. You see even though my father was gone, he left something with me. He left me his smile, spirit and touch. My purpose was to use those gifts as he did. From that day I started. I’ll always remember that!

A.went B.changed C.turned D.grew

A.when B.although C.because D.before

A.public B.final C.official D.lucky

A.smell B.color C.taste D.shape

A.happily B.sadly C.slowly D.simply

A.ride B.walk C.race D.drive

A.successfully B.peacefully C.surprisingly D.unusually

A.set B.picked C.put D.hung

A.strange B.safe C.same D.special

A.pleasure B.purpose C.problem D.progress

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Monty was the son of a horse trainer. When he was in his ninth grade, he was asked to write a             about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.
That night he wrote a seven-page paper saying that someday he’d 17 a horse ranch (牧场). He wrote about his dream in great detail and he          drew a picture of a 200-acre ranch with all the buildings.
He put a great deal of his          into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red “F”           a note that read, “See me after class.”
The boy went to see the teacher after class and asked, “Why did I receive an ‘F’?”
The teacher said, “This is an unrealistic (不现实的) dream for a young boy like you. Your family is not rich. Having a horse ranch needs a lot of            . You have to buy the land. You have to pay for other things. There is no            you could ever do it.” Then the teacher added, “           you rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I’ll reconsider your grade.”
The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, “Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. But I think it is a very important            for you.”
Finally, after thinking about it for several days, the boy handed in the same paper, making            changes at all. He said to the teacher, “You can keep the ‘F’ and I’ll keep my dream.”

A.speech B.notice C.paper D.diary

A.own B.win C.paint D.sell

A.just B.even C.ever D.almost

A.dream B.heart C.advice D.trust

A.by B.in C.to D.with

A.time B.money C.space D.work

A.way B.wonder C.problem D.matter

A.Though B.Since C.Unless D.If

A.change B.gift C.decision D.message

A.no B.anything C.any D.nothing

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Peter’s job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier(边界) to make sure that they were not smuggling(走私) anything into the country. Every evening he would see a factory worker coming         the hill towards the frontier,         a bike with grass on it. When the bike          the frontier, Peter would stop the man and       him take the grass off. Then he would examine the straw very        to see whether he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man’s pockets        he let him tie(捆绑) the grass again. The man would then put it on his bike and go off down the hill with it. Although Peter was always        to find gold or other valuable things hidden in the straw, he never found       . he was sure the man was smuggling something, but he was not        to think out what it could be.
Then one evening, after he had looked ____ the grass and emptied the worker's pockets ____ usual, he ____ to him, "Listen, I know you are smuggling things ____ this frontier. Won't you tell me what it is? I'm an old man, and today's my last day on the job. Tomorrow I'm going to retire (退休). I promise I shall not tell ____ if you tell me what you've been smuggling." The worker did not say anything for ____. Then he smiled, turned to Peter and said quietly, "Bikes."

A.towards B.down C.to D.up

A.filling B.pulling C.pushing D.carrying

A.arrived B.appeared C.came D.reached

A.ask B.order C.make D.call

A.carefully B.quickly C.silently D.horribly

A.before B.after C.first D.so

A.lucky B.hoping C.thinking D.wondering

A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything

A.possible B.strong C.able D.clever

A.through B.thoroughly C.upon D.up

A.like B.more C.then D.as

A.told B.cried C.ordered D.said

A.cross B.past C.across D.into

A.everyone B.anyone C.no one D.someone

A.moment B.long time C.sometime D.some time

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once upon a time, a young man wanted to go to a village on business.Halfway there was a mountain.Before he left home,his family warned him to stay calm and climb onto trees if he met beasts(野兽).In this way, the beasts couldn't do anything to him.

    The young man remembered these words and began his trip.

    He walked for a long time carefully and found no beasts were out there.He thought his family's worries were unnecessary.And he became relaxed as he walked.Just at that moment,he saw a large tiger running to him and he climbed onto a tree nearby at once.

    The tiger roared (咆哮) around the tree and even jumped to reach the man.The young man was too scared to hold the tree and fell right on the back of the tiger. Full of fear, he had to hold the tiger tightly. The tiger thought that must be a large beast. So it was afraid and started running madly.

    People on the road didn't know what happened and said,"Look at the young man.He is riding a tiger!" "Cool!" "Superman!"

    Hearing these words, the young man was almost crazy. "Why cant they see I'm suffering a lot?Don't they understand I am in fear and almost scared to death? He said to himself.

(1)The young man went to the village to  

A. climb a mountain

B. do business

C. ride a tiger

D. climb onto trees

(2)The young man's family warned him of  

A. terrible traffic

B. large beasts

C. cold weather

D. foolish people

(3)The young man   when he saw the tiger.

A. did what his family told him

B. was not scared at all

C. thought his family's advice was useless

D. was too scared to climb onto the tree

(4)The tiger thought the man was  so it started running madly.

A. riding on it

B. cool

C. a large beast

D. a superman

(5)What do we know from the passage?  

A. What others said is not important.

B. Don't give up when you are in danger.

C. Humans are more powerful than beasts.

D. What you saw is not always true.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Life is short.Are you doing what you love? Are you living actively?
If not, why? I am guessing most people will answer , "I have to earn more money to__       _cars and beautiful buildings.My kids are asking for money.”To be honest, in our society, people have to do plenty of         things.They even have to make sacrifices(牺牲).
To tell the truth, you make a mistake.It is very crucial to deal with _       __you do.Take care of your duties and be happy with your job all the time.You spend over 1/3 of our day, at least five days a week working for our lives.In my opinion, you are wasting time, because you don’t like it in the__       ___Why not spend the time doing something you are really interested in instead of something_       __bores you?
There is only one main reason that you are      _of failure(失败).You_      __about what the other people say too much.Besides that, you are afraid you are in trouble, but your friends will not help you _       .I’m very glad to hear what you worry about.You will fail at times and sometimes others will think you are crazy , but believe you will succeed in the end as long as you       _.Some famous people have given us many good examples.
Interest is the best teacher.        _all the people are not willing to do what they do, our society will not develop.

A.afford B.lift C.exchange D.develop

A.important B.interesting C.convincing D.necessary

A.how B.when C.what D.where

A.end B.way C.slightest D.case

A.where B.that C.what D.how

A.pleased B.tired C.worried D.terrified

A.care B.hear C.tell D.drop

A.off B.out C.with D.up

A.come out B.go by C.hold on D.give up

A.Though B.If C.Until D.Unless

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In September,2020,I had the chance to come to China for the first time and visited Yunnan Province.

On the first day we went to a village named Xiaopingzhai.I was amazed to discover that small tea factory could bring in 6 million yuan a year with only 20 workers.

The next of our trip was the village of Kangmian.Many families now live there after leaving uninhabitable(不适合居住的)areas.The new village has 450 housing units.There I have learned that the government helps the people by providing jobs so that they can support themselves.Of the 1,331 villagers,609 now have jobs.

In Shuiduichong,a traditional Yao ethnic(瑶族)group village,we visited the workshops for making silver ornaments(饰品).We discovered the skill had a history of more than 200 year.Besides the traditional use of silver ornaments in Yao culture,                 .

A set of silver ornaments can be sold for between 10,000 and 20,000 yuan on the market.The making of silver ornaments creates jobs in the village.Shuiduichong now has more than 20 family workshops.

This trip was over.I have realized that through the hard work of the Chinese government,great changes have taken place in Yunnan.These impressive(印象深刻的)results should serve as an example for other developing countries.

(1)The trip followed the way of    .


Xiaopinghai→ Shuiduichong→ Kangmian


Xiaopingzhai→Kangmian→ Shuiduichong


Kangmian→ Shuiduichong→ Xiaopingzhai


Kangmian→Xiaopingzhai→ Shuiduichong

(2)In Kangmian the government helps the people by    .


selling products


giving money


opening factories


providing jobs

(3)Which of the following sentences can be put in the    


tourists like them very much


these objects have a high value


people buy them as gifts


they can be seen everywhere

(4)The structure of the passage may be       .

(①=Paragraph 1

②Paragraph 2


④Paragraph 4


⑥Paragraph 6)





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I came to the United States from Africa to live with my uncle Jim in Maryland.One year later,I lost my sight because of a serious illness.

Jim told me not to go out.He worried I would get lost or hit by a car.But I was dogged.I told him I'd pay attention.I believed I'd succeed.I must succeed.I must put my will into action.I dreamed of being a broadcaster.

Then a neighbor told me that a public library in Washington D.C.was offering a free course,specially designed for blind people,This was an important chance for me.

But how would I map my way?I knew that the American singer Ray Charles,also blind,got around on his own without a cane (手杖).His secret was to count steps.But I couldn't seem to do that way.Instead I developed my imagination.sensing the layout (布局)of places I Visited and taking notes of landmarks in my mind.

At first,I would have to stop to imagine and map a new space in my mind,The next time I visited that place,I'd use that to find the way.Today.I am used to doing it,But I've still lost my way many times.I'd have to swallow my pride to ask for help,not thinking what others think or say about me.

Sometimes I'd be down and I'd consider giving up.Perhaps my uncle was right.Maybe I'd stay home and wait until someone came to help.On those days when I lost my way,I'd go to bed with a bad feeling.▲.I had e strong wish 10 bear blindness and be successful,and that was usually enough to get me out of bed the next day and try again.

Along the way I learned to be patient with myself and realized that asking for help didn't diminish (贬低)me in any way,I've got three academic degrees so far.

Today,I'm a reporter and broadcaster.I've achieved my dream.

Yes,I've lost my way many times and found it again.Yes,I've come close to being hit by a car but never bee hit by one.When people ask, "Aren't you afraid to be out alone?" the answer to me is clear;I would face danger and find happiness instead of staying home and being unhappy.

(1)The writer    one year after he moved to the US.


got lost


became blind


lost his parents


was hit by a car

(2)Which of the following can be put in"▲" in Paragraph 6?    


And my uncle knew it well


But I kept that to myself


And my uncle was with me


So I gave up trying again

(3)What might Jim say when he talks about the writer at the end of the story?    


That boy can see!


That boy is so poor!


We are free now!


I've done much for him!

(4)The best title of this passage might be    .


An Imagination to Succeed


Life with My Uncle


A Common Way to Success


Study in the Library

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a cold,rainy day.My mother and I drove to the mountains.It was dangerous to make the two﹣hour journey along the highway in such weather.I didn't want to take the risk.But my mother advised that we go to see something at the top of the mountain.

After ten minutes' driving,we stopped the car and got out.Walking along a path,we turned at a comer.Gradually,the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind.From the top of the mountain,I saw several fields full of flowers,shining like a carpet (地毯)before us.It looked as if the sun spilled (播洒)gold down the mountain.

A lot of questions came to my mind.Who created such beauty?Why?How?

As we moved on,we saw a sign that read, "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking. "

The first answer was, "One Woman一Two Hands,Two Feet,and Very Little Brain. " The second was, "One at a Time. " The third, "Started in 1971. "

On our way home,I was so shocked by what we had seen. "She changed the world.One bulb (一株)at a time.She started almost 50 years ago.It was probably just the beginning of an idea,but she kept at it. " I said, "Imagine,if I had a dream and worked at it,just a little bit every day,what might I have achieved?"

My mother looked at me,smiling. "Start tomorrow. " She said, " Better yet,start today. "

(1)The writer didn't want to go to the mountains because    .


she was tired of driving


their car was running out of petrol (汽油)


it was getting dark


it was not safe to drive in such weather

(2)The underlined word "path" shares a similar meaning with    .









(3)The person in Picture    probably grew the flowers in the mountain.





(4)The passage mainly tells us that    .


beauty always lies on the top of the mountain


even common people have great wisdom (智慧)


sticking to a dream will bring a big change


we should enjoy every moment in life

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Rotorua Grammar School Holiday Clubs

Do something different.

Don't just watch TV.

Come and join us and have some real fun!

There are lots of different ways to spend your free time.You can choose as many clubs as you like.You don't need to have any special skills to join us. They are also FREE for all our students.

Photography Club

Join us to leam about choosing a camera and advice on taking successful photos.We will also teach you how to use your PC to store and print your photos.

9 a.m. to II a.m. Monday

Room 308

Science Club

Einstein, Edison, Newton﹣ they learnt about science when they were young. If you want to try out new ideas, come to our club.We do lots of things in the lab to see what happens.We meet twice a week in the science club.

8:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Thursday & Friday

Art Club

If you like art,spend a day in the Art Room.During the day,we'll use different things:pencils,watercolors, oil paints.We'll also have a special lesson from a guest cartoonist,who will teach us how to draw cartoons.

8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday

Collecting Club

If you like collecting stamps,tickets,or postcards, come to our club! You can share what you collect and swap (交换)things with other members to build your collection. We have lots of ideas about what to do to add to your collection without spending lots of money.

Meet in Room 510

2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday

(1)If students join the clubs, they   


don't need to pay


can't choose over two


must go every day


must have special skills

(2)Why do members in he Collecting Club swap thing?   


A To make postcards.


To make money.


To make fiends with each other.


To make their collection better.

(3)Members of the Science Club spend a lot of time   


trying out their new ideas


learning about scientists


studying science textbooks


watching science TV programs

(4)Which of the following is TRUE?   


Collecting Club meets in Room 308.


Members learn how to paint on Friday.


Art Club has a special lesson on Monday.


Members can print photos in Science Club.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. and Mrs. March lived together with their four daughters. Amy was very shy. Beth loved being at home. Meg looked very pretty. Jo was tall and thin and she was a tomboy.. Their home was always busy and full of noise and people. Next to them lived old Mr. Laurence and his grandson, Laurie. They lived in a very large and comfortable house. But it was a house without life.

    One day, Joe saw Laurie standing at an upstairs window in his house and looking down at their garden. Jo's sisters were playing in the snow there. They were throwing snowballs and having a lot of fun. But Laurie's face was very sad.

    "Poor boy!" Jo thought. "He's all alone. He needs some friends." She couldn't stop thinking about him. She wanted to go and see him, but how could she go to the house without an invitation?

    Then one snowy afternoon, she saw Laurie's grandpa go out. This gave her an idea. She took a broom from the kitchen.

    "What are you going to do, Jo?" asked her sister Meg.

    "To clear the garden path." Answered Jo.

    When Laurie saw Jo from the window, a big smile changed his pale, sad face.

    Jo laughed and shouted, "How are you? Are you ill?"

    Laurie opened the window and said," I'm better now, thank you. I had a bad cold and had to stay inside for a week".

    "I'm sorry," said Jo. "Are you bored?"

    "Yes, very." he replied.

    "Don't your friends come to visit you?"

    "No. But I don't want to see anybody. Boys are noisy and they give me a headache."

    "Girls are quiet."

    "I don't know any girls."

    "You know us."

    "That's true! Can you come and visit me?" cried Laurie.

    " I'm not quiet, but I'd like to come," replied Jo. "I must ask Mother first." She ran back into her house.

     A few minutes later, she returned and rang the bell on the door of laurie's house. A servane took her upstairs.

    "Here I am!" she said brightly. "Mother sends her love and my sisters gave me this blancmange (牛奶冻) for you."

    "That looks delicious," Laurie said. He was very happy to see Jo.

    Jo looked around. There were lots of books on the shelves.

    "A nice room!" she said. "I can read to you if you like."

    "No, let's talk," replied Laurie.

    "All right," said Jo, "I can talk for hours. My sisters say I never know when to stop."

    "You have three sisters﹣Amy, Beth and Meg." Laurie continued.

    "How do you know this?" Jo was surprised.

    "You call each other's names when you are in the garden. Sometimes I can see you all around the table with your mother. She has a very kind face. I like looking at her. I haven't got a mother."

    Jo felt sad when she heard this.

    "Why don't you come and visit us?" she said, "It isn't good for you to stay in this house all the time."

    "Thank you. I'd like to come very much." Said Laurie.

    "We know all our neighbours except you." Jo said, " I'm glad we're friends now."

    She told him about all the interesting things in her life. She said," Besides(除了……之外) plays, I also love books." Laurie loved books too, and offered to show her the library in the house. The library was a wonderful room. Jo loved it.

    "Wow!" she said, "All those books!"

    Laurie said, "A person needs more than books."

                                                                                                                    (Adapted from Little Women)

(1)From the first paragraph, we know  

A. Jo's family had five members

B. Jo and Laurie were neighbours

C. Laurie and his grandpa were busy

D. the four sisters had the same hobby

(2)Jo wanted to visit Laurie because  

A. she wanted to visit his large house

B. Laurie invited her to play with snowballs

C. she felt he was lonely and needed friends

D. Laurie was seriously ill and needed her care

(3)What might be the correct order of what happened in the story?  

a. Jo saw Laurie standing at an upstairs window in his house.

b. Jo and Laurie were having a talk happily at Laurie's home.

c. Jo wanted to Laurie's home after telling her mother.

d. Jo couldn't stop thinking about Laurie.

A. a﹣b﹣c﹣d

B. b﹣a﹣c﹣d

C. b﹣d﹣a﹣c

D. a﹣d﹣c﹣b

(4)Which words can best describe Jo and her sisters?  

A. Kind and friendly

B. Generous but rude

C. Quiet and smart

D. Funny but carless

(5)What does Laurie mean by saying "A person needs more than books."?  

A. People need to stay in their own houses.

B. People should learn much more from the books.

C. People need love and friendship besides books.

D. People should relax themselves besides reading

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some people say life is like crossing a river; (1)  

    I think our life is much like climbing a mountain. Each year we have a new mountain to climb.To reach our goals, we work hard to make progress day after day. (2)  We can complain (抱怨) about how unfair it is to climb a new mountain every day. Or, we can just make ourselves busy.

    Sometimes, we fall over. Here we also have another choice. (3)  Or, we can stand on our feet and begin climbing that mountain again.

    If we reach the goal for this year, we start from zero to reach the goal for next year. We shouldn't spend the rest of our lives looking at where we used to be. (4)  

    Many people will waste time worrying, "Can I reach my final goal?" or "Is it worth doing"?(5)  The question is, "Can I take the next step in the right direction?"

    Take one step at a time, and pay attention to tomorrow's step today.

A.Here we have a choice.

B.That is not the question.

C.Instead, we should look ahead.

D.These questions are really important.

E.Some say it is like climbing a mountain.

F.We can stop and complain about what progress we have lost.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On a farm lived a father and a son. The father always got up early and read books by the stove. One morning, the son came up to him and said, "Dad, I read books at night but forget most of them the next morning. What's the good of reading?"

The father didn't reply to his question at once. He passed him a basket that was used to carry coal. He said, "Get some water from the river with the basket and then I'll tell you the answer."

A The son felt surprised but he did as his father said, He tried many times but every time the water leaked (漏掉) from the basket. An hour later, the son came back with the empty basket and told his father it was impossible to hold water with the basket. The father said with a smile. "Yes, you are right, my son. The basket can t hold water. But did you notice the basket was different?" The son found the dirty basket had become clean. The father continued, "Reading is like holding water with the basket. Although we can't remember all we read, we have changed while reading."


(1)The father was used to reading in the morning.   

(2)The son wondered if reading was good for him.   

(3)The father didn't answer his son's question because he thought it was stupid.   

(4)The basket had no difference after the son used it to get water from the river.   

(5)From the passage, we know that reading can make a difference to a person.   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was “Double 11”yesterday. Many people say it’s Bachelor’s Day(光棍节) because it’s named after the ____November 11th. For most young singles(单身), it’s such a special day that they usually ______ lots of shopping online to celebrate themselves. They are happy because they are free.
Whenever the day comes, I think of my parents. I once doubted(怀疑) whether there was______between my parents. Every day they were very busy trying to make money for my brother and me. They never act ____ the romantic(浪漫的) ways that I read in books or see on TV. In their opinion, “I love you” is too _____for them to say. Sending each other flowers on Valentine’s Day is _____ more impossible. Finally Dad became impatient(不耐心) when he was very tired from the hard work.
One day, Mum was sewing(缝纫) a quilt(被子). I silently sat down beside her. “Mom, I have a question to ask you. Is there love between you and Dad?” Mom stopped_____ and raised her head with surprise in her eyes. She didn’t answer at once.
I was worried because I thought I had hurt her and didn’t know ____ to do. At last she said thoughtfully, “Look at this thread(线). Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong. If life is a quilt, then love should be thread. It can hardly be seen _____ or anytime, but it’s really ______. Love is inside.”
I couldn’t understand _____ until the next spring, when Dad suddenly got sick(生病的) seriously. Mom had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned, I read the “love” in their hearts. After that, every day at dusk(黄昏), Mom _    _ Dad walk slowly on the country road. How _____I was to see that!.
Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet _____. But from this experience, I know life a lot______. Love is life, it is inside, making life strong and warm.

A.season B.date C.time D.month

A.do B.play C.buy D.spend

A.money B.luck C.love D.peace

A.with B.by C.in D.at

A.easy B.quick C.beautiful D.interesting

A.so B.quite C.very D.even

A.work B.to work C.working D.worked

A.how B.where C.when D.what

A.somewhere B.anywhere C.nowhere D.everywhere

A.that B.here C.there D.this

A.him B.you C.them D.her

A.helped B.asked C.advised D.wanted

A.tired B.moved C.interested D.bored

A.looks B.kisses C.foods D.Walks

A.more B.farther C.higher D.longer

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
