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①He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got at his family's small house on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.

②On the day before the bass(鲈鱼)season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and the bass with worms. Before long, when his fishing pole doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end. His father watched him with admiration as the boy skillfully worked the fish alongside the bank and he very successfully lifted the exhausted fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass.

③The boy and his father looked at the handsome fish, the fish jumped up and down in the moonlight. The father looked at his watch. It was 10 P. M.﹣two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy. "You will have to put it back, my son." he said." I have never seen such a big fish before." cried the boy" There will be other fish." said his father. The boy looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were anywhere around in the moonlight. He looked again at his father. Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could tell by his father's voice that the decision couldn't be changed. He slowly worked the hook out of the lip of the huge bass and lowered it into the water.

④That was 34 years ago. And he has never again caught such a beautiful fish as the one he landed that night long ago. But he does see the fish again and again﹣every time he comes up against a question of ethics(伦理). For, as his father taught him, ethics are simple matters of right and wrong. It is only the practice of ethics that is difficult.

⑤We would if we were taught to put the fish back when we were young. For we would have learned the truth. The decision to do right lives fresh in our memory. It is a story we will proudly tell our friends and grandchildren.

(1)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?  

A. The fish was too huge to lift easily from the water.

B. The writer and his father usually went fishing together on an island.

C. The fish went back to the water because of the writer's carelessness.

D. As time goes by, the writer can still remember every detail clearly.

(2)The third paragraph mainly tells us that  

A. someone knew when they went fishing

B. it was not a right time to take the bass away

C. the boy has great skill in working the hook out of the fish's lip

D. fishermen and boats were not far away from there

(3)After reading this passage, we can infer  

A. fishing is a good hobby not only for teens but also adults

B. the boy and his father are examples of the practice of ethics

C. the bass is not permitted to catch in New Hampshire lake

D. it's important to balance fishing the bass and protect it

(4)What can we learn from the whole passage?  

A. The boy's happy childhood.

B. Getting a handsome fish is a very brilliant experience.

C. We do the right thing when we come up against a question of ethics.

D. The practice of ethics is only simple matters of right and wrong.

(5)   might be the best title of this passage.

A. Catch of a life time

B. An unforgettable experience

C. Benefits of fishing

D. An adventure of a handsome bass

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Amanda Kitts is one of "tomorrow's people"﹣people who have artificial(人工的) body parts. She has a bionic(电子操控的)arm.

    Now Kitts runs a day﹣care center. Children run up to her happily as she comes into the classroom. She bends over to talk with a small girl. As she bends, Kitts puts her hands on her knees. For most people, this would be easy. However, just a few years ago, this was impossible for Kitts.

    In 2006, Kitts was in a car accident. A truck crushed(挤坏) her left arm and the doctor had to cut it off. "I was angry, sad, depressed. I just couldn't accept it," she says. But then she heard about a new technique that could use the remaining nerves(神经) in her shoulder to control an artificial arm.

    In a difficult operation, a doctor moved Kitts's nerves to different areas of her upper﹣arm muscles. For months, the nerves grew. Millimeter by millimeter, they moved deeper into their new homes. "At three months I started feeling little tingles and twitches(刺痛和抽搐)," she said. A month later, she got her first bionic arm. A research engineer worked with Kitts to make the computer programs match her real movements more and more closely.

    Today, Kitts's arm is great, but it's not yet perfect. She wants feeling in her hands. For example, she needs to feel whether something is rough or smooth. She also needs feeling to do one of her favorite things﹣drink coffee. "The problem with a paper coffee cup is that my hand will close until it gets a solid grip," she says. One time at a coffee shop, her hand kept closing until it crushed the cup. But Kitts says positively, "One day I'll be able to feel things with it…and clap my hands…to the songs my kids are singing."

(1)What is the difference between Kitts and normal people ?  

A. She has a bionic arm.

B. She can bend.

C. She can put her hands on her knees.

(2)Kitts got her first bionic arm  after the difficult operation.

A. almost three months

B. over one month

C. more than four months

(3)Kitts is able to  with her bionic hand.

A. clap her hands

B. hold things

C. feel rough or smooth things

(4)Kitts's attitude toward her new arm is  

A. positive

B. angry

C. perfect

(5)Choose the right order of the events  

①Kitts heard about a new technique.

②Kitts crushed a paper coffee cup.

③Kitts had two human arms.

④A truck hit Kitts's car.

⑤Kitts got her first bionic arm.

⑥Doctors moved some of the nerves in Kitts's arm.




  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

[1]I'm a 34﹣year﹣old man, married, lived in a nice house, and have a successful career. But my life was not always so great. I had a learning disability from an early age. I went to a special school where I got plenty of extra(额外的) help. Still, I suffered(遭受) the rest of my school days in public schools.

[2] My life improved greatly when I discovered art. The art world gave me a chance to express myself without words. I went to a workshop and gradually became good at making things with clay. Here I learned my first important lesson: disabled as I was in language, I could still be smart and well express myself with clay. And my confidence(自信)came along.

[3]I got my next lesson from rock climbing. It was a fun thing but I was scared from the start. (3)I soon noticed it wasn't a talent thingit needed lots of practice So I did it more. After about five years of climbing, I found myself in Yosemite Valley on a big wall. I learned that if you fall in love with something and do it all the time, you will get better at it.

[4] Later I decided to learn(4)①   to read and write. I practiced reading and (4)②  , which l used to avoid as much as possible. After two years, I was literate(有文化的).

[5]Through the long process with art, (4)③  . and reading and writing. now I've got to a point in my life: I am smart enough to dive into(潜入) an area that is totally unknown, hard, but interesting.

(1)What made the writer's school days difficult? (No more than 5 words)


(2)Why did art give the writer confidence?(No more than 11 words)


(3)Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.


(4)Fill in the blanks in the last two paragraphs with proper words.


(5)What have you learned from the passage? (No more than 20 words)


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Can I take your order? " Night after night, I had to say this as I worked in my family's restaurant. My father was a fantastic cook. He wanted me, his only son, to cook with him, but I didn't like cooking. Because of the restaurant, my father was always busy. He never had time to play football with me.

    During my high school and college years, I worked with my family at night. But I always avoided the kitchen. I couldn't wait to graduate (毕业)so that I could move away from the family business. Several days before my graduation day, my father and I started looking at new cars. Finally, we found the right car. I was sure that my father would give it to me as my graduation gift.

    On my graduation day, my father gave me a book as a gift. It was his old cookbook. I was so angry that I gave it back to him and ran out of the house. Several days later I moved away and started my business. Although I often saw my father during holidays, we never talked about the graduation gift. Then one day, I got a call that my father was ill. I went to see him because I was very worried.

    That night, I looked through my father's books and saw the cookbook that he had given me year before. I carefully opened the cookbook and went through it. Then I found something that made me cry. It was a check(支票)for 30,000 dated(注有日期)the day of my graduation.And the price of the car my father and I chose all those years ago was 30,000.

(1)From Paragraph I we know that the writer's father  

A. was a common cook

B. had a lot of free time

C. wanted the writer to be a cook

D. often played foot ball with the writer

(2)The writer couldn't wait to graduate because he wanted to  

A. leave the family business

B. manage the family's restaurant

C. have enough time to find a good car

D. get a graduation gift as soon as possible

(3)The writer   on his graduation day.

A. accepted his father's gift

B. moved away from home

C. was very angry with his father

D. was very worried about his father

(4)The last paragraph shows that the writer  

A. decided to cook with his father

B. hated his father giving him so little money

C. regretted he didn't look after his father well

D. realized his father's deep love for him at last

(5)What would be the best title(题目)for the passage?  

A. A cookbook

B. A football fan

C. My school days

D. My business

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There was once a King and he wanted to find out who could paint the best picture of peace.And be would offer a prize to the artist. Many artists tried. The King looked at all the pictures,but there were only two he really liked and he had to choose between them.

    One picture was of a calm(平静的) lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with white soft clouds. Everyone thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.

    The other picture had mountains too. But these were rugged(崎岖的) and bare(无遮蔽的). Above was an angry sky. And it was raining and lightening. Down the side of the mountain, a waterfall fell quickly. This did not look peaceful at all.

    But when the King looked carefully, he saw behind the waterfall a bush(矮树丛) growing in a crack(裂缝) in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest(巢,窝). There, she sat on her nest…in perfect peace.

    Which picture do you think won the prize?

    The King chose the second picture. "Because," said the King, "peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the middle of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace."

(1)What did the King want the artists to do?(no more than 10 words)


(2)What did everyone think of the 1st picture?(no more than 7 words)


(3)Why did the King choose the 2nd picture? (no more than 11words)  





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Put a frog in the water and start heating the water. As the temperature of the water rises, the frog is able to adjust its body temperature. The frog keeps on adjusting with the increase in temperature.

    Just when the water is about to reach the boiling point, the frog is not able to adjust anymore.

At that point the frog decides to jump out.

    The frog tries to jump but is unable to do so. because it loses all its strength in adjusting to the water temperature.

    Very soon the frog dies. What kills the frog?

    Many of us would say the boiling water.

    But in fact, what kills the frog is its own inability to decide when it has to jump out.

    We all need to adjust to people and situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust and when we need to face.

    There are times when we need to face the situation and take the proper action.

    If we allow people to exploit us in body, mirid, emotion or money, they will continue to do so. We have to decide when to jump. Let us jump while we still have the strength!

So, we must think of danger in times of safety and always be prepared for the worst.

(1)What does the underlined word "adjust" in the first paragraph mean in Chinese?  

A. 整理


C. 整顿

(2)What kills the frog?  

A. The boiling water.

B. Its own ability to adjust its body temperature.

C. Its own inability to decide when it has to jump out.

(3)What does the writer really want to tell us?  

A. We must think of danger in times of safety.

B. We should not put the frog in the boiling water.

C. The frog is too stupid to know how to protect itself.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A few years ago, my husband and I were on an island for a long week with our two little daughters. As we talked about what to do next, our daughters jumped in and told us exactly what hey wanted to do. We agreed.

As soon as we walked into the main area of the butterfly museum, we saw thousands of beautiful butterflies. They all flew with their colorful wings, y girls were jumping up and down and I knew we had made the right decision to the museum. They were having so much fun.

I turned to our guide and asked curiously (好奇地)," How long do butterflies live?"

She said, "about ten days."

"What can butterflies do in ten days?"

The guide stopped, looked at me, and said, " They make the world a more beautiful place".

After we said goodbye, I couldn't stop thinking bout what the guide had said. She was right. We all have something to offer the world with the time we have. If we spend the time doing what we can for others. we all can make the world a better place.

32. What did the girls want to do?  

A. Go to visit an island.

B. Make the world beautiful.

C. Listen to the tour guide.

D. Visit the butterfly museum.

33. What made the writer think they had made the right decision?  

A. She knew how long butterflies live

B. They were welcomed in the museum,

C. Their daughters were having a good time.

D. She saw thousands of beautiful butterflies.

34. What does the writer mainly tell us in the last paragraph?  

A. When they said goodbye to the guide.

B. Why they went to the butterfly museum.

C. What she learned from the guide's words

D. How she would make her home a better place.

35. Which is the proper time order of what happened?  

A. The family were staying on an island.

b. The family went to the butter fly museum.

c. The writer kept thinking about the guide's words.

d. The girls enjoyed themselves in the butterfly museum.

A. A﹣b﹣c﹣b﹣d

B. a﹣b﹣d﹣c

C. A﹣d﹣b﹣c

D. b﹣a﹣c﹣d

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There was a man who had four sons.He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly.So he sent them to go and look at a pear tree far away in turns.

   The first son went in the winter,the second in the spring,the third insummer,and the youngest son in the fall.

   When they had all gone and come back,he called them together to describe what they had seen.

   The first son said that the tree was ugly.The second son said no; it was covered with green leaves,and full of hope.The third son disagreed.He said there were many flowers that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful,it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen.The last son disagreed with all of them,he said there was lots of fruit in the tree,full of life and harvest(收获).

    The man then explained to his sons that they were all right,but they had each seen only one season in the tree's life.He told them"You cannot judge a tree,or a person by only one season and its true nature﹣the pleasure,joy,and love that come from that life can only be judged at the end,when all the seasons are up."

    If you give up when it's winter,you will miss the promise of your spring,the beauty of your summer,harvest of your fall.Don't let the pain of one season kill the joy of all the rest

68.Why did the man ask his sons to go and look at a pear tree in turns?(no more than 15 words)  

69.Did the four sons have the same answer?(no more than 5words)  

70.What did the man think about his sons' answers?(no more than 20words)  



  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was last January, when I'd just finished a charity(慈善) and was on the train back home, that I put down my phone and started writing thank﹣you notes to people who had helped,

    When I got off the train, I felt amazingly good. The next day,I wrote more thank﹣you and the same feeling of happiness hit me again. I suddenly had the idea: Why not keep on doing this for every day of the year?

    To keep on task, I decided to pick out a different theme for each month. January was charity.February would be neighbors, I decided, And I thought of a number of names right away: the owner of our local bookstore, who let me and my little son in before the store opened and offered to play his favorite songs; our babysitter, who dropped off a bag of old board games for our kids to play, …

    While writing the notes, I realized how often I had spent my time on the phone moving from app to app, appreciating(欣赏) other people's lives. Writing thank﹣you notes allowed me the time to do something different, paying more attention to my own life.

    In the following months, I wrote to my friends, doctors, teachers and parenting role models. In July, my "food" month, I wrote to Julie,who used to cook at my favorite restaurant.It went like this:

    Dear Julie,

    I've been finding myself missing you lately. Thank you for hosting and cooking beautiful and thoughtful food. Jake and I will never forget when you sent out biscuits shaped into the number VI for our sixth anniversary(周年纪念日).We talk about it every year.

    Thank you. We miss you.



    I was happy to receive a note back from her. Julie replied,"I don't think I've ever received such a touching letter before, I' m going through a hard time right now, and this helps."

    On December 31,I wrote my last card ﹣ to Jake, my husband,and our two kids.And I took a picture of us, so I could remember the feeling welling up inside me. Gratitude.

(1)The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 2 means   

A. writing thank﹣you notes

B. putting the phone away

C. taking the train back home

D. raising money for charity

(2)How did Julie most probably feel after reading the note from Gina?  

A. Shy and surprised.

B.Pleased and relaxed.

C. Nervous and excited.

D. Moved and encouraged.

(3)The theme of the December notes might be   

A. photos

B. family

C. holidays

D. community

(4)What did Gina get by doing her task according to the passage?  

A. Many thanks from her neighbors.

B. More time to appreciate her own life.

C. More help from people around her.

D. Happy moments to be with her friends.

(5)The best title for the passage can be   

A. My Thank You Year

B. An Amazing Trip

C. Happiness inside Us

D. Important People in Our Life

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Whenever I'm invited to somebody's house for the first time, I'll take a close look at their bookshelves.What they keep on their shelves,in my eyes,is a reflection(反映) of their personal tastes and interests.The books on a bookshelf tell the story of a life.

    My own shelves are a kind of roadmap through my life, telling a chronological tale. First up come my favorite childhood reads, like Watership Down and His Dark Materials. The collection then moves on to teenage things I read in school ﹣ Nineteen Eight﹣Four, The Handmaid's Tale and A Clockwork Orange. Finally, we come out of full﹣time education and enter the real world, and this part is a reflection of my professional(职业的) life, from the first exciting days of work experience to the present.

    If you pointed to any book on my shelves, I could name the year I got it, where I was working,and probably where I was living at the time.

    ___▲____It is an easy way to get to know about his hopes, dreams and interests. And a big part of that story is how we arrange(排列) our books, and get on with them. It's such a personal thing,different from each other. Some want to be with their books in every room, others have them on

shelves, behind glass or simply lining their floors. Each home has a story to tell through the way they live with their books.

    It's often said that what we read says something about who we are. The way we fill our bookshelves might also send a message about ourselves. From the pile of books on your bedside table to your well﹣organized shelves, whether we notice it or not, our book collections are telling a story before a single page has been turned.

(1)The book son the writer's own shelves are organized according to   

A. their prices

B. their writers

C. his personal interests

D. the periods of his life

(2)Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?  

A. Every book is worth reading.

B. Each bookshelf holds a special dream.

C. Book collections tell so much about a person.

D. The books a person reads depend on his choices,

(3)The writer seems to agree that   

A. we'd better not put our books on the floor

B. the way we arrange our books shows our tastes

C. the books at our bedside are usually more important

D. we Can know about a person by reading the message he sends

(4)It can be learned from the passage that the writer is probably   

A. a book lover

B. a story teller

C. a shelf collector

D. a fashion designer

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's late evening in the middle of the winter. The snow is deep, but off I go into the wild.Suddenly, I hear it: the howl(嚎叫) of wolves. Excitedly, I walk faster in the direction of the howling.

    I've been working as a volunteer wolf tracker in Yellowstone National Park for over a year. It's my job to follow wolves to record information about them. Like wolves, however, I don't work alone. I'm one of a team of people who have been in a project to help reintroduce wolves to the park.

    Humans have always feared wolves. From fairy tales to movies, the wolf is always the bad guy a danger to humans and other animals. In the 1920s, the organizers of the park shared this view about wolves and made the decision to drive them away from the park.As a result,the number of elk(麋鹿) in the park increased. The elk started looking for food near river banks since they didn't have to worry about wolves.This, in turn, stopped trees from growing along the rivers, doing great harm to the environment there.

    The return of wolves has already made a big difference. To begin with, the elk soon learned to stay away from the rivers, so new trees have been able to grow there. The trees become home to new wildlife, such as birds, and provide food for more animals.

    The park is now becoming more and more popular with those who want to see wolves in their natural environment. It has also helped the local people make more money, Tourists visit the area,stay in the local hotels, and eat in the local restaurants.

    Looking at the wild animals and the beautiful sceneries around me, I am amazed at the changes the wolf has made to Yellowstone.And happilyit is playing a good guy in this story

(1)According to the passage, one of a wolf tracker's jobs is to   

A. catch wolves in the park

B. feed wolves in the wild

C. stop wolves from killing elk

D. collect information about wolves

(2)Why did the organizers drive the wolves away from the park in the 1920s?  

A. The wolves were always howling at night.

B. The elk in the park were in danger of dying out.

C. The wolves had done great harm to the environment.

D. The park was thought to be unsafe with wolves around.

(3)Paragraphs 4 and 5 are mainly about the   that wolves have brought to Yellowstone.

A. risks

B. troubles

C. changes

D. competitions

(4)What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?  

A. Wolves are important to Yellowstone.

B. Yellowstone has been home to wolves.

C. The wolf and the elk live in peace now.

D.The number of wolves is growing fast.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Imagine this. There's an apple and a piece of cake on a table. Which one would you like ?The delicious cake or the healthy apple? A bestseller, Willpower Rediscovering Our Greater Strength ,suggests that willpower(意志力) is the ability to make decisions that are better for us in the long term, rather than in the short term.

    Here is a famous experiment in the book:The Marshmallow Test.In 1972,Professor Walter Mischel tested the willpower of 600 four﹣year﹣olds to six﹣year﹣olds.In the experiment,each child was left alone in a room for fifteen minutes with a marshmallow(棉花软糖) on a table in front of them.They were given two choices: they could either eat it or,if they waited fifteen minutes,they'd be given a second one (and then they could eat both).

    So, what did the kids do? Well, as you can imagine,70% ate the first marshmallow within the fifteen minutes.But the other 30% showed willpower they controlled themselves and waited for the second marshmallow.But then Mischel discovered something really interesting. Twenty years later, he got in touch with the children, who, by then,were in their early twenties.And he found that those who'd shown strong willpower were getting better marks at university and were more popular.

    Willpower is like a muscle(肌肉),and the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.So,if you do daily "self﹣control exercises",such as making your bed or brushing your teeth,you'll improve your overall willpower. And daily willpower exercises will help you with those bigger goals, such as studying for an exam or training for a marathon.

    Be careful though. Just like any muscle, your "willpower muscle" can get tired.If you've had to do lots of things that require willpower, take a break or give yourself a treat.

    That way,you'll build up your willpower again.

    And one last thing, the writer mentions people who learn foreign languages usually have a lot of willpower. So, congratulations!

(1)How many children got two marshmallows in the Marshmallow Test in 1972?  





(2)In Paragraphs 2&3, the famous experiment explains   

A. more kids have stronger will power

B. will power influences people's lives greatly

C. how people practice children's will power

D. marshmallows can help improve will power

(3)The writer probably agrees that   

A.all the language learners have strong willpower

B.willpower can't be improved by doing some daily things

C.young kids don't need to practice willpower like grown﹣ups

D.people with strong willpower can achieve their goals more easily

(4)According to the passage, people who   might have strong willpower.

A. do regular piano practice every day

B. give up morning running halfway

C. eat as much junk food as they like

D. usually get up late on the cold morning

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

With schools closed and restrictions(限制) on public activities it can be as time with their friends difficult time for young people who suddenly can't spend and family in person.

    However ,the situation has already to some creative ways of using technology to keep in touch with those people, from video calls and group chats(聊天) to online games. Experts say that young people might find the social restrictions on seeing their friends in real life stressful, which is why technology can be helpful,

    "Keeping relationships is very important for health," says Dr Amanda Gummer. creator of Dr Gumer's Good Pliy Cuide.She adds that this is more important the older you get. "Not maintaining these friendships can make it more difficult for you to get back into school when the time comes," she says.Chezzy Kennedy, from a raining program called Confident Kids, agrees. "Staying connected to those we care about is even more important now than ever before," she says."We can suddenly feel quite lonely."

    Messaging apps and video calls are good for checking in with friends, or organizing group chats to keep in touch."Video chats are a great way to keep connected with your wider friendship group," says Gummer. Experts agree that there are plenty of ways to be creative with video chats besides talking to friends.Gummer suggests,"A virtual(虚拟的) film and pizza night can work well. "

    Sharna Jackson, an expert on young people and technology, has lots of ideas too.She suggests taking turns to teach friends something you're really good at﹣such as painting and drawing, perhaps. She also thinks that online games, including Fortnite and Minecraft, can play a really good role.

    "It's good to play together. It's social, there's problem solving and turn. taking, and it helps you develop different skills," she says.

(1)According to the passage, young people will   when they can't stay with friends.

A. be afraid of growing up

B. fail to pass the exams

C. experience a hard time

D. refuse to go to school

(2)The underlined word "maintaining" probably means   

A. controlling

B. ending

C. checking

D. keeping

(3)The passage mentions the following ways of keeping in touch EXCEPT   

A. talking to friends on the Internet

B. playing online games

C. producing online videos together

D. teaching friends online

(4)What's the best title for the passage?  

A. Away from friends

B. Together with technology

D. Back to school

C. Alone at home

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    On a June afternoon in 1752, the sky began to get dark over the city. As the storm broke, most people surely hurried inside, but not Benjamin. Franklin. He decided it was the perfect time to fly a kite. Franklin had been waiting for a chance like this. He wanted to show the connection between lightning(闪电) and electricity,and to do so, he needed a storm.

    He walked into field, and flew a kite with a piece of rope tied to it. A key was tied to the rope. The lightning hit the kite, and electricity passed through the rope to the key. Franklin then touched the key with his finger and got an electric shock(电击). This, he said, proved(证明) the electrical nature of lightning.

    For many years, schools have taught the story of Franklin's experiment. Millions of schoolchildren have been amazed by his courage and his scientific spirit of looking for the truth. However, new research suggests that the story may be fiction instead of fact. Although Franklin's experiment took place, more than one scientist has questioned what really happened.It's true that he did the experiment with the rope and the key. But scientists all agree that if Franklin had actually touched the key, he would certainly have died from the electric shock.

    Scientists often question accepted ideas because they want to find out the facts. Some have even questioned the story about the apple that fell on Newton's head. Many reports suggest that although the falling apple certainly provided ideas,there is nothing to show that the apple actually hit him on the head,

    In fact, fiction is often more interesting than the truth.People have been more encouraged by Franklin's spirit than by the facts themselves. But in science, facts should be tested by experiments and research, and we should not always believe everything we read or hear even if it is a great story.

(1)Franklin did the experiment in order to prove   

A. he was an excellent scientist

B. flying a kite in the storm was safe

C. he was not afraid of lightning

D. lightning was a form of electricity

(2)The underlined word "fiction" probably means something   

A. not true

B. quite different

C. not safe

D. quite necessary

(3)Some scientists questioned whether Franklin    in the experiment.

A. flew a kite

B. touched the key

C. was present

D. discovered electricity

(4)The purpose of the passage is to tell us   

A. Franklin's spirit is encouraging

B. fiction is more interesting than the truth

C. Franklin's experiment is not real

D. we shouldn't always believe accepted ideas

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every night, just after the sun goes down. Ruth Medjber talks with her neighbours in Dublin, lreland, and takes a picture of them at their windows.

    These photos, in some way. show people's lives during the global pandemic (大流行病).

    "I started out taking photos of just friends and family. In this way. I could connect with them during this special time when people have to stay at home." the photographer explained. "I live alone, so I was missing the days when we were free to communicate with friends, Every evening, on my way to seeing friends, I had a sense of purpose.

    Now she' s making new friends.

    The photo project has taken off online. and she has opened it up to volunteers. But they must be the people who live within 5 kilometers of her home﹣the lrish goverment doesn't allow people to go farther out than that.

    "I pick a street each night and try to take photos of volunteers." Ruth said. "I usually take about four photos before it is completely dark, but two if I'm talking a lot﹣which I love to do."

    She said more and more neighbours are joining in her photo project and i has now got a name, Love at Home.

    "I think people like knowing that they ‘re not alone even if they have to stay at home, and they really try to pick out those who are similar to themselves in the photos," she said. "lt's also a different view (视角) of the pandemic: the more human view.Instead of showing what the pandemic has taken from us,it shows that it has given Us more chances to be with family and friends and spend time together.

    "I think we'd love Most to find something nice, even in the most serious situation as it is now."Ruth said.

(1)Ruth started out taking the photos in order to  

A. raise some money

B. connect with friends and family

C. make new friends

D. join in a photo project of volunteers

(2)According to the passage, Love at Home is the name of  

A. a photo project

B. the picture shown in this passage

C. a street in Dublin

D. the special time when people stay home

(3)According to what Ruth said in Paragraph 8. "the more human view" shows  

A. the beauty of streets in city of Ireland

B. how people do things when staying at home

C. the moment of family and friends being together

D. what the global pandemic has taken from people

(4)From the passage we can infer (推断) that Ruth is a person  

A. careful

B. shy

C. hardworking

D. loving

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
