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Too many people want others to be their friends,but they don't give friendship back.That is why some friendships don't last very long.To have a friend,you must learn to be one.You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you.Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules:be honest,be generous(慷慨的),be understanding.

Honesty is where a good friendship starts.Friends must be able to hones'one another.

如果你不说实话,人们通常都会识破.If a friend finds out that you haven't been hones',you may lose your friend'.

Generosoity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow.You don't have to give your lunch money or your clothes,of course.Instead you have to learn how to share things you enjoy,like your hobbies and your interests.Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings.These can be very valuable to a friend.They tell your friend what is important to you ③________.

Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem.Something may go wrong at school.④Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve.Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem.So to be a friend,you must listen and understand.You must try to put yourself in your friend's place so you can understand the problem better.

No two friendship are ever exactly alike.But all true friendships have three things in common.If you plan to keep your friends,you must practise honesty,generosity and understanding.

61.According to the passage,what should we learn to be a good friend? To be honestgenerous and understanding. 




  easier to solve  talking about the problem.


A.By sharing them you may know your friend better.

B.By sharing them you help your friend know you better.

C.By sharing them you canunderstand each other better.

D.By sharing them you may solve your problem easier.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There were two men who lived next to each other. One of them was a retired teacher and the other was a businessman. Both of them had planted many plants in their gardens. The retired teacher seldom watered his plants and didn't pay a lot of attention to them. But his neighbor was very careful with his plants and watered them often.

The retired teacher's plants were small, but still looked okay, while the businessman's plants were much bigger and greener. One night, there came a storm with a heavy rain and strong wind. The next morning, both of the neighbors came out to check in their gardens. The businessman saw that his plants had come out from the earth and were totally out of life. But the retired teacher's plants nicely stood where they were.

The businessman was surprised. He went to consult (咨询) the retired teacher. "We both grew the same plants and I cared for my plants better than you did. How could your plants still be okay?"

The retired teacher smiled and said, because you gave your plants too much attention.You made it too easy for them to grow. I gave my plants just a little bit of water, so they had to

grow deeper to absorb(吸收)more water. That is why my plants survived."

(1)What did the retired teacher do with his plants?   


He often watered his plants.


He was careful with his plants


He paid little attention to his plants


He never watered his plants

(2)How were the businessman's plants before the storm?   


They looked better than the teachers


They looked worse than the teacher 's


They grew shorter and thinner.


They looked the same as the teachers

(3)The underlined word"survived"means   in Chinese.









(4)Which of the following is NOT true?   


The neighbors had different jobs.


The teacher's plants were still good after a storm.


The businessman looked after his plants worse than the teacher.


The businessman was surprised to find his plants dead after the storm.

(5)Which is the best title for this passage?   


a businessman and his plants


Different treat the same result


A retired teacher and his plants


Different treat

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some people say life is like crossing a river; (1)  

    I think our life is much like climbing a mountain. Each year we have a new mountain to climb.To reach our goals, we work hard to make progress day after day. (2)  We can complain (抱怨) about how unfair it is to climb a new mountain every day. Or, we can just make ourselves busy.

    Sometimes, we fall over. Here we also have another choice. (3)  Or, we can stand on our feet and begin climbing that mountain again.

    If we reach the goal for this year, we start from zero to reach the goal for next year. We shouldn't spend the rest of our lives looking at where we used to be. (4)  

    Many people will waste time worrying, "Can I reach my final goal?" or "Is it worth doing"?(5)  The question is, "Can I take the next step in the right direction?"

    Take one step at a time, and pay attention to tomorrow's step today.

A.Here we have a choice.

B.That is not the question.

C.Instead, we should look ahead.

D.These questions are really important.

E.Some say it is like climbing a mountain.

F.We can stop and complain about what progress we have lost.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once there was a man traveling in a faraway village.As he was passing the elephants,he suddenly stopped.He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg.No chains,no cages.It was clear that the elephants could,at any time,break away from their ropes but for some reason,they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn't try to get away.'Well,'the trainer said,'when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and,at that rage,it's enough to hold them.As they grow up,they still believe they cannot break away.They believe the rope can hold them,so they never try to break free.'

How could it be?These animals could at any time break free from their ropes.But because they always stuck right where they were,they believed they couldn't.

Just like the elephants,how many of us go through life believing that we cannot do something,just because we failed at it once before?

__________________.We should never give up the struggle in life.


(1)What did the writer see in the village?_____









(2)Why do the elephants never try up to break free from the ropes?_____


Because they think they can not.


Because they are too old to do it.


Because they like their living places.


Because they get on well with the trainer.

(3)How did the man feel after he heard what the trainer said?_____









(4)Which of the following is the missing part in the last paragraph?_____


Failing is part of learning.


We should be different from others.


Helping animals is helping ourselves.


Traveling always makes people relaxed.

(5)What is the best title for this test?_____


Pleasant trip


A Cruel Trainer


Elephant Training


The Elephant Rope.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I did not grow up in a family with books.(1)   My process of being a reader seemed amazing. I got lost in one book that opened up my world and changed my life.

    My primary school teacher always gave her pupils time to read for pleasure in school. She believed it would improve reading greatly.(2)   It was a biography(传记) of actress Greta Garbo. I picked it up and began to read from cover to cover. The words I read attracted(吸引) me and I was excited. I realized that there were other women like Greta who had made great efforts and changed their lives. I recognized(认识) myself in her.

    From then on, my teacher had a hard time keeping me supplied(提供) with books. She dug up all the biographies of women that she could find.(3)  

    It has been a long road. I am now a physics professor in a university.(4)     Recently, someone gave me Justice Sonia Sotomayor's autobiography. Once again, I am encouraged and am imagining new possibilities for my life.

A. Most of my time is spent reading scientific literature.

B. Their stories were like road maps that allowed me to see where I could go on with my life.

C. In my home, there was neither time nor energy to read.

D. Reading plays an important role in my life.

E. One day, she put a book on my desk.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In Los Angeles, a waiter served a group of teens. The waiter remembered his experience as a young high school student. So he made sure the teens had a pleasant experience at the restaurant. The waiter made sure of it.

After serving all the teens doing a great job, he was left a tip(消费),only¥3.28. That was hardly enough to buy a drink at Starbucks. The waiter went home. And he felt hatred for the students who did not know the value of hard work. They looked down on people like him. Or so he thought.

After several days, the waiter forgot about it. His life went on as usual. But ten days later, he received a letter from the teens.

"About a week and a half ago, on October 7, my three friends and I came to eat at this restaurant as our own homecoming celebration. It was an exciting experience for us to be here alone, and it was all new to us. And you were the best waiter we could ask for. You were kind, helpful, and didn't treat us like babies! So I want to say thank you for making our 'grown﹣up' experience so amazing and fun. "I would also like to say sorry on behalf of(代表) my group. Since we were new to all of this,our 13﹣year﹣old minds didn't exactly know how to deal with the bill.The bill was reasonable(合乎情理),but we had completely forgotten(and didn't know,to be honest) what a tip even was, let alone how much to give. So we emptied our pockets, and all our money added up to ¥3.28. "Having no idea of how small this really was ,we left. Later, we realized our mistake and felt terrible. We knew we had to make it right." "So together with this letter, you wail find the correct 18% tip + extra for simply being amazing. Thank you for your help and patience and also thank you for making our night fun. Thank you!"

(1)How did the waiter receive the group of teens?   


He tried to make them pay more.


He served them like other waiters.


He treated them as young children.


He did his best to make them happy.

(2)Why did the group of teens leave that small tip?   


Because they looked down on the waiter.


Because they didn't know what a tip meant.


Because they weren't pleased with the service.


Because they thought the tip should be that much.

(3)What made the teens write the letter?   


The tip they left for the waiter.


The bill the restaurant received.


The way the waiter served them.


The fun they had at the restaurant.

(4)What do restaurant waiters mind most in America?   


What kind of guests they receive.


What dishes people usually order.


Whether they are given reasonable tips.


How much customers pay for their meals.

(5)What did the group of teens try to say in the letter?   


They were quite thankful for the waiter's service.


They had realized their mistake and made it right.


They had a wonderful experience at the restaurant.


They wanted more customers to go to the restaurant.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Things You Can Do In One Second To Make Your Life Happier

    One second.That's all it takes to make your life happier.___▲__Then check out this list of things you can do in a single second.That will bring more happiness into your life every day.

    Give a great big smile.

    Look for an easy way to make your life happier. Smile more. Smiling can help you feel better instantly. And it can be contagious. So give a smile to a total stranger on the street.Or if you're sad,angry,or annoyed about something,choose to smile and laugh it off instead.

    Take a deep breath.

    Deep breathing is one of the best ways to reduce stress and bring balance back into your life. And it only takes a second. Take some time out each day to focus on nothing except your breath.You'll find your life becomes happier,healthier,and less stressful.

    Take a sip of water.

    It's no surprise that drinking water is good for your health.Try keeping a water bottle with you wherever you go,and take a second to drink water a couple times every hour.Drinking water can help keep you hydrated control calories,filter your kidneys,and keep healthy skin.

    Give thanks.

    Happy people have this in common:They are grateful for all the good things in their lives. This means that to make your life happier,take a few minutes each day and count your blessings.Say "Thank you" more often. Show your appreciation when good things come your way.

instantly   立刻

balance    平衡

focus       集中

hydrated   含水的

calorie      热量

filter        过滤

kidney      肾脏

skin         皮肤

grateful     感激

blessing     福分

appreciate 感激

(1)Which can best replace "__▲__" in the passage?  

A. Do you think so?

B. Don't believe it?

C. Am I right?

(2)What does the word "contagious" mean in Chinese?  




(3)What can you do to keep healthy skin?  

A. Take a deep breath.

B. Drink some water.

C. Give thanks.

(4)Which "second" in the following has the same meaning as in the passage?  

A. Downstairs,on the second floor,Michael served Mona breakfast.

B. The gun was fired and Beaton was wounded a second time.

C. Can you just lift the table for a second?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Years ago,I lived in a building in a large city.The building next door was only a few feet away from mine.There was a woman who lived there,whom I had never met,yet I could see her seated by her window each afternoon,sewing or reading.

After several months had gone by,I began to notice that her window was dirty.Everything was unclear through the dirty window.I would say to myself,"I wonder why that woman doesn't wash her window.It really looks terrible."

One bright morning I decided to clean my flat,including washing the window on the inside.

Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning,I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest.What a surprise!Across the way,the woman sitting by her window was clearly seen.Her window was clean!

Then I began to understand it.I had been criticizing (批评) her dirty window,but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window.

That was quite an important lesson for me.How often had I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart,through my own shortcomings(缺点)?

From then on,whenever I wanted to judge (判断) someone,I asked myself first,"Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?"Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see others'world more clearly.

59.The writer couldn't see everything clearly through the window because  

A.the woman's window was dirty       

B.the writer's window was dirty

C.the woman lived nearby           

D.the writer was nearsighted(近视的)

60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

A.Both the woman and the writer lived in a small town.

B.The writer often cleaned the window

C.Both the woman and the writer worked as cleaners.

D.The writer never met the woman

61.From the passage,we can learn that  

A.one shouldn't criticize others very often

B.one should often keep his window clean

C.one should judge himself before he judges others

D.one should look at others through his dirty window.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In September,2020,I had the chance to come to China for the first time and visited Yunnan Province.

On the first day we went to a village named Xiaopingzhai.I was amazed to discover that small tea factory could bring in 6 million yuan a year with only 20 workers.

The next of our trip was the village of Kangmian.Many families now live there after leaving uninhabitable(不适合居住的)areas.The new village has 450 housing units.There I have learned that the government helps the people by providing jobs so that they can support themselves.Of the 1,331 villagers,609 now have jobs.

In Shuiduichong,a traditional Yao ethnic(瑶族)group village,we visited the workshops for making silver ornaments(饰品).We discovered the skill had a history of more than 200 year.Besides the traditional use of silver ornaments in Yao culture,                 .

A set of silver ornaments can be sold for between 10,000 and 20,000 yuan on the market.The making of silver ornaments creates jobs in the village.Shuiduichong now has more than 20 family workshops.

This trip was over.I have realized that through the hard work of the Chinese government,great changes have taken place in Yunnan.These impressive(印象深刻的)results should serve as an example for other developing countries.

(1)The trip followed the way of    .


Xiaopinghai→ Shuiduichong→ Kangmian


Xiaopingzhai→Kangmian→ Shuiduichong


Kangmian→ Shuiduichong→ Xiaopingzhai


Kangmian→Xiaopingzhai→ Shuiduichong

(2)In Kangmian the government helps the people by    .


selling products


giving money


opening factories


providing jobs

(3)Which of the following sentences can be put in the    


tourists like them very much


these objects have a high value


people buy them as gifts


they can be seen everywhere

(4)The structure of the passage may be       .

(①=Paragraph 1

②Paragraph 2


④Paragraph 4


⑥Paragraph 6)





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a cold,rainy day.My mother and I drove to the mountains.It was dangerous to make the two﹣hour journey along the highway in such weather.I didn't want to take the risk.But my mother advised that we go to see something at the top of the mountain.

After ten minutes' driving,we stopped the car and got out.Walking along a path,we turned at a comer.Gradually,the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind.From the top of the mountain,I saw several fields full of flowers,shining like a carpet (地毯)before us.It looked as if the sun spilled (播洒)gold down the mountain.

A lot of questions came to my mind.Who created such beauty?Why?How?

As we moved on,we saw a sign that read, "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking. "

The first answer was, "One Woman一Two Hands,Two Feet,and Very Little Brain. " The second was, "One at a Time. " The third, "Started in 1971. "

On our way home,I was so shocked by what we had seen. "She changed the world.One bulb (一株)at a time.She started almost 50 years ago.It was probably just the beginning of an idea,but she kept at it. " I said, "Imagine,if I had a dream and worked at it,just a little bit every day,what might I have achieved?"

My mother looked at me,smiling. "Start tomorrow. " She said, " Better yet,start today. "

(1)The writer didn't want to go to the mountains because    .


she was tired of driving


their car was running out of petrol (汽油)


it was getting dark


it was not safe to drive in such weather

(2)The underlined word "path" shares a similar meaning with    .









(3)The person in Picture    probably grew the flowers in the mountain.





(4)The passage mainly tells us that    .


beauty always lies on the top of the mountain


even common people have great wisdom (智慧)


sticking to a dream will bring a big change


we should enjoy every moment in life

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A group of people asked this question to a group of 4﹣to﹣8﹣year﹣old child what does love mean?" The answers were surprising. The children would answer like they did below.

    "When my grandmother hurt her knee(膝盖), she couldn't bend(套 腰) over and paint her toenails(脚趾甲) any more. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands hurt, too. That's love"                                                                                                                          Grace age 8

    "Love is when someone hurts you. And you get so mad but you don't at them because you know it would hurt her feelings.                                                                                                Helen﹣ age 6

    "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.                                               Terri﹣ age 4

    "I let my big sister pick(捉弄) me because my mum says she only picks on me because she loves me. So I pick on my baby sister because I love her.                                                         Bethany﹣ age 4

    "I know my elder sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new clothes.                                                                                                                  Lauren﹣ age 4

    "Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.                             Amy﹣ age 5

    "My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night"                                                                                                                          Clear﹣ age 5

    "You really shouldn't love you unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.                                                                                                                      Jane﹣ ﹣age 8

(1)The passage mainly tells us about what  means to children.

A. life

B. family

C. friends

D. love

(2)Who told us the love between mum and dad?  

A. Amy.

B. Clear.

C. Grace.

D. Lauren.

(3)What is love according to Terri?  

A. Love is the care between husband and wife.

B. Love is a rest when you are tired.

C. Love is what cheers you up when you are tired.

D. Love is a kiss from parents.

(4)What does Jane mean about love?  

A. Too much love is no love.

B. You should pick on your sister.

C. You should shout at someone.

D. Say love more than often if you have it.

(5)Which of the following NOT true?  

A. Grace's grandmother ever couldn't bend over.

B. Bethany is willing to be picked on by any other person.

C. If Helen becomes angry, she will not shout at others.

D. Lauren prefers to wear sister's old clothes.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My brother Claudio is one of the people I love most. He is wise and always helpful, taking care of me and(1)  (we) young sister, Sarah.The day when he left home to go to college,I(2)  (teach) the importance of being a man.

    It was a(3)  (rain) Saturday morning in August. We were woken up by the sound of Sarah playing the piano as usual. In the kitchen, there was(4)  surprise for Claudio-his favorite pancakes.Mom gave us a big smile and told us(5)  (sit) down for the breakfast. This was an important day for all of us!

    While we(6)  (eat) breakfast, Claudio went upstairs to collect his things.I suddenly heard him calling my name. When I walked(7)   the room we shared,I found Claudio sitting at my bedside."It's time, brother," he said. I thought he was saying that it was time for him to leave the house, (8)  in fact he told me that I should take on a bigger role in the family from then on. He said I should do(9)  (many) for Mom than before after he was gone.

    I thought about his words very(10)  (careful) and then understood everything. That day I learned about family, love and duty.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Money can make you happy,only if you spend it in a clever way.

Buying a new car makes you happy.However,you will forget this happy feeling when the car gets old.But if you spend a week traveling.It's more possible that you'll remember the great experience,and you'll remember the feeling for a long time.A new study has found that spending money on experiences makes people happier than on material things.

   For material things,it's possible that you'll care about every little things.If you buy a nice pen,and someone else buys one with less money,it is possible that you may be unhappy because you spend more money.When it comes to experiences like trips,you won't think like that.If the experience is generally good,you will be happy with the price.

   Material things can be compared more easily.If you buy an MP3 and then see a more suitable one,you may regret buying the first one.However,if you have a nice dinner at one restaurant,and then learn about another better restaurant,you'll not regret the first meal.

   Material things can cause jealousy(嫉妒).For example,if you buy a new toy and find that your friend has a better toy,you will feel unhappy.Instead,if you travel to a beautiful place,then no matter where your friends have gone,it won't make the memory of your trip less happy.

(1)The underlined word"material"means  in Chinese.





(2)According to the passage.if you buy a watch and then see a better one in a magazine,you may  

A.buy a better one

B.ask for your money back

C.throw the frist one away

D.regret buying the first one

(3)Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?  

A.Spending money in a clever way makes people happy.

B.People like traveling more than buying material things.

C.Material things may cause jealousy

D.People care about more things when they buy material things.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone wants to become perfect.Unluckily,being perfect may not happen.Here's some useful advice about how to refuse perfection.

●NO more comparisons

     Compared with others,you may feel that you are not perfect.The solution?End your comparison.NO comparing,no pain.

●Accept your mistakes

     When perfection is your goal,mistakes mean failure.Your fear of criticism(批评)may keep you from①        risks or trying new things.Nobody is perfect.Take it easy.You needn't take others' words seriously.

●Ask for help

     Part of beating perfection is accepting that mistakes are part of human beings.If you don't give up,you will be successful one day.You shouldn't prevent you from asking for help you need to really improve.

●Don't judge(评判)yourself

    Find a trusted friend,family member or teacher who is not a perfectionist﹣someone who can take criticism and has learned from his or her mistakes.Share your goals and achievements with him or herno matter how small they are

●Pay attention to your language

    Cut out the words like never,always and should from your self﹣talk,Carry a notebook and take notes whenever you want to say these words.Realizing this means you're well on your way to changing them.

    The more confidence (自信) you develop,the②        you'll feel the need to be perfect.And when you give up perfection,happiness can begin right now.




72.(A)If you want to make your dream come true,you shouldn't  trying.

   (B)A Chinese soldier called Shen Liangliang took part in the UN peace keeping operation(维和行动).  ,he lost his life.



74.How many pieces of advice are mentioned in the passage?


75.What is the main idea about the passage?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was last January, when I'd just finished a charity(慈善) and was on the train back home, that I put down my phone and started writing thank﹣you notes to people who had helped,

    When I got off the train, I felt amazingly good. The next day,I wrote more thank﹣you and the same feeling of happiness hit me again. I suddenly had the idea: Why not keep on doing this for every day of the year?

    To keep on task, I decided to pick out a different theme for each month. January was charity.February would be neighbors, I decided, And I thought of a number of names right away: the owner of our local bookstore, who let me and my little son in before the store opened and offered to play his favorite songs; our babysitter, who dropped off a bag of old board games for our kids to play, …

    While writing the notes, I realized how often I had spent my time on the phone moving from app to app, appreciating(欣赏) other people's lives. Writing thank﹣you notes allowed me the time to do something different, paying more attention to my own life.

    In the following months, I wrote to my friends, doctors, teachers and parenting role models. In July, my "food" month, I wrote to Julie,who used to cook at my favorite restaurant.It went like this:

    Dear Julie,

    I've been finding myself missing you lately. Thank you for hosting and cooking beautiful and thoughtful food. Jake and I will never forget when you sent out biscuits shaped into the number VI for our sixth anniversary(周年纪念日).We talk about it every year.

    Thank you. We miss you.



    I was happy to receive a note back from her. Julie replied,"I don't think I've ever received such a touching letter before, I' m going through a hard time right now, and this helps."

    On December 31,I wrote my last card ﹣ to Jake, my husband,and our two kids.And I took a picture of us, so I could remember the feeling welling up inside me. Gratitude.

(1)The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 2 means   

A. writing thank﹣you notes

B. putting the phone away

C. taking the train back home

D. raising money for charity

(2)How did Julie most probably feel after reading the note from Gina?  

A. Shy and surprised.

B.Pleased and relaxed.

C. Nervous and excited.

D. Moved and encouraged.

(3)The theme of the December notes might be   

A. photos

B. family

C. holidays

D. community

(4)What did Gina get by doing her task according to the passage?  

A. Many thanks from her neighbors.

B. More time to appreciate her own life.

C. More help from people around her.

D. Happy moments to be with her friends.

(5)The best title for the passage can be   

A. My Thank You Year

B. An Amazing Trip

C. Happiness inside Us

D. Important People in Our Life

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
