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Night Noodle Markets

HYPERLINK "http://www.niftynoodlesatnight.com.cn" www.niftynoodlesatnight.com.cn

Dreaming of some fantastic family entertainment? The Night Noodle Markets could be just what you and your family are looking for.

Tasty food. Delicious smell at the Night Noodle Markets. Enjoy the Asian﹣style street food.

Great locations. Top outdoor dining at all the main squares of your city.

Take a look at the menus on offer. Click on the icons below.

Chinese   Japanese   Indian   Malaysian   Thai   Vietnamese   Singaporean

When? Monday to Saturday, 5 pm to 11 pm.

Where? Click HERE to find a Night Noodle Market in your city.

Supported by

Drinko Soft Drinks

Nifty Noodles

Local councils

(1)What is www.niftynoodlesatnight.com.cn?  

A. The name of the owner.

B. The address of the website.

C. A collection of food.

D. The name of the markets.

(2)When can people go to the markets?  

A. At 3 pm on Monday.

B. At 11 am on Tuesday.

C. At 9 pm on Sunday.

D. At 10 pm on Thursday.

(3)The main purpose of the advertisement is to  

A. encourage people to go and eat at the markets

B. tell people the features of delicious Asian food

C. ask people to choose the food pictures they like

D. introduce some supporting companies to people

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Walla Walla

Wallaby Foundation

About WWWF

Wallaby FAQ

Educational Resources

Photo Gallery


Welcome to the Walla Walla Wallaby Foundation of America,Washington chapter.Here you will find news, photos,and other resources about the wallaby. In addition,our site's unique(独特的)features for members include profile pages,discussion forums(论坛),and other content.We are the world's best wallaby support group.

    For over 20 years, the Walla Walla Wallaby Foundation has served the Walla Walla community through education and outreach on behalf of the wallaby.


Member Login

Discussion Forums

Member Profiles


Contact Us

(1)The Wall Walla Wallaby Foundation is set up to  

A.sell the wallaby's food

B.support the wallaby

C.take photos of the wallaby

D.provide news about the wallaby

(2)If you want to give money to support WWWF, you can click on the icon "  ".

A.About WWWF


C.Discussion Forums

D.Educational Resources

(3)The reading material above is  

A.a diary

B.a story

C.a questionnaire

D.a web page

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

                                       Royal Engineers Museum


Chinese New Year (16 Jan﹣24 Feb)

    Join in as the Museum celebrates the Year of the Rat! Get creative by decorating a paper lantern or creating your own rat toys.

    £2 per activity, not included in standard prices.

The Soldiers as Artists (5 Feb﹣23 Jun)

    Royal Engineers were also taught drawing to help make maps. The paintings and drawings on display show not only the soldiers' drawing skills but also their talent that went beyond the training they received.

    Included in standard prices.

Historic Headwear Hunt (19 Apr﹣26 Jul)

    Discover the unusual hats, caps and helmets worn by Royal Engineers! Imagine what has happened to them over the last 300 years!

    Included in standard prices.

Medway in Time (7 Jul﹣31 Aug)

    Following a 15﹣week Medway Adult Education course, the Museum is proud to present artworks about the area's special history and traditions.

    Included in standard prices.

                                                   Plan Your Visit

Opening time

    Tuesday﹣Sunday              10 a.m.﹣5 p.m.

Standard tickets

    Adult                                    £9.20             Senior Citizen(老年人)          £8.20

    Child (5﹣15 )                    £4.60             Student                                    £7.60

    Family (2Ad + 2Ch)          £24.80            Serving Royal Engineers           Free

How to find us

    Located on Prince Arthur Road,Gillingham, Kent.

    Within walking distance from Gillingham Station.

Contact us

    Tel: 01634 822839           www.re﹣muscum.co.uk/ contact

(1)Which activity can Lily join in if she visits Royal Engineers Museum on 19 Aug?  

A. Chinese New Year.

B. The Soldiers as Artists.

C. Medway in Time.

D. Historie Headwear Hunt.

(2)Mr Brown brought his 5﹣year﹣old son to the museum and created a rat toy, how much did they pay at least?  

A. £9.20.

B. £12.80.

C. £13.80.

D. £15.80.

(3)What can visitors do when visiting Royal Engineers Museum?  

A. Visitors can be taught drawing and map making.

B. Visitors can buy the hats worn by Royal Engineers.

C. Visitors can explore Medway's history and traditions.

D. Visitors can call 01634 822839 for some free tickets.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Watching movies is fun. Here is some information about four great movies in 2020.

Names of the movies

Actors / Actresses


More information about the movies


Gong Li,Wu Gang

Chen Kexin(China)

In this film, it tells the Chinese Women's Volleyball Teams' exciting stories and shows great team spirit to us.


Liu Yifei,Gong Li

Nick Caro(New Zealand)

The real﹣life version(真人版)of Mulan is based on Hua Mulan in Chinese history. She goes to a war instead of her father and has become a well﹣known heroine.

Artemis Fowl

Fredia Shaw,Josh Gad

Kenneth Branagh


The hero, Artemis Fowl, is a 12﹣year﹣old clever boy and criminal leader who fights against fairies(精灵) while searching for his father. The film is more suitable for children.

News of the world

Tom Harks,Neil Sandilands

Paul Greengrass

( England)

Tom Harks played the role of storyteller in the 19 century US,sending the news from one small town to another.Tom is also required to bring a 10﹣year﹣old girl back to her parents.

(1)The director of the film Leap comes from  


B. China

C. England

D. New Zealand

(2)How many films does Gong Li take part in?  

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

D. Four.

(3)Which is more suitable for children among the four films?  

A. Leap.

B. Mulan.

C. Artemis Fowl.

D. News of the World.

(4)Who played the role of storyteller in the 19th century US?  

A. Josh Gad.

B. Tom Harks.

C. Fredia Shaw.

D. Neil Sandilands.

(5)According to the information about the movies, we can learn that  

A. Tom Harks is good at making up news

B. Mulan is a girl who goes to a war with his father

C. The film Leap shows us how to work together

D. Artemis Fowl is a clever boy of 10 and fights for his father

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)The poster gives information about  

A. the man teacher

B. English courses

C. language schools in London

D. different activities in Lanleygate

(2)How much do you have to pay for both Speaking and Writing ?  

A. £95

B. £125

C. £155

D. £220

(3)If Leo is free on Sunday afternoon ,he can  

A. improve his listening ability

B. join the possible smallest class

C. have a native teacher

D. Learn how to write in English

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Notes:draw抛奖; entry form报名表; receipt收据;claim 认领

(1)When is the last day to enter the"Lemonade Lucky Draw"?

(2)Where will the draw for the car take place?

(3)Which one is more possible to win, a free trip to Bangkok or a brand new car?

(4)If you want to enter the Lucky Draw, what should you e﹣mail to whluckydraw@qq.com?

(5)How will the Lemonade T﹣shirts be dealt with if they aren't claimed by 30 July?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Crazy Bubble Run

The happiest family activity Ever!

Time: 10 a. m.

Date: November 3rd

A Money﹣Raising Event for the City Charity Program

Organized by United Nations Children's Fund(联合国儿童基金会)

Come and get your Bubble Run Bag (T﹣shirt, number plate, hair band,

waterproof(防水的) bag, color stickers and water gun) at 9:30 a. m. ! We will

be waiting for you at the Olympic Park in Beijing!

Registration Fees: ¥120 Student

¥150 Non﹣student

¥ 240 One adult with a child aged 5﹣10

For more information: www. crazybubblerun. com

Tel: 010﹣8856941340.

(1)When will the Crazy Bubble Run event begin?  

A. At 9:30 a. m. on October lst.

B. At 10 a. m. on October lst

C. At 9:30 a. m. on November lst.

D. At 10 a. m. on November 3rd.

(2)Who started this running event?  

A. United Nations Children's Fund.

B. Beijing Municipal Government.

C. City Charity Program.

D. The Olympic Park.

(3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the poster(海报)?  

A. Two adults with a child aged 6 should pay ¥240 for this event.

B. The event wants to raise money.

C. We can know the website of the event.

D. Crazy Bubble Run is a happy family activity.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you want to help the environment and do yard work at the same time? This machine knows when your grass needs water. It waters your grass, and you don't have to do anything! Save time, save water, and save money! Only $ 124.99.

You can take this with you to the beach or on a picnic. No more uncomfortable towels or blankets! It fills with air in five minutes. Feel like you are sitting in your own living room in the great outdoors! Only $ 49.50.

What's a party without music? Indoors or outdoors, you can have a good time with this small item on a shelf or in a tree. Turn it down to set the mood, or turn it up to start the dancing! Only $ 299.99.

What's it like to swim like a fish? Now is your chance to find out! Put both feet in, get in the water, and feel how it is to flap instead of kick. If you love to be in the water and dive deep, you need this! Only $ 36.

(1)The garden sensor helps the environment and does yard work at the same time.  (判断对错)

(2)It takes the inflatable chair more than five minutes to fill with air.  (判断对错)

(3)The soundbook works indoors or outdoors.  (判断对错)

(4)A person needs two monofins, one for each foot.  (判断对错)

(5)Soundbook is the most expensive of the four products while the inflatable chair is the cheapest.  (判断对错)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Part﹣time(兼职的)jobs for students


We need a babysitter to look after our two boys aged 5 and 7 after school from 4: 30pm to 6: 30pm, Monday to Friday.$100a week.

Call Vicky at 6783﹣4521.

Rose Hotel part﹣time work

We are looking for part﹣time workers to work in our hotel on Saturdays.

Come in (8 am to 6 pm) or call Mina at 6123﹣8745(after 6 pm).

Holiday job

Do you want to make some money this summer? Can you speak another language? We need French, Spanish or German speakers to work in the City Museum shop from Tuesday to Saturday.

Send your CV(简历)to citymuscum@shopjob. lkj.

Newspaper delivery(递送)

We need young people to deliver newspapers on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. The newspaper delivery takes 30 minutes in the village of Clanbrook. You must deliver the newspapers before 7: 30 am and you must have your own bike.

Interested? Ask for more information at Clanbrook post office.

(1)How much can a babysitter get for an hour?  

A.5 dollars.

B.7 dollars.

C.10 dollars.

D.12 dollars.

(2)If Joy wants to get the job in Rose Hotel, she can call Mina at  

A.8 a.m.

B.10 a.m.

C.5 a.m.

D.7 p.m.

(3)What can we know about the holiday job?  

A. It doesn't require any CV.

B.It doesn't provide any pay.

C. If you have got it, you needn't work on Monday.

D.If you want to get it, you must speak three languages.

(4)If Harry takes the newspaper delivery job, he must  

A.work three mornings a week

B.use the bike of the post office

C.finish the work before 7:00 am

D.be interested in the newspapers

(5)The four pieces of information above may be found in the part of in a newspaper  





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


(1)What is the purpose of the material above?  

A. To sell a cat.

B. To buy a cat.

C. To show a lovely cat.

D. To find a missing cat.

(2)Which of the following is completely right about the cat?  









Like a baby cat









Like a baby cat



Missing Cat






Like a baby cat



Missing Cat







(3)What should you do if you see the cat?  

A.Leave him alone.

B.Bring him to the police.

C.Keep him in your house.

D.Either call or see the owner.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知




Happy birthday to us! TIME zine's firse(期刊) came out on March3, 1923. Sure, 96 isn't the most special birthday, comparing with the 100th birthday. But we take every opportunity( 机会)to celebrate. TIME for Kids came along just a little bit later, in 1995. Soon, we will have our 25th birthday!

    We have run our Kid Reporter program for many years. Many kids who took part in the program as a reporter are professional journalist(职业记者)now. While they were working with TFK, they caught some great opportunities, like interviewing political leaders, famous people, Olympic athletes, scientists, and more.

    Do you dream of being a reporter? Come and join us! On March 15, we will hold our annual(一年一度的) competition to find our next group of TIME for Kids Reporters. Editors from TFK will choose 10 best students.

    I hope you will have a chance to report for our magazines and websites during the 2019﹣2020 school year.

    All the best,

(1)According to the passage, TIME for Kids will have its  birthday.

A. 96th

B. 100th

C. 23rd

D. 25th

(2)What will editors from TFK do in their annual competition?  

A. Take part in the program.

B. Interview political leaders.

C. Choose 10 best students.

D. Report for their magazines.

(3)How long will the next group of reporters work with TFK?  

A. Half a year.

B. One year.

C. Two years.

D. Three years.

(4)Andrea Delbanco is  

A. a reader

B. an editor

C. a reporter

D. a student

(5)You can find the passage in  

A.a website

B. a book

C. a novel

D. a diary

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Here are some questions and answers on Yangzhou from a website.

Questions & Answers


Asked by Robert from USA | Feb. 25, 2019 11:21                Reply

We'd like to visit the city of Yangzhou from Shanghai. Is there any high speed train?


Answered by Black from UK | Feb.26, 2019 20:29     Reply

Sorry but no high speed train. You can take an intercity bus from Shanghai General Bus Station to the city. It takes about 4h and CNY 93/ 96.


Asked by Mr. Cheverton from Australia | Jul.17, 2018 20:27      Reply

I have holidays in late December and will be in Hong Kong, and want to visit Yangzhou. Are river cruises still operating?


Answered by Ms. Chen from China | Jul.18, 2018 04:24         Reply

I don't think it is a good idea to visit the city in winter, which is famous for natural scenery. The best time should be spring and summer. And, the weather may be somewhat cold during Dec which isn't good for cruise.


Asked by Eric Yeo from Singapore | May.15, 2018 02:53            Reply

Can I know where I can eat the nicest Yangzhou Fried Rice along Dongguan Street area?


Answered by Jennie from China | May.16, 2018 04:48         Reply

There are many restaurants along the street serving the fried rice and they are all OK. If having to name one, I'd say Shiweitian. Actually, you just choose one with more guests and it won't be wrong.


Asked by Roy from USA | Mar.12, 2018 12:27                    Reply

Is it possible to live in Yangzhou and commute daily by bus to work in Yizheng?


Answered by Tina from China I Mar.12,2018 21:56      Reply

Yeah, it's possible. The distance between is only around 30km. At the West Bus Station, many buses are scheduled for Yizheng every day from 06:20 to 18:55. Besides, intercity bus No.77 runs between the West Bus Station and Yizheng Bus Station from 05:50 to 18:30. You can choose the most convenient way.

(1)Who might work in Yizheng but live in Yangzhou?  


B. Cheverton.

C. Eric Yeo.


(2)  answer was given the most thumbs up.

A. Black's

B. Ms. Chen's

C. Jennie's


(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the webpage?  

A. The questions on the webpage are all about Yangzhou Travel.

B. It's not a good idea to eat Yangzhou Fried Rice in Shiweitian.

C. Robert can take the high speed train from Shanghai to Yangzhou.

D. Mr.Cheverton is advised to visit Yangzhou in spring and summer.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Along with wheat, rice is one of the most important food crops in the world. It is a nutritious, healthy food.

    Each year, farmers grow millions of tons of rice.

    Top Five Rice﹣ producing Countries

(1)What food crop is the reading material mainly about?  

A. Wheat.

B. Rice.

C. Corn.

D. Potato.

(2)In which country is the most rice grown?  

A. China.

B. Bangladesh.

C. India.

D. Vietnam.

(3)From the map we know that the five countries are all in  

A. Europe.

B. Africa.

C. America.

D. Asia.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tony is a student aged 15. He and his parents are going to travel around Beijing this summer. Below is some information that the have got.

The Palace Museum

Opening hours:

Tuesday﹣Sunday 8:30 ﹣17:00

(Monday Closed)

Admission: adult: ¥60

student : ¥20

child (under 6): free

The Summer Palace

Opening hours:

Monday﹣Sunday 6:30 ﹣18:00

Admission: adult: ¥30

student : ¥15

child (under 6): free

The Badaling Great Wall

Opening hours:

Monday﹣Sunday 6:00 ﹣19:30

Admission: adult: ¥40

student : ¥20

child (under 6): free

Beijing Zoo

Opening hours:

Monday﹣Sunday 7:30 ﹣18:00

Admission: adult: ¥15

student : ¥7.5

child (under 6): free

(1)Tony is interested in animals, so he can go to   for fun.

A. The Palace Museum

B. Beijing Zoo

C. the Summer Palace

D. the Badling Great Wall

(2)Tony and his parents can't go to visit the Palace Museum on  

A. Monday

B. Tuesday

C. Saturday

D. Sunday

(3)How much will Tony and his parents pay if they visit the Summer Palace and the Badaling Great Wall?  

A. ¥105

B. ¥140

C. ¥175

D. ¥210

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

School holiday activities at the library






Cartooning with Eva Leung

Tuesday 7 June, 9﹣11 a.m.

﹩3.00 to. cover the cost of art paper and pencils

5 to 8﹣year﹣olds





Cartooning with Eva Leung

Wednesday 8 June, 9﹣11 a.m.

﹩3.00 to cover the cost of art paper and pencils

9 to 10﹣year﹣olds

Eva Leung is famous for her cartoons published regularly in KIDStime magazine






Wednesday 8 June, 2﹣4 p.m.

﹩3.00 to cover the cost of paper, string and other materials

5 to 10﹣year﹣olds






Thursday 9 June, 2﹣4 p.m.

﹩3.00 to cover the cost of paper, string and other materials

5 to 10﹣year﹣olds

(1)Who is this poster for?  

A. Cartoonists.

B. Librarians.

C. Writers.

D. Children.

(2)On which day are there two different activities?  

A. Monday.

B. Tuesday.

C. Wednesday.

D. Thursday.

(3)Why are there two cartooning classes on the program?  

A. Because the classes are for different age groups.

B. Because more time is needed to learn cartooning

C. Because there is a strict limit on numbers for each class.

D. Because some children might want to do both the classes.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
