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Great Music Shop

★Rock, pop and country


★Sell CDs

★Listen before you buy

Sun Coffee Shop

★The best coffee in town

*Hamburgers, cakes and


*Open 8:30 am﹣11:00 pm

every day

Hug Supermarket

★Fruit and nuts

★Free orange juice for kids

under 7

★Vegetables and fish are on

big sale

★Open 6:00 am﹣9:00 pm

every day

(1)If a person is hungry in the morning. the earliest time he can buy a hamburger is  

A.6:00 pm

B.7:00 pm

C.7:30 am

D.8:30 am

(2)Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?  

A. You can enjoy classical music in Great Music Shop.

B. You can enjoy coffee after 11:00 pm in Sun Coffee Shop.

C. A 6﹣year﹣old girl can get some free oranges at Hug Supermarket.

D. You can buy cheap cabbages at Hug Supermarket.

(3)The passage may be from  

A. a story book

B. a novel

C. a newspaper

D. a dictionary

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Calendar of Events

    October School Activities at Newtown School


Water activities in the Recreation Lagoon

11 a. m. ﹣2 p. m.



Play tennis on the school playground

9 a. m. ﹣ 11 a. m.



Arts & crafts workshop on the lawn

3 p. m. ﹣5 p. m.

$17 per student


Play beach ball in the Wave Lagoon

10 a. m. ﹣3 p. m.

$21 per student


Story﹣telling on the lawn

4 p. m. ﹣5 p. m.



Learn guitar on the lawn

9 a. m. ﹣11 a. m.

$20 per student


Learn chemistry at the school lab

2 p. m. ﹣5 p. m.

$15 per student

(1)If you want to learn guitar, you have to be free on   morning.

A. Monday

B. Wednesday

C. Friday

D. Sunday

(2)Which of the activities lasts the longest?  

A. Doing water activities

B. Playing tennis

C. Playing beach ball

D. Story﹣telling

(3)Where should students go if they want to listen to stories?  

A. The Recreation Lagoon

B. The school playground.

C. The school lab.

D. The lawn

(4)If Rose has $16, she can  

A. go to the arts & crafts workshop

B. learn chemistry.

C. learn guitar

D. play beach ball

(5)The above activities are planned   for students in Newtown School.

A. in October

B. on weekends

C. on Children's Day

D. in winter vacation

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

To improve children's fitness, Freestyle 360 has introduced some fun fitness classes for children between nine and thirteen years old. We want to encourage children to turn energy into sports and have social fun in a caring and professional environment.

Kids Karate (Mondays)

Time: 16:30﹣﹣ 17:30

Coach: Brett Ukich

It is a fun karate class for children to

increase skills. They will also learn some of

the Japanese terminology (术语).

Fitness Fun (Wednesdays)

Time: 16:30﹣﹣17:15

Coach: Lynsey McDonald

This class offers fun lessons including

body﹣weight exercises. Its purpose is to help

children get stronger.

Team Games (Thursdays)

Time: 17:00﹣﹣18:15

Coach: Lorraine Clayton

This class teaches children to work as a

team. We offer fun fitness games so there is

something for everyone.

Physical Activity=Better Health

By exercising, children will become

happier and fitter.

Price: £ 7.5/lesson or £ 28/month

Tel: 01386 700039 or 07818 033629

Email: info@freestyle360.co.uk

Address: Draycott Road, Blockley, GL569DY

(1)Who will train the children on Monday afternoons?  

A. Brett.

B. Lynsey.

C. Lorraine.

D. Draycott.

(2)How long does each lesson of Fitness Fun last?  

A.30 minutes.

B.45 minutes.

C.60 minutes.

D.75 minutes.

(3)Where can we most probably find the above information?  

A. In a hotel.

B. At a school.

C. In a cinema.

D. At a hospital.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The giant panda is an animal popular with people all over the world.

    With their black and white fur and soft round bodies, they are loved by the old and young. Do you love them? If you do, why not join in a panda volunteer program? Here are some tips for you if you want to be a volunteer of the programs.

    Book (预定) Early

    If you don't book early, the programs may become fully booked. Some volunteer programs limit (限制) the number of the volunteers. We suggest booking at least one week in advance (提前).

    Follow the Instructions

    Giant pandas lead a very different life. Sometimes, it is very hard for them to stand outside influences. We'd better not disturb (打扰) their peaceful life, so some of the activities might be changed or canceled.

    ●Please do not make any noise or movements that might disturb the pandas.

    ●Please do not get close to the pandas or throw food to them, unless the panda keeper tells you to do so. It might disturb the pandas' eating habits and cause them to become sick.

    ●For your safety, do not get into the cage, touch the adult pandas, or let them touch you,unless the panda keeper tells you to do so.

    ●Do not take photos or videos unless it's allowed.

    Dress Code

    To protect yourself when carrying bamboo,please do not wear shorts or slippery(滑的)shoes.Also,pandas have a very keen (敏锐的) sense of smell. As you will get very close to them,please do not wear perfume (香水) or nail polish.

(1)If you don't book the program early, it may  

A. be changed

B. be canceled

C. be put off

D. become fully booked

(2)The writer suggests booking at least   in advance.

A. one week

B. two weeks

C. three weeks

D. four weeks

(3)Which of the following is NOT TRUE, according to the passage?  

A. Do not make any noise that might disturb the pandas.

B. You can throw food to the pandas freely if you like.

C. Do not get into the cage without being told to do so.

D. Do not take photos or videos unless it's allowed.

(4)Why are you advised not to wear shorts or slippery shoes when carrying bamboo?  

A. To protect pandas.

B. To protect bamboo.

C. To protect yourself.

D. To protect others.

(5)Who may be interested in this passage ?  

A. A peace lover.

B. A panda lover.

C. A music lover.

D. A panda keeper.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hot Dog is popular. It's not a dog, but a cooked sausage in a long piece of bread. Here are some stories and facts about it from English websites.

HISTORY of Hot Dog


The 1600s

A German called Johann Georghehner created the"dachshund"sausage."Dachshund"is a German small long thin dog.

The 1860s

The very first hot dog ﹣the"dachshund"sausage in a roll﹣was sold by Germans in New York.It became popular in the US later.


Charles Feltman,a German,started the first Coney Island hot dog stand.It made hot dogs known to more people.


Chris Von Der Ahe started the American tradition of eating hot dogs at baseball parks,making hot dogs more popular.


A New York cartoonist,Tad Dorgan,saw the red hot "dachshund" sausages sold on streets.He wanted draw picture of it,but he wasn't sure how to spell "dachshund", so he simply wrote" Hot Dog". It is widely believed how Hot Dog had its name.


The first vegetarian hot dogs came out.

World record for eating hot dogs:73 in ten minutes

Hot dogs were one of the first foods eaten on the moon!

About 150 million hot dogs are eaten by Americans each July 4th

About 21 million hot dogs were sold at American baseball parks in 2010.

New Yorkers eat more hot dogs than any other city population in the US.

(1)Americans started the tradition of eating hot dogs at baseball parks in  





(2)It's believed that the name"Hot Dog "was created by  

A.Tad Dorgan

B.Charles Feltman

C.Chris Von Der Ahe

D. Johann Georghehner

(3)What can we know about hot dogs from the passage?  

A.New Yorkers like eating hot dogs most in the world.

B.Germans eat about 150 million hot dogs each July 4th

C.A world record says someone ate 73 hot dogs in 10 minutes.

D.About 21 million hot dogs were sold in America in the 1860s.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



    Give your workplace a spring facelift!

    Living magazine is offering three prizes of between £10, 000 and £50, 00o to be spent on improving the school, college or office where you spend so many hours each day! If you win, the money will be yours to spend as you wish to make life more pleasant.

Just think! You could spend it on any of the following:

    ◇improving the look of the place (new wallpaper, tables or pictures).

    ◇better study places (a computer room, a language laboratory or a small library).

    ◇improving the outside area(making a garden or a car park for example).

    ◇better sports places (a small gym or a swimming pool).

To enter, all you have to do is to design:

    ◇five ways you plan to spend the money if you win.

    ◇what you want to include(for example, sofas in your new computer room).

    ◇why these changes will make your workplace a better place to be!

Email us your design at livingmagazine@hotmail.com before June 16th.

If you want to get more information, please contact us:

Tel+323﹣647﹣4200    Fax+323﹣647﹣4245

Don't miss this great chance to improve your workplace!

(1)The text tells us that the new competition  

A. can help you get good grades

B. is organized by Living magazine

C. allows only students to enter

D. provides more than three prizes

(2)Those who want to enter the competition are supposed to  

A. describe how to spend the prize

B. mention the money they have

C. hand in their designs after June 16th.

D. visit Living magazine in person

(3)What kind of writing is the text?  

A. An email.

B. A diary.

C. A note.

D. A poster.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

假如你在友好学校Cloverport School夏令营期间观摩了当地小镇的一个节日活动,请根据其中的一项活动宣传单,完成一则英文报告.每空限填一词.

Hello, everybody! I'm so glad to experience the Sacajawea (1)   in the town of Cloverport. It's a community festival to bring people together. Teen Mr. Cloverport is a competition for (2)   from thirteen to sixteen years old. My new friend Tristan paid (3)   dollars to enter it. He was really excited about it. They have to wear homemade clothes instead of those bought from a (4)  . I think the spirit of DIY really matters. To follow the rules, they are not (5)   to smoke, drink wine, or speak rudely. They should be well﹣behaved. Thank you!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)Totally Wild Hotel is special because of  

A. its high price

B. its good breakfast

C. the lovely giraffes

D. the old buildings

(2)According to the text, people can   in Kenya.

A. cheer on camels in Lamu Old Town

B. have breakfast with zebras in Totally Wild Hotel

C. see lions, zebras, elephants in East National Park

D. watch the bright pink birds near Lake Nakuru

(3)   will most probably be interested in the text above.

A. People who enjoy travelling

B. Scientists who study birds

C. Players who are good at running

D. People who have a pain in the neck

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Brandon Forest Park is a place of interest. This large woodland is home to many birds and other wildlife. It's open all year round to visitors.

    In the centre of the park is the Forest Shop and Cafe. You can buy maps in the shop and there are all kinds of gifts and souvenirs on sale as well.

    The Cafe is open from 9 a.m.to 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. It is open from 9 a.m.to 3 p.m. from Monday to Friday. But on Wednesday it's shut all day.

    There's also a large area for visitors to enjoy a picnic lunch. But please don't throw rubbish.

    Bicycles are for hire (租用).For an hour it costs ﹩3.5 and for half a day it's ﹩9.79.

    Special events are held at the park during the summer. There's going to be an outdoor play, a concert and a horse﹣riding race this summer.

    More information about the park can be found on our website wwwbrandonforestparkcom

Brandon Forest Park

Forest Shop and cafe

The shop sells (1)  , gifts and souvenirs.

The Cafe is not open on(2)  

Picnic area

(3)  is not allowed.

Bicycle hire

﹩3.5anhour,﹩(4)   half a day.

Summer events

An outdoor play, a (5)   and a horse﹣riding race.

For more information, visit wwwbrandonforestparkcom

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Welcome a student from France or Spain into your family!

Host a student from Spain or France and experience his/her life and culture.

Exchange students from Spain and France are looking for welcoming warm, fun and loving hosts who will share life and culture with them for a few weeks in June, July and august.

Stays can be from 3 to 6 weeks.

What to do with your exchange student:

Movies/Museums/Beach/Cooking /Baking / Community projects/

Volunteering/Hanging out/Shopping /Disneyland/

anything you can think of…

Requirements to host:

Loving, active, outgoing family

One stay at﹣home, or part﹣time host parent

Teen in the home within 4 years of age of the exchange student

Willing to take students to places of interest once a week

(maybe visiting them next summer at their home countries)

If you are interested and would like more information, please contact:

Shirley Wentzell 909﹣918﹣6715


(1)Exchange students from France or Spain will possibly stay for    in host families.

A.10 days

B.5 weeks

C.2 months

D.1 year

(2)According to the passage, we can learn that   

A.exchange students will come back next summer

B.exchange students have to cook dinner by themselves

C.parents in a host family should have full﹣time jobs

D.teens in host families can experience different cultures

(3)The text above is probably a   





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Coffee Pot Restaurant

    We're looking for Saturday assistants(帮手)in our busy town centre restaurant.The job will include setting and clearing tables,serving customers and helping in the kitchen.We′re looking for polite and patient people who can work under pressure.

Hours:10 am﹣4 pm including a half﹣hour lunch break

Pay:£5 an hour +lunch

Film Extras Wanted

    Have you ever wanted to be in the movies?Are you interested in acting?We′re making a film in the local area during July and August and we'll need several young people as extras(临时演员).

We′re looking for active and social 14﹣18﹣year﹣olds.

Pay:£50 a day+meals

Please include a recent photograph in your application.

Newspaper Boys/Girls

    We′re looking for honest young people to deliver (投递)newspapers and magazines,We need one person for morning deliveries(7﹣8)and two people for evening deliveries(5﹣6).You must be at least 13 years old and have your own bicycle.For morning deliveries you need to be good at getting up early,too!

Pay:£30 a week

When you apply(申请),please say whether you prefer mornings or evenings.


    Shop′n′ Save Supermarket needs two young people (14﹣18)for evening and weekend work.The job includes helping customers,putting things on the shelves,collecting trolleys,etc.

Hours:5﹣7 evenings or 10﹣5 Saturdays and Sundays.

Pay:£4 an hour and free lunch for weekend hours

(1)To be a film extra,one has to be  

A.polite an patient.

B.active and social.

C.honest and strong.

D.helpful and careful.

(2)A part﹣time assistant at Shop′n′Save Supermarket needs to  

A.set and clear tables.

B.provide a photo.

C.deliver newspapers.

D.help customers.

(3)If 13﹣year﹣old Tom is free from 5: 00 pm to 7:00 pm, which job can he apply for  

A.A restaurant assistant.

B.A film extra.

C.A newspaper boy.

D.A supermarket assistant.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


◇full time

◇study on the Internet


◇of all ages

◇a gap year before college study


◇ By AI


◇over 30 course to choose from

◇more than 10 languages



◇all sides

◇different kinds

(1)What can students get before college study?  

A.30 courses.

B.Al robots.

C.A gap year.

(2)How many points does the form mention?  




(3)What can be the best title for the form?  

A.Future Schools of China.

B.Future Exams of China.

C.Future Students of China.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)How many times should the basketball players eat fruit?  




(2)This picture mainly introduces the ways of  

A.becoming strong



  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)If you are accepted as part of the audience by EZ Comedy Club, you can  

A. perform there

B. watch a live show

C. record your own comedies

(2)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the poster(海报)?  

A. The host of the show.

B. The way to join the audience.

C. Recording time and location.

(3)We can infer(推断)from the poster that the show could be  

A. very serious

B. quite funny

C. kind of boring

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)The Yum Restaurant stays open for   in total.

A.two hours

B.three hours

C.five hours

(2)From the menu above, we know that  

A.bread and butter goes with starters

B.there are four kinds of different ice cream

C.the desserts are available for both lunch and dinner

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
