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Recently, a designer in Hong Kong has invented a special book that can transform (变形) into a piece of furniture. The special book is called Bookniture. It can be unfolded to become a chair or a small table. People can either carry it around for a portable (轻便的) chair or can store it in their homes to use as extra furniture.

    The book was designed by Mike Mak. He came up with the idea after never having enough seats for his friends in his home in Hong Kong.

    "I love having friends at my place, but I have never had enough seats for everyone﹣we would always end up with just sitting on the floor. 1really want a seat that doesn't take up any floor space when I don't need it. One day, the empty space on my bookcase drew my attention. Then came the new idea﹣Bookniture, furniture hidden in a book," said the 30﹣year﹣old designer.

    Made from fully﹣recyclable kraft paper (牛皮纸) , the book measures 33 cm by 18 cm. It expands (扩大) to 14 times bigger once it's opened, and can support up1,000 kg of weight. It comes in two colors, brown and black, and can be bought for between £55 and £57.

(1)The book is special because  

A. it can be used as a bag to carry things

B. it is made from recyclable plastic

C. it can transform into a chair or a table

(2)Paragraph 3 is about  

A. how Mike came up with the idea

B. who designed Bookniture

C. what Bookniture looks like

(3)What information can we learn about Bookinirure from the last paragraph?  






A. ①②③④

B. ①②④⑤

C. ②③④⑤

(4)What can be the best title for this passage?  

A. Bookniture.

B. Furniture.

C. Mike Mak.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On April 2, we said goodbye to Tiangong I, China's first space lab. According to the China Manned Space Agency (中国载人航天), Tiangong I re﹣entered the Earth's atmosphere (大气层) and some of its debris (碎片) fell into the South Pacific Ocean.

    There are many spacecraft (宇宙飞船) that are still in orbit (轨道) above the Earth. After finishing their trips, they will all re﹣enter the Earth's atmosphere like Tiangong I.

    There are two types of re﹣entries: controlled re﹣entry and uncontrolled re﹣entry.

    Some satellites and manned spacecraft come back to the Earth in a controlled re﹣entry. Experts calculate (计算) the path of the falling spacecraft and its speed. Thy can guide the spacecraft to fall in a chosen area.

    Some spacecraft may have problems while in space after a certain amount of time. These spacecraft come back in an uncontrolled re﹣entry. It is hard to tell when and where these spacecraft will fall until the last few hours. The US space station Skylab came back partially uncontrolled in 1979. Parts of the station fell in western Australia, but no one was hurt.

    During re﹣entry, most of the spacecraft will burn up while passing through the Earth's atmosphere. Only a small amount of the debris will reach the ground. The debris typically ends up falling into the ocean, China Daily reported.

(1)The debris from Tiangong I  

A. fell into the South Pacific Ocean

B. fell in western Australia

C. fell in the central part of the US

D. fell into the North Pacific Ocean

(2)When the spacecraft finishes its trip, it will  

A. burn up and disappear

B. speed up and fly back to the Earth

C. enter another orbit and stay in space

D. re﹣enter the Earth's atmosphere

(3)From the passage, we know there are  types of re﹣entries.

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

(4)Which of the following is TRUE about the US space station Skylab?  

A. It came back in a controlled re﹣entry.

B. Some people were hurt by its debris.

C. Parts of it fell in western Australia.

D. It was directed to fall into the ocean.

(5)This story most probably comes from  

A. a story book

B. a movie review

C. a science magazine

D. a government report

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Food waste is a world's problem. Every year, about 1.3billion tons, or one﹣third of all the food produced is thrown away, according to a survey. Using just 25percent of that wasted food could feed 870million hungry people, which would end world hunger. The people of France wasted 234pounds(磅:重量单位) of food per person, which is much better than some other countries. In the past, France wasn't good at controlling food waste, but now the country takes the lead.

    A law was made by French government. It made France the first country in the world to prevent supermarkets from throwing away unused food. Now supermarkets of a certain size must donate unused food, or they will face a fine. There are other rules requiring schools to teach students about food sustainability (可持续性). They also ask companies to report the food waste numbers in their environmental reports. And restaurants should provide take﹣out bags.

    "These laws make it a standard to reduce waste." says Marie Mourad, a student in Paris who has written several reports on French food waste. "France is not the country that wastes the least food, but Frenchmen have become the most active because they want to be the example in Europe."

    "Preventing supermarkets from throwing away food means a lot," says Jonathan Bloom, a famous writer. "This step has influenced parts of French food industry."

    It is everyone's duty to fight against food waste. Everyone should pay attention and take action.


Food waste is a problem around the world.Every year,if people used just a (1)  of that wasted food,the world hunger would end. In the past,France didn't do well in controlling food waste, but now the country has taken the lead.

French(2)  action

A law was made to reduce food waste.

•Supermarkets of a certain size must donate unused food,or they will be (3)  

•Schools should teach students about food sustainability.

•Companies are required to report the food waste numbers.

•Restaurants should offer take﹣out bags to customers.

People's voices

Marie, a student

•The law against food waste works. Other European countries can learn from France.

Jonathan a writer

•It's(4)   to prevent supermarkets from throwing away food.French food industry has been influenced as well.

The writer's


Everyone's effort (5)  ﹣everyone should take an active part in fighting against food waste.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When Dr. Karen McComb came to Amboseli Park, her first task was to learn the names of the one hundred or so elephants most often seen.

    Scientists working in the park have learned to study elephants by watching them up close. They have a list of almost one thousand elephants. There are records for all of the elephants born since 1972. Amboseli was a good place for Dr. McComb to study animal communications. Elephants were a great subject because their lifestyle depends on communication.

    Dr. McComb and her team had learned a lot about elephant communication, but they kept on thinking about one puzzling (困惑的) watch. Some families were better at distinguishing (区别) calls of friends from those of strangers.

    What made some families smarter than others? The scientists searched their records for an explanation. To their surprise, there was only one factor (因素) of importance: The "smartest" families always had the oldest grandmothers. A family, as it did in all other activities, waited for some signal (信号) from the grandmother when they heard a strange contact call. And older, more experienced grandmothers were better at telling whether other elephants were strangers or friends just by their calls.

    That was an important discovery. It showed how an elephant family depends on the experience of the grandmother.


(1)How do scientists working in the park study elephants?  

(2)What did Dr. McComb study?  

(3)What did Dr. McComb and her team do for an explanation?  

(4)Who does everyone in elephant families listen to?  

(5)What does an elephant family depend on in all the activities?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In 2017, when the high speed train,Fuxing, left Beijing for shanghai at a speed of 350 km/h, it amazed the world. It is China's newest high﹣speed train and also the fastest train in the world.

    There were 2,959 high﹣speed trains running across China by 2016. They make up 60 percent of the world's total high﹣ speed trains. Chinese companies have also built more than 10 high﹣speed railways in Europe, Southeast Asia and South America. And the high speed trains has become a new name card for China.

    Besides the high﹣speed trains, many other innovations(创新)have also changed people's lives in China.

For example, though bike sharing is not new itself , China has made it much more convenient and popular. When the Chinese bike sharing companies reached Singapore and Britain months ago, users there excited and couldn't wait to post photos of themselves riding the bikes on social media(媒体).

    Cashless payment has become a lifestyle choice in China. It is common that people in China go shopping with no cash(现金)in pockets. Many people just pay with their bile phones by scanning a quick respond code(QR, 二维码)from the seller. Even a person selling vegetables has a QR code.

    Many foreigners have experienced lives without carrying any cash in China. They say they can't do it when they are back home in Europe.

    China is now in a great time. It has made great achievements in innovation They are true pictures of national strength. It seems that China is really leading in some ways. And Chinese people have every reason to believe in an even brighter future.

(1)How many examples are mentioned to show China's achievement in innovation according to the passage?  

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

(2)The underlined word "it" means  

A. living in China

B. buying things without carrying any cash

C. having QR codes

D. making enough money by working hard

(3)The best title for the passage might be  

A. China loads in innovation

B. Science develops very quickly

C. China faces many chances

D. Science catches the world's attention

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hangzhou won its bid(申办) for the 2022Aian Games on September 16 th, 2015. It will be the third time that the Games are held in a Chinese city after Beijing in 1990and Guangzhou in 2010.

   The well﹣known capital city of Zhejiang Province in the southeast part of the country has a population of 8.9million. It is a beautiful city with a long history and it has been developing rapidly in recent years. Hosting the Asian Games will give the city another chance to grow.

   "We have seen here the strong wish and the great effort of Hangzhou to host the19th Asian Games," The OCA(亚奥理事会) president praised.

   The Games are set to include 36to 40sports. Thirty venues (场馆) have already been completed, while several others are still being built and will be put into use on year before the Games. The Asian Games will be held from September 10 to 25, when the temperature is around 20 0C.

   "There is no doubt that the event will attract more visitors to experience the beauty and charm of this amazing city. At the same time, more roads will be built and the underground will be added, reducing heavy traffic. But the best part is that it will give us the chance to watch world﹣class competitions close to our homes." Shao Lin, a local people, told the reporter excitedly.

   With the Asian Games in Hangzhou in September and the World Cup in Qatar(卡塔尔) in November, 2022will be an exciting year for Asians, especially Chinese sports fans.

   Hangzhou is trying its best to get ready for the big sports show.Hangzhou is waiting to see you in 2022.


(1)In which province will the 2022Asian Game be held?


(2)How many Chinese cities have already held the Asian Game so far?


(3)Why will Hangzhou Asian Games be held in middle September?


(4)What is the best about Hangzhou Asian Games for Shao Lin?


(5)In which year will the World Cup be held in Qatar?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


This is such a heart﹣warming piece of news in the cold winter. Some days ago, the temperature was only ﹣6℃ in Kaifeng, Henan. Someone ordered 50 cups of warm porridge(粥) through Meituan App and noted " Please give the porridge to those sanitation(环卫) workers who are clearing snow on the road nearby and those delivery(递送) men who are delivering food. "When the porridge shop owner received the order, he was moved by the note and provided 60 cups.

The story didn′t end here. As soon as the food delivery man got the big order,he shared it with his workmates so that they could also get paid. Finally, Meituan returned the money to the porridge buyer, Mr. Zhang and gave him a reward of ¥500. Although he had to raise his newly﹣ born baby and pay for his

house every month, Mr. Zhang said he would surely continue delivering love.

The kind help also encouraged many other citizens in Kaifeng.This summer,volunteers are sending cool drinks everyday.

Similar stories have happened in many other places in China. Outdoor workers in different cities are able to enjoy free and caring help. Lots of "love posts"are providing "coolness"in hot summer and"warmth"in cold winter. Just as a citizen of Kaifeng said,"I feel deeply moved and warm in heart."

In fact, we get love and give love every day. Love delivery makes our life better and more beautiful.


(1)What did Mr. Zhang order through Meituan App?  

(2)How many cups of porridge did the shop owner provide?  

(3)What did the delivery man do when he got the big order?  

(4)Was Mr. Zhang rich?  

(5)How do you feel after reading this passage?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Summer is finally here for most of us. Sadly, summer is not so pleasant to people in a bit less lucky places, where air conditioning(空调) is not easy to get for most of them.

But as a saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way, especially for those who like doing it

yourself(DIY). A young man from Bangladesh(孟加拉国) designed an air conditioning system called the Eco Cooler, one that does not require power, and is made of the world's most common waste﹣plastic bottles.

The Eco Cooler is super simple to build﹣no special engineering skills are required. First, to fix it,

a window should be taken away and replaced(替代) by it. Second, a board should be cut into the size of a window. Some bottle﹣neck sized holes should then be cut onto the board. Then, the funnel﹣shaped(漏斗状) bottlenecks, cut from the plastic bottles, should be put into the holes.The next step is to fix the design onto the window frame(框) with the wider side facing outwards. And this is it.

The Eco Cooler then works by catching the winds and sending them inside the building. It can reduce the temperature of a room by as much as 5°C﹣a big difference when looking at comfortable 25°C compared to uncomfortable 30°C.

The idea of the inventor, Ashis Paul, was to show his great product to as many People as possible. For this purpose, he received help from some groups of volunteers. Together, they offered to help local people build and fix the units,as well as teach them how to make them themselves.

Yes, the Eco Cooler is not a super high﹣tech air conditioning system, but it is one that can make a

big difference.

(1)When building the Eco Cooler, we should pay special attention to  

A. the shape of the window

B. the direction of bottlenecks

C. the temperature of the outside

D. the weight of the board

(2)What can we learn from the passage?  

A. Ashis Paul is a clever inventor and a successful businessman.

B. An Eco Cooler can fix the room temperature to comfortable 25°C.

C. The new invention of Eco Cooler is friendly to the environment.

D. Local people will replace their air conditioner with an Eco Cooler.

(3)What's the best title of this passage?  

A. DIY air conditioning made from plastic bottles

B. Eco Cooler﹣﹣a super high﹣tech air conditioner

C. Why do we need an Eco Cooler in summer?

D. A strong﹣willed inventor and his DIY dream

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lots of students know what a marathon (马拉松赛跑) is, but perhaps they don't know what a triathlon is. The triathlon is a sport that has three parts ﹣ swimming, bicycling and running. It is not an easy sport, but a man named Joe Salter is very good at it. A few months ago, he finished a special triathlon ﹣ he juggled (抛起接住) three balls all the time during the triathlon. That is to say, he kept on throwing and catching three balls while he was swimming, riding a bicycle and running.

31﹣year﹣old Joe is from Florida, the USA. He loves juggling and he started at the age of 8. Joe did well in juggling. Later, he got the idea to do a triathlon and juggle at the same time to make it more fun. Many juggling fans laughed at his idea and thought it was just a joke. But Joe didn't give up and he kept practising it. Because of his hard work, he made it at last.

Talking about his triathlon, Joe said swimming was the hardest part. "lt was difficult and complex(复杂的)," he said. "I basically only used my legs, so it took quite a lot of work. Also, swimming in open water made it a little harder. It was not like in a pool."

(1)According to the writer, the common triathlon  

A. is a difficult sport

B. is more famous than the marathon

C. includes the three parts and juggling

D. includes the marathon and swimming

(2)Joe's triathlon was special because   during the triathlon.

A. he picked up three balls

B. he played juggling

C. he carried his bicycle on his shoulder

D. he threw away all his balls

(3)Many juggling fans thought Joe's idea  

A. could not be realized

B. should not be laughed at

C. should be realized as soon as possible

D. could make triathlon more exciting

(4)The underlined part "made it" in the 2nd paragraph probably means  

A. forgot

B. failed

C. succeeded

D. left

(5)Swimming was the hardest part for Joe mainly because  

A. he swam in open water

B. his swimming skills were bad

C. he was very tired when swimming

D. he almost could only swim with his legs

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nowadays bike﹣sharing has been very popular in China.Mobike (摩拜单车) is one of the market leaders in the hike﹣sharing business.

What is Mobike?

   Mobike was founded in January,2015.It is supported by Tencent (腾讯).People in many cities,such as Beijing,Guangzhou,Jinan as well as Shanghai,have a chance of using the app (软件).The total number of Mobike app users is larger than that of any other bike﹣sharing app users.

                                     Who uses Mobike

   According to a survey,53.23% of the Mobike users are men,while 46.77% are women.73 Mobike is not only popular with young peoplebut also wins the hearts of the old It shows that retired men traveled the longest distances (距离) by shared bikes.

                                  Why do people use Mobike

Chinese people use Mobike for different reasons.Users can rent (租借) a bike at a low price,usually about one yuan an hour.It also offers people a better choice for short journeys in cities,especially when people can't find a bus or the underground to take.What's more,it's helpful in traffic.And the most important is that it can help improve the environment.

(1)When was Mobike founded?


(2)True or false.("T"代表正确,"F"代表错误)

According to the passage,Mobike app has the largest number of users among all the bike﹣sharing apps.


(3)Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


(4)Why do Chinese people use Mobike?(At least 2 reasons.)


(5)Give a proper title (题目) to the passage.


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


One news story is about men pretending(假装) to be women to enter the women's events in modern Olympics.People are arguing(争论)about how fair it is to test women athletes to make sure they are not men.One side argues that men are stronger,so will win any women's event.They say that athletes are tested to make sure they are not using drugs and more importantly,women should be tested to make sure they are not men.The other side argues that this is unfair to women.They say skill is more important than strength.But has this ever really happened?The answer is yes,several times! The most famous case is that of Dora in 1936Olympics.

The 1936Olympics took place in Berlin,Germany,three years after the Nazis came to power.The Nazis wanted to win lots of events at the Olympics.But they had wrong ideas about race(种族).They did not want black or Jewish people in the Germany team.But many of their best athletes were Jewish.The Nazis thought they might lose was the women's high jump.So the Nazis sent a male athlete,Hermann Ratjen,to compete under the name of "Dora".Did he get the gold metal?No.Dora came fourth.The winner was a young Jewish women from Hungary.She jumped 1.60metres.Dora only jumped 1.58metres.

How fair is it to(59)  women athletes to make sure they are not men?

One side:women are(60)  ,so men will win any women's event.

All athletes,especially(61)  ,should be tested.

The other side:strength is not so(62)  as skill.

The most famous case…

"Dora" in 1936Olympics,which were(63)  ,in Berlin,Germany.

Background:because of Nazis'(64)  idea about race,black and

Jewish athletes were kept out of the German team,which might lead to the(65)  ,of some events.

The case:the Nazis sent 'Dora',a man,to compete in the women's(66)  jump.Dora finished(67)  .The winner was a young Jewish woman from Hungary.

Conclusion:Men do not always(68)  !

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On May 1,a wildfire started in a forest near the Alberta town of Fort McMurray in Canada.Within two days,the fire grew larger and the people who lived in Fort McMurray had to leave their homes.While there have been very few people injured (伤害))by the large fire itself,it has been harmful to the community.

Canadians in other places have been helping by sending money and donations to the Red Cross.Many people in Alberta have taken in people from Fort McMurray,letting them stay in their homes for free until the fire is put out.Many firefighters are needed to fight the fire and some of them have come from other parts of Canada to help.The brave firefighters were able to save 25,000homes as well as the hospital and all of the town's schools,according to CBC news.

There have been thousands of other acts of kindness towards the people of Fort McMurray.Some musicians,such as Great Big Sea's Alan Doyle,are holding special concerts,with the money going to Fort McMurray people.And companies have been helping,as well.Beer﹣maker Labatt filled thousands of cans with water﹣instead of beer﹣and sent them to the people in Fort McMurray.

The fire is huge,spreading over more than 229,000hectares (公顷),but firefighters say they believe they are starting to get it under control﹣it is becoming smaller instead of spreading.

18.How many people have been injured by the large fire itself?  


B.Very few.



19.In this passage,the underlined word"donations"means  





20.What did beer﹣maker Labatt do for the people in Fort McMurray?  

A.He sent money to the people in Fort McMurray.

B.He held a concert and gave the money to the people in Fort McMurray.

C.He took in people from Fort McMurray and let them stay in his home for free.

D.He filled thousands of cans with water and sent them to the people in Fort McMurray.

21.What is the passage mainly about?  

A.A big fire in Fort McMurray of Canada.

B.The people in Fort McMurray of Canada.

C.The firefighters in Fort McMurray of Canada.

D.The musicians in Fort McMurray of Canada.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Running away is a serious problem.There are lots of runaway and homeless kids living in the streets around the world.


★Some kids run away because they have problems with their families.

★Some kids run away because they're afraid to tell their parents the bad things that they did at school or in society.

★Some kids run away because there is violence(暴力)in the family.

★Some kids run away because their parents divorce(离婚)or marry again.

★Some kids run away because they have problems at school.

What will you do if your friend wants to run away from home?

If your friend is thinking about running away,tell him or her that it is difficult to survive(幸存)in the streets.Try to help your friend feel less alone.

Whatever the problem isthere are other ways to solve itMaybe you can't think of the ways right now,but an adult(成年人)will know how to help you.You should tell an adult that your friend plans to run away as soon as possible.Being a real friend doesn't mean keeping a secret that may hurt someone.And running away isn't a solution(解决方法)for either of you.It only makes more problems and danger.



Kids run away because of many reasons.How many reasons are connected with their schools?




If a secret may hurt someone,you shouldn't keep it even though you're someone's real friend.  


What does the underlined word"It"in the last sentence refer to(指的是)?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the future, people may travel to Mars (火星) by water﹣powered spaceship! Today's spaceships are fine for getting things into space, but they are not so good at travelling long distances. These spaceships burn chemical fuels (燃料), and they are very expensive. Scientists say that a water﹣powered spaceship could make the trip to Mars much cheaper. The idea is just in the planning stages now, but scientists think such a spaceship could be developed soon.

    The key to the water﹣powered spaceship is the engine (发动机). Regular engines push spaceships by burning fuel. The water engine will use steam, created by solar panels (太阳能板) that heat water to a high temperature. Of course, the spaceship will have to carry a lot of water for the long trip to Mars. Today's spaceships could not carry that much water.But scientists think that a spaceship blown up like a balloon will be able to

    One US company has already developed a spaceship like this. These spaceships are made of a strong material. Two of them have already been sent up into space, using rockets and then later filled with air."Balloon" spaceships could be very large and carry enough water for a long trip. With the "Balloon" spaceships, enough water could be carried to power the engines and grow food during the trip. And the people on the spaceship might even get to take a hot bath!

    Scientists say the biggest advantage of such a spaceship would be cost. The "Balloon" spaceship uses water to push it through space and costs about one thirtieth of a normal spaceship. Such savings naturally encourage continued research into balloon spaceships and w after engines. If these scientists are correct, we may soon be on our way to Mars in a spaceship powered by water.

(1)Which sentence best describes the main idea of the passage above?  

A. The key to the water﹣powered spaceship is the engine.

B. In the future, people may travel to Mars by water powered spaceship.

C. One US company has already developed a spaceship like this.

D. Scientists say the biggest advantage of such a spaceship would be cost.

(2)What do you think is omitted(省略) at the end of the underlined sentence?  

A. use steam

B. push spaceships

C. heat water

D. carry that much water

(3)Besides growing food, what else might astronauts do with the rest of the water?  

A. Take a hot bath.

B. Freeze dangerous things.

C. Blow up a balloon.

D. Change the surface of Mars.

(4)On which website can we probably read this passage?  

A. www.freedictionary.com/power

B. www.mooc.cn/music

C. www.chinadaily com. cn/culture

D. www.space. com/spaceflight

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Robots Are Now Teaching English!

    Get ready. Robots are about to invade our classroom. From Korea to Japan to the United States, schools are putting English﹣speaking robots in front of their students. In Korea, robots are the new teaching assistants in a number of preschools and kindergartens. The young students say that the robots are fun, but are these children really learning anything?

    I don't think a computer will ever be able to do what a teacher does. A teacher has to be able to respond to students as individuals (个体).__▲__and a teacher has to change his or her teaching style to fit the needs of the student. I seriously doubt that a computer will ever be able to do this even though the big data (数据)is widely used in the world.

4 Comments on "Robots Are Now Teaching English!"

Sara says:

    In my opinion, schools should spend money training human teachers rather than buying robots. Research shows that children learn more from real speakers than from recorded conversations.

Keiko says:

    I don't think you can learn a language without real human interaction.After all, robots cannot think as humans do.

Hassan says:

    Robots might be able to help people lean a language, but I don't think they should replace teachers because robots are just machines without human feelings.

Nancy says:

    I think robots might be very helpful in the classroom. A child might be less afraid to make a mistake in front of a robot than in front of a real person.

Add a comment

(1)The underlined word "invade" in Para.1 probably means   

A. enter

B. leave

C. accept

D. fight

(2)Which of the following can be best put in___▲___in Para. 2?  

A. Each teacher is different

B. Each student is different

C. AIl teachers are helpful

D. All students are fun

(3)Of the 4 comments,  thinks that robots could give lots of help to learners in class.

A. Sara

B. Keiko

C. Hassan

D. Nancy

(4)What's the writer's attitude (态度)towards robots' teaching English?  

A. Uncaring.

B. Supportive.

C. Doubtful.

D. Agreeable.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
