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China's Foreign Minister Mr.Wang Yi highly praised Edgar Snow (1905﹣1972),a reporter from America on March 7 this year during the National People's Congress in Beijing.He said Snow was always "staying truthful and objective(客观的)and standing by justice (正义) and conscience (良心).

Snow came to China in 1928.He spent over 10 years in China trying to understand its people and showing what he learned to the rest of the world.He is best known for his books and articles on Communism (共产 主义)in China and the Chinese Communist Revolution (革命).For example,Red Star Over China,which came out in the 1930s,is known as the first book that introduced China's revolution to the west.In it,Snow collected first hand information on the Long March,as well as on the work and life of members of the Communist Party of China.

Many westerners were introduced to the Party through his book.Norman Bethune,a Canadian doctor,came to China after reading Snow's book.He worked hard to save the lives of Chinese soldiers during World War II.

" When the whole world had forgotten us,Snow came to see us and told the world what had happened.We will remember Snow's great help to China forever, " Chairman Mao said during the interview with a German reporter in 1938.

Snow's spirit is not only needed now,but also in the future.No matter what era(时代)it is,people all over the world always need some connection,as well as understanding and help from each other.

(1)Edgar Snow was        .


an American reporter


a German writer


an English educator


a Canadian doctor

(2)Snow's book Red Star Over China       .


came out in 1928


took him more than 10 years to finish


was the first to introduce China to the west


included information about the Long March

(3)Norman Bethune came to work in China because    .


he wanted to learn about Chinese revolution


he was influenced greatly by Snow's book


he was invited by Edgar Snow


he planned to write a book on World War II

(4)The best title for this passage is        .


Edgar Snow's work and spirit


Edgar Snow's life experience


Those who offered help to China


Books on the Chinese Communist Revolution

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    An 11﹣year﹣old blind girl is proud of walking alone every day to and from school.Why? She has to walk past so many barriers (障碍物) in her way.The girl's home is near the school,yet her mother follows her without letting her know.

    The case of the girl shows the barrier﹣free facilities (设施) are not enough in her city. Many other cities are short of barrier﹣free facilities as well. There's no well﹣designed path for the blind. In fact. in the early 2000s, some cities started to build barrier﹣free facilities for disabled people. However,almost 20 years later, only a few large cities have had facilities of high quality.

    It's common that sidewalks are taken up with barriers. Few workers are sent to move them away, so it's dangerous for the blind to walk on them. Also, some other barrier﹣free facilities are badly destroyed(毁坏). Only a few workers are assigned (分配) to do the task of repairing the broken ones.

    Some ideas can make a difference﹣build more barrier﹣free facilities and employ more of them require money. In a word, more money is needed to carry on with the work. It's our duty to make life easy for disabled people, so that they can live without barriers some day.

阅读以上信息, 用恰当的单词完成下面的表格, 每空一词.


●A blind girl feels proud that she walks alone to alone from school every day.

●The mother is unsure of her daughter's safety, so she always follows her and keeps it (1)  


Barrier﹣free facilities are not enough, (3)  are the workers.

●About facilities

◇ Twenty years ago, some barrier﹣free facilities were built.

◇ Now, most cities are short of facilities of high quality (4)  several

large cities.

●About workers

◇ Barriers on sidewalks aren't moved away in time.

◇ Broken facilities aren't repaired sometimes.


●More money is needed to help the disabled live as (5)   as common people.

◇ Build more barrier﹣free facilities.

◇ Employ more workers to protect them.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    From tiny seeds(种子), great discoveries grow. A mini﹣garden carried on China's Chang'e 4 moon lander recently became home to the first plant to grow on another world.

    This is yet another success for Chang'e 4. On January 2, the probe(探测器)became the first lander to touch down on the far side of the moon. This is the unknown face of the moon that is always looking away from us, so we never see it from down here on the earth. Although it is often regarded as the dark side of the moon, the far side actually gets as much sunshine as the near side. For example, when all we can see is a silver of a new moon, the far side of the moon is in full sunlight.

    Part of Chang'e 4's mission(使命)is to see how a moon base could be built for humans, including exploring(探索)whether humans could grow food and other plant products there. Chang'e 4 carried a mini﹣garden with air, water and soil with seeds planted in it. When plants shoot on the earth, their stems grow away from the gravity(the force that keeps your feet on the ground),and so they always shoot upwards.The moon's gravity is a sixth as strong as the earth's, so Chang'e 4's experiment was a test:would the earth plants know which way was up on the moon? Four days after landing, a tiny cotton shoot showed that they do.

    Night has now fallen on the far side of the moon; sunlight will not return until the start of February.As a result, the cotton shoots died. Besides the darkness, the plants can't stand the cold(it can drop to ﹣170C on the moon at night). However, the experiment is a success, since it has proved that it is possible for plants to grow in space.

(1)The text is mainly about  

A. another success for Chang'e 4

B. Chang'e 4 moon lander

C. tiny seeds in the soil

D. the steps of an experiment

(2)Which of the following is TRUE about Chang'e 4?  

A. It carried a mini﹣garden.

B. It landed on the near side of the moon.

C. It explored the moon base.

D. It found plants on the moon.

(3)From the text we can know that  

A. the far side of the moon gets less sunlight

B. we can see the far side of the moon from the earth

C. the stems fail to grow away from the earth's gravity

D. the earth plants know the way to grow on the moon

(4)What can be inferred(推理)from the text?  

A. Plants can be grown on the moon soon.

B. It is perfect to do experiments on the moon.

C. The cotton shoots can last days on the moon.

D. We can see a new moon at the start of February.

(5)In which section of a magazine can you read the text?  

A. Health and sport.

B. History and culture.

C. Science and technology.

D. Population and environment.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Interview with Andy Griffiths

     Andy Griffiths is well known as a writer of children's books. Here are some interesting things, you might not know about him!

     What do you like to do after a long day of writing?

     I go for long runs and bike rides beside the beach. An hour of exercise after a long day of writing gives me energy. Then I'm ready to write some more.

     Do you write using a computer or by hand?

     At first I write the stories by hand, and then I transfer(转录)them onto a computer. I like to write by hand when T travel. T find it very easy to lose myself in my diary when I am away from my usual activities.

     What super power would you like to have?

     X﹣ray vision(影像)if I can control it.

     What is your favourite food?

     Fro never happier than when I'm drinking banana milkshakes. And I love fish. But I don't like drinking fish milkshakes ﹣ they are just terrible!

     What is your favourite book?

     Alice in Wonderland. It has so many surprises and such silliness in it.

     Do you write for adults too?

     Only if I really have to. T much prefer the freedom and fun of writing for children.

     What do you say to kids who say, "Why should I read?"

     As Dr. Seuss says. "The more you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go."

(1)What is Andy's job?  

(2)What do you think of Andy?  

(3)Do you want to be a person like Andy? Why or why not?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

After opening a free online Harry Potter center in April,British writer J K.Rowling brings even more good news.

In May,Rowling started writing a new story called The Ickabog,which was free to read online to help amuse people who stayed at home because of COVID﹣19.

The new story centers around a monster (怪物)known as the Ickabog,a fiercechild﹣eating monster who lives in the northern tip of an imaginary land known as Cornucopia and has super powers.

Though the book is written for children,it is also fascinating to adults.It talks about many things,such as weak leadership,and suppression (镇压)of disagreement.

   "The Ickabog is a story about truth and the abuse (滥用)of power," Rowling wrote on the website."The themes are timeless and could be used in any era or any country."

Rowling put the first two chapters online on May 26,with daily writing to follow until July 10.

She is also panning 10 publish (出版)the book in print later this year and then give away the money from its sales to projects and organizations helping the groups most influenced by COVID﹣19.

(1)When did Rowling begin writing the new story The Ickabog online?    


In April.


In May.


In June.


In July.

(2)What does the underlined word "fierce" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?    









(3)Which theme is mentioned in the story The Iekabog?    




Good leadership.


The abuse of power.


Working together.

(4)How did Rowling finish The Ickabog?    


She finished the whole story in one go.


She wrote part of it every day online.


She printed the story by herself.


She told the whole story twice.

(5)From the end of the passage,we can most probably learn Rowling is       .









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mike Isaac and I are reporters of Student Daily. For the topics of our newspaper next month we visited Sunshine Elementary School on May 10. We interviewed some students and here is what they said.

(1)What did Mike Isaac and the writer visit Sunshine Elementary School for?  

A.For environment protection.

B.For wildlife protection.

C.For good manners in school.

D.For topics of the newspaper.

(2)What may cause people to be mad at one another in Andrew Vargas's opinion?  

A.Losing more oxygen.

B.Speaking in a loud voice.

C.Cutting down more trees.

D.Hunting tigers for medicine.

(3)Who talked about health?  

A.Joslyn Frace.

B.Jayden Mitchell.

C.Andrew Vargas.

D.Joseph Truong.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How do you usually celebrate your birthday?Playing a soccer game may not be your first choice.But Lu Han,the former EXO singer,did just that and showed has an unusual side of him.

Lu Han celebrated his 25th birthday by playing a soccer game with players from Beijing No.47High School on April 19th in Beijing,a day before his birthday.He scored three goals in the game.

Lu Han has often shown on Weibo that he is a big soccer fan and his favorite soccer team is Manchester United.He said more than once that he used to dream of becoming a professional soccer player.

So what was Lu Han's performance like on the pitch(球场)?Fan Zhiyi,the former captain of the Chinese national soccer team,played with Lu Han in a friendly match in 2013.He thought that Lu Han is a top amateur(业余)player.


(1)Lu Han celebrated his 25th birthday by playing  

A.a soccer game

B.a basketball game

C.a tennis game

D.a volleyball game.

(2)When is Lu Han's birthday?  

A.On April 18th.

B.On April 19th.

C.On April 20th.

D.On April 25th.

(3)How many goals did Lu Han score in the game against Beijing NO.47High School.  





(4)Where does Lu Han show that he is a big soccer fan?  

A.On QQ.

B.On Weibo.

C.On Wechat

D.On Facebook.

(5)What's the best title of the passage?  

A.A Famous Writer.

B.A Professional Soccer Player

C.A Popular Singer

D.A Super Soccer﹣lover.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Researchers in the 1960s found bilingual (双语的)people scored higher on intelligence (智力)tests than monolinguals﹣﹣people who speak only one language. The latest studies show that being bilingual does not necessarily make people cleverer, but it probably does make you better at certain skills.

    Imagine driving down the highway. There're many things that could attract your attention and you really need to be able to watch all of them. Why would bilingualism make you any better at that?

    The answer is that bilingual people are often better at controlling their attention﹣a function (功能)called the executive control system. It's quite possibly the most important system we have because it's where all of your decisions about what to attend to, what to ignore(忽视),what to process are made.

    The best method to measure(测量) the executive control system is called the Stroop Test. Suppose you would have the word "blue" written in red, but you have to say the colour red. But "blue" is so eye﹣ catching, and you really want to say"blue". You need to ignore it so that you can say the colour red. That's the Stroop Test.

    Bilingual people continually practice this function. They have to, because both languages are active in their brain at the same time. They need to ignore one to be able to speak in the other. This exercise might help in other ways, too. Researchers say bilingual children are more likely to have friends from different cultures. Bilingual adults are often four to five years later than others in developing Alzheimer's disease.

(1)What did the recent research find about bilingual people?  

A. They can safely drive their cars.

B. They can well manage their attention.

C. They can have a better control of imagination.

D. They can easily pick out the colours they want.

(2)What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refer to?  

A. Red.

B. Blue.

C. Test.

D. System.

(3)What can we learn from the last paragraph?  

A. Bilingualism may do harm to people's health.

B. Bilingualism helps children make more foreign friends.

C. People must practice speaking two languages continually.

D. People use more active words from their mother languages.

(4)What might be the best title for the text?  

A. How does the Stroop Test work?

B. What is executive control system?

C. Are monolingual people smarter?

D. Are bilingual people better at some skills?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ever wondered why your virtual(虚拟的)home helper doesn't understand your questions?Or why your navigation app took you on the side street instead of the highway?In a study published April 21st in the journal Science,Italian researchers,Arianna Pipitone and Antonio Chella,designed a robot that "thinks out loud".

To explore how inner speech might influence a robot's actions,the researchers built a robot called Pepper that speaks to itself.It has the ability to reason and think.They then asked people to set the dinner table with Pepper according to etiquette(礼仪)rules.In one experiment,the user asked Pepper to lay the napkin at the wrong place,going against the rules.Pepper started asking itself a series of self﹣directed questions and concluded that the user might be mistaken.To be sure,Pepper confirmed the user's order,which led to further inner speech.

"Ehm,this situation troubles me.I would never break the rules,but I can't make the user unhappy,so I'm doing what he wants," Pepper said to itself,laying the napkin where it was required to be.Through Pepper's inner voice,the user can learn Pepper was facing a difficult situation and solved it by prioritizingthe user's order.

Comparing Pepper's actions with and without inner speech,Pipitone and Chella discovered the robot had a higher task﹣completion rate when having self﹣dialogue.

However,some people find the robot spends more time completing tasks when it talks to itself.The robot's inner speech is also limited to the knowledge that researchers gave it.Pepper's designers still say their work provides a framework(构架)to further explore how self﹣dialogue can help robots focus,plan,and learn. "In some ways,we are creating a generational(世代的)robot that likes to chat.From navigation apps and the camera on your phone to medical robots in the operation rooms,machines and computers alike can take advantage of this chatty feature," says Chella.

(1)Why does the writer ask two questions at the very beginning of the passage?    


To draw the reader's attention to the topic.


To show the writer likes electronic products


To tell the reader about the history of robots.


To prove the writer often faces trouble in life.

(2)Why was Pepper asked to lay the napkin at the wrong place?    


To see how much time Pepper spent laying the napkin.


To confirm how popular Pepper was among its users.


To test how many etiquette rules Pepper remembered.


To study how self﹣dialogue might influence Pepper's actions.

(3)What does the underlined word "prioritizing" in Paragraph 3 mean?    




dealing with…first.


going against.


complaining about.

(4)What can we infer from the passage?    


The designers are proud of their work about Pepper.


Pepper has already been in use in the operation rooms.


Pepper's inner speech depends on its user's communication skills.


With or without inner speech,Pepper could complete a task equally well.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

China has named the nation's first Mars rover(火星车)Zhu Rong.For all of us,Zhu Rong is a well﹣suited name.

In an ancient Chinese story,Zhu Rong had the face of a man and the body of an animal.He rode on two dragons.When he had a big fight with Gong Gong,the god of water,Zhu Rong won.But after the fight,the human world came into complete darkness.Then he brought fire from heaven(天国)to the world.

"Zhu Rong is regarded as the earliest god of fire in traditional Chinese culture," a space official said. "The first Mars rover was named Zhu Rong.The name symbolizes(象征)light and hope for space exploration(探索)in our country,and means to guide humans to continue exploration."

After leaving the earth last summer,Zhu Rong circled Mars for several months and landed on it in May.In recent years,our country has sent up the world's first quantum satellite(量子卫星),and Chang'e﹣4 has made a soft landing on the moon.We have made great progress in space technology and will soon start building our own space station.

(1)What Zhu Rong brought from heaven to the world was      .









(2)For China's space exploration,the name Zhu Rong symbolizes       .


a big fight


complete darkness


light and hope


Chinese culture

(3)The underlined word "it" in the last paragraph refers to"    "


the earth




the moon


the sun

(4)According to the passage,we can infer that       .


Zhu Rong is a bad person in an ancient Chinese story


China has made great progress in space technology


the writer is proud of China's space technology


the official doesn't like the name Zhu Rong

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The first emperor of China,Qin Shihuang,completed a huge number of projects during his rule.Between 221 and 210 B.C.,he started the building of the Great Wall.The emperor also ordered the building of a huge army of life﹣sized terracotta soldiers(士兵).These,he hoped,would protect his tomb after his death.

    Lost in Time

    The soldiers in Xi'an's terracotta museum are today light brown,but they weren't always.They began as an army of red,blue,yellow,green,white,and purple.Sadly,most of the colors did not last to the present day.After being exposed(暴露)to air during digging,the coating under the paint began to fall off.The paint disappeared in less time than it takes to boil an egg,taking away with it important pieces of history.

    New Technology

    Now new technology is starting to show the army's true colors.Archeologists(考古学家)have recently discovered an area with more than a hundred soldiers.Many of these still have their painted features,including black hair,pink faces,and black or brown eyes.Chinese and German researchers have developed a chemical liquid(液体)to help save the soldiers' colors.After finding a soldier or another art piece,archeologists put the liquid on it. They then cover it in plastic.

    Back to Life

    Archeologists are also finding colors in the dirt around the soldiers.It's important not to do anything with the dirt,so the colors won't be lost. "We are treating the dirt as an art piece, "says Rong Bo,the museum's leading archeologist.The next challenge,says Rong Bo,is to find a way to use the colors onto the army﹣again.Once that happens,artists can bring Emperor Qin's army back to its full,bright colors.

(1)What is the passage mainly about?    

A.The death of Emperor Qin Shihuang.

B.How the terracotta army was colored.

C.The true colors of the terracotta soldiers.

D.How the soldiers lived during Qin Dynasty.

(2)What does the underlined word "They" in the passage refer to?    





(3)Which statement would Rong Bo probably agree?    

A.The soldiers should stay in their present,brown color.

B.People should try to bring back the army's bright colors.

C.Archeologists can only guess at the soldiers' true colors.

D.Artists should be able to paint the soldiers in colors they want.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever imagined the life in space?The following will show you the astronauts' daily life.

• Eating in space

   If you go camping for more than a week with some friends,you will make sure you have plenty of foods and keep them properly.At the end of your camping trip,you would deal with your rubbish properly before the ride home.

   Astronauts almost do the same thing when they go to space.Preparation changes with the food type.Some foods can be eaten in their natural forms,such as chocolate cakes and fruits.Other foods require adding water,such as cheese.Of course,an oven is provided at the space station to heat the food.But there are no fridges,so space food must be kept properly.

• Sleeping in space

   After a long day at work,nothing is better than a good night's sleep!Just like on the earth,in space astronauts go to bed at a certain time,then get up and prepare for work again.When going to sleep,they have to attachthemselves,so they don't float (漂浮) around or hit their bodies against something.They usually use sleeping bags located in small crew cabins (乘员舱).Each crew cabin is just big enough for one person.Generally,astronauts have an eight﹣hour sleep each day when they finish their task.

• Doing sports in space

   Exercise is an important part of every astronaut's daily life to prevent muscle loss (肌肉萎缩).Usually,astronauts exercise two hours every day.Lifting 200 pounds on the earth may be a lot of work.But lifting that same object in space would be much easier.That means the things for exercise need to be specially designed,so astronauts can receive the exercise needed.

   Living in space is not just all work and no play.Astronauts have fun,too.They like to look out the window and play with their food.Fun plays an important role in the quality of their life.

(1)The writer starts to explain eating in space by    .


telling a story


asking a question


giving an example


comparing two facts

(2)What does the underlined word " attach" in Paragraph 4 mean?    









(3)It is much easier for people    in space than on the earth.


to fall asleep


to lift heavy things


to prevent muscle loss


to eat cold food

(4)In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?    





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Brightest Star in the Sky

Yuan Longping is one of the most famous scientists.He regards himself as a farmer because he does his research in the fields.In fact,his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body are just like those of millions of farmers.Dr.Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid (杂交性的) rice.In 1974,he became the first agricultural (农业的) pioneer in the word to grow rice hat has a high output(产量).This special rice makes it possible to produce one﹣third more of the crop in the same fields.Now more than 60% of the rice produced in China each year is from the hybrid rice strain (品种,种类).He was born in Beijing in 1930.Since he graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953,finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal.He searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding (扩大,增加) the area of the fields.

In a recent research,these increased harvests mean that 22% of the world's people are fed from just 7% of the farmland in China.India,Vietnam and many other less developed countries have planted super hybrid rice to increase their rice harvests.

Unluckily,he died on May 22,2021.Though he was ill in bed,he still cared about his rice in the fields.He always said,"A man is just like a seed.Please be a good seed." Yuan works for the people not only in China but also around the world.He has become a hero and is remembered in everyone's heart forever.He is called "the brightest star in the sky" by his students.

(1)What does Yuan Longping do?   


A farmer.


A pioneer.


A scientist.


A hero.

(2)Why does Yuan Longping call himself a farmer?    


Because of his sunburnt face and arms.


Because of his working place in the fields.


Because of his slim and strong body.


Because of his research of super hybrid wheat.

(3)Yuan Longping was   years old when he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world.









(4)According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?   


This special rice can produce about one third more than usual ones in the same fields.


60% of the rice output is from common strains.


7% of the world's people are fed by China.


The production from 22% of the farmland can't satisfy the need of China.

(5)What can we learn from him?   


Practice makes perfect.


When in Rome,do as the Romans do.


The early bird catches the worm.


Where there is a will,there is a way.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Internet is shaping our lives. We already have online shopping services and mobile payment. However, this is just a start. The worlds leading tech companies are planning to build smarter online communities. (1)   It was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang last year. The development of artificial intelligence(AI,人工智能) was a hot topic at the conference(会议). If a machine can learn and solve problems as humans do, it can be called AI.

    The company Alibaba uses AI technology in its unmanned supermarket in Wuzhen. There is no salesperson in the supermarket, just a tablet on a desk that says"please smile". (2)   The bigger your smile is, the more discounts(折扣) you will get. Payment is done automatically(自动地) through your Alipay(支付宝)account. When you first enter the supermarket, the supermarket's AI recognizes your face and your account.

    There is also AI that can read lips. (3)   It recognizes your mouth,s movements and turns them into voices or text messages. This could be very useful when you are trying to talk to someone on your phone in a noisy place. Police could also use the technology to help them find criminal suspects by lip﹣reading recordings from video cameras.

    (4)   Microsoft's chatbot Xiaolce can not only provide useful information, but also chat with people like a real friend. Xiaolce has a WeChat account. After following the account, users can start talking with her. (5)   She keeps improving herself by talking with users.

    These technologies are being put into wider use. We may see a smarter world and better lives in the near future.

A. She knows when to comfort you or tell jokes.

B. They discussed this at the World Internet Conference.

C. Sougou brought its lip﹣reading system to the conference.

D. If you smile, it will give you a special discount for your goods.

E. Another type of AI focuses on understanding human emotions.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Are you short﹣sighted? If you are, your parents might have tried to do something to fix it, such as having you get an eye massage(按摩), take medicine or even get surgery(手术). People who offer these services or products often say that they can reduce or even cure short sight.

    However, you will no longer see advertisements like this before long. The government has issued a notice to ban(禁止) businesses from using words like "recovery" or "short sight cure" in

their advertisements.

    The notice says that short sight cannot be completely cured with current medical technology. Therefore, these advertisements could mislead children and their parents.

    Young people can prevent and control short sight by spending more time outside and less time in front of books or computers. People who have sight problems should first go to a hospital and let a doctor decide what to do.

    More than 450 million Chinese have suffered from short sight since June 2018. Short sight rates are around 30 percent for primary school students, 60 percent for junior high school students and 80 percent for senior high school students. This is likely because students spend a lot of time reading books and using electronic devices.

    To reduce short sight among young people, the government made a new plan last August. The plan is designed to limit the amount of time children spend playing video games, as well as limit the production of new video games.

(1)Some people say that they can cure short sight to  

A. show off their high﹣leveled skills

B. sell more products and services

C. share their medical technology

D. prove that eye massages are useful

(2)Advertisements with the word "  " will be banned by the government.

A. recovery


C. short sight

D. surgery

(3)If you have a sight problem, you should   first.

A. get surgery

B. get an eye massage

C. take some medicine

D. ask a doctor for advice

(4)According to this passage, which group has the highest short sight rate?  

A. Primary school students.

B. Junior high school students.

C.Senior high school students.

D. College students.

(5)From the last two paragraphs, we can know that  

A. students should be stopped from using mobile phones

B. students in lower grades are more likely to get short sight

C. production of new video games will be limited

D.a law was made to protect the eyesight of people

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
