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Nowadays bike﹣sharing has been very popular in China.Mobike (摩拜单车) is one of the market leaders in the hike﹣sharing business.

What is Mobike?

   Mobike was founded in January,2015.It is supported by Tencent (腾讯).People in many cities,such as Beijing,Guangzhou,Jinan as well as Shanghai,have a chance of using the app (软件).The total number of Mobike app users is larger than that of any other bike﹣sharing app users.

                                     Who uses Mobike

   According to a survey,53.23% of the Mobike users are men,while 46.77% are women.73 Mobike is not only popular with young peoplebut also wins the hearts of the old It shows that retired men traveled the longest distances (距离) by shared bikes.

                                  Why do people use Mobike

Chinese people use Mobike for different reasons.Users can rent (租借) a bike at a low price,usually about one yuan an hour.It also offers people a better choice for short journeys in cities,especially when people can't find a bus or the underground to take.What's more,it's helpful in traffic.And the most important is that it can help improve the environment.

(1)When was Mobike founded?


(2)True or false.("T"代表正确,"F"代表错误)

According to the passage,Mobike app has the largest number of users among all the bike﹣sharing apps.


(3)Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


(4)Why do Chinese people use Mobike?(At least 2 reasons.)


(5)Give a proper title (题目) to the passage.


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


One news story is about men pretending(假装) to be women to enter the women's events in modern Olympics.People are arguing(争论)about how fair it is to test women athletes to make sure they are not men.One side argues that men are stronger,so will win any women's event.They say that athletes are tested to make sure they are not using drugs and more importantly,women should be tested to make sure they are not men.The other side argues that this is unfair to women.They say skill is more important than strength.But has this ever really happened?The answer is yes,several times! The most famous case is that of Dora in 1936Olympics.

The 1936Olympics took place in Berlin,Germany,three years after the Nazis came to power.The Nazis wanted to win lots of events at the Olympics.But they had wrong ideas about race(种族).They did not want black or Jewish people in the Germany team.But many of their best athletes were Jewish.The Nazis thought they might lose was the women's high jump.So the Nazis sent a male athlete,Hermann Ratjen,to compete under the name of "Dora".Did he get the gold metal?No.Dora came fourth.The winner was a young Jewish women from Hungary.She jumped 1.60metres.Dora only jumped 1.58metres.

How fair is it to(59)  women athletes to make sure they are not men?

One side:women are(60)  ,so men will win any women's event.

All athletes,especially(61)  ,should be tested.

The other side:strength is not so(62)  as skill.

The most famous case…

"Dora" in 1936Olympics,which were(63)  ,in Berlin,Germany.

Background:because of Nazis'(64)  idea about race,black and

Jewish athletes were kept out of the German team,which might lead to the(65)  ,of some events.

The case:the Nazis sent 'Dora',a man,to compete in the women's(66)  jump.Dora finished(67)  .The winner was a young Jewish woman from Hungary.

Conclusion:Men do not always(68)  !

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Running away is a serious problem.There are lots of runaway and homeless kids living in the streets around the world.


★Some kids run away because they have problems with their families.

★Some kids run away because they're afraid to tell their parents the bad things that they did at school or in society.

★Some kids run away because there is violence(暴力)in the family.

★Some kids run away because their parents divorce(离婚)or marry again.

★Some kids run away because they have problems at school.

What will you do if your friend wants to run away from home?

If your friend is thinking about running away,tell him or her that it is difficult to survive(幸存)in the streets.Try to help your friend feel less alone.

Whatever the problem isthere are other ways to solve itMaybe you can't think of the ways right now,but an adult(成年人)will know how to help you.You should tell an adult that your friend plans to run away as soon as possible.Being a real friend doesn't mean keeping a secret that may hurt someone.And running away isn't a solution(解决方法)for either of you.It only makes more problems and danger.



Kids run away because of many reasons.How many reasons are connected with their schools?




If a secret may hurt someone,you shouldn't keep it even though you're someone's real friend.  


What does the underlined word"It"in the last sentence refer to(指的是)?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The 2019 Beijing International Horticultural Expo(北京世界园艺博览会)began in Yanqing,Beijing,on April 29. This is the second time that China hosts such an event since the 1999 Kunming International Horticultural Expo

    As a language of communication between human beings and nature, horticulture is the art of plants,the green culture and the sublimation(升华) of life. It can lead you into the world of plants and let you experience the beautiful moments brought by gardening.

    More than 100 countries and international organizations have entered the international horticultural exhibition area, and 41 outdoor exhibition gardens have been built. Taking the Beijing Outdoor Exhibition Garden as an example, China takes "courtyard house" as the important landscape(景观)of Beijing Garden tothe harmonious coexistence (和谐共存) between people and nature.So the whole world can see a "big Beijing" from a "small courtyard". The reporter has learned that 180 "Flower Shows" are held during the event and the Chinese national cultural stories are told by ten ecological cars, which are made of fresh plants.

    In 2019,the Beijing International Horticultural Expo will sublimate the mix of cultures.With the theme of "Live Green, Live Better", the expo opened to the public on Monday at the foot of the Great Wall in the capital's Yanqing District and will lastOct.7.During that time, let's go on a green journey and meet at the foot of the Great Wall.




You can walk into the world of plants and experience the nice moments brought by gardening.




(4)What's the theme of the 2019 Beijing Horticultural Expo?


(5)Can you visit the 2019 Beijing Horticultural Expo during this summer vocation?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What does a cake look like? Maybe you've got lots of different answers in mind, but Zhou Yi and his team's cakes will certainly make you feel amazed!

    Zhou is called China's "Sugar King". Last November in the UK. he and his team won three gold medals and two bronze medals(铜牌) at the International Cake Competition, the world's largest cake competition.

    Zhou and his team's cakes show not only their great cake﹣making skills, but also traditional Chinese culture and art. For example, one of the gold medal﹣winning cakes shows China's first and only female(女性的) emperor Wu Zetian as a young woman. (4)Someone said that the cake showed the beauty of Chinese art to the world!

    But don't think creating such amazing works of art is very easy. "Some parts were made eight times just because the result was not quite what I wanted," Zhou said. "You need to build every single part over and over again until you find the perfect fit." (5)他希望能通过他让人们更多地了解中国

(1)How many medals did Zhou Yi and his team win last November? 5 

(2)Was it easy for Zhou Yi and his team to make these cakes? Noit wasn't. 

(3)If you were Zhou Yi, what would you make to join the competition? I want to do some cake with Chinese characteristics. 


(4) 有人说蛋糕向世界展示了中国艺术之美! 

(5) He hopes to let people know more about China through him. 

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Family Traditions

What are your family traditions?The following information comes from several readers:

JARED:(31)  We take turns picking a movie to watch together.It's fun because I watch something my parents like,and they watch something I like.My mother likes old black and white movies,so I see a lot of them!We also make pizza and eat it in front of the TV.

WINNIE:(32)  My favorite meal is spaghetti and meatballs.My mom usually cooks,but my   dad and sister help.On my sister's birthday,we eat pizza.On my mom's birthday,we have chicken,and on my dad's birthday we have steak.Of course,we always have a birthday cake,too.What are your family tradition?The following information comes from several readers:

DANNI:(33)  My family is really busy.We have a large family,and it's not easy for everyone to get together at the same time.On that day,we go to a nice restaurant and we talk and talk and talk.

SUZIE:(34)  After dinner,we go to the living room and play a board game,such as Scrabble or Monopoly.We have about seven different ones we play,but we only play one game a night.I plan to keep this tradition after I start my own family.

ROB:(35)  I get up early and make something special,such as a mushroom omelet with fruit salad.Then I put it on a tray with a newspaper and a flower,and bring it to my mother for breakfast in bed.She always acts surprised,but I do it every year.

A.Every Friday night we have games night.

B.On our birthdays we get our favorite meal.

C.Once a month we have movie and pizza night.

D.Every year,on Mother's Day,I make breakfast for my mother.

E.On Friday nights my parents watch movies while I play games.

F.On the first Saturday of every month we go out to eat together.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever listened to the sound in your heart? Have you ever met an article which has the same idea as yours?

The TV program, The Reader, has been popular since it came out on CCTV﹣1on February 18th, 2017. It is produced by Dong Qing, a famous hostess. The Reader invites many guests to read something that influences them most. Not only famous people but also common people can be the guests.

Liu chuanzhi, the founder of Lenovo (联想集团创始人), came to The Reader as a common father. He said, "As long as you are an honest man, you are my good son whatever your job is!" Xu Yuanchong, a 96﹣year﹣old translator, shared some of his personal experiences of translating Chinese poems into English and French. His words were simple but moving. He read a love poem with tears in his eyes

This program has turned reading into a new fashion. It shows the beauty of Chinese language and the power of reading. Now Reading Booths(朗读亭) are set up in many cities. Though it rained, people in Hangzhou even waited in long lines to read in the booths. All kinds of reading activities are going on in schools. Lots of students take an active part in them.

Reading is helpful to us because it will make us wise, happy and knowledgeable. It can be done anytime and anywhere. What are you waiting for? Why not start reading now?

51. When did The Reader come out? On February182017. 

52. What has been turned into a new fashion by The Reader? It has turned reading into a new fashion/Reading. 

53. Who is the successful translator mentioned(提到) in the passage?  

54. Can we find Reading Booths in Hangzhou?  

55. Why is reading good for us?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Recently,Chongqing Three Gorges University has held an activity named"Cell Phone Ninja"(手机忍者).They would like their students not to use cell phones for 21days.It is really a challenge (挑战) for most students.

The activity started on April 12.Each student who volunteered to take part in this activity got a bracelet (手环).If the students did not use their cell phones,there would be a photo on the screen of the bracelet to show that.If they used their cell phones,a different photo would appear on the screen of the bracelet.After the last class of each day,the students sent the photos to the school's public WeChat.

More than 800students wished to take part in this test,and 400were chosen.After seven days,only 103students remained.The test was set for 21days because some scientists believe that 21days is long enough to help form (形成) a habit.

According to the teachers in the university,the activity was not a competition.It depended on students themselves to make the decision.The teachers hoped their students could form better study habits through activities like this one.

71.When did the activity"Cell Phone Ninja"start?   

72.Were 400students chosen to take part in this test?   

73.Why was the test set for 21days?   

74.What was the bracelet used for in this test?   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Trash collection is a problem for Curitiba. First, the city has only one landfill.Second, its garbage trucks do not fit on some of the streets in the city's low﹣income (低收入) neighborhoods.Curitiba knew the solution lay in getting everyone involved (参加).

In 1989, the city started a recycling program called Garbage That Is Not Garbage. The city set up a central recycling center for sorting (把…分类) recyclable materials, food﹣based and waste.

Colorful cartoon characters were symbols of different kinds of recyclable materials, which could help children get to know the importance of recycling. Collection bins were the same colors as the cartoons, reinforcing (加强) the message.People made money by picking up the trash at these bins and taking it to the center for processing. Today, Curitiba claims to have the highest recycling rate of any city in the world.

Cambio Verde,the Green Exchange program,and Compra do Lixo,the Buying of Garbage program,are successful recycling programs in Curitiba. They get low﹣income residents (居民) to join in the city's recycling program by having them transport trash from neighborhoods that are hard for garbage trucks to reach.

Depending on what they deliver,people exchange their trash for cash,food and services.Their way of life is improved, and the city is better able to manage its trash. These programs are one way Curitiba has gotten creative as a green city. It shows how involving everyone can make green living possible.

Trading in on Trash


Main idea

Supporting details


(1)_____  Curitiba's trash collection problem

There is only one landfill in Curitiba.

(2)   cannot reach every corner of the city.


Actions and influences of Garbage That Is Not Garbage

A central recycling center(3)   by the government.

Kids understood the importance of recycling better.

Curitiba's recycling rate is pretty high.


Cambio Verde's and Compra do Lixo's ways of involving low﹣income residents

They make low﹣income residents(4)  ____from their neighborhoods to certain places.


Results of recycling programs and conclusion

People's way of life is improved.

Curitiba can manage its trash better.

Everyone(5)____  in making green living possible.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Drug(毒品) use in Britain has increased by 30% in the last five years. Use of hard drugs, for example, cocaine(可卡因) and crack cocaine, is increasing as a result of these drugs becoming cheaper and easier to buy.

Young people in Britain are more likely than other Europeans to take illegal(非法的) drugs. UK teenagers are taking up to five times more illegal drugs, for example, ecstasy tablets(摇头丸) and cannabis(大麻制品), than in other European countries. The most common drug for UK teenagers is cannabis. Over 35% of 15 to 16﹣year﹣olds say they have tried it. Harder drugs such as crack cocaine are less common. As many as one in twelve 12﹣year﹣olds have taken drugs.

British law puts drugs into three groups, from the most dangerous Class A drugs to the least addictive(使人上瘾的) Class C drugs:

   ● Class A: hard drugs, for example, crack cocaine;

   ● Class B: for example, ecstasy tablets;

   ● Class C: "soft" drugs, for example, cannabis, which are also addictive and dangerous.

In the UK there are possibly 500,000 Class A drug users. As a result, the UK spends £390 million a year on treatment centers to fight drug use. Treatment centers spend more than £3,000 to help every drug user. But only 3,800 drug users a year successfully go through the drug treatment.

Teenagers gave the following reasons in order of importance:

   ● to copy their friends and to look cool;

   ● so as to have a good time and to feel good;

   ● in order to see what it is like and to experience something new;

   ● so as to be like adults, but to be different from their parents;

   ● because the drugs are cheap and easy to buy;

   ● because they have nothing better to do with their time.

(1)One reason for people taking more hard drugs in the UK is that   are becoming lower.

(2)The UK teenagers take much more drugs than teenagers in any other   

(3)Under British law, from Class A drugs to Class C drugs, all of them are   

(4)The UK government works hard on the drug treatment. But only a small number of   in the UK can get out of the drug addiction every year.

(5)As for how to stop themselves from taking drugs, the UK teenagers should    

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  • 难度:未知

In recent years,mobile phones and e﹣readers have become more common.Some people worry that the days of paper books will be gone.So we did a survey about paper books Here is what we have got.

In the UK.sales of e﹣book& are dropping while Miles of paper books are rising.More surprisingly.It's young people who are buying the most paper books.Another survey of university students from the United Stales,Japan and Germany also showed that 92percent of them preferred paper books.

The most popular reason was:I like to hold the product.It's true that paper books bring a very different reading experience.Some students said that they liked the smell of paper books.Other students said that they got a sense of accomplishment(成就感) when they finished reading a paper book and they enjoyed seeing it on the bookshelf.

Paper books can also be very personal objects to readers.Many people like to sign their names on the inside cover.If the cover gels bent (弯曲的) or there's a stain (污点)made from coffee or food,it will make the book even more personal.It's more like the readers'old friends.

This friendship between people and books isn't just sentimental(情感的).Studies have shown that readers remember more information from paper books.People also more easily have sore eyes while reading e﹣books.

It seems that paper books still have an attraction(吸引)力So why not pick up a book and start reading?

A survey about (81)



☆The (82)

  of e﹣books are dropping white those of paper books are rising.

☆Most young people like paper books better.


☆Readers were brought a different (83)

  by reading paper books.

☆Readers think paper books are (84)

  and regard them as friends

☆Readers can remember more information and they are better for(85)



Paper books still have an attraction.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An AIDS (艾滋病)understanding program in Yunnan was started six years ago.It was held by the Chinese Red Cross.The program is a great way of making sure that people learn the facts about HIV/AIDS.It is so successful that it is running in several other provinces now.

The program not only provides care and support for the people who carry HIV/ADIS virus(病毒),but also trains young people to teach others about HIV/ADIS.In the program,the volunteers hold two﹣day classes to teach people about the virus and its links(相关)to drug use and sexual practices.They also work with students,drug(毒品)users and people who may be at risk of becoming infected(感染)by the virus.

The organizers of the program said that people knew about HIV/ADIS and how it was spread after taking part in it.HIV/ADIS was found mainly among drug users and those who had become infected through careless blood transfusion(输血)practices.Today,the number of young people becoming infected through sexual activity is increasing,so it is important to deal with this big problem.

The Chinese government predicts that unless action is taken right now,as many as 10million people could be infected with HIV/ADIS in China in the next nine years.

In June 2001,the Chinese central government announced a five﹣year plan for dealing with the spread of the disease(疾病).This plan focuses on better education about the virus,a national system to report cases of the disease and better practices for collecting blood.

An HIV/ADIS understanding program

The organization of the program

An HIV/ADIS understanding program was started by (101)   

The purpose of the program

★To provide care and support for HIV/ADIS sufferers.

★(102)   to teach others about HIV/ADIS.

The things that (103)   have done for the program

★They have held two﹣day classes about HIV/AIDS

★They have worked with students,drug users,people who may be at risk of becoming infected the virus.

What the Chinese government has done

★It has made a five﹣year plan to deal with (104)   

From the passage,we know the HIV/ADIS virus is spread through (105)   and sexual practices.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The novel coronavirus (新冠病毒) has changed our lives. In many countries, it has also changed the way people greet each other. To help stop the spread of coronavirus, people give up their usual greeting styles and invent safe ways. Let's take a look.

(1)   B  Lean forward (倾身向前), touch faces and make a kissing sound. This is French people's favorite way of greeting, But when the virus is going around, too many kisses are not good. An expert gives everyone in France a suggestion: simply looking into a person's eyes can be a greeting.It's not as romantic as kissing, but it's safe.

(2)   E  Like the French, Italians are also romantic people.When they meet,they always hug or kiss each other. Recently, an Italian grandma made a video to help everyone fight the disease. According to her, if you want to say hello to others, do not hug or kiss.Instead, you can close one of your eyes and give them a wink (眨眼). Isn't it cute?

(3)   D  It's a very Australian thing to put your hand out to shake hands.But if you do this,the virus can jump from one person to another. Now a health official (官员) in Australia says a pat (拍打) on the back would be better. But it also has some problems.For example,it's a bit impolite if you do this to your teacher. What do you think?

(4)   C  People in Iran often shake hands when they meet. But a recent video shows that an interesting way to greet others is now popular in Iran. In the video, three Iran men wear masks and put their hands in their pockets. They don't shake hands, but try to"shake" feet.

(5)   A  An official from the WHO suggested that we use three greetings: waving hands, Thai"wai"(泰式合十礼) and bumping elbows (碰肘礼).


A. The advice from the WHO.

B. No kissing, even if you are French.

C. Is the footshake the new handshake?

D. Pat on the back.

E. Grandma has a good idea.

(1)   (2)   (3)   (4)   (5)   


New Greeting Ways

   The novel coronavirus has made a big difference(1)   our lives. In many countries, it has also changed the(2)   people greet each other. To help stop the spread of coronavirus, people give up their usual greeting styles and invent safe ways. Let's(3)   __  at them.

   In France and Italy, people learn to use their(4)   ,to greet people instead of kissing or hugging. In Iran, people try to shake(5)   rather than shake hands. An official from the WHO gives us three suggestions: waving hands, Thai "wai" and bumping elbows.

   What do you think of these new greetings?

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  • 难度:未知
