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Robots Are Now Teaching English!

    Get ready. Robots are about to invade our classroom. From Korea to Japan to the United States, schools are putting English﹣speaking robots in front of their students. In Korea, robots are the new teaching assistants in a number of preschools and kindergartens. The young students say that the robots are fun, but are these children really learning anything?

    I don't think a computer will ever be able to do what a teacher does. A teacher has to be able to respond to students as individuals (个体).__▲__and a teacher has to change his or her teaching style to fit the needs of the student. I seriously doubt that a computer will ever be able to do this even though the big data (数据)is widely used in the world.

4 Comments on "Robots Are Now Teaching English!"

Sara says:

    In my opinion, schools should spend money training human teachers rather than buying robots. Research shows that children learn more from real speakers than from recorded conversations.

Keiko says:

    I don't think you can learn a language without real human interaction.After all, robots cannot think as humans do.

Hassan says:

    Robots might be able to help people lean a language, but I don't think they should replace teachers because robots are just machines without human feelings.

Nancy says:

    I think robots might be very helpful in the classroom. A child might be less afraid to make a mistake in front of a robot than in front of a real person.

Add a comment

(1)The underlined word "invade" in Para.1 probably means   

A. enter

B. leave

C. accept

D. fight

(2)Which of the following can be best put in___▲___in Para. 2?  

A. Each teacher is different

B. Each student is different

C. AIl teachers are helpful

D. All students are fun

(3)Of the 4 comments,  thinks that robots could give lots of help to learners in class.

A. Sara

B. Keiko

C. Hassan

D. Nancy

(4)What's the writer's attitude (态度)towards robots' teaching English?  

A. Uncaring.

B. Supportive.

C. Doubtful.

D. Agreeable.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We touch our faces all the time, and it had never seemed to be a big problem ﹣ until COVID 19 arrived.Touching our faces ﹣ the "T﹣zone' 'of our eye, nose and mouth ﹣ can mean giving ourselves this virus.

    This is why some organizations have suggested that we should avoid touching our faces.William Sawyer, from Henry the Hand. told The Washington Post, "Just stop this simple behavior,and that would be better than any vaccine (疫苗)lever created,"

    However, stopping this "simple" behavior might he harder than you think because we are used to it.

    Some face﹣touching is an automatic reaction: like when there is an itch (痒) on your nose,you'll touch it again and again without thinking. A 2014 study found that touching your face also helps you to have less stress.For example. it's possible for you to do it when you feel embarrassed.According to Dacher Kelmer, a psychologist an the University of Califormia Berkeley, Us. this action may also have a social use: When you are taking to someone, for example, touching your face means you want to talk about another thing.

    Besides, it's very hard to change this face touching "because you don't even kn6w you're doing it",said Sawyer.

    But you're not alone. In a 2015 study. it was found that a group of medical students touched their faces about 23 times an hour ﹣ with 44 percent of the touches in the T﹣zones" , That was very surprising because medical students should know better.

    Since it's so hard to shake the habit, maybe the easiest way is to wash our hands more often.This way, we can be sure that our hands are safe from COVID﹣19.

(1)The "T﹣zone" is formed from  

A. Our eyes

B. our nose and mouth

C. our eyes, nose and mouth

(2)In the second paragraph, Sawyer thinks that  

A. face﹣touching is simple and helpful

B. we should avoid touching our faces

C. face﹣touching may be better than vaccine

(3)Dacher Kelmer believes that  

A. face touching may increase stress

B. face﹣ touching may have a social use

C. face﹣touching may cause an itch on your face

(4)The last paragraph tells us to  

A.wash our hands more often

B. stop the habit of touching our faces

C. ask medical students not to touch their faces

(5)What is the main idea of the passage?  

A. face﹣touching may give us COVID﹣ 19.

B. Face﹣touching may be very useful for us.

C. Stopping face touching might be harder than we think.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Pepper works in a supermarkert in Germany. He is different from other emplayees (雇员). Pepper is a robot that looks like a human.

    A Japanese company made Pepper in 2014. Pepper is as tall as a 6﹣year﹣old kid. He has cameras.They help him recognize things around him. There are wheels under his body. They help Pepper move.

    The robot can do a lot of things. He can read people's emotions (感情) and communicate with people. He can also teach students about programming.

(1)What does Pepper look like?  

A. A human.

B. A robot.

C. An animal.

(2)What does Pepper use to recognize things around him?  

A. Eyes.

B. Hands.

C. Cameras.

(3)What can Pepper teach?  

A. Reading.

B. Programming.

C. Communicating.

(4)What would be the best title for the article?  

A. Robots are helping.

B. Pepper is a robot.

C. Pepper works in a supermarket in Germany.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Chinese Climbers Reached the Top of Qomolangma Again.

The time of setting out:

May 6th, 2020

The time of reaching the top:

May 27th, 2020

Members of the Chinese survey team:

35 members and 8 of them reached the top


To measure (测量) the new height of Qomolangma

(1)What's the purpose of climbing Qomolangma again?  

A. Have fun.

B. Take risk.

C. Measure the new height of it.

(2)When did the climbers reach the top of Qomolangma?  

A. On May 6th, 2020

B. On May 27th, 2020

C. On May 8th, 2020

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are many foreign teachers in China today. Among them, Philip Hancock is certainly an unusual one.The young man always wanted to give back, even when he was close to death. His last wish was to donate his organs(器官)to save others. His act changed five Chinese lives for the better.

    Phillip came from Sydney, Australia.When he was a college student, he showed great interest in China and studied Chinese by himself in his free time. In 2012, the young man took part in the 1lth Chinese Bridge Competition for foreign college students in China. This unforgettable experience helped Philip make up his mind to come to China. After finishing college, he came to Southwest University in Chongqing to teach English. During his five﹣year stay in China, Philip travelled around a lot.He loved the country deeply.

    Unluckily, Phillip had a health problem. He fought his diabetes (糖尿病) for many years.Though his condition used to be under control, it became worse in 2018. Phillip knew most of his organs were still working well. He hoped to donate them to Chinese people in need after his death.

    Phillip died on May 9th, 2018. Many Chinese people see him as a hero. Although his physical body is no longer here, he will always be with us.

(1)What was Phillip's last wish?  

A.To meet his family.

B.To go back to Australia.

C.To donate his organs to save others.

(2)How long did Phillip live in China?  

A.Five years.

B.Six years.

C.Seven years.

(3)We can learn from the passage that  

A.Phillip studied Chinese from his teachers in college.

B.Phillip seldom travelled around when he worked in China.

C.Most of Phillip's organs were still in good condition when he was close to death.

(4)What can we infer(推断) from the passage?  

A.Phillip was from Australia.

B.Phillip can speak Chinese well.

C.Phillip taught English in Southwest University.

(5)What do you think of Phillip?  

A.Smart and humorous.

B.Kind and helpful.

C.Stupid and boring.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are plenty of myths(神话) to explain how the world came to have a moon to bring light to the night time. But now there is a plan for a man﹣made moon. It will give us much more light than the natural Moon.

    China is preparing to put a man﹣made moon in the sky above Chengdu by the end of 2020.It will reflect sunlight back onto the Earth. If it succeeds, three more such objects will be sent out in 2022,according to Wu Chunfeng, a space scientist. Wu said it would be similar to how we get moonlight, but he predicted(预言) that the man﹣made moon would have eight times the brightness of the real one.

    This is because the object will be about 500 kilometers above the Earth. That will make it much closer to us than the moon, which is over 380 ,000 kilometers away,Wu added.

    If the plan works, the man﹣made moon will save a lot of power.Scientist predicted that Chengdu could save around 1.2 billion yuan in electricity every year if a new moon lit up 50 square kilometers of the city.And in 2022 , four man﹣made moons can take turns reflecting sunlight as they will not always be in the best position relative to the Sun. Together, they can give light to an area of up to 6 ,400 square kilometers on the Earth for 24 hours.That means its brightness will be seen in most areas in China,so reducing the need for streetlights.

(1)Which country is preparing to put a man﹣made moon in the sky above Chengdu by the end of 2020?


(2)What does Wu Chunfeng do?


(3)How far is it from the Moon to the Earth?


(4)Will it reduce the need for streetlights if the plan of man﹣made moons succeed?


(5)What do you think of this plan ?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Here are some superheroes in the fight against COVID﹣19(新冠肺炎). Let's come close to them and remember them.

Zhong Nanshan(1936.10﹣﹣)

He is one of the famous medical scientists in the 21st century.Dr.Zhong Nanshan was the first to tell the public that the virus could be transmitted from person to person. He is a good doctor in the countrymen's eyes and respected by all Chinese people.

Li Lanjuan (1947.09﹣﹣)

When COVID﹣19 broke out, she suggested that Wuhan should be locked down immediately to prevent the spread of the disease. She headed for Wuhan and took an active part in the battle. Now, she still receives patients every day.

Wang Yong (1985.12﹣﹣)

As a delivery(快递)driver,he volunteered to support the medical staff in Wuhan during the epidemic(疫情).He tried his best to keep life going for the doctors and nurses.Time magazine has put on its cover,presenting the courage and hard work of common people.

Li Wenliang (1985.10﹣2020.02)

He is the first doctor to warn people how dangerous the virus could be at the end of last December,so people call him the "whistle ﹣blower(吹哨人).Because of COVID﹣19, he lost his life on February 7th, 2020. People across the country were sad to hear about his death.

(1)Who is the oldest of the four people?  

A. Wang Yong.

B. Zhong Nanshan.

B. Li Lanjuan.

D. Li Wenliang.

(2)How many of them are doctors in the passage?  

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

D. Four.

(3)When did Li Wenliang warn people the danger of the virus?  

A. At the end of last December.

B. At the beginning of 2019.

C. On January 25th, 2020.

D. On February 7th, 2020.

(4)What did Wang Yong do during the epidemic?  

A. He drew a cover for Time Magazine.

B. He was busy with his own business.

C. He wrote an article to Time magazine.

D. He volunteered to support to the doctors and nurses to keep their life going.

(5)Which statement is not true according to the passage?  

A. Wang Yong is a delivery driver.

B. Li Wenliang died on February 7th, 2020.

C. Time magazine has put Li Lanjuan on its cover to praise the courage of Chinese people.

D. Zhong Nanshan told the public that the virus could be transmitted from person to person.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In 1981, the Chinese women's volleyball team first stood on the top at the World Cup. And in 2019, it defended (保住) its World Cup crown with a record of 11 wins.The women's volleyball team has been the pride of the Chinese people. To honor it, a film named Zhongguo Nvpai or Leap in English has been made.

    Based on the volleyball team's stories,the film shows the struggles(奋斗)and achievements of the Chinese women's volleyball team over the past 40 years.Gong Li,a world﹣famous Chinese actress,plays the role of Lang Ping,who has won the world championships many times with the team and is now the team's head coach. In order to play the role well, Gong came to the training site of the team, observing Lang' s words and deeds carefully.

    Zhu Ting, captain of the Chinese women's volleyball team, also plays a part in the film. It is the first time that she has taken part in a film shooting and she says it's a little bit difficult. However, her playing volleyball is more difficult than being an actress. It took her at least 10 years to rise to fame in the field but playing herself in the film could be realized in a short time.

    The film hit the screen in January, 2020. The Chinese women' s volleyball team not only is a competitive sports team but also shows the spirit of struggling and never giving up.

(1)The underlined word "observe" in Paragraph 2 most probably means  

A. listen to

B. learn

C. understand

D. watch

(2)What is mentioned about Zhu Ting?  

A. She thinks it's easy to be an actress.

B. She has led the team to win many prizes.

C. It took long for her to become famous.

D. She once played a part in a film.

(3)What can we learn from the Chinese women's volleyball team?  

A. Keep on fighting.

B. Fight for the first.

C. Learn from mistakes.

D. Seeing is believing.

(4)The passage is written in a/an  tone (语气).

A. serious

B. excited

C. humorous

D. proud

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Texting while driving is against the law in 47 states. But what about texting while walking? A 2018 study reported that more than 2, 500 people in the US ended up in hospitals resulting from using a mobile device(设备) while walking.

    Hawaii passed a law making it illegal(违法的) to text or look down at a mobile device while crossing the street. It is the first state with a law like this. Do people think more places should accept such a law? The LA Times did a survey. Here are some replies they received.

Rena Jose, 2, New York

Which is more important, texting or safety? If you are looking at your phone while walking, you might not see a car come or traffic lights turn red. It can be very dangerous. For example, in Japan, one person fell into a lake and another got her leg stuck in a hole, because both had their mind on their phone. We should make texting while crossing the street illegal in more cities.

Andy Selvam, 55, California

People do many things that cause injury to themselves but are not illegal, such as climbing mountains, driving cars, swimming and so on. People might get hurt from texting and walking if they're not paying attention. But I still think they should have a choice.

Bob Madigan, 45, Oregon

As humans, we can make our own decisions. I'm not saying it's safe, but we don't need the government to babysit us. If we want to learn to make smart decisions, the government needs to stop telling us what to do. After all, this is a free country.

Andrew Black, 34, Alaska

This law is a good idea﹣compare this protection with seat belts. If this law is passed all over US, people will be worried. But is there really a way to please everyone? This would not be for fun. It would be safe and good for all Americans.

(1)According to the passage, in  , it is against the law if people text while crossing the street.

A. Alaska

B. California

C. Hawaii

D. New York

(2)The LA Times did the survey most probably to  

A. win the hearts of more readers

B. encourage more states to pass the law

C. ask readers if they agree with texting while driving

D. learn about people's opinions on texting while walking

(3)In Rena's reply, she showed the danger of texting while walking by  

A. using numbers

B. giving examples

C. asking questions

D. telling stories

(4)Which of the following is Andrew Black's opinion?  

A. Texting is more important than safety.

B. The law would help to keep Americans safe.

C. It's easy to please everyone when passing a law.

D. Whether to text or not while walking is people's own choice.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Made in China" is having its moment now﹣and it's a fashionable one.

    The story of Chinese fashion began in 2011 when Feiyue and Huili, both Chinese sports shoe brands(品牌), suddenly got international attention. Their products were seen all over the world. Chinese sportswear brand Li Ning was at the New York Fashion Week in September, 2018. They showed their new designs﹣sweaters and jackets with Chinese characters.

    Shaun Rein, managing director of China Market Research Group, said that the latest Chinese brands no longer catch customers' eye by low price. He told CNN, " They are sure that they can go head to head with foreign brands.

    Maybe it is because China's young people are now more confident about their own culture. They don't show immediate interest in western culture any more.

    "Today's young people in China are crazy about Chinese cultural elements(元素)." Jin Qu, the manager of a clothing shopping website, said at a cultural festival in 2018. They like these elements printed on their clothes, even the brand picture of Laoganma in China, which was once seen as outside of fashion. But now young people are proud of these Chinese symbols.

    "In fact, many stars in the West are now interested in Chinese cultural elements in fashion. Rihanna, a US singer, for example, wore a Chinese red dress to the 2015 Met Gala in New York. The dress was designed and made by Chinese designer Guo Pei.

    "We have to move from making to creating," Chinese﹣American designer Aric Chen once told The New York Times. "We want to replace the words ‘Made in China ' with ‘Designed in China '."

(1)The new designs of Li Ning Company in September 2018 were  

A. coats and scarves in Chinese red

B. sweaters and jackets with English words

C. coats and scarves with American symbols

D. sweaters and jackets with Chinese characters

(2)The underlined word " They " in Paragraph 5 refers to  

A. Today's young people in China

B. The workers in Jin Qu's shop

C. Some famous stars in the West

D. Directors of some Chinese companies

(3)What can be the best title for the passage?  

A. Chinese Clothes Brands

B. Sports in China

C. Chinese Cultural Festival

D. Designed in China

(4)The passage above may be taken from a(n)  

A. newspaper

B. guidebook

C. novel

D. ad

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On March 10,2019,eight﹣year﹣old Tani won the New York Chess Championship (纽约象棋冠军赛)of his age group. But the boy, who was homeless at the time, began learning the game less than a year ago.

    Tani and his family arrived in New York City from Africa in 2017. A church helped him enter the primary school, P.S.116. Here the gifted boy was first introduced to chess by a part﹣time teacher Makofsky, owner of a chess club. Interested in the game, the seven﹣year﹣old asked his mother to allow him to join the club. Not able to afford the chess classes, she emailed Makofsky. To her surprise and joy, Makofsky agreed that Tani could learn it for free.

    Though the chess club helps, it's largely believed that Tani's success lies in his hard work. The boy practices the game for many hours a day on the floor with his board. Every Saturday, Tani goes to a free 3﹣hour class to improve his game skills.

    Not surprisingly,Tani's story, first reported by The New York Times, has brought him great support from the American public. Soon after the young boy won the New York Championship, Makofsky began a GoFundMe activity for Tani and his family so that he could continue his chess journey. It raised $200,000 in just ten days, far more than they expected. And the money keeps coming. But the family donates (捐赠)most of the money to the church and to those poor families!

    Tani has also received offers from three famous private schools in New York. However, the family have politely refused all of them and chosen to continue Tani's education at P.S.116.

    The young boy's story also caught the eye of Bill Clinton,the 42nd US President. "Tani,you're an example of a winning spirit ﹣ in chess and in life. I'd love to meet you," he said on his Facebook.

    While excited about his new life,Tani is ready to meet great challenges (挑战).He is busy preparing for the 2019 National Primary Championships. Winning the competition will bring the chess player closer to his dream of becoming the world's youngest chess grandmaster (大师). The record has been kept for 17 years by the Russian chess player Karjakin, who won the title at the age of 12.

(1)Tani began to learn chess at the age of   





(2)Paragraph 3 is mainly about   

A.where Tani practises chess

B.how hard Tani works at chess

C.what Tani's mother does for him

D.how much the chess club helps

(3)After winning the New York Championship, Tani   

A.hoped to see Bill Clinton

B.went to a famous private school

C.became the richest boy in New York

D.got much support from the society

(4)The writer mentions the Russian chess player Karjakin to   

A.call on young people to learn chess

B.introduce his great achievements in chess

C.show it's a big challenge for Tani to realize his dream

D.tell people Tani has been the world's best chess player

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


     Every year,more than 26,000 children arrive in Britain.We ask some new arrivals what they like best about their new lives and what's different from home.


I don't know anybody from Poland here, but I'm lucky because the English boy next door is very friendly and kind. We are in the same class! I like teachers here. At home, the teachers seem a bit strict and serious. There are a lot of rules, too. Here, teachers are patient and don't give much homework. We students go out of school and buy pizza or burgers at lunchtime.

We can't do that in Poland.

Daisy & Luckthe USA

My sister and I like living here.It's cool!My sister loves the British accent(口音).Everybody here is very polite.But we don't understand all your strong words﹣we say "yard" not "garden" and "apartment" not "flat" The food is better here.There's Chinese,Indian and Thai.At home we eat too much fast food.


It's too cold here! I hate doing sports, especially outside in winter. The teacher here is very serious about sports.I prefer science and maths.I love the maths class because the teacher is really funny, just like my maths teacher in India. The school is so big and some students seem unfriendly. Iim from a small village school.I think it's hard to communicate with them.

(1)Among the above four children,   probably likes the new school life best.

A. Luck


C. Jarek

D. Daisy

(2)In Zinah's eyes, her maths teacher in India might be   

A. cold

B. strict

C. patient

D. humorous

(3)The passage is probably taken from   

A. a travel magazine

B. an education website

C. a geography textbook

D. a business newspaper

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

By﹣Anna Matteo

28 January,2019

    A 3﹣year﹣old boy who was lost in the woods for two days is now safe at home with his family.But Casey Hathaway told his rescuers(救援者) that he was not alone in the rainy,freezing cold woods. He said he was with a friend﹣﹣a bear.

    The child went missing on January 22 while playing with friends near his grandmother's house in North Carolina. When the other children returned but Casey did not, the family searched the area for almost an hour before calling the police.

    Police formed a search team to look for the young boy in the nearby woods.But two days went by and ﹣﹣ no Casey.

    Then on January 24,someone called the police saying he heard a child crying in the woods.Police followed up on the information and found Casey at about 9:30 that night. He was in good health.

    Casey told the rescuers he had hung out with a black bear for two days, a bear he called his "friend".

    The police officer Chip Hughes spoke with reporters from several news agencies. He said Casey did not say how he could survive in the woods for two days in the cold, rainy weather."However,the police officer said, "he did say he had a friend in the woods that was a bear with him."

    Hundreds of people helped in the search and rescue efforts, including some 600 volunteers,police and members of the army. Doctors at the medical center gave Casey some examination. He was then sent to his family on January 25.

    His mother talked with reporters and thanked everyone who joined the search for her son."We just want to tell everybody that we're very thankful that you took the time out to search for Casey, "said his mother."He is up and talking. He's already asked to watch cartoon.

(1)Who stayed with Casey in the woods during the two days?  

A.A bear.

B.The police.

C.His mother.

D.The volunteers.

(2)The underlined word "survive" in Paragraph 6 probably means "  ".

A.give up

B.get lost

C.fall asleep

D.remain alive

(3)What is the correct order in which these happen?  

a. Someone heard a child crying.

b. The family started to look for Casey.

c. Casey played with his friends.

d. The police found Casey was in good health.





(4)After Casey was sent back home, he was   





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Look at this newspaper page. Read about December holiday events in one town. Then answer the questions:

Holiday Events This Week

Monday, December 12

Crafts Projects

For kids ages 5 to 12

Library, 4 p.m.

Saturday, December 17

Holiday Fair

Do last﹣minute shopping

Town Hall, 11 a.m.

Friday, December 16

Holiday Concert

Hear the chorus sing

High School, 6 p.m.

Sunday, December 18

Benefit Breakfast

Bring cons to give

Clothes shop, 9 a.m.

(1)Which event is only for kids?  

A. Crafts Projects.

B. Holiday Concert.

C. Benefit Breakfast.

(2)What time does the breakfast start?  

A. 4 p.m.

B. 11 a.m.

C. 9 a.m.

(3)Which event is on Saturday?  

A. Holiday Fair.

B. Holiday Concert.

C. Benefit Breakfast.

(4)Where is the Holiday Concert?  

A. In the library.

B. In the high school.

C. In Town Hall.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Amazing China is a 90﹣minute documentary about the development of China. Many people have watched it.We asked some students how they liked this movie. Here are their opinions.

    ▲The director Wei Tie made this successful movie. It shows that China has progressed rapidly in the past nearly 70 years.

﹣﹣Li Lin

    ▲This movie drew a picture of common people's great work. I'm proud of our country because all the Chinese try to achieve Chinese dream.

﹣﹣Xu Wei

    ▲In this documentary, we saw the longest sea﹣crossing bridge in the world, Hong Kong﹣Zhuhai﹣Macao Bridge. Now, China also has longer high﹣speed rail network (高铁网) than any other country.

﹣﹣Liu Yang

    ▲The film helped people to know China better. The stories in the movie touched my heart deeply. From then on, I decided to work harder than before.

﹣﹣Huang Lei

(1)What kind of movie is Amazing China?  

(2)Who is the director of this movie?  

(3)Why is Xu Wei proud of China?  

(4)Which is the longest sea﹣crossing bridge in the world?  

(5)Did Amazing China touch Huang Lei's heart?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
