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Alice was now in a long dark room with doors all round the walls, and she could not see the White Rabbit anywhere.
She tried to open the doors, but they were all locked (锁上的). “How will I ever get out again?” she thought sadly. Then she saw a little glass table with three legs, and on the top of it was a very small gold key. Alice quickly took the key and tried it in all the doors, but she couldn’t open any.
Then she saw another door, a door that was only forty centimetres high. The little gold key unlocked this door easily, but Alice couldn’t get through it—she was much too big. So she lay on the floor and looked through the open door, into a beautiful garden with green trees and bright flowers.
“I’d like to be out there—not in this dark room. Why can’t I get smaller?” It was already a very strange day, and Alice was beginning to think that anything was possible.
After a while she locked the door again, got up and went back to the glass table. She put the key down and then she saw a little bottle on the table. Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words DRINK ME in large letters.
“It can be dangerous to drink out of strange bottles,” she said. “What will it do to me?”She drank a little bit very slowly. The taste was very nice and very soon Alice finished the bottle.
“I think I’m getting smaller and smaller every second.” And she was. “And now,” she said happily, “I can get through the little door into that beautiful garden.”
She ran at once to the door. Then she remembered that the little gold key was back on the glass table. She ran back to the table for it, but she was now much too small! The key was high above her, on top of the table. She tried very hard to climb up the table leg, but she couldn’t do it.
At last, tired and unhappy, she got angry with herself. Soon she saw a little glass box near her on the floor. She opened it, and found a very small cake with the words EAT Me on it.
Nothing could surprise Alice now.
Where did Alice find the little gold key according to the story?

A.In the garden . B.On the floor. C.In the glass box. D.On the glass table.

We can learn that Alice felt a little ______ from the underlined sentence.

A.proud B.angry C.afraid D.excited

Which is the right order of the events according to the story?
① Alice saw a little glass box near her on the floor.
② Alice came to a long dark room.
③ Alice saw a beautiful garden with green trees and bright flowers.
④ Alice drank out of the little bottle and became small.
⑤ Alice took the little gold key and opened the small door.

A.②⑤③④① B.②④⑤①③ C.②①⑤④③ D.②③④⑤①

What do you think Alice will probably do at the end of the story?

A.Wait for the White Rabbit. B.Eat the small cake.
C.Climb up the table leg again. D.Sit on the floor and cry.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How do you feel when you stay in hospital alone? Jenny, 13, a US student, feels bored. She knows the feeling because she has been in hospital many times herself. One day, she thought of an idea—if patients could get some books to read, they would feel better. So, from May, she and many of her friends began to collect books for hospital patients.
In six months the students collected 1,250 books at school. They decided to donate the books to the North Shore Medical Centre, a children’s hospital next door to their school. “There are books for kids of all ages, from babies up to high school level.” said Jenny.
The students put the books into “early readers”, “middle readers” and “advanced readers”. Then they wrote their best wishes to patients on bookmarks (书签) and letters, put the books in big boxes and donated them to the hospital.
“We wrote things like, “Keep on reading!’ and ‘Hope you feel better!’,” siad John, 14, Jenny’s brother. “And we also wrote some funny things to make them laugh.”
Frank, 12, and Steven, 14, helped carry 16 large boxes of books into a car. “I think these books will make me a lot of patients feel happy.” said Frank. Steven shared his opinion. “It is really the most meaningful thing that I have ever done in my life.”
Who first thought of the idea of helping those bored patients in hospital?

A.John. B.Frank. C.Steven. D.Jenny.

From the article, we can learn that _______.

A.in half a year Jenny and her friends bought 1,250 books
B.the North Shore Medical Centre is far from Jenny’s school
C.Jenny and her friends were willing to help bored patients
D.Steven had a different opinion from Frank and John

The best title for the article might be “_______”.

A.Collecting books for bored patients B.Writing a letter to a medical centre
C.Donating books to poor students D.Reading books for hospital patients

Which of the following words can be used to describe those student?

A.Polite and hard-working B.Lazy and stubborn
C.Selfish and proud D.Thoughtful and helpful
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I sat down to read under an old tree in the park. I felt my life was   21  , for my whole world was dark.
A young boy ran up to me, out of   22  . He stood right before me with his head down and said   23  , “Look what I found!” In his hand was a flower, and what a poor sight! The flower was dry and   24  . I gave him a small smile and then turned my eyes aways so that he could take his dry flower and go off to play.
  25  , he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his   26   and said in surprise, “It smells sweet and it’s beautiful, too. That’s   27   I picked it. Here, it’s for you.” The flower before me was dead. But I knew I must   28   it, or he might never leave. So I accepted the flower, and replied, “This is just what I   29  .” Just then, for the first time I noticed that the boy could not   30   —he was blind.
Tears (眼泪) came down my face as I   31   him for picking the best one. “You’re welcome.” he smiled, and then ran off to   32  . I sat there and wondered how he was able to learn about my pain (痛苦).
Through the eyes of a blind child,   33   I could see the problem was not with the world; the problem was me. And for all those years I myself had been   34  . I decided to see the beauty in life, and   35   every second of my life. And then I held that dry flower up to my nose and breathed in the smell of a beautiful rose.

A.hopeless B.colourful C.simple D.wonderful

A.mind B.trouble C.breath D.work

A.sadly B.strictly C.angrily D.excitedly

A.dead B.fresh C.alive D.heavy

A.So B.Or C.However D.And

A.head B.nose C.ear D.neck

A.how B.when C.where D.why

A.buy B.sell C.accept D.break

A.admire B.dislike C.want D.have

A.cry B.speak C.smile D.see

A.forgave B.thanked C.paid D.hated

A.sleep B.study C.dance D.play

A.at most B.at times C.at first D.at last

A.cheerful B.useful C.blind D.deaf

A.waste B.enjoy C.lose D.forget

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What’s your favorite weather? Do you like sunny or rainy  days? Many people like sunny days a lot. They don’t like rain.  They think rain makes them feel sad. During a long vacation,they like going to the beach to enjoy the sunshine(阳光).     Sunshine makes them feel very good and happy.
I like sunshine very much,but I also enjoy rain. I enjoy the sound (声音)of rain. It makes me feel quiet. On rainy days,I like listening to music and reading books,or just looking athe rain and daydreaming.(做白日梦) When you daydream,you don’t think about other things. I think it’s a good way to relax  when it rains.
Sunshine can make one run around and rain can make one    quiet, so I hope you can feel happy ,rain or shine.
Many people don’t like rain because it makes them feel __________.
A. happy    B.sad      Ctired        D.relaxing
The  writer enjoys the sound of _______.

A.rain B.snow C.wind D.cloud

We don’t think about other things when we _______.
A.sing    B. dance      C.daydream       Dshop
Sunshine can make people ________.

A.quiet B.run around C.relaxed D.sad

The writer thinks daydreaming is a good way to   relax when it ______.

A.snows B.shines C.rains D.winds
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A French woman goes to London to see her son. She knows a little English, but can not speak it very well.One day she goes to a shop.She wants to buy a hen(母鸡) for supper.But she can not remember(记得) the English word for “hen”.Just then the shop waiter asks her: “Can I help you?”“I want the egg’s mother ”the woman answered.The shop waiter does not understand(明白) her and says:“Sorry, we have not any bigger(较大的) eggs.”Suddenly(突然) the woman remembers(记起) the word “cock(公鸡)”.She says:“I want the cock’s wife!”This time the shop waiter laughs(笑).
The  woman goes to London_______.
A.to learn English    B.to have supper      C.to see her son
The  woman________.
A.only knows a little English   B.knows much English 
C.doesn’t know English
The shop waiter think the egg’s mother must be”_______”.
A.bigger eggs         B.the cock’s wife            C.hens
The  shop waiter laughs because he ________.
A.understand the woman at last    B.think it is interesting(有趣的)
C. does not understand the woman
Is the woman clever(聪明的)?
A. Yes, he is.       B.  No , she  isn’t.      C.  Yes, she  is .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How do you get across a river? A bridge is the best way. In some places, there are no bridges. People use the ferry(渡船). A ferry is a boat that takes people and cars across the river.
Both ends of a ferry look the same. The ferry never has to turn around. It docks(靠岸)at one side of the river. People and cars get on. At the other side, the ferry docks again. The people and cars get off. Other cars and people get on. And then the ferry goes back across the river.
In many places, bridges are now taking the place of ferries. In 1964, the longest bridge in the world was built in New York over Now York Bay(湾). It is called the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. This bridge has two roads, one over the other. Each road is wide enough for six lanes(行道)of traffic.
______ is the best way for people to go across the river.

A.The bridge B.The car C.The ferry D.The bus

We can infer that ______ according to the passage.

A.the shortest bridge in the world was built in New York
B.it may be faster to cross rivers on bridges than on ferries
C.there is a bridge over every river in the United States
D.we don’t need ferries any more

The main idea of the passage is that _____.

A.the bridge is taking the place of the ferry
B.the ferry is better than the long bridge
C.the bridge in New York has a very long name
D.there is no ferry in the world

_______ can cross rivers by ferry.

A.Only people B.Both cars and people C.Only cars D.Neither people nor cars
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“Keep your eye on your paper” is one of the rules that Mrs Archer has taught us. It’s a simple rule,   16   it’s not a rule everybody chooses to follow.
This morning, I felt   17   was watching me too closely during an English exam. I turned my head quickly and saw James, who sat   18   me. My eyes caught his and he   19  , “Let me see your answers!”
I gave him a   20  , not sure if he was joking or not, and returned to my test. This time I moved a little more   21   towards my paper. “I can’t see!” James said in a low voice.
“What am I going to do?” I   22  . Cheating was wrong. I’d studied hard for the test, but James   23  . I put my arm around my paper so that he couldn’t see the   24  . I knew I did what I felt was right. Maybe it made James   25  .
When the exam ended, I stood there for a moment, wondering   26   to say. But I felt it necessary to let him know cheating was wrong. My   27   searched for the right words.
“Sorry, James, but you know me   28   to understand how I feel about cheating,” I said slowly and gently. “But maybe I can help you study before the   29  test.” “OK, Brian,” he smiled slightly, “You are right. I should study hard.”
I stood there for a moment, finally able to breathe again. I was happy that my friendship with James   30  .

A.but B.so C.because D.unless

A.nobody B.anybody C.everybody D.somebody

A.in front of B.behind C.before D.around

A.whispered B.talked C.spoke D.answered

A.book B.note C.hand D.smile

A.closely B.clearly C.mostly D.lively

A.said to him B.asked the teacher C.thought to myself D.talked to me

A.had B.hadn’t C.has D.hasn’t

A.answers B.name C.pictures D.questions

A.happy B.angry C.excited D.silly

A.why B.when C.how D.what

A.eyes B.body C.mind D.memory

A.well enough B.good enough C.hard enough D.bad enough

A.first B.last C.next D.second

A.destroyed B.wasn’t destroyed C.has destroyed D.can’t destroy

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Of all the things we eat and drink,water is the  1 important. The human body can go 2  food for a long time,but two  3 three days without water could make people  4 .
A lot of people don’t understand how  5 water the human body needs  6 well and many people don’t drink enough,especially in  7 weather. Most people drink  8 they are thirsty but in fact they need more water,especially when they take  9 .
A man’s body is 65 to 75 percent of  10 . If we don’t have enough water. We fell tired and may become ill.
(   )1.A.more          B. most            C. less                D. least
(   )2.A.with          B. on              C. without             D. by
(   )3.A.or                B. and             C. of              D. but
(   )4.A.died          B. to die          C. dies                D. die
(   )5.A.many          B. little          C. few                 D. much
(   )6.A.work          B. working         C. to work             D. works
(   )7.A.hot           B. cold                C. cool            D. warm
(   )8.A.so                B. that            C. when            D. since
(   )9.A.fun           B. exercise            C. exercises       D. work
(   )10.A.blood            B. water           C. air             D. food

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most of you know this mathematical game, of course. You and your friend draw crosses and circles on a sheet of paper. You do it one after another. The first pupil who gets three marks in a row wins. But do you know that you can play this game another way and it will become more interesting? You must try to make your friend win. If you get your three marks in a row, you don’t win — you lose!

It is more difficult to play this game the other way. The second pupil can always win (if he plays the right way), but he may not win if the first pupil begins with his mark in the center. Then if the first pupil always takes a place on the other side of his friend’s mark, nobody will win.
If your friend does not know the secret which we have explained, you must play each time so as to leave him the greatest number of ways to win. You may try a few games and you will see how interesting it is to play the game this way.
The passage tells us that it is _____ to play this game.

A.interesting B.difficult C.impossible D.unusual

What s the new rule of the game if we play it another way?

A.The one who gets his three marks in a row wins.
B.The one who makes his friend win wins.
C.The one who plays the right way wins.
D.The one who makes his friend lose wins.

According to the new rule of the game, the second player can always win if the first player __.

A.begins with his mark in the center
B.takes a place on the other side of his friend’s mark
C.tries to get his three marks in a row first
D.doesn’t begin with his mark in the center

What result does the following picture show?
○ =" the" 1st player   × =" the" 2nd player

A.Both of the players win. B.The first player wins.
C.Neither of the players wins. D.The second player wins.

What is the best title for this passage?

A.What an Interesting Game B.A Game of Circles and Crosses
C.The Secret We Want to Explain D.Marks on a Sheet of Paper
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you like to visit the zoo in our city? Zoo is a good place ___(16)____. There is a zoo ____(17)___a river and a small mountain. It’s very big and there are a lot of tall trees in it. We can see a lot of golden fish(金鱼) in it, they have all kinds of ____(18)_____ . Some are red, some are yellow, some are white and some are black. They are swimming in the water. And they are very _____(19)_____.
We can see a hill. About twenty ____(20)____ are playing on it. Some are asking people for ____(21)_____. The little monkeys are in their mothers’ arms. They are very interesting and children_____(22)_____ them very much. We can also see the elephants. They are very strong(强壮的). The ____(23)_____are very tall. The pandas’ house is next to the monkey hill. There are ____(24)___ pandas ---one is sitting in the trees and the other is sleeping on the grass. They look very shy and cute. What ___(25)___ animals do you like?
A has fun     B. have fun     C. have a fun      D. to have fun

A.across B.next to C.between D.near

A.colors B.ages C.clothes D.books

A.ugly B.smart C.beautiful D.red

A.monkeys B.monkeies C.elephant D.elephants

A.food B.books C.paper D.belp

A.watch B.like C.read D.play

A.penguins B.lions C.tigers D.giraffes

A.one B.two C.three D.four

A.other B.the other C.another D.others

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When do you become an adult, a grown-up? At eighteen? Twenty-one? Thirty? Adulthood may seem a long way to you, but the fact is that you are in the process of becoming an adult right now. The changes are so gradual逐步的)( that you may not notice them ,but you can be sure that they’re happening.
When you were a child, a parent or an older relative probably bought your clothes and helped you clean up your room. Now you are likely to have a clothes allowance, to care for your bedroom, and to share other cleaning chores. You may once have had trouble getting your homework finished on time. By now, you may have learned to pace yourself. You know how much time you need. Do you remember begging your parents to stop for ice cream, or take an after-school job when you want money for a new clock radio? Of course, you don’t always budget your time and your money perfectly. Your room doesn’t always pass inspection. And you are often less than even tempered when something upsetting happens. But you’re learning.
As you get older, you have more privileges(特权) and more responsibilities. You may baby-sit for younger brothers and sisters, help cook dinner, and do odd jobs to contribute to the family income. You may get to stay up to watch a late movie on television, sit in on adult conversations, take subways and buses alone, or go on camping trips with your friends. Eventually, you will have a job and an apartment of your own.
You’ll become a voter and perhaps a husband or wife, maybe even a parent. But doing things adults do does not necessarily mean you will be wiser, braver, or more self-assured. It takes time to acquire knowledge and build self-confidence. Adults need to test themselves in the world, just as you do as a teenager. Being an adult is a continual process of growth.
The best title for this passage may be _____________.

A.Becoming An Adult B.It Is No Good Becoming An Adult
C.Becoming A Voter D.Adulthood Is always A Long Way To You

According to the passage, the writer may probably think that ________.

A.nobody can be called an adult
B.becoming an adult is a long process of becoming learned and self-assured
C.adults are not self-confident
D.only adults can budget time and money perfectly

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.You don’t know you’re growing up because changes are gradual.
B.You used to beg for toys when you were young.
C.Even if you are quite grown up , you still need to acquire knowledge.
D.People will never be wise, brave or self-assured.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you know was in trouble—and he was? Have you ever dreamed something that came true later? Maybe you have ESP.
ESP stands for(代表) Extra Sensory Perception. It may be called a sixth sense. It seems to let people know about events before they happen, or events that are happening some distance away.
Here is an example: A woman was doing washing. Suddenly she screamed, “My father is dead!” I saw him sitting in the chair!” Just then. a telegram came. The woman’s father had died of a heart attack. He died sitting in a chair.
There are thousands of stories like this on record. Scientists are studying them to find out what is behind these strange mental messages. Here’s another example—one of hundreds of dreams that have come true.
A man dreamed he was walking along a road when a horse and carriage came by. The driver said, “There’s room for one more.” The man felt the driver was dead, so he ran away. The next day the man was getting on a crowded bus. The bus driver said, “There’s room for one more.” Then the man saw the driver’s face was the same face he had seen in the dream. He wouldn’t get on the bus. As the bus drove off, it crashed and burst into flames. Everyone was killed!
Some people say stories like these are lies or coincidences. Others, including some scientists say that ESP is true. From studies of  ESP, we may some day learn more about the human mind.
People with ESP may know about ____________

A.someone’s trouble B.events before they happen
C.their dreams D.events after they happen

From the passage it can be inferred that ____________.

A.all people have ESP B.some women or men have ESP
C.children have ESP D.no have ESP
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Look at this. It’s a blue bag. It is my bag. What’s in it? Look, this is my English book. It’s blue, too. My Chinese book is also in my bag. It is yellow. This is my pencil case. It’s big and nice. I like English and Chinese. My bag is my good friend.
My bag is       .

A.yellow B.blue C.nice D.big

--- What’s in my bag? 
---        .

A.My English book B.My Chinese book
C.My pencil case D.All the three

My Chinese book is also in my bag. "Also" means(意思是)      .

A.也 B.颜色 C.不在 D.放进

My       is my good friend.

A.Chinese book B.English book C.pencil case D.bag
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Look at these things. This is Mr. Wang’s ID card. And this is Jim’s watch, that’s Mary’s key. Gina’s notebook is over there. Look! What’s that on the floor? Oh, it’s gold ring. It’s Jenny’s ring. It’s very nice.
This is Mr. Wang’s ______.

A.notebook B.key C.ID card D.watch

______ notebook is over there.

A.Jim’s B.Gina’s C.Jenny’s D.Mary’s

Is this Jim’s watch? ______

A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn’t. C.Yes, he is. D.No, he isn’t.

Is Jenny’s ring very nice? ______

A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn’t. C.Yes, it is. D.No, it isn’t.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


This is ______.

A.Motorola 8008 B.Siemens A55 C.Nokia 8210 D.Panasonic 2128

Is it a small radio? ______

A.Yes, it is. B.A radio. C.No, it isn’t. D.A video.

Is that a good way of exchanging(交流)by phone? ______

A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is. C.Yes, it isn’t. D.No, it isn’t.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
