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Sunday Plan





Play football

Have a picnic

See a film


Play the piano

Listen to music

See a film


Read a book

Play football

See a film


Ride a bike

Go shopping

See a film

Weather table for Sunday




















56.Lingling will   on Sunday morning.


ride a bike


read a book


play the piano


play football

57.You will most probably find all of the four in   this weekend.


a park


a cinema


a shop


a football club

58.If you like skating very much,you can have fun in   









59.Daming will most probably wear   in Guangzhou.


a sweater


a raincoat


a T﹣shirt


a scarf

60.According to the weather,   will most probably have to change the Sunday plan.









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

All over the world the need for more laptops and computers increases each year.Networks have been part of our life.Probably everyone with a portable device (移动设备)has once logged on to a public WiFi network without paying for it,while they are having a coffee,on a train,in a shopping mall or at a hotel.However,is this kind of public WiFi network safe?

Some networks are better protected than others because encryption (加密)methods are used.Therefore,they are safer than others.But a survey in 2015 showed that more than 950 million records were not protected,including addresses,emails,birth dates,phone numbers,passwords and so on.These open WiFi networks are really not safe,because it is very easy for hackers (黑客) to break into the operating system and get people's private information.

Most smartphones and laptops,by themselves,search and connect to WiFi networks.They usually prefer a network with a connection that has been used before.Hackers'devices are able to record these searches and look like the trusted WiFi networks.When these smartphones and laptops log on to the networks which are not real,hackers can easily steal their private information.

So next time,when we want to use our laptops or our smartphones in public places which offer free WiFi networks,please think it twice or take safe measures before using them.

42.Why do people like to go log on to a public WiFi network?   

A.Because it can provide useful information.

B.Because the owner of the network is polite.

C.Because it is free.

D.Because it is safe.

43.We can learn from the passage that   

A.not all the public WiFi networks are safe

B.none of the public WiFi networks is safe

C.in 2015more than 950million records were protected

D.there is no way to protect our private information

44.Hackers would probably get the following EXCEPT   when we connect our laptops or smartphones to a public WiFi network.

A.our birth dates

B.our passwords

C.our phone numbers

D.our smartphones

45.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?   

A.Don't Use Public WiFi Networks

B.Why the Public WiFi Networks a Possible Danger

C.We Needn't Protect Our Private Information

D.Why Hackers Break into the Operating System.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Buying Is Doing?

    How important is shopping to you?How much time do you spend buying things?And how much time

do you spend organizing these things in your home?In the future,how much time will you spend in movie

theaters,at amusement parks,at shopping malls,or at convenience stores?When you add it all up,you will probably see you spend a lot of your life consuming(消费)things.Consuming products is not necessarily bad.However,if we spend too much time doing it,we should look at it carefully.

    Imagine that you have a week off from school.You don't have to go to class.However,in this week,

you cannot spend any money﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣no shopping,no movies,no eating out.How would you spend your time?What things would bring you happiness?Perhaps you would take a walk with your best friend.Perhaps you would help a child read.Or you might spend time with your family.

    When we look back,it is likely that non﹣consuming experiences like these will be our most important

memories.Why?Non﹣consuming activities are active,not passive.They don't come in a package.You make the experience yourself.For example,each person who reads to a child will have a different experience.The experience changes with the reader,the child,and the book.Similarly,when you have a conversation with a friend,you are actively creating an experience.The conversation that you have with your friend cannot be experienced or recreated by anyone else.However,if you watch a movie with a friend,you will each have a package experience.It requires no action and little interaction between the two of you.

    The environment we live in encourages us to have packaged experiences.We feel that we must

consume because we believe that buying is doing.However,we can start a personal revolution ( 变革) against consumerism.How?By consuming less.We can ask ourselves what experiences bring us the greatest satisfaction.Then we can organize our lives so that we have more of those kinds of experiences.

49.If consuming products takes too much time,we should   

A.spend less money

B.think about it carefully

C.organize our things

D.go to convenience stores

50.According to the passage,the writer believes that   

A.we can say no to consumerism by consuming less

B.buying things can bring us the greatest satisfaction

C.the environment seldom influences our shopping choices

D.consuming experiences will be our most important memories

51.What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?   

A.To introduce some ways of enjoying our spare time.

B.To encourage people to have more active experiences.

C.To explain reasons behind people's shopping behavior.

D.To share his personal experience in consuming products.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you tried to run or walk for exercise and then given up? If you answered yes, you should try a new kind of exercise: aquatic (水中的) exercise. Aquatic exercise is like exercise on land, but you do it in a swimming pool. More and more people are trying aquatic exercise.

   Aquatic exercise feels easier than exercising on land. Why? You weigh about 90% less in the pool. It is better for your knees than running or walking. Water is about 1, 000 times thicker and heavier than air. To move through the water, your body has to work four times as hard. As a result, you can burn more calories (卡路里).

   In fact, most people say they feel more relaxed in the water. They stop thinking about the things that make them worried. They feel in control of their bodies. The cool, quiet environment makes them feel good.

   But what if you are afraid of the water? No problem! There is nothing to worry about. Aquatic exercise is safe and

easy to learn. It doesn't require any special skills. You don't even need to know how to swim. Aquatic exercise is for everyone.

(1)What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?   

A. Difference between air and water.

B. Weight change of one's body.

C. The advantages of aquatic exercise.

D. The ways to do aquatic exercise.

(2)What do most people think of aquatic exercise?   

A. Relaxing.

B. Worrying.

C. Challenging.

D. Boring.

(3)According to the text, aquatic exercise is   

A. done in groups

B. fit for everyone

C. difficult to learn

D. done with special skills

(4)In which part of a magazine can we read the text?   

A. Culture.

B. Health.

C. Nature.

D. Travel.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's a cold, grey Sunday afternoon in March. The British are all working in their gardens. They're digging, cutting leaves and planting new seeds(种子). By summer, their gardens will be full of bright colours.

   The British love their gardens. A British newspaper recently asked people for their opinions about them. Around 70% of the people felt it was important to spend time in the garden, and over 50% of these described gardening as the most enjoyable thing they ever did.

   Only one in ten houses in Britain do not have a garden. People who live in houses without gardens often rent(租用) land from the government.

   At first, only very rich people had gardens. You can still see the gardens around houses with a long history, such as Chatsworth House or Castle Howard. In the early twentieth century, however, gardening became a hobby. People bought different kinds of seeds and plants for their gardens. Although roses, sunflowers and tomatoes are often grown in British gardens, they originally(起初) grew wild in other countries.

   Every year, there are competitions for the largest vegetables, but don't expect to win; Britain's biggest carrot is almost six metres long

(1)In summer, British gardens are often   

A. full of people digging there

B. colorful with different plants

C. too hot for people to work there

D. covered with grey leaves and plants

(2)A recent survey showed that   of the British felt it important to do some gardening.

A. around 70%

B. over 50%

C. only 20%

D. about 10%

(3)We can infer from Paragraph 4 that   

A. seeds were provided for free

B. roses were first grown in Britain

C. gardening is a hobby in the world

D. the owner of Chatsworth House was rich

(4)What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence?   

A. It is easy to grow big vegetables.

B. It is hard to win the competition.

C. The carrot is much easier to grow.

D. The carrot is his favorite vegetable.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

[1] It's Friday evening.My daughters sighed(叹息) when I gently took the iPads away from their laps.One by one, our screens we returned off.We lit the candles and sat down to have a big meal.

[2] We call it our "Technology Shabbat"(科技安息日) which lasts from sunset(日落)on Friday to sunset on Saturday.Now most friends know they will not be able to contact(联系) us by using computers or mobile phones for 24 hours.

[3] I first understood the importance of "Technology Shabbat" in 2008, when my father had got brain cancer.Some day he would have only one good hour, and the only thing I wanted to do was to be with him.When I looked ①______my father, I turned off my mobile phone.

[4] Soon after that,my husband and I decided to turn off all the electronic things for one full day every week.

[5] During our "Technology Shabbat",times lows down.Our Saturday snow feel like mini﹣vacations.We drive cars or ride bikes.We work in the garden, play board games and cook meals with our kids.I feel like a better mother, wife and person.

[6] Keeping a balance(平衡) between the good and the ②______of technology is important for my family.The technology helps us share knowledge and funny ideas all over the world.But the technology also takes something away from us.When we ③_____up late at night linking(连接) from website to website or sending messages, we click(点击) again and again until we have been overloaded(超负荷的).

[7] Now we're rushing into the time full of high technology.(5)We should pay attention to what we are doing online and when we should go offline

[8] I will always remember the most important thing in my family:Technology Shabbat.

(1)When is "Technology Shabbat" in the writer's family?(No more than 10 words)

(2)What did the writer and her husband decide to do after her father got cancer?(No more than 18 words)

(3)What's the good of technology according to the passage?(No more than 15 words)

(4)Fill in each blank with one proper word.




(5)Translate the underlined sentence in the seventh paragraph into Chinese.


(6)Do you like the idea of "Technology Shabbat"?Why or why not ?(No more than 25 words)


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You might not think much about where your garbage goes.But now you might want to know.On July 1,Shanghai introduced a new garbage﹣sorting policy (垃圾分类政策).People there need to put different kinds of garbage into different bins. Other cities in China will do the same soon.

    Garbage sorting is a big problem because there is too much garbage these days.It is bad for our environment.In fact, we can make use of some garbage again. But first, we need to sort it.

    For example, if you put an old battery (电池) into the "harmful waste" bin, people can use it to make new batteries. But if you don't, the battery will end up somewhere else.Then, it will pollute the environment.

    Garbage sorting and recycling around the world

    Germany: There are big machines in supermarkets. You can put bottles in the machines and get money back.

    Japan: A truck playing music comes to people's doors to pick up their garbage. There are eight or more kinds of garbage. If you sort any of them wrong, you will get a notice on your door.

    Indonesia: People can take buses for free if they give plastic bottles to bus stations.    An hour﹣long bus ride costs three large bottles.

    Four kinds of garbage in Shanghai

    Recyclable garbage includes paper, books, plastic items, and glass bottles. Harmful garbage includes lamps, batteries, and other things with harmful chemicals (化学品).Wet garbage usually comes from the kitchen, such as food and vegetables. Dry garbage is anything you cannot put into the other three bins, pens and towels, for example.

(1)What can we learn from Paragraph 1?  

A. Many countries take Shanghai's garbage sorting policy.

B. Many other cities in China have garbage sorting policies.

C. Shanghai is the first city in China to make a garbage﹣sorting policy.

D. China is the first country in the world 10 make a garbage﹣ sorting policy.

(2)The writer gives the "battery" example to tell us  

A. how to sort our garbage

B. how important sorting is

C. what harmful waste is

D. how difficult sorting is

(3)If you  , you can take a free bus ride in Indonesia.

A. put bottles in a machine

B. take plastic bottles to the station

C. get a notice on the door

D. put garbage into different bins

(4)Which bin should "newspapers" go to?  

(5)Which is the best tile for the passage?  

A. Sort Garbage, Save Earth

B. Less Garbage, Cleaner Environment

C. Clean Shanghai, Beautiful China

D. Different Countries, Different Policies

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day. and it is harmful to our environment. Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.


    Reduce means "use less". Do not waste thing. It Saves money and causes less pollution. Do not order more food than you can finish. 当你不需要的时候就把灯关上.Before you buy something new,think whether it is really necessary because maybe the old one is just as good!


    Reuse means "use again". Use things for a long as possible. Look after them so that they will last.Repair them if possible. Do not throw them away and buy new ones. Do not use paper cups or paper bags.


    Recycle means "change things into something else to be reused". We throw tons of rubbish away each year, and we have to make a change. Divide your rubbish into plastic glasspaper and rubber Develop a recycling policy for the whole community. Buy products such as recycled paper to help save trees.


What words are we advised to repeat every day?



What does the underlined word "It" in the second paragraph refer to (指的是)?





Take care of them so that they will be used for more time.




  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Group: Buffy, Debby, Jamie, Albert, Matt …(7)

Hey, guys! I have a lot of things I don't need, so I'm thinking about having a yard sale. What do you think?

Thank you!

Having a yard sale is not easy. You have to collect things, put prices on them, put them out on tables and then wait for people to come. And usually you have to sell things at VERY low prices. For all that time and work, you make very little money. Why not just sell your things online for higher prices?

Debby's right. But I think it'd be even better to just give your things to people who need them. I just sent out a lot of things last week.

Hey, I love yard sales! It's a great chance to make big money if you choose the right day. In my experience, Saturday is the best.

I agree with Albert. You can make money and meet interesting people. I made some good friends at my last yard sale.

(1)Why does Buffy start the chatting (聊天)?  

A. To ask her friends for advice.

B. To sell things to the group members.

C. To invite her friends to go to a yard sale.

D. To explain how to deal with useless things.

(2)What is Debby's opinion?  

A. A yard sale could make much more money.

B. You have to wait long for people to come.

C. A yard sale is not worth the time and work.

D. Online selling takes too much time and work.

(3)Which of the following best describes Jamie?  

A. Honest.

B. Clever.

C. Hard﹣working.

D. Kind﹣hearted.

(4)Who support(s) Buffy's idea?  

A. Debby and Jamie.

B. Only Albert.

C. Only Matt.

D. Albert and Matt.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Animals are our friends. Sometimes they make trouble, but sometimes they can help us.And they hope to live a happy life, too. Here are two real stories from our readers.

    The first story is from Ray."My cat, Tiger, hates it when I use my iPad because it takes my attention away from him. One year, I had a fall at home and was on the floor for 16 hours, During this time, I was unable to move and couldn't get to the phone to call for help. Tiger stayed by my side until he disappeared under my bed. 'What's he up to?' I wondered. To my surprise, he started to push something towards me. It was my iPad,which I didn't realize had fallen off the bed and onto the floor.He probably didn't know what it was, but he knew that it made me happy. Thanks to Tiger, I was able to communicate with my friend, Becky, who then told my doctor."

    The second story is from Colin. "Years ago, my friend Julius saved a bird﹣a wild 'Mom' cockatoo(鹦鹉) from the side of the road and kept it as a pet in a big cage(笼子).It lost one of her wings, so she was unable to return to the wild. Soon, two wild cockatoos came visiting and one 'Dad' bird wanted to find his way into the cage. The 'Mom' cockatoo in the cage was soon expecting. But as she couldn't fly,'Dad' cockatoo built a home in the tree, keeping off everyone who got close to 'Mom' cockatoo. 'Baby' cockatoo would spend his days flying off with his dad, leaving his mom behind.She would sit and wait until they returned home each afternoon.The family stayed together happily."

    After reading the stories, don't you think we should get along well with animals? No matter they are our pets or live in the wild, they have their feelings. We should respect every life in the world.

(1)  is the owner of the cat.

A. Becky

B. Julius

C. Colin

D. Ray

(2)The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 refers to the  


B. cat



(3)"Mom" cockatoo didn't return to the wild because  

A.Julius caught it as a pet

B. She was badly hurt and couldn't fly

C. she preferred the life in the cage

D."Dad" cockatoo built a home in the tree

(4)The main idea of the passage is that  

A. Ray, Becky and Colin are animal lovers

B. we shouldn't use iPad too much

C. friends should help each other

D. we should respect every life in the world

(5)In which part of a newspaper would you probably read the passage?  

A. Sports news.

B. People and animals.

C. Health.

D. Travel.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever paid for educational podcasts (播客) or live videos? Ask some people and most of them will say yes. "Pay﹣for﹣knowledge" has been more and more fashionable these years. The contents of these "pay﹣for﹣ knowledge" products are from language learning to gardening or baby﹣caring. Everything you think of can be found online at this moment. "Pay﹣for﹣knowledge" is on the rise (兴起).

    Why is "pay﹣for﹣knowledge" industry developing so rapidly? First, its development is based on the Internet. With a fast network and a smartphone, anyone who has passed the identity (身份)check can be an online teacher, and anyone with an online account can buy "pay﹣for knowledge" products that he or she wants at an affordable price. Second, people are afraid to miss any information. On one hand, people hope for more useful information. On the other hand,such information is usually at the hands of experts (专家) who serve well﹣known companies and universities.Moreover,the need to learn new skills in today's job market also pushes people to learn on such educational podcasts.

    The industry of "pay﹣for﹣knowledge" has proved to be lucrative. It promises possibilities of turning information into money. It is good for the development of our country and it can help sellers make lots of money. Besides, buyers can enjoy self﹣growth from it.What's more, this is a reflection (反映) of respect for knowledge and talents.

    However,the rapid development of "pay﹣for knowledge" has a few problems.For one thing,the market is full of eye﹣ catching words such as "How to be an Industry's Expert in 5 Hours" and "15 Classes to Be a Master of Appreciating (欣赏) Classical Music", which sound like if you pay for it, you are sure to succeed. For another, a large number of customers buy them just for showing off. In fact, those who have really had self﹣growth after buying online courses may be the kind of people who need them least. In other words, with or without these courses, they can make it anyway,because they are those who have the ability to learn by themselves.

    In general, the best is the one that suits you most."Pay﹣ for﹣knowledge" may be used as a good start for self﹣ growth. Be careful! Otherwise, your dream of success may not come true.

(1)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

A. "Pay﹣for﹣knowledge" products can help all the people succeed.

B. "Pay﹣for﹣knowledge" products can offer people different kinds of courses.

C. People who can teach themselves need "pay﹣for﹣knowledge" products most.

D. People must learn from experts who serve famous companies and universities.

(2)What can we learn about "pay﹣for﹣knowledge" industry from Paragraph 2?  

A. The history of its development.

B. The problems of its products.

C. The advantages of its products.

D. The causes of its rise.

(3)The underlined phrase "be lucrative" in Paragraph 3 means"  ".

A. produce lots of money

B. get much information

C. win great respect

D. enjoy self﹣growth

(4)The main purpose of this passage is to  

A. recommend the "pay﹣for﹣knowledge" products to people

B. advise everyone to learn knowledge by themselves online

C. remind people to choose "pay﹣for﹣knowledge" products wisely

D. teach parents how to buy some online courses for their children

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

   Since May 8, Boston Dynamics, doglike robot, Spot, has been in use at BishanAng Mo Kio Park in Singapore to help encourage social distancing during the COVID19 pandemic (新冠肺炎疫情) according to a report in the South China Morning Post.

    Singpore’s government is funding the experiment of the robotic dog, which will last for two weeks at the park during offpeak(非高峰的) hours.

    "The robot isn’t enforcing (强制 ). It’s just giving people information and encouraging them, "Boston Dynamics founder Marc Raibert told CNBC. "When Spot is patrolling(巡逻)the area, there’s a parks officer nearby who can do whatever enforcement he decides is suitable. "

    Cameras fixed on Spot will scan the surroundings and help officers work out the number of visitors in the park, but they cannot read faces and won’t collect any personal information. It also carries a loudspeaker to broadcast a prerecorded message to remind visitors of the importance of social distancing.

    Without enough manpower, Singapore is turning to robotics to reduce the manpower required for park patrols and remind people about the risks they may be putting themselves and others in.

    The question, however, is whether their use of Spot will be a good tool or will or only attract more people to it instead.

    If the twoweek experiment proves successful, the government will consider using Spot at the park during peak hours. Singapore will also do studies to see if it’s worth using other Spots in other parks. Already, Singapore engineers are trying to improve Spot, making it tell if people are together in a group or strangers passing on the grass.

    No one knows if Spot will stay after the pandemic is gone, but one thing is for sure: the robot is the hardest working dog in the world.

(1)Why is Spot used at BishanAng Mo Kio Park?  

A. To draw visitors, attention to it.

B. To help encourage social distancing.

C. To read and record visitors, faces.

D. To help collect private information.

(2)The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 4 refers to(指的是)  

A. visitors

B. strangers

C. cameras

D. officers

(3)What can we learn from the last 3 paragraphs?  

A. The experiment is still in progress.

B. The use of Spot proves to be a good tool.

C. Spot will stay after the pandemic is over.

D. Singapore will no longer need other Spot robots.

(4)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?  

A. Spot scares people into keeping a distance in public.

B. Spot patrols the park for two weeks during peak hours.

C. Spot can tell people together in a group from strangers passing by.

D. The parks officer nearby decides on the enforcement instead of Spot.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

At the doctor's office

    Wilson is a foreign student in Britain.He is learning English there.He still has some trouble using the language.

    Doctor: Good morning. You're a new patient, I think. What's the trouble?

    Wilson: Sometimes I feel cold and sometimes hot. I have a headache and a stomachache. Doctor:Yes, you look a bit offcolour

    Wilson: What colour, please?

    Doctor: Sorry, what I said was "off﹣colour".We use it to describe how people look or feel when they are unwell. Let me take your temperature. When did this start?

    Wilson: I felt very tired last night when I went to bed. Then I felt really bad this morning when I woke up.

    Doctor: I see. Now, let's look at your temperature. Ah, just as I thought, a hundred and one.Wilson: Oh, a hundred and one? So high?

    Doctor: Ah, yes, that must sound strange to you. We measure people's temperature on the Fahrenheit scale(华氏). In centigrade, your temperature is 39℃, which is a bit high, but not exactly boiling point(沸点).

    Wilson: Oh, it isn't very bad, then.

    Doctor: No, it isn't serious. You've got a cold. I'll give you some medicine. You'd better stay at home in the warm for a day or two and drink plenty of water.

    Wilson: Thank you very much, doctor. I'm feeling better already. It wasn't so difficult telling you about my illness.

    Doctor: No, language doesn't matter too much to a doctor. After all, vets manage without language at all.

    Wilson: Please, what's a "vets"?

    Doctor: Animal doctors. Now I must end this English lesson and see my next patient.

(1)Which word has the same meaning as the underlined word "off﹣colour"?  

A. tired

B. lazy

C. sick

D. stressed

(2)What do we know about Wilson?  

A. He is good at English.

B. He has had a cold.

C. He is from the UK.

D. He knows the doctor well.

(3)What is the doctor like?  

A. Impatient.

B. Strict.

C. Humorous.

D. Curious.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    I think there are several reasons that suggest developing robots is a waste of money.

    In San Diego recently $ 325,000 was spent on inventing a robotic squirrel to do some scientific experiments. The research proved that squirrels are able to scare away snakes by wagging (摇动) their tails. Do you need a robotic squirrel to work this out?

    What about AIBO,a robotic pet,developed in Japan? In Japanese aibou means "buddy". These pets have been developed at huge cost mainly to provide entertainment.They've been used in movies and music videos. Universities have used them for educational purposes.However, in 2006 the company stopped producing these robotic pets in order to save money. Was it worth a lot of money?

    Then there's NAO, a robot which has been developed by a French company.Its main purpose is to make life easier for humans. It speaks 19 languages and has its own personality.It can tell children a story, help in the classroom or the home, or act as a companion to those people who need someone to be with.A fully developed one costs ﹩16,000. Is that value for money? Who can afford it anyway?

    There may be good reasons why it is worth developing robots, but so far I haven't thought of any.

(1)What does the underlined word "companion" in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?  





(2)What is the true fact about the robots mentioned?  

A. The robotic squirrel is needed by every scientist to do some research.

B. AIBO wasn't made any more because it only provided entertainment.

C. A fully developed NAO may tell kids stories in different languages.

D. All the three types of robots used to be produced at a very low cost.

(3)What does the writer think of developing robots?  

A. It can help bring people a lot of fun.

B. It has advantages in many ways.

C. It may be useful but costs too much.

D.It is worth a great deal of money.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    Do you like Physics or Chemistry? Matter (物质) is always changing, either physically or chemically. If a material goes through a physical change, it is still the same material. During a chemical change, one kind of matter changes into another completely different kind of matter. For example, when we burn wood or cook fish, materials change. People use chemistry every day in the kitchen. The food we eat has many different natural chemicals. Many of the chemicals in food are necessary parts of a healthy diet.

    Much of the food we eat has been changed in some way from its original form. The changes that food undergoes may be chemical or physical. If a change does not affect the food's chemical composition, we call it a physical change. For example, melted (溶解的) cheese has gone through a physical change. It gets softer when it is heated but it is still the same type of material. Any change that changes the chemicals in the food is a chemical change. Bread contains carbohydrates, which are chemicals made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. When bread is baked (烘焙), the carbohydrates break down into black carbon and water. The carbon gives the bread a dark color and a crunchy texture (质地). The water goes into the air.

    To get a closer look at the chemistry of baking, let's watch how a carrot cake is made. The main steps of baking any cake are mixing the ingredients (材料) and baking them together. In the course of making cakes, the dry ingredients are mixed first. They are flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, baking powder and spices. Flour gives the cake structure. Sugar helps to make it sweet. Salt strengthens the cake batter. Baking powder and baking soda make the cake rise.

    Next, the carrots may be added to the cake. These help give the carrot cake its flavor, texture, and color. The other ingredients in the carrot cake are oil and eggs. The oil makes the cake tender and moist. Eggs serve two purposes﹣the whites help the cake to rise, while the yolks (蛋黄) give it a creamy texture. All of these ingredients form a mixture. This mixture can be separated into its different components (成分) although it is very difficult. Once the cake mixture is formed, it's poured into a cake pan and baked in an oven. The heat from the oven has caused chemical changes to take place. The cake is finished and the ingredients cannot be separated.

(1)The material doesn't change when we  

A. melt ice cream

B. burn paper

C. bake apple pies

D. cook beef

(2)What's the correct order of baking a carrot cake in the passage?  

a. Carrots, oil and eggs are added.

b. The dry ingredients are mixed.

c. The mixture is baked in an oven.

d. Baking powder and soda make the cake rise.

e. Preparing some dry ingredients.

f. The heat from the oven causes chemical changes.

g. The ingredients cannot be separated.

h. The mixture is poured into a pan

A. b﹣a﹣h﹣f﹣g

B. b﹣h﹣c﹣d﹣f

C. e﹣d﹣c﹣a﹣g

D. e﹣c﹣a﹣g﹣d

(3)After reading the passage, we know that  

A. water and carbon can give the cake a dark color and a crunchy texture

B. people can separate the mixture of eggs and oil into different components

C. chemicals in different kinds of food that people eat are bad for their health

D. sugar and salt can't be put into the mixture to make a cake at the same time

(4)The passage mainly helps us to  

A. look at the steps of baking cakes closely

B. learn how to make carrot cakes at home

C. have a healthy diet with natural chemicals

D. understand physical and chemical changes

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
