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As we all know,environmental pollution is still serious nowadays.Our group wanted to know how many students knew about each kind of the pollution and we wanted to learn how often they sorted(分类) rubbish.So we did a survey among the students in our school.Here are the results of our questionnaire(问卷).

   The results of the questionnaire

Do you know about these problems?

How often do you sort rubbish?

(1)The survey is mainly about    .


scientific research


environmental protection


everyday habits


physical education

(2)We can know there are    parts in the questionnaire.









(3)    is known by the fewest students.


Air pollution


Water pollution


Noise pollution


Global warming

(4)    have begun to sort rubbish according to the chart(图表).


All of the students


Most of the students


Some of the students


None of the students

(5)What can we learn from the results of the questionnaire?    


Air pollution is noticed by a large number of students.


The students don't realize the situation of the environment at all.


Five kinds of environmental pollution are mentioned in the questionnaire.


Most students take enough action to sort rubbish.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In high school and college,you may be encouraged to travel or study abroad.Perhaps you are too busy with your schoolwork to seriously consider these chances.I encourage traveling at a young age. (1)    .

As young people,most of us live with mom and dad.Our community knows us well,too.The idea of getting out of this comfort zone(舒适区) can be scary (可怕的).

(2)    In our daily life,we know well how to act and respond(答复)to people.But how about being in a new place,with strangers who hold different values?It can be uncomfortable at first.But once you work out that you can connect with people in spite of(尽管)differences,you become smarter and more confident.You should learn to face this discomfort.It will help you to grow.

By traveling widely,you will also develop cultural sensitivity(敏感性).Being culturally sensitive is important.And it is not enough to just know, "People from that country are like this."

When I was in Spain,for example,I found people there took a two﹣hour break in the middle of their workday.Many foreigners consider the Spanish people lazy. (3)    To the Spanish people,eating together as a family is more important than anything else.Cultural sensitivity will help you with your communication on both business and personal levels.

Finally,I'd like to mention that traveling abroad will be a wonderful way to learn a new language.Being in a new language﹣learning environment,you will have to use the language.(4)    

A.It helps you to learn a new language as well.

B.In fact,the Spanish people are always like this.

C.However,one learns the most in strange situations.

D.The earlier you travel widely,the more you can learn.

E.In this way,you will improve your language skills better.

F.Few of them know people there place great value on family time.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How do you go to school every day?By bike or on foot?Maybe you can try a new way﹣taking a S'Cool Bus.

The S'Cool Bus is also called the bike bus.It was invented in the bike kingdom﹣the Netherlands.It is all about green lifestyle,sport and sharing.It's interesting for kids to ride the bus together to go to school.

Also,it is very safe.The bike bus has a driver and eleven seats for kids.Each one has a helmet(头盔) and safety belt(安全带).There is also a roof on the bus.It can be used on hot days or rainy days to make kids feel comfortable.

Riding the bike bus is one of the greatest ways for children to get to school.Peter,a 10﹣year﹣old pupil,becomes a big fan of the bike bus. "Now the S'Cool Bus is my favorite way of transport.I can ride it together with other kids to keep healthy.It's full of fun."For most parents,it can help them save a lot of time because they only have to pick up their children after school.

The S′Cool Bus is becoming more and more popular in some countries like Germany and France.Its creator Thomas Tolkamp says, "I hope I can sell the bike bus to more countries in the future.As green lifestyle becomes popular,ideas like this get popular,too.I think it will work well in other countries." The use of S'Cool Bus shows us that we can save the Earth in many ways as long as we want to have a try.

(1)According to the passage,the S'Cool Bus    .


can carry twelve kids


offers kids helmets and umbrellas


has no windows or roof


is ridden by the driver and kids together

(2)Why does Peter enjoy riding the S'Cool Bus to school?    


It saves time and money.


It makes him safe and relaxed.


It is green and comfortable.


It is interesting and good for health.

(3)Thomas thinks the S'Cool Bus will work well in other countries because    .


more people like to live green lives


many people hope to try out new ideas


it can help kids form the habit of exercising


it makes people realize the importance of being green

(4)Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?    


A biking trip to school


A cool way to school


A school bus or a bike?


The best way to transport

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Liu Jichen believes good behavior(表现)should be encouraged so that it will become a good habit.The young man has succeeded in making millions of people form the habit of clearing their plates as part of the nation's efforts to cut down food waste.

Liu Jichen and his team have developed a WeChat mini﹣program called "Clear Your Plate".After a meal,users can open the mini﹣program and take a picture of (A) theirempty plates.Once the picture is recognized(被识别)by the AI(人工智能),users can collect points. (B) They can be used to buy products or give away meals to children and old people in need.

Bi Haibao is a 26﹣year﹣old teacher from a college in Qingdao,Shandong Province.He was one of the program's first users before it went popular on campus(校园).He led a student team to join in a competition for the "empty plate" campaign(活动).The result is good,as many students mentioned their awareness(意识)of food saving had improved.Students who use the AI program might gradually form good habits of saving food.

Liu,who believes technology can help with "Clear Your Plate",said refusing food waste should be a lifestyle choice for everyone. (C) " We make our efforts to encourage young people to save food " he said.











  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Today,by carefully choosing dog parents,humans have created many different kinds of dog Each kind has its own look and talents and its own role within human society.Here are three examples of "a dog's life" in the human world.

Today,many hospitals let specially trained dogs in to bring love and cheer to patients.Shaynee is a therapy(治疗)dog.She visits children who are in hospital.Dogs like Shaynee help patients feel calm and at peace which can be hard in a busy hospital.They help both children and adults stay strong during long hospital stays,and,some suggest,even help them get better.

Today some beagles(小猎犬)work in airports for the government They are part of the program called he Beagle Brigade.A beagle is good or the work because of its powerful nose,and ability to follow smells.The Beagle Brigade's job is to smell everything that comes into the country.They make officers notice illegal(非法的)fruits.vegetables,and other foods in luggage or in mail.The beagles do the job far better than any human could.

While some dogs are working hard others are free to spend their days resting and playing Across the world,many pet dogs are treated like children.Many have their own rooms and all the things a dog could want Some even have their own clothes.Many of these pets spend their days playing,learning to follow or even going to classes.Their owners give them the best,and enjoy doing so.

Whether as workers or objects of affection(钟情)dogs have become helpful to humans in many ways.There are plenty of advantages for the dog,too.Many kinds of wild dogs have nearly disappeared from the Earth.However,the domestic dog's special place as "man's best friend" has allowed it to survive (存活)in a human world.

(1)What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?    


Hospitals need many special dogs.


Dogs can take care of patients.


Patients need love in the hospital.


Doctors are too busy to see patients.

(2)What does the underlined word " domestic" in Paragraph 5 mean?    









(3)What's the purpose of the passage?    


To ask people to treat dogs as their own children.


To explain why humans need beagles in their work.


To tell people about the history of dogs' development.


To show a good relationship between dogs and humans.

(4)Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?    

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sleepwalking(梦游) is when your child gets out of bed and walks around as if he 's awake,but he's actually asleep.Sleepwalking doesn't hurt your child,and it usually disappears when the kid grows up.

Sleepwalking happens during deep sleep.Your child might get out of bed and walk around as if he's awake,but he won't respondnormally to you or anything around him.This may make you upset.But try not to worry﹣your child is OK.

In fact,sleepwalking is quite common.7% to 15% of children sleepwalk,and it doesn't usually mean that there's anything wrong with them.Children aged 4 to 12 are more likely to sleepwalk.Both boys and girls sleepwalk.

Sleepwalking often happens in the first few hours of the night.When it happens,your child 's mind is asleep.However,his body is awake at the same time.

Sleepwalking usually has something to do with age and development.However,some things can increase your child's sleepwalking.For example:

●Bad habits that cause poor sleep

●Fever or some other illnesses

●A family history of sleepwalking

●Medical conditions that cause poor sleep

If your child is sleepwalking at least once every night,it's best to see a doctor.Also see a doctor if your child's sleepwalking is influencing the sleep of other family members,or if you're worried your child might hurt himself while sleepwalking.

(1)The underlined word"respond" means    in Paragraph 2.









(2)Most kids who sleepwalk usually appear during    .


primary school


junior school


senior school


middle school

(3)When sleepwalking happens,    at the same time .


a kid's mind and his body are awake


a kid's mind is asleep and his body falls asleep,too


a kid's mind is awake but his body falls asleep


a kid's mind is asleep but his body is awake

(4)Which of the following is not true according to this article?    


The kids whose parents sleepwalked may sleepwalk.


The kids whose habits cause poor sleep may sleepwalk.


The kids who often read before going to bed may sleepwalk.


The kids who sleep badly after they take medicine may sleepwalk.

(5)From this article,we know    .


sleepwalking is very dangerous


boys are more likely to sleepwalk


85% to 93% of kids don't sleepwalk


sleepwalking happens in the morning

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

At an early time,a paper ticket was necessary even for passengers who bought tickets online.But now people are saying goodbye to paper tickets.

Passengers can swipe(刷)an ID card to pass through a gate before taking a high﹣speed train. "It's very convenient and fast, "said Wu Yuanzhen,a passenger from Guangxi. "I am a business man and travel a lot by train.For us,time is money.E﹣tickets save time and improve travel efficiency(效率). "

For passengers who need to change or return their tickets,they can change the tickets or get their fund(退款) through 12306.cn or the ticket office at the station.

Since 2011,passengers have been able to swipe their ID cards at self﹣service machines to take the Beijing﹣Tianjin high﹣speed railway and Beijing﹣Shanghai high﹣speed railway.And now checking﹣in by swiping an ID card is available at high﹣speed railway stations in most cities across China.At stations in some remote(偏远)areas,passengers still need a paper ticket to get on a train.

(1)Were paper tickets necessary when people travelled by train 15 years ago?         

(2)What is the advantage of c﹣tickets?                                  

(3)How can you change or return your e﹣tickets?                         

(4)Is checking﹣in by swiping an ID card available in your hometown?          

(5)According to the passage,where do people sill have to use a paper train ticket in China?        


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


The COVID﹣19 epidemic(新冠疫情)is sill spreading rapidly throughout the world.Luckily,it is under control in China with the efforts of our government and all the people.However,we should still be careful in our daily life.There're some rules for us to follow.

  Get vaccinated (打疫苗)

Since there's still no special medicine to cure(治愈) COVID﹣19, (1)    The government is providing available vaccine(疫苗)for everyone in our country.If you're over 18 years old and in good health,you can get vaccinated near your community. (2)    

②Wear masks(口罩)

People have been used to wearing masks since the epidemic broke out.It is summer now,maybe wearing masks in hot weather makes you feel uncomfortable.However, (3)    

So whenever you go out,don't forget to put on your mask.You may look cooler with a mask on!

③Wash your hands

(4)    Especially when you get home from school or work,or return from any other public places,the first thing you should do is to turn on the tap(水龙头),pick up the soap and wash your hands completely.

④Keep safe social distance(距离)

You'd better not go to crowded places.The summer vacation is beginning.If you have to go to the stores,movies,parties,supermarkets,etc,besides wearing masks,remember to keep social distance. (5)       

Anyway,take good care of yourself and live a safe and happy life!

A.Wash your hands as often as possible.

B.But you have to pay!

C.we don't need to do anything about it.

D.What's more,it is free!

E.Avoid getting too close to other people.

F.the vaccine is the most important way to prevent it.

G.it is still a good way to stop the virus(病毒) from spreading among people.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most children are taught the virtue (美德) of honesty from stories.The well﹣known story of Pinocchio teaches the importance of telling the truth.Every time Pinocchio lies,his nose grows longer and longer.Another story is about the boy who"cried wolf." In the end,he loses all his sheep and the trust of his fellow villagers because he tells lies many times.These types of stories show children that "honesty is the best policy." Still,if thisis the case,then why do so many people lie?The fact is that people lie for many reasons.

One reason people lie is to minimize (减少) a mistake.While it is true that everyone does something wrong from time to time,some people do not have the courage to admit their errors (错误) because they are afraid they will be blamed.For example,students might lie to their teachers about unfinished homework.They might say that they left the work at home when,in fact,they did not do the work at all.These students do not want to get in trouble or seem irresponsible,so they make up an excuse﹣ a lie﹣ to save face.

Another reason for lying has to do with self﹣protection.Parents,particularly those with young children,may teach their children to use this type of"protective" lie in certain circumstances (状况).What should children do if a stranger calls while the parents are out?Many parents teach their children to explain that their mother and father are too busy to come to the phone at that time.In this situation,protective lying can mean greater safety.

People lie for many reasons,both good and bad.Lying to keep the peace or to stay safe can have positive results.However,lying to stay out of trouble can lead to more trouble in the end.Understanding the motives behind the impulse (冲动) to lie might minimize this habit of lying.

(1)What does the underlined word"this" refer to in the passage?    


Honesty is the best policy.


The well﹣known story of Pinocchio.


The story of the boy who"cried wolf".

(2)Why do some children lie to their teachers?    


Because they like making up an excuse.


Because they have left the homework at home.


Because they are afraid to be blamed at school.

(3)How does the writer explain why people tell lies?    


By asking questions.


By giving examples.


By showing the results.

(4)What is the correct structure of the passage? (P﹣paragraph 1)    




(5)What's the best title for the passage?    


The Truth behind Lying.


The Types of Lies.


The Habit of Lying.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Betty is studying in a school in Paris now.Let′s take a look at her timetable.





Room 302

10:20 ﹣12:00


Room 104


Room 205

13:00﹣ 14:40


Room 301

15:00﹣ 17:00

A Pop Music Concert

The school hall

A Rock Music Concert

The school gym

(1)What lesson does Betty have on Monday morning?    









(2)Where does Betty have French lesson?    


In Room 205.


In Room 104.


In Room 302.


In Room 301.

(3)What time does Betty have maths lesson at?       









(4)When is the pop music concert?    


On Monday morning.


On Monday afternoon.


On Tuesday morning.


On Tuesday afternoon.

(5)Where is the rock music concert?    


In Room 205.


In Room 301.


In the school hall.


In the school gym.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sam goes to a new school in Cambridge now.He is studying some new subjects,like science.It is very difficult.At school ,he can see his friends and talk to them on the Internet.He likes sports.He always play football after school on Mondays.He likes his new school very much.


(1)Sam goes to a new school in Cambridge now.    

(2)Science isn't difficult.    

(3)At school,Sam can't see his friends on the Internet.    

(4)Sam always plays football after school on Sundays.    

(5)Sam likes his new school very much.    

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Apps can teach you things or let you have fun.The following are some apps that you may use in your daily life.


    Do you love to read?Do you wish that you could bring all of your books with you everywhere you go?Kindle allows you to do so.This app has over a million free e﹣books to download.With Kindle,you can read anything from comic books and novels to magazines and newspapers.


    Calm is an app that can help you relax and sleep better.It has a lot of features to help you relax.For example,it has calming sounds like ocean waves and rain.


    Sometimes the hardest part of exercising is getting started.If you want to get started,you'd better try RunKeeper.It is a good app that can help you exercise.Are you ready to start?If so,RunKeeper will always be with you.


    If you don't have enough time to read news stories or watch videos,Pocket can help you save all of them online.Then you can read them or watch them when you are free.You can view them offline,too.Besides,it can also help you organize the things you have saved.

(1)How many apps can help you to read?   





(2)The app "Pocket" can't help you to   .

A.read news stories

B.watch videos

C.organize the things you have saved

D.relax and sleep better

(3)Which of the following apps may help you exercise?   





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

March 2 is Old Stuff Day(旧物日).It is all about old stuff.Things you used have been forgotten for ages in your home.You must have some old stuff around.And today is all about enjoying it.Because what's better than finding something really great from days gone by?

    It's so easy to forget things you have.If we don't use them every day,some things can be put away and stay there.And that's not just the things in your home— technology grows so quickly,new toys come out all the time,new books keep coming out.In the age of new information,we can have so many things easily.Today is all about remembering the things we sometimes leave behind.

    We've learned to value what age can bring to things.Wines,for example,are more valuable and tastier as they grow older.It's certain that old things still have their uses,value or charm.People today will pay a pretty penny for stamps,toys,video games,board games,books,coins,and clothes of yesterday.

    You can really get into the charm of old things by visiting a junk shop (旧货店).Another person's old stuff could be your new stuff!Or maybe now is a good day to clean up?Old stuff could become a great gift for someone else,or you could always send your old things to a charity shop.If you're free,you could turn your old clothes into new ones with just a little change.

    Today could be a good day to visit your older families.You could ask your grandparents to tell you stories about family history,their childhood and their youth.Learn about what was going on in the world when they were growing up.

    Most of all,remember that today's new stuff will one day be old stuff.

(1)What is Old Stuff Day?  

A.A day to throw away old things.

B.A day to follow new technology.

C.A day to get together with families.

D.A day to enjoy and reuse old things.

(2)From paragraph 3,we know that       .

A.age brings people new things

B.people love buying new things

C.people always clean up old stuff

D.old stuff is still valuable and useful

(3)Which of the following is a proper way to deal with old stuff?  

A.Breaking them into pieces.

B.Sending them to charity shops.

C.Forgetting them in some places.

D.Turning them into waste things.

(4)The author's purpose in writing the text is to make people      .

A.realize value of old stuff

B.explore new technology

C.produce more old things

D.remember family history

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In modern times.our clothes seem good enough to meet our needs both in color and style.However,are you impatient with washing your clothes so often?Are you tired of the same color?If your answer is "Yes".Let's meet the fashion in the future.


    To clean this shirt,just stand in the sun!A special material on the surface receives UV light from the sun.This heats it up enough to make stains(污渍) missing.You stay cool but stains disappear!Some stains disappear in minutes—others might take a day.

    New Fabric Suit

    Are you sick of holes in your clothes?This new material repairs itself!If this cloth gets a hole.just rub (搓揉) the broken place quickly.Heat from the rubbing will cause the materials to connect with each other again,repairing the hole.Hole?What hole?

    New Wiggle Vigor

    This cloth gets a charge(充电) from running around.As you move,the thin wires in the material turn your movement into power.This can charge a computer,an ipad,a hair﹣dryer,and many other small things that need power.

    Chameleon Cloth

    Tired of the same old look?How about clothes that change colors?This material is made with dyes(染料) that change colors when they get warm.A small battery heats up thin metal threads(金属线) in the cloth.to change colors or forms.

(1)If your Sun﹣No﹣Spot shirt is dirty with stains,what can you do to clean it?   

A.Warm it in the sun.

B.Rub it quickly.

C.Connect it to a computer.

D.Change its color.

(2)If your mobile phone has no power.which one can help you?   


B.New Fabric Suit.

C.New Wiggle Vigor.

D.Chameleon Cloth.

(3)Which of the next pictures goes well with Chameleon Cloth?   





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)41.0% of kids aged     use the Internet.




(2)What percentage of kids gets news or information online?   




(3)What do 43% of kids usually do on the Internet?   

A.Play games.

B.Buy books.

C.Send or receive instant messages.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
