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Starting high school can be difficult. Everyone is nervous and nobody knows where to go for classes.But don't worry, because you are not alone. You are going to school with a group of students of your age.(1)   

Forget your fear and just talk to someone. It is easier said than done. But try to take a deep breath and find your voice. Don't be afraid to get close to people.(2)   Sit in the middle of the classroom with as many new friends around you as possible.

Join clubs. Take part in after school activities that interest you.(3)   Being in a club makes you more social. If you don't join any clubs, you will just go to class and then go home.

Stay clean. No one likes a bad smell that could knock someone over.(4)   You should make yourself look clean and tidy, whatever you wear.

(5)   Everyone has his or her own opinion of the world And everyone believes in different things. It is a good thing to have different fiends with different opinions because you each can share your own.

A. Try to make friends in the clubs.

B. Be respectful (尊重的) of people's differences.

C. And we have several suggestions for you to follow.

D. Shower every day, brush your teeth and wash your hair.

E. Introduce yourself and start a conversation with your classmates.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

With every new school year comes a fresh start. What are you going to do differently and better? When you are prepraring yourself, keep in mind the following:

(1)   When you miss a day, or even a class, it's easy to fall behind.The best way to stay with the development of the class is to be there! If you have to miss a class, make sure you meet with your teacher to find out what you missed.(2)   Don't write down everything, just the main points.

Ask questions,(3)   Believe it or not, most teachers want you to learn and they are always there to help you. If you aren't comfortable asking questions in front of the class,go to talk to the teacher after class.

Take your homework seriously. Like it or not, homework is a necessary part of school. There's not much you can do to get around it.(4)   If possible, you can find a study partner and do homework with him or her.

Try new things and get new friends.Try a new sport,something you think you will be good at. If sports aren't your thing,try joining a club.Keep your old friends,but get some new ones,too. (5)   

Remember, it's up to you to decide what kind of school year you're going to have. Make full use of it while you can!

A.Go to class every day.

B.Don't be afraid to ask questions!

C.Don't always ask the teacher questions.

D.Also, listen carefully and take notes in class.

E.Making friends with someone is easier when you join a club.

F.Make it a habit to do your homework at the same time every day.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nowadays, many people have realized the importance of leadership(领导)skills. Poor leaders may cause many problems. But good leaders do better in solving problems than poor ones. Without good leaders, problems can't be solved.(1)   . What's more , good leaders are good at cooperating with others. Usually, they are good listeners as well. But being good leaders isn't easy. So let me give you some suggestions to help you become a good leader.

(2)   Maybe nobody teaches you how to be a good leader, but you can learn it on your own. Read books about great leaders from home and abroad. By reading, you can learn a lot from their experiences and find out their secrets of success. Then you will be more confident of being a good leader.

Learn from students' leaders in your school. There is no doubt that those leaders who are popular with the students in your school must have their advantages over others.(3)   Take an active part in the activities organized by the excellent leaders and learn from them at once. Then you will know the answer.

(4)   Find the students that have the same interests as you have and start a club, Activities should be organized regularly in the club. When the members in your club have trouble in solving problems ,you should communicate with them and find out the causes of the problems. After the problems are solved, you can share pleasure with them. As time passes by, you will get more trust like those popular leaders. Sooner or Later, you will be a good leader.

(5)   Get started before it's too late! As long as you keep trying, you will develop your leadership skills.

A. Learn from books.

B. Practice what you have leaned.

C. So good leaders are very important.

D. In short, being a good leader needs courage and practice.

E. Don't you want to know why they are so successful?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are many libraries in Britain. Let's learn something about them.

▲ Public libraries

Most towns in Britain have a public library. A library usually has a large selection of books and other resources, which library members can use and borrow for free.

Britain's First Public Library

The first Britain's public library opened in Manchester in 1852. Its first librarian was a man called Edward Edwards. Edwards attended the library's opening ceremony and two famous writers called Charles Dickens and William Thackeray were there, too.

▲ Services of library

Modern public libraries have something for everyone. Most of them have audio books, CDs, newspapers and DVDs as well as books to borrow.

How to Join a Library

To join a library, go to your local library and fill in a form. You'll receive a library card which is needed when using library services.

▲ Mobile Libraries

Not everyone can get to a library. Some people live far away from towns and cities. Other people find it difficult to go out because they have an illness or a disability. Thanks to mobile libraries, these people can still borrow books.

The libraries are special. Unlike most libraries, which store books in buildings, mobile libraries usually keep their books in a mini﹣bus. The back of the mini﹣bus has shelves for the books, and it is big enough for borrowers to step inside and look around. A driver take the mini﹣bus to a certain place at a certain time, so people know when to expect it. They can return their books and borrow some more.

All Aboard the Library!

A school in London didn't have space for a library inside the building. However, everybody agreed that it was still important to have a school library.So, the head of the school, Graham Blake, decided to park an old bus on the school car park and change it into a library. Pupils helped to paint the bus, and after eight months, the new library was ready.


Libraries in(1)   

(2)   Libraries

A large selection of books and other resources can be used and borrowed by library members for(3)   

Edward Edwards was the first(4)   of the first British public library.

Library(5)  . 

Most of the(6)   public libraries have audio books, CDs, newspapers and DVDs as well as books for everyone.

If you want to join the library, you must get a

Library (7)   

Special Libraries

Thanks to(8)   libraries, those people who can't get to a library can still borrow books. (9)   most libraries, a mini﹣bus with library books go to a certain place at a certain time.

The school in London had to(10)   its library on an old bus because the school didn't have enough space inside the building.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One of the biggest mistakes a person can make is to try not to make mistakes. As you make decisions in your life, you will very likely make some mistakes. But making mistakes is a big part of how you gain (获得)experience.

A simple example.You do poorly on a test because you didn't study hard enough.One bad test is not the end of the world, but it can quickly teach you that if you don't study,you won't do well.

Mistakes sometimes lead to arguments(争论) between people, But if you learn to understand things from another person's point of view, you will be able to learn very quickly from the mistakes you make and the mistakes you think other people have made. You can turn mistakes into opportunities(机会).

For example, if you learn to understand others' feelings and problems, you will understand the people you work with much better instead of getting angry. And you will leam to talk about problems and be more patient with people you don't agree with﹣a friend, or a mate in your workroom or company.

So next time you think you've made a mistake, stop and ask yourself what you've learned from it, and what you will do differently in the future.

Show me the person in the room who has made a lot of mistakes, and I'll show you the person who has probably learned a lot.

Everyone makes(1)   

Viewpoints (观点)


It is a big mistake to try not to make mistakes. You can gain experience from mistakes.

One bad test can teach you that you will do badly unless you work (2)   

Learn to understand things from another person's point of view.

Learn from your own mistakes and (3)   mistakes.

If you understand others, you will be more patient with people you (4)   with.

If you make a mistake next time, ask yourself what to do differently in the future.

Conclusion: Mistakes are just a part of (5)   . Learn from mistakes.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A proverb is a short, well﹣known saying that expresses a common truth or belief. Proverbs are found in most cultures and are often very old.

In American history, Benjamin Franklin was a scientist, inventor and writer as well as a leader of the American Revolution. (1)   

Franklin wrote a book called "Poor Richard's Almanac". (2)   Some of them are still used today, like this one: "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

Franklin is also remembered for other proverbs like, "A penny saved is a penny earned."(3)   

Here are other examples of proverbs that Americans use. The first ones are about love. Some people say, "All is fair in love and war." They mean that anything you do in a relationship or in battle is acceptable.

(4)   In other words, when you are in love with someone, you may refuse to see anything bad about that person.

Here is another popular saying about love: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Some people believe that a woman can win a man's love if she prepares his favorite foods.

"(5)   " This proverb is true in love and war or other situations. It means that what you do is more important than what you say.

We have to stop here, so we must say, "All good things must come to an end."

Word Bank





根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思 通顺、内容完整.

A.Actions speak louder than words.

B.Another proverb says "Love is blind."

C.He was also famous for his proverbs.

D.This means that money should not be wasted.

E.He included many proverbs that he had heard or created.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

History is still a compulsory(必修的) subject at lower levels and pupils still choose to study it at higher levels. However, there is an ongoing discussion about whether schools should continue to teach history. This passage will deal with the arguments that oppose and support teaching history in school, concluding that we should teach history, because the value of the subject goes beyond the classroom.

First of all, many pupils suggest that history is one of the less interesting school subjects and that governments should spend the time and money on subjects that are more useful. Some people argue that math and English are more important so we can have a society with a good basic education. Other people say that we should spend the money on teaching science, as this can move a country forward and benefit the economy. However, when we teach history, we are just looking back at the past. The economic benefits of this area are less obvious.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why it is a good idea to teach history. Teaching history is important because students should be able to understand the background to current issues in the news. This will create better﹣informed citizens. Another reason is that it helps pupils to understand the culture and background of the society they live in. In addition to learning about the past, history teaching can help students to think for themselves. Finally, it also improves pupils' reading and writing skills, which can help them become better students.

In conclusion, though there are clearly arguments on both sides, it seems to me that we should teach children about the past because the advantages of teaching the subject go beyond the content of the classes. I would say the teaching of history helps to create well﹣educated generations.


Why people oppose history teaching

Why people support history teaching

★History isn't that interesting and it brings

less obvious economic benefits. Attention

should be paid to(2)   

★Math and English are important and good

for basic education

★Science (3)   and benefits the economy.

★It helps create better﹣informed citizens

It helps pupils (4)   of the society they live in.

★It helps pupils think for or themselves.

★It helps pupils (5)   in their writing and reading skills.

Conclusion: We should teach children about the past.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


the important nouns

in the afternoon

key points

for three hours

write down

Good listeners usually make good notes. Making notes can help you fine (61)       and facts.

•Write down the key information. It includes names, times, numbers, thoughts or ideas.

•Do not try to(62)       everything. Do not use complete sentences. Instead, you should write down(63)       and verbs.

The following example shows how to make notes while listening.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

English is always changing. The English that people used 500 years ago is very different from the English we use now. Even in the last fifty years, English has changed. New words are entering our language all the time. The words internet, email and mobile phone are only twenty years old. The word website is even younger. We only started using it fifteen years ago. But what causes languages to change? And is language change a positive or a negative thing?

There are many reasons that languages change. One reason is that technology changes. We use new words for new types of technology. Thirty years ago, we only used the word mouse in English to describe an animal. Today, the word mouse also means the object you use to control a computer. Another important reason for language change is communication between different countries and cultures. For instance, English uses words like sugar from Arabic, shampoo from Hindi and yoghurt from Turkish. Languages also change because young people create their own way of talking that is different from their parents. Teenagers often use new slang﹣informal words and phrases﹣to talk to their friends. Some slang gets forgotten, but other slang words become part of normal, everyday language. Words like bus and rock music started as slang, but now they are in the dictionary and everyone uses them.

But is language change a good thing or a bad thing? Some people think that we should stop languages from changing. They think that they need to protect their language or it will die or become worse. In France, there is an organization called L'Académie Francaise that decides what is correct and what is incorrect in French. They look at the new words that people are using and decide whether they are good French or not. There are also organizations like this in other countries, such as Indonesia and Spain. However, other people believe that language change is a natural thing and shouldn't be stopped. They think that it is normal that languages change over time. They think that languages need to change to stay modern and interesting.

Title: Language Change

Changes of English

★ English (1)    in the past 500 years.

New words are entering our language all the time, such as email and website.

Three reasons for

language change

★Technology changes.

The word "mouse" also means "鼠标"in Chinese today.

★People from different countries and cultures   (2)   

Words like sugar, shampoo, and yoghurt are from different countries.

★Young people create their own way of talking.

Some slang words (3)   while other slang becomes part of everyday language.

(4)   on language change

★Some think language change (5)   . If not, their language will become worse or die.

★Some think language change is normal and natural. It can make languages stay modern and interesting.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What homework did you do in the holidays? Now homework is not simply about exercises.It can be survey,practice and even work experiences.Here's three students' homework.

Sam bought 10kinds of snacks.Then he checked their instructions and wrote down the amount(数量)of sugar and fat in the snacks.He was doing his biology(生物学)homework."We are told it is not good to eat too many snacks.They have high calories(卡路里).But we don't care about it,"he said.Sam spent three days studying the instructions.

He realized it was true.With some plasticine(橡皮泥),glass balls,a ping﹣pong ball and a piece of paper,could you make a tumbler(不倒翁)?This is the physics homework of Mary."Next term,we will learn about the center of gravity(重心).This homework made me more interested in physics,"she said.

Lisa worked as a guide in the local museum.She got a guide book from the museum,but she still did a survey and added more information to her introduction.She worked three hours a day and had no time to  take a break.But she felt it was a meaningful experience."My communication skills improved,"she said.

The title , (81)   



It (82)   study the snack's insrutions.

He realized it was bad to eat many snacks.



She made a tumbler with 4materials.

She (84)   physics.


Work experiences

She worked (85)   in the local museum for 3house a day withput a break.

She improve her communication skills.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I think it is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework.It is not enough to just get good grades at s 81.Children these da ys depend o 82 their parents too much.They are always asking,"Could you get this for me?"or"Could you help me with that?"Doing chores helps to d 83 children's independence and teaches them how to look after themselves.It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness.Since they live in one house with their parents,they should know that everyone should try to k 84 the house clean and tidy.Our neighbors'son got into a good college but during his first year,he had no idea how to take care of himself.As a result,he often fell ill and his grades dropped.The earlier kids learn to be independent,the b 85 it is for their future.

81.      82.      83.      84.      85.   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)or AI has been used in many different fields to perform certain tasks, including education, heavy industry, toys and games and so on.


There are a number of companies that create robots to teach subjects to children, ranging(范围)from biology to computer science. With the help of AI, MOOC, or Massive Open Online Course, allows students from around the world to take classes online. Though such tools have not become popular yet.

Heavy Industry

Robots have become common in many industries, and are often given jobs that are considered dangerous to humans. Repetitive (重复的)jobs may lead to mistakes or accidents while robots can be very helpful to avoid them.

Toys and Games

Companies like Mattel have been creating Al﹣enabled toys for young people, even for kids aged three.

Those toys are able to understand conversations, give smart answers and learn quickly. AI has also been used in video games, for example video game bots(视频游戏机器人),which are designed(设计) to fight against you in the game.


                       AI Is of Great Use


• Companies create robots(2)   subjects to children.

• MOOC allows students from around the world to take classes online.


• Robots are often given jobs that are considered (3)   to humans.

• Robots can be very helpful to avoid mistakes or accidents.

Toys and Games

★ Mattel has been creating Al﹣enabled toys for young people, even for(4)   aged three.

★Those toys are able to understand conversations, give smart answers and learn(5)   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Inuit people of North America used to be called Eskimos. (1)   Their lives have changed a lot in 30 years.

The Inuit people used to live in igloos (冰屋)in winter, but today, many of them live in houses in small towns. They used to hunt seals (海豹).(2)   Many of them still wear seal﹣skin clothes today because they are very warm. Remember, the weather is very cold for many months of the year.

Mariano Tagalik, a 65﹣year﹣old Inuit, told us a little about her past life." Our winter igloos were very warm. We cooked inside, so sometimes it got too hot. (3)   In the short summers, we lived in seal﹣skin tents, but I spent as much time as possible playing outside. "

To move over the snow, Inuit people wore special snowshoes on their feet.(4)   These machines can travel long distances(距离)in a short time. In the past, it took them days or weeks to travel the same distance.

(5)   , and they learnt everything from their parents. Now, like all North

Americans,they go to school for about ten years. Life is not as hard as it used to be,but many of the older Inuits hate modem life and want to go back to the old days.

根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺(每个选 项只能用一次).(5分)

A.I took off most of my clothes when I was in our igloo

B.Inuit children never went to school

C.They are now named Inuits which means "the people"instead of Eskimos

D.Today many Inuits ride snowmobiles

E. They ate the meat and made clothes from the fur (皮毛)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
