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Many cultures have different ideas about why people catch colds. For example in the United States, some people think that you can catch a cold if your feet get cold. So, mothers tell small children to wear warm boots in the winter. In other places, including parts of the Middle East, some people believe that strong winds cause colds. So, on trains and buses, people usually don’t like to sit next to open windows. In parts of Europe, some people think that wearing wet clothes will give you a cold. They say that after you go swimming, you should quickly put on dry clothes. Today, scientists know that colds are caused by a virus(病毒). But the old ideas are still very strong, and many people still follow them to avoid(避免)getting ill.
What is the main idea of this reading?

A.People still believe old ideas about why they catch colds.
B.Colds are the biggest health problem in the world.
C.Some people think that strong winds cause colds.
D.You should take good care of your health in winter.

Which is NOT a cause(成因)of colds in the reading?

A.bad food B.wet clothes C.a virus D.strong winds

In "people still follow them to avoid getting ill", what does "them" mean?

A.scientists B.old ideas C.colds D.dry clothes

According to the reading, which of the following is NOT true?

A.There are many different ideas about how people catch colds.
B.Scientists don’t know how people catch colds.
C.Some people think that wearing wet clothes gives you a cold.
D.In the U.S., many small children wear boots in winter.

Many people in different countries have ________ ideas about why people catch colds.

A.no B.one C.the same D.different
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Read the play and answer the questions.
Place: A child’s room with white walls, a white chair, and a white bed.  On the bed, there are some clothes.
Character: A doll, who looks old and dirty, is sitting on the bed and speaking.
The doll: She should be here soon.  We will play some games today.
(Three hour pass.  NO ONE knocks on the door.)
The doll: Just a few more seconds.  We might play “try-on-new-clothes” today.
(Five hours go by.  NO SOUND is heard.)
The doll: Maybe the school bus is late.  Soon she’ll be here, and we’ll sing and dance together.
(One day has flown away.  The doll is still sitting on the bed, waiting.)
The doll: Maybe tomorrow…  I’m sure she’ll come tomorrow, and then we’ll play.
(There in the room, the doll repeats the same story every day…  )
& play 剧本 character 角色
What happens in the play?

A.A doll is changing clothes.
B.A doll is talking to herself.
C.A doll is singing and dancing.
D.A doll is waiting for the bus to school.

What can we learn about the doll?

A.She likes to play by herself.
B.She is good at telling stories.
C.She lives in a room full of colors.
D.She has been forgotten for some time.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Imagine you are an astronaut, you find a new planet that looks like the earth, and when you want to put the flag on it, you find out that this planet has already got population. What would you do?
The US astronaut, Charles “Chuck” Backer, in the new cartoon film Planet 51 just comes across this thing.
Planet 51 is a place where there is no human being. So Chuck arrives in the planet and wants to name it “the US”. But he suddenly finds himself surrounded by lots of little green aliens.
These aliens live in fear that they may be invaded by strange being. They have never seen an alien until Chuck arrives. They think it is terrible and they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck. They send him to the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum. Chuck is very scared and tries to escape. The only thing he can do is to make his spaceship work and fly back to the earth. Luckily, he makes friends with a young alien named Lem. Then the adventure begins.
Planet 51 is a science fiction movie. It tells us that whether we are on the earth or in another society with aliens, we should accept the things that are different in our lives and experience them actively. In this way, we can grow up and understand ourselves better by changing.
The film is very funny and full of happiness. Will Chuck return home? If you want to know, see it!
根据The US astronaut, Charles “Chuck” Backer, in the new cartoon film Planet 51 just comes across this thing.描述,可知选A。
根据They have never seen an alien until Chuck arrives. They think it is terrible (可怕的)and they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck.可知选B。
根据they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck.可知是保护自己的意思,故选C。
根据The only thing he can do is to make his spaceship work and fly back to the earth.描述,可知选B。
根据It tells us that whether we are on the earth or in another society with aliens, we should accept the things that are different in our lives and experience them actively. In this way, we can grow up and understand ourselves better by changing.描述,可知选B。
Charles “Chuck” Backer is a ___________.
A. US astronaut     B. green alien          C. US scientist
When the green aliens see Charles “Chuck” Backer, they feel ___________。
A. excited          B. scared               C. sad
What does the word “defend” mean in this passage?
A. 侵略             B. 隐藏             C.保护
How can Chuck get out of the bad situation?
A. He must make friends with aliens there.
B. He must make the spaceship work and return to the earth.
C. He must destroy the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum.
What can we learn from the movie?
A. We shouldn’t explore or invade other planets.
B. We should learn to accept new things in order to improve ourselves.
C. We should experience more on the earth in order to be an astronaut.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Think rock, paper, scissors is a children’s game? Think again.
Top players from around the world came together in Toronto to compete for a ten thousand Canadian dollar prize and the title of world champion.
More than 500 players, including national champions from Australia, Norway and New Zealand, attended.
The simple game is often used to make decisions and solve some simple problems.
Players hold their fists closed and count to three before making a fist (rock), a flat hand (paper) or two fingers (scissors). Paper covers rock, scissors cut paper and rock breaks scissors.
Players have different ideas about the history of the game, but it is commonly believed to have been played for centuries in Japan.
The Paper Scissors Stone Club opened in England in 1842 and players could play together there.
In 1918, the name was changed to World RPS Club and its headquarters moved from London to Toronto.
The world championship has been held since 2002, which is held once every year.
The winner of the game can get ___________ Canadian dollars as a prize.
A. 10,000               B. 100,000          C. 1,000,000
The game has been played in Japan ___________.
A. since people invented it         B. for about one thousand years
C. since several hundred years ago
When did World RPS Club’s headquarters move to Toronto?
A. In 1842          B. In 1898          C. In 1918
The ___________ world championship will be held in 2012.
A. ninth                B. tenth                C. eleventh
In the writer’s opinion, ___________.
A. the game is often used to solve big problems.
B. the game is not just a children’s game
C. the game was first played in Japan

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Japanese people work very hard at studying English. They start studying English at the age of 12. Most young Japanese people spend a lot of time and work hard at studying English, but Japanese people are not good at English. Here are the reasons:
There are few people from English-speaking countries in Japan. They don’t have enough chances to speak with them.
Japan is an island(岛)country and they feel that other countries are far away. So they don’t use English very often. And the Japanese feel that it is strange(奇怪的) to talk to each other in English.
The Japanese education doesn’t always follow the educational trends(趋势) in the world. It puts a lot of importance on grammar and vocabulary, and less on speaking, listening and reading skills.
Many Japanese students’ English becomes worse(更糟糕的) after they go to university(大学).They have to learn English again if they work in English-speaking countries.
Sometimes the Japanese feel shy about speaking wrong or broken English.
Most young Japanese people        English.

A.are good at B.work hard at C.don’t like D.spend little time on

How is the university students’ English in Japan?

A.Very good B.Worse than before C.Very bad D.As good as before

In fact,        .

A.the Japanese education needs to put a lot of importance on speaking
B.all the Japanese people hate English
C.Japanese people use English very often
D.the Japanese like to talk with others in English

What’s the best title foe the passage?

A.The Japanese Like English
B.When Do the Japanese Being to Learn English
C.Why Are the Japanese Weak in English
D.How to Study English Well for the Japanese
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There have been many great inventions or things that changed the way we live. The first great invention was the one that is still very important today——the wheel. This made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long distance.
For hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that as much effect as the wheel . Then in the early 1800s the world started to change. There was little unknown land left in the world. People didn’t have to explore much any more. They began to work instead to make life better.
In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. Among them were the camera, the light and the radio. These all play a big part in our daily life today.
The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The helicopter in 1909, movies with sound in 1926, the computer in 1928, jet planes in 1930. This was also a time when a new material was first made. Nylon came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wore.
The middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help people get over diseases. They worked very well. They made people healthier and allowed them to live longer. By the 1960s most people could expect to live to be at least 60.
By this time most people in developed countries had a very good life. Of course new inventions continued to be made. But man now had a desire(渴望) to explore again. The earth was known to man but the stars were not. Man began looking for ways to go into space. Russia made the first step. Then United States took a step. Since then other countries , including China and Japan, have made their own steps into space.
In 1969 man took his biggest step away from earth. Americans first walked on the moon. This is certainly just a beginning, though. New inventions will some day allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.
This passage talks mainly about         .

A.why cars were very important
B.when light was invented
C.how inventions affect people’s daily life
D.which country made the first step into space

According to the passage man didn’t have a desire to explore a lot         .

A.at the beginning of 1800s B.in the 1960s
C.since the 1900s D.from the 1800s to 1960s

In the 1800s, people began to work in order to make      

A.explorations B.their life better C.discoveries D.a trip to space

Nylon came out of five years later than        .

A.radio B.camera C.jet planes D.movies

People can live longer lives because        that help cure diseases have worked very well.

A.doctors B.new ways C.medicines D.new hospitals
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
