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Reading is fun!You can also analyze texts(文本)to learn more from the texts and about the texts.One way you can do this with fiction books,passages,or poems is by exploring their themes.

A theme is a central idea running throughout the text,connecting the characters and events.The writer may express his or her thoughts about humanity or a worldview through a theme.Themes can be ideas like friendship,bravery,love,honesty or family.Make sure you know what the writer is saying.

Sometimes,themes are hard to find out.First,the theme may not be able to be included in just one word like the examples above.There may also be more than one theme in the text.What's more,some themes are not presented in the words directly.You have to use clues in the texts to find them.

To start exploring the theme,first you need to make sure you've read the whole text.Since themes develop over time,you can't fully understand the underlying themes until the end of the text.Then,ask yourself to sum up(概括)the text and try to work out a "big idea".For example,did many characters resolve problems with their families?If there was only one small problem with a character's family,then "family" might not be the theme of the text.Finally,after finding out a "big idea",go through the text to find examples that support this idea.You needn't repeat every detail of the story﹣a few key examples will be fine.

Now you are ready to explore the theme of a text!

Exploring the (1)    of a text

Main points

Detailed information

(2)    is a theme?

● A theme is a (3)    idea that connects the characters and events.

● The (4)    thoughts are possibly expressed through the theme.

Why is it (5)       to find the theme?

●You might not (6)    the theme in just one word.

●There may also be more than one theme in the text.

● Some themes are not presented in a (7)    way.

How can you explore the theme?

●Read the text till the (8)    to fully understand the themes.

●Work out a "big idea" of the text by summing up the text.

●Find some key examples to (9)   the "big idea".It's not (10)    to repeat every detail.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

To forgive is a virtue(美德),but no one has ever said it is easy.When someone has deeply hurt you,it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate.However,forgiveness is possible.People who forgive show less sadness,anger and stress and more hopefulness,according to a recent research.

    How should you start to forgive?Try the following steps:

    Calm yourself.You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure:a beautiful scene in nature,or someone you love.

    Don't wait for an apology(道歉).Many times the person who hurt you does not mean to apologize.If you wait for people to apologize,you could be waiting an awfully long time.Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.

    Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者).Rethinking about your hurt gives power to the person who causes you pain.Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings,learn to look for the love,beauty and kindness around you.

    Try to see things from your offenders angle(角度).If you understand your offender,you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness fear and even love.You may want to write letter to yourself from your offender's point of view.

    Don't forget to forgive yourself.For some people,forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.It can rob you of your self﹣confidence if you don't do it.

Learn to forgive(原谅)

Calm yourself

You can take some breaths and

(1)    something beautiful.

Don't wait for an apology.

The person who hurt you does not mean to apologize.Remember that forgiveness does not mean it is (2)       to become friends again with the person who upset you.

Stay away from your offender

Learn to look for the love,beauty and kindness around you (3)       focusing on your wounded feelings.

Try to(4)     your offender

You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view.

Don't forget to forgive yourself.

For some people,forgiving themselves is the

(5)   challenge!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

School Activity: the "Exercise Month"

A number of important school activities are coming up, and the biggest one is the "Exercise Month".

What is our aim(目的)?

The "Exercise Month" is organised by the Youth Sports Club. The main aim of this activity is to improve our school members' knowledge about the importance of exercise.

What are our activities?

The "Exercise Month" will take place from 15 December to 15 January. During this month, a lot of activities will be held to show the importance of exercise.

●Writing Competition The topic of the writing competition is "Exercise and Me". The length of the writing is 500 words for this competition.

●Talk The talk will be given on 18 December. The speaker will be Dr Chiu from St Stephen's Hospital. He will then answer our members' question about exercise.

●Exhibition(展览) The exhibition will be held from 19 December to 3 January in our school hall. The history of different kinds of exercise, and the winning and excellent writings from the competition will be on show.

●After﹣school Exercise Classes The after﹣school exercise classes will run from 18 December to 14 January. In these classes, experienced coaches from the local exercise clubs will also help our school members to make practical exercise plans.

(1)What is the passage mainly about?   


The aim of the school activities.


The different kinds of school classes.


The introduction about Exercise Month.


The school members' Youth Sports Club.

(2)What is the topic of the writing competition?   


Exercise and Me.


A School Activity.


Practical Exercise Plans.


After﹣school Classes.

(3)When will the after﹣school exercise classes start?   


On 15 December.


On 18 December.


On 14 January.


On 15 January.

(4)What can we learn from the passage?   


The local exercise club has a long history.


Dr Chiu will train the members after school.


The coaching will answer the members' questions.


Some writings from the competition will be on show.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many of you may want to study abroad after high school.But at the same time,more and more international students from other countries are coming to study in China.397,635 international students came to China in 2015.According to a report from the Student.com website(网站).China is now the third most popular country for international students,being the United States and the United Kingdom.

Last summer,55 students and teachers from Germany came to China and joined a summer camp,they got close to traditional Chinese culture.They visited several schools in Hefei,Anhui.At No.32 middle schools in Hefei.They tried to make dumplings,play TaiJi,do paper cuts and learn calligraphy.To help them know more about China.Chinese students paired withthem and as partners,they led these foreign guests to place of interest.

In recent years,there are more cultural exchanges(交换) between Germany and China.Almost 400 German schools have Chinese classes.Over 8000 students study in China.

The summer of international students in China has doubled since 2005.It has been growing by ten percent each year.If the growth go on,China will replace the UK for second place in 2020.


(1)It's reported that   is the second most popular country for international students.






the United Kingdom


the United States

(2)The Germany guests tries to do the following things at school EXCEPT   


making dumplings


doing paper﹣cuts


learning calligraphy


playing pang﹣pong

(3)What does the underlined phrase"paired with"mean in Chinese.   









(4)How many German schools have Chinese classes in recent years?   






About 400


More than 8,000

(5)Which of the following is TRUE?   


More and more foreign students come to study in China now.


The German students and teachers came to China to get close to nature.


The number of international students in China has doubled since2015.


Recently there are fewer cultural exchanges between China and Germany.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In class, students are sharing their dream jobs.

Jacob: I'd like to be a mountain﹣climbing guide for several reasons.Number One,mountain climbing is very exciting.Mountain﹣climbing guides get to climb tall, dangerous mountains,right?Number Two,I enjoy working outdoors and helping others. Number Three, mountain﹣climbing

guides travel widely and meet many fun people.

Fred: My choice is to be a vet (兽医). Why? I like animals. Animals bring a lot of joy to our lives, but they ask for little in return. I also enjoy helping animals and their owners feel better. Pet owners are happy when their pets are well. Finally, vets get to work with other people who like animals.

Anne: Ha, my dream job? An accountant (会计)! I think it's interesting.I'm good at numbers,you know, and I also like helping people manage their money. Good accountants are well paid, and I want to manage my own money, of course. But the most important of all,accountants mostly work alone,and I like to work alone.

Jessica: I'd like to become an animator (动画片制作者) and make films like Toy Story,Shrek, and Cars. You see, I love drawing and I love working on computers. I'd like to help people relax and enjoy their life. Animators can make a lot of money, too.

(1)Jacob's dream job is to be   


a vet


an animator


an accountant


a mountain﹣climbing guide

(2)What is Anne's main reason for her dream job?   


The job is interesting.


The job is well paid.


She is good at numbers.


She likes to work by herself.

(3)What do the four students have in common?   


They enjoy working outside.


They enjoy offering help to others.


They hope to meet fun people.


They hope to make a lot of money.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How Can You Become a Successful Learner?

Everyone is born with the ability to learn.But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in common.

Creating an interest in what they learn

Studies show that if you are interested in something,your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.For example,if they need to learn English and they like music or sports,they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English.This way they will not get bored.

Practicing and learning from mistakes

Good learners think about what they are good at and what they need to practice more.Remember, "Use it or lose it. " Even if you learn something well,you will forget it unless you use it. "Practice makes perfect." Good learners will keep practicing what they have learned,and they are not afraid of making mistakes.Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone overnight.He succeeded by trying many times and learning from his mistakes.

Developing their study skills

It is not enough to just study hard.Good learners know the best way they can study.For example,they may take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps.They also look for ways to review what they have learned.They may do this by reading their notes every day or by explaining the information to another student.

Asking questions

Good learners often ask questions during or after class.They even ask each other and try to find out the answers.Knowledge comes from questioning.

Learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new.Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you,so learn wisely and learn well.

How Can You Become a Successful Learner?

Have some good habits in common.

(1)    in what they learn

Practicing and learning from mistakes

Developing their study skills

Asking questions

*Connect what they need to learn with something interesting.

*Use it or (2)    

*Practice makes perfect.

*Alexander Bell was not

(3)  overnight.

*Not only study

hard but also know (4)        they can study.

*Ask each other and try to find out the answers.

(5)    comes from questioning .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Your English teacher has introduced a play to your class. Read the play.

Characters: Benny, student, 14 years old

Peter, students, 15 years old

Susie, student, 14 years old

Grace, student, 14 years old

Time:One Sunday afternoon in autumn

Place:Sunny Park

(The four teenagers have just finished the picnic. They are tidying up.)

Benny:Wow! That was a great picnic. I'm so full that I can hardly move.

Grace:That's no excuse for not tidying up, Benny. Come over here and help me pack up the leftover food. Peter, can you put out the fire, please? And clean up the plate.

Peter:(Speaking unhappily to himself) How can I always get the dirty and difficult jobs?

It's not fair.

(Peter throws a bit of water on the fire. Then he picks up the ashes (灰烬) with an old newspaper and wants to throw them into the long grass. )

Susie:(Sounding surprised) What are you doing , Peter? That's d…

Peter:Whoops…the newspaper has caught fire.

Susie:And the grass…Benny, Grace, help! Help!

(Benny and Grace come over quickly. They help put out the fire completely.)

Peter:Oh, no. What have I done?

Grace: You know that we should do everything carefully, don't you?

Peter:(With his head in his hands) Yes. What have I done? What have I done?

(1)How does Peter feel about his job?   


Clean an easy


Dirty and difficult


Great and interesting


Noisy and harmful

(2)What word do you think Susie would say in the sentence "That's d…"?   









(3)Which of the following sentences is true?   


There are five people in the play.


Peter's carelessness causes the fire.


They have a picnic in the morning


Benny refuses to help others tidy up.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Think I Can:How to Push Yourself to Success

"Because I can"is magic.It pushes us past our comfort zones (舒适区域).It gives us a reason to do the things that we think we can't.Here are a few ways to use this positive thinking in your own life.

Be More Active

Whether it is to go home or go to work,climb the stairs instead of taking the lift.Whether it is to go shopping or watch a film,ride a bike instead of driving a car.Break the"I'm tired" or "It is too hard" or "It is too far cycle.Increasing your activity level will be good for you.

Try Something New

It is easy for us to make excuses for why we shouldn't try something new.Maybe you think it is out of your comfort zone.Maybe it seems too difficult.Or maybe,it is just inconvenient (不方便的).Remember that you can try something new.It will help you to move past something bad and discover something new about yourself and possible new interests.

Increase Your Willpower (意志力)

Saying"No" to our favorites can be challenging.However,developing strong willpower,whether it is in response (反应) to our favorite chocolate cake or to overshopping,is something that we can all benefit from.Next time you want to do something you might regret,you have the willpower to say"No".

Speak Up

Often,we meet something that troubles us or makes us unhappy.We have a voice "because I can" in our minds.Talking with your loved ones,such as your parents and friends about how you feel,what you need and what you are thinking about can help you get on well with them and form deeper relationships.

Title:How to Push Yourself to (1)    in Rushing out of Comfort Zones

Be More Active

Increasing your activity level will be good for you,such as(2)    the steps or riding a bike.

Try Something New

It is easy for you to make a/an(3)    for why you shouldn't try new things.Maybe you think it isn't at your convenience.

Increase Your Willpower

You have to(4)    the willpower to challenge your own favorites.

Next time you want to do something you might regret,remember you can say"No".

Speak Up

Say"because I can"(5)    your loved ones,such as your parents and friends.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One morning,Emma discovered that her classroom had changed.She found that the desks were no longer in rows,but pushed together to make eight bigger desks.She was so excited about it for the first two days that she couldn't listen to the teachers carefully.But soon she and her classmates got used to this new classroom arrangement(安排)."Now our class is quieter,"said Emma."What's more,we can come up with our own ideas and learn more through discussion.It's a better way to study."

David liked it,too."Group members first discuss,"he said,"and then show to the whole class. It encourages us greatly."This was part of a reform (改革)at David's school.The school made this reform because they wanted to offer students easier ways to study and more chances to discuss."Our school hopes to improve students' abilities to study by themselves and work in groups."said Linda,an English teacher.

However,the reform has demanded(要求)more from teachers.Now they have only 15 minutes to give a lesson that would have been taught in 40 minutes before.It is difficult to teach in such a short time.The teachers have to find better ways to teach more effectively(有效地).

"The reform demands more,but I'm sure it is helpful."added Linda.

(1)After the new classroom arrangement,Emma found   

A.their class was noisier all the time

B.they could learn more through discussion

C.they couldn't come up with their own ideas

D.it was a harder way to study

(2)The school made the reform in order to offer students   to study.

A.easier ways

B.better classrooms

C.more seats

D.larger space

(3)Which of the following statements is NOT true?   

A.The desks are no longer in rows now.

B.The reform has demanded more from teachers.

C.It's easy for teachers to give a lesson in 15 minutes now.

D.Emma and her classmates like the new classroom arrangement.

(4)The best title of this passage may be   

A.Discussion in Class

B.Teachers' Hope

C.Students' Friendship

D.New Look in Class

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Students at a primary school in Fuzhou,Hast China's Fujian Province were required to clean the school toilets to help them develop good habits.But some parents are strongly against the idea.They can't see the advantages of students doing such chores (杂亊).They think that the school should provide students with a proper education,not the chance to be school cleaners.

In fact,parents,schools and society play an equally (同等地)important role in developing the character of students.It is good for schools to give students such tasks,because few of the students will do them at home.Their parents want them to do homework only.

In recent years,some parents will    make mountains out of molehills when students are asked to do some chores in schools.Some complain about the teachers if their kids get hurt in schools; some even challenge the schools'teaching methods and management.As a result,many primary schools,especially those in big cities,do not let students join in outdoor activities during breaks,fearing that they might get hurt.This is bad for the development of students'best qualities.

What the primary school in Fuzhou is doing is worth praising.Doing chores can put a sense of responsibility into students'minds and teach them the spirit of rules as well as teamwork.Also,it can make students'in﹣school experiences more meaningful.

34.A primary school in Fuzhou required the students to   

A.do homework only

B.finish homework at school

C.clean the playground

D.clean the school toilets

35.Some parents think that the school should provide students with   

A.a proper education

B.a chance to be cleaners

C.a chance to be teachers

D.more housework

36.The underlined phrase "make mountains out of molehills" means   





37.What is the main idea of the passage?   

A.Students shouldn't do any chores in school.

B.Parents require students to do some chores in school.

C.Some parents think doing some chores is harmful to students.

D.Doing some chores can develop students'good qualities.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

About 20 million children in America attend summer camp every year, according to the American Camp Association (ACA).They look forward to(1)  (spend) time there with friends.

    But with social distancing (社交距离) rules in(2)   United States, many summer camps face difficult decisions. Can they(3)  (safe) welcome campers this year? Do they need to close for the season? Or should(4)   change how they carry out their programs?

    "Most camps are asking not only when they're going to open,(5)   also how they're going to open," says Tom Rosenberg, president of the ACA. He says that many camps    (6)   (wait) on instructions from the government now.

    "The state's summer camps could open(7)   June," Beth Bye, the leader of the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, said a week ago."But there need to be           (8)  (strict) health rules than ever. Most programs will not (9)  (allow) to have more than 30 kids."

    Bye added that camps are important for both kids and(10)  (parent). "For many families," she told the New York Times, ""summer camp is their childcare. "

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

假如你是 Greenhill school的交换生,你参与了该校的一个科学实验.请根据以下实验过程补全英文实验报告.

Water in motion

What You Need:

•clear glass tray;

•warm water;

•large cup with 200 ml of hot water;

•large cup with 200 ml of cold water;

•red and blue liquid food coloring


①Fill the tray with warm water.

②Set the tray on top of the two cups, with the hot cup under one end and the cold cup under the other.

③Add four drops of red food coloring to the water above the hot cup and four drops of blue food coloring to the water above the cold cup. Add both colors at the same time.







sinks and stays together:;moves slowly toward hot side in a band of color; spreads out over the hot cup



spreads quickly across the top; covers whole top in 1﹣2 minutes, then starts to sink.

Hello, everybody. Here is our report on the experiment "(1)  ". First, we put the glass tray full of warm water on top of two cups with 200 ml of (2)  water and cold water. Then, we add red and blue liquid food colorings into the water above the hot and cold cups at the same time.

    After careful observations, we got the(3)  . The blue food liquid coloring moves downward first and then to the hot side while the (4)  one spreads quickly and covers whole top in a short time and goes down; the blue liquid food coloring spreads more (5)  than the red one. Thank you for listening.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

because;       say;       happy;      one;      for

Music helps us exercise﹣but why does it have this effect?Experts say there are two main reasons.The(1)   is simple:music takes our attention away.When we listen to a song we like,our brains focus on the music.For example,after we exercise(2)  20 minutes,our body might be tired.But we may not feel this immediately(3)  we are listening to music.So we can exercise a little longer.

    Music also makes us want to move. When we hear dance music, for example, we naturally start to move to the beat. A positive song also puts us in a good mood, so we feel much(4)  .This gives us energy and helps us exercise longer. Music with a quick and continuing beat is good for exercising. "But the music shouldn't be too fast,"(5)  Dr. Costas, a famous sports expert. In general, songs in the range of 120﹣140 beats per minute (BPM) are the best.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As teenagers(青少年), you have many dreams. The dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize, or they can be small. You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.

Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream real?

"Follow Your Heart" by Australian writer Andrew Mathews tells us that making our dreams real is life's biggest challenge.

You may think you're not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible for you to become a writer. These kinds of thoughts stop you from getting your dream, the book says.

In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first thing you must do is to remember what you dream is.

Don't let itleave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step (逐步地)and your dream will come true faster because a big dream is, in fact, many small dreams.

You must also never give up your dream. There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will lead to (导致) better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests.

(1)The writer thinks that   


dreams are easy to be realized


just a few people can realize their dreams


a big dream is formed by many small dreams


small deams are not important

(2)The underlined word "it" in the fifth paragragh refers to(指)   


the subject


the book


the difficulty


the dream

(3)Which of the following thoughts stops you from making your dream real?   


I am not a good English learner.


I want to be the best student in my class.


I'll do my best to pass the exam


I will do everything to do the job well.

(4)According to the passage, which of the following statements is correct?   


If it is a difficult to realize your dream,you may give up.


You must remember your dream is.


Your dream will never help you learn more skills.


On the road to your dream,the larggest difficulty doesn't come from yourself.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Summer is here. One of the best ways to cool off on a hot summer day is to jump into a swimming pool. Swimming is great exercise, and a trip to a pool or beach is a good way to have fun with friends.(1)  , so it's important to stay safe as you do it. Here are a few things you can do to swim safely.

Swim only in areas set for swimming

    Don't swim unless there is a lifeguard(救生员)on duty. If you're on a beach near the ocean, this is especially important. In some places, fast currents(急流)can sweep swimmers away without warning. So if a sign says "no swimming", please take care.

Be careful when diving(跳水)into the water headfirst

    Most pools have deep ends where diving is safe. In natural water, don't dive unless you know that the water is deep enough.(2)  , causing injury(伤害)or death.

Make sure you have a partner with you

    Nobody knows what will happen while you are swimming. If something goes wrong, you can get help from that person as soon as possible. In this situation,(3)  

Pay close attention to children's safety

    Kids who don't know how to swim should wear life jackets. But by themselves they are not enough,(4)  . If you have a pool at home, put a fence(围栏)around it in case children fall in. And if a child disappears, check the pool first.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
