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    The two boys, Tom and Huck, were very frightened because they worried about being found by Injun Joe and his friend. Through the hole in the floor, the two boys upstairs saw the men eat and talk. Then the men were tired and fell asleep. Tom and Huck lay there for a very long time. Finally, the two men woke up and lifted up a stone in the ground and took out some money they had stolen. Then Injun Joe lifted up another stone and found a box.

    "What's this?" Injun Joe asked.

    The two men pulled the box out of the ground and opened it. The two boys, Tom and Huck, could see there was much money in it. They were very excited.

    "There's thousands of dollars in the box!" said his friend.

    "It must have been left here by Murrel," said Injun Joe.

    "What will we do with it?"

    "We'll take it to my hideout(隐匿处)."

    "Number one or number two?"

    "Number two, under the cross."

    Then Injun Joe and his friend saw some tools in the corner and decided to go upstairs. But the stairs broke when Injun Joe stood on them! So the two men left the house and went towards the river. Tom went home as quickly as he could.

    The next day, the two boys remembered the "Number two", thinking this must be the number of the room in the hotel. They got all the keys they could find anywhere. But Tom discovered the door was not locked. He opened it!

﹣Adapted from The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

(1)Tom and Huck were very frightened because  

A. they worried about being found

B. they stole Injun Joe and his friend's money

C. Injun Joe and his friend were looking for them

D. Injun Joe and his friend wanted to talk to them

(2)Tom and Huck were very excited after they saw  

A. Murrel and Injun Joe

B. a box in the ground

C. Injun Joe and his friend

D. much money in the box

(3)What would Injun Joe do with the money?  

A. He would throw it away.

B. He would hide it in the ground.

C. He would take it to his hideout.

D. He would give it to the two boys.

(4)What happened when Injun Joe stood on the stairs?  

A. The stairs broke.

B. Another box was found.

C. He fell off the stairs.

D. He saw Tom and Huck.

(5)From the story, we can know  

A. Injun Joe and his friend found many works of art in the box

B. Tom followed the men when Injun Joe and his friend left the house

C. Tom thought "Number two" was the number of the room in the hotel

D. Tom opened the door of the room in the hotel with the key that he found

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


46.Every day the bad Queen asks her mirror:"Mirror,Mirror,on the wall,who's the most beautiful of us all?"And every day the mirror replies,"You are!"…until one day it says,"The Princess!"So the Queen is so angry that she decides to kill the Princess who has skin as white as snow.She doesn't expect the girl to find not one but seven tiny men.

47.Finally,the man gets to a lonely island.Luckily,he gets some tools,food and drinks,knives and guns from the broken ship he took.Later,he finds a cave (山洞) to live in.But one day,he finds some large footprints in the sand.Is there anyone else on the land?Who is running towards his cave?

48.Without parents,the girl is taken to a boarding school.Though she has a hard time there,she gets education and later becomes a teacher.However,she gets so bored with her life that she is thirsty for the outside world.So she sends an ad for a job.Will she get a reply?Will she get everything she fights for﹣freedom,fairness and true love?

49.When the young man meets his long﹣lost uncle,he finds a magic lamp that changes his life.Inside is a genie(精灵) with the power to make wishes come true.But can even the genie help the young man win the beautiful young girl?And is his long﹣lost uncle all he seems…?

50.Here is the boy who is like you in some ways.He thinks school life is boring and looks forward to something exciting.One day,he enters a cave with his friend.They walk deeper and deeper into the cave.Unluckily,their candle is put out and they get lost in the dark.Can they get out of the cave?With other exciting things will they experience?

46    47    48    49    50    

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)  Leo enjoys travelling and wants to learn how to make different typical dishes.

A. Night Light

The writer talks about his hard life as a blind person,and describes the challenges on his way to success.

(2)  Jeff loves the countryside and enjoys writing.He wants to develop his writing skills.

B. Action Plan

It's all about famous sportspeople and includes lots of interviews about what they've done to succeed.

(3)  Chloe loves doing sports and would like to learn how top sportspeople succeed.

C. Days in the Sun

The writer describes his happy early life on a small farm,and how travelling around the countryside helped him to become a writer.

(4)  Mia likes books about exciting experiences happening in the past.

D. Endless Days

It's about a true story of the first pilots.With plenty of photos,the book brings history to life for readers.

(5)  Dan wants to read books about someone who's brave enough to face his challenges.

E. Our Lives

This is the perfect book if you're interested in cultures.It introduces recipes(菜谱) for traditional dishes from different places.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


By the Youth

When we were scared, sad and helpless,you gave us courage, warmth and hopes.

When: we had to stay at home to keep away from the illness,you, workers, helped us buy living things;

Leaving your children behind,you worked in the neighborhood every day,you never complained but smiled the whole day.

When we needed all kinds of materials,you,drivers,drove them there without thinking twice;

running on the streets, between the cites,you made sure things went well as usual.

When we had coughs or fevers,you,__▲__,tried your best to save our lives;Looking after the patients in the hospital day and night,you never gave up until the sick got well.

There are many people doing jobs in silence;

There are many people giving hands without telling their names.

Thanks for your hard work and selflessness…

You're the heroes of the times.

You′re the most beautiful in our hearts

We love you!

(1)We had to stay at home because   


we didn't want to go out


we had enough food


we didn't want to work


we wanted to avoid the illness

(2)According to the poem, the drivers were   









(3)Which can be the best for__▲__?   






doctors and nurses.



(4)What's the writers purpose of writing this poem?   


To show his praises.


To show his regrets.


To show his worries.


To show his wishes.

(5)What's the best title for the poem?   


To the politest people.


To the most beautiful people.


To the cleverest people.


To the most humorous people.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you have Problems describing people,don't worry!We'll use popular film characters (角色)to help you learn some useful words.


Meaning:If someone is naive,they have little experience and believe good things will always happen.

Example:In the film EI,Buddy is a naive person who grows up with elves (精灵).One day,he goes to New York City but finds things very different there.

Director:David Berenbaum


Meaning:If you're loyal,you always give support to a person or a group and help them and act honestly.

Example:In the film Toy Story,Woody is loyal to his friends and owner,Andy.He stays with Andy,even when Andy grows up and goes to college.

Director:John Lasseter


Meaning:If someone is demanding,they are not easily satisfied or pleased.

Example:In the film The Devil Wears Prada,Miranda is very demanding.She always works very hard,and expects others to do the same.

Director:David Frankel


Meaning:If you're talented,you have a natural ability to do something well.

Example:In the film McFarland,USA,coach White notices some talented runners in his PE class.He forms a cross﹣country group that races against other schools.

Director:Niki Caro

(1)Which word is used to describe a person with a natural ability to do something well?   





(2)Who always gives support to friends according to the films?    



C.David Frankel.

D.Niki Caro.

(3)In which part of a magazine can we read the text?   





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

More than anything else in the world.a lion like being of the jungle.He walked around.showing off his power and pride.

The lion took a long lazy sleep under his favorite tree every day.He always dreamed of weaker animals bowing before him.One day a mouse ran through the jungle and tripped over the lion's huge paws.The lion woke up,with a start,"How dare you wake me up!"he shouted angrily.The lion grabbed the

mouse with one paw."On the second thought,I'm in the mood for the snack,and you'll make a delicious meal.",he said.The mouse cried out,"King Lion,please spare me!If you love me leave,I will always remember your kindness.And.some day,I might be able to help you.""How could such a weak little mouse help me?"The thought make the lion laugh so much that he decided to let the mouse go.One day,the lion was walking through the jungle On the way to his favourite tree when he stepped onto a hunter's net.The net scooped him up.No matter how he tried.he couldn't escape.When the mouse heard the lines frightened shouts,he ran to help.The mouse quickly made a hole in the net.Soon,the line moved out and was free.The lion looked down at the little mouse."Thank you for saving me,"he said."and you're not a powerless little mouse.You're a great friend"

56.What is the lion do every day?   


He stepped on to a hunter snapped.


He played with weaker animals.


He showed kindness to animals in the jungle.


He had a very good sleep and his favourite tree.

57.How did the mouse wake up the lion.   


He helped him make a hole in the net.


He shouted at the lion.


He tripped over the lions paws.

D.He prepared a delicious meal for the lion and woke him up.

58.Why did the lion let the Moscow?   


Because he made a hole in the net.


Because the lion thought he was only a powerless little mouse.


Because the lion believed him.


Because he was the lion's good friend.

59.What do you think of the mouse?   

A.Clever and honest.


silly and lazy.




Proud and selfish.

60.What can we learn from the passage?   


Pride makes you lose friends.


Don't put your eggs in one basket.


Even the small can show great strength.


When the cat is away,the mice will play.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    On June 9th,1870, Charles Dickens died at the age of 58. The next day, a headline in The New York Times read: "Death of the Great Novelist …Will Be Remembered by the People …"

    The headline was not overstating (夸大) the popularity of Dickens.Even today, the British novelist is loved by readers all over the world.Dickens created some unforgettable characters. You must have heard of or even read some of his novels: Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol and A Tale of Two Cities. A Tale of Two Cities has sold more than 200 million copies. Since 1897, there have been more than 300 film and TV adaptations (改编版本)of Dickens' works.A Christmas Carol alone has had nearly 50.

    Natalie Mcknight is a literature professor (文学教授) who studies Dickens and his works.She explains why the novelist has remained so popular. One important reason, she says,is that Dickens wrote from his heart. He tried hard to produce emotional effects (情感效果) among his readers. In his works,he paid special attention to the "little man" at the bottom of society in the UK, which deeply mirrored the social reality at that time. A Christmas Carol, for example, was written to make every reader think about how they could make a difference to their society. People always enjoy works that make them laugh, cry and think. Many other 9th﹣century novelists wrote entertaining (娱乐的) works. However, few of them worked as hard as Dickens to touch the readers deeply.

    Dickens wrote about situations and emotions that still interest people today. He used his pen to fight social inequality and gave voice to the poor. His works led to many important social changes. Readers always enjoy seeing poor people rise and succeed.

    This year marks the 150th year of Dickens' death. It's another chance to remember this great writer. Will you read or re﹣read some of his famous works?

(1)What is Paragraph (段落)2 mainly about?  

A. Personality of Dickens.

B. Appearance of Dickens.

C. Popularity of Dickens.

(2)As a novelist, why has Dickens remained so popular?  

A. He wrote for fun.

B. He wrote from his heart.

C. He mainly wrote for the upper class.

(3)When people read Dickens' novels, they could  

①meet the "little man" at the bottom of society in the UK

②know about the social reality at that time

③not be influenced by the works at all

④think about how to make a difference to their society




(4)What does the underlined word "inequality" mean in Paragraph 4?  




(5)The purpose of writing this text is probably to  

A. introduce Charles Dickens' life and death

B. encourage readers to read or re﹣read Charles Dickens' works

C. present the similarities between Charles Dickens and other writers

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day,a baby snail(蜗牛)found that he had to carry a big and heavy shell at any time.He was confused(困惑的),so he went up to his mother and asked,"Why was I born with a shell that grew so hard and heavy?"His mother said,"Because we don't have bones to hold us up.We can only move slowly,so we need a shell to protect us."

The baby snail asked again,"The caterpillar(毛毛虫)has no bones,either,and she can't move quickly.Why can she live without a shell?"The mother snail answered,"That's because a caterpillar will become a butterfly(蝴蝶).She can fly high into the sky.The sky can protect her.

The baby snail had one more question,"But the earthworm(蚯蚓)moves like us.He has no bones and he won't turn into a butterfly.Why doesn't he carry a hard and heavy shell?"His mother said,"He can dig a hole and hide in the ground,and then the earth can protect him."

The baby snail then cried,"We are so poor!We have no protection from the sky or from the ground!"His mother smiled at him,"That's why we have a shell.My dear,imagine that if we don't have the shells,what will happen to us?Hot sun will dry out our bodies and we'll have nowhere to sleep.What's more,we'll die in the heavy rain.How terrible it is!We don't depend on the sky or the ground for protection.We should depend on ourselves."


81.Whom did the baby snail ask for help,his mother or father?

82.What will the caterpillar in the story become when she grows up?

83.Where can an earthworm hide?

84.How many questions did the baby snail ask?

85.Who should the snails depend on according to the story?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the Warring States Period, the State of Qin had a fight with the State of Zhao, Zhao needed some talented people to ask for help from Chu.Then Mao Sui﹣the man who believed he was the right person for this task came and recommended (推荐)himself.And he

made the king of Chu send the army to help successfully. Zhao was safe. From then on, Mao Sui became a well﹣known hero of the


One day, Shang Yang put a thin wooden stick near the south gate of the capital of Qin.He promised to pay 10 gold pieces to anyone who could move it to the north gate. It was such a simple job that all the people thought Shang was joking. Then he added 40moregold pieces. A man moved it and he really got 50 gold pieces.After that, the people of Qin

believed Shang was a man of his word. So they all followed Shang's new laws later.

Wang Xizhi was one of the most famous calligraphers(书法家)during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. When he was very young, he practiced his art every day and never stopped.

One day, Wang Xizhi wrote in wood for an engraver(雕刻师)to cut. Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated (渗透)one

centimeter into the wood.Now"Ru Mu San Fen" is often used to describe sharp ideas or useful views.

(1)Where did Mao Sui come from according to this passage?  

A. The State of Qin.

B. The State of Zhao.

C. The State of Chu.

(2)Why did the people of Qin follow Shang Yangs new laws?  

A. They believed in Shang Yang.

B. They were afraid of Shang Yang.

C.Shang Yang gave them gold pieces.

(3)What is"Ru Mu San Fen"often used to describe now?  

A. A man of his word.

B. Sharp ideas or useful views.

C.A well﹣known hero of the state.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

2021 is the year of the ox(牛).In March,a set of stamps about the famous Tang Dynasty painting,Five Oxen,came out. Itallows more people to know better the great art of ancient China,as well as the importance of agriculture(农业)in history.

Han Huang (723﹣787)was the painter of Five Oxen.He worked as a government official in the Tang Dynasty.His paintings were loved by many because the animals he painted were so alive.Unluckily,Five Oxen is probably his only painting left.

Five Oxen is one of the best animal paintings in China's art history.In the painting,the five oxen are in a line.They are of different colors and shapes.And each has a different appearance(形态),walking or standing,holding their heads high or low.With lively expressions and bright eyes,the oxen show the spirit of doing hard work without complaints(抱怨).As the name suggests, .It makes people focus(关注)on the oxen themselves.

The painting was missing in 1900.Luckily,it returned to China during the early 1950s.However,it was terribly broken with many holes in it.Great efforts were made to save it.Now Five Oxen,probably the oldest Chinese painting on paper,is kept with care in the Palace Museum in Beijing.

(1)The underlined word " It" in Paragraph 1 refers to "    


The year of the ox


The set of stamps


The Tang Dynasty


The painting Five Oxen

(2)Han Huang's paintings were loved by many because the animals he painted were so    .









(3)Which of the following sentences can be put in the       


the ox is very popular in the Tang Dynasty


the ox is a symbol of Chinese traditional culture


the painting is of the five oxen with no special background


the painting wants to tell people to work hard and creatively

(4)This passage mainly wants to tell us that         .


Five Oxen is Han's only painting left


oxen have different colors and shapes


oxen are very hard﹣working animals


Five Oxen is valuable and meaningful

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


In the next three years,China plans to build 30 airports and 3 ,000 km of railways.Traveling will be more convenient.And more efforts will be made to improve roads in areas to make it easier for farm products to reach cities and industrial products to hit rural markets.

China is also actively developing high﹣speed maglev (磁悬浮)trains.Many new technologies will be used in future projects.


What's the fun of being an architect (建筑师)?For French Architects Lacaton and Vassal,it' s about rebuilding!The couple won the 2021 Prizker Architecture Prize,which is regarded as the Nobel Prize for architects.

The couple always try to make an old building a more enjoyable place to live or work in.Their work is friendly to both people and the environment.


China' s "Sky Eye" is open to the world since March 31.It can "see" objects about 13.7 billion light years away.China is giving 10% of its observation (观察)time,around 450 hours a year,to scientists from other countries.


Using mobile phones while driving is dangerous.That' s why the UK has introduced a new law this year.

Now,making calls or sending messages while driving is not allowed.According to the new law,drivers using their phone to take a photo or play a game take the most punishment!

(1)In which column of a newspaper can we find the four passages above?     

A.Future Life.

B.New Discoveries.

C.News Around the World.

(2)Which of the following can we infer from the passages?      

A.In the next three years,we'll be able to travel on high﹣speed maglev trains.

B.The French couple won Pritzker Architecture Prize for their rebuilding work.

C.The observation time of "Sky Eye" is around 450 hours in total per year.

(3)Which of the blanks can be filled with the underlined word "rural" in passage a?        

A.My grandpa is used to the quiet and peaceful _______life.

B.In_______ areas,we always see many tall buildings and busy streets.

C.Margret wishes to enjoy the _______ life in the center of London again!

(4)Which of the following statements are opinions?       

①China plans to build 30 airports in the next three years.

②The two French architects are creative.

③Sharing "Sky Eye" shows China's opening to the world.

④Using mobile phones while driving is punished in the UK now.

A. ②③

B. ①③

C. ②④

(5)Which of the following can be the common theme of the four passages?      

A.The beautiful world.

B.Change for a better world.

C.Science and technology light up the future.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is nine o'clock on Sunday evening.Anna isn't listening to her favorite pop music.Instead,she is reading a book called The Call of the Wild.For one thing,Ms.Woo,her teacher asked her to write a report about the book.For another,the book is so wonderful that she can't wait to finish it.

The main character of the book is a dog called Buck.He lives happily in California with his owner Judge Miller.But some people found gold in Canada and they want big and strong dogs to work in the snow.So someone steals Buck and sells him as a sled(雪橇) dog.Soon Buck comes to Canada. Hemeets many difficulties and he has to learn to take care of himself.Buck becomes the lead dog finally.Later,Hal becomes Buck's new owner.Hal is a bad man and often beats Buck.Luckily,Buck is saved by a kind man John Thornton.However,some people kill John...

(1)What does Anna think of The Call of the Wild?(根据短文内容回答问题)    

(2)Who wrote the book The Call of the Wild?(根据短文内容回答问题)         

(3)How many owners of Buck are mentioned in the passage?


(4)In the passage,the underlined word "He" refers to    .

(5)What do you think may happen to Buck next?(不超过20个词)                

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We all have our favourite music, films or books﹣but which are the most popular ever?

The most popular album (音乐专辑)

Thriller by Michael Jackson

At the time Jackson started writing his best﹣selling album Thriller,he hoped that his album would sell 50 million copies. He was wrong﹣ it sold over ten million more than that. Even today around 130,000 copies are sold in the USA every year.

The most popular classical music

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

When Beethoven was alive, his Fifth Symphony wasn't his most popular piece of music.But now most people know the da da da dah introduction.In the 20th century, the first four notes (音符) were used by other musicians to make different types of music like hiphop and rock and roll.

The most popular novel

A Tale of Two Cities

Many people think the best﹣selling book of all time is one of the Harry Potter books.It's true that all the Harry Potter books together have sold about 450 million copies. But the most popular single novel is much older.

A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens in 1859 and has sold 250 million copies.

The most popular________

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabontin 1994,didn't make much money at the cinema. It only became popular later on video,DVD and TV. It was based on a book by Stephen King, The writer sold the story for only a dollar.

(1)The best word for the blank is  

A. painting

B. film

C. poem

D. sculpture

(2)Which of the following is true?  

A. Thriller turned out to be more popular than Michael Jackson expected.

B. The Fifth Symphony was used in many other music forms by Beethoven.

C. A Tale of Two Cities has sold more copies than all the Harry Potter books.

D. The Sharwshank Redemption made much money as soon as it came out.

(3)Which section of a magazine is the passage probably from?  

A. Sports Time.

B. Science Study.

C. Culture World.

D. Nature Watch.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This year the US will honour (纪念)one of the country's most famous writers﹣Mark Twain (1835﹣1910).Most readers know that his real name was Samuel Longhome Clemens,but how many know where the pen name "Mark Twain" came from?

The answer shows Clemens' colourful early life before he became a writer."Mark Twain" was the cry shouted on a ship when the ship entered a part of a river that was two fathoms (6 feet)deep."Twain" is an old﹣fashioned way of saying "two".Twain trained as a ship pilot on the Mississippi river for two years,a time that he wrote about in the humorous Life on the Mississippi(1883).

The famous river would become an important theme in many of his works﹣who could forget the journey of Huck an Jim along it in his most famous book.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(1884)?

With little education,he had to teach himself how to write stories.Whenever possible,he would go to public libraries.There he spent much time reading and thinking,which greatly helped him with his writing.

On the other hand,his life experiences gave him wonderful material to write about and attract readers.Twain wrote in a style that has been called "local colour" because it shows great knowledge of local people and their customs.

This gift is very clear in the two books for which Twain is still celebrated today:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(1876)and its follow﹣up The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,which many people call "The Great American Novel".

The most amazing invention in the book is the voice of Huck himself.Huck did not enjoy schooling.It shows in the way he uses language,in a spoken style.Only a master like Twain could copy the way a young southern boy talked so well.

34.What does the underlined word "gift" mean in the passage?  

A.Twain's talent for self﹣teaching.

B.Twain's "local colour" writing style.

C.Twain's good sense of humour

D.Twain's experiences as a ship pilot

35.According to the passage,what is the best part of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.  

A.The deep social meaning

B.The exciting life experiences

C.The special way that Huck talks

D.The nice view of the Mississippi

36.Which is the most suitable place in the passage for the sentence,"Twain did not come from the writer's background you might expect."?  

A.At the beginning of Paragraph 2

B.At the beginning of Paragraph 3

C.At the beginning of Paragraph 4

D.At the beginning of Paragraph 5

37.what is the passage mainly about?  

A.Mark Twain's career as a great writer

B.Mark Twain's interest in describing local life

C.Mark Twain's achievements in American literature field

D.Mark Twain's life experiences which influenced his writing.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I'll be perfectly honest: I'm not a fan of The Teen Cops. To me, it's very much like watching a silly comedy show on television. But, let me first say that not everything in the movie is bad.

The main characters are funny and lovable. Linda is cute, Sam is funny and Mr. Timmy, the dog, is a perfect partner to the two teenage crime fighters. The producers have also come up with exciting new music.

While the characters in the movie are fine, the plotis too simple. "They look for the bad guys, they find the bad guys, and then they catch the bad guys." Boring! No difference from so many television programmes that we have seen before.

Here's another reason why I don't like the plot. Two teenagers and a little dog act like they are smarter than experienced policemen and criminals. This may be a comedy, but it isn't funny.

It seems that Director James Ma has made this comedy for people of all ages to enjoy. But, in my opinion, he has failed and it is not worth seeing.

53.What you have read is a    









54. What kind of movie is The Teen Cops?    






Action movie.



55.How many main characters are there in the movie?    









56.The underlined word "plot" in the third paragraph has the closest meaning with    









57.Generally, what does the writer think of the movie?    









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
