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   There were three big fish in the lake.One of them,Demo,was wise;another one,Jimmy,was half﹣wise;Martin,the third one,was stupid.

    Some fishermen came to the bank of the lake with their nets.The three fish saw them.

    Demo decided at once to leave,to make the long and difficult trip to the ocean.He thought,"I won't discuss with these two about this.They love this place so much that they call it home and will stay on.How silly they are!They still haven't realized we are in great danger now.Their ignorance will cost them their lives."

    Seeing the wise fish had left,Jimmy thought,"My guide has gone and now I've lost my chance to escape."He felt sorry for it and then thought,"What can I do to save myself from these men and their nets?Perhaps I should pretend (假装)to be already dead,giving myself totally to the water."So he did that.He went up and down with the water,helpless,within arm's reach of the fishermen.

"Look at this!The best and biggest fish is dead."One of the men lifted him by the tail,and threw him up on the ground.He rolled (滚动)over and over and moved secretly toward the water,and then,back in.

    The third fish was aimlessly jumping about,trying to escape with his speed and cleverness.The net,of course,finally closed around him,and as he lay in the hot frying﹣pan bed,he thought,"If I get out of this,I'll never live again in the limits of the lake.Next time,the ocean!I'll make it my home."

56.The passage is a  




57.The underlined word"ignorance"in the passage means"  "in Chinese.




58.Jimmy thought that he could escape from the fishermen by  

A.traveling to the ocean

B.pretending to be dead

C.jumping here and there

59.Who was caught by the fishermen at last?  




60.What can we learn from the passage?  

A.It is important to make proper changes in time.

B.Good chances are always given to the honest.

C.The stupid can also succeed with great efforts.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Let's Enjoy a Movie!


From a large elephant to a small mouse,animals live happily together in Disney's Zootopia.

Language: English

Running Time: 1 Hour and 30 Minutes

Price: Weekdays﹣﹣﹣﹩40   ﹩20 (kids under 6)

Weekend﹣﹣﹣﹩50    ﹩ 25 (kids under 6)

I've never imagined the movie is so interesting. There are 64 kinds of animals in it. After watching the movie, I learned more about animals.I would recommendthis movie to those animal lovers.


I have seen many cartoons of this kind, but the plots(情节)are surprisingly funny and I love the sweet voice in it. My brother and I just couldn't help laughing from the beginning to the end.


This movie is so well made. I went to see it with my 5﹣year﹣old son last Sunday afternoon. I love the beautiful music while my son loves the rabbit police officer, Judy very much.


(1)The poster shows that   is spoken in the movie.









(2)What does the underlined word "recommend" mean?   









(3)David likes this movie because of   


the 64 kinds of animals


the funny plots and the sweet voice


the low price


the beautiful music

(4)It cost Nancy and her son   to watch the movie last Sunday.









(5)What does Judy do in the movie?   


A teacher.


A nurse.


A police officer


A writer.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's hard to find a person who doesn't like traveling. The human's hopes to explore(探索)new areas drive us to visit new countries and discover new places. It's a pity that it is impossible to explore every comer of the world even if you travel the whole life. So people search travel articles to learn more.

    If you want to become a travel writer who helps people to choose a trip, you should know how to create an article about traveling experience. Maybe the following can help you.

    Read different resources(资源). Do you want to improve your skills and do great writings? Start by exploring how experts do. Start following famous travel writers and discover how they engage readers. Also, it will help you to know about the latest news in the traveling.

    For sure, anyone can create a blog(博客)about traveling. But the top travel writers don't create articles according to stories of other people. They make every trip by themselves and share their experience in their articles. If you want to become a successful writer, you should have a large background in traveling. So you can create original articles and share your traveling secrets with your readers.

    Don't forget about your opinions when you discover how to write a travel article. If you want to copy someone's story, you can rewrite it and collect a few points. But if you're going to become a famous travel writer, you need to create original articles. Feel free to share your opinions and feelings.

    Being a travel writer is exciting. You have to travel, explore new areas and share your experience with readers.

(1)The Chinese meaning of the word "engage" is  

A. 聘请

B. 吸引

C. 告诚

D. 利用

(2)If you want to improve your writing skills, you should  

A. explore how experts do

B. visit new areas

C. discover more readers

D. report the latest news

(3)According to Paragraph 4, a top travel writer should  

A. create a blog about reading

B. write articles about others' stories

C. become an experienced traveler

D. share other people's traveling secrets

(4)According to Paragraph 5, we know a famous travel writer  

A. should often copy someone's story

B. usually rewrites some body's travel articles

C. only shares others' experience and feelings

D. should always have their own opinions

(5)This passage mainly tells us  

A. why people search travel articles to learn more

B. why people want to become a travel writer

C. how to write a good article about your traveling

D. how to travel, explore new areas and share your experience

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Americans love pets. Many pet owners treat their pets as a part of the family. They treat their pets as their children﹣﹣﹣sometimes even better.

In America, there are more families with pets than those with children. 43percent of U.S. homes have pets. Some of the pets are exotic, such as monkeys, snakes, butterflies and even wolves. Those animals come from other countries, especially China, Thailand, South Africa and so on. More common pets include fish, mice and birds. However, their favorites are cats and dogs. They sometimes have strong feelings about whether dogs or eats make better pets. "Dog people" and "cat people" often have friendly arguments about that.

People can get many benefits from pets. Pets stay with people, make people happy and help people get rid of loneliness. Therefore, most of Americans like pets. They think pets should be treated well. At least 75animal welfare(福利)organizations have been set up in America. They provide care and good services for homeless animals. Some pets can help people live a better life. For example, researchers(研究者) have discovered that getting on with animals can help lower(降低) a person's blood pressure. Dogs can offer protection from strange visitors. Cats can play games with the children. Some kinds of pets can provide love for their owners. In fact, to keep a pet can help a young couple have the responsibility to raise children. Pets are as basic to U.S. culture as hot dogs or apple pies. To Americans, pets are not just property(财产), but a part of the family.

(1)The underlined word " exotic" in the passage means "   " in Chinese.







(2)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?   


57%o of U.S. homes don't have pet


In the U. S. the families with children are fewer than those with pets.


Fish, mice and birds are the most popular pets in the U.S.

(3)Most Americans like keeping pets because   


they treat their pets even better than their children


there are at least 75animal welfare organizations in the U.S.


pets can bring many benefits to people

(4)How can some pets help people live a better life?   


Getting on with animals can help lower animals' blood pressure


Dogs can protect their owners from strange visitors.


Hot dogs and apple pies are a part of the family in the U.S.

(5)What is the main idea of the passage?   


Americans like keeping pets.


Dog people often argue with "cat people"


Young couples should keep pets in the U.S

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    When Claire Vlases of Montana was in Grade 7, she learned about plans to modernize her middle school. Claire asked the school board(董事会)to add solar panels to the project because, she explained, clean energy would be helpful to a really modern school.

    The board liked the idea but said it could offer just $ 25,000﹣one﹣fifth of the cost. So Claire organized a group of kids and grown﹣ups who set to work raising the rest. They sold their second﹣hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations(捐赠), even going door﹣to﹣door for them. One donated more than half the cost!

    After two years of hard work, the group paid for the solar panels, which now provide one﹣fourth of the school's electricity needs﹣saving the neighborhood thousands of dollars. "My favorite part about this project was that one person could start something small and then the project could grow and have a big influence on the community," Claire said. "There are always going to be hard parts. When there's a challenge(挑战)presented to you, you can learn from it and use it as chance to overcome it. "

(1)After knowing the project was still in need of money, Claire  

A. raised ﹩25,000

B. asked for more help

C. sold old newspapers

D. donated half the cost

(2)What does the underlined word "them" in Paragraph2 refer to(指代)?  

A. Solar panels.

B. Second﹣hand books.

C. Shows.

D. Donations.

(3)Which picture shows the change of the electricity cost after the use of solar panels?  

(4)From Claire's words in the last paragraph, we learn that  

A. hard work was her favorite

B. the project went smoothly

C. a small thing makes a big difference

D. solar panels cost a lot

(5)What would be the best title for the text?  

A. A Dependent Girl

B. A Modern School

C. Don't Waste Energy

D. Never Give Up

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

At my primary school,I was one of the smartest kids there.I never studied,but always got perfect scores.I was also a prodigyin in music according to myself.I could sing better than almost everyone else in my school.I was pretty sure that once I got to sixth grade,everyone would be surprised by me.

But actually,they weren't.

When I arrived at my new class,I couldn't wait to show everyone what I could do.However,there was always someone else who could do them better.My grades began to suffer.More talented(有天资的)gifts often sang solo(独唱).I believed I wasn't smart.I believed I wasn't talented.I believed I was a failure.

Over the next two years,I had to work very hard.Every prize for the singing competition was given to me for hard work and effort.Grades were still very low but improving little by little.I worked really hard.However,I was never the best at everything.

I haven't realized until recently that I really don't have to be the best at everything.I was too hard on myself.In fact,when I did badly in a test,my classmates never laughed at me.

No one is perfect.There will probably always be someone better than me at something.Anyway,there are about seven billion people in this world.I will never be the number once at everything,and that's really okay.

33.What does"a prodigy"probably mean in English?   


A smart kid.


A crazy fan.


A common child


A lazy girl

34.When the writer was at new class.   


she lost her interest in music


she had difficulty in learning


she surprised everyone in solo


she got separated from friends

35.What happened to the writer during the next two years?   


She won many prizes without any effort.


She found the best way to become perfect.


She gave up trying because of the low scores.


She failed to be perfect though she worked hard.

36.What has the writer realized recently?   


There is no success without effort.


Being talented is the key to success.


Don't expect too much of yourself.


It's not necessary to care about the result.

37.Which would be the best title for this passage?   


When I wasn't perfect


My past life as a young girl


Hard work doesn't work


What to do when you're not perfect.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A well﹣known speaker started his speech by holding up a﹩20 bill.In the room of 200 people,he asked,"Who would like this﹩20 bill?"

    Hands started going up.He said,"I am going to give this ﹩20 to one of you.But first let me do this."He crumpled the bill. He then asked,"Who still wants it?" Still, the hands of stayed in the air.

    "Well," he replied,"What if I do this?" He dropped it on the ground and started to grind(碾压) it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty."Who still wants it?" The hands did not move.

    "My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I do to the money, you will still want it because it is still worth ﹩20."

    "Sometimes we feel like we are worthless because we did something wrong or the situation is not good.But no matter what has happened, you will never lose your value and you are still priceless to those who love you. They care about you because you are special to them."

    "The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by who we are."

(1)How did the speaker start his speech?  

A. By hiding a ﹩20 bill.

B. By passing a ﹩20 bill.

C. By borrowing a ﹩20 bill.

D. By holding up a ﹩20 bill.

(2)What does the underlined word crumpled probably mean in the passage?  





(3)The speaker put the bill high up in the air because he wanted to  

A. change the value of the bill

B. get more listeners to look at the bill

C. make the listeners feel sorry for the bill

D. show the listeners that the bill was worthless

(4)It's clear that  

A. no one wanted the bill

B. the speech was not interesting

C. the speaker didn't like money

D. the speaker was good at making a speech

(5)What did the speaker want to tell people with his speech?  

A. Keep cool when there is a problem.

B. It doesn't matter if you lose your value.

C. The value of our lives lies in who we are.

D. Money is not the most important thing in life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Rita,

   How are you? Last time you asked me about the greatest invention in my eyes. I have also discussed it with my best friends, Anna, Sue and Kris. We have different ideas. Anna thinks it is the high﹣speed railway; Sue, the shared bike; Kris, the online shopping; and I prefer the Internet.

   The Internet is just like a net, and it connects us with the world. In the past, it was nearly impossible for people to communicate immediately with people in other countries. They had to spend a long time to reach their destinations (目的地), and not everyone could do that. But the Internet has made the impossible possible. Now we can communicate with foreigners online.

   The Internet also helps us know what is happening around the world, and has made our life and work easier. In recent years, shopping online is very popular. We can just stay at home and buy what we need online. We can also do online office work and distance education. Besides, we can watch movies, listen to music and even play games to relax ourselves on the Internet.

   So, I think that the Internet is one of the greatest inventions. It has changed our world! Although there are still many problems with the Internet, they will be solved in the near future. As a student we should make good use of the Internet!



(1)The letter was written by   









(2)Anna thought that   was the greatest invention.


the high﹣speed railway


the shared bike


the Internet


the online shopping

(3)" The Internet has made the impossible possible" means   


People spent a long time to reach their places


Many things can be done now because of the Internet


People could hardly talk with foreigners


The Internet is just like a net

(4)The article doesn't mention that people can use the Internet to   


know the world news


do online shopping


watch movies


learn how to drive

(5)For what purpose does the writer write the letter?   


To warn others how to make use of the Internet.


To tell people the communication ways in the past.


To talk about his opinions about the greatest invention.


To make people know about the problems of the Internet.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Many kids want to help keep the environment clean but don't know where to start.In

fact,even the simplest everyday activities can make a difference to the environment.

Here is how:

Don't litter.Litter can pollute our water and can do harm to us and to wildlife.If you see litter,pick it up.

Recycle bottles,paper and reuse plastic bags,These are good habits to develop and can really improve our environment.

Always turn off lights when they are not being used,Use your bike or walk to near places rather than drive a car.Encourage your friends and

family to do the same.

Don't throw your old clothes or toys away.Give them to a local charity(慈善组织) or a friend that may need them.

Byfollowingthesewaysandusingtheminyoureverydaylife,you will make the world a

greener place.It's never too late to start,and there is no better time than right now,

66.We can learn from the passage that  

A many students know how to keep the environment clean

B,we'd better walk or ride there if we travel a short distance

C we should turn off the lights when we are in the classroom

67.What does the underlined phrase"make a difference to"probably mean?  

A pollute B create C influence

68.If you see litter in the school,you should.  

A.turn to teachers B pick it up C Let it alone

69,What's the main idea of the passage?  

A Reuse plastic bags.

B,Give away old clothes.

C How to protect environment,

70,What's the Chinese meaning of the last sentence in the passage?  


B 讲究卫生,人人有责.


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It seems that food deliverymen (送货员) are always rushing in haste.We can always see them running every minute,and they seem to have lots of things to do the next minute.They wear blue,red or yellow helmets (头盔) and many of them don't follow traffic rules.They drive on the wrong side of the road and run red lights.They use mobile phones when they are driving.

However,not everything goes well with food deliverymen.In the first half of 2017,food deliverymen had 76 traffic accidents in Shanghai.That means every two and a half days,a food deliveryman will die or get hurt on the road.

What makes deliverymen take such risks?The strict rules of the food delivery companies and the worried customers may be the answer.Many companies will fine (罚款) a deliveryman up to 2,000 yuan if he can't deliver the food on time,reported China Daily.Fines also go to those who get bad reviews from customers.

To solve the problem,food delivery service companies need to do some changes.Some cities are also taking action.Shanghai has asked companies to train their deliverymen on traffic rules and safety.Now in Shenzhen,if a deliveryman breaks traffic rules more than twice,then he can't do the job for a whole year.

(1)The underlined phrase "in haste" in Paragraph 1 probably means    in Chinese.









(2)The first paragraph mainly tells us that many food deliverymen    .


work very hard


break traffic rules


are good at driving


use mobile phones too much

(3)How many reasons are mentioned for deliverymen's taking risks of breaking traffic rules?    









(4)If a food deliveryman    ,the companies will fine him.


drives too slowly


delivers food on time


obeys traffic rules


gets bad reviews from his customers

(5)What is the main idea of the last paragraph?    


Traffic rules are too strict to deliverymen.


Food deliverymen cannot drive on important roads in the future.


Some cities are working to solve the problem and make things better.


All the companies in China train their deliverymen on traffic rules and safety.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every Saturday evening, many people come to an open square in a small town in Xi' an. They want to watch Chen Kun and his friends put on a play. During the play, the audience (观众) can hear them, but they can not see them. That is because they are putting on a shadow puppet play (皮影戏).

   Shadow puppets are made of hard leather (皮革). The leather is cut out in the shape of a person,an animal or an object. Each puppet is painted in bright colours and put on a stick. Some puppets have movable arms and legs.

   During a shadow puppet play, Chen stands behind a white screen with lights behind it. The audience sit in front of the screen. Chen and his friends hold the puppets very close to the screen so the audience can see the puppets' shadows clearly. Then they move the puppets around and do the voices of the different characters.

   Shadow puppet plays are a traditional Chinese art. Now with TV and films, shadow puppet plays are not as popular as before. To encourage more young people to learn the skills of shadow puppet plays,Chen provides training courses for students to teach them how to make shadow puppets.

   Chen and his friends often work very hard for little money, but they do not mind. They want to keep this traditional art form alive.

(1)Why cannot the audience see Chen Kun and his friends during the play?   


Because there is no light in front of the screen.


Because the audience sit too far to see them.


Because Chen Kun and his friends are watching a play.


Because Chen Kun and his friends are putting on a shadow puppet play behind the screen.

(2)According to the passage, what are shadow puppets made of ?   









(3)The underlined word "it" refers to (指)   in the passage.


a white screen


a light


a shadow puppet


Chen Kun

(4)Chen Kun and his friends put on shadow puppet plays because   


they want to enjoy themselves.


they want to make as much money as they can


they want to keep this traditional art form alive


shadow puppet plays are more popular than before

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Frank and his brother Jack lived near the ocean. Frank was outgoing while Jack was shy. They liked doing different things. Frank was famous for organizing games of beach volleyball, football, and any other sport imaginable. Jack preferred to draw, paint, or build sandcastles(沙堡).

    Frank didn't understand why Jack would rather do artistic things than play ball. He believed sports often allowed many kids to play together. That was when Jack's idea hatched. He would show Frank what doing things together looked like!

    After Jack finished creating a special sandcastle with stairs,towers and walls,he took pictures of it.Then he painted colorful posters featuring(突出)his sandcastle and the question, "Can you top this?" He hung his posters everywhere in town, announcing his plan for a day of sandcastle artistry﹣all ages welcome.

    When Frank saw poster, he not so nicely told Jack that no one would come. Still, shortly after sunrise on Saturday, Jack was on the beach digging in the sand. By mid﹣morning, four kids were sculpting(雕塑)the sand alongside him. By noon the number had increased a lot.

    After Frank came back from his ball game, he went to check how his brother's plan turned out. He couldn't believe what he saw. At least 30 people were building a city of sandcastles, and everyone was chatting and laughing and working together! It was the most beautiful thing he had seen on the beach.

    "I guess you've proved me wrong," Frank said. "You should make this sandcastle day a yearly tradition!" Handing Frank a shovel(铲子)with smile, Jack got started together with his brother on their super creation in the sand.

(1)What does the underlined word "hatched" in Paragraph 2 probably mean in Chinese?  

A. 产生

B. 改变

C. 消失

D. 中断

(2)What helped people know about Jack's plan?  

A. Beautiful towers.

B. Colorful posters.

C. A town building.

D. A sandcastle day.

(3)When learning about Jack's plan, Frank was  

A. doubtful

B. interested

C. satisfied

D. nervous

(4)What can we know about Jack's idea?  

A. It came from a picture.

B. It needed 30 people's support.

C. It proved Frank right.

D. It did work well.

(5)Which of the following best describes Jack?  

A. Honest.

B. Creative.

C. Outgoing.

D. Caring.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    China has ended its long﹣lasted one﹣child policy,all Chinese couples now are allowed to have two children,which means that many Chinese children,including you,may have siblings (兄弟姐妹) in the future.

    Like many only children in China,Pan is happy and confident,except when she feels lonely every now and then."It's not fun,especially when I travel with my parents.How I wish I could have a brother or a sister,"she said.Now it could be time for Pan to realize her dream.But what would it be like growing up with a sibling?

    Having a sibling can prevent children from bad feelings such as loneliness and fear,according to Laura Walker from Brigham Young University,US."Siblings give kids something that parents can't,"she said.

    You may not feel lonely because there is someone else to play with.You can also talk about various things and share secrets with each other.

    But children with siblings also have to control their feelings and learn to compromise,said Laura.You need to share things with your siblings,including attention from parents,toys,the bathroom and even the TV.There is also unpleasant competition which you have to deal with.

    It's also said that the birth order decides how parents treat their children.Parents are usually very nervous and strict with their first child.So firstborns (including only children) have more sense of responsibility because parents set high goals for them.When the couple has a second child,they are more relaxed,less strict and have fewer rules.So late﹣born kids are usually funny and creative.


51.The first paragraph is mainly about  

A.a chance for siblings         B.problems of only children      C.the one﹣child policy

52.From the passage we can know that Pan  

A.feels lonely all the time

B.may have a sibling in the future

C.enjoys traveling with her parents

53.According to Laura Walker from Brigham Young University,children with siblings  

A.can stop themselves from fear and loneliness

B.may give their parents various things

C.must share everything with each other

54.The underlined word"compromise"means   in Chinese.

A.争论                   B.质疑                  C.妥协

55.We can learn from the passage that  

A.children must set high goals for themselves

B.parents should help siblings become great friends

C.siblings need to deal with competition between them.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Each Friday,my son′s kindergarten(幼儿园) class has"a prize day".All the children who do well in the week can get a prize.The children have behavior cards.The cards start out green every morning,but are changed from green to yellow,orange and finally to red if they do something wrong.Most of the children never change their cards from green.

On many Fridays,a boy named Tommy often walks out with an unsmiling face because he has had a bad day or two that week.Tommy is a naughty boy and he often causes trouble.Other children would tell their parents:"Tommy got angry,"or"Tommy didn't listen to the teacher,"or"Tommy got trouble today."But recently,things have become much better for Tommy.My son reports proudly each day."All GREEN today".

Last night,after I kissed him goodnight,he said he was very excited because tomorrow was a prize day."And I hope,hope,hope that Tommy stays on green!"My heart will filled with pride.I told my son how kind it was of him to think of Tommy rather than caring about his own prize.


46.What color is a behavior card at first?  





47.If a boy's card was changed into red,it showed that  

A.be got a prise            

B.he did badly

C.he helped other children

D.he became better than before.

48.The underlined word"naughty"in Paragraph 2 refers to  





49.From the passage we know that  

A.things were becoming better for Tommy

B.Tommy behaved wores and worse.

C.Tommy always listened to reachers.

D.Tommy never got a green card.

50.Why does the father take take pride in his son?  

A.Because his son always cares about him.

B.Because his son always thinks of his own prize.

C.Because his son often tells him what happens at the kindergarten.

D.Because his son always thinks of Tommy rather than caring about his own prize.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you know World Book Day?It falls on April 23every year.It was set up by the UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)in 1995to encourage people,especially teenagers,to discover the pleasure of reading.It is also the day to show respect for great authors(作家).

Many countries celebrate World Book Day in the world.On that day,millions of school children can buy books at a much lower price than usual in any bookstore in England.It has been done every year since 1998.World Book Day is also celebrate in China.Li Keqiang,Premier of China,is an avid reader.He often talks about reading.He called on(号召)all the Chinese people do more reading just before World Book Day in 2015and wrote it in the government work report.He said no matterhow busy you are,you should read more,"Books can not change the world,but people can change the world by changing themselves through reading,"he said.

Reading helps us have more knowledge and become smarter.Reading helps us to follow the latest developments of science and technology.Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreigh language like English.We all know that learning everything in the classroom is difficult.For example,the ways English people are living and working today can be learnt by reading.

Books,magazines,newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help us to know more about the outside world.Therefore,it is necessary for us to read more books every day.

41.World Book Day is    


on April 23every year


on March 12every year


celebrated just in China


a festival for young people

42.In England,the books in bookstore are    usual on World Book Day.


more expensive than


cheaper than


as expensive as


as cheap as

43.The underlined phrase"no matter"means"    "in Chinese.









44.According to the passage,reading can help people in many ways except    


learning English better


knowing more about cultures


improving your health


knowing more about the ourside world

45.What's the best title for the article?    


World Book Day in England


Suggestions on Reading


World Book Day in China


World Book Day and the Advantage of Reading.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
