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Each Friday,my son′s kindergarten(幼儿园) class has"a prize day".All the children who do well in the week can get a prize.The children have behavior cards.The cards start out green every morning,but are changed from green to yellow,orange and finally to red if they do something wrong.Most of the children never change their cards from green.

On many Fridays,a boy named Tommy often walks out with an unsmiling face because he has had a bad day or two that week.Tommy is a naughty boy and he often causes trouble.Other children would tell their parents:"Tommy got angry,"or"Tommy didn't listen to the teacher,"or"Tommy got trouble today."But recently,things have become much better for Tommy.My son reports proudly each day."All GREEN today".

Last night,after I kissed him goodnight,he said he was very excited because tomorrow was a prize day."And I hope,hope,hope that Tommy stays on green!"My heart will filled with pride.I told my son how kind it was of him to think of Tommy rather than caring about his own prize.


46.What color is a behavior card at first?  





47.If a boy's card was changed into red,it showed that  

A.be got a prise            

B.he did badly

C.he helped other children

D.he became better than before.

48.The underlined word"naughty"in Paragraph 2 refers to  





49.From the passage we know that  

A.things were becoming better for Tommy

B.Tommy behaved wores and worse.

C.Tommy always listened to reachers.

D.Tommy never got a green card.

50.Why does the father take take pride in his son?  

A.Because his son always cares about him.

B.Because his son always thinks of his own prize.

C.Because his son often tells him what happens at the kindergarten.

D.Because his son always thinks of Tommy rather than caring about his own prize.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many hundreds of years ago,the moon was a mystery to people on the earth.What was that glowing ball came out at night?Why did it keep getting smaller,then larger?Why didn't it fall from the sky?Through the ages,people have tried to come up with answers.

To the native people of Bolivia,in South American,the moon was a great chief who once lived on the earth.The Abaluyian people of Kenya,in Africa,believe the moon and the sun were brothers who fought in the sky.In other parts of the world,people believed they saw different pictures in the moon.The Haida Indians of Canada saw a woman carrying a bucket.The Chinese saw a road.

People in the past also used the moon to mark time as a kind of calendar.In fact,in some languages,the word for moon meant "month".A Native American nation called the Sioux made a calendar of 13moons,or months.Each moon had a name,such as Moon of Black Cherries,Moon of Green Corn,and Moon of Severe Cold.

Though people of the past found the moon was helpful,mysterious and interesting,they didn't know much about it.They only knew what they could see with their own eyes.

Then almost 400years age,an Italian acientist named Galileo made a new telescope(望远镜) that was more powerful than any telescope made before.Galileo decided to take his new implement to look at the moon.He discovered that the moon was not the smooth,shiny ball.The brighter places were mostly hills and mountains.The flat areas were lower,which is why they appeared darker.

As more people saw the moon through telescopes,they discovered more about it.Yet,people still had much to learn about the moon.

34.Which name of the moon is NOT mentioned in the passage?  

A.Moon of Severe Cold.

B.Moon of Red Trees.

C.Moon of Black Cherries.

D.Moon of Green Corn.

35.The underlined word "implement" probably means.  





36.From this passage,we can know that.  

A.Thousands of years ago,Galileo used his implement to look at the moon

B.People in the past also used the moon to mark time as a kind of calendar

C.People discovered that the darker areas in moon were hills and mountains

D.The native people of Bolivia thought that the moon and the sun were sisters.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Have you found that more and more people are using emojis to communicate online?For example,"Happy Birthday" has become a cake with lit candles.And "I am happy" has become a smiling face.

Emojis have been warmly welcomed since they were invented in the 1990s in Japan.According to a survey of a mobile technology company,6 billion emojis are used in text messages around the world every day.Last year,20 percent of all emojis used in the UK and 17 percent of those used in the US was the icon.It became the most widely﹣used icon in 2015.

Emojis are now used as "a new form of expression",and one which can cross language barriers(障碍)."Emojis are popular among millennials,who were born between late 1980s and early 2000s,because they welcome new technology and new things and they think emojis are‘flexible(灵活的)and show meanings beautifully'",president of Oxford Dictionaries told The Wall Street Joural.

Since millennials became the biggest part in the American workforce(劳动力),emojis have been more accepted in the workplace.For many people,the tiny pictures also show that the users are part of mainstream(主流)society.In the digital age,emojis are"how most people communicate and show their personality many times every day."

But not everyone thinks the use of emojis is a good thing.Jonathan Jones of The Guardian said that the success of emojis is"a step back for humans",hurting people's ability to use languages.

"There are strict limits on what you can say with pictures﹣the written word is necessary to express your ideas and feelings to their highest level,"he said.

Do you feelor about emojis?

36.What emojis is"happy Birthday"according to the passage?  

37.Where ere emojis invented?  

A.In Japan

B.In China

C.In the UK

D.In the US.

38.What does the underlined word "millennials" in the 3th paragraph mean in Chinese?   





39.Why are emojis popular among millennials?  

A.Beacuse emojis limit what they say with pictures.

B.Beacuse they think emojis are a step back for humans.

C.Beacuse 6 billion emojis are used in text messages every day.

D.Beacuse young people are easily attracted by new technology and new things.

40.The writer makes us learn about the emojis in Paragraph 2 by  

A.telling stories

B.explaining the world "emojis"

C.listing numbers

D.making comparisons(比较)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's hard to find a person who doesn't like traveling. The human's hopes to explore(探索)new areas drive us to visit new countries and discover new places. It's a pity that it is impossible to explore every comer of the world even if you travel the whole life. So people search travel articles to learn more.

    If you want to become a travel writer who helps people to choose a trip, you should know how to create an article about traveling experience. Maybe the following can help you.

    Read different resources(资源). Do you want to improve your skills and do great writings? Start by exploring how experts do. Start following famous travel writers and discover how they engage readers. Also, it will help you to know about the latest news in the traveling.

    For sure, anyone can create a blog(博客)about traveling. But the top travel writers don't create articles according to stories of other people. They make every trip by themselves and share their experience in their articles. If you want to become a successful writer, you should have a large background in traveling. So you can create original articles and share your traveling secrets with your readers.

    Don't forget about your opinions when you discover how to write a travel article. If you want to copy someone's story, you can rewrite it and collect a few points. But if you're going to become a famous travel writer, you need to create original articles. Feel free to share your opinions and feelings.

    Being a travel writer is exciting. You have to travel, explore new areas and share your experience with readers.

(1)The Chinese meaning of the word "engage" is  

A. 聘请

B. 吸引

C. 告诚

D. 利用

(2)If you want to improve your writing skills, you should  

A. explore how experts do

B. visit new areas

C. discover more readers

D. report the latest news

(3)According to Paragraph 4, a top travel writer should  

A. create a blog about reading

B. write articles about others' stories

C. become an experienced traveler

D. share other people's traveling secrets

(4)According to Paragraph 5, we know a famous travel writer  

A. should often copy someone's story

B. usually rewrites some body's travel articles

C. only shares others' experience and feelings

D. should always have their own opinions

(5)This passage mainly tells us  

A. why people search travel articles to learn more

B. why people want to become a travel writer

C. how to write a good article about your traveling

D. how to travel, explore new areas and share your experience

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Fred was a poor man who lived alone in a small village. He was lazy and didn't want to find a job. He had no friends or relatives. He used to beg for food for his living.

One day, a kind man gave Fred a large bowl of rice. Fred didn't eat up the rice in one go. He put the remaining rice on the table. He lay on his bed and kept an eye on it.

After a while, Fred fell asleep and had a dream. He dreamed that there was a famine (饥荒) in his village. He sold his remaining rice and got some silver coins. He used the silver coins to buy a pair of goats. His goats had kids in months, so he got more goats. He sold some goats and became rich. He bought a large house. He fell in love with a beautiful lady and they got married.

Fred dreamed that he was dancing with his wife. He felt so excited that he kicked in air and his leg hit the bowl on the table. The bowl with rice dropped and broke into pieces. The noise woke him up.

At once, Fred realized that he had been dreaming. He also realized that he could get nothing if he didn't make a change. Then he decided to get rid of his laziness. Soon he found a job and worked hard.

(1)How did Fred get silver coins in his dream?  

A. By selling his goats.

B. By selling the rice.

C. By working hard.

D. By selling his house.

(2)Fred kicked in air when he dreamed that  

A. he became a rich man

B. he had more goats

C. he was dancing with his wife

D. he had a large house

(3)The Chinese meaning of the underlined phrase "get rid of" is probably"  ".





(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

A. Fred was a rich man before he had a dream.

B. Fred got a large bowl of rice from a lady.

C. In Fred's dream, he bought a pair of horses.

D. The bowl dropped and the noise woke Fred up.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A well﹣known speaker started his speech by holding up a﹩20 bill.In the room of 200 people,he asked,"Who would like this﹩20 bill?"

    Hands started going up.He said,"I am going to give this ﹩20 to one of you.But first let me do this."He crumpled the bill. He then asked,"Who still wants it?" Still, the hands of stayed in the air.

    "Well," he replied,"What if I do this?" He dropped it on the ground and started to grind(碾压) it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty."Who still wants it?" The hands did not move.

    "My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I do to the money, you will still want it because it is still worth ﹩20."

    "Sometimes we feel like we are worthless because we did something wrong or the situation is not good.But no matter what has happened, you will never lose your value and you are still priceless to those who love you. They care about you because you are special to them."

    "The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by who we are."

(1)How did the speaker start his speech?  

A. By hiding a ﹩20 bill.

B. By passing a ﹩20 bill.

C. By borrowing a ﹩20 bill.

D. By holding up a ﹩20 bill.

(2)What does the underlined word crumpled probably mean in the passage?  





(3)The speaker put the bill high up in the air because he wanted to  

A. change the value of the bill

B. get more listeners to look at the bill

C. make the listeners feel sorry for the bill

D. show the listeners that the bill was worthless

(4)It's clear that  

A. no one wanted the bill

B. the speech was not interesting

C. the speaker didn't like money

D. the speaker was good at making a speech

(5)What did the speaker want to tell people with his speech?  

A. Keep cool when there is a problem.

B. It doesn't matter if you lose your value.

C. The value of our lives lies in who we are.

D. Money is not the most important thing in life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you help your parents with chores around the house? Can you cook for your family?

    To stress the importance of hardworking spirit education among students of different ages, the Chinese government recently released(发布) a guideline. The guideline calls for students to respect(尊重) work. Students should learn basic life skills and form good working habits, through such education.

    The government has been trying to stress the importance of hardworking spirit education. But this has been overlooked(忽视) in recent years. Many teens do not value the importance of working hard and are uninterested in doing so.

    According to a study of nearly 3,000 students that was done by Ningbo Evening News in March, only 22 percent of primary and middle school students help with everyday chores around the house.

    Schools and families play an important role in teaching students about the value of working hard, the guideline says.

    Primary and middle schools should provide students with hardworking spirit classes every week, according to the guideline. Schools can also hold activities to give students real﹣world work experience. For example, schools can teach children how to plant trees on Tree﹣planting Day.

    As children's first teachers,parents should also encourage children to learn how to do chores at home.Students should master one or two life skills every year. These skills can include cooking, washing their own clothes and tidying their rooms.

(1)The guideline was released in order to  

A. teach students how to do chores at home

B. call for students to respect work

C. help students solve life problems

D. ask students to be more independent

(2)What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph 3 refer to?  

A. Challenges in life

B. Basic life skills

C. The recently released guideline

D. Hardworking spirit education

(3)What is paragraph 4 trying to tell us?  

A. Only 3,000 students help with housework

B. Students pay no attention to hardworking spirit

C. About one﹣fifth of students help with housework

D. Students are taken good care of by their parents

(4)According to the guideline, schools should  

A. provide both guidance and chances for real work

B. hand out the guideline to every student

C. teach students how to plant trees

D. give parents homework to do

(5)What does the writer advise parents to do?  

A. Do most housework at home.

B. Master one or two life skills every year.

C. Help children learn to do chores at home.

D. Ask children to focus more on study.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you think of the Arctic (北极), you imagine an icy land of pure white snow. Others imagine it as the last really clean place left on earth. We have polluted the deepest oceans with plastic rubbish. "And now", CNN says, "It's the Arctic's turn."

    German scientists have recently found microplastics in Arctic snow. Microplastics are pieces of plastic smaller than 5 millimeters. Sadly, the scientists found 1800 pieces of microplastics per liter of (每升) snow.

    How is plastic pollution reaching the Arctic? According to scientists, "It's clear that most of the microplastics in the snow come from the air." They fall off the plastic objects and are moved by the wind, just like dust. They mix with ice in the air and fall to the ground as snow. Finding these plastics in Arctic snow means that we may breathe them in.

    Are they bad for us? Scientists cannot answer this question for now, according to the WHO. We do know that our bodies cannot take in "large" pieces of microplastics. However, if the plastics are small enough, they can find ways into our bodies and stay there for a long time, which can be bad for our health. What's more, earlier studies have shown that microplastics may contribute to lung cancer risk.

    Microplastics have also been found in rivers and oceans around the world. Earlier research has found that they flow over long distances and into our oceans, hurting ecosystems along the way. They start in our wastewater, then flow into rivers and out to the sea, where they are eaten by sea animals. If people then eat these animals, it means that we're eating the plastic as well.

(1)We can learn from Paragraph 1 that  

A. the Arctic is the last really clean place left on earth

B. the Arctic is an icy land of pure white snow

C. the Arctic is a beautiful icy land with clean air

D. the Arctic has been polluted by plastic rubbish

(2)The underlined word "contribute" means "  " in Chinese.

A. 增加

B. 捐献

C. 造成

D. 是……原因之一

(3)Where do most of the microplastics in the snow come from?  

A. From water.

B. From air.

C. From wind.

D. From food.

(4)Which of the following isn't true?  

A. We may breathe microplastics in Arctic.

B. Microplastics may cause lung cancer.

C. We don't have to mind microplastics right now.

D. Microplastics have hurt ecosystems.

(5)How does the writer end this passage?  

A. By advising us to drink clean water.

B. By asking people not to eat sea animals.

C. By telling the seriousness of plastic pollution.

D. By showing the beauty of Arctic.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A British man has learned the skills needed to perform Beijing Opera, making the audience (观众) enjoy his lively performance of the Monkey King.

    Ghaffar Pourazar, born in Iran, said he has been a big fan of Bruce Lee since he was a child and is full of interest about China. In 1993, he happened to watch Beijing Opera performed in London by professionals from Jingju Theatre Company of Beijing. Ghaffar said he fell in love with the beautiful voices, colorful costumes, excellent shows and so on. So after one year, he arrived in China alone and became a student of Beijing Opera at a Beijing school.

    At the age of 32, he had to learn with teenage students every day, starting from the most basic training of the legs and waist. At the time, he was mostly troubled by the dialogue in Beijing Opera. To him, it was the biggest obstacle. But he never gave up.

    Four years later, he began to learn to perform the Monkey King, a traditional character from the Chinese classic story Journey to the West. He said he arrived in the workroom an hour earlier than other performers and also bought books and CDs to better understand the character.

    Ghaffar today is not only good a speaking Beijing dialect (方言) but has also built a fame for Beijing Opera. He once got a top international prize for performing the Monkey King.

    To help more people enjoy Beijing Opera, Ghaffar often teaches the traditional art form in schools in the United States, Britain and other countries. When he found that the language was difficult to understand, he started to translate Beijing Opera song lyrics. Ghaffar led a group of actors to perform 66 times in a month and a half in the United States. He also led a 48﹣member team to perform in Malaysia. In the past 10 years, he has performed in more than 400 shows.

(1)In the year of 1994, Ghaffar began to  

A. make friends with Bruce Lee

B. take an interest in China

C. learn Beijing Opera in Beijing

D. act the part of the Monkey King

(2)The underlined word "obstacle" in Paragraph 3 probably means "  ".

A. chance

B. problem

C. topic

D. dream

(3)It can be inferred from the passage that Ghaffar  

A. is successful in performing Beijing Opera

B. has written some books about Beijing Opera

C. got a prize for translating Journey to the West

D. doesn't need any more members in his team

(4)The passage is most probably from the part of   in a newspaper.

A. sports

B. business

C. culture

D. education

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and morden communication means (工具). Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution. To pollute means to make things dirty. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it, smell it, drink it and even heart it

Man has been polluting the earth. The more people have, the more pollution becomes. Many years ago, the problem was nor so serious because there were not so many people. When the land was used up or the river was dirty in one place, man moved to another place.But this is no longer true.

Man is now slowly polluting the whole world.

Air pollution is still the most serious. It's bad for all living things in the world, but it is not the only one kind of pollution, Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us angry more easily.

Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. They stop people from burning coal in houses and factories in the city, and from putting dirty smoke into the air. Pollution by sulfur dioxide (So2) is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution, I! is caused by heavy traffic. We are sure that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.

The earth is our home. We must take care of it. That means keeping the land, water and air clean. And we must pay attention to the rise in pollution at the same time.

(1)According the passage,  , our world is becoming much smaller.

A. because of the rise in pollution

B. thanks to science development

C.because the earth is being polluted day and night

D.because the earth is blowing away by the wind every year

(2)Hundreds of years ago, life was  it is today.

A.as easy as

B. much easier than

C. as hard as

D. much harder than

(3)In paragraph 1, the underlined word "it" means  

A. rubbish

B. noise pollution

C.air pollution

D. water pollution

(4)Which of the following is NOT true?  

A. Many countries are making rules to fight pollution.

B. The pollution of the earth grows as fast as the world pollution does.

C. The problem of pollution is not so serious because there are not so many people living on the earth.

D. If people could go to work by bus or by bike instead of car or motorbike, it would be helpful in fighting against the problem of SO2

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once again. Myra sat alone on the bus. Even after two weeks at her new school, Myra had not made any friends. At breaks (课间) she played alone. In art class, she drew alone. In the lunchroom, she ate alone. And on the bus ride home, she sat alone.

Myra could not understand why no one wanted to be her friend. Other kids joked and laughed with each other. But none of them joked and laughed with her. Just thinking about it made her head hurt and her stomach feel funny

One day, as Myra sat alone on the way to school, she looked at the seat across from her. She saw a girl sitting all by herself. The girl looked lonely, too. Myra wondered if she should say hello.

But what if the girl didn't want to be her friend? Maybe she already had a lot of friends. What if the girl ignored (忽视) her? What if she laughed at her? Myra stared at the floor of the bus. Finally, she took a deep breath to relax and smiled at the girl. The girl smiled back.

Myra said, "Hi, I'm Myra. Do you want to sit next to me?"

The girl's smile grew. "I'm Nadia! Yes. I'd like to sit next to you."

At the next stop, Nadia slid (滑行) into the seat next to Myra. They joked and laughed the whole way to school.

At breaks, Myra and Nadia played together. In art class, they drew together. In the lunchroom, they ate together.

And on the bus ride home, they sat together. When it came time for Myra to get off the bus, she turned to her new friend. "Bye, Nadia! I'll see you tomorrow!"

Nadia smiled. "Good﹣bye, Myra. I'll save you a seat."

Myra got off the bus. She turned around and waved to Nadia. Then she watched as the bus drove away. A big smile spread across Myra's face. She had made a friend, a friend who was going to save her a seat tomorrow. She could hardly wait.

(1)Myra did everything alone at first because    


something was wrong with her head


she had no friends


she didn't like playing jokes


she liked to stay alone

(2)The underlined word "funny" probably means    in this passage.









(3)Myra met Nadia for the first time    


at breaks


in the lunchroom


at the bus stop


on the bus

(4)The story tells us that when we want to make friends with someone, we could    first.


take a deep breath


have classes together


save a seat for him/her


give a smile to him/her

(5)According to the passage, we can infer (推断) that    


Myra's house was farther than Nadia's from school


Nadia and Myra were both in the same school


Myra greeted Nadia without thinking twice when she saw Nadia for the first time


Nadia would give her seat up to Myra the next day

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up,my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house.Walking together,my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences.He always told me,"You should have goals like climbing the mountain."Without the mountain﹣climbing that we both enjoyed.We couldn't have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy.I really got a lot from mountain﹣climbing.It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience.

Once we climbed a very high mountain.It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old.During the first few hours of climbing.I enjoyed the flowers and trees,and the birds' singing,but as time passed,I got a pain in both of my legs.I wanted to quitclimbing.In fact,I hated it at that mountain,but my father said to me,"You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain,but you can't see it before you reach the top.Only there at the top,can you see all of the nice things,just like in life."

At that time,I was too young to understand his words.But later after that,I got new hope and confidence.I found myself standing at the top of the sky,which was as clear as crystal (水晶).

(1)The passage tells us that mountain﹣climbing was   for Father and Son.









(2)The word"quit"in the passage means"   ".


carry on


put off


give up


pick up

(3)Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the father's words in the second paragraph?   


You will get all you need at the top of the mountain.


The sky is always as clear as crystal.


You can find life is full of nice things.


Never give up half﹣way.

(4)We can infer from the last paragraph that   


the writer was very successful in his life


the writer reached the top of the mountain


though the writer was young,he could understand his father


the writer used to stop half﹣way when he climbed the mountain

(5)The best title for the passage is"   ".


Reaching the Top of the Mountain


Standing at the Top of the Mountain


Conversations between Father and Son


How to Get to the Top of the Mountain.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Passage 4

What words did people search for the most in 2019? You can check Google's list of the top 10 most﹣searched words and phrases for 2019 to find out. The list shows what people were most interested in this year. Let's look back at three of them.

Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院)

A terrible tragedy (悲剧) hit France on April 15. A fire broke out in the Notre Dame cathedral (教堂), destroying (毁坏) its spire (尖顶) and a large part of its roof (屋顶). Built between 1163 and 1250, Notre Dame is one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture (哥特式建筑). It is also home to many priceless works of art. It was reported that French President Emmanuel Macron promised to rebuild the cathedral.

The first black hole photo

History was made on April 10 when researchers unveiled (公布) the first﹣ever photo of a black hole. The imageshows a black hole with a bright ring around it. The black hole lies in a faraway galaxy named Messier 87. Scientists say that the image proves (证明) that black holes are real. It also supports Einstein's theory (理论) of general relativity (广义相对论).


At the top of your phone display (显示), you'll usually see a little symbol that says 3G or 4G.The "G" stands for the "generation (代)" of your mobile network. Now, the age of 5G is arriving. On March 30, Shanghai vice﹣mayor (副市长) Wu Qing made the first 5G video call on a Huawei Mate X smartphone, CGTN reported. Shanghai has also become the first city in China to start testing 5G networks.

About 100 times faster than 4G networks, 5G will let its users download and upload data faster than ever before. It can also be used to power other technology, such as self﹣driving cars and the Internet of things. China is set to become the world's largest 5G market, with 460 million users by 2025.

(1)Notre Dame cathedral   


is the best French Gothic architecture


was destroyed on April 10


was built in the 11th century


is probably going to be built again

(2)The underlined word "image" in Paragraph 3 has the similar meaning with "   ".









(3)According to the passage,   has become the first city to start testing 5G networks.






Hong Kong



(4)5G can be used in many different fields because   


China has been the largest 5G market


it's about 100 times faster than 4G networks


460 million users will use 5G networks in the following two years


it has been tested in many cities in China

(5)Which of the following is NOT true?   


The top 10 most﹣searched words and phrases for 2019 are listed by Google.


There are many priceless works of art in Notre Dame.


It's clear that black holes are real.


CGTN reported that the first 5G video call was made on April 15.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Passage 3

The British government has started a £ 10 million Mandarin Excellence (普通话优秀) Program. The program will have helped over 5,000 British students to be fluent (流利的) in Mandarin Chinese by 2020.

The program is led by local schools and supported (支持) by University College London. So far, 14 schools have taken part in the program. Hundreds of secondary school students in England have taken lessons in Mandarin Chinese. Over the next three years, they will spend eight hours studying Mandarin Chinese every week.

Ned Miller is an officer of the British government. He said a high level of fluency in Mandarin Chinese would become more and more important. "Language skills are important for jobs and life. Mandarin Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world. It is also one of the languages that matters the most to our country's future. If the United Kingdom wants to remain competitive in the world, we do need far more of our young people leaving school with a good commandof Mandarin Chinese," Miller added. "We hope that our young people could be given the chance to study the language. We want them to be fluent in both spoken and written Mandarin. The Mandarin Excellence Program will help us do this. It will not only open the students' eyes, but also give them a great advantage when they enter the world of work."

British kids, in fact, are not alone. In America, about 200,000 students are studying Mandarin Chinese. It is believed that 800,000 more will join them over the next couple of years.

(1)   British students will have been fluent in Mandarin Chinese through the program by 2020.




Less than 5,000


About 800,000


Over 5,000

(2)The program is led by   


University College London


local schools


a British officer


the American government

(3)What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "command" in Paragraph 3?   









(4)Ned Miller hoped   young people could be given the chance to study Chinese.









(5)What does the writer want to tell us?   


The program has no use helping students learn Chinese well.


Fewer young people abroad like to learn Chinese.


Mandarin Chinese helps the UK improve its relationship with China.


Mandarin Chinese is becoming more and more important.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

   Autumn is the best season for crabs. The hairy crabs (大闸蟹)are quite fat and tasty at this time of year. The best crabs come from Yangcheng Lake in Jiangsu. Many people use eight silver tools including chopsticks, a pair of scissors and a small hammer (锤子)to eat crab meat.

   Caviar (鱼子酱)is not common in most people's daily life. But if you're going to try it, Russian caviar may be your best choice. Caviar is made of fish eggs. It sells at a high price. If you want to get the fresh juicy taste, don't cook it ﹣just eat rawcaviar. You may also eat it with bread and salad.

   Who says the British only have fish and chips? Beef Wellington is a dish that they can truly be proud of. An expensive cut of beef is covered with a mixture first. Next comes another piece of ham (火腿) and pastry (面糊).Then it is covered with eggs. Baked (烘焙) until it is golden yellow, beef Wellington tastes crispy outside and juicy inside.

   Sukiyaki (寿喜锅),or Japanese beef hot pot, is one of the most popular dishes in Japan. People cook beef and vegetables in soup with sweet and salty tastes. It is a perfect dinner for family or to enjoy with guests. In Sukiyaki, you need thin pieces of beef. The best is the Kobe beef. It's very expensive but amazing.

(1)The best season to enjoy the hairy crabs is    









(2)The underlined word "raw" means    









(3)There is beef in   


the hairy crabs and caviar


Sukiyaki and beef Wellington


caviar and Sukiyaki


beef Wellington and the hairy crabs

(4)The four foods in the passage come from    countries.









(5)Which of the following is Right?    


Crabs come from Yangcheng Lake.


Caviar is common in most people's daily life.


Beef Wellington is the pride of British people.


Sukiyaki is a perfect dish only for family.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
