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  首页 / 试题库 / 初中英语试题 / 单词拼写

There are so many new ___  __ (word) in this passage. It’s a little hard for me.
Can you ___  __ (count) these books for me?
Maria could draw very well __   ___ (在……岁时) five.
Is there _____   (任何事) wrong with your bike?
I am sure we’ll __   ___ (玩得很愉快) at the party.
We all ________(忘记)the time because it was a great party.
The young woman ______(bring)some toys for the children last Monday.
There are two _____(千) students in our school.
Tomorrow is my _____ (十二) birthday.
The _____ (蜡烛) are on the cake. Let’s start our party.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Summer was coming and it was getting hotter. Mrs. King got  early one morning and went to the market after she   (have)breakfast. She knew that everything was cheap there before eight o'clock. She wanted to buy many  (vegetable)for her family. Suddenly she saw there were a     of people around a farmer. She hurried there and found that he was selling some beef.
“How    does it cost?”a woman asked.
“Two dollars a kilo.”
“Oh,how cheap it is!”Mrs. King said to herself.“John   (like)beef very much. I'd better buy some here.”
When she got  with five kilos of beef,her son was happy but her husband got angry.
“What a silly woman!”said Mr. King.“How shall we keep it fresh in such hot weather?”
“Your aunt is very rich,”said Mrs. King.“Why not go and borrow some money  her? Then we'll be able to buy a fridge.”Mr. King agreed and they began to teach their five-year-old son what (say)when they were at his aunt's house.
“John,”Mr. King said,“how can we keep the beef fresh?”
“That's easy,”the boy said  (happy).“By eating it!”

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完成句子(8 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 8 分)
Do you think we teenagers should _________the Internet? (keep )
How are you_________ your family? (get)
She will set off for home at once as soon as she_________ her mother.(hear)
Mr. Xi asks each of us Party members_________ ourselves.(be)
Thank you for __________in your car.(give)
I_________ Chinese inventions after visiting the museum last week. (take)
He_________ many different ideas to solve these problems already. (come)
Train tickets to Beijing _________half an hour ago. (sell)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Children's school is changing very fast today. In the past, teachers k______ children sitting still for hours. They made them memorize d________ kinds of things. In other w______, the children had to go on repeating things until they knew them "by heart". Today, many teachers want to know if it isp______ to make children learn at all. They say you can often help them learn. They say you must let children and find out things for t________.
But for these children, school is a kind of prison. They are there only because theirp_______ make them go. They get out of the classroom as soon as the teacher lets theml_____. Many of them want to find work, but the law will not let them worku_____ they reach a certain a______. And so, they have to stay in school. Often they do not learn anything at all and h_____ every moment.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is r________ outside now . Take a raincoat(雨衣) with you.
My uncle w_________ shopping yesterday.
She has long hair and is of medium b__________.
Does Jim j_________ the swimming club?
My father u_________ goes fishing on Sundays.
I _________(feel) terrible last night.
There are many__________(child) playing in the park.
I didn’t __________(real) want to go to the zoo last weekend.
He spent an hour __________(clean) the room last Sunday.
Tom wants___________ (play)the guitar.
Look, your English teacher _____________(talk) with Helen.
Gina and Tina ____________( not have) lunch now.
________ you ________ (make) a cake now?
The child enjoys ___________(listen) to music.
There are ___________(hundred) of students here.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

动词填空 (本大题共8分,每小题1分)
We ________ often ____________(tell) to take care of our desks and chairs.
  _______ it ____________(rain) heavily when you came back home from work yesterday?
They are discussing how _______________ (keep) in touch since they have become good friends.
---I have great trouble _______________(finish) the project by myself. Could you help me?
--- No problem.
Someone _______________(pick) you up when you arrive at the station.
Nobody but Jim and John _______________(finish) the last maths problem . Our teacher is a little worried.
We’d better _______________(not take) photos here. There is a sign “No photos.”
Mother was excited. She never ________________(expect) such a lovely present from me.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The club has invited two foreign _________________(教练) to train their football.
Tibet, a famous area in the _________________(西南方) of China, attracts(吸引) thousands of visitors from all over the world every year.
The new house is so beautiful, but I’m afraid I can’t ______________(买得起) it.
It is not ______________(恰当的) for you to talk with your mouth full.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The players in the Chinese men's soccer team are paying more attention to their ___ training. (日常的)
These new types of energy cost very little and ___ little pollution. (产生)
Volunteers from different ___ feel like part of one big family. (背景)
Internet users now use the character "duang" to ___ any kind of special effect. (描述)
As we reached the top of the mountain, we felt a sense of ___. (成就)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

She cut out her puppet with the   (剪刀).
How will you celebrate your   (四十) birthday?
The president is paying a   (私人的) visit to Europe.
His paintings attract a great   (很多)of attention.
He will come to my help   (每当) I'm in trouble.
My flight was     (取消) because of the heavy snow.
The children are   (分开) the good apples from the bad ones.
- How do you like Audrey Hepbum?
- She was a    as an actress.
- Is Grandma at home now?
-   ? I can't hear you well on the phone.
- I'm sorry, Mr. White. I made a silly mistake.
- Take it easy. No one is   .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It’s amazing that our eyes are the same size from        (出生).
—Do you know the        (歌手) name?
—Yes. She is Han Hong, a famous singer in China.
President Xi met with Bill Gates on March 28 and exchanged views on improving public health        (服务).
—It’s reported that Chinese scientists are planning to set up solar power station in space.
—Great! It’s        (有意义的) to carry out the project.
Can you        (想象) how regretful he was when he found you were his new boss?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)
She wonders whether he ____________ (accept) the plan or refused it so far.
He doesn’t know what he should pay attention to ____________ (reduce) the pollution.
Peter said that he ____________ (return) home before 6 o’clock, but he didn’t.
Mr. Green devoted all his effort to ____________ (educate) students.
Not only the students but also their teacher ____________ (know) about the four people.
My brother fell while he ____________ (ride) his bicycle and hurt himself.
---Excuse me. When can we play football at the field?
---Not until it ____________ (repair) the day after tomorrow.
---I can’t believe you’ve sold me such a terrible camera. I want my money back.
--- I ___________ (listen), madam. Can you just slow down and tell me what’s wrong?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

动词填空 (本大题共8分,每小题1分)
What a heavy rain! We have no choice but ________(wait) at the bus stop.
Don’t miss Mayun’s wonderful speech. I’m sure each of us __________(attract)
---How soon ______ your friend ________(return)?   ----I’m not sure, maybe in half an hour.
The Apple Watch young people were looking forward to ______(come) into the market at last.
-----Did you see a woman in a red skirt pass by just now?
------Sorry, I didn’t. I ___________(chat) with my online friends.
How pleased the girl was! She ______________(choose) to play the lead role in the new film directed by Zhang Yimou.
This book is so important that it is worth _______(read) again and again.
This is the first time that I ___________(play) baseball, What great fun!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

She goes to the m__________to sell vegetables early in the morning.
We are going to learn about trees in our lives, so let’s d__________the importance of trees in class.
When you ask a w____________lady for help, you want her to give you good advice.
After a whole day’s work, a nice hot bath can help you r____________.
To tell you the t____________, I know what happened on that day.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I’m looking forward to __________ (spend) the summer holiday at my grandmother’s home.
Could you tell me how _______________ (buy) things on the Internet?
Why not _________________ (take) a taxi there?
I’m going to enjoy _______________(I)during the National Day holiday.
What are you going to buy for your mother on _______________ (mother) Day?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The government is planning to build a new       (小学的) school near the new community.
The match has been       (结束) for half an hour.
I have been to Beijing        (more than two) times already.
Mum is waiting for me at the bus stop at p    .
Tom should go south. But he is walking in the o     direction, to the north.
There are many birds on those        (岛). They are good places for birdwatching.
Egypt is one of the richest countries in        (非洲).
If we train a dog, it can be a        (向导) for people in need.
The children carefully wrote their names at the        (底部) of their pictures.
Pattaya in Thailand has some        (世界闻名的) beaches.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
