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It was Sunday yesterday. Bruce went to play football with his friends. Soon he felt   41  and took off his coat. On his way home, he forgot to put it on. This morning, he didn’t feel    42  
and couldn’t go to school. His mother told him   43  and then went out to buy some   44  
for him. An hour later he didn’t want to lie there,   45  he stood by the window and looked outside. The weather was fine today. Soon his mother came back and said, “It’s   46  outside. Go to sun yourself    47   you take the medicine.”
Bruce took the medicine and went out to play alone (独自地) beside a house.   48  a salesman(推销员)came up to him and asked, “Did your mother come back, my little friend?”
“Yes, sir,” answered the boy.
The man began to ring the doorbell(门铃)but   49  answered. He rang it  50  a long time and became angry.
“There is no one in the house, You played a joke(玩笑)on me!” said the salesman.
“ But that’s not my house,”  Bruce answered.
A. tired                             B. hot                                   C. cold
A. good                            B. nice                                  C. well
A. lie in bed                      B. to lie in bed                    C. to stay at home
A. medicine                     B. food                                 C. fruits
A. so                                  B. but                                   C. and
A. cold                               B .warm                               C. rainy
A. after                       B. before                             C. when
A. During this time        B. At that time                            C. Just now
A. anyone                         B. someone                        C. no one
A. with                              B. at                                               C. for

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it____ our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest ___activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here are some ideas for you.
Reduce means “use less”. Don’t waste things. This ____money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think _______it is really necessary—or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose local products if _______ and try not to buy too many things from abroad.
Reuse means “use again”. Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they ____ a long time. We should look after them___ they will last and we should repair them if we can instead of  throwing them away and buying new ones. Don’t use a paper cup or a paper bag. It’s better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them ____.
Recycle means “change things into something else”. Although it takes ____ to change something into something else, it’s better than throwing things away or burning them. Find out what can be recycled in your___ and take part in recycling programmes. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Computer games are very popular. It is natural for people to want to _21___ , so playing against a computer or against a friend on the computer can be __22__to stop. “ Just one more game, ” often turns into another game, then another.
Computer games do have their _23__. They are excellent for training hand or eye coordination(协调).Surgeons (外科医生)_24____played computer games as children are often skilled. Computer games can __25__ be great for teaching students. The students are open to learning while playing. They can study for longer than a teacher would be able to teach.
But like anything __26__ in life, things should be balanced.(平衡).Too much time on the computer can _27__ your eyes. Regular breaks are needed. If students cannot _28__ playing computer games, they won’t do as well in other areas in their life—not just schoolwork, but in developing important social skill such as how to talk with people and how to work with others. And if they are no longer taking regular exercise, __29___ health will become worse.
Computer games have their place, __30___people must also remember it is important to have a balanced lifestyle.

A.win B.lose C.fight D.beat

A.easy B.necessary C.natural D.difficult

A.rules B.suggestions C.advantages D.freedom

A.who B.which C.when D.where

A.only B.just C.also D.ever

A.else B.specific C.special D.enjoyable

A.relax B.hurt C.close D.open

A.enjoy B.start C.stop D.keep

A.our B.their C.her D.your

A.then B.so C.and D.but

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Many children like Li Yinming and Liu Sanzi can’t get an education
  their families are poor. Now they can go to school the help of Project Hope. In the last 15 years, this project has raised money and   for the education of 2.5 million poor students in the. People in China and have given 2.2 billion yuan. With this money, Project Hope has built many schools and . It has also trained teachers and     has sent students to high schools.
Most people in China have heard  Project Hope and have given money. But 40 million children from  families still need help. Because of Project Hope ,  of children have better lives.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to care about those people who have beautiful houses   21 large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Why?    22  those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their   23 time.
In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will   24 you. When you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health. When you get   25 , your friends will say congratulations to you. When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. When you do something good to others, you will feel happy,  26 . All these are your happiness. If you notice   27 of them, you can see that happiness is always around you. Happiness is not the same   28 money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also be very happy ,because you have something else that can’t be bought with money .When you meet difficulties, you can say   29 you are very happy ,because you have more chance to challenge yourself .So you cannot always say you are poor and you have  30  luck. As the old saying goes : “Life is like a revolving door, when it closes, it also opens .”If you take every chance you meet ,you can be a happy and lucky person.
A use             B has               C with          D and
A After        B Before         C If              D because
A free            B busy               C happy                D bad
A give            B help               C take                D carry
A things           B fruit               C success               D fail
A too               B also                C either                D as well
A little             B a lots              C a bit          D few
A like      B in                C of                 D as
A strongly           B loudly              C quietly        D sadly
A good             B well                C worse        D bad

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This is our nice ___21___ . In our school, there___22___ twenty classrooms. __23____ every classroom, there is a TV __24_____ some computers. ___25___ to the classrooms, you can see two beautiful __26_____. The students like reading __27______ and magazines there. There are six science labs in our school,___28_____.We can have science lessons there. Oh, look! Some students are playing games in the __29_____. After school, let’s ___30___ tennis there.

A.library B.gym C.classroom D.school

A.has B.are C.is D.have

A.On B.Behind C.In D.Under

A.or B.and C.with D.but

A.Next B.Behind C.On D.In

A.libraries B.gyms C.classrooms D.offices

A.flowers B.books C.matches D.television

A.also B.either C.too D.only

A.library B.gym C.classroom D.school

A.watch B.look C.play D.read

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The 2010 Shanghai World Expo has been open for several months and there are large numbers of volunteers serving there.
Chen Chuan,a 19- year-old student at Fudan University, is usually fast asleep at 6 am. But over the May 1 holiday, he was rising early to eat breakfast and   41    answer questions like,“Where can I find the toilet?” Such is the life of a Shanghai World Expo volunteer. But Chen and his 72,000 colleagues(同事)aren’t complaining,   42   ,they’re trying not to. “Volunteering is   43   work,”Chen said,“but it makes me feel happy. ”
Other student volunteers have   44   feelings. Wang Lin an 18-year-old volunteer from Chongqing University,told us about trying to explain to a tourist why a line to visit a pavilion was so long. When the tourist suddenly got quite angry, Wang became upset   45   being shouted at. Wang said. “I didn’t expect we would have to face so many difficulties in our service. But I know serving is about giving   46  . ”Still,the very next day, Wang received a reward(嘉奖)when she helped a lost child   47   his parents. “The happy smiles and their gratitude(感谢)made me feel so   48   ,”Wang said. “That’s   49  I now always smile to others,even if they don’t look happy. Smiling makes me happy. ”
  50   their green and white clothes,people call volunteers “Little Cabbage”. Wang likes this nickname(绰号). “We’re green, we are fresh,just like the vegetable,”Wang said.

A.get ready to B.get ready for C.be ready D.get ready

A.at most B.at least C.after all D.at last

A.hardly B.a hard C.a hardly D.hard

A.same B.different C.difficult D.the same

A.for B.at C.in D.with

A.and receiving B.not receiving C.for receiving D.with receiving

A.found B.with finding C.to be found D.find

A.sweetly B.sweet C.sweets D.sweetness

A.what B.how C.why D.where

A.Because of B.Because C.Thank to D.Thanks for

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day, a woman walked to work.. On the way, she passed a   41   with a parrot (鹦鹉)          42     near the door. When she stopped   43   at the bird, it said to her, “Hey, you are really ugly!” This   44   the woman very angry. She quickly left the shop and went to   45    .On her way   46   , she passed the   47    pet shop again(再一次). When the parrot saw her, it said, “Hey, you are really ugly!” The woman couldn’t believe    48   rude(粗鲁的)this bird was. She walked into the shop and   49    the shopkeeper that   50    the parrot said it again, she would take it   51    .“I’m sorry. It   52    happen(发生) again,” the shopkeeper said.
The next day, when the woman walked passed the shop, the parrot said to her, “Hey.” She   53   
and looked at the bird. “Yes?” she answered    54   an angry voice (声音). The bird, sitting up and smiling at her, said, “You know    55   I want to say.”

A.food shop B.pet(宠物) hospital C.pet shop D.zoo

A.sit B.sitting C.sits D.to sit

A.to look B.look C.looked D.looking

A.has B.makes C.made D.had

A.work B.look C.buy D.play

A.there B.to the office C.to the shop D.home

A.same B.different C.another D.one

A.what B.how C.that D.which

A.told B.said C.cried D.talked

A.if B.and C.but D.because

A.up B.down C.away D.on

A.will B.would C.won’t D.didn’t

A.went B.stopped C.walked D.left

A.at B.in C.on D.for

A.what B.when C.why D.where

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
A Fool’s Day falls on 1st of April. People _1_forget the significance (意义) of the day.
In March 1980, I was 2at Durham University with seven other Chinese students. I had 3  to go to another university after graduation and had         application (申请)  forms to several 5  . Every morning I arrived at the porter’s office (传达室) and waited my fate. But no 6   came.
On April 1st, as I was eating my 7 , Huang came in , with a toothbrush(牙刷) 8  in his hand.  9 fearing that he might forget the important news , he passed me the 10 . “Morning , Wu,” he said , “I saw Mr. G this morning. He told me that a letter had arrived in his office for you from Manchester University, and asked you to go and get it 11 possible.” I jumped with 12 .
I even didn’t 13 my breakfast and rushed to Mr. G’s office but he wasn’t  14  . I then went to the secretary’s room and  15 everything to her. She opened Mr. G’s room. I looked at everything. There didn’t seem to be a letter for me. “If he had asked you to pick it up from here,” said the secretary , “ he would have put it in  16 or simply left it to me.”
Greatly 17 , I walked out of the room and 18 the secretary lock it. 19 the secretary’s eyes 20  . “Sorry,” she said. “It’s April Fool’s Day!”
A sometimes        B. never            C. always       D. seldom

A.staying B.working C.visiting D.studying

A.continued B.planned C.went D.remembered

A.returned B.taken C.brought D.sent

A.people B.colleges C.cities D.offices

A.application B.report C.reply D.chance

A.dinner B.lunch C.supper D.breakfast

A.still B.even C.yet D.already

A.Because of B.As if C.After D.While

A.message B.sign C.letter D.notice

A.if B.as soon as C.when D.as fast as

A.the news B.the letter C.joy D.luck

A.take B.finish C.eat D.have

A.anywhere B.in C.at D.away

A.asked B.tells C.explained D.answered

A.the office B.his desk C.the room D.an obvious(明显的) place

A.disappoint B.disappointed C.disappointing D.disappointment

A.watched B.noticed C.saw D.got

A.Quickly B.Strangely C.Finally D.Suddenly

A.closed B.opened C.brightened D.darkened

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The 2010 Winter Olympic Games will take place in Vancouver and Whistler(惠斯勒) from February 12 to 28. As the world’s _____ athletes will compete there, Canada is preparing for it well.
It will be broadcasted(播出) in Canada’s two _____languages——English and French. Billions of television viewers worldwide will ______ the opening ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Athletes from more than 80 ______ will compete in 86 medal events over 17 days. Then the Paralympics(残奥会) will _____ from March 12 to 21. Canada has _____ millions of dollars preparing. Thousands of spectators will visit the country. Canada will be _____ it all.
The building of Olympic gyms began in 2005. Opening and closing ceremonies will be held indoors, at BC Place Stadium. It’ll ______55,000 seats. Some competitions, ______ ski, and bobsled, will take place in Whistler. It’s a ski village. During the Games, roads will be closed. More than 15,000 policemen will work to ______ the peace throughout the Games.
The United States is the only country to host the Winter Games four times. Team USA hopes 2010 will be a golden year.

A.worst B.best C.cleverest D.tallest

A.special B.unusual C.official D.ordinary

A.watch B.notice C.look D.hear

A.cities B.towns C.villages D.countries

A.run B.begin C.stop D.end

A.paid B.took C.cost D.spent

A.full of B.ready for C.worried about D.afraid of

A.give B.serve C.hold D.host

A.with B.including C.as D.so

A.keep B.make C.let D.protect

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
