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What day is __61___ day of the week? We Chinese may say Monday, because Monday is the first working day in the week. But__62___people have different ideas. They say__ 63___ is the first day of the week. Also, they work only five days a week and have a long __64___: Saturday and Sunday. People are different __65___ many other ways, too. We Chinese put our last names first and our first name last .British and American people put them in the other way. Chinese people speak Chinese, but British and American people speak English. Chinese eat a lot of__ 66___ . British and American people have a lot of bread and potatoes. Most Chinese ride bicycles, but most British and American people drive __67___. People write __68___ in different ways, too. We Chinese write “November 10, 2005” as “05 / 11 / 10”, in big -to - small order. But British put it as “___6 9__”, in small - to - big order, and the Americans even write it as “10/ 11 / 05”. What a difference!
Do you know any other __70___ between us Chinese speaking people and English speaking people.

A.one B.first C.the first D.a first

A.speaking English B.English speaking C.English spoken D.spoken English

A.Sunday B.Saturday C.Monday D.Tuesday

A.holiday B.time C.weekday D.weekend

A.to B.by C.in D.from

A.bread B.crops C.rice D.corn

A.buses B.cars C.taxis D.bikes

A.dates B.days C.months D.years

A.05 / 10 / 11 B.10 / 11 / 05 C.05 / 11 / 10 D.11 / 10 / 05

A.different B.more different C.differences D.difference

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

People all over the world enjoy sports, because sports can help them keep  1   and live long. Some sports or games go back  2     years, like running or jumping. Chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are very new. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.
Many people like to watch  3  play sports or games. They don’t play themselves. They buy tickets or   4   their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very  5   and happy when “their” player or team  6    the match.
People play different games in different seasons. Swimming is fun in warm weather,   7   skating is good in winter.
Some sports are  8  interesting that people everywhere enjoy them. For example, basketball  9   by about 100 million people in more than 200 countries. People can play it in parks, schools, or factories.   10   fun it is to watch an NBA match!

A.health B.healthy C.healthily D.healthier

A.thousand B.thousand of C.thousands of D.thousands

A.another B.the others C.the other D.others

A.turn on B.turn off C.turn down D.turn to

A.interested B.exciting C.excited D.interesting

A.beats B.wins C.fights D.hit

A.though B.so C.but D.and

A.much B.quite C.very D.so

A.plays B.is played C.is playing D.played

A.What an B.What a C.How D.How a

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Korean culture is really  1  right now. The Korean Wave is sweeping Asian countries  2  China. Young people are going crazy about Korean TV dramas, Korean pop songs, taekwondo(跆拳道)and the Korean language.
The Korean Wave started a few years ago with the TV series “Winter Sonata”. This love story is   3   popular. People, especially girls, like the beautiful story and handsome actors like Bae Yong Jun (裴勇俊).

In the music world, Korean girls are making themselves heard in China. You can often find big Korean names like Baby Vox, S. E. S and Finkle at the  4  of the Chinese music charts (排行榜).
The Korean Wave has also made young people  5  to try the clothes and hairstyles of pop stars, too. Not only  6  . Now some girls in China  7  plastic surgery(整容)to change the way they look. People say some beautiful Korean stars have had plastic surgery. These stars don’t make plastic surgery look shameful(丢面子的).
Are  8    the faces of beautiful Korean girls not 9 ? 10   for yourself when you next visit South Korea.

A.exciting B.excited C.interested D.boring

A.includes B.included C.including D.is including

A.never B.not C.still D.no

A.middle B.top C.popular D.better

A.want B.to want C.wants D.wanted

A.this B.these C.those D.that

A.is having B.are having C.have D.has

A.none B.neither C.both D.all

A.true B.truly C.real D.really

A.Find out B.Find C.Look D.Look for

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
Why do we take school trips? School trips are a great chance to learn outside the classroom      41       new and interesting ways. For example, on a trip to a farm, we can see   42           of the things we        43      about so far in biology lessons. While   44        science
museums, we can see science in action.
Where can we go on a school trip? In Japan, cherry (樱花) trees are blossoming (开花) by the beginning of the year for students to take school trips. School children have picnic lunches, sing songs and dance under the trees. They       45     go boating and hiking around the lakes and hills. Some kids even take baths in hot springs. If there is     46      , don’t worry. They will go to a museum     47      .
In China, students often take school   48      to parks, museums or to visit a mountain. But nowadays it’s very popular to take an outward bound(野外拓展) trip.  Students can learn about survival skills.(生存技能)
In the UK, students go to many interesting places. They     49      shells(贝壳) on the seaside . Kids may also learn about      50         when they go to a castle(城堡) or a famous old home.

A.by B.with C.in D.on

A.every B.both C.none D.some

A.learn B.learned C.have learned D.is learning

A.visiting B.visit C.traveling D.travel

A.like B.too C.also D.would

A.rainy B.rains C.raining D.rain

A.instead B.instead of C.rather than D.rather

A.meetings B.trips C.lunches D.classes

A.pick up B.bring C.carry D.put down

A.music B.math C.biology D.history

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you are in Hong Kong, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. It is different from that in other areas of China. If you are the first time to come to Hong Kong, you must look to the right side and then the left before you cross the street.
If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then people on foot can cross the road carefully. But if the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot mustn't cross.
When people go to or come from work in the morning and evening, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then, especially(尤其) for the children.
When you go by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. You must always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.
In Hong Kong, there are many big buses with two floors you can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the view of the whole city(城市的全景)well. It's very interesting.
The traffic in Hong Kong drives on the right.
The traffic in Hong Kong is the same as that in other areas of China.
If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go.
You can sit on the first floor and see the view of the whole city.
According to the passage we know we must obey the traffic rules in Hong Kong.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Young people and older people don’t always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in one special programme in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.
Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and build houses. The adults teach them these skills.
There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn phototaking or painting. Others sit around and talk or sing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.
When people live together, rules are necessary. In this programme the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask, “Why did it happen? What should we do about it?”
One of the teenagers has this to say about his experience, “You stop thinking only about yourself, You learn to think about the group.”
In one special programme in New York State, young and older people _______ .

A.don’t work well together.
B.are friendly to one another.
C.teach one another new ways of building houses.
D.spend eight weeks together, working as farmers.

All the members work some time every day mainly to _______ .

A.lead a busy life. B.learn new skills of farming;
C.get used to the life on the farms D.find value and pleasure in work

Living together, _________ .

A.the teenagers don’t have to obey the rules
B.the teenagers have to obey the rules the adults make
C.the members have no free time on weekends
D.the members are not allowed to break the rules they make together

The last programme shows that the teenager thinks his experience in the programme is ____ .

A.unpleasant B.tiring C.helpful D.boring

The best title for the passage is __________ .

A.The rules of living together
B.Life in New York State
C.Teenagers in the special group
D.Free hours in the special work group
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you “What is the most important in your life?” maybe you will say “Computers and the Internet.”
The first computer was made in 1946. it was very big but it worked slowly. Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, “People can’t live without computers today.”
The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, writer letters, do shopping, play computer games or make friends.
Many students like the Internet very much. They often go into the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don’t know their real names, ages, and even sex. They are so interested in making the “unreal friends” that they can’t put their hearts into study. Many of them can’t catch up with others on many subjects because of that.
We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at the same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.
The Internet can not be used for______.

A.studying B.shopping C.thinking D.playing

When the computer was invented, it was______.

A.large and worked quickly B.small and worked slowly
C.large but worked slowly D.small but worked quickly

The Internet was born in about________.

A.1960 B.1970 C.1980 D.1985

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Few students like going into the Internet.
B.Students use the Internet to make “unreal friends.”
C.These “Unreal friends” often meet each other
D.Students know the friends on the Internet very well

What does the writer think of the Internet?

A.It is wonderful
B.It can make students study harder
C.It is not good for students
D.It is helpful, but we can’t do everything on it.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Good morning, class!
We know that there are too many net bars around us. The Internet is popular and it makes our lives colorful. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn English. We can read some good newspapers and magazines. It can make us clever in playing computer games. We can send E-mails to our friends quickly. We can chat(聊天) freely online with our friends. It can help us get in touch with people from all over the world.
But some students spend too much time in playing computer game and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. Teenagers even get to have boyfriends or girlfriends online. They write too many letters to each other. It takes them to much time to chat online so they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don’t study well any more. I think we mustn’t get online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. We should get online with adults(成人)--our teacher or parents.
At the same time, if we have lots of free time, we can do some out-of-class activities at school. We usually have activities from 4:50 to 5:50 in the afternoon. We have different kinds of activities. If you are interested in sports, you can play basketball or football. We can go to the English Corner. We can practice talking in English there. We hope we can spend more time on our subjects or on such activities that we can learn a lot from and less time on the Internet.
Thank you for listening to me. That’s all.
The short passage is about __________.

A.going online B.how to communicate with others
C.how to spend our free time D.different kinds of activities

The Internet can make our lives _________.

A.helpful and important B.enjoyable and interesting
C.enjoyable but expensive D.different kinds of activities

________ is not good.

A.Sending E-mails B.Reading newspapers and magazines online
C.going on line with adults D.Spending all day in the net bars

Playing computer games________.

A.gives us lots of information B.makes our studies worse
C.makes us more clever D.is harmful to our health

Which of the following is NOT right?

A.There are too many net bars in the cities.
B.We can learn English from the Internet.
C.We mustn’t get online when we are studying at school.
D.We cannot do out-of-class activities from 4:50 to 5:50 p.m.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tom, an 11-year-old boy, was ill. He had got a cough, and his mother was worried and took him to see a doctor. The doctor looked over Tom carefully and said, “Tom, nothing serious.” Then he gave him some medicine. These are the words on the instruction of the cough medicine.

Take three times a day after meals.
Dose (剂量): Grown-ups: 2 spoon(汤匙) each time
Children (8-14 years old): one spoon
(4-7 years old): 1/2 spoon
Not fit for children below(在……之下) the age of 4.
Notes: 1.Store in a cold place.
2.Use before Oct., 2006.
Add: No. 10 Nanjing Road, Shanghai

Tom should take three spoons a day.
Tom had better have his meals before he takes the medicine.
The medicine can be kept in a fridge(冰箱).
Children aged five can’t take this medicine.
From this instruction we know Tom can go on using the medicine after Oct. 2006.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“ Cool ” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meanings.
“ Cool ” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.
When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say, “It’s cool . ” You may think, “He’s so cool,”when you see your favourite footballer.
We all maximize(扩大)the meaning of “cool”. You can use it instead of many words such as “ new ”or “ surprising ”. Here’s an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall (瀑布)they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one sentence, “It’s so cool. ” Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt.
But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏)of words. Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. So it is quite important to keep some credibility (可信性). Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word “cool”? I can . And I think they are also very cool .
We know that the word “ cool ” has had _________

A.only one meaning       B.no meanings
C.many different meanings   D.the same meaning

In the passage, the word “ express ” means “________”

A.see    B.show   C.know    D.feel

If you are _____________ something, you may say, “It’s cool。”

A.interested in    B.angry about
C.afraid of    D.unhappy with

The writer takes an example to show he is _________ the way the word is used.

A.pleased with   B.strange to   
C.worried about    D.careful with

In the passage, the writer suggests(暗示)that the word “ cool ” _______

A.can be used instead of many words
B.usually means something interesting
C.can make your life colorful
D.may not be as cool as it seems
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is a very common thing for a person to have a good friend. My good friend is Diana. She is a rich and proud girl. She often thinks that she is too good for anyone, so nobody wants to be her friend.
One day after school, I was waiting for Diana when Vivien came up to me. She gave me a biscuit. I accepted it. We talked and joked, and from then on, I began to spend more time with Vivien than with Diana. I felt a little uneasy.
After a few days, I went to see Diana for some snacks when Vivien came and sat with me. She offered me a sandwich. She also offered one to Diana, but Diana refused it. She walked away. I was angry with Diana for being so rude and thoughtless.
“Never mind,” Vivien said, “I’m used to it.
After school, I tried to catch up with Diana. While walking home, I tried to correct her attitude, but she would not listen to me. She said, “Go and join your ‘dear’ Vivien. I know you make new friends and forget the old ones.”
For the next few weeks, we did not talk to each other. Then, one day, Diana came to Vivien and me, saying, “I’m really sorry about what I did. I’m a spoiled(宠坏的)girl, but I also need good friends just like you. Would you please forgive(原谅)me?” Vivien and I looked at each other and smiled. From then on, Diana, Vivien and I have been best friends.
The writer was angry with Diana __________.

A.because she was too good for anyone.
B.when Diana refused Vivien’s sandwich
C.though she asked the writer to forgive
D.so Diana walked away

According to the passage, it is clear that __________.

A.Diana and the writer had been good friends.
B.Diana didn’t like sandwiches.
C.Vivien didn’t want to make new friends at all
D.the writer forgot her old friends after she had new one.

Vivien’s saying “I’m used to it” shows that _________.

A.someone refused to give her things
B.Vivien used to be rude to others.
C.she lied to be refused.
D.some people were rude to her before.

Diana asked Vivien and the writer to forgive because ________.

A.they didn’t spend much time with her.
B.she realized she was wrong.
C.Vivien and the writer didn’t talk to her.
D.she was a rich and proud girl.

The reading is mainly about __________.  

A.the mistake among the three friends.
B.two best friends at a school
C.three friends at a school
D.the trouble between Diana and Vivien
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Why do we need to throw less away? There are two reasons. One is that some resources (资源) are nonrenewable (不可再生的) That means there is only a certain amount of that resource in the world . One example of this is oil. When we use up all the oil in the world, there will be no more.
There is another reason for throwing less away. All of our trash has to be put somewhere. Often , it is put into garbage dumps (垃圾场). Much of that trash will be there for hundreds of years. The dumps will be filled up with all this trash.
There are three ways to cut down on trash.
One way is to recycle. When you recycle something, it means it is made into another shape and used again. Old newspaper may become paper bags. A glass jar can be melted(熔化)and made into a bottle .
Another way to cut down on trash is to reuse things. You can wash and use again a bottle that can hold mustard (芥末酱)or something else .
The third way to cut down on trash is to reduce the amount of trash you make, stop buying thing that you don’t need in the first place. That reduce the amount of the earth’s resources that you use.
How many reasons do we need to throw less away?
A. Three      B. five       C. two
When you reuse something, it means       .
A. it is made into another shape and used again
B. it is used again          
C. it isn’t used any more
All the ways of cutting down on trash in the passage are to  .
A. recycle and reuse things   
B. recycles and reduce the amount of trash you make
C. reuse things recycle and reduce the amount of trash you make
If a broken plastic box is changed into a plastic ruler , the way is to    .
A. recycle      B. reuse      C. reduce
The word “reduce” in the passage means      .
A. 还原          B. 减少           C. 增加

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The English often go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why? 36  the weather In Britain often changes quickly.
Spring can be rainy or windy, but the weather is  37  warmer and you can hope more sunny days. In fact , there  38  as much sunshine in spring as in summer. Summer is the  39  time for visitors to go to the seaside. People often go out to have a walk or swim. Autumn is a beautiful season. During autumn it is still nice to be outside ,too. In winter, it gets colder, and it might 40  ,especially in the north. There are  41  very heavy winds in this season.
February is usually the coldest   42 of the year , while the warmest  43 often July.
The difference   44   temperature between winter and summer is not so great in Britain. The average temperature for winter is about 4.5℃,and for   45 is about 15.5℃.
A. Because     B. As           C. Since
A. get         B. getting       C. gets
A. can have     B. can         C. can be
A. worst        B. best         C. earliest
A. snow        B. rain         C. wind
A. also         B. either        C. too
A. month       B. season       C. weather 
A. is          B. was         C. are
A. in           B. on         C. for
A. spring      B. autumn       C. summer

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Panda Express is a fast food restaurant chain(连锁店)in the United States. It sells Chinese food.  When you go to  31   malls, supermarkets, airports, train stations, parks, stadiums, college campuses and  32   other places, you can see Panda Express. It is   33  chain of Chinese fast food restaurants in the United States. Panda Express  34   in 1983 by Andrew Cherng, Peggy Cherng and Ming Tsai Cherng. They were from Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China. Now Panda Express has 1,321 restaurants in 38 states and Puerto Rico,and the top-selling food of Panda Express 35  Orange Chicken and Beijing Beef.

A.shop B.shopping C.shops D.shoping

A.many B.a lot C.much D.lots

A.large B.larger C.the largest D.largest

A.was opened B.opened C.is opened D.opens

A.are B.will be C.was D.is

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you heard of the term “etiquette” And do you know that etiquette is not only a useful word 1 very useful to understand?
Etiquette is not the same in every culture 2 in every situation. For example, standing very close to the person you are talking with is quite common in some Asian countries. However; if you do this in Europe, some 3 people might feel 4.Even in China, we all know that etiquette is not the same in all situations. Perhaps we think that talking loudly in our own homes is fine, but there are other places where talking loudly is 5 .For example ,most people would agree that talking loudly in a library, a museum, or a movie theater is 6 .Even if you are with your friends, it is better to keep your voice 7 in public places. In fact, we should also 8 not to cough or sneeze loudly in public.
If we see someone 9 the rules of etiquette, we may politely give them some suggestions. Perhaps one of the most polite ways 10 ask someone, Would you mind doing this or Would you mind not doing that. For example, if someone cuts 11 you in a line, you could ask them, Sorry, would you mind 12 the line? If someone is smoking on the bus you could ask, Excuse me, could you please 13 that cigarette? People don’t usually like 14 , so we have to be careful how we do this.
Although rules of etiquette can often be different, some rules are the same almost everywhere in the world! For example, 15 is almost never allowed. If you see someone you know doing this, you can ask them, Would you mind picking it up?

A.however B.although C.nor D.but also

A.or B.but C.as D.and

A.Asian B.American C.European D.African

A.comfortable B.uncomfortable C.happy D.excited

A.not allow B.not asked C.not allowed D.allowed

A.polite B.rude C.impossible D.Common

A.off B.Small C.loud D.down

A.try B.make it C.take care of D.care for

A.following B.breaking C.obeying D.broken

A.are B.are to C.is D.is to

A.in front B.in front of C.in the front D.in the front of

A.waiting B.jumping C.cutting D.joining

A.put on B.put off C.put out D.put up

A.be criticized B.to criticize C.to be criticized D.criticized

A.dropping litter B.chopping trees C.smoking D.picking litter up

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
