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Music is often divided into several categories, or groups. Some of the categories are: classical music, traditional music, rock music, and jazz.
The first       ,classical music,       orchestra music(管弦乐)that originated(起源)in Europe a few hundred years ago. Most of the original       music was composed, or written, in Italy, Germany, Austria, or Russia. Beethoven and Bach were two famous          of classical music. Classical music is usually         by a variety of string        such as the violin and by a variety of wind instruments such as the flute.
The second type of music is traditional music. Traditional music is        that came from a particular        .Every culture has its own special         of traditional music and its own         instruments for playing its traditional music.
     _ kind of music is rock music. Rock is generally a kind of        music, played with a strong        .Rock musicians often use          instruments, such as electric guitars and electric pianos. Rock music probably         in Europe about 30 or 40 years ago. Rock became very          especially among young people.
The          kind of music is jazz. Jazz probably          from Africa originally.
These are the four        types of music. Certainly there are          categories of music. In addition, many kinds of music are combinations of classical and traditional music, or classical music and jazz, or rock music and jazz, and so on.

A.kind B.name C.way D.part

A.deals with B.refers to C.does with D.dates from

A.old B.good C.historical D.classical

A.writers B.authors C.poets D.composers

A.played B.acted C.done D.made

A.objects B.things C.equipments D.instruments

A.that B.music C.one D.anything

A.Culture B.people C.country D.nation

A.ways B.means C.manners D.forms

A.strange B.chief C.special D.best

A.Third B.Other C.Another D.Some

A.loud B.soft C.strong D.gentle

A.hit B.beat C.defeat D.blow

A.electricity B.electrical C.electric D.electronic

A.came B.produced C.invented D.began

A.usual B.common C.welcome D.popular

A.last B.best C.fourth D.final

A.began B.came C.took D.got

A.general B.normal C.rough D.whole

A.some B.several C.else D.other

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the north of Scotland there is a lake called Loch Ness. It is the biggest       in Britain. It is over thirty kilometers    and in some places nearly 300 meters deep . It is cold and dark and not many people went there until after 1930. Then a road was made       the lake.
Holiday makers began to use the road, and this was when the       began. Someone said that he had seen a monster(怪兽)in the lake. He said it was twelve meters long. It had a long       and a small head. Then someone else said he had seen    . Others said the same thing and in 1933 a London doctor took a      . It     like a monster with a long neck and a thick body but the photo was not too      . The newspapers printed the picture and       it the Loch Ness monster, or "Nessie".
Then the argument began.       people, however, were certain there was something living in the lake. Others said there was      there.
In 1961, a lot of people joined together to make a real       to see and photograph the monster to find       there was one! Several times people thought they saw something but after ten years there was       no hard evidence.
Later underwater television cameras were used, but       found any real proof(证据). However, they       find something interesting: a huge underwater cave. It was big enough to be       of a monster, but of course, this was not a proof.
In 1975, however, some American scientists     a search group. They used an underwater camera. It took pictures every seventy seconds. Some of the pictures seemed to show a red-brown creature. Its body was about four meters long       had a very ugly head on the end of a four -meter neck. Many people then began to believe in the monster. But even today we can't be certain.

A.river B.ocean C.sea D.lake

A.wide B.tall C.long D.high

A.in B.over C.around D.above

A.accidents B.meetings C.sayings D.stories

A.eye B.ear C.nose D.neck

A.it B.one C.some D.all

A.photo B.map C.gun D.chance

A.sounded B.looked C.feel D.would

A.clean B.clear C.taken D.shown

A.called B.believed C.thought D.regarded

A.Some B.More C.All D.No

A.nothing B.anything C.monsters D.everything

A.effort B.thing C.interest D.trip

A.so B.but C.as D.if

A.even B.still C.also D.yet

A.someone B.no one C.anyone D.we

A.did B.really C.were D.actually

A.room B.house C.home D.ground

A.found B.formed C.invited D.get

A.but B.or C.and D.however

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you know why there is a little angel on the top of the Christmas tree?
One particular Christmas season a long time ago, Santa was ______ his usual trip. But there were _____ everywhere. Four of his elves(小精灵) got _____, and the trainee(学徒工) elves did not produce the toys as fast as the ______ ones, so Santa was beginning to feel the pressure of being behind _____. Then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her mom was coming to visit; this _____ Santa even more.
When he went to ride the deer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and that two had ______ the fence and were out—heaven knows where.
Then when he began to load the sled(雪橇), one of the boards _____ and the toy bag fell to the ground and the toys were everywhere. So, _____, Santa went into the house for a cup of coffee and a little wine. When he went to the ______, he discovered that the elves had ______ the wine and there was nothing to_______.
In his frustration, he ______ dropped the coffeepot and it broke into thousands of little pieces all over the kitchen _____. He went to get the broom and found that mice had _____ the straw which it was made of. Just then the doorbell _____ and Santa cursed(咒骂) on his way to the door. He _____ the door and there was a little angel with a big Christmas ______.
Smiling, the angel said, very _____,”Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn’t it just a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to put it?” This cheered Santa up.
_____ began the tradition of the little angel on the top of the tree.

A.paying attention to B.getting ready for C.coming up with D.taking part in

A.wealth B.danger C.presents D.problems

A.old B.rich C.sick D.well

A.regular B.devoted C.lazy D.clever

A.travel B.schedule C.preparation D.work

A.encouraged B.worried C.interested D.frightened

A.jumped B.made C.cleaned D.fixed

A.crossed B.stopped C.cracked D.disappeared

A.moved B.tired C.pleased D.frustrated

A.bed B.boards C.toys D.cupboard

A.hidden B.found C.bought D.polluted

A.wash B.drink C.watch D.add

A.angrily B.luckily C.carelessly D.slowly

A.door B.wall C.table D.floor

A.eaten B.covered C.cut D.thrown

A.failed B.rose C.rang D.fell

A.repaired B.felt C.painted D.opened

A.light B.bag C.tree D.cake

A.cheerfully B.exactly C.hungrily D.sadly

A.And B.So C.If D.But

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Home on the Way
People need homes: children          their parents' place as home;     call school "home" on weekdays; married couples work together to build new homes; and travelers … have no place to call "home",      for a few nights. So how about people who have to travel for      _ periods of time? Don’t they have the right to a home? Of course they do.
Some regular travelers take their own      : like bed sheets, pillowcases and family photos to make them feel like home       they are; some stay for long periods in the same hotel and      become very familiar with service and attendants; others may       put some flowers by the hotel window to make things more homely.    , driving a camping car during one’s travels and sleeping in the vehicle at night is just like home -- only    !
And how about maintaining relationships while in      ? Some keep    with their friends via internet; some send letters and postcards, or even photos; others may just call and say hi, just to let their friends know that they're still      and well. People find ways to keep in touch. Making friends on the way helps travelers feel      at home. Backpackers in youthhostelsmay become very good friends,      closer than siblings.
Nowadays,      people are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a      of belonging? Whenever we      our local boundaries, there is always another "home" waiting    . Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and    , we can make the place we stay "home".

A.assign B.assume C.assist D.associate

A.boarders B.farmers C.scholars D.residents

A.at last B.at most C.at least D.at best

A.expanded B.extended C.exposed D.exploited

A.belongings B.property C.treasure D.furniture

A.no matter when B.no matter where C.no matter how D.no matter who

A.in fact B.as a result C.even though D.on the contrary

A.frequently B.necessarily C.simply D.immediately

A.However B.Insetead C.Furthermore D.Still

A.solid B.fragile C.dynamic D.mobile

A.transform B.transit C.transfer D.translation

A.control B.connection C.contact D.contract

A.busy B.free C.enjoyable D.alive

A.now and then B.whether or not C.more or less D.sooner or later

A.and B.so C.but D.even

A.fewer B.more C.many D.most

A.feeling B.emotin C.sense D.expression

A.keep out of B.drop out of C.step out of D.get out of

A.to find B.to be found C.to be finding D.to have been found

A.preparation B.imagination C.impression D.decision

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Americans use the word “friend” in a very general way. They may call many connections       . Americans       school friends, work friends, sports friends and neighbourhood friends. These friendships are based        common interests. When the shared activity       , the friendship may disappear. Now Steve and Yarer are no longer classmates. Their friendship has       . In some          friendship means a strong lifelong bond(关系) between        people. In these cultures friendship develop            , since they are built to last. American society is one of         changes. Studies show that one out of five American families          every year because they must change their jobs. The result is        American friendship develops quickly. People from the United States may          seem friendly. Americans often chat          with strangers. They exchange information       their families, hobbies and work. They may          warmly and say “Have a nice day” or “See you later.” Schoolmates may say, “Let’s get        sometime.” But American friendliness is not        an offer of true friendship. After an experience like Yarer’s, outsiders may consider       to be changeable. Learning how Americans view friendship can          non-Americans avoid misunderstanding. It can also help them make friends in the American        .

A.teachers B.students C.masters D.friends

A.hold B.have C.own D.share

A.on B.with C.in D.for

A.begins B.develops C.ends D.continues

A.missed B.changed C.failed D.separated

A.cultures B.cities C.schools D.places

A.some B.two C.three D.all

A.fast B.soon C.slowly D.finally

A.thick B.high C.rapid D.large

A.moves B.comes C.does D.disappears

A.which B.how C.whether D.that

A.at once B.at first C.at last D.at all

A.easily B.hard C.much D.fast

A.to B.from C.about D.for

A.smile B.laugh C.nod D.greet

A.there B.over C.away D.together

A.always B.any C.just D.only

A.Chinese B.Japanese C.Americans D.Europeans

A.cause B.get C.hope D.help

A.ones B.way C.people D.means

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply--all these were important    in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution.             they were not enough. Something          was needed to start the industrial process. That "something special" was men--       individuals who could invent machines, find new             of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society.
The men who         the machines of the Industrial Revolution       from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were      inventors than scientists. A man who is a             scientist is primarily interested in doing his research             . He is not necessarily working               that his findings can be used.
An inventor or one interested in applied science is          trying to make something that has a concrete use. He may try to solve a problem by           the theories          science or by experimenting through trial and error.        of his method, he is working to obtain a          result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of many other objectives.
Most of the people who          the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had           or no training in science might not have made their inventions             a groundwork had not been laid by scientists years              .

A.cases B.reasons C.factors D.situations

A.But B.And C.Besides D.Even

A.else B.near C.extra D.similar

A.generating B.effective C.motivating D.creative

A.origins B.sources C.bases D.discoveries

A.employed B.created C.operated D.controlled

A.came B.arrived C.stemmed D.appeared

A.less B.better C.more D.worse

A.respectable B.practical C.pure D.clever

A.happily B.occasionally C.reluctantly D.accurately

A.now B.and C.all D.so

A.seldom B.sometimes C.always D.never

A.planning B.using C.studying D.applying

A.of B.with C.to D.as

A.Speaking B.Thinking C.Instead D.Regardless

A.single B.sole C.specialized D.specific

A.proposed B.developed C.supplied D.offered

A.little B.much C.some D.any

A.as B.if C.because D.while

A.ago B.past C.ahead D.before

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Canadian people are made up of different national races.The first ____ settlers of the country were the Indians.
It was said that the Indians entered this continent ____ the Bering Strait(白令海峡) and Sea from eastern Asia at most 10,000 years ____.When Europeans first  ____ the country,Indians were living in most of areas ____ forests.There were only ____ Indians in the provinces near the Atlantic Ocean.
The second group of people to enter Canada ____ the Eskimos.They ____ the Bering Strait from Asia less than 3,000 years ago.There are few ____ of their early movements.The first white settlers in Canada were the ___.They came in greatest ____ to Quebec,but also to Nova Scotia,___ they cleared farms on the southern side of the Bay of Fundy.The French built their castles at Quebec City,and cleared farms out of the forests in the area.____ the time of the British conquest(征服) in 1763,there had been about 60,000 Frenchmen in Canada,____ chiefly between Quebec and Montreal.There were not many British in Canada ____ American Revolution drove large numbers northward.
Throughout the 19th century,____ British people came to Canada.The descendants(后代) of these people ____ England,Scotland and Ireland now make ____ about half of the population.Around the ____ of the century people came in increasing numbers from Europe and the largest numbers came ___ Central and EasternGermans,Czechs,Poles,Rumanians and Ukrainians.

A.famous B.wellknown C.known D.news

A.through B.into C.on D.across

A.early B.more C.ago D.long

A.reached B.left C.flew to D.shipped

A.protected B.covered by C.like D.covering

A.few B.packs of C.a number of D.a few

A.are B.is C.were D.was

A.crossed B.walked C.passed D.swam

A.notes B.records C.signs D.speeches

A.British B.Indians C.French D.American

A.deal B.members C.areas D.numbers

A.who B.which C.whom D.where

A.By B.In C.At D.On

A.to live B.living C.lived D.live

A.when B.after C.until D.since

A.thousand of B.thousands of C.thousands D.thousand

A.in B.to C.near D.from

A.up B.of C.from D.by

A.year B.change C.turn D.day

A.from B.in C.over D.up

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Could the Internet be totally free and should it be? Should the Internet be regulated? The recent disorder in the Arab world ____ by a disputed video damaging the image of Prophet Muhammad shows the United States, which is busy ____ global Internet freedom, has paid a huge price ____ the lives of its diplomats。
In an unregulated Internet world, cheating, violence or rumors can ____ serious consequences. Many countries across the world are periodically suffering from “rumors” ____ by the Internet and social media.
The US-led West always promotes Internet freedom and ____ any regulation as investigation, but it should think twice if it calculates the heavy price that has been and has to be paid for “____”. Moreover, ____ the Internet in the West ____ to be free, with no obvious ____ and no limited sites, isn’t the structure of the main pages already hand-controlled, with selected press agencies and ____ occupying clearly dominating positions?
The Internet has helped fight injustice, ____ corruption in places so far apart as Indonesia, India and Latin America. But the Internet could be extremely ____ as well. Various racist or separatist organizations are using their Internet sites to fan ____. Those who are spreading hate are frequently using the Internet as their tool. No country can ____ to make the Internet absolutely free.
The question is how to keep free flow of information ____ while protecting children from unhealthy works, common citizens from ____ rumors and countries from unfair and damaging propaganda (宣传) attacks. And who sets the limits?
The ____ is that there will never be a perfect system. Every country will have to ____ its own system, based on its culture, social ____ and the degree of danger it’s facing.

A.led B.caused C.damaged D.attacked

A.helping B.processing C.promoting D.improving

A.for B.at C.with D.off

A.bring B.reach C.fetch D.take

A.spread B.exposed C.delivered D.passed

A.supports B.follows C.opposes D.dislikes

A.free B.accessible C.available D.healthy

A.as if B.even if C.so that D.in that

A.happens B.intends C.offers D.appears

A.interruption B.interference C.defense D.preference

A.programs B.substances C.channels D.sources

A.uncover B.strike C.prevent D.avoid

A.beneficial B.useful C.sensitive D.destructive

A.expressions B.impressions C.passions D.affections

A.refuse B.afford C.fail D.attempt

A.unpolluted B.unskilled C.unoccupied D.uninterrupted

A.evil B.meaningful C.untrue D.effective

A.importance B.conclusion C.description D.possibility

A.develop B.invent C.change D.study

A.trends B.structure C.surroundings D.factors

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In 2000 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then on. The report was a result of a three-year         .
According to the report, the picture of the earth in the year 2020 is not a        one. The world will be more      _ because the population will continue to grow. The population could be_      _ 6 900 million, almost 2 450 million more than in 1995. More people would move into cities, especially cities in _      _ countries. Cities like Cairo and Jakarta probably would_      _ have 15 million by then.
Food production will _      _, but not enough to feed all the people. Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1995,       most of the increase would be in countries that _      _ produce enough food for their people. Little increase is _      _ in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Poor farming ways are _      _ large areas of crop land, changing farms into deserts. More farmland is      as cities become larger and more houses are built. _      _ will get worse as industrial countries burn more coal and oil. Many of the world’s _        could disappear as more and more trees are cut down. Energy will continue to be a serious problem. The experts say their picture of the earth for the year 2020 _      _. They only carried out the situation that      _ today. By changing the situation, by_      the problems, the picture can be changed. There is _      time for the nations of the world to work _         _ a plan of action. But they warned that_      _too long to make decisions would greatly reduce the chances of success.

A.learning B.project C.notice D.study

A.pleased B.pleasant C.safe D.blue

A.dangerous B.beautiful C.crowded D.terrible

A.no more than B.as many as C.as much as D.as large as

A.developing B.developed C.big D.mountainous

A.none B.each C.all D.neither

A.insist B.reduce C.increase D.continue

A.so B.but C.or D.however

A.already B.hardly C.partly D.never

A.wanted B.lacked C.found D.expected

A.destroying B.protecting C.disturbing D.interrupting

A.saved B.lost C.discovered D.found

A.Air pollution B.Water pollution C.Some diseases D.All farmland

A.animals B.plants C.forests D.people

A.must be true B.will come true C.can't be true D.may be wrong

A.happens B.develops C.exists D.appears

A.settling B.working out C.answering D.dealing

A.no B.still C.less D.plenty of

A.about B.in C.out D.for

A.working B.suggesting C.spending D.waiting

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Although one might not agree because of some of the criticism of it, advertising is essential to the kind of society in which people in the United Kingdom, and a very     proportion of the world live. Advertising is necessary as a      of communicating with others, of telling them about the goods and services that are offered, and of which most of them would never      to hear at all if it were not for advertising. And advertising helps a great deal to promote a      standard of living.
In talking about advertising, one should not think only      a commercial on television, or an advertisement in the newspapers or periodicals. In its widest      , advertising includes a host of other     such as packaging, shop displays and--in the sense of communication--even the spoken word of the salesman.        , the roots of advertising are to be found in the market place.
For many years it was thought that it was enough to     goods and supply services, it is only more      that it has become increasingly understood that the production of goods is a waste of resources      those goods can be sold at a fair price within a     time span. In the competitive society in which we live, it is essential that we go out and sell what we have to offer, and advertising plays an important role in this respect, whether selling at home or in       markets.
Approximately 2 percent of the UK gross national product (GDP) is spent on advertising. But it must not be thought that this advertising tries to sell goods to consumers who do not want them. Of course, advertising does try to attract the interest of the      consumer, but if the articles when         does not match up to the standards that the advertising suggests that it will, it is obviously exceedingly unlikely that the article will sell well.

A.enjoyable B.considerable C.agreeable D.knowledgeable

A.data B.proportion C.means D.message

A.get B.put C.find D.avoid

A.demanding B.raising C.declining D.rising

A.in honor of B.in case of C.in terms of D.in favor of

A.sense B.border C.level D.extent

A.conferences B.activities C.matters D.actions

A.Of all B.In all C.Above all D.After all

A.protest B.program C.process D.produce

A.quickly B.immediately C.recently D.totally

A.unless B.though C.until D.when

A.inevitable B.comfortable C.reasonable D.available

A.country B.import C.job D.export

A.financial B.potential C.essential D.social

A.presented B.purchased C.responded D.respected

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever noticed how families on TV always find time to eat meals together? In reality, people today are     than ever before and getting the whole family together for an evening meal is often      , as all members of the family have their own activities to get on with. For most of us, sitting down together at the      table is a thing of the past, but what effect does this have on family members and the relationships between them?
One of the most important      of eating together as a family is that the family has a chance to communicate      with one another in a social environment. Many families      that the evening meal is the best time to discuss problems and share experiences. “Eating together makes us feel      , and we often have our most useful conversations at these times,” says Jane Digby, mother of three. So, although organizing a family meal everyday can be a(n)      , it can benefit family relationships.
In addition, family meals help to improve children’s      skills. They learn how to talk, how to listen and how to show consideration for other      in the conversation. Furthermore, eating together gives      a sense of security. Family psychotherapist (心理治疗专家) Sue Taylor believes that children who eat with their      are far more confident as well as much more faithful to their families than children who don’t.
In spite of the many advantages of eating together, the      of modern life make it almost impossible for many people to do so. However, Sue Taylor insists that we should try to make      for family meals. “Mealtimes are the most valuable time a family can spend together,” she says. “If you can’t eat together every day, why not      and eat together three or four times a week? It really is worth the effort.”

A.smarter B.busier C.luckier D.happier

A.convenient B.necessary C.impossible D.important

A.corner B.dinner C.window D.problems

A.advantages B.challenges C.adventures D.problems

A.slowly B.calmly C.instantly D.regularly

A.doubt B.worry C.find D.hope

A.relaxed B.close C.special D.tired

A.effort B.method C.idea D.mistake

A.social B.professional C.technical D.managerial

A.topics B.audience C.teachers D.participants

A.elders B.customers C.parents D.children

A.friends B.classmates C.families D.neighbors

A.varieties B.comforts C.demands D.pleasures

A.time B.money C.food D.progress

A.escape B.ask C.pray D.try

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There is one word that is on the lips of Americans , day and night -"Sorry."
Once as I was walling on the street, a young man ran by       ,brushing against my handbag. Even as he continued on his .way, he        back and said "sorry" to me. Even in a rush, he didn't forget to apologize.
One day, after I bought some apples, the salesman was giving me the change, but I wasn't ready for it And a       dropped on the ground. "I'm sorry," he said while bending down to pick it up. I was     -why would he apologize when it was my      .
Another time ,I stepped        a man's foot in a lift At the same time, we both said "sorry".I thought it interesting at first - was it really      for him to apologize?
Later on, an American friend       to me that according to the American ideas, the lift is a       place everyone should be able to stand in. After someone occupies (占据)  a position in the lift, making it          for someone else to find a place to stand in ,isn't it necessary to      an apologize?
During my stay in America ,I gradually          that when friction(摩擦)happen in daily life, Americans don't care much about who is responsible.         Someone is troubled, a "sorry" is always necessary. The "sorry”would cool tempers(脾气)      the other person is hurt. Perhaps this is why I         saw anyone quarreling on the buses, subways or street in America.

A.excitedly B.hurriedly C.happily D.hopefully

A.drove B.held C.watched D.turned

A.coin B.handbag C.wallet D.bill.

A.impressed B.moved C.annoyed D.puzzled

A.duty B.attitude C.fault D.business

A.over B.on C.in D.at

A.necessary B.important C.surprising D.polite

A.lied B.explained C.pointed D.admitted

A.crowded B.common C.public D.free

A.unfit B.impossible C.narrow D.difficult

A.express B.receive C.expect D.tell

A.realized B.remembered C.agreed D.meant

A.Although B.What C.Unless D.If

A.as if B.even if C.as soon as D.before

A.always B.often C.never D.sometimes

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Are you interested in Korean TV series? If so, you must know Dae Jang Geum (《大长今》). Because of this series, my personal status and living standard have been greatly _____. My girlfriend used to cook every evening. Well, now she does nothing but ____ herself in front of the TV when she’s not ____, and commands me, “You — go to make some instant noodles. Come and watch the play and just imagine we are enjoying Korean _____.”
She also swears to ____ all Korean dishes in Dae Jang Geum. So she orders me to ____ the TV and record any details of Jang Geum’s cooking. But when she presented her version of Korean food, it is like the dog-meal. “You can ____ get things done if you don’t have the right tools”, my girlfriend blamed her clumsy (笨拙的) kitchen performances on ____. So I decided to ____ her a new kitchen knife. In a store, she became unusually ____ when making her selection. She finally picked one that was ____ Jang Geum’s. To prove that her slow knife skill was due to the blunt (钝的) knives, she ____ her cutting. As a result, she hurt her fingers three times. Fortunately the knife is not ____ the salesman boasts.
My girlfriend is a fan of Jang Geum’s Korean ____. Not only did she talk about the dress every day, she also threatened to change my tie into a ____ like the one on Jang Geum’s dress.  Finally, I lost my patience and took her to a maternity shop (孕妇专卖店) where I recommend (推荐) one suit to her, “Do you think it looks like a Korean dress?” ____, my future parents-in-law just happened to be shopping at the time. They were ____ when they saw what we were doing.
The Dae Jang Geum series ____ realizing the ambition of the youth. However, it fails to realize my girlfriend’s. ____ being engaged in her work or study, she simply sits on the sofa every night, staring at the TV, a bag of chips in her hand. This situation has changed little ___ the series is now over.

A.increased B.depressed C.degraded D.raised

A.stand B.lie C.seat D.sit

A.at table B.at work C.on leave D.on business

A.fruit B.vegetables C.cakes D.dishes

A.learn B.eat C.cook D.perform

A.stand for B.stand by C.pass by D.go by

A.hardly B.easily C.difficultly D.carefully

A.her forks B.her spoons C.her pans D.her knives

A.lend B.borrow C.buy D.fetch

A.careless B.modest C.patient D.alert

A.similar to B.better than C.sharper than D.taken from

A.brought down B.speeded up C.slowed down D.improved

A.as fast as B.as sharp as C.as slow as D.as dull as

A.diet style B.dish flavor C.cooking style D.dressing style

A.butterfly knot B.inside pocket C.pretty collar D.long belt

A.Disappointedly B.Coincidently C.Fortunately D.Excitedly

A.pretty shocked B.pretty satisfied C.very pleased D.very puzzled

A.shoots at B.works at C.directs at D.aims at

A.In spite of B.Instead of C.Because of D.In case of

A.only if B.as if C.even though D.so that

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For many years the earth has been unable to provide enough food for these rapidly expanding populations, and the situation is steadily getting worse since the fertility of some of our richest ____ has been lost and vast areas that were once fertile lands have turned into____. And the trouble with deserts is that they____ to spread outwards on to the fertile soils. What is now the northern Sahara Desert    much of the civilized world 2,500 years ago.
Even at this moment, many of the earth’s natural treasures are being_____, many valuable animals and plants are being killed off , and it is becoming ____difficult to grow enough food to prevent much of the earth's population from____. The situation is getting out of hand. Time is running out. ____, with your help, we may be able to reverse(逆转) the trends which____our very existence.

A.treasure B.soils C.countries D.farms

A.factories B.cities C.deserts D.forests

A.pretend B.like C.prefer D.tend

A.brought B.lived C.fed D.grew

A.lost B.protected C.increased D.destroyed

A.increasingly B.rapidly C.properly D.perfectly

A.starvation B.poverty C.suffering D.disease

A.Besides B.Moreover C.However D.Therefore

A.protect B.threaten C.benefit D.rebuild

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

So why English has changed over time?     A   ll languages        and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other. At first the English spoken in England between about AD 450 AND 1150 was very         from the English we spoke today. It was         more on German than the English we speak at present. Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150, English became less like     because those who ruled England spoke first Danish and later French. These new settlers   the English language and especially its   . So by the 1600’s Shakespeare was able to    a wider vocabulary than ever before. In 1620 some British         moved to America. Later in the 18th century some British people were taken to Australia too. English began to be spoken in both       .
English now is spoken as a foreign or second language in South     . For example, India has a very large number of      English speakers because Britain        India from 1765 to 1947. During that time English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and countries in Africa such as South Africa. Today the number of people learning English in China is       rapidly. In fact, China may have the largest number of English learners. Will Chinese English develop its own      ? Only time will tell.

A.Gradually B.Actually C.Suddenly D.Personally

A.appeared B.began C.made D.changed

A.different B.same C.strange D.important

A.based B.requested C.commanded D.settled

A.Irish B.German C.French D.English

A.produced B.invented C.enriched D.used

A.spelling B.grammar C.vocabulary D.writing

A.made use of B.made up C.made of D.made in

A.soldiers B.workers C.settlers D.students

A.provinces B.countries C.cities D.states

A.Asia B.Africa C.America D.Europe

A.frequent B.entire C.fluent D.exact

A.conquered B.ignored C.ruled D.settled

A.increasing B.decreasing C.appearing D.disappearing

A.partner B.identity C.teenager D.usage

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
