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 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
(S="Salesgirl " K=Karen)
S:Hi, are you being helped?
K:  66 I’m interested in some scarves(围巾).
S:All our scarves are in this section.What do you think of this one here? It’s made of silk.
K:  67 
S:Maybe you would like a heavy wool scarf.How about this one?
K:  68 How much is it?
S:It’s seventy—five dollars plus tax.
K:  69 Do you think it’s possible to get a discount?
S:Hm,since you like it so much,how about a 10 percent discount? That’s the best I can offer.
K:That’s good.  70 
S:Sure.Is there anything else I can get for you?
K:No,that should be it.Thank you.

A.It’s a little expensive.
C.I don’t like the color.
D.No. I’m not.

E.Could you wrap it up for me?
F.I think that’s what 1 want.
G.I’d like to have something warm for the winter

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Child labor has been a problem for many years. Over a hundred years ago, Charles Dickens shocked many of his readers when he described the conditions ___31___ which young children worked in British factories. The conditions Dickens described continue, almost unchanged today, in many parts of the world. The only difference is ___32___ today’s employment of children is confined to small industries and family businesses, such as hotels, restaurants and ___33___ (particular) farms, rather than to large factories. The children not only receive nothing or very ___34___ for their long hours of work, but also they ___35___ (prevent) from attending school. Therefore, when they become older they are ___36___ (able) to do any other kind of work.
The solution ___37___ the problem of child labour is clearly better laws to protect young children greater supervision (监督) of industry and heavier fines for ___38___ who break the laws. Only in this way ___39___ young boys and girls be allowed to enjoy the most valuable time of ___40___ lives --- childhood.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every boy and every girl expects their parents to give them more pocket money. Why do their parents just give them a certain amount? 51
The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family.   52   Some children get weekly pocket money. Others get monthly pocket money.
First of all, children are expected to make a choice between spending and saving. Then parents should make the children understand what is expected to pay for with the money. At first, some young children may spend all of the money soon after they receive it. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until it is the right time.    53
In order to encourage their children to do some housework, some parents give pocket money if the children help around the home. Some experts think it not wise to pay the children for doing that. 54
Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with
the money. They can spend it by giving it to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want. 55 Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice. Saving can also open the door to future saving and investing for children.
A.They can save it for future use.
B Timing is another consideration.
C.As helping at home is a normal part of family life.
D Some children are not good at managing their pocket money.
E.Learning how to get money is very important for every child.
F.One main purpose is to let kids learn how to manage their own money.
G.By doing so, these children will learn that spending must be done with a budget(预算).

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A; Hi. You look excited. ___56______?
B: It is said that a singing contest will be held in our school soon. And I think it a good chance to exercise my singing talents.
A: ___57___?
B: A MP3 player will be given as a reward to the first prize winner.
A: Are you going to take part in it?
B: Sure. __58_____
A: Really? But I don’t think you’ve practiced enough.l
B: I’m going to. I bet I can get the first prize.
A: __59_____. I think you need to have a music teacher to help you.
B: I don’t think it necessary.____60_____

A.By the way, are they giving prizes?
B.People say I have a good voice.
C.I don’t know what others say about it.
D.You can do a lot better next time.

E.It’ll turn out fine if I practise a lot.
F.What’s happening
G.Don’t be so sure.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In Renee Smith's classroom, attendance is up. Trips to the headmaster's office are down and students are handing in assignments on time. The Springfield High School teacher says she has seen great __1__  since adding a few new students to her class―five Labrador puppies and their father.
The seven __2__ students in Smith's class have a history of discipline __3__. But since they've started teaching the dogs obedience (顺从), their own __4__ has improved. A dog trainer Chuck Reynolds __5__ the students a new trick each week that they then workon with the puppies. At night, the dogs go home with the staff members who have raised them. They get dropped off in the morning, __6__ a parent would take a child to day care.
Smith said she came up with the idea when her dog had puppies and she say, how __7__ her own children responded to them. She consulted with school psychologist Kristin Edinger, __8__ they took the idea―along with letters from students __9__ the program ―to the school board. A pet therapist said, "What you are trying to teach is __10__ and that thereare consequences for the decisions you make."

A.disappointment B.progress C.disturbance D.promotion

A.human B.dog C.new D.Labrador

A.problems B.questions C.issues D.troubles

A.habit B.attitude C.action D.behavior

A.guides B.teaches C.permits D.aids

A.such as B.much as C.so that D.even if

A.well B.quickly C.poorly D.carelessly

A.but B.so. C.and D.because

A.revising B.describing C.opposing D.supporting

A.self-importance B.self-respect C.self-control D.self-criticism

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
At the age of 17, Swedish Alfred Nobel spoke five languages fluently. Nobel became an   31   (invent)and businessman, and at the time of his death on December 10, 1896, he had 355 patents worldwide ——  32   of them was the patent on dynamite(炸药). Furthermore, he had started 87 companies all over the world. According to   33   will, Alfred Nobel's enormous fortune was to be used   34   (establish) prizes to award those   35    had done their best to benefit mankind in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901, five years   36   Nobel died. In 1969, another prize was added "The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel".
The Nobel Laureates(获得者)  37    ( announce) at the beginning of October each year. A couple of months later, on December 10,   38   anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death, they receive their prizes from the Swedish King —— a Nobel diploma, a medal, and 10 million Swedish crowns per prize. All Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden,   39   for the Nobel Peace Prize, which is awarded in Oslo, Norway. When Alfred Nobel was alive, Norway and Sweden were united under one monarch(君主),     40   1905 when Norway became an independent kingdom with its own king.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


R =" Reporter " Z =" Zhang" Ying
R: Mrs. Zhang,last year a heavy earthquake (76) s       this area and destroyed almost all the buildings in the village. Can you tell us the details?
Z: In two weeks it will be the first anniversary of (77) w     the earthquake destroyed our village on May 12,2008. My husband and I had been
(78) r       a restaurant for several years. On that terrible day,everything was destroyed. My husband was killed in the second quake.
R: What happened in the weeks after the quake and how did you get
(79)o       it?
Z: I moved to a nearby village. The death of my husband was of course the
(80) w      thing. I was desperate.
R: What made you decide to reopen the restaurant?
Z: First of all,I had to make a living. More importantly,I did it to
(81) h       my husband. The restaurant had been his greatest achievement.
R: Was it easy to reopen the restaurant?
Z: No. My friends and relatives put some money together. I received some financial (82) a       from the local government. I was also able to take out a
(83) l       from the bank. With the money and all the help I got,I reopened the restaurant.
R: Do you often think about the disaster?
Z: Yes. I thought the earthquake was the day my life ended,even though I was a survivor. But I (84) m       to cheer up. I just did not know I had the
(85) c       to keep it up.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Our eating habits have changed, as_____________ our way of life, and the fuel we need for our body is also different. Other nutrients, such as fiber and minerals, help keep our body_______________ well. Vitamins, which we can get from eating vegetables, fruit, fish and drinking milk, help our body_______________ disease. It is probably better, however, if we spend our time and money in buying good food and ______________ a balanced diet. If we eat healthy food in the right______________, we do not have to buy any supplements. The same goes for “crash diets” that some companies say will make us________________ fast. ________________ eating expensive diet food or going on unhealthy diets, we can simply try to eat less fat and sugar and ________________ more.
Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival _______________ the culture and history of African Americans. Kwanzaa is a time for learning_______________ joy. On the last day of Kwanzaa, family and friends _________________ to enjoy a large meal and to celebrate the new year. 
_______________ a new festival may seem an unusual way to celebrate history and culture, but we are in fact creating new festivals every year. __________________ we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture________________ . The Spring Festival, Christmas, Ramadan, Kwanzaa and all the other holidays and festivals help us understand who we are, remember where we come from, and _________________ our hopes for a happy future. 

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

补全对话(每题1分,共5分)注意:答案请涂在机读卡E="A+B;" F="A+C;" G=A+D
---    _____51_____
---No, I’m not. I am interested in some scarves(围巾).
---All our scarves are in this section.     52   . It’s made of silk.
---Mm, It looks nice, but I like to have something warm for the winter.
---     53     .How about this one?
--- I think that is what I want. How much is it?
--- It’s 75 dollars plus tax.
--- It’s a little bit expensive. Do you think it is possible to get a discount(折扣)?
---Since you like it so much, how about 10% discount?    54 ___
---That’s good.    55 ____
---Sure. Is there anything else I can get for you?
---No, that should be it. Thank you!

A.Maybe you would like a heavy wool scarf.
B.Can I help you?
C.Hi, are you being helped?
D.That’s the best I can offer.

E. Could you wrap(包)it for me?
F. What do you think of this one here?
G. What else do you like?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The year 2009 is the Year of the Ox, which is a representative of the farming culture of China. In the farming economy, oxen are the major animals  31  (pull) plows (犁).
Of course, the good of oxen is not limited to plowing. In fact, they are seen as “boats on land” for their ability to carry loads. Besides, the whole body of an ox is full of treasures, with their meat and milk as food full of nutrition,  32  their skin used to make clothes and shoes.
In the past, oxen played an important role in the  33  (spirit) life of the Chinese. Even today, oxen still play a special part in some folk activities. For example, some people who 1ive in southwest China will cook cattle bone soup and share  34  among family members when holding a ceremony for children  35  reach 13. They believe that the cattle bone soup represents the blood relationship among family members.  36  (express) their love for oxen, people in some  37  areas will run to shake off diseases on the 16th day of the first month by the lunar calendar, and during their run they will take their oxen along, which  38  (indicate) they regard the creature as human.
Because of the contribution of oxen in their lives, the Chinese people are very grateful to  39  animal. In addition, the use of oxen in ceremonies and the thanks people owe  40  oxen help to develop various traditional customs, which becomes an important part of the folk culture of the Chinese nation.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

一Hello.I’m a freshman in this college.
一Nice to meet you.What can I do for you?
一I’m looking for a part—time job on campus.
一  61  The employment office is here just to help students like you find jobs on campus.
一I’m glad to hear that.I really need to start earning some money.
一 62  
一At least ten hours a week. 63     
一And when are you free to work?
一Every weekday from noon on. 64 
一Please fill out this information form.and leave it with me today. 65 
一Thank you so much!Bye!

A.Well,how many hours a week do you want to work?
B.What kind of job do you prefer?
C.And I can’t handle more than twenty hours.
D.And of course I don’t mind working on the weekends.

E.Then you’ve come to the right place.
F.I can write to you asking for further information.
G.I’11 call you tomorrow to give you a reply.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Li Hua, who is planning to travel with his parents, is now calling Hyatt Travel Agency in Xi'an.
(A. Assistant  L. Li Hua)
A: Hello, this is Hyatt Travel Agency. May I help you?
L: Yes. This is Li Hua. I'll have a short holiday, and I'm thinking about traveling abroad with my parents.   61    .  
A: Of course. May I ask how long your holiday will be?
L: About a week.
A: OK.   62  .
L: I'd love to go to Europe.
A:  63  .We have a special offer for European tours.
L: Great !    64           .
A: Sure. For family tours, we have five European cities on the list, and we'll see the Big Bell in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and other places of interest.
L:   65  I'll talk about this with my parents and call you back. Thank you.
A: You are welcome.
A. What would you like to know?                    
B. You are very lucky.
C. What do you have in mind?                         
D. Can you give me some advice?
E. That's just what I am thinking of.                 
F. Can I have some extra information?
G. I hope you'll have a good journey there.  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

对话填空 (满分10分)

A: Lucy, do you have any (76) p_______ for this weekend?
B: Yes. I’ll go to the village to visit my grandpa. It’s his 77th(77) b_____.
A: Congratulations! By the way, aren’t your grandparents living with you?
B: After my grandma passed away 3 years ago, my grandpa decided to live (78) a____. We have invited him to live with us several times, but he (79) r____.
A: Why? I think he would be nicely taken (80) c____ of if he lived with you.
B: We all do. He said he couldn’t leave his old neighborhood (81) w_____ all of his old friends lived. (82) B_____, he didn’t want to lose his independence.
A: It doesn’t matter if he is in good (83) h____, is he?
B: No. he suffers from a disease that needs close attention.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. But how can he live alone (84) u___ this condition?
B: Luckily, with the help of a new technology, which uses placed home sensors to record motion in key spots, such as the bathroom and bedroom, he can live in his own space, and we don’t (85) w____ about him.
A: How great it is!
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once again, science supports what your grandmother told you: A good night's sleep helps your body fight a cold.
People who averaged fewer than seven hours of sleep per   1   in the weeks before being exposed to the cold virus were nearly three times  2   likely to get sick as those who  3   eight hours or more, a new study found.
Researchers used frequent telephone  4   to track the sleep  5   of more than 150 men and women aged 21 to 55 over the course of a few weeks. Then they  6   the subjects to the virus, quarantined them for five days and kept  7   of who got sick.
8   sleeping more, sleeping better also seemed to  9   the body fight illness: Patients who fared better on a measure  10   as 'sleep efficiency' - the percentage of time in bed that you're actually sleeping - were also  11   likely to get sick.
The results held  12   even after researchers  13   for variables such as body-mass index, age, sex, smoking and pre-existing antibodies to the  14   .
15   your grandmother, the researchers aren't exactly sure  16   sleeping better makes you less likely to  17   a cold. But they  18    take a stab at the answer: 'Sleep disturbance influences the regulation of proinflammatory cytokines(促炎细胞因子), histamines, and other symptom mediators that are released in response to infection.' In plain English, maybe tossing and turning when you're  19   with the cold virus  20   to the symptoms that define a cold.
The researchers were based at Carnegie Mellon, the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Virginia, and the study was funded by the National Institutes of Health.
(   ) 1. A. day             B. night                C. week                       D. month
(   ) 2. A. more          B. as                    C. less                         D. same
(   ) 3. A. occurred     B. worked             C. averaged                  D. longed
(   ) 4. A. interviews   B. reports             C. announcements         D. demands
(   ) 5. A. hobbies       B. quality             C. progress                  D. habits
(   ) 6. A. exposed      B. placed              C. protected                D. prayed
(   ) 7. A. touch          B. check                      C. track                       D. reward
(   ) 8. A. Except               B. Besides             C. Within                     D. Through
(   ) 9. A. benefit               B. guard                C. help                             D. assist
(   ) 10. A. known      B. acted                C. appointed                D. classified
(   ) 11. A. more         B. less                  C. far                          D. totally
(   ) 12. A. ideal         B. false              C. actual                      D. true
(   ) 13. A. adopted     B. adjusted            C. enlarged                  D. employed
(   ) 14. A. bodies       B. cells                 C. virus                       D. medicines
(   ) 15. A. Like          B. As                    C. Against                    D. By
(   ) 16. A. What               B. When               C. Where                     D. Why
(   ) 17. A. develop     B. form                C. fight                       D. prevent
(   ) 18. A. did           B. often                C. do                           D. never
(   ) 19. A. infected     B. surrounded       C. limited                    D. attached
(   ) 20. A. pulls         B. promotes          C. speeds                     D. contributes

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was successful at my job . I worked very hard , but it ___21___ me and my family a fabulous (极好的) lifestyle . I’d worked for the same company for twenty years and had worked my way up to department director. ___22___, one afternoon last May, I was called to the office, and it was __23__ explained to me that they were letting me go. I just sat there __24__ they talked on and all I could think was, “I’ve ___25___.” I’d been so well respected ; ___26___ I was of no value.
For six weeks, I was in a very __27__ place. I wandered around my house like a zombie (僵尸).I could __28__ things needed doing, but would not do anything . My beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive(积极的) in everything ___29___ me .
Then, in late June, my youngest son’s football team made the city cup final. The year before, he’d been very sad when I __30___ the same final, so he was ___31___ when I told him I’d go. Not only did they win, but the look on his face as he saw me ___32___ him on was unbelievable. From then in , I spent the summer enjoying my sons and their passions (激情) . I attended match after match and performances of my elder son’s band —I ___33___ went to another city to watch him play. These moments were so ___34___. My life had been so much devoted to __35__ for so long , and I felt __36__ that my sons were happy to welcome me into their world.
___37___ , being unemployed gave me back a sense of purpose — I was someone’s mum! I felt a sense of being ___38____ again. Now I feel more positive about my professional ___39___ and I’m getting on better with my family than I ever have. Losing my job made me realize just how __40__ it is to achieve real balance in life.

A.promised B.afforded C.showed D.left

A.Therefore B.Anyhow C.Otherwise D.However

A.quickly B.gently C.partly D.easily

A.until B.after C.as D.so

A.failed B.finished C.tried D.changed

A.suddenly B.finally C.immediately D.shortly

A.secret B.quiet C.lonely D.dark

A.see B.get C.suggest D.understand

A.defended B.directed C.deserted D.disturbed

A.watched B.missed C.lost D.won

A.disappointed B.worried C. honoured D.delighted

A.cheering B.taking C.leading D.passing

A.just B.even C.still D.almost

A.hopeful B.meaningful C.difficult D.strange

A.work B.family C.matches D.performances

A.successful B.thoughtful C.thankful D.peaceful

A.Naturally B.Doubtfully C.Disagreeably D.Unexpectedly

A.employed B.comforted C.valued D.encouraged

A.education B.experience C.relationship D.future

A.important B.interesting C.simple D.surprising

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
