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All the students in China are learning English, but how can they learn English well? Some students can know a lot about English, they can do some exercises, but perhaps they can’t speak English loudly.
If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river. And if you want to be a football player, you must play football.
So, you see, you can learn English by using (使用) it. You must listen to your teacher in class. You must speak English to your classmates everyday and also you must watch some English cartoons, sing some English songs, write some English diaries.... Then one day you may find you can speak very good English.
(     )(1)All the people in the world are learning English.
(     )(2)Knowing a lot about English is different from speaking English.
(     )(3)You can swim without (没有)water.
(     )(4)You should listen to your teacher in class.
(     )(5)You can learn English by listening, speaking, reading and writing.

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I’m Fangfang. I live in a village. It’s small but beautiful. Look! That is my house. There are some trees near it. Behind the house there’s a big river. You can see boats on the river. Many ducks are beside the boats. How lovely! Oh, many flowers are among (在……之中)the trees. Let’s get some for our teachers.
(   ) (1) Fangfang’s house is small.
(   ) (2) There’s a small river behind the house.
(   ) (3) There are some boats on the river.
(   ) (4) What lovely ducks they are!
(   ) (5) Some flowers among the trees are for our English teachers.

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There’s a grey jacket in our lost and found case. Please call Jack at 837-4925.
I’m David from Class 4,Grade 6 in Yangguang Primary School. I’m looking for the  owner of a camera.
I picked up a watch yesterday. If it is yours, please call me. Tel: 325-8064
I have lost my library card. Please e-mail Jim if you get it. E-mail address:fiuingjim@tom.com

注:lost and found case (失物招领处)
(   )(1) 837-4925 is Jack’s telephone number.
(   )(2) If you lose your jacket, you can call Mary at 325-8064
(   )(3) Jack wants to know whose camera it is.
(   )(4) David is a primary school student.
(   )(5) If you pick up Jim’s library card, you can tell him on the Internet.

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The Whites
The Whites always get up early every day. In the morning father always goes to work. Sandy and Sue always go to school. Mother usually stays at home. At noon, Sandy and Sue always have lunch at school. In the afternoon. Sandy and Sue come from school. They usually arrive home early. In the evening. Sandy and Sue always do their homework. At night, they go to bed early, but it’s difficult for them to fall asleep.
(      )(1) The Whites mean all the members of Mr. White’s family.
(      )(2) Sandy is Mr. White’s daughter and Sue is his son.
(      )(3) Mr. White, Sandy and Sue leave home in the morning except Mrs. White.
(      )(4) Sandy and Sue can get home early in the afternoon.
(      )(5) Sandy and Sue like sleeping.

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Mrs. White has two children. John is seven. Ann is only three. John is a good brother. He is always very nice to his sister. One day in the afternoon, Mrs. White is cooking dinner in the kitchen, the two children are playing games in the garden. Suddenly, Ann begins to cry (哭)and she runs to her mother in the kitchen. Mrs. White asks: “What’s wrong with you, Ann?” “John broke (弄坏)my Barbie doll.” Ann answers sadly. “How did he do that?” Mum asks. Ann stops crying and says,“I hit (打)John’s, head with my Barbie doll.”
(      )(1) Ann is four years younger than John.
(      )(2) The two children are playing games and their mother is busy in the kitchen.
(      )(3) Ann begins to cry because John broke her toy car.
(      )(4) “Sadly” means very happy.
(   ) (5) In fact(事实上),John is not a good brother.

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Mr. White and his_____1_____ wanted to do it bydecided to paint the outside of their house. To save money they_____2_____. On Saturday morning they bought some paint and two brushes.They began that afternoon_____3_____ the back of the house. The next Saturday_____4_____ went toa football match while his wife painted the____5______ of the house. On Sunday they found theycouldn’t open____6______ of the front windows. They got them all____7______ in the end. But they_____8_____ three of the seven which were very expensive to repair. Next time _____9_____ ____10______ try tosave money, they’ll certainly payto do the work.
(   )(1) A. wife      B. sister   C. daughter     D. mother
(   )(2) A. themselves    B. himself      C. yourselves  D. itself
(  )(3)A. and  B. for      C. of       D. from
(    )(4) A. Mr. White   B. Mrs. White C. a player      D. a painter
(    )(5) A. before  B. front   C. back   D. top
(    )(6) A. any      B. some   C. every  D. no
(    )(7) A. open    B. closed C.broken D. shout
(    )(8) A. broke   B. closed C. opened       D. shut
(    )(9) A. when   B. after   C. before D. with
(    )(10) A. someone    B.anyone C. everyone    D. none

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Two weeks before Christmas one year, I went to London with my mother. I____1____ forget the day. The streets were____2____ people. The shop windows were very bright. My mother held my hand and we both went into a toy (玩具)shop. The shop was full of____3____.There were nice toys____4____.Then I saw Father Christmas. I____5____ my mother by the hand. “Please____6____ me to Father Christmas,” I said. There were____7____ children near Father Christmas. They were standing____8____ line. Father Christmas spoke to every one of them. At last it was my____9____.“Hello, little Tom,” he said to me. As soon as I heard his____10____ I found out that he was my uncle, John Smith.
(      )(1)A.shall never      B.don’t      C.always     D.will
(      )(2)A.crowds of     B.full of      C.many      D.fill of
(      )(3)A.students       B.children      C.women     D.man
(      )(4)A.anywhere       B.somewhere  C.nowhere      D.everywhere
(      )(5)A.pulled         B.pushed     C.got         D. caught
(      )(6)A.let            B.take        C.ask         D. bring
(      )(7)A.a lot         B.much       C.lots of           D.few
(      )(8)A.by           B.in         C.with       D. at
(      )(9)A.time         B.turn         C.toy         D.present
(      )(10)A. sound       B.noise        C.voice      D.call

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Hello, I am John. Look, this is a picture ____1____ my room. I have a nice bed in the middle of my room. Thereis a big table ____2____ the closet and the bed. Many clothes are ____3____ the closet. A white air-conditioner is ____4____ the wall beside the window. There is a computer on the table. I often write e-mails with it.
Do you like my room? What’s your room ____5____?Can you tell me, please?
(   )(1) A. of                     B. in                 C. on                       D. at
(   )(2) A. near                  B. beside           C. between               D. to
(   )(3) A. under                B. in                 C. on                       D. from
(   )(4) A. on                     B. at                 C. in                        D. below
(   )(5) A. like                   B. on               C. in                        D. of

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You say you’ll have a two-week summer holiday and decide to travel a lot and visit as many new places as possible. I _____1____ it’s a good idea. I’11 tell you a story about my friend Mr. Bell. Last July he ____2_____ in Europe. Europe is very beautiful, _____3____ his holiday wasn’t very nice. He visited four countries, and was in ____4_____ of the countries only three days. He visited quite a lot of museums and famous places, and was always _____5____.Bell was on the train or bus almost every day. When he returned _____6____ Europe, he was very tired.
So I think that you _____7____ better spend your holiday in a different way. It is ____8_____ to travel with a friend to one country, and visit only one city. Choose a city ____9_____ and you will be able to have a good _____10____ on the seaside.
(   ) (1)A.am sure      B. believe    C. don’t think     D. don’t hope
(   ) (2)A.was        B. studies      C. worked       D. lived
(   ) (3)A.with        B. and        C.so            D. but
(   ) (4)A.everyone    B. either      C. each          D. all
(   ) (5)A.unhappy     B.in a worry   C. excited        D. interested
(   ) (6)A.to          B.in          C. from          D. for
(   ) (7)A.would       B. should     C. could          D. had
(   ) (8)A.better                    B. happier
C. quicker                   D. more interested
(   ) (9)A.in the countryside           B.by the sea
C. with museums              D. away from Europe
(   ) (10)A.holiday   B. swimming    C. day           D. place

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A young man___1___ himself in Japan with only enough money to buy the ticket for his ___2___ back home. As he knew that it would take him only two days to___3___ home, he decided that he could easily spend the time ___4___ food. So he bought a ticket and___5___ the ship. The man___6___ his ears to the sound of the lunch bell. When dinner___7___ came, he didn’t go to the dining room,___8___ that he was not feeling well. The next morning he still didn’t have breakfast and at lunch time he again___9___ in his room. But at dinner time he was so hungry that he went to the dining room and___10___ everything the waiter put in front of him. “Bring me the bill,” he said.“The bill, sir?”said the waiter in surprise.“There isn’t any bill. On our ship meals are included in the money for the ticket.”
(    )l. A. reached B. reach        C.found     D.found out
(    )(2) A. map     B.road          C.journey D.plane
(    )(3)A.arrived   B.reached       C. take      D.get
(    )(4)A.on   B.with          C.without D.near
(    )(5)A. got on   B.got off        C.runs to  D.put on
(    )(6)A.closed     B.opened       C.stopped   D.kept
(    )(7)A.table       B.time         C.party      D.dish
(    )(8)A.says B.said          C.say D.saying
(    )(9)A.stayed     B.kept          C.walked  D.shouted
(    )(10)A. found  B.took          C.ate D.looked

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A boy and a girl catch a bird and _____1_____ it in a birdcage (鸟笼).They like it ____2______ and _____3_____ it every day. A cat sees the bird and wants _____4_____ her supper. _____5_____ the bird is in the cage. She can’t catch it. So she is very _____6_____.
One day, she opens the door of the cage _____7_____ wants to catch it. But the bird flies away. The cat _____8_____, and she has _____9_____. The two children _____10_____ and see the bird isn’t in. They are very angry and put the cat into the cage.
(    )(1) A. take              B. put      C. carry        D. bring
(    )(2) A. well              B. very           C. much        D. very much
(    )(3) A. see               B. look           C. have a look    D. have a look at
(    )(4) A. have it for     B. has is for   C. to have it for  D. to has it for
(    )(5)A. But                    B. And           C. So            D. Then
(    )(6) A. angry            B. happy       C. glad                D. tired
(    )(7) A. but               B. and      C. so       D. or
(    )(8) A. can to  fly     B. can fly      C. can’t to fly     D. can’t fly
(    )(9) A. no ways        B. some ways     C. any way    D. not way
(    )(10) A. come back to home  B. come back home
C. come to home        D. back home

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A little monkey is p________ by the lake. He sees some fish swimming i________ the lake. H________ interesting they are!
Now s________ frogs (青娃)are j________ into the water and others are swimming happily in the lake. The monkey t________ it’s easy to swim. So he wants to jump into the lake.
The fish and frogs all say, “You c________ swim. Don’t come d________       or you’ll be dead.” But the monkey doesn’t believe (相信) that. The monkey is in the water now. Of course he can’t swim and he is going to b________ dead. The fish and frogs are putting h________ out of the water and saving him.
Remember: “It’s easy to say, but hard to do.”

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fly, flying, buy, take, taking, stay, bought, with, was, favourite, bored, feverbored, fever
Sam 1__________ very sad last weekend. He was ill. He had a 2__________. His mother asked him to 3__________ in bed. He was very 4__________.Saturday afternoon, his good friends Tom and Mike came to see him.They 5__________ a lot of fruit and some flowers for Sam. He was very happy.
This weekend, Sam is going to go hiking 6__________ his friends. They are going to fly kites, 7__________ pictures and play football. Because Sam likes 8__________ kites. Tom’s hobby is 9__________ pictures. And playing football is Mike’s 10__________ sport.

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Last Sunday afternoon, Nancy w___1____to a bookshop to buy an interesting booka____2___animals, suddenly she found a short man stole her purse and ran out of the shop. The man ran f____3___than Nancy. So she shouted “S___4____,thief!”and asked others for help.At last, withthe help of a policeman and a woman,Nancy g____5___ her purse back.

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Dear mum:
How are you? Every day I have fun with my cousins. On Monday we went to the p___1_____. We r____2____ a boat and s____3____ elephants. We t____4____ many pictures. OnTuesday we went to a restaurant. We a____5____ good food.OnWednesday we went to the library. We r____6____ books. On Thursday we went to the gym (体育馆). We went swimming. On Friday we stayed at home. We w_____7___ TV and c____8____ the room. Tomorrow I’ll be back home.
Miss you and dad.
(1)_________      (2)_________      (3)_________      (4)_________
(5)_________      (6)_________      (7)_________      (8)_________

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