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Ancient Rome was one of the world’s most powerful empires more than 2,000 years ago. The Romans’ ideas about roads, laws, government and buildings still influence us today. Italy is shaped like a boot.
The Colosseum in Rome was built during the time of the Roman Empire, in the first century A.D.  71  It is a popular tourist attraction today.
Italy is well-known for its designers, who create cars, handbags, clothes, shoes and other items that are in demand for their style and fine workmanship.
Today, the economy of Italy is stronger than in the past.   72  Today, manufacturing and tourism are the main sources of income. There are some big companies, but Italy has many smaller companies, too.
73  The southern part does not offer as many manufacturing jobs, so it is not as prosperous.
Italy is a member of the European Union, a group of countries that join together for better trade. The currency, or money, they use is called the “euro”.
Food and eating good meals are important to Italians.  74 
Popular foods include pasta, risotto, minestrone and pizza.McDonald’s is also popular there.
Many families still eat their main meal in the middle of the day.   75   Families spend a lot of time together.
A. The family is very important to the Italian way of life.
B. The country used to depend on agriculture.
C. Mountains cover about three-fourths of the country.
D. It could seat about 50,000 people, who went to see fights between animals and people.
E. While there are some supermarkets, many people shop at small, neighborhood markets.
F. Italy has several islands off the coast.
G. The northern part of the country is the main manufacturing center. 

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. Strong Is Your Hold
This book was written by Galway Kinnell, who spent many years in finishing the book.Kinnell’s first collection of new poems in more than a decade revisits themes of marriage, friendship and death, with long, loose lines reminiscent of Whitman.It is popular with the people who are interested in literature.
B. The Letter
The murder of a television star appears to be the work of thieves who are quickly caught.But they escape from prison and a young lawyer says she knows who the real criminals are.Written with intelligence, this story is so fast-moving that it demands the reader’s complete attention.
C. London Alive
This author of many famous novels has now turned to writing short stories with great success.The stories tell of Londoners’ daily lives and happen in eighteen different places——for example, one story takes place at a table in a cafe, another in the back of a taxi and another in a hospital.
D. Gone West
A serious look at one of the least-known regions of the United States.The author describes the empty villages which thousands left when they were persuaded by the railway companies to go west in search of new lives.The author manages to provide many interesting details about their history.
E.Cutting for Stone
This book was written by Abraham Verghese.It is a powerful story about twin brothers born in a Catholic hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Their mother, an Indian nurse at the hospital, dies in childbirth.The brothers are raised by two Indian doctors who live at the hospital.One brother later moves to the United States.This is a story about the extremes of love, family, and medicine.
F.Jane Eyre
There is great kindness and warmth in this love story.Poor and plain as Jane Eyre is, she has a strong will, sharp wisdom and great courage.She is forced to battle against a harsh employer and a rigid social order.Yet she is never defeated. Standing on her feet, she gains her own happiness in the end.
Takumi doesn’t have much free time so he reads short stories which he can finish quickly.He likes reading stories about ordinary people and the things that happen to them in today’s worlD.
Terresha Houghs has read widely since she was in university.She can recite most of essays and poems she has read, especially poems from Leaves of Grass.She is fond of traditional themes in poetry and still keeps her habits of reciting poems.
Ali enjoys reading crime stories which are carefully written so that they hold his interest right to the enD. He enjoys trying to guess who the criminal really is while he’s reading.
Lucy is a quiet girl who likes to read in a quiet corner in the library.Her favorite stories are those with characters brave enough to face and overcome difficulties in life.
Charlie, who attends college in the Midwest, majors in medicine.He is fond of reading stories about family and love, especially those related to his future career.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

______. Katy works for an Education Press, which publishes books on school educating and teaching skills. These days, she is busy with a series of reference books on teaching method in classroom for senior teachers. So, she is interested in any book dealing with such subjects.
______. Jan likes writing his own blog, from which we know he is studying in an Economic College, majoring in Business Economics. Though being a freshman, he is writing an article on what he has learned. So some books with related knowledge will be very helpful to him.
______ Susan has just graduated from college. Busy contacting with some companies, she hopes to get a position as a secretary, which requires her to know the procedures of office work and skills of managing office affairs, such as receiving visitors, arranging meetings and dealing with calls and so on.
______. Mr. Bob works in the Grand Hotel. Recently, he has just been appointed as captain of his department. With his promotion is his chance to meet with different people. He will do more study on communicating skills, to satisfy various guests.
______ . Mrs. Anna will go to China soon for an exchange education project. She's going to teach English in a primary school in Beijing. Though being a teacher for years, she hasn't taught English as a foreign language. She is now ready for the challenge from her new job.
A                                          B

C                                     D 

E                                           F  


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. Birth of a Nation  Birth of a Nation was the most popular film of the silent era. The message in the film was that African Americans could never be integrated into the white society as equals. Race violence directed against African Americans took place in many cities. In the South, African Americans were only allowed to go to separate schools, hotels, and restaurants.
B. Gone with the Wind  Gone with the Wind was the costliest and most popular film of Hollywood’s Golden Era. Producer David Selznick had promised that the film would be free of any anti-Negro ideas. Although it did not use white actors in blackface, like Birth of a Nation, its picture of enslaved African Americans as loyal but scatter-brained house servants and clumsy field hands was what the white thought the black ought to be then.
C. Glory  Glory offers a powerful retelling of the story of the first black regiment (团) during the American Civil War. Half the regiment’s men were killed or wounded in the war, but it dramatically demonstrated the courage of African American troops in battle. However, the film failed to describe the larger historical context of the Civil War.
D. Amistad  The Steven Spielberg film is about a historical event. In 1839, a group of Africans were captured and shipped to the Spanish colony of Cuba. During trans-shipment to nearby sugar plantations, 53 slaves overpowered the crew. The captives then ordered the two men who had purchased them to navigate the ship toward Africa. At night, however, the men sailed the ship northward and westward. The case ultimately went to the Supreme Court. In 1841, the Court freed the captives.
E. Beloved  The film is based on Margaret Garner’s story of killing her own two-year-old daughter Mary. Margaret Garner said that she had intended to kill her other children rather than see them returned to slavery. She later explained that she wanted to “end their sufferings” rather than see them returned to bondage and “murdered by piecemeal”. No other work has so powerfully examined the interior life of a former slave.
F. Schindler’s List  The film concerns the lives of a thousand Jews during World War II. The film shows, unforgettably, how one man does make a difference. Schindler proves that man’s morality and humanity are always alive. “Save one life, save the world entire.” The heavy tone and fearful atmosphere of the film are heightened by black-and-white cinematography.
Inner Hurt
International Slave Trade
Civil Rights
Blacks with Low Abilities
Brave Blacks

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

76   Spanish people drink coca cola, wear blue jeans, watch Hollywood movies, listen to American music, and eat fast food, and they do all these things daily.
I think that Aerican movies are a good way to spread American culture because people are often influenced by what they see in the movies. Most of the entertainment programs and documentaries we watch on TV are from America, and most of the movies we go to are made in Hollywood.
 77  Now, in our cinemas, at least twenty percent of the movies which are shown must be from Spain or from country of the European Community.
American culture is very much a part of Spanish life. It's certain that many things from America are as much a part of their lives as Spanish things. For example, coca cola is as familiar to everybody as any typical Spanish product.   78       
However, it’s different with western fast food. For example, I don’t think McDonald’s is as successful in Spain as it is in other countries. In my opinion, one of the reasons may be the life style of the Spanish people     79      
On the other hand, it may be that McDonald’s hamburgers will eventually replace the famous Spanish tapas. It’s true that in every city in Spain you can find a McDonald’s, and they are more popular among the Spanish children than among the adults. 80   

A.In any case, it’s obvious that American culture is more and more a part of our lives every day.
B.The Spanish people usually go out to eat.
C.I’ve known coca cola my whole life.
D. The spanish people normally eat at home

E.  In the past few years, our country has brought in many American movies.
F.  In the past few years,  the government has tried to protect Spanish movies.
G. The influence of America is increasing in my country.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

__ 1 ___. This was not because the woods and fields were always far away, but because they were too far from the city to permit people to make a day trip between morning and nightfall.
In 1970, a young German school master had an idea which changed this situation. He decided to turn his little school into a dormitory (宿舍楼) for the summer holidays. Anyone who brought his sleeping bag and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very small quantity of money. The idea was a success. A few years later, the school house was much too small to hold the many young people who wanted to stay there. __ 2 ___  . This was the first hostel. (青年招待所) .
Today, young students and workers of every country can meet in the hostel and get to know each other. When young people arrive at the hostel, they have only to show their cards of membership in a hostel organization in their own country.    ___3____  .
Often, at the evening meal, a group of boys and girls from various parts of the country or world will happen to meet at the same hostel. They may put their food together and prepare a dinner with many kinds of dishes. Sometimes a program will be organized after the meal with dances, songs, or short talks followed by a question period. __ 4 ___. For this reason, a few weeks spent “hosteling” can be just as useful a part of one’s education as classes in school.
第一节 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D、E中选出最适合放入短文空缺处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。
A. One can learn a lot about other places, just by meeting people from those places.
B. As a result, a dormitory was set up in an old castle nearby.
C. For years, children in the industrial areas of Europe seldom left their cities to see the beauties of the countryside.
D. More and more young people went to the hostel for summer holidays.
E. This card will permit them to stay in a hostel all over the world for very low prices.
第二节 根据短文所给的信息回答问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。
5. According to the passage, why time spent in hostels can be useful or helpful to young people?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

After watch “English TV” last Sunday morning, I phoned to my classmate and told him to go to see a film in the afternoon. Before the film was over, we returned to school to do our lessons. While we are having a rest in the corridor, I saw Mr Liu, my head teacher. He told me that we had made some progresses in English, but my Chinese lagged behind, especially my Chinese composition. He suggested I must read more and keeping a diary every day. In the evening my father told me that reading newspapers would do me well for improving composition writing. That was really good idea! What they said was quite right, and I should follow their advice.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Are you suffering a lot from test anxiety? Follow these tips to help you overcome it.
  1     Prepare for the test by developing good study notes. Pick out the main points of the information or follow a study sheet from the teacher. Know the who, what, when, where, why and how of any main ideas.
Pick out the key words in the main points. Write a very short description of each point next to the key words. You will now have two sets of study notes.     2     Use the second to review right before the test.
Teach yourself little memory tricks. Some people use mnemonic(助记符号)devices to remember facts. If there is a list of information, take the first letter of each word and make an interesting saying.
  3     Some people read all the questions first and then begin working. Others start with the first question and don’t look at the rest. They skip any hard questions and come back to them later.
Do some relaxation exercises like deep breathing. Some anxiety is normal going into a test.
Review the material one last time right before bed. We often remember things that we read or think about right before going to sleep.
   5     Make sure you go to bed early enough the night before the test. It is very difficult to remember anything when you are overtired.

A.Work out a plan ahead.
B.Get a good night's sleep.
C.Pay attention to the proper order of answering the questions.
D.Use the first detailed set to study the material.

E. Learn to develop a strategy for taking the test.
F. Always get as much sleep as possible.
G. Breathing deeply helps you calm yourself and concentrate on the test

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good, most would admit that their spoken English is poor. Whenever I speak to a Chinese student, they always say,“My spoken English is poor.”    I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.
First, they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary.However, you can speak with a limited vocabulary, if you choose a positive attitude. Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.
  Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous. Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY. Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using the right words and spelling them correctly. However, in speaking your aim is fluency. You want to get your message across, to talk to someone in English, as quickly and as well as you can, even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense, but it doesn't matter.  
The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening. You have one mouth but two ears! All that hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.
Fourth, most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive language learners. Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking  opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor.  

A.The person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.
B.They may try to avoid making similar mistakes next time.
C.Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary.
D.If you have this proactive outlook, then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.

E. However, their spoken English does not have to remain“poor”!
F. Second, they are afraid of making mistakes.
G. The second reason lies in the reluctance of using what has just been learned.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Africa is a very diverse land with many different tribes. One tradition that many of these groups share is painting or marking their bodies and faces in color. They do this for many reasons. Some marks are used to identify people as part of a group.____ 1____ Let’s look at some different examples of body painting.
____2_______ Among the Masai of East Africa, when men are old enough to marry and make decisions for their people, they participate in a special ceremony in which they paint their heads and faces red. This ceremony take place every seven to fourteen years, so there is not an exact age for participating in it. The Samburu, also from East Africa, like to paint their faces and hair red because they think it looks attractive.
______3________ To show that he has killed a lion, a man will paint his body with a natural white material, making special marks to represent this accomplishment. The Masai men also use this white to show that they are on longer boys and are considered adults.
One quite unusual example of face painting is done by the Wodaabe people of West Africa. Once a year, they have a beauty contest for men. ___4_________ Then they add white and black circles and lines. Black paint is used near the eyes and on the lips to draw attention to the whiteness of their eyes and teeth, which the Wodaabe consider most beautiful.____ 5_________.
As you travel, enjoy the beautiful and bright colors of Africa.

A.Red is the common color in body painting because it often represents health and long life.
B.Other marks are used for ceremonies such as weddings and during times of war.
C.The ceremony expresses hope for rain.
D.The Masai men also have a unique way of showing that they are brave.

E. The women then decide which man they like best.
F. The men pretend to fight each other.
G. The men paint their faces yellow and red.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

Classical and acoustic guitar lessons
be interested in music with a concentration in classical guitar studies and composition
masters of education
licensed American music teacher
over 7 years of experience both private and professional
flexible schedule and competitive rates
different locations available including the shanghai community center
references available


Sun Season Tanning Salon (Shanghai Pudong)
Sun Season Tanning Salon is the first professional tanning salon in Pudong. Located in German Centre, Sun Seasons has the most advanced and brand-new sun beds from Ergo line and Dr. Kern.
Get a great tan in Sun Season Tanning Salon in German Centre Shanghai.
1st Floor, 88 Keyuan Road, Shanghai Pudong
Tel. 021-28986013


Office /workshop design and decoration services (Shanghai)
Olive Design is a joint venture company with rich experience in the field of interior design and decoration and construction, based in Shanghai. We are so experienced in the following field.
Office decoration, hotel, workshop/factory, restaurant decoration, Villa, exhibition decoration.
Contact: Mr. Wayne
Mobile: 13774 333 220(English)
Office:021 62196012(Chinese)
Address: West Ronghua Street, North Shuicheng Road, Changning District, Shanghai


Providing all kind of printing (Shanghai)
Our company provides all kinds of printing like business cards, envelope, brochure, catalogue, poster, sticker… Feel free to contact us if need any printing !
Contact person: Johnny Phone:13818252972
E-mail: Johnny@sprit.com.cn


YanHong Service For Everything
If you require a Mandarin teacher, maid, driver, nanny, cooker, gardener, or other domestic helper, please call our hotline 021-6446 2445 or Isabelle 135 1213 0007(Fr & En) for prospective employees and arrange interviews. With so many problems between new cultures and a new language, we provide full top services to Shanghai foreign families.


Be your business assistant, nice friend and guide
I graduated from university, an aggressive self-starters interested in a long-term relationship with any person and company who want to start business in China. I can gather price information, verify quality, etc. for you, also I can be your guide and translator when u in China. To sum up, I am able to assist you and your business in China and make them smoothly with my best work!

John’s new company is to open soon. His office is in need of being decorated now.
David ‘s 8-year-old daughter likes music very much. He wants someone to teach her play classical music.
This year, Mr. Smith will come to China to do star business. He wants an assistant who is good at Chinese.
Lisa wants her skin to be tanned. But she wants a good salon with good services.
50.  In Salina’s new house, there is a big garden with all kinds of flowers. She has no time to take care of them. She is in need of a skilful gardener now.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

语法填空 (共10小题;每小题l .5分.满分l5分)
Maradona's future had been in doubt since Argentina's 4-0 loss to Germany in the World Cup quarter-finals in South Africa earlier this month.
"The executive committee has resolved unanimously not to renew the contract of Diego Armando Maradona __16__coach of the national team," __17___AFA spokesman told a news conference after the meeting of soccer bosses.
Rumours had swirled ahead of the ___18_____(announce) that Maradona would not continue as Argentina's coach, a position he __19____ (hold) since November 2008, because of a disagreement with the AFA.
Maradona told local media on Sunday he wanted to stay on as coach __20___ only if he could keep control  ___21____ the choice of his assistants.
__22___departure means Argentina need to find a new coach for the Copa America regional tournament next year.
Local media said former Boca Juniors coach Carlos Bianchi, __23___led the team to a string of national and continental titles in two stints __24____1998 and 2004, was a popular favourite to replace Maradona.
Other names ____25___ as possible successors include Estudiantes coach Alex Sabella, Independiente's former coach Americo Gallego, former Argentina coach Marcelo Bielsa and ex-River Plate, Inter Milan and Argentina striker Ramon Diaz.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. Needed: Full time secretary position available. Applicants should have at least 2 years experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in person at United Business lad, 17 Browning Street
B. Are you looking for a part time job? We require 3 part time shop assistants to work during the evening No experience required. Applicants should be between 18 and 26. Call 366 – 76564 for more information.
C. Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers? Would you like a full time position working in an exciting new company? If your answer is yes , give us a call at 457-896754
D. Teacher Needed: Tommy’s Kindergarten needs 2 teachers/trainers to help with classes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Applicants should have appropriate licenses. For more information visit Tommy’s Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56
E. Part Time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part time at the weekend . Responsibilities include answering the telephone and giving customers information. For more information contact us by calling 345-674132
F. University positions open: The University of Cumberland is looking for 4 teaching assistants to help with homework correction. Applicants should have a degree in one of the following: Political Science, Religion, Economics or History. Please contact the University of Cumberland for more information.
_. Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economics two years ago. He would like an academic position.
_ Margaret Lillian. Margaret is 21 years old and would like a part time position to help her pay her university expenses. She can only work in the evenings.
_ Alice Fingelhamm. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of experience. She is an excellent typist but does not know how to use a computer. She is looking for a full time position.
_. Peter Florian. Peter went to business school and studied computer and secretarial skills. He is looking for his first job and would like a full time position.
_ Lynne Nagata. Lynne, aged 65, once worked in a kindergarten. She is now a housewife, helping her daughter with her housework on weekdays. She is looking for a part time job.
申请者                                        申请职位
1. Jack Anderson                     

A.full time secretary
2. Margaret Lillian
B.part time shop assistant
3. Alice Fingelhamm
C.computer trained secretary
4. Peter Florian
D.kindergarten teacher

5. Lynne Nagata                     E. part time job at the weekend
F. university teaching assistant

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. HORNSBY Demolition Sale 21 Steward Avenue Saturday and Sunday 9am-12am Furniture, and even the kitchen sink, new outdoor lighting and a lot more to go
B. HUGE SALE PENNANT HILLS,2a Pomona Street, Saturday 7th October ,8am-2pm,furniture,househole goods, variety of items.
C. HUGE Garage Sale, PYMBLE 80 Bannockburn road, Corner Rushall Street Saturday 30th September only. 9.00am to 2.00pm Nothing sold before! Gymnasium equipment. Hi-fis, Fridges, Cycles, Book Furniture and much more! Don’t miss it!
D. Last Sale Moving Sunday 1st October form 7am. Great variety of goods ,twin bedroom suite other furniture and tools.11 Bellamy Avenue , Eastwood
E. MOVING SALE HORNSBY HTS. Claros Close. Saturday 7Th Oct .from .9am. H/Hold items, furniture, & o/door furniture, TV, garden tools & equip .Every thing must go .Bargain prices.
F.MOVING SALE MT.COLAH Sale Lounge, Dining and Bedroom Furniture, Electrical and Whitegoods . Ph:0405 770 699
Ross ,a young man who has just found a job in a company. He rents a small apartment near the downtown and needs some bowls, plates and forks, ect.
Joseph and his wife just moved into a new house with a big garden. Wild grass crawls all over the garden. They need some tools to make the garden tidy.
Roger, lives in a house 22 Bellamy Avenue, Eastwood. He needs a writing desk, a dining table, some chairs and a sofa.
Richard, a young man who likes sports and music. He would add something more to satisfy his interests at home.
Mike, a private gymnasium owner. He has just increased several new tennis courts for his growing business. He is planning to open them at evening and needs the lighting.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Meimei is interested in playing the violin, but she can’t play very well because she has no music teacher to teach her face to face. She really wants to get one.
Peter begins to have his summer holiday today. He is too tired to go out for any activity. Instead, he would like to stay home in the evening.
Tom’s family is not rich. He wants to find a part-time job at weekends to earn some money for his study.
Jany is too fat. This is not good to her health. She knows it well and want to take more exercise after study.
Liu Hua is going to marry next month. Before that, she is going to take photos with her husband.

A.Guangzhou Sports Ground
Open next week from 6:20 to 8:30 pm.
Admission: $2, under 45 or over 60 -- $7.
Welcome to join us to keep you fit.
Tel: 23455884
The programs are as follow: 18:30 Sports, 19:00 World News, 19:30 Introduction of Museum
of Modern Art, 21:30 Movie – DANCE IN THE RAIN
C.Dongfeng Photo Shop
Photos for all purposes are taken with half of the price for new husband and wife.
Mon --- Frid.: 8:30 am --- 8:30 pm, Sat. & Sun.: 9:00 am --- 10:00 pm

Time: 8:30am --- 5:00 pm. on October 23—24
Add: No. 1 Yuejin Road, Guangzhou
Do you want to have a chance to communicate with those who do shopping? If so, you may contact with Sunny Bookshop, for two shop assistants are needed here.
Tel: 020-23100013
Violin lessons to be given at 8:00 on Monday evening. Those attending prepare violins by themselves.
Admission: 100 yuan (half price for students)
Tel: 020-28338381

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  • 难度:未知
