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There was once a man who met with a shipwreck(船只失事) and landed on a deserted island.Every day he prayed,____ someone could pass and rescue him,but to his ____,no one ever came.
Months went by and this man learned to ___ food and firewood from the island and stored them in a hut(棚屋)  that he constructed,which helped him ____ on the deserted island.One day when he ____ his hut after hunting for food,____,he saw his hut was on fire,along with everything else he had!
All of his ____ were going up in smoke!The only thing ____ was the clothes on his back.At first he was ___,frozen there and then he was filled with ____!He threw a fist into the air and began yelling, “How unfair!How could this ____ to me?I’ve been praying every day for months but now everything that I have is on fire!”
Later the man grew so ____ that he fell on his hands and knees weeping heavily when he happened to look up and ____ a ship coming in his direction.The man was ____.As they were heading back to civilization,the man asked the captain, “How were you able to ____ me?” The captain ____,“We were voyaging across the ocean when a cloud of ____ going up caught our attention.We ____ to go check it out and that’s when we found you!”
In life we will always be ___ with challenges,problems,and disasters.Always keep in mind that a disaster can sometimes be good ____ in disguise(掩盖).

A.realizing B.imagining C.hoping D.doubting

A.excitement B.disappointment C.amazement D.embarrassment

A.collect B.receive C.order D.share

A.survive B.suffer C.adapt D.develop

A.visited B.put up C.returned to D.passed

A.naturally B.unexpectedly C.instead D.anyway

A.preparations B.preferences C.feelings D.possessions

A.left B.valued C.lost D.moved

A.touched B.shocked C.bored D.confused

A.anger B.pain C.fear D.shame

A.open B.object C.happen D.appeal

A.unreasonable B.tired C.weak D.desperate

A.spotted B.sought C.caught D.searched

A.rescued B.protected C.rewarded D.welcomed

A.trust B.keep C.seize D.find

A.declared B.explained C.analysed D.added

A.light B.smoke C.water D.sound

A.forgot B.continued C.pretended D.decided

A.supplied B.satisfied C.faced D.equipped

A.experience B.luck C.information D.progress

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

________ our foreign policy, we now have multiple threats, very few of which involve the traditional battles of the past.

A.In honour of B.In terms of C.In the form of D.In defence of

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

------Have you known each other for long?
------ Not very, ________we started to work in the ABC Motor Company.

A.before B.since C.when D.after

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
