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Today’ s English learner has a wide choice of dictionaries. There are ______36 with AmericanEnglish, with British English, with idioms or slang, and 37 with pictures. One of the most 38______dictionaries I have seen among many students is the 39______ electronic dictionary. All you have to do is to ______40 a word in your language and you can see it and 41______ it in English. That* s great, right? Well, I think it* s great, too…but only sometimes.
Bilingual electronic dictiooaries are fast and ______42 . They can be great 43 you are traveling and need information quickly. 44______ I am against electronic dictionaries and even bilingual 45______dictionaries in many cases. Let me explain.
When you reach an intermediate(中等的)level of English, you know 46 ______of the language to ask the meaning of certain things while using English. Translating between languages in your head ______47 time. You should be translating as little as possible and 48 ______in English as much as possible. I strongly recommend that intermediate and advanced students should 49 ______an English-English dictionary that is made ______50 for your understanding. For example,Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press has good dictionaries for students and 51______ publishing houses do, too.
I also feel that paper dictionaries are better for studying than electronic dictionaries. True, they take longer to use. But, for some reason, the information you______ 52 seems to stay in your head longer. It may be______ 53 you are forced to spell the word in your head and therefore "see it" more clearly in your ______54 .
So what do you do if you have checked an English - English dictionary and still don ’ t understand something? Go to your bilingual dictionary. It is useful sometimes. Just remember to
try to  ___55 in English a  s much as   possible.              

A. dictionaries B. books C. magazines D. papers

A. still B. even C. yet D. just

A. interesting B. useful C. expensive D. popular

A. saying B. talking C. speaking D. telling

A. take down B. get across C. type in D. say out

A. observe B. feel C. hear D. say

A. difficult B. vital C. helpful D. easy

A. when B. as C. after D. before

A. So B. And C. But D. While

A. plastic B. paper C. electric D. visual

A. enough B. little C. most D. few

A. spends B. costs C. takes D. invests

A. writing B. typing C. thinking D. reflecting

A. borrow B. buy C. keep D. Use

A. especially B.specially C. generally D. extremely

A.another B.other C. the other D. others

A. refer to B.check in C. look up D. put in

A. why B.because C. when D. where

A. mind B.ears C. eyes D. heart

A. speak B.stay C. save D. remember

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The students at Sandy’s high school were badly shaken by the news that a classmate had          himself. The suicide note read: “It’s hard to         when nobody cares if you die.”
Glen, a teacher, realized this was a          moment about the importance of making people feel
        . He asked his class to imagine they were about to           and to write a note “telling someone how and why you          him or her.”
Sandy, who had a           relationship with her mother, decided to write her          . Her letter read: “We’ve had some           times and I haven’t always been a very good         ,but I know I’m lucky to have you in my life. You’re the          person I’ve ever known, And even when I disagree with you, I never           you love me and want what’s best for me. Thanks for not           up on me”.
When her mom read the note, she cried and hugged Sandy          but said little.
The next morning, Sandy found a        on her mirror: “Dearest Sandy, I want you to know being your mother is ,by far, the most important thing in my life.         I got your note, I thought I had lost your love and          . I felt like such a failure. I intended to        it all last night. Your note saved my          .”
Be careful not to underestimate the          of expressed appreciation. It won’t always save a life, but it will always make someone’s life better.

A.sacrificed B.defeated C.abandoned D.killed

A.live B.imagine C.struggle D.think

A.sad B.final C.teachable D.great

A.ashamed B.valued C.excited D.scared

A.die B.fail C.retire D.survive

A.miss B.hate C.admire D.appreciate

A.close B.casual C.bad D.personal

A.classmate B.mom C.father D.teacher

A.free B.delightful C.pleasant D.rough

A.daughter B.student C.friend D.trainer

A.best B.wisest C.luckiest D.gentlest

A.trust B.doubt C.consider D.predict

A.taking B.going C.giving D.looking

A.coldly B.hesitantly C.shyly D.tightly

A.note B.gift C.notice D.reminder

A.Since B.Until C.Though D.When

A.confidence B.courage C.respect D.heart

A.end B.make C.get D.fall

A.life B.time C.money D.honor

A.push B.price C.meaning D.power
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I used to believe in the American Dream, which meant a job, a mortgage (按揭), credit cards, success. I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us         chasing the same thing.
One year, through a series of unhappy events, it all fell        . I found myself homeless and alone. I had my truck and $ 56. I         the countryside for some place I could rent for the         possible amount. I came upon a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road         the Potomac River in West Virginia. It was        , full of broken glass and rubbish. I found the owner, rented it, and         a corner to camp in.
The locals knew nothing about me,         slowly, they started teaching me the         of being a neighbor. They dropped off blankets, candles, and tools, and began         around to chat. They started to teach me a belief in a         American Dream—not the one of individual achievement but of        .
What I had believed in, all those things I thought were         for a civilized life, were nonexistent in this place.         on the mountain, my most valuable possessions were my         with my neighbors.
Four years later, I moved back into        . I saw many people were having a really hard time,         their jobs and homes. I managed to rent a big enough house to         a handful of people. There are four of us now in the house, but over time I’ve had nine people come in and move on to other places. We’d all be in         if we hadn’t banded together.
The American Dream I believe in now is a shared one. It’s not so much about what I can get for myself; it’s about         we can all get by together.

A.separately B.equally C.violently D.naturally

A.off B.apart C.over D.out

A.crossed B.left C.toured D.searched

A.fullest B.largest C.fairest D.cheapest

A.at B.through C.over D.round

A.occupied B.abandoned C.emptied D.robbed

A.turned B.approached C.cleared D.cut

A.but B.although C.otherwise D.for

A.benefit B.lesson C.nature D.art

A.sticking B.looking C.swinging D.turning

A.wild B.real C.different D.remote

A.neighborliness B.happiness C.friendliness D.kindness

A.unique B.expensive C.rare D.necessary

A.Up B.Down C.Deep D.Along

A.cooperation B.relationships C.satisfaction D.appointments

A.reality B.society C.town D.life

A.creating B.losing C.quitting D.offering

A.put in B.turn in C.take in D.get in

A.yards B.shelters C.camps D.cottages

A.when B.what C.whether D.how
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The new science of spending comes to a surprising conclusion .How we use our money may    as much or more than how much we’ve got it.
Money spent on experiences , rather than material goods,    more happiness.
Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning to    $1 million under your bed .What would you do    that cash?
The money will probably make you think about one thing     all else---- yourself. A large amount of research reveals that money     our selfish sides. We will      much on what that money can do for us alone. Perhaps you are imagining buying a faster car, or even a new house.
But studies show that  goods often fail to deliver       happiness. Fortunately ,our ongoing research      many ways to get more happiness from every dollar you spend .Changing how you spend money can increase your happiness.
But making these       needs to challenge some of our ideas of spending. It’s hard not to      buying a house as a wise investment. But research shows it brings very little happiness. A study in the United States found that homeowners , on average ,were no happier than   .
So, working hard to save money for a house might not be such a good idea       it means spending less time with your families and friends.
And dozens of studies show that people get more happiness from buying       than material things. Experimental purchases—such as trips ,concerts and special meals –are more    connected to our sense of self.
And experiences come with one more    . They tend to bring us      to other people , but more often, material things are enjoyed      .So social contacts are important to       mental and physical health.                

A.present B.matter C.appear D.equal

A.leads to B.breaks out C.holds on D.brings along

A.keep B.own C.discover D.count

A.to B.with C.about D.for

A.above B.below C.before D.after

A.shows B.explains C.proves D.designs

A.depend B.concentrate C.take D.look

A.mental B.material C.beautiful D.clever

A.outgoing B.lasting C.willing D.exciting

A.invites B.offers C.prefers D.follows

A.changes B.plans C.decisions D.mistakes

A.know B.view C.dream D.judge

A.buyers B.sellers C.builders D.renters

A.if B.how C.unless D.though

A.houses B.cars C.experiences D.health

A.clearly B.hardly C.generally D.deeply

A.advantage B.conclusion C.purpose D.identity

A.familiar B.close C.proper D.native

A.completely B.worldwide C.secretly D.alone

A.gain B.damage C.improve D.build

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.
In the past, man didn’t have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be 36   .
Today things are 37   , and the world has become too  38   . We’re using up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are  39   our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on the earth will not survive.
Everyone 40    today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet, with modern fishing 41   , more and more fish are caught. We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear and nothing will grow on the land. Yet, we   42  to use bigger and more powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.
We know that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, we’ll die.  43   , in most countries wastes are still put into rivers or into the sea, and there are 44    laws to stop this.
We know, too, that if the 45    of the world continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years there will not be enough food . What can we do to solve these problems? 
If we eat more vegetables and less meat there will be more food available for every one. Land that is used to grow crops   46   five times more people than land where animals are kept. Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycle them.
The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.
Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems, we shall have a better and cleaner 47    in the future.

A.beautiful B.unlimited C.rare D.valuable

A.common B.the same C.changeable D.different

A.crowded B.small C.dirty D.busy

A.protecting B.saving C.polluting D.fighting

A.wonders B.realizes C.considers D.discovers

A.poles B.boats C.methods D.ideas

A.continue B.have C.ought D.go on

A.Thus B.However C.Generally speaking D.Therefore

A.too many B.a few C.some D.few

A.production B.pollution C.population D.revolution

A.feeds B.increases C.supplies D.helps

A.nature B.sea C.planet D.forest

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In some cities, workaholism(废寝忘食工作)is so common that people don’t consider it unusual. They accept the lifestyle as   26  .  Government
workers in Washington, D. C.,   27  , frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They don’t do this because they have to; they do it because they   28  to. Workaholism can be a   29   problem. Because true workaholics would rather work than do anything else, they   30   have no idea of how to relax; that is, they might not   31   movies, sports, or other types of entertainment. Most of all, they   32   to sit and do nothing. The lives of workaholics are usually stressful, and this tension(紧张)and worry can cause   33   problems such as heart attacks and stomach diseases.    34   , typical workaholics don’t pay much attention to their families. Their marriages may end in   35   as they spend little time with their families.
Is workaholism   36   dangerous? Perhaps not. There are, certainly, people who work   37   under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in work. They feel   38   is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment are the same thing. Their jobs   39   them with a challenge; this keeps them busy and creative.
  40   do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several  41   to work. Of course, it provides people with paychecks, and this is important. But it offer  42  financial security. It provides people with self-confidence; they have a feeling of satisfaction   43   they have produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say “I   44   it”. Psychologists claim that their work gives people an identity(自身价值). After they take part in work, they    45  a sense of self and individualism.

A.strange B.boring C.pleasant D.normal

A.for example B.on the other hand C.what’s more D.after all

A.agree B.promise C.dare D.want

A.slight B.serious C.obvious D.difficult

A.still B.probably C.certainly D.mostly

A.afford B.enjoy C.watch D.allow

A.dream B.decide C.intend D.hate

A.physical B.cultural C.social D.mental

A.Therefore B.However C.Anyway D.Besides

A.happiness B.silence C.failure D.surprise

A.sometimes B.always C.seldom D.hardly

A.sadly B.differently C.efficiently D.slowly

A.study B.family C.life D.work

A.equip B.pack C.provide D.fill

A.When B.Why C.How D.Where

A.factors B.advantages C.steps D.ways

A.no more B.more or less C.no more than D.more than

A.when B.before C.unless D.until

A.valued B.failed C.caught D.made

A.give B.lose C.get D.need

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nowadays, a hospital always manages to keep its beds full. This is good on the one hand, and it’s bad on   36   hand.
One day, I went to see a sick friend at the hospital. I first went to the   37   desk, where I could get a permit to visit the patient.
  38   I could ask which room my friend was in, the lady set down my name, age, filled out a form and   39   a bell. I was just about to tell her what I was coming for when two men arrived with a wheelchair,   40   me in it and pushed me down the hall.
“I’m not   41  ,” I shouted. “I’m just looking for a friend.”
“When he comes,” one man said, “we’ll   42   him up to your room.”
In a minute I   43   myself in a small room. In no time they undressed me and covered some other things   44   me. One man said “If you need anything, press the button.”
“I want to get my   45   back.” I begged.
“Oh, you can   46   us,” a voice said, “Even if the   47   happens, we will see that your wife will get everything.” They left and locked the door   48   them.
I was trying to think of how to escape by the door when Dr. Ward came in with several of his   49  .
“Thank God you finally came,” I said.
“It hurts that badly?” he asked.
“No, on the contrary, I am not ill   50  .”
Dr. Ward looked   51  . “If you don’t feel any pain, that means it’s much more   52   than we expected.” Then he turned to his students, “This is the most difficult kind of patient to deal with because he refuses to   53   that he is ill. __54__ he won’t tell us where it hurts, he will never be well again until we find the hurt out for   55   by doing exploratory surgery (手术探查) .”

A.another B.other C.the other D.others

A.meeting B.office C.information D.medicine

A.Before B.Until C.While

A.beat B.rang C.struck D.took

A.pushed B.placed C.pulled D.invited

A.well B.sick C.good D.healthy

A.command B.carry C.send D.order

A.found B.realized C.felt D.understood

A.on C.up D.to

A.money B.friend C.clothes D.form

A.upset B.expect C.wonder D.believe

A.best B.hardest C.worst D.easiest

A.behind B.before C.beside D.by

A.friends B.students C.relatives D.teachers

A.at al B.in all C.after all D.above all

A.excited B.worried C.satisfied D.surprised

A.interesting B.comfortable C.serious D.pleasant

A.add B.settle C.concern D.recognize

A.Before B.Since C.When D.As soon as

A.himself B.themselves C.yourselves D.ourselves

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

No one would be willing to pay one-third of the price for the packaging or wrapping of what he or she purchases. But over-packaging has become a disease that leads to an __50__ waste of resources and __51__ environmental pollution.
The wasted packaging materials are __52__ to be worth about 280 billion yuan annually. And such packages and wrappings thrown away by customers __53__ up half of the volume of solid waste in cities. __54__, it is high time that regulations were __55__ to stop enterprises from spending too much on unnecessary packaging and wrapping.
To produce paper packaging or wrapping, many more trees have to be cut down. Over-packaging also limits the interest of consumers when they have to spend quite a high percentage on something that they will have to throw into the dustbin. The simple truth is that the more a producer spends on packaging, the __56__ the products it sells will be.
Product packaging and wrapping used to be very simple 30 years ago. "Shabby" was the word many had used to __57__ the way Chinese products were packaged. And shabby packaging was blamed for making Chinese products __58__ in the international market.
It is __59__ to pay enough attention to packaging or wrapping products in such a manner that they can be __60__ to customers' eyes. But that does not definitely justify that packaging should even outshine what is inside.
In the Chinese proverb, “maidu huanzhu,” the buyer returns the pearl and just keeps the case because the __61__ is too fancy and luxurious. It not only laughs at the poor __62__ of the buyer, but also criticizes the unnecessary __63__ the seller has made in making the case. Another message from the proverb is that over-packaging helps cultivate an __64__ consuming attitude - to buy fancy-looking stuff but not what they really need.

A.enormous B.available C.invisible D.illegal

A.results from B.contributes to C.depends on D.calls for

A.predicted B.required C.acknowledged D.estimated

A.look B.hold C.make D.add

A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Furthermore

A.observed B.broken C.adopted D.forbidden

A.better B.more expensive C.cheaper D.more useful

A.recommend B.praise C.consider D.criticize

A.popular B.impressive C.unattractive D.qualified

A.ridiculous B.incredible C.unnecessary D.reasonable

A.accustomed B.appealing C.similar D.grateful

A.former B.next C.other D.latter

A.judgment B.eyesight C.appetite D.health

A.contributions B.efforts C.progress D.use

A.unfamiliar B.unhealthy C.unnatural D.unavoidable

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Thanks to a combination of young businessmen, large numbers of university students and revitalization (新生) efforts by the local and national governments, today’s Nanjing has an            of youthful exuberance (繁茂) that would have been         only a few decades ago.      , the city, a booming city of 6.5 million on the banks of the Yangtze River some 185 miles west of Shanghai, bears          resemblance to the former capital of China that suffered the worst cruelty and violence of World War II.
     Nanjing has shown a remarkable capacity for reinvention during its 2,500-year history. And in recent years, the city has moved          its tragic past to become a vital engine of China’s economic growth, thanks          to its position in the middle of China’s prosperous eastern seaboard. Growth has also          thanks to improved ground transportation: A new bullet train linking Nanjing and Shanghai started service last year,          travel time between the cities from several hours to just 75 minutes, and a Beijing-Shanghai high-speed line is         to open later this year, with a stop in Nanjing. Within the city, two metro lines were built in the last few years; 15 more are planned to begin service by 2030.
Signs of Nanjing’s          wealth and optimism can be seen everywhere. In the heart of the downtown Xinjiekou district, a bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen,          the father of modern China, looks          over a busy         area.
There is perhaps no more          symbol of the city’s transformation than the Zifeng Tower, a 1,480-foot skyscraper that opened its doors last May.          offices, restaurants and an InterContinental hotel, the tower is the second-tallest building in China and billed as the seventh-tallest in the world.
Underlying all this development is a large Chinese and         student population — there are several major universities, plus a branch of Johns Hopkins’s international studies school. In fact, art and music          in all sorts of places.
On a larger         , local government officials and private investors are pushing the city as a rising center for contemporary art and architecture, hoping to attract          from the neon-bathed streets of its neighbor Shanghai.

A.advance B.affection C.air D.ability

A.unforgettable B.unthinkable C.unbearable D.unnecessary

A.Actually B.Regretfully C.Hopefully D.Consequently

A.close B.slight C.much D.little

A.Because B.But C.As D.Since

A.beyond B.on C.off D.out

A.in addition B.in all C.in part D.in fact

A.started B.enlarged C.existed D.accelerated

A.removing B.cutting C.dividing D.lowering

A.scheduled B.invented C.desired D.meant

A.attractive B.well-received C.newfound D.discovered

A.thought B.treated C.considered D.elected

A.out B.at C.about D.for

A.remote B.regional C.rural D.commercial

A.universal B.visible C.traditional D.political

A.Keeping B.Consisting C.Opening D.Housing

A.British B.western C.American D.foreign

A.spring up B.stand up C.set up D.keep up

A.extent B.degree C.scale D.level

A.businessmen B.students C.tourists D.painters

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In this modern world, we rush around all day, doing things, talking, emailing, sending and reading messages. We are always on, always connected, always thinking, always talking. There is no ___31___ for stillness.
And when we are ___32 ___to be still because we’re in line for something, or waiting at a doctor’s appointment, or on a bus or train, we often ___33 ___something to do. Some will play with mobile devices, others will read something. Being still isn’t something we’re ___34 ___.
This comes at a ___ 35___: we lose that time for ___ 36___, for observing and listening. We lose peace.
And ___37___ yet: sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all. You can run around crazily, but get ___ 38___done.
Take a moment to think about ___39___ you spend your days. Are you constantly rushing around? Are you constantly reading and answering ___40 ___, checking on the news and the latest stream of information? Are you always ___41___through your schedule?
Is this how you want to spend your ___42___? If so, peace be with you. If not, take a moment to be ___43___. Don’t think about what you have to do, or what you’ve done already. ___44___be in the moment.
Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your life, and how you’d ___45___ it to be. See your life with less movement, less doing, less rushing. See it with more stillness, more consideration, more ___46___.
Then be that vision.
It’s pretty simple: all you have to do is sit still for a little bit each day. ___47___you’ve gotten used to that, try doing less each day. Breathe when you feel yourself moving too___48___. Slow down. Be present. Find happiness now, in this moment, instead of ___49___ for it.
___50 ___ the stillness. It’s a treasure, and it’s available to us, always.

A.place B.chance C.freedom D.time

A.forced B.ordered C.invited D.told

A.have B.find C.buy D.get

A.familiar with B.curious about C.used to D.interested in

A.cost B.risk C.loss D.danger

A.play B.food C.sleep D.consideration

A.further B.worse C.farther D.deeper

A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something

A.how B.where C.why D.whether

A.questions B.problems C.phones D.messages

A.walking B.rushing C.stepping D.going

A.school B.youth C.work D.life

A.silent B.patient C.still D.quiet

A.Nearly B.Ever C.Just D.Already

A.like B.decide C.choose D.need

A.activity B.research C.study D.peace

A.Because B.Until C.Once D.Unless

A.frequently B.slowly C.fast D.quickly

A.asking B.sending C.calling D.waiting

A.Value B.Miss C.Owe D.Hold

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What is Math Anxiety?
Math anxiety or fear of math is actually quite common. Math anxiety is quite   36  to stage-fright. Why does someone suffer   37  ? Fear of something going wrong in front of a crowd? Fear of   38  the lines? Fear of being judged   39  ? Fear of going completely blank? Math anxiety conjures(使现出) up fear of some type. The fear that one won’t be able to do the   40  or the fear that it’s too hard or the fear of failure which often stems(起因于) from having a lack of  41  . For the most part, math anxiety is the   42  about doing the math right, our minds draw a   43  and we think we’ll fail and of course the more frustrated and anxious our minds become, the  44  the chance for drawing blanks. Added pressure of having time limits on math tests and exams also cause the levels of anxiety to grow for many students.
Where Does Math Anxiety Come From?
Usually math anxiety stems(起源于) from   45  experiences in mathematics. Typically math phobias(恐慌症) have had math presented in such a fashion that it led to limited understanding. Unfortunately, math anxiety is often   46  poor teaching and poor experiences in math which typically leads to math  47  . Many of the students I’ve encountered with math anxiety have demonstrated an over reliance on procedures in math as opposed to actually understanding the math. When one tries to memorize procedures, rules and routines without much   48  , the math is quickly forgotten and   49  soon sets in. Think about your experiences with one concept — the division of fractions(分数). You probably learned about reciprocals(倒数) and inverses. In other words, ‘It’s not yours to reason why, just invert(反转) and multiply(乘)’. Well, you memorized the rule and it   50  . Why does it work? Do you really understand why it works? Did anyone ever use pizzas or math manipulative(巧妙处理的) to show you why it works? If   51  , you simply memorized the procedure and that was that. Think of math as memorizing all the procedures —   52  if you forget a few? Therefore, with this type of strategy, a good  53  will help, but, what if you don’t have a good memory. Understanding the math is critical. Once students   54  they can do the math, the whole notion of math anxiety can be overcome. Teachers and parents have an important   55  to ensure students understand the math being presented to them.

A.different B.similar C.far D.familiar

A.speech B.performance C.threatens D.stage-fright

A.understanding B.memorizing C.forgetting D.reading

A.poorly B.crazily C.well D.publicly

A.Chinese B.math C.English D.physics

A.wish B.conscience C.determination D.confidence

A.fear B.joy C.pleasure D.doubt

A.failure B.choice C.blank D.death

A.further B.greater C.less D.smaller

A.unpleasant B.unfair C.pleasant D.successful

A.because B.thanks to C.resulting in D.due to

A.fear B.anxiety C.failure D.misunderstanding

A.forgetting B.use C.understanding D.knowledge

A.panic B.excitement C.disappointment D.encouragement

A.opens B.works C.starts D.runs

A.so B.possible C.not D.any

A.Where B.Why C.When D.What

A.memory B.method C.brain D.body

A.fill B.realize C.confirm D.recognize

A.task B.aim C.appointment D.role

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As China’s economy grows rapidly and more people choose to raise one child, it is very ____ for young men or young women to care for the aging(年纪大的)______. Young people always complain that they _______too much pressure with caring for the _______. How the aging people can be cared well is a _____topic in recent years. In my opinion, we, our government and our society can do _____ as follows:Firstly, our government should adopt more_____ measures to make the elders have enough pensions(养老金). Then the elders will_____that they can support themselves and needn’t _____their living expenses.Secondly, I think that every young people should take ____to care for their old parents. Young parents have taken great efforts to bring you ______. So when they get old, you should let your parents know _____ you care about them and you can do something for them. The most important is not to make your parents feel _____.
Thirdly, the whole society should be ______ elders’ activities. The society should provide necessary ______ for the elders to take part in activities. _____the activities, they can enjoy the happy time with their friends and other elders.
In conclusion, I want to ______ that elders are very important to our society. They have done ____ contributions to our society. When they grow old, they ______ more respect from us, especially youth. Let’s _______ more attention to elders’ life.

A.difficult B.urgent C.important D.easy

A.grandchildren B.grandparents C.children D.parents

A.put B.face C.produce D.create

A.youngsters B.children C.babies D.elders

A.hot B.warm C.cool D.nice

A.simply B.hardly C.completely D.smoothly

A.accurate B.immediate C.direct D.effective

A.hope B.feel C.fear D.doubt

A.think about B.worry about C.quarrel about D.talk about

A.advantage B.attempt C.requirement D.responsibility

A.up B.out C.in D.down

A.that B.how C.why D.when

A.happy B.guilty C.lonely D.lovely

A.in need of B.in honor o C.in favor of D.in memory of

A.time B.space C.plan D.permit

A.After B.By C.Through D.Before

A.note B.expect C.review D.promise

A.much B.negative C.passive D.considerable

A.deserve B.have C.take D.show

A.attract B.pay C.try D.Seek

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Stop and think! Where do you       most of your time? You work, watch TV,                computer games, and sleep all       . It's easy to forget, but there is a(n)      new world outside your door. The best way to      it is to go backpacking.
  Backpacking means to go hiking      . You bring only what you can      on your back. Are you eager to get      ? Wait a minute! Before you go      , you should gather     basic equipment. First you need some      shoes or boots. Always carry a waterproof (防水的) jacket or poncho(雨披), especially hiking in a      climate, or if the weather forecast     of coming rain.      , you need a backpack. It's also a good idea to      a compass, a leakproof (防漏的) water bottle and a    .
One-day hikes      the easiest to organize.      a trip with a small group of friends. Remember! Hiking in a group is safer than hiking      . Decide how      you will go. For most people, a distance of ten to twelve miles is far enough in a day if they are already used to walking .
Wherever you go, enjoy yourself. You may be tired when you get home, but you'll feel very happy.

A.spend B.cost C.take D.waste

A.learn B.buy C.have D.play

A.indoor B.indoors C.outdoor D.outdoors

A.over B.whole C.entire D.complete

A.find out B.discover C.explore D.study

A.on foot B.by bus C.by car D.by boat

A.carry B.fetch C.lift D.raise

A.away B.off C.ready D.started

A.everywhere B.every place C.anywhere D.wherever

A.many B.any C.numbers of D.some

A.beautiful B.cheap C.comfortable D.expensive

A.cold B.wet C.dry D.warm

A.says B.tells C.reports D.declares

A.Therefore B.Thus C.So D.Finally

A.have B.make C.look for D.collect

A.book B.basin C.pen D.bag

A.is B.seems C.are D.appear

A.Get B.Arrange C.Find D.Manage

A.lonely B.itself C.own D.alone

A.soon B.often C.fast D.far

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Beware of those who use the truth to cheat. When someone tells you something that is  36    , but leaves out important information that should be     37   , he can create a false impression.
For example, someone might say, “I just    38    a hundred dollars on the lottery. It was great. I took that dollar ticket back to the store and     39    it for one hundred dollars!”
This guy’s a winner,    40   ? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought two hundred     41     , and only one was a winner. He’s really a big     42    !
He didn’t say anything that was    43    , but he deliberately left out some important  44   . That’s called a half-truth. Half-truths are not technically     45   , but they are just as not   46     .
Untrustworthy candidates in     47     campaigns often use this strategy. Let’s say that during Governor Smith’s last term, her state lost one million jobs and   48    three million jobs. Then she    49     another term. One of her opponents runs an advertisement   50   , “During Governor Smith’s term, the state lost one million jobs!” That’s true.    51    , an honest statement would have been, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state had a net gain of   52    million jobs.”
Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths. It’s    53    the law to make false claims so they try to mislead you with the    54    . An advertisement might boast (吹嘘), “Nine out of ten doctors recommend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples.” It     55    to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation.
This kind of cheat happens too often. It’s a sad fact of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can lie as well.

A.false B.true C.interesting D.boring

A.included B.contained C.involved D.referred

A.lost B.found C.donated D.won

A.swapped B.took C.turned D.made

A.right B.well C.really D.though

A.books B.papers C.tickets D.balls

A.winner B.loser C.fighter D.thinker

A.true B.real C.doubtful D.false

A.details B.information C.mistakes D.errors

A.stories B.truth C.facts D.lies

A.pleasant B.exciting C.honest D.clever

A.political B.commercial C.personal D.public

A.stopped B.found C.avoided D.gained

A.seeks B.gets C.achieves D.searches

A.writing B.reading C.saying D.speaking

A.Otherwise B.However C.In fact D.This way

A.one B.two C.three D.four

A.for B.to C.against D.in

A.words B.facts C.data D.truth

A.fails B.tries C.manages D.plans

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In order to separate loving parents from their freshman sons, Morehouse College in Atlanta has held a/an ___36_____"Parting Ceremony."
When University of Minnesota freshmen ____37_____ at the end of this month, parental separation will be a little trickier: mothers and fathers will be ___38_____ to a reception elsewhere ___39_____ students can meet their roommates and talk about dorm room space -- _____40_____ adult breaking in.
In the latest wave in which superinvolved parents ____41_____ their children to college, universities are ____42_____activities ____43_____to speed the separation. In the age of MSN and twice-daily texts home, ___44______colleges are urging "sticky parents" to leave sooner so students can ___45____independence.
Grinnell College here, like others, has found it ____46____ to make it clear when parents _____47__ say goodbye. After computer printers and bags had been carried to dorm rooms, everyone gathered in the gymnasium, students on one side, _____48____on the other.
Shortly____49______, mothers and fathers were urged to leave campus.
Moving their students in usually takes a few hours. Moving on? Most deans can tell _____50_____of parents who hang around campus for days. At Colgate University in Hamilton, N.Y. "We recognize it's a ____51______ day for families," Beverly Low, the dean(学监) of first-year students said.___52___, during various parent meetings on Colgate's move-in day, Ms. Low and other officials plan to tell the parents ____53_____ that "activities for the class of freshmen begin at 4 on time, so parents should leave before 4." she said.
Formal departure ceremonies are unusual __54___ growing in popularity, said Joyce Holl, head of the National Orientation Directors Association. A more common method is for colleges to limit the hour for last hugs.____55_____, the parents of Princeton freshmen learn from the move-in schedule, "the rest events are intended for students only."
A  formal                 B  informal                 C  casual              D  grand  
A  move out              B  move in                  C  move around    D  graduate
A  sent                     B  driven                    C  invited             D  called on
A  so                        B  but                         C  still                 D  yet
A  with                     B  as                           C  where              D  without 
A  rescue                  B  deliver                    C  bring               D  release
A  running out          B  taking out               C  carrying out     D  picking out
A  wanted                 B  meant                     C  devoted           D  prepared
A  in which               B  which                     C  how                D  where  
A  form                  B  create                     C  increase           D  develop
A  necessary            B  unimportant            C  useless             D  difficult  
A  will                    B  need                       C  must                D  would  
A  teachers              B  police                     C  professors        D  parents
A  before                B  after                       C  later                D  passed
A  news                  B  comments               C  stories             D  shadows
A  little                   B  huge                       C  long                D  large  
A  Still                   B  Therefore                C  Thus                D  Whereas
A  rudely                B  directly                   C  conveniently    D  hardly   
A  and                    B  but                         C  however          D  so
A  For the time beingB  For a long time      C  For example     D  For a change

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
