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What do Chinese college graduates have in common with ants? The recent 16  Ant Tribes about the life of some young people  17  flock (群集) to Beijing after  18  university,describes the graduates,like ants,as smart but 19  as individuals,drawing strength from living together in communities.
The book,which is based  20  two years of interviews with about 600 low-income college graduates in Beijing, 21  in mid-September,about a month ahead of an announcement by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security that 74% of the 6.11 million new graduates from universities and colleges had been  22  by Sept.1.
The book’s chief editor,Lian Sir,tells that piece of statistic says23 about the real situation for many of these graduates.“I am always   24   how many of these employed college graduates are leading a happy life,” Lian said.“I hope this book could offer a window on these graduates,whose stories are __25   known.”
The setting of the book is several so-called “settlement villages for college students” in the outskirts (市郊) of Beijing,where a large  26  of college graduates 27 .Most of these graduates work for 28 or medium-sized businesses, 29  less than 2,000 Yuan a month.They live together because it’s 30:  The rent in these communities is only around 350 Yuan a month.Many of them travel several hours a day for short-term jobs or job interviews.
Tangjialing,a small  31  20 kilometers from Tian’anmen Square,has around 3,000  32  villagers,but has become a  33  for more than 50,000 migrants (移民),most of whom  34  from universities or colleges all over the country.Lian describes the students’  35  as five or six-storey buildings built by local farmers with 12 rooms on each floor and two or three people crammed (挤) together in each room of about 10 square meters.Up to 70 or 80 people share the same toilet and kitchen.

A.film B.story C.book D.magazine

A.who B.what C.which D.whose

A.leaving B.entering C.visiting D.enjoying

A.necessary B.meaningless C.important D.strong

A.in B.on C.at D.for

A.came up B.came on C.came along D.came out

A.fired B.interviewed C.employed D.trained

A.much B.little C.some D.more

A.wondering B.researching C.studying D.telling

A.seldom B.well C.always D.often

A.deal B.plenty C.amount D.number

A.work B.go C.relax D.live

A.small B.big C.famous D.unknown

A.earning B.thinking C.shopping D.paying

A.expensive B.comfortable C.cheap D.convenient

A.city B.town C.community D.village

A.original B.young C.rich D.poor

A.school B.hotel C.home D.company

A.come B.differ C.graduate D.suffer

A.lives B.dormitories C.buildings D.restaurants

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I'd gone from a tiny village school with a total of 60 students, to a huge school, with thousands of pupils.I was a little fish in a very big        . I lived too much of my first year         doing anything wrong.I just decided to be the wallflower when it discussion and answering questions.I was always the one that          Class         didn't look the teacher in the eye        they asked me to answer.I listened well, and           everything in, but I always liked to be a spectator(旁观者).It's hard not t0            what others may think of you when you are speaking in front of many               .It did take long for me to feel teachers and make friends with classmates.Some people        with straight into a new learning environment. 
Some people        straight into a new learning environment.        , most are nervous and feel they don't fit in.It's completely        , so it should not be a worry to you.Be             and you will adapt to the new school.School life is           you make obit.Some        it; some Iike it.-But it's only when you leave that you can really appreciate how school        you into the person you become.
It's so important to        yourself out of your comfort zone.If you're shy, tell yourself you’ I raise your  _       at least once every lesson; if you're quick-minded, try to give other people a (n)      In time, you will ___it will do you benefit from it .

A.class B.school C.lake D.house

A.in fear of B.in favor of C.in honor of D.in danger of

A.got to B.referred to C.turned to D.came to

A.sharply B.purposely C.hopelessly D.searchingly

A.in case B.so that C.the moment D.soon after

A.wrote B.brought C.took D.got

A.doubt B.apply C.check D.care

A.teachers B.classmates C.adults D.friends

A.angry B.popular C.disappointed D.comfortable

A.slide B.fit C.change D.turn

A.Therefore B.Instead C.However D.Meanwhile

A.normal B.strange C.awkward D.interesting

A.proud B.practical C.private D.positive

A.what B.how C.which D.when

A.like B.ignore C.accept D.hate

A.forces B.develops C.places D.teaches

A.push B.take C.kick D.remove

A.voice B.question C.hand D.head

A.answer B.chance C.hug D.smile

A.forget B.forgive C.realize D.remember

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an __16__ should be made even before choice of a curriculum(课程) in high school. Actually, __17__, most people make several job choices during their working lives, __18__ because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve __19__ position. The "one perfect job" does not exist. Young people should __20__ enter into a broad flexible training program that will __21__ them for a field of work rather than for a single __22__ .
Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans __23__ benefit of help from a competent vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing __24__ about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss __25__. Some drift from job to job. Others __26__ to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted.
One common mistake is choosing an occupation for __27__ real or imagined prestige (声望). Too many high-school students - or their parents for them - choose the professional field, __28__ both the relatively small percentage of workers in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal __29__. The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a white-collar job is __30__ good reason for choosing it as life's work. __31__, these occupations are not always well paid. Since a large percentage of jobs are in mechanical and manual work, the __32__ of young people should give serious __33__ to these fields.
Before making an occupational choice, a person should have a general idea of what he wants __34__ life and how hard he is willing to work to get it. Some people desire social prestige, others intellectual satisfaction. Some want security; others are willing to take __35__ for financial gain. Each occupational choice has its demands as well as its rewards.

A.identification B.accommodation C.occupation D.entertainment

A.thereby B.however C.though D.therefore

A.thoroughly B.mainly C.entirely D.partly

A.its B.his C.their D.our

A.therefore B.since C.furthermore D.forever

A.fit B.make C.take D.leave

A.means B.job C.way D.company

A.to B.for C.with D.without

A.little B.few C.much D.a lot

A.chance B.purpose C.basis D.opportunity

A.apply B.appeal C.turn D.stick

A.its B.their C.your D.our

A.concerning B.following C.ignoring D.considering

A.preferences B.requirements C.tendencies D.ambitions

A.a B.any C.the D.no

A.Therefore B.Moreover C.Nevertheless D.However

A.majority B.mass C.minority D.number

A.proposal B.suggestion C.approval D.consideration

A.towards B.out of C.against D.without

A.turns B.parts C.risks D.choices

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every summer, hundreds of thousands of students travel to other countries looking for work and adventure. Most of the opportunities are in   1   work. The pay is usually poor, but most people work   2   for the thrill of travel. You can pick grapes in France, entertain kids on American summer camps, and, of course, there are always   3   in hotels and restaurants.
But it is not as easy as it used to be to find work. Unless you speak the language of the country well, there will be very   4   openings. For example, when you arrive to wash dishes in a restaurant in Paris, the owner will   5   you to speak French. British students only have a language   6   for jobs in the USA and Australia.
Not every one   7   the experience. Sarah James was once responsible for forty American children in Europe. During the   8  , one child lost his passport; four children were lost in Madrid for a whole day; the whole group was thrown out of one hotel because of the    they made. Sarah says, “It really was a 24-hour-a-day job since the kids never   10  ! And the pay was awful. It wasn’t worth it.”
The trouble is that   11   expect to have an easy time of it. After all, they see it as a  12  . In practice, though, they have to work hard. At the same time, all vacation work is casual work, and jobs are   13   only when the hotel, the restaurant, or the campsite is busy. But students have few employment   14  . As soon as the holiday season finishes, companies will get rid of them. And if their employer doesn’t like them, they’ll be   15  , too.

A.seasonal B.mental C.professional D.formal

A.hard B.voluntarily C.abroad D.continuously

A.jobs B.visitors C.customers D.parties

A.good B.new C.attractive D.few

A.teach B.expect C.allow D.forbid

A.program B.lesson C.advantage D.exam

A.has B.enjoys C.forgets D.remembers

A.trip B.flight C.discussion D.ceremony

A.promise B.progress C.complaint D.noise

A.cried B.studied C.slept D.helped

A.children B.students C.employers D.parents

A.job B.lesson C.holiday D.shame

A.countless B.available C.interesting D.boring

A.experiences B.rules C.plans D.rights

A.dismissed B.charged C.fined D.punished

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Many theories regarding the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people)  focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence.Theories      on the individual suggest that children            criminal behavior before they were not sufficiently       for previous misbehaviors or that they have learned criminal behavior through interaction with others.Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in       to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status or as a rejection of middle-class values.
Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from      families,       the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes.The latter may commit crimes for lack of adequate control from parents.All      , however, are uncertain or unimproved and are of course challenged with criticism.
Changes in the social structure may indirectly       juvenile crime rates.For example, changes in the economy that       to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment      make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain.This results in       among youths and may in      lead more youths into criminal behavior.
Families have also experienced       these years.More families consist of one parent households or two working parents;      ,children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional family       .This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates.Other noticeable       of offensive acts include       experience or failure in school, the      availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing phenomenon of child abuse and child neglect.All these conditions tend to increase the       of a child committing a criminal act,       a direct cause and effect relationship has not yet been established.

A.centering B.depending C.figuring D.concerning

A.refer to B.know about C.engage in D.learn of

A.punished B.forgiven C.forgotten D.excused

A.return B.contact C.reference D.response

A.respected B.cultivated C.disadvantaged D.immigrated

A.considering B.ignoring C.highlighting D.believing

A.values B.misbehaviors C.criminals D.theories

A.affect B.reduce C.prevent D.reflect

A.point B.lead C.come D.add

A.in general B.on average C.by contrast D.at last

A.discomfort B.dissatisfaction C.dishonesty D.discrimination

A.case B.short C.turn D.return

A.failure B.miseries C.development D.changes

A.contrarily B.consequently C.similarly D.occasionally

A.education B.concept C.structure D.economy

A.suggestions B.causes C.ideas D.reports

A.smooth B.favorable C.unfavorable D.practical

A.increasing B.restricted C.reasonable D.popular

A.knowledge B.aspect C.strength D.probability

A.since B.although C.as D.because

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Thanksgiving is one of the biggest American holidays. And at the center of Thanksgiving dinner is the turkey. You may wonder why the word "turkey" ______ both a country and a bird that Americans eat for Thanksgiving dinner. Many think the bird comes from the       of Turkey. But turkey is not from Turkey. In fact, the fact that the turkey bird is called by that name is one big mistake. We could say it is a case of      identity.
First of all, "Turkey" has meant the "land of the Turks" since _____ times. The word turkey, _______ to the bird, first appeared in the English language around 1540. And the misunderstanding ______ the word turkey happened because of birds that look _________.
There is an African bird called the guinea fowl. This _____ bird came to Europe through Turkish lands. So, the English mistakenly called the male bird the "turkey cock" and called the       bird the "turkey hen." It became       to eat the bird for Christmas dinner.
When the      moved to North America, they saw a bird that looked like the guinea fowl, which at that time was called the "turkey cock" and _____ gave it the same name. So we now call this North American bird turkey even though it has no      at all with the country Turkey.
And there is another piece to the puzzle. The case of mistaken identity crosses land and language____.The Turkish, for their part, call the North American bird "hindi," the Turkish name for India. The reference to India probably comes from the old, wrong idea that the New World was in Eastern Asia. Sometimes, that is _____ language changes over time – by mistakes.
Another interesting fact about the turkey is that it       became the national bird of the United States. Some people thought it should be the       of the U.S.Founding father Benjamin Franklin did not think the eagle was a ______ icon for the new country. He thought the eagle was "lazy" and "of         character" because it stole food from others. He thought that the turkey was a "more ________ bird" and a "true original native of America."

A.explains B.presents C.recognizes D.describes

A.name B.bird C.nation D.tradition

A.mistaken B.right C.real D.unknown

A.ancient B.past C.gone D.future

A.applying B.turning C.appealing D.referring

A.on B.to C.over D.in

A.like B.same C.similar D.equal

A.foreign B.beautiful C.strange D.local

A.baby B.female C.other D.American

A.trend B.delicious C.popular D.well-known

A.Europeans B.Africans C.Americans D.English

A.but B.because C.and D.so

A.question B.difficulty C.connection D.business

A.study B.borders C.link D.conflict

A.Why B.Which C.When D.how

A.almost B.just C.never D.merely

A.bird B.sign C.symbol D.leader

A.moral B.fair C.spiritual D.considerate

A.good B.bad C.logical D.legal

A.representative B.respectful C.respectable D.responsible

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

America’s Beauty Is in Its Diversity
America is built on the idea of freedom, and there is no exception for Muslim women. I     the freedom of religion and speech. But mostly, I believe it’s OK to be      , and to stand up for who and what you are. So I believe in wearing the hijab.
The hijab is a religious head covering, like a scarf. I am Muslim, and keeping my head covered is a      of maturity(成熟)and respect toward my       and to Allah’s will.        , I also like to wear it to be different. I don’t usually like to do what everyone else is doing. I want to be a(n)        , not just part of the crowd. But when I first wore it, I was also afraid of the       that I’d get at school.
I      on my own that sixth grade was the       I should start wearing the hijab. I was      about what the kids would say or even do to me. I thought they might make fun of me, or      be scared of me and      my headscarf. Kids at that age usually like to be all the same, and there’s little or no       of differences.
On the first day of school, I put all those       thoughts behind my back and walked in with my head held high. I was holding my breath a little, but      I was also proud to be a Muslim, proud to be wearing the hijab, proud to be different.
I was       about everything I thought the kids would say or even do to me. I actually met a lot of people because of wearing my head covering. Most of the kids would come and ask me questions —      — about the hijab and why I wore it.
I did hear some kids were making fun of me,        there was one girl----she wasn’t even in my class, and we never really talked much---and she spoke       me, and I wasn’t even there! I made a lot of new friends that year, friends that I still have until this very day, five years later.
Yes, I’m different, but everyone is different here, in one way or another. This is the      of America.

A.believe in B.stick to C.carry out D.push for

A.dependent B.free C.sensitive D.different

A.signal B.sign C.reminder D.cause

A.religion B.country C.parents D.status

A.In a word B.In general C.To be exact D.To be honest

A.princess B.heroine C.individual D.adult

A.praise B.punishment C.reaction D.reflection

A.hoped B.expected C.realized D.decided

A.time B.chance C.case D.occasion

A.disappointed B.scared C.enthusiastic D.angry

A.still B.already C.even D.ever

A.show off B.pull off C.pick up D.put up

A.rejection B.ignorance C.awareness D.acceptance

A.negative B.optimistic C.serious D.strange

A.often B.inside C.only D.outside

A.concerned B.particular C.wrong D.convinced

A.respectfully B.cautiously C.suspiciously D.critically

A.and B.so C.but D.or

A.in terms of B.in front of C.in charge of D.in favor of

A.significance B.beauty C.value D.power

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We all know that some things are obviously right. For example, it is right to be   1   to other people. It is also right to look after the environment. Some things are   2   wrong, too. For instance, we should not hurt or bully(欺负)others, nor should we litter. Rules often tell us what is right or wrong.
Rules can help the public make the right   3  , and remain safe. Car drivers have to obey traffic regulations that tell them the right things to do on the road to avoid crashes. Cyclists who give signals before turning or stopping help prevent   4  .
If people follow rules without taking other matters into consideration, it will be   5  for them to form what is sometimes called a “black and white” view (黑白分明的观点). For example, they may believe that people should always tell the truth, and that lying is   6   acceptable. Such people always stick to their views, even if it means that they may get into  7  .
Sometimes it may not be so easy to know   8   what is right or wrong. Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is   9   to eat animals, but others argue that they can eat meat and   10   be kind to animals; some insist that stealing is always wrong, but others think that one does not need to feel so guilty (有罪的) when stealing some food to eat, if he lives in a really poor area and he is starving.
Rules help us live together in harmony, because they show us the right way to treat others. However, some people argue that rules may be confusing, having observed that rules change all the time, and that some schools have some regulations and others have different ones---so who is to decide what is right?

A.kind B.sensitive C.fair D.generous

A.equally B.slightly C.clearly D.increasingly

A.suggestions B.conclusion C.turns D.choices

A.accidents B.mistakes C.falls D.deaths

A.interesting B.vital (重要的) C.easy D.valuable

A.seldom B.rarely C.merely (仅仅) D.never

A.trouble B.power C.prison D.control

A.roughly B.eventually C.deliberately (故意地) D.exactly

A.awful (可怕的) B.cruel C.unhealthy D.unnecessary

A.still B.even C.later D.somehow

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Beware of those who use the truth to deceive. When someone tells you something that is   36    , but leaves out important information that should be     37   , he can create a false impression.
For example, someone might say, “I just    38    a hundred dollars on the lottery. It was great. I took that dollar ticket back to the store and     39    it in for one hundred dollars!”
This guy’s a winner,    40   ? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought two hundred     41     , and only one was a winner. He’s really a big     42    !
He didn’t say anything that was    43    , but he deliberately left out some important  44   . That’s called a half-truth. Half-truths are not technically     45   , but they are just as not   46     .
Untrustworthy candidates in     47     campaigns often use this tactic(策略,手段). Let’s say that during Governor Smith’s last term, her state lost one million jobs and   48    three million jobs. Then she    49     another term. One of her opponents runs an ad    50   , “During Governor Smith’s term, the state lost one million jobs!” That’s true.    51    , an honest statement would have been, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state had a net gain of   52    million jobs.”
Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths. It’s    53    the law to make false claims so they try to mislead you with the    54    . An ad might boast, “Nine out of ten doctors recommend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples.” It     55    to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation.
This kind of deception happens too often. It’s a sad fact of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can lie as well.

A.false B.true C.interesting D.boring

A.included B.contained C.involved D.referred

A.lost B.found C.donated D.won

A.changed B.took C.turned D.made

A.right B.well C.really D.though

A.books B.papers C.tickets D.balls

A.winner B.loser C.fighter D.thinker

A.true B.real C.doubtful D.false

A.details B.information C.mistakes D.errors

A.stories B.truth C.facts D.lies

A.pleasant B.exciting C.honest D.clever

A.political B.commercial C.personal D.public

A.stopped B.found C.avoided D.gained

A.seeks B.gets C.achieves D.searches

A.writing B.reading C.saying D.speaking

A.Otherwise B.However C.In fact D.This way

A.one B.two C.three D.four

A.for B.to C.against D.in

A.words B.facts C.data D.truth

A.fails B.tries C.manages D.plans

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Children have lost touch with nature and the outdoors in just one generation! Recently a campaign encouraging children to put away        - and play outside has been organized. The campaign, said to be the biggest _____, has been launched with the ______of a documentary film, Project Wild Thing. It tells the story of how, ______ an attempt to get his daughter and son outside, film-maker David Bond______ as marketing director for nature. The call to renew a___with nature comes from about 400 organizations, from playgroups to the National Health Service. Children are being ____to take back their "wild time",___30 minutes of screen use for outdoor activities. The organizers____that giving up 30 minutes of television and computer games each day in exchange for outdoor playwill increase the ___of fitness and alertness and improve children's well-being.
According to the chairman Andy Simpson, right now, time spent outdoors is ___,activity levels are declining and the ability to identify common species has been ____ "With many more parents becoming ____ the dominance(统治地位)of screen time in their children's lives, and growing scientific evidence that a decline in____ time is bad news for the health and happiness of our children, we all need to become marketing directors for nature. We want parents to see what this magical wonder product does for their kids' development, independence and creativity, by giving wild time a ____,”said Mr. Simpson.
In Mr. Bond's opinion, the reasons why kids, ____ they live in cities or the countryside, have become ____from nature and the outdoors are complex. " We need to make more space for wild time in children's daily routine, ____ this generation of kids to have the sort of experiences that many of us took for granted. It's all about finding ____ on your doorstep and discovering the sights, sounds and ____ of nature一maybe in a back garden, a local park, or just green space at the end of the road."

A.subjects B.screens C.stages D.scenes

A.ever B.likely C.then D.even

A.outcome B.direction C.exposure D.release

A.by B.on C.for D.in

A.behaves B.acts C.treats D.regards

A.connection B.commitment C.contract D.campaign

A.pulled B.forced C.urged D.warned

A.providing B.taking C.swapping D.preparing

A.allow B.admit C.acquire D.argue

A.amounts B.levels C.degrees D.standards

A.down B.up C.over . D.off

A.developed B.shown C.tested D.lost

A.delighted with B.guilty of C.concerned about D.desperate for

A.free B.active C.spare D.normal

A.go B.bit C.look D.fit

A.while B.though C.as D.whether

A.escaped B.disconnected C.suffered D.protected

A.freeing B.forbidding C.seeking D.serving

A.imagination B.fortune C.wildness D.solution

A.senses B.voices C.features D.smells

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sneaker is a kind of shoe worn by many people all over the world. Some say that the word “sneaker” is another word for tennis shoe,   36   no one really knows where the word came from.   37   say it came from the old English verb “sneak”, which  38   moving silently and quickly. The only thing we are   39   is that when you put on a pair of sneakers, you   40   light-hearted, light-footed and ready to play.
Sneakers of some kind are used by   41   who play tennis, basketball, and other sports. New design has been made   42   for people who run slowly. But perhaps sneakers are   43   used by children in the United States. In fact American children of  44   ages would much rather play in sneakers than anything else, except perhaps  45   at all.
  New York City once held a poetry contest (诗歌比赛) for children. The subject was only “sneaker”. Thousands of children sent in their  46   and praised the sneakers they love. One prize winner called  47   poem “The Sneaker and the World Peace”. “When everyone is wearing sneakers,” she said, “it will be impossible to   48  .”
American school children can be seen every day   49   sneakers of all colours. They put them on in the morning and take them off  50  . Sneakers are  51   washed. In fact the older and dirtier they are, the  52   loveable they are. When their sneakers wear out (穿破), children hate to throw them off. How do you explain the closeness between  53  ? Perhaps another young   54  in the New York Poetry Contest said it best. “A shoe is just a shoe,” he said. “But a sneaker is a   55  .”

A.however B.but C.or D.and

A.All B.Some C.People D.The others

A.appears B.remains C.means D.wants

A.excited about B.sure of C.surprised at D.pleased with

A.think B.feel C.consider D.suggest

A.men B.women C.those D.these

A.lovely B.specially C.lively D.cheaply

A.only B.greatly C.hardly D.finally

A.all B.some C.little D.old

A.some shoes B.no shoes C.no children D.some sneakers

A.photos B.compositions C.poems D.drawings

A.her B.his C.its D.their

A.explain B.guide C.hate D.love

A.dressing B.wearing C.putting on D.having

A.the next day B.at noon C.at bedtime D.in the evening

A.forever B.always C.seldom D.sometimes

A.much B.many C.most D.more

A.sneakers and other shoes B.boys and girls C.children and sneakers D.winners and sneakers

A.girl B.man C.woman D.winner

A.sneaker B.friend C.poem D.shoe

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you read a story in English, do you read it for the storyforthe English? This is a questionis not so (fool) as it mayseem, for I find that many students of English pay far more attention to the story thanto the English. For instance, they care for how the mystery in the story (solve), but do not remember a single sentence in the story and cannot tell what preposition is used before a certain word in the speech of a certain character.
Of course, if you want to know the story only, you need not(bother)about the language. But a student of English is different a student ofstories or is called the general reader. As you may also have learned fromthe above, you ought to read not only very carefully but also aloudyou learn the passage by heart and can recite it as if it(be)your own. Onhand, this will teach you m any useful words and phrases; on the other hand.it will help you to avoid many errors and faults in expression.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The English, as a race, are very different from all other nationalities, including their closest neighbors, the French, Belgians and Dutch. It is claimed (声言) that living on an island  36  from the rest of Europe has much to do with it. Whatever the  37  are, it may be fairly stated that the Englishman has  38   many attitudes and habits which make them  39  from other nationalities.
Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a  40  , shy and reserved person who is fully relaxed only among people he  41  well. In the  42  of strangers or foreigners he often seems embarrassed. You have only to walk around a city any morning or evening to  43  the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit  44  their newspapers or have a light sleep in a corner with no one speaking.  45  , to do so would seem most unusual to many foreigners. An Englishman pretending to be giving 46   to overseas visitors, once suggested, “On entering a railway carriage, shake hands with all the passengers”. Obviously , he was not being  47  . There is an unwritten  48  clearly understood code (规则) of behaviour which, if  49  , makes the person immediately suspect(怀疑).
In many parts of the world it is quite  50  to show openly their enthusiasm, emotion, excitement, etc. The Englishman is somewhat  51  . Of course, an Englishman lacks no deep feelings, in fact , no less deeply than any other nationality, but he tends to display his 52  far less. This is reflected in his use of  53  . Imagine a man making a comment on the great  54  of a young girl. A more emotional man might  55  her as “extremely beautiful,” “precious”, however, an Englishman might just say, “Um, she is all right.” The girl who heard this should not be angry because "not bad" and " all right" very often have the same meaning as "first class" " excellent" and this unique style of language use is common in England.

A.divided B.separated C.parted D.broke

A.problems B.arrangements C.reasons D.differences

A.developed B.got C.created D.made

A.differ B.separate C.suffer D.vary

A.noisy B.rude C.noble D.quiet

A.recognizes B.knows C.sees D.likes

A.front B.absence C.lack D.presence

A.look at B.find out C.tell D.keep

A.publishing B.selling C.reading D.showing

A.In other words B.On the contrary C.On the whole D.In fact

A.advice B.performances C.speeches D.way

A.funny B.great C.serious D.careful

A.as well as B.or C.and D.but

A.broken B.made C.explained D.followed

A.enough B.right C.normal D.impossible

A.proud B.kind C.hard D.different

A.feelings B.talents C.gifts D.behaviors

A.action B.language C.time D.life

A.speech B.mark C.beauty D.intelligence

A.speak B.describe C.take D.treat

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Radio, telephone and television are widely used in the world. When you   the radio, you can listen. But when you use the telephone, not only you can listen to others    you can talk with them; however, you       see anything at all. Television is much better than     of them. People can watch TV and listen to it. But they can't take part in    they see.
Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone.     it two people who are talking can see each other.
Picture phone can be very      when you have something to show the person you are calling. They may have other uses in the future. Some day you may be able to     a library and ask to read a book right over your picture phone. You may also be able to go shopping through it, too. When you    something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, you may go to your picture phone and call the shop. The shop assistant will show you the thing that you're    in right over the phone. You'll be able to shop all over the town and never leave your home.

A.and B.not C.so D.but also

A.can B.can't C.need D.needn't

A.all B.none C.both D.every

A.what B.how C.why D.where

A.With B.In C.By D.Without

A.use B.uses C.used D.useful

A.go to B.sit in C.ring up D.make phone calls

A.will see B.see C.won't see D.doesn't see

A.interest B.interested C.interesting D.interests

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Yu Bingbing is a 28yearold market research manager. When she is ____ her way to work each morning, she cannot help feeling ____ about whether she has locked the door of her apartment and ____ off the gas.
“I'm usually ____ with these feelings for the entire day,” Yu said. Working at an international pharmaceutical(制药的) firm, Yu looks older than she is and her heavily madeup face always has a(n) ____ look. “Since I have been ____ to a managerial position, I lose my temper with my parents and husband more frequently just because of some ____ things,” she said, adding that ____ wrinkles and acne(粉刺) on her face have irritated her even more, and even luxury cosmetics cannot ____ her.
“I have to work six days a week and don't even have extra offtime when I'm sick,” she said. “I have to ____ myself to become a workaholic since the competition in my company is really ____ and I also have to pay a 5,000 yuan monthly mortgage, besides saving a certain amount of money for my ____ baby.”
Life is like riding on a ____ for Yu and many other members of China's post80s generation, the first generation ____ after the ____ of the familyplanning policy and the group to benefit ____ from the country's opening up policy and its booming economy.
Being the only child in their family, and without much to trouble them during their youth, most of them were taken good care of or even ____ by their parents and grandparents.
Having such a ____ carefree youth—when this generation reached ____ and had to ____ with soaring(猛增的) prices, the high cost of raising children and intense competition in the workplace—they suffered a rude awakening.
According to statistics, the population of China's post80s generation is over 200 million. The media usually refers to them as “slaves” to property, credit cards, children and marriage.

A.on B.in C.at D.off

A.unsure B.doubtful C.anxious D.angry

A.turned B.took C.got D.run

A.wrestling B.going C.associating D.keeping

A.worried B.exhausted C.sad D.terrible

A.promoted B.risen C.put D.occupied

A.unhappy B.unimportant C.bad D.household

A.big B.many C.heavy D.slight

A.help B.decorate C.benefit D.beautify

A.make B.push C.pull D.encourage

A.fierce B.severe C.strong D.huge

A.planned B.prepared C.behaved D.grown

A.bike B.horse C.rollercoaster D.line

A.born B.raised C.started D.suffered

A.practice B.introduction C.completion D.influence

A.much B.most C.approximately D.little

A.loved B.protected C.avoided D.spoiled

A.likely B.seriously C.greatly D.relatively

A.childhood B.youth C.adulthood D.midlife

A.cope B.meet C.talk D.share

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
