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The drug store was closing for the night and Alfred Higgins was about to go home when his new boss approached him.
“Empty your pockets please, Alfred,” Sam Carr demanded in a firm voice.
Alfred pretended to be shocked but he knew he’d been caught. From his coat he withdrew a make-up kit, a lipstick and two tubes of toothpaste.
“I’m disappointed in you, Alfred!” said the little gray-haired man.
“Sorry, sir. Please forgive me. It’s the first time I’ve ever done such a thing,” Alfred lied, hoping to gain the old man’s sympathy.
Mr Carr’s brow furrowed as he reached for the phone, “Do you take me for a fool? Let’s see what the police have to say. But first I’ll call your mother and let her know her son is heading to jail.”
“Do whatever you want,” Alfred shot back, trying to sound big. But deep down he felt like a child. He imagined his mother rushing in, eyes burning with anger, maybe in tears. Yet he wanted her to come quickly before Mr. Carr called the police.
Mr. Carr was surprised when Mrs Higgins finally arrived. She was very calm, quiet and friendly. “Is Alfred in trouble?” she asked.
“He’s been stealing from the store,” the old man coolly replied.
Mrs. Higgins put out her hand and touched Mr. Carr’s arm with great gentleness as if she knew just how he felt. She spoke as if she did not want to cause him any more trouble. “What do you want to do, Mr. Carr?”
The woman’s calm and gentle manner disarmed the once-angry store-owner. “I was going to get a cop. But I don’t want to be cruel. Tell your son not to come back here again, and I’ll let it go.” Then he warmly shook Mrs. Higgins’s hand.
Mrs. Higgins thanked the old man for his kindness, then mother and son left. They walked along the street in silence. When they arrived home his mother simply said, “Go to bed, you fool.”
In his bedroom, Alfred heard his mother in the kitchen. He felt no shame, only pride in his mother’s actions. “She was smooth!” he thought. He went to the kitchen to tell her how great she was, but was shocked by what he saw.
His mother’s face looked frightened, broken. Not the cool, bright face he saw earlier. Her lips moved nervously. She looked very old. There were tears in her eyes.
This picture of his mother made him want to cry. He felt his youth ending. He saw all the troubles he brought her and the deep lines of worry in her grey face. It seemed to him that this was the first time he had ever really seen his mother.
Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.It was the first time Alfred had stolen anything.
B.Alfred tried to sound big to hide his fear.
C.Mr. Carr set a trap to catch Alfred stealing.
D.Mr. Carr had planned to forgive Alfred from the beginning.

What does the underlined word “disarmed” probably mean?

A.annoyed B.made less angry
C.convinced D.got over

What was the mother’s attitude toward Alfred?

A.She felt disappointed with him.
B.She was very strict with him.
C.She was supportive of him.
D.She was afraid of him.

What impressed Alfred most about his mother at the drugstore was ________.

A.how angry she was
B.that she didn’t cry
C.that she was able to save him
D.how effectively she handled Mr. Carr

From the last paragraph, we know that Alfred ________.

A.was no longer a youth
B.felt proud of his mother
C.wanted his mother to be happy
D.felt guilty and regretful for his deed
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A 33-year-old financial analyst in California recently quit his job to devote himself to an unpaid job teaching math on the Internet, and his lessons are reaching almost 100,000 people a month. Salman Khan’s voice is heard every day on the net --- by tens of thousands of students around the world who are hungry for help learning math. He has posted 1,200 lessons on YouTube ... lessons that appear on an electronic blackboard, which range from basic addition to advanced mathematics for science and finance. And they are free.
Khan lives in Silicon Valley, with his wife, a doctor, and their new baby. He got the idea for his “Khan Academy” four years ago, when he taught a young cousin how to convert kilograms to grams. With Khan’s help, the cousin got good at math, and Khan began a new career.
Now, Khan records his lessons himself, but he never goes on camera. “It feels like my voice in their head. You’re looking at it and it feels like someone’s over your shoulder talking in your ear, as opposed to someone at the blackboard, which is distant from you,” he said.
When Springfield High School in Palo Alto, California invited Khan to speak in person --- he immediately connected to the students there.
The idea of short lessons that can be played over and over again attracted high school senior Bridget Meaney. She says she had trouble with math in the seventh grade. “I think the teachers are good, but they can’t teach at a speed that’s perfect for everyone,” she said. “I like the idea of learning something in class but then going back and pressing pause or rewind and actually getting a deeper understanding of it.”
Originally, Khan kept his lessons short because of YouTube restrictions. Now, he thinks short is better. “Education researchers now tell me that 10 minutes is how long someone can have a high level of concentration. And anything beyond that and your brain switches off,” he said.
For Khan, teaching math, science, and finance is just the beginning. He says he’s ready to expand his YouTube site to include other subjects as well.
What gave Khan the idea of teaching math online?

A.His success in helping his cousin learn math.
B.His discovery that many students found learning math difficult.
C.A suggestion made to him at a local high school.
D.His interest in Internet teaching.

Why does Khan never go on camera?

A.He’s too shy to show his face on camera.
B.It’s restricted by YouTube for education videos.
C.He wants to keep distance from the viewers.
D.He wants to create a more relaxed learning atmosphere.

From the passage, we know that ________.

A.Khan travels to many schools to promote his lessons
B.Khan plans to include more subjects in the future
C.Khan gives live math lessons every day for free
D.Khan set up the Khan Academy with his wife

Why does Bridget Meaney like Khan’s lessons?

A.Khan teaches seventh grade math better than her teacher.
B.The lessons can be watched repeatedly until fully understood.
C.She can perfectly follow the pace of Khan’s teaching.
D.She cannot concentrate when learning in class.

What does Khan mean by “short is better” in the 6th paragraph?

A.Keeping the lessons short can ensure better concentration.
B.YouTube recommends short lessons for its site.
C.Short lessons encourage students to return to the website.
D.Students enjoy short mathematics lessons more.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was fifteen months old, a happy, carefree kid until the day I fell.It was a bad fall.I landed on a glass rabbit which cut my eye badly enough to blind it.Trying to save the eye, the doctors stitched the eyeball together where it was cut, leaving a big ugly scar in the middle of my eye.And as I grew, this sightless eye in so many ways controlled me.
Yet Mama would say to me, at every turn, "Hold your head up high and face the world." It became a litany that I relied on.She had started when I was young.She would hold me in her arms and stroke my hair and say, "If you hold your head up high, it will be okay, and people will see your beautiful soul." She continued this message whenever I wanted to hide.
Those words have meant different things to me over the years.As a little child, I thought Mama meant; "Be careful or you will fall down or bump into something because you are not looking." As an a dolescent, even though I tended to look down to hide my shame, I found that sometimes when I held my head up high and let people know me, they lilted me.My mama’s words helped me begin to realize that by letting people look at my face, I let them recognize the intelligence and beauty behind both eyes even if they couldn’t see it on the surface.
In high school I was successful both academically and socially.I was even elected class president, but on the inside I still felt like a freak.Ail I really wanted was to look like everyone else.When things got really bad, I would cry to my mama and she would look at me with loving eyes and say, "Hold your head up high and face the world.Let them see the beauty that is inside."
When I met the man who became my partner for life, we looked each other straight in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out.He meant it.My mama’s love and encouragement were the spark that gave me the confidence to overcome my own doubt.I had faced adversity, encountered my problems head on, and learned not only to appreciate myself but to have deep compassion for others.
"Hold your head up high," has been heard many times in my home.Each of my children has felt its invitation.The gift my mama gave me lives on in another generation.
How did the writer have her eyes hurt?

A.She was attacked by a glass rabbit. B.Her eyes were hurt by accident.
C.The doctor made a mistake. D.A serious illness blinded her.

When she heard her mother told her to hold her head up high for the first time, she_____.

A.didn’t fully understand these words
B.was greatly encouraged and moved
C.was puzzled by these words
D.was surprised by these words

Why did the writer still feel unhappy when she was successful both academically and socially?

A.Because she was not satisfied with what she has.
B.Because she thought she could have done better.
C.Because she wanted to live a normal life.
D.Because she really wanted to be different.

What is the point of the story?

A.A mother’s love for a daughter is a treasure.
B.One should not be controlled by others.
C.The real beauty is inside out.
D.Where there is a will.there is a way.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

While watching the Olympics the other night, I came across an unbelievable sight. It was not a gold medal, or a world record broken, but a show of courage.
The event was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks. For one reason or another, two of them false started, so they were disqualified. That left only one to compete. It would have been difficult enough, not having anyone to race against, even though the time on the clock is important.
I watched the man dive off the block and knew right away that something was wrong. I’m not an expert swimmer, but I can tell a good dive from a poor one, and this was not exactly medal quality. When he resurfaced, it was evident that the man was not out for gold – his arms were waving in an attempt at freestyle. The crowd started to laugh. Clearly this man was not a medal competitor.
I listened to the crowd begin to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time. Finally he made his turn to start back. It was pitiful. He made a few desperate strokes and you could tell he was worn out.
But in those few awful strokes, the crowd had changed.
No longer were they laughing, but beginning to cheer. Some even began to stand and shout “Come on, you can do it!” and he did.
A clear minute past the average swimmer, this young man finally finished his race. The crowd went wild. You would have thought that he had won the gold, and he should have. Even though he recorded one of the slowest times in Olympic history, this man gave more heart than any of the other competitors.
Just a short year ago, he had never even swum, let alone race. His country had been invited to Sydney.
From the passage we can learn that the young man         .

A.made his turn to start back pitifully B.was skillful in freestyle in the game
C.swam faster than the average swimmer D.was not capable enough to win the medal

The crowd changed their attitudes because          .

A.they felt sorry for the young man B.they were moved by the young man’s courage
C.they wanted to show their sympathy D.they meant to please the young man

What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Compete for Gold! B.Try again! C.Break a Record! D.Go for it!
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As a boy,Tim was much influenced by books about the sea, but in fact by the age of fifteen he had decided to become a doctor rather than a sailor. His father was a dentist and as a result Tim had the opportunity of meeting many doctors either at home or elsewhere. When he was fourteen he was already hanging around the clinic of a local doctor where he was supposed to be helping to wrap up medicine bottles,but was actually trying to listen to the conversations taking place between the doctor and his patients in the next room.
During the war Tim served in the Navy as a surgeon(外科医生).“That was the happiest time of my life. I was dealing with very real suffering and on the whole making a success of it .”In California he taught the country people simple facts about medicine. He saw himself as a life-saver. He had proved his skills to himself and his ability to take decisions. Thus,while he was able to tell them what to do, he could feel he was serving them. After the war, he got married and chose to be a doctor in the countryside,working under an old doctor who was popular in the area,but who hated the sight of blood and believed that the secret of medicine was faith. This gave the younger man many opportunities to go on working as a life –saver.
Tim decided to become a doctor at fifteen mainly because      

A.hisfather wanted him to be so
B.his father was a surgeon himself
C.e had read many books about medicine
D.e had chances to meet many doctors through his father

Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Tim got married to the old doctor’s daughter.
B.Tim continued working as a surgeon after the war.
C.Before the war,Tim worked as a doctor at a local clinic.
D.While working in California,Tim taught life-saving to the patients.

From the passage we can infer that Tim        .

A.was sent to Europe during the war B.worked as a surgeon during the war
C.was satisfied with his career as a surgeon. D.decided to give up medicine for faith

The passage is mainly about        .

A.Tim’s life story B.Tim’s dream C.Tim’s marriage D.Tim’ s patients
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Life gets noisier every day and very few people can be free from noise of some sort or another. It doesn’t matter where you live—in the middle of a modern city, or a faraway village—the chances that you will be disturbed by jet aero planes, transistor radios, oil-powered engines, etc. are almost everywhere.We seem to be getting used to noise, too. Some people feel quite lonely without background music while they are working.
Scientific tests have shown that total silence can be very frightening experience for human beings. However, some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud, and this can do harm to their eardrums(耳鼓).The noise level in some disco is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.
One recent report about noise and concentration(专心) suggested that although a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their concentration, what really affects their ability to concentrate is a change in the level of noise. It goes on to say that a background noise, which doesn’t change too much (music, for example) may even help people to concentrate.
The best title for this passage is __________.

A.Noisy Life B.Background Noise C.Disturbed Concentration D.Changeable Noise

From this passage, the pollution of noise __________.

A.doesn’t matter much B.has become worse everywhere
C.has become better in big cities D.has become better in villages

“Background music” in the passage means __________.

A.music played in the concert B.a kind of noise coming into your ears
C.music helps people to concentrate D.music played while people are working

Some people may have their hearing hurt __________.

A.while they are in completely silence B.while they are dancing violently
C.while they are listening to pop music D.while they are listening to soft music

Scientists have discovered that what prevents people from concentrating is ______.

A.any kind of noise B.great changes in level of noise
C.background noise D.various background music
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I really hadn’t meant to yell(吼叫)at them.But that grey afternoon saw it just as my son and daughter were making a terrible mess on the floor in the kitchen.
With a tiresome report to write,I felt bothered at my desk.Suddenly, it occurred to me that my kids were at fault.A voice inside me insisted that I do something quickly.
“OK,you two here.but what an awful thing you are attempting!” shouting angrily, I made for them, while it became evident that the boy wanted no part of me.“Get away from us!” he shouted back,there being expression of support from his sister.
All of a sudden,I found the fault in myself.Quickly I shaped my hands into pincers(螃蟹螯)and crawled towards them,“Crabby(似螃蟹的)Daddy is here Ha,Ha,Ha,he likes to yell at children,and then eat them!” My son continued to keep me away,but now he was laughing and crying at the same time.My mission to repair the damage caused by my yelling seemed to work well.Still,I regretted not having controlled myself first in a right way that my children could do after.
Need I let them know how badly they were acting by blaming? This is a lesson that serves myself.It only shows just how to get rid of something(ill-feelings,responsibility)by blaming others.It’s not my “best self”.
We have to search for our “best self” when with our children.They don’t need perfect parents,but they do need parents who are always trying to get better.Here,I’m reminded of the words of a great thinker,“When a man lives with God,his voice shall be as sweet as the murmur of the brook…” Then,in our lifetime,couldn’t we always speak to our kids in such a sweet voice since,most of us consider them as the most precious in the world? And before we reach this level,what should we do when we come across various difficult cases with our children?  
The author couldn’t help yelling at his kids this time probably because______.

A.the weather was so unpleasant B.a Daddy has his right to do so
C.the kids didn’t ask him to join them D.he was tired of his boring work

Which of the following made the author aware of his fault?

A.No obvious reason. B.The children’s reaction.
C.His self-control. D.The mess made by the children.

According to the passage the author will   in another similar situation.

A.play a crab again like this time B.apologize to kids in a sincere way
C.avoid blaming kids in a hurry D.beat them up about such things

What will the writer go on to write about in the next paragraph(s)?

A.How to behave ourselves properly when kids are at fault.
B.How to blame our children in a more interesting way.
C.How to deal with the terrible mess made by our kids.
D.How to persuade children to do what they are told to.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

George, when your big brother and your little dog and I walked you up to schools today, you had no idea how I was feeling.
You were so excited. You had packed and unpacked your pencils and safety scissors in your backpack a dozen times. I am really going to miss those lazy mornings when we waved your brother and sister off to school.
Because you are my youngest, I had learned a few things by the time you came along. I found out that the seemingly endless days of babyhood are gone like lightning. I blinked(眨眼), and your older siblings were setting off for school as eagerly as you did this morning, I was one of the lucky ones; I could choose whether to work or not. By the time it was your turn, the shining prizes of career advancement and a double income had lost their brightness. A splash(溅水) in the pool with you in your bright red boots or "just one more" rereading of your favorite book, Frog and Toad Are Friends, meant more. You didn’t go to preschool and I hope that doesn’t hold you back. You learned numbers by helping me count the soda cans we returned to the store.
I have to admit that in my mind’s eye, an image of myself while you’re in school has developed, I see myself updating all the photo albums and starting that novel I always wanted to write. As the summer wound down and more frequent quarrels erupted between you and your siblings, I was looking forward to today. And then this morning, I walked you up the steep hill to your classroom. You found the coat hook with your name above it right away, and you gave me one of your characteristically fierce, too-tight hugs. This time you were ready to let go before I was.
Maybe someday you will deliver a kindergartner to the first day of school. When you turn at the door to wave good-bye, he or she will be too deep in conversation with a new friend to notice. Even as you smile, you’ll feel something warm on your cheek.
And then, you’ll know…
What does the author mean by the underlined sentence?

A.She gave up the job with a big salary and prizes.
B.She could only recall her good job at home now.
C.Many good jobs with better pay attracted her but she didn’t take them.
D.Compared with bringing up the baby, work seemed to fade to her.

Which statement is NOT TRUE about George’s family according to the letter?

A.George’s parents gave birth to three children
B.The Georges is a double income family.
C.The children had more arguments during the summer.
D.They recyled soda cans.

The passage tries to show us         .

A.how excited a child will be on his first day to school
B.how deeply a mother loves her child
C.how many efforts a mother has made to raise a child
D.how a mother plans her future life after her children go to school
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When Ben Franklin was only a boy, he always wanted to know about things. He was always asking his father and brothers “What?” and “How?” and “Why?”
They couldn’t always tell him what he wanted to know.
When they couldn’t tell him, Ben tried to find out for himself.
Many times Ben did find out things that no one knew before. The other boys would say, “That Ben Franklin! He’s always finding out something new!”
Ben lived close to the water. He liked to go there to see the boats. He saw how the wind blew them across the water.
One day Ben said to himself, “Why can’t the wind help me float across the water? And I’m going to try.” Ben got his big kite. He took hold of the kite string and ran with it. The wind took the kite up into the air. Then Ben jumped into the water.
The wind blew the kite high into the air. Ben began to float across the water. Soon he was on the other side, and he had not worked at all.
One boy shouted, “Look at Ben floating across the water! His kite takes him to the other side without any work!”
“Yes,” said another. “He’s always finding new ways to do things.”
When he was only a child, Ben             .

A.liked to fly a kite by himself B.always asked easy questions
C.always liked to play with water D.always liked to find out how things worked

His father and brothers            .

A.couldn’t answer all his questions B.could answer all his questions
C.tried hard to find out something new for him
D.were too busy to answer his questions

How did Ben Franklin float across the water?

A.The other boy took him across it. B.The water carried him across it.
C.The flying kite took him across it. D.A boat took him across it.

He found out many things that            .

A.children didn’t know B.his father and brothers knew
C.people didn’t know D.most people knew
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Erik Weihenmayer was born with an eye disorder. As a child his  eyesight became worse and then, at the age of 13, he lost his sight  completely. However, he did not lose his determination to lead a  full and active life  Erik became an adventurer. He took up parachuting, wrestling and scuba diving. He competed in long-distance biking, marathons and  skiing. His favorite sport, thought, is mountaineering.  As a young man, Erik started to climb mountains. He reached the summit of Mount McKinley in 1995 and then climbed the dangerous  1000-metre rock wall of EI Capitan. Two years later, while climbing   Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya with his girlfriend, they stopped for a  time at 13,000 feet above sea level-in order to get married. In 1999, he climbed Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in South America.  And then , on May 25, 2001, at the age of 33, Erik successfully completed the greatest mountaineering challenge of all. He climbed Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. Erik invented his own method for climbing mountains. He carries two long poles: one to lean on and the other to test the way ahead of  him. The climber in front of him wears a bell to guide him. Erik is  a good team member. He does his share of the job, such as setting up tents and building snow walls.  Although he could not enjoy the view, Erik felt the excitement of  being on the summit of Everest. He hopes that his success will change how people think about the blind. “When people think about a  blind person or blindness, now they will think about a person standing on the top of the world.
When was Erik born?

A.In 1967. B.In 1995. C.In 1968.. D.In 1969.

What was unusual about his wedding?

A.He got married on the summit of Mount McKinley.
B.He got married when climbing Mount Everest.
C.His wedding was held at 13,000 feet above sea level
D.His wedding was held after he prepared a lot.

What is Erik’s special method for climbing a mountain?

A.He takes his girlfriend with him. B.He uses two long poles to help himself
C.He does his share ofthe jobs.  D.He keeps a good team around him.

Which of the following shows the right order of what happened?
a. He topped Mount McKinley.
b. He became blind.
c. He challenged Mount Everest.
d. He reached the peak of Kilimanjaro.
e. He climbed the rock wall of EI Capitan.

A.b a e d c B.b e d c a  C.a b e d c   D.b a c d e
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Charlotte, NC, lawyer bought a box of very rare and expensive cigars, and then insured them against fire among other things.Having smoked his entire great cigars within a month, the lawyer filed claim (索赔) against the insurance company.
In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost "in a series of small fires".Of course the insurance company refused to pay, giving the obvious reason that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal way.
The lawyer brought the case to the court and out of everybody’s expectation, he actually won! At the end of the trial the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was crazy.But the judge said that the lawyer held a policy (保险单) from the company in which it had promised that the cigars were insured and that it would insure them against fire.Because the company didn’t say what is considered to be unacceptable fire, it had to pay the claim.
Rather than put up with long and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the punishment and paid $ 15 ,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the rare cigars lost in the "fires."
After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested and accused him of arson (纵火罪).With his own insurance claim from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was charged with burning his insured possessions on purpose and was sentenced to 24 months in prison and a $ 24,000 fine.
The lawyer had smoked all the cigars ___.

A.by design B.by mistake C.by accident D.by contract

The proper order of the lawyer’s activities is ___.
a.having the company paying his claim
b.having himself put in prison and fined
c.having smoked all the cigars
d.bringing the company to the court
e.insuring the box of cigars

A.ecabd B.acebd C.ecdab D.cedba

The underlined word "it" in the third paragraph refers to ___.

A.the box of cigars B.the insurance company
C.the policy D.the claim

Which of the following sayings is the best suitable for the lawyer?

A.Whoever sits against heaven, it falls in his face.
B.A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
C.Accidents will happen.
D.Even the wise make mistakes sometimes.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was not yet eleven o’clock when a boat crossed the river with a single passenger who had obtained his transportation at that unusual hour by promising an extra fare.
While the youth stood on the landing-place searching in his pockets for money, the ferryman lifted a lantern, by the aid of which, together with the newly risen moon, he took a very accurate survey of the stranger’s figure. He was a young man of barely eighteen years, evidently country bred(长大的), and now, as it seemed, on his first visit to town. He was wearing a rough gray coat, which was in good shape, but which had seen many winters before this one. The garments under his coat were well constructed of leather, and fitted tightly to a pair of muscular legs; his stockings of blue yarn must have been the work of a mother or sister, and on his head was a three-cornered hat, which in its better days had sheltered the grayer head of the lad’s father. In his left hand was a walking stick, and his equipment was completed by a leather bag not so abundantly stocked as to inconvenience the strong shoulders on which it hung. Brown, curly hair, well-shaped-features, bright, cheerful eyes were nature’s gifts, and worth all that art could have done for his adornment(装饰).
The youth, whose name was Robin, paid the boatman, and then walked forward into the town with a light step, as if he had not already traveled more than thirty miles that day. As he walked, he surveyed his surroundings as eagerly as if he were entering London or Madrid, instead of the little metropolis(都市)of a New England colony.
What time of the year was it in this story?

A.Winter. B.Fall. C.Summer. D.Spring.

The boatman was willing to take Robin across the river because ________.

A.he was going to row across the river anyway
B.he saw that Robin was young and rich
C.he would give extra money
D.he felt sorry for him because Robin looked poor

The stockings that Robin wore were obviously _________.

A.well worn B.very expensive C.handmade D.much too big

From the text we can learn that Robin had traveled __________.

A.from London B.from Madrid
C.from a nearby city D.over thirty miles

At what time of day did Robin cross the river?

A.Night. B.Late afternoon C.Midday. D.Morning.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sydney – A shark savaged a schoolboy’s leg while he was surfing with his father at a beach in Sydney on February 23.it was the third shark attack along the coast of Australia’s largest city in a month.
The 15 – year – old boy and his father were in the water off Avalon, on Sydney’s northern beaches, around dawn when he was attacked.The city’s beaches are packed with locals and tourists during the summer months.
“The father heard a scream and turned to see his son trashing (扭动) about in the water,” police said.“Fortunately, the shark swam away and the boy was helped to shore by his father.”
Lifesaving Club spokesman Nick Miller: “It got him around the top of his left leg and the father came and dragged him out of water.” He said the boy was bleeding heavily when he was brought to shore.“There was a lot of pain, as you can imagine”.The teenager was airlifted to hospital for treatment for leg injuries.
Police said the bites “cut through to the bone”, but the boy did not appear to have sustained any fractures (骨折).He was in a stable condition now.
Several beaches were closed after the attack.Water police and lifeguards were searching for the shark, while police hoped to identify its species by the shape of the bite marks.But they said it was too early to say what type of shark attacked the boy.“I don’t even know if he saw it,” Miller said.
Many shark species live in the waters off Sydney’s beaches, but attacks on humans are still relatively rare.However, there were two attacks on successive days earlier this month, one on a navy diver in Sydney harbor, not far from the famous Opera House, and the other on a surfer at the city’s world – famous Bondi beach.
Fishermen say shark numbers are on the rise.There is a ban on commercial fishing in the harbor, which has increased fish stocks.Marine experts also claim environmental protection has created a cleaner environment, attracting sharks closer to shore as they chase fish.Many shark species, including the Great White – the man – eater made famous in Steven Spielberg’s Jaws – are protected in Australian waters.
The report mainly tells us         .

A.shark attacks on humans are on the rise
B.sharks attacked humans three times in one month
C.a boy was attacked by a shark at a Sydney beach
D.shark numbers are increasing in the waters off Sydney’s beaches

The underlined word “savaged” in the first paragraph probably means “        ”.

A.attracted B.dragged C.bit D.packed

What do we know about the city of Sydney from the passage?

A.It is one of the largest cities in Australia.
B.Sydney harbor is not far from the famous Opera House.
C.There are many locals and tourists on its coast all year round.
D.There are few shark species in the waters off Sydney’s beaches.

About the injury of the boy we know that        .

A.he was losing much blood when he was dragged out
B.he was very nervous when he was sent to hospital
C.he may be in danger of losing his leg
D.he was injured in the right leg
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One morning more than thirty years ago, I entered the Track Kitchen, a restaurant where everyone from the humblest(卑微的)to the most powerful came for breakfast. I noticed an empty chair next to an elderly, unshaven man, who looked somewhat untidy. He was wearing a worn-out hat and was alone. I asked if I might join him. He agreed quietly and I sat down to have my breakfast.
We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about a wide rang of things. We never introduced ourselves. I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat. So as I rose to go back to the counter and buy a second cup of coffee, I asked,
“May I get you something ?”
“A coffee would be nice.”
Then I bought him a cup of coffee. We talked more, and he accepted another cup of coffee. Finally, I rose to leave, wished him well, and headed for the exit. At the door I met one of my friends. He asked,
“How did you get to know Mr. Gal breath?”
“The man you were sitting with. He is chairman of the Board of Churchill Downs.”
I could hardly believe it. I was buying, offering a free breakfast, and feeling pity for one of the world’s richest and most powerful men!
My few minutes with Mr. Gal breath changed my life. Now I try to treat everyone with respect, no matter who I think they are, and to meet another human being with kindness and sincerity.
The author bought coffee for the old man because     

A.he thought the old man was poor B.he wanted to start a conversation
C.he intended to show his politeness D.he would like to thank the old man

How did the author probably feel after he talked with his friend?

A.Proud. B.Pitiful. C.Surprised. D.Regretful

What is the message mainly expressed in the story?

A.We should learn to be generous.
B.It is honorable to help those in need.
C.People in high positions are not like what we expect.
D.We should avoid judging people by their appearances.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

   Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do; once or twice she had looked into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of the book,” thought Alice, “without pictures and conversations?”
So she was considering in her own mind whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain(雏菊花环) would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.
There was nothing so very remarkable in that; but when the rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit- hole under the bush.
The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.
Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end? “I wonder how many miles I’ve fallen by this time?” she said aloud. “I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think. I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny it’ll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward! The Antipathies, I think—but I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is, you know. ‘Please, Ma’am, is this New Zealand or Australia?’ And what an ignorant little girl she’ll think me for asking! No, it’ll never do to ask.”
Down, down, down. There was nothing else to do, when suddenly, thump! thump! Down she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over.
What kind of books do you think will interest Alice most?

A.Books that her sister was reading.
B.Books without pictures or conversations.
C.Books about white rabbits.
D.Books with pictures and conversations.

Which of the following is true?

A.Alice suddenly saw a white rabbit with a strange umbrella.
B.Alice managed to fall right through the earth.
C.Alice ran after the white rabbit across the field out of curiosity.
D.The people on the opposite side of the earth walk with their heads downward.

Which is the right order of the story?
a. Alice jumped into a large hole.
b. A white rabbit ran close by her.
c. Alice sat by her sister, doing nothing.
d. She fell upon some sticks and dry leaves.

A.c-b-a-d B.d-a-c-b C.a-b -c-d D.d-c-a -b

From the passage, we can see Alice is a(n)________girl.

A.helpful and friendly B.curious and imaginative
C.brave and curious D.ignorant and pretty

The following paragraph “In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.” can be put between_________.

A.Paragraphs 1 and 2 B.Paragraphs 2 and 3
C.Paragraphs 3 and 4 D.Paragraph 4 and 5
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
